Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 23, 1860, Image 1
£1)C TO J pum.nsiiKO every H’ESOit. TMasnAT A SATURDAY JtORTOS By M. DWIXELL. AT Invariably in advance. . , Terms of Ailvortisine in Tri-Wcckly " PKh SQtUKIt nPTeVtnXKS. Ono inaertioi FIRE T IN^IRA^ : ic , a, () Of the (Voodterkn This Company conunuefl wlftroW^ainst Loss 0? Damage^ iFireic^ On the most Amriimhl Fully the Losses sustained, Two Koch additional inn.irtioii v??*2 One Minth 1 .,;...,..-. Three Months '.••••••••• • < • J A tilioml 'discount will bn mad* to I those who advortiso lorj;cr ajnounts. >t • LH. ohituariei of jnoro'th'aji JJye'llliM cliarRitd the namo n* ad^t|*ewpj,tjby ganff Jfotisp* of ilftrnMff ana 'Death*i riot ov- eeodin'j Five titficS i’ll length. n>o published gratnitonslv in the Courier. The friend* of the parties aro requested 'to send in theso no tice* acepmnanied with a responsible name and they will be pnblUhed with pleasure, ^Irofessionol Gqi’Ss. n. n. llJUlVRY, * * TUTVf.A'P SCOTT. HA11VBT Sc SCOTT, ATTOIUETS AT LAW, HOME. . , GA. A DVANCES of-monny «*n usually be liad up jii pond claims left for cnliection. Home. June 1.—ly. Z. B. HARGROVE, ATTORNEY A T LAW. ROME, --------- «A. OertcK—Over Fort A Hargrove’s now, store, fsbl9—ly GEO. T. STOVALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME, - - GA. Wt.t. praetioe in the Bounties of Cherokee da. Ofr't ever N. J. 0*iW»’* Clotbinj store Usi'BitKvnp.—TTnderwood A Smith. Romo Ga. T. R. R. Cobb, Esq.,.Athens. Ga. jftn27 TIIOS. J. VERDBRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDAR TOWN. ---------- GA. Wir.L practice in tlie counties of Floyd Folk. Paulding. Carroll. Haro Mein and Cass Strict attention paid to nollnoting, ! - - on i«n20-1y HENRY A. GARTRELL, : ATTORNEY? AT.J, A W. ROME. i GA. Srm ’T attention given to eollecting and se. curing ,’lairns in Upper Georgia. fehl-l v I’jiu.o IlriiD. » Vr(<!«viirw't. >. novzfl-8 .Mly.O* ,.oi F, JONES, Agent, Rome, f rrtsnll— .a, To *-mamt Fre?g i CABrN PASSAGE, './A 8 $15 00. Splendid and Commodious SI BTBJ VERANDA Boarding House In light of the Dfl| Street-.: [foblltrily] ipot—sapio. aide of the S. G..WELL8, Pro. ETOWAH HOUSE, , KtiME, VJt'l >l '.n v jnnnt GAv * Tttdwxi?',' ’ ! (Lateof'Eatontdn'Hoteli)' '-n Tup Rtajpt'Ofllccs are-kept at this House, ami it is nearest tho Depot. , . i .,jai)5 >t -*■ s rTl;, foeBypnots, andtUidingjthejiiieDiuQjjlqrgor ^ _ nml tlio stylo qiiiteiUflcrentysbo fceli it - in- tho court and lawyers, .WIIR ■'•jf.ffijSntfti'MJttP Proprietor, si’"-.' if. ia V new i.liMJ. ed; gnijini ui j , | TlfE ,J Tl EGOJA IF- STAGE oOFFDCE. , Thbro Wii'Livbty Ptublekcpt ill connection Willi this Hotel, whero Horses anil Vehiole* are kept fljr hire, iiW . /.jnpUtwtf By th WHEEL STEAMERS AuursT.if sIjiDW-tonsnCapt. tMrfl.,Woo«ihaIl. Fi.uiuda, 1,2(10 “ - ■ '« * Isnrto-Oi 'Woll. Ai.aiiaiia, 1,300 “ “ O. It. Belie-, ck, These steamships belonging to tlio old es tablished end fuvoritn line, known ns the “N.,w York and Snvannah Steam Naviga tion Company," and in comfort, accommoda tions ami Fare, cannot be excelled. They are commanded by experienced, skillful and polite officers. JOHN U. WILDE?! A GALJ.IB, Agents Savannah. RAAI’L L. MITCHELL A SON, ju 120—-tf AgeAts, New York. 1 Geory>5 Af«« uf'te hnyy—r tyory la'a. THUS: F. STOVALL &' vv ., of Augusta, Geo.' W OULD rcspoctfufly invite tlio attention of Merolulll!