Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 25, 1860, Image 1
1 VOL. 1. ROME, GEO., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, L ©l)c ®ri-U>ecIi : ln €oudcr PUBLISHED EVERY #UE3DlT, THURSDA.1& SATURDAY MORN’OS , ’ By M. BW1NELL. XT FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR', Invariably in advance. Sngipesg gqlrfrg.: Terms of Advertising in Trf-Weekly. *rx« SQtiAnK or tbs i.iwBs. Ono insertion $}•** Two insertiohs Each additional insertion 0.25 Ona Month Two Months Three Months Six Months, 1?-®" J Twelve Months,........, A lilieral discount will he mode to tlioso who advertise lorgor amounts. . Obituaries or more than (Ire lilies charged tho same as advertisements. Notices nf Mxrriaqc* and Deaths, not ct- eoeding Five Lines in length, aio published gratuitously in tho Don nor. Tho friends of the parties are requested to send in these no- ticoa accompanied' with a responsible name and thoy will bo published’ with pleasure. The Homestead FIRE INSURANCE CO., * SflFthc €iij?of ’VMwovkf-^ This Company continues,to insure against Loss dY Daitnage by Fire, On thy-iuost.favorable terms and Pays ; Fully the Losses sustained, And not pro rata Ac. WM. CIIAUXCKY, Pres't. Jxo. K. Oaki.kv, Pim.o Ilmin, Soc'y. Vice Pres’t. B- F, JONES, Agent, Rome. ' nov23-3m ^ofessfonul 0qrds. it. n. trxnvsr nuxi.Ar scorr. HARVEY & SCOTT, A T TO’R'N E Y 3 AT LAW, ROME, .... . . . . . GA. A DVANCES of monar «an usunllr he had upon good claims loft for collection. Rome, June 1.—ty. 0 FOR NEW YORK. FAUK REDUCED. Freights 'and Passage ns Low as l»y ’ any other .stentner." "* ; i s. CABIN PASSAGE, /(. 'fsshZ $15 po. B\’ the Splendid and Commodious SIDE WHEEL STEAMERS Auhiista, 1,500 tons, Capt. M. S. Woodliall. Fi.oiiida, 1,200 « •< Isaac Ci-well. Ai.aiiasa, 1,300 « « G.' Rj-' Sclie-ck, Thcso steamships belonging to tlie old es tablished and favorite line, known as tho “N«w York and Savannnh Steam Naviga tion Company,'’ and in comfort, accommoda tions and Fare, cannot he excelled. Thoy are commanded by experienced, skillful and polito officers. JOHN R. WILDER A GALLIE, Agent* Savannah. RAM’L L. MITCHELL A 8QN, ju!20—tf Agents, Sew York. SusiflC?? 0^JT. VERANDA Boarding House In sight of tho Depot—same side of tho Street, [feblltrlly] S. G. WELLS, Pro. ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME, GA. L. P. THOMAS, Pro’r. (Late of Eatonton Hotel.) The Stage Offices arc kept at this House, and it is nearest tho Depot. jnn5 Z. B. HARGROVE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME. GA v Orricis—Over Fort A Hargrovo’s new store. f.blD—ly GEO. T. STOVALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME <”.A. Wi.t, practice in the counties of Cliorokee '6a. Ofi'-.t over N. J. OnWg’s Clothing store RevKimscK—Underwood A Smith. Rome fNa. T. R. R. Cobb, Esq., Athens, Ga. jan27 THOS. J. VERDERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CEDAR TOWN. - GA. Wu.t. pra-tien in the oounties of Floyd, j’olk. Paulding, Carroll, Ilaraldsen and Cass. Strict attention paid to collecting. jan2n-ly HENRY A. G.VRTRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME GA. Stbi rr attenti.n given to collecting and sc Uuring claims in Upper Georgia. febl-ly j, w. n. rxnr.nwoon. . . . . . o. h. swim. UNDERWOOD A SMITH, attorney's at law, ROME, . ; GA. PaAeTien in Unper Georgia: also in the federal District Court of Marietta. jan20’5!l-1 v C. If. SMITH, NOTARY PUBLIC. Commissioner of Deeds for Alabama and ^Tennessee. aug3 T. W. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME GA. febl0’57 W. B. TERHUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME GA. Opkicb—In City Hail Building. aprR-lv J. B. W. NOWLIN, M. D., ROME GEORGIA. ^W'Offieo over Drug Storo of NEWMAN A'NOWLIN.I fel>211rily. Dr. E. A. WARE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ten miles wost of oe.t5’59—ly ROME, GA. WM. FARELL, M. D., ROME GA. OrncB—In the old Post Office. aprl’57 II. II. PENNY, GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT’, CA VE SPRING, OA. Sept. 7, ’59.-n(5-ly. , I i ■' J. C. REESE, M. D. SILVER CREEK. • - FLOYD, Co. GA Offico at J. A Whiteheads’, R. J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Rome, Ga. Will giro strict attention to the i SELLING OF COTTON. And all kinds ef Produco, and Heavy Goods, that may be eunsignoa to him. *«*Offioe attbePost Offico corner, [aug.24 GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE SPRING, GA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. THE REGULAR STAGE OFFICE There is a Livery Stable kept in connection with this Hotel, where Horses and Vehicles are kept for hire. jun14twtf Georg £ Manufactures—Georgia's Strength THOS- P. STOVALL & CO., of Augusta, Geo. W OULD respectfully invite tiie attention of Merchants to their heavy Stock of 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHIRTINGS, Cotton Yarns, &c., As manufactured by the MONTOL’R COM PANY. ThcseGoods will compare fuvornblv with any made in the South, and we will sell at such VERY LOW rates, as to under sail Northern bought domestics. TIIOS. P. STOVALL A CO. General Commission Merchants, Augusta Gu. jan31. tri.lra. JOHN T. SMITH, witir Geo. W. & Jehial Road, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, and Straw Goods, Paris style Bonnets, Flowers UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, Ac., 120 Chambers and 50 Warren Streets., NEW YORK, 4th and 5th Streets above tho Astor House. jan20—trOm DcFOREST, ARMSTRONG, & Co. DRY GOOD MERCHANTS, 80 aud 82 Chambers St. N. Y. W OULD notify tlio Trado that they are opening Weekly, in now and beauti ful patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, Also the AMOSKEAG, A New Print, which excels every Print in the country for perfection of execution ami de sign in full Madder Colors. Our Prints ore cheaper than any in markot, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly at- Feb2’(10,trily, tended to. COTHRAN, JEFFERS & C0„ —SUCCESSORS TO— JEFFERS & COTHRAN, Factors & Commission Merchants, CENTRAL WHARF, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. WADE 8. COTRAN, Romo, Ga. WM.H.JEFFERS. _ HENRY L. JEFFERS, J Charleston, S. C. September 7,—ly. 1)AYIL) 6. LOVE, NOTARY PUBLIC, PENMAN, Collector and General Agent. ;£tJ-011icu in Drug Store of linker & Euh ols. fcl>17-trily. SAMUEL STEWART. THOS. a. WATTERS STEWART & WATTERS, CITY AUCTIONEERS. W ILL sell at Auction on Commission, Lundy, Negroes, Horses, Groceries, Dry Goods, Books, Furniture, or any other artioles that may he consigned to them. They are the only regular Licensed City Auctioneers, and all GochIb consigned to them will bo duly carod for, and proper retnrns made.' [FebOtritf. A CARD TtiTHSLilWlSt BONNETS & MILLINERY.. UBS. M; J. SUMMERHAYS N OW IN NEW YOJU*. HAS .JUST: BE ceivcd from Paris, the Bpring Fashionl for Bonnots, and finding the siae.macji large! and the style quite different, she fools it in' cambent upen her to inform the Ladies o| Rome and' vicihity, at these facts. If any one desires a Bonnot of the Spxin stylo beforo the return of Mrs. S., with he: Spring supplies, on the receipt of 'an ordoi ■he will ssnd by Express, atherown exponsi any kinJ that may he ’desired, and as ,*hi llo» betwoen twenty and thirty work-women] this can bo done at very short notice. Orders may be left with Miss Wilk him on, at the Storo in Romo, nr sent dli to, MRS. M. J. SUMMERHAYS'. fshlltritf. 