* to.tbeir, heavy Stock of 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHIRTINGS, QottonYarns.&c,, ? As inanufaotured by the MONTOl T R COM PANY. ThosftGooilfi will compare fiivorahlv with any made in the Smith, and we wi’4 sell nt such VERY LOW rn‘.*H, as to under sdl Northern Ixnisht domestic*. TirOS. P. STOVALL A CO. General Commission Merchants, Augusta Gn. jan.11. tri.lni. TIIOS. (I. WATTKUR STEWART & WATTERS, CITY AUCTIONEERS. I7ILL sell at.Auctipn rtn‘Commission, V Lninl*. Negroes,^^IXorHesVGroeorle^ Dry vOooiIh, Books, Furiiitunkor ahyother Articles /that miiy he consigned t.6 th>m. : • JOIIaV T. SMITH, ; - %T . _• WiTP r . _ Geo. W. & Jehial Read, Mamilnclurcrs and Wholesale Dealers in j. w. n. xxnxnnoon. «. n. suit VnOEltffDOl) * SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ROME r,A - also in the PnirTiru ia.Unner Georgia: al Federal Di«V'«* Oiiurt of Marietta. jab20’i9ily •' C. H. SMITH, ■ ,N O T A R Y, PUBjL.IO. , Crtmmi«iloner Af Deed* for Alabama arid Tonne,aeo. . e- .... IV' tr ‘ 1 ' T. W. ALEXANDER, f . .ATTORN BY AT LAW, RtatB. .A ... v. ^;.... feblO'57 *f GA. W. B. TERHUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME, Ori'lCR—In Citv Hail Building. nnr»-1 v GA. J. B. W. NOWLIN, M. D., ROME. r - - GEORGIA. v- ^Mf-Oftlee over Drug Store of NEWMAN A'NOWLIN. | feb21Irlly. HATS, CAPS, and Straw Goods, Paris style Bonnets, Flowers UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, Ac., 120 Chambers and 40 Warren Streets., NEW YORK, 4th mid 5th Streets nbovu tlio Astir House. jnn20—trOm ’ -“l DeFORKST, ARMSTRONG, & tto. dry good Merchants, ,. . Sq Jfud 82 Chnmbrr.i Si X. T. W OULD notify tiio Trade , t)ikt 1 , t(icy''nrc opening Wcbkly, in new and - lilkiuli- (ViT pArterh»,' l tli« •'■••• • ' WAMS ( UTTA PRINTS, Alio the ''.•XiWOSf^A'G, A Now Print, which excel* every Print in the country for perfection of execution and de sign in full Madder Colors. Our PrintB are cheaper than ahy In raiarkot, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly at tended, to. Feb2‘.00,tn1y v DOTH G. LOVE, N0TABY FUBLte,; p'E Jt'M AnJ 4 ;“ Collector and General Agent. Tffl-Ofllto in Drug Storo of Bilker A Ech ols. .--••• . febl7-trily. SAMITE I* .HTKWAKT; They are the only regular Licensed City Auctioneers, and all Goods consigned to them will bo duly cared for, and proper returns made. ■ 1 <•. « i«iii [dfabOtritf. A. J. BEARDEN, AMBROTYPIST, • ’ lidIMI®, GA '• i ‘ ■ JanSTJfSBOJ ' ' : [Trily. REMOVAL! M’GUIRE & PINSON, H AVE Removed to their how * building Ilrst door below tlio Drug Store a»f Biker, whero they will talq* customers TuPuley A Biker, where .tUov pleasure in waiting on their old and the public generally. jftttS-tfjtAwtf a card : ; TO THE LAMES, cumbent Upon liec to dhform. dho . Ladiei 'of tlio mass of 8 Romdand rloirtity, of-theso foals. L - ; n edonlhe ny oiiD desires a Bonnet ttf tho Spring any kind that may bo desired, and ns sho bns betwoeh twenty and thirty work-yromCn, this can l>, done at very ihort notice. ? n Ordera may be left with Mm BalLir IYilk- r.itsox, at the'Store In Rome, nr- lent direct to, MRS. M, J. 8UMMERIIAY8. folilltritf. 5+ East Breadway, N. Y, W. H. WHITK. 11. t„ CAltTKIl. W.H. WHITE & CO., MANU FACTUREU8 OF * DEALERS IN Saddles, Bridles And Harness. BROAD ST., ROME, GA. K EEP constantly on hand a largo and Well Selected Stock of Carriage, Harness and Saddle > , TRIMMINGS, . Also a heavy stock of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, sucli as Sole -«nd Upper Lenth or, Calf Skine,-Ao. ' t. All of ,which wo ofler VERY CHEAP for !H or to Prompt .Paying Customers.. Wc be found at the bW staodofW. H. Wlritc, 2 doors bylo'w Turpley A .Baker's Drug Storo. . jaul'2 , j ■ • ’ Patrick* Henry Tltrce Baptist preachers were fcrouj to trial in about 1775, for preoahiuj Tho indictment brought, against was, V Far preaching the Gk Sonof God”.oontrary to the . that case provided;, and itherelv, ~ in _. turberi of the peace. Tho, clerk was feadingitheindictmenth* a, alow ..and formal manner, and he pronounced the crime with i emphasis, Wf'orprtaching the '' apel qf thi &>n gf GoW .wfama eised. mdifc dismounted, from htsliorso fecsd tho oourti, house j and, took hi? ■ i within tlio bar. : He,was known . 1 ' and lawyer*,, but a g tc, ^ )f spectators who luiq occasion. This Hoary, Who, on hearing of thw p tipn, had rodo some fifty or sixty i from his residenoo ;in,fljM^Y«r;eqL ,, to volunteer his services in the defense of the prisoners., Ho listened to the further reading of the indictment with marked attention, the first sontonco of wltich that had caught ins ear was, “Fc prehohing the,.Gospel of the Son c ■God,” Whon the indictment had boei read, and the prosecuting attorney he submitted a few remarks, Henry oro« Stretched out his hand nnd received th paper, and then addressed.fhe’pOHrt': H,“Muy it please your worships, } think I heard read by tne prosecutor, as en tered this house,, the paper I now hold in my hand., If I have rightly under stood, the King’s attorney of this colony t- * J " Lf t ^[Woni th« 'WAihingtbt* Btitii^nga 4 f)§ How the Empress Left ; Off: Hpep*. Napoleon the Third, it is well 1 has always hated hoops^ and ly Eugenie has t rocate or these 'famous app „ . the toilette of all ladim wtid-' are, like . J her/fragile in,form.' lAst summei^-eo 'i says a Paris lettm'-they made a _ merry tgwwlfess,” she asserting, that if she .did, Be would bo the.first) to urge. t* restoration ! A diamond ring was i lias framed an indictment fqr, the pur pose of arraigning nnd punishing by imprisonment tiireo inofiensivo persons imprisonment tlirea inofiensi boforo the bar of this court, fora critpe .of great magnitude—as disf r F0BT & HABGB0VE, OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, adaplcil to Planter’s nso— ■•!.’, .- , ; For Cash, w: .' 