64 East Breudwny, N. Y. A. J. BEARDEN, AMBROTYPIST, ROME, GA. jan31,1800; [Trlly. REMOVAL! M’GUIRE~&" PINSON, H AVE Removed to their new building first door below tho Drug Store of Turuley A Baker, where they will . take pleasure iu waiting on their old customers and tho public geucraljy. junli-trilAwtf FORT & HARGROVE, OFFER FOR SALE A t LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, adapted to Planter’s use— For Cash, Consisting of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Nails, Negro Kerseys, Blankets, Linseys, Negro Shoes, Stripes Shirtings, Osnaburgs, mat/18-ly. Factory Thread, Ac., he. W. n. WHITR. R. I.. CARTER. W. H-WHITE & CO-r, MANUFACTURERS OF hi DEALERS I! Saddles, Bridles And Harness. 1 BROAD ST., ROME, OA. K EEP constantly mi hand a large an Well Selected Stock of 4'arrUge, Harness and Saddle TRIMMINGS. 1 ’ Alto a heavy stook at BOOT AND BHO: FINDINGS, such as Bole and Upper Leaf er, Calf 8kins, do. All of which wa offer VERY CHEAP CASH or to Prompt Paying Customers, cun be fqund at the old stand of W. II. Whi 2 doors below Turnley d Baker’s Drug Stoi Janl2 • \ - ‘FIRST CLASS BOARDING H0US TT AVINO pnrohased the house now occ l~l pled by Mrs. Mary P. Whitaker, It wi bo most THOROUGHLY RENO VATED an Newly Furbished, and will bo opened fur the accommodation of boarders by tho sub scriber, on the First of January, 1800. Rates of hoard will be, per sipglo meal, 30 “ day, St 00 “ weok, 5 60 Without Room, will be, “ month, 12 50 With " " “ “ 15 00 Wood, Lights and Washing, will be furn ished at resonablo rates. C. W. LANO WORTHY, Proprietor. A. A. Siiaw, Snpt. dec 14—tf. ’ DENTISTRY. Dr. J. T. Duane, I s now permanently located iu lUnno.und has taken rooms over Fort d Hargrove’s store, where lie will be pleased to roccivo the calls of tlies' who may require his professional services. Ho would also state that ho is prepared to insert artificial teeth, on vulcanized rubber, which is fust siiperceeding all other styles of work, now made, combining as it does, LIGHTNESS, AND A Pleasant Degree of Elasticity, WITH Cleanliness and Durability. All work performed at New York prices. may*—ly ,L d : MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ROME. ------ GA. Grnoa—At Rome Railroad Depot. ’ W. S. COTHRAN, Pres’t <5. ftv STILLWELL, Bec’y. July28 c. W. LANGWORTHY, I PKorESSon or , PIANO, ORGAN Guitar and Voeal Music, ROME, OA, Prof. C. W. LANGWORTHY WILL OPEN HIS CLASS OF VOCAL MUSIC ON MONDAY NIGHT, 8th AUGUST, ’50. AT llOOMtf, 1 ’ 2d Floor of Fort Sc Freeman’* Block. |E0*Session, five moatks— 1 Terms, $10 per icholar. (aug3—!m Clothing Manufactured P On Commission. ARTIES purchasing their goods iu tho piece, can have them made up in any stylo, and of any assurtincnt of sises, at a charge of ten per cant, on the ncttcust, The subscriber having many year* experi ence iu tho business, with tmitsunl facilities, for the manufacture of extra fine and medium clothing, can offer (treat inducements to tl)o,e who prefer, ordering their goods to buying them reudy-mude. J. R. SHOT WELL, References: ’ Railway,’ Now Jersey. Messrs. J. 11. Daniel & Cq., Ooluinbus, Ga. “ W. G. A A; R. Andrews, Montgom ery. Ain. Mr. A. C. Vail, Millcdgovillo, Ga. doc21—lm