1 " ! [ Consisting of "‘~ Sugar, Coffee, Salt, MolassoE, . Nails, Negro Kerseys, WMjMlFani Linseys, Negro Shoes, Stripes Shirtings, OsnaKdrgK? ' >* ''Meal* muj/1 S-l y. ,J’Yicloiy'TKi J Ud, i iAI : ta^^ J I s' 'bow jipnnnneiillv located in ltoine.nml lies taken rooms Dr. E. A. WARE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ton miles west of octi'S9—ly ROME, GA. WM. FARELL, M. D., ROME, .............. GA. Orrirn—In the old PoBt OtTiro. aprl’47 G'ENEn^.'ajf,r>>.TT3q''A^li4T, I ’^«g3aSPWK’’n»«twj 3. C, REESE, M. D. \ BILYER CREB1C. - - FLOYD, Co.G^ Office at J. A Whitchoad*’ '•‘ ; COTHRAN, JEFFERS & C0„ —SU.OCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & COTHRAN, Factors & Commission Merchants, CENTRAL WHARF, CHARLESTON; SOUTH CAROLINA. Rome, Go. Charicsten, S. C. WADE S. QPtR AN, WM. II. JEFFERS. S IENRY L. JEFFERS, op I om be r 7,—ly. r now in Itonni, over Fort. A Hargrove’s store, . .—j™ where lie will be pleased to receive tne call* of tlios-* who limy require W» professional services. ; He would also state that he is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vnlcnniaed rubber, wiilnli i. fast siipereneding all other styles of work, now made, combining os it' does, LIGHTNESS, y . - - 4 - A Pleasant Decree of Elasticity, WITH ClcanlmoBs and D Aft work pdrh)KilSd At New •" “ •'FIRST CLASs • ' ^ - :. BOARDING HOUSE. S AVING purchased the honso now occu pied by Mrs. Mary P. Whitaker, it will Mt THOROUGHLY RENOVATED and Newly Furnished, and will bo oponed for the.accommodation of boarders by tho sub scriber, 6n the First of January, 18B0. Ratas'of board will bo, per single meal, 30' • i “ day, iil 00 • “ week, 5 90 Without Room, will be, “ month, 12 90 With “ « « “ 14 00 Wood, Lights and Washiug, will be furn ished nt rcsonablo rate*. C. W. LANGWORTnY, Proprietor. A. A. snsiw, Bapt. decU—tf. Misses Noble & Stoeckel, ARK SELLING OFF THEIR Fall and.Winter Stock, V; : 'at , REDUCED PRICES. ^thenwith^rMolasIu ell to gi thels li ine Cheap Schedule. Clothing Manufactured ~ tOnCommission. T) AUTIB8 .purohotiiiig- tbeir-.Kooii* i j JT|‘ tllQ i^ve them.,roads uu iu. any .y aasortmqut of alsqs,’ at e r eeglipn .the.pbjtc^t,,', R. J. JOHNSON, Will glvo striot attention to tho _ SELLING OF COTTON. And ail kinds ef Produoo, and Hoary Goods, that mav lie consigned to liftn. w.*G(ftce atthe'Post Office coi ner, [aug.24 t piece, can. lifvq; style,' ami of any -- olinrgoof.ten per c _ ... . Tl\e subscriber hfviug many years pxncrif enoe in tjio business, vjitu Vnnsuiri faeitltles, for thcr innnlifnetiirS of extra flhe anil mOdnlm clothing, oau ofij^great ju^comcpU .tcuhbst who prcfot.^lvtng'MLgM s X T -!L d J^ , f tlicm readv-mndo. J. R.HTIT7TWJ;,L,L>,. | • . ltcfcrenecs: .... .Raliway-Now' Jersey. • ■Messrs. J. R. Daniel A Co„ColmnI)iiB,Ga. “ ’ W.G. A A. R. Androivs, Montgom ery. Ala. Mr. A. a'V«il, MlllodgcrUlc, Ua. ilcu21—lui -, , cash priooif^ |V< >ra, and hope bj MUTUAL* 1 INSURANCE company! ' ROME, ------ DA. Orvrca—At Rome Railroad Depot. W. S. COT1IAAN, Frcs’t. C. n. STILLWELL, Sec’y. jnly2S C. W. LANGWORTHY, rCV m TROFBBSOn OP AN Guitar and Vooal Music, , ROME, GA, ; * ' ’ nngtlsly Prof. C. W. LANGWORTHY ,WILL OPEN HIS CLASS OPVfrfcAf'/jllJSie ON MONDAY NIGnT, 8th AUGUS^’'9V. at noons, in..; 3d Floor of Fort A Freeman’s Block. ffSJ-Sossion, five months—-Terms, 810 per / .ii:m [aug3—2iji prompt nttonllon to uitirtnoNa, nnd fair do* hVrffl Aetiiyb hdlbrtnl shnroof iiatrenage,- Oiir motto wltfhV quick shill awi-rhoitf nt*. 1 ilMw If sail ilttfdruc baying: ejsqwhcrd, ‘ftomij.’.Xuft. 31i W noils «„ ! ; '"a 'ri-iii- —i. I-AND ’WHOLESALE:DEALERS IN Clothing, 8» ChnmbcrijEt., *(!8ft^?ndc St Between Broadway nnd Church st., * feb2—tw2m LOUIS-VALENTINO, ATLANTA, --WJ- ■( a. , - ; OKDRGIA, XXT’OTLDresiieetfiilly invito th« citizens of W Atlanta and vlelnity • to’ 1 call and ex amine bis extensive’and well selected stock of Confectionaries, Cighrk. &c DQi}»JWWlM[«ftliW8 too particular. W luvTM to give him a call, W^lio, will toll to thorn at alow prioo, for oajih. /. ■'Ho lias, al*q> on lianda largoSpiokw. COX' FKCTIQNARY of his Wg manufact^ro, ^su perior to any in the c ome and Kingston. O N and after Thursday, Dctfohihir 1st; tho first'train will leave dally, at 101 o’clock, A. M., returning to Rome 4) P. M., excoiiting Sundays, wbcO it.will return at 8,P. M. Second train will leave Rome at 61 o’clock, P. M., daily, (excepting Sundays) retaining to Rome noxt day at 61 A. M. This socond train makes complete connec tlons with the Talladega stages; also'con nects with the two morning trains on the W, A. A. Railroad,nt Kingston. Office Rome Railroad, Rome, Nor. 20, ’49, dco7 ' W. S. COTHIIAN, Oen’l Sup’t, WHODE8,. RETAIL GROCERS, No. 4 Choice* Hotel, I nllyxW><BfiL*^46 1 i Bools And shoes .will jiAxrpACT«nr.iv nr, P* A. O MB ERG, '‘Tlio Ktinnliod i fine lot'of extra FRENCH CALFIPA- ' LEzVTnER. end nil other mnt*ials entlcmeu’s Dress Boots & Shoes. OTKgfo^thJbost of workmen and keeps istccl on tho latest fa*i»inns. HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller & Stationer GAi Cjiwfey, „ likipSl ihATiliiccllarioohs'Beblrt.■ Also. *. gF'vwtHity'’ARB(a'«6if*fy, 1 WanPSpsring, ngtavlngsfPaintings and rpai dtabla Cdr ; the Holidi *fvi.y- .•miTITEMlH J < JIA*'V1 iV fn- ris ■■ inn'i p'«jr*n lHTTillT>»i.1 H •“■JJs-ia TOWIY Wi posted on the latest fas] Genteel Fit» nftd AVork warranted. Thankful for past flivors'ho hopes to re ceive a continuation of patronage In this branch of homo industry. iaaM hot ^agaangj, : SHORT CREDIT r \ For Drug* imd "Medioines.^1 as eburgod by Dontls and Savnntiah.' For‘A’ gcs’aro oifOllcrirti ,! Artificial rule.: 'All our bi\)s in futuro will Jib dub Jul)f Istsnd Jnmiaty.Ist JAItELL A TETRI7B, n NEWMAN A NOilTilN, -9SIJ0W dwll ’'JapS—twswlm Mcrccr and Nashnnock ’ ‘ i, the, fin ‘ 1 1 11 T : .o45SM»fif»4w*{ ■ • • —L —xr, frpin thoac, who hgvo teptort my *Kip, u*r Ih© lock Potatoes.' fourteen ydaw, in thife, nnd Adjoining' ■t Irlnd <nwi ntAtffll. r f>. , HUOn'l T70R planting, the finest kind, Just reef 1^*' nl'kfi, '% /Iltklwa TTAii'ain *«wn ^ Abll •UNO. 3 Choice House, by Partial Sots In proportion tothe above- “As I a in wfll'posted lit all iho lato impro msnto'f f the day, I fbel ormfidcnt. that