LONGSTREET, BRADFORD St. CO, MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Clothing, 80 Chamber* St., Sc 00 Rcndc St., Between Broadway and Church st, NEW YORK. e. t. i.oxnsTitKBT, a. t-. mtAnronn, O. n. WELLS. t. r. OILBKRT. febl—tw2m L0DIS VALENTINO, WHITEHALL 8TREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA. W OTLD respectfully invito the oltiscns of Atlanta and vicinity to call and ex amino bis extensive and well sclootod stock of Confectionaries, Cigars. &c. COUNTllV MERCHANTS are particular ly Invited to givo liimu call, fur ho will sell to them at alow prlue, fur cash, •Uo has, also, on hundu large stuck of CON FECTIONARY of bis uwu manufacture, su perior to any lit the city. uov23-ly, thos. J. I’p.nRr, : o. w. r. i.ahkin. PERRY St LAM30EN, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 4 Choice Hotel, TILL keep constantly on hand, a well t selocled assortment of Groceries. Al so, Provisions, such as, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal’ Ac., Ac., which we will sell low for Cash, or country produce, nt cash prices. Wo feel grateful for past favors, aud hope hy prompt attoutlon to busiuess, and fair deal ing, to receive a liberal sliuroof patronage.— Our mutto will ha quick sails ana short pro fits. Givens n call baforo buylhg.olsowher#, Rome, Aug. 31,’OOJf.. writffktD fht General As}My*ct; “Your petltidnors' huhrt)l)r rApfieiwdlf that the rapjij growth otet' your petitioner!^-,, „ oii our poor fund r ’.bn,t lowing.-ttv *U$ir sat indolendo^and; In stringent lairs by >th^SowtfasH*S»iM£(MWppj9^|- f in tlie doclino of somemetfsvL yonr bbhoHtbl toprevenUbeig,. . 1,016k rotheijfisealn- ■ norths; power \n tiijg stnto wjwfp wr* ai mull Misses Noble & Stoeckel, ARB SELLING OFF THEIR Fall and^Ylnter Stock, AT REDUCED PRICES. Tho Ladies will do well to give them a eall if they wish artioles in their lint Cheap decU Schedule. .Rome and Kingston. O N and after Thursday, December 1st, the first train will leave, daily, at 10} o’clock, A. M., returning to Rome 4} P. M., excepting Sundays, when it will return at 6 P. M. Second train will leave Rome at 8} o’clock, P. M., daily, (excepting Sundays) returning to Rome noxt day at 8} A. M. This second train makes complete connec tions with tho Talladega stages; also con- nects.with the two morning trains on tho W. A A. Railroad,'at Kingston. Office Rome Railroad. Koine, Nov. 29, ’50. doo7 W. S. COTHRAN, Gen’l Sup’t, BOOTS MD SHOES m ASupacthrki> nv P. A. O MB ERG, ROME GA. Tho Subscriber is supplied with a fine lot of cxtra.FRENCH CALF, PA TENT LEATHER, and all other materials for Gentlemen’s Dress Boots Sc Shoes. He employs the best of Workmon and keeps posted on the latest fashious. Genteel Fits and Work warranted. Thankful for past favor* ho hopes to rc- coivo a:oont|nuotlon of patronage in this branch of heino industry. . aug25—ly P. A. OMBERG, SHORT CREDIT For Drugs and Medicines. YXTE, the nndersignod Druggists of Rome * V respectfully inform our friends and putrons that we have adopted the six months rule. All our bills in fiituro will be due July 1st and Januaty 1st. • •>» FAllELL A YEIRKR, NEWMAN A NOWLIN! ' P. I,. TURNLY, J. C. BAKER, janS—twawlm Mercer aud Nashanock Potatoes. F Olt planting, tho fiucst kind, just receiv ed ut.No. 3 Choice Uotuo, bv tub 13 TllUNLhSV HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller & Stationer ROME, GA. JUST RECEIVED Fa large and exten-. . slve Stock of School,! Classical and ^{isocllanoous Book*. Also, a large variety of Stationary, {Wall . Papering, Engravings, Paintings and Fancy Articles, suitable for tho Holidays. ' Merchants atfd School Teachers, supplied with Books and Stationary at Augusta prices. The attention of purchasers respectfully solicited. VexymS Oaslx. jan3—twly' ildrenhoth out on tho _ London.