I c mstrta'ffthoday, Ifbehormfidcnt. that moot tlie wants of all w)g> may. qeed^ tiif. ser vices ofu Pin till and if references aro want; edi ah to their utility.Iq pnswering (hi P ur P^ , se*^f,'Uu(U>r/?, l^apigive ‘ ' Stqtei ' Rons, fecpU 14* 1*49,*tf. ‘ J. B. MllftVHY, the ^18®* “^ BiIJ " r > ' oi ‘j —*■ —,,1 |ff OriWbfiBtitiaipariwxtlMa producedi palling- than thle ed by dtay ourthly s-WMansl first astonishment wfifi < or frankly/joqfte da^tyft'thd': ;er, for thaDha-itevaroould endure tff -> ..... ifufhqra of the peace, liny it please tho court, what did I hear rend t Hid I hear it distinctly, or was it a mistake of Did I hear an expression, os if a crime, that these men whom your worships are about to try for a misdemeanor, are charged with—what' ?” and continuing in n loW; solelnn, ’ heavy t®no, '“for ^reaching tlie gospel of the Son of 'Sod!’’ Pausing, amidst the most pro found silence and breathless astonish ment of his hearers, he slowly waved the paper three times around hU head, then lifted up his hands and ‘eyes to heaven, with extraordinary and impres sive energy, lie exclaimed! “GreatGod I” The exclamation—the action—the burst of feeling from the audience; Were : all overpowering. Mr.'Henry-resumed s ’ “May it please vour- worships f' In A land liko this,‘when troth if about to. burst her fetters—when mankind' is about to be raised to claim the natural and inalienable rights—wlion the yoke, of oppression whioh; has 'reached- the wilderness of America, and the unna tural alliance of eoclessiattioai and civil power is about to be dissevered—at such verlod—when liberty—liberty of con- .enco, ia about to awake from her slumberings and inquire into the reason of such' charges as I find exhibited here irithis indictment i" Another fearful jause while the rfjleaker alternately oaat lia sliarpi pieroing eyes on : the court and tho prisoners,'ana resumed-: "It I am not deceived; according to the con tents of the paper PndW hold in my hand, these men are accused of ‘preach ing the' gospel of the Son of - • God.’— ■Great God V Another long pause, du ring which he again waved thO indict ment around his hood, when a; deeper, impression- was made on the auditory— Resuming liis speech—"May: it please ‘your worship-. There are periods in the history of man when corruption - and depravity have so long-debased the hu man character that man sinks under the weight of the oppressor’s hand W comes liis servile—his abjeot likejthe hand that Smites him; he in passive obedienoe to the mandates of despot; and in this state of servility he receives his fetters of perpetual boncl- age. But, may it please your worst * SUch a day has passed away |: From period when our fathers loft the land Of theif nativity, for settlement in those American wilds, for Liberty—tor • oivil and religious liberty—for 1 liberty of Uthat'th* Mvariou*: and as groundless ; as tfiooe; of the : fair; rax, and mmaimced thaj.ihad, jhe pot. In another half-hour—so the letter:, says—the Empress reappeared; in the. same straw fiat,, and: npiaUq draw- but d^g^k^Ther of hoop or crinoline had entei-ed int*) the oomposittomofi'thftunder garments*; nprhas and of light taffetas dHtaliefo velvet, Jiave heenjByer Somepqople saythat n 1 effect is perfea^'andrttuAr^ * Mqjesty i.. the elagwee and ^nguishe ier carriage. . ' If yfoii'uesirei to follow the-Austrian example, and to leave off . hoops,,! -thatyou adopt the substitute of 1 and ' exceedingiy-wrong-to-talk-ahout 'thb^Wk'Of-'hofepa.f^-.vrini ai /1 niJfbnQ* I played-upon the geitar41 - intoa;web, which,, it Thli toSm; descended had.spun ly tod'Hit _ changed tlTe'ohord; it «ncdt*mrthMr n grerai i wgt i. mpcgidoLtoe Was moti othei etrai and religious liberty—ior liberty or oonsoienoe—to worship their Creator according to their conceptions of )Hea en’s revealed will; from : the • mCmei they placed their'feCtvm the Ainerici continent arid In tho deepest embeddi forests sought ata usylum from: pcrsec n-arid tyranny—from that moment dekbotism was crush od; ' her -fetters darkness were broken, oridMeaveri i< creed that man shoQld be free—free woship God so&rdlng'te thal Dible. ■Were itnokf6rthis,injvain have- bet^- taken tiie ofiortaand- sacHfioes .of the coionistorinvainiwbreaU .thbitj w"" Inga and: bloodshed to < subjugate ■ new worid, if we, theii still be oppressed and persecuted. , JBul may-it please you! worships penult riu M• Ji to inquire• onoe more—ifor what i arp W’ thesC men about to be Mfc, ; .TUm£ _ r fc. l»hiUw/iA*dlvwl ir if fflrtnaA i 'aWpedVitl „ B. r „ _ _ .tlie*r)ubire xtriermlly, that Vs eintlnncs t he proolice of RENTISTR Fin all Ua branch- - . . „ __ cs, And has-fitted opnn office, > ovor the stiorc theBon'Of: God. d Great-Godli tAjrer, of McGuire A. Pinson, where he is,, prsp»»«d preachtn#the Saviour to Adam’s fallen tooxccutoalloperationsnppartaiuingtoDen.' ijaelitMtiik,M)i,-* i.-, il il, il: mmhf.v toi tistry, in tho most approved .manpor,, After another riauM|in:toneuof:titrin 1 p erio??t!vieof t»thf“il oi 1m’{1^1-for beauty, strength And' llfstilke anpiaomiee; blow,-dh|nified“mikmer,i HsuUfldij they ate not surpsased. A* an impression lias eyes to ueaven and Waved-.the .iad.. bceu mode that-my prices for dontnl opera- mont around his hoad. .The- Gourt Alp Uons arohijrUcr fhon the, wf.Jon*: thoiaudibriCoWCte'wriJUghiVup .telbthjv ** most intensepHohof exdtomanl. The fl by .Djn.tist._ At AuiasU, ktomp ^ r ^e.^HMumting;attorneyhfm work my chan A&m ghastly and ho appeatodz, urn?, J oonseious tliafc his -wholo framo.Waa ,-agt-, tated With alarm ; and tfae judgo in .a, trott«4dou»ivoioeiwt on: and itoi the scCrie/how becoming oxfaumWxu/ ful, by tho ttutli<rirat!wcotoiharid. , 'l HP discharge ' those men!''—a Jlelimdiit Lenommationt. -j'.'oi. "ulfl-TI lifl I- ’.i /i J* «“'-ii)*.-it.I (slifeof whiter tuUoatnr i dveiKi "-- J White* dressed- of pink flow* ooqo o/i» - qririedri 1 —rlh"Vfai/, a 4Wui*«ulicd on to uppeilrijas ff not be .) found. Ott the miaifolMtlg where he was, a grab* el derly gentleman rose 'up, Jmd/lwith GfiHTBAt Paux.—The New.Ym-k tral Bark ti estimated to cool It ineludesvoven-hundnad and twot ef land. The Cost of: maintaining &SgmSS*E5S