- S' •Hi / And whjle thqs^ nssoeiated+rwander- ittg, starving, sleeping it* a rickety house on it pallet of straw, whi ok the generos ity of a questionable tenant BtbtoWed-4- began the first tokingofi.-thd> phisonH- the curse of jiUlifj. . , „ “Ono night,’’ says Jm, “when Ann and I were pacing HoWly along Oxford street, andUfteradsy When I had felt unusually ill and fuint, I requested her to turn pif-with’ meinto Soho Squartw— Thither we went; and wo sat <lpwn, on the steps of a house which to this day Is. P. CuAsx.orOni^iHH [able ?n tal&it.’gkiHfal ari'd artfull * H, of good' addi>ew,.-impsessive 1 «Rtl8h4ed4dti^^^vSlL ■ this qpalitisa, ef,a thief ond leader which Seward nevascanjH| expanded his ideas on < I upon whl£h : lMm£raU‘l9l. . and behind the ageV 'There is a daah I dmaageipiMsin in.Chase’it,;e>miMter 1 1 7lissaMt:AiSd becrkigiarWthaas^kf, Of: a leader.: He stands erect-rpreeents ■bold and gcniaH [the mass recognize as bondsof sympathy landfeUewsliip- AMbhAuM IkftwfiHiar gard —endhis notable ev- rid J.B. MURPHY RESIDENT DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY informs hiu friends, and the public generally, that ho continues She practice of DENT2STR Y in all its branoh- os, uud has fitted up on offico, over the store of McGuire A Pinson, whero ho is prepared to execute all operations appertaining to Den tistry, in the most approved maimer. He would also eall the particular attention of those in want of Artificial Work, to his su- C orior style uf teeth, ut on gold plate ; fur entity, strength and life-like appeaeancq, they are not surpassed. As an impression has been made that my prices far dental opera tions are higher than tho usual run of Den- tists, ! beg leave to say-that they are the same as charged by Dentists at Augusta, Macon and Savannah. For ArtilloUl Work my char ges are as follows! Entire Sots Upper and Lower fromllOO to $25t Half Sets, Upper or Lower, from 50 to 160 Temporary Sets, Uppor and Lower, 25 oaeh. Partial Sets in proportion to the above. As I am well posted in all the late improve ments of the day, I feel confident that I can meet tho wants of all who may need the ser vices of a Dentist, and if references are want ed; as to their utility in answering the purpo ses of nature, I ean give them iu abundance, from thoao who have tested my skill, for the last fourteen years, In this, and adjoining States.* in happy girl noble deed she there performed. Sud denly, os wo sat, I grew much worse. 1 had beeu resting my distressed bead against her bosom, and all at once I sank from 1ior arms and fell backward on tho stone steps. From, tho sensation I then had, I;felt an inner conviction, that if I was not rovivod by sotne pow erful stimulus, I should either have died on thespet, or should have at least sunk to a point of exhaustion from which all reascent,- under my friendless eiroumstances, would hare soQQ beoome hopeless. Then it was, at this crisis of my fate, that my poor orphan compan ion, who had herself met with little but injuries in this world, stretched out a saving hand to me. Uttering a cry of terror, but without a moment’s delay, she ran off into Oxford .street, and in less time than could be imagined, re turned with a glass of port wine and laudanum, that acted upon my empty stomach (which would at that timo have rejected all solid food) with an in stantaneous powor of resuscitation; and for this glass the getteroirt-: girl without a murmur, paid out of-her own humble pittance, at a time, be it remembered) when she had scarce wherewithal tq, par- chase'the bare necessities of life, and when she could not expect me ever' to beable tore-imbufseher.'* ' '■* From this time, or actuated’by 'that gnawingof hunger at thestommoh which only-opium relieved, be began theferow- ing use of that horrible ana life-doming poison. At length, during a temporary operation from poor Atm, ho lost - her; and sought for her ig vain—gone,::Uo one knew where; gone, no one save her S ful associate, careii where; and at hhis guardian discovering ;hita| a reconciliation was effected, and his return homo followed; hut ro-cntrance into college, his continued success, his marriage and finally hid his fame, full blown and commanding—afkmo which liocouldV fol, writ* Uuue, Sept. 14, 1839.-tf. j. B. MURPHY. never ceasing, relentless tormentor, the demon, opium, robbed him of Its won derful Joys and only retaining the after timo of its dreadful misery. dangerous chief to j the Senate .aar a IteS&PiMT ■the volcan o i of VeSu- must be tlie produqt.of . .. ExTixcmfsirrxb Visuvids.—jf be iihAratebi of a * tlohtoexth vius, it i Some.) cadsecT{y~tAe irtVushoFwdteruponVoi- Wtdio fires, and the consequently rapid generation of lmprisoned steam. r.^pt nals anhouncOswouSly 'tb^t^^^Sfry of Engiish capitalists havO made «UrV^- plication to the Kmg of Naples Joint a oonoessiott fortto»t«unotf vius. The principal seat of fire. "of that volcano is situated several tliousapd feet below the lovelwvffb seai -1MW- ting acan&l which would carry the ..wa- ters intocthe cn>te«!,.Ute^4rqbe fatitm, wl^ch WpSfdf c^st^^^ would restore -to--canhHMM*ttrNPW>f ten times that value. Buoh ‘t ly the opinion ofa few,visionary dream ers. ‘ ; \Tv ‘ ^ . ■ ■ . ——i-y f ^ iTfrn SnoT HUUu7cal-rQn:thef,(2d iMtant, sdh of theiris, aged ten y elws, whd'TUd been in the habit of amusing hltnaUf n, which proved to be loadetl with ;ckshbb i‘. A littla sister,'Aged seven or was aJone m the house nn “SI KXri Kino or Saudinia.—The report ts cir culating in Paris-that the Sardinian Monarch, together with a.very, large proportion of his suWects, will shortly abandon the fiutbof Home. In the fa mous publication called “Napoleon and Italy," tho state of Sardinia is pro nounced to he such as must necessarily produce civil war and eoclesiastipal sevennent On the Mp entrance. of Victor Emmanuel,’ the dergy' held themselves aloof, from all sharo ,m the loyal demonstrations, thqs evincing their suspicion of « ohange not favorable to themselves. “ the^pop-guh, “Shoot Dfio.’ sooner was tiiissaid than tho boy raised tfcfir gun, ; and, aiming at her, fired. ...Tho chargo took effect in the forehead, over tho right eyo, some of tho shot passilig through and coming out at lihe top of ' T0uud ’ aril ^va^iiceqa ausai innl a )vho had often, beer theJ one of the ladies, t “tiotlqnUe-'fSifiyjWei usheredinto tho parlor, and had rthe TheJ<5 lethetebTfthdi tended to almost every person iff- the ' a -room in tho* course of tho next I'T-Not’*’ few were the 'jbke* Hand repartees exchanged, and all said that our gentlemanly friend had "done tho thmgbi^WWfi'f® ill ttov sAi toil ret: ’’’ J dliKfA man died very suddenly in Pennsylvania from tho effect* of whis key. Thi P int grains to poison is tn quantities of ftiom according to circumstances anc