Newspaper Page Text
Svi-Sechin {jCouticv.
Saturday Morning, Feb. 25, I860.
J99* Joseph Walkeii is (Agent for this
payor in Charloston. 8. C.. and fa authorised
to make contracts for Advertising, ..receive
nonoy and give receipts. .
Have you Paid for this Paper t
If you have all right, but if not, you
■will please exouse us for reminding you
that the terms are “Four Dollars a year
in advance.” Money may be sent by
lAail at our risk.
If you have not subscribed to the
Sri-Weekly Courier and do not wish to,
please write your name and post-office
distinctly on this paper and send it
bock to this office. [twit
Ron* Market.—Cotton, 10} cents for
best quality. Wheat $1,40@$1,50.—
Corn $1,00. Bacon, 10 cts. Pork 6@
7 cts.
Lovb and Matrimony.—Professor H.
F. Smith will Lecture again to-night up
on this subject. We had not the plea
sure of hearing him on lost evening,
but from the credentials which he brings
with him, We do not doubt he will In
terest his audience. Ilis experiments
in Magnetism are said to be astonishing
and amusing. Those who wish to have
a hearty laugh should attend.
Host Horrible Tragedy—Harders in
... — .Gordon County.... -
We loam that a Mr. Robert Thomp
son and wife were brutally butchered
on the night of Tuesday the 21st inst.
Mr. Thompson was a merchant and Post
Master at Sugar Valley and was a de
formed man. On Wednesday morning
his remains were found near his store,
his face much bruised and his skull split
open. Near by was a bloody axe, and
an extinguished torch. Ilis wife was
found in bed and from all appearances
was killed with a sledge hammer or per
haps with the head of the axe. This
couple occupicdasa sleeping apartment
a room in the rear of the store, and
there were no other persons in the house.
A lady living in a heuso a short dis
tance off heard persons talking in the
night but her suspicions not being excit
ed she fell asleep again. There is an in
tense excitement in 'the neighborhood
wliore this foul outrage was committed.
The affair is all wrapt in mystery, and
no clue discovered yet by which the
murdorors'ean bo detected. Mr. Thomp
son was an industrious citizen and high
ly respected. supposed the scoun
drels stole about seventy dollars to com
pensate them for their villainy. Wo hope
they may be ferreted out and receive the
severest punishmeut the law can in
Special ^oficcg.
Latest News.
Cgy-The Steamer Alfarata
Gould, Master, arrived from Greensport
and intermediate landings, on the 23rd
inst., with 190 bales Cotton, 229 bushelB
.corn, and sundry merchandise, Consign
ees, Rome Railroad, Harper & Butler,
Cothrans & Elliott, Henry Cooper, and
Payne, Quinn A Hendricks, and 9 pas
Mt. Vkrnon.—The net proceeds of
the entertainments on tho 22nd inBt.,
for the benefit of the Ladies Mount
Vernon Association amouutcd to two
hundred and fifty dollars. Good for
E@-We are glad to see tho street
hands at work plan !ing shade trees Elms,
and Water Oaks in the middle of Broad
street. In a few years thoy will be a
beautiful ornament to our city.
Lumpkin Law Scuool,.—The next term
of this school will commence on Mon
day April, 2nd 1860. Under the man
agement of three such eminent and
learned Jurists, tho students cannot
fail to receive the best instruction.
See advertisement in another cot
Additional by the Europa.
Halifax, Feb, 22.—The following are
the authorized quotations of the Liver
pool Cotton market for Friday, 10th inst.:
Fair Orleans 7}; Mobile 7|: Middling
Orleans 6}; Mobile 6 11-16; Uplands 6};
Uplands 71-16.
The stock of Cotton was 612,000 bales,
of which 477,000 are American.
Manchester advices were favorable,
and prices were firm, with an increased
demand for goods.
Washington, Feb. 23.—Tho Senate
was engaged upon District of Columbia
business to-day.
In the House, several ballots for Prin
ter were made to-day.
Jefrces, tho Republican candidate,
was withdrawn.
Ball, of Ohio, a Republican, lacked
only one vote of election.
Savannah, Feb. 23.—Sales of Cotton
to-day 1,850 bales. The market was
steady and yesterday’s advance fully
sustained. Strict Middling at 10.;-till
cents. Sales of the week, 13,500 bales.
Receipts of tho week 16,500 bales,
against 9,000 last year.
Charleston, Feb. 23.—Sales ol cotton
to-day 2,600 bales. Sales of the week
13,001 bales. TJiero was a decline of}
(flit cent on Good Middling and lov q;
glad is during the week. Good Mid
dlings are quoted at llj(a)llj cts. Re-
o.-ipts of the week 16,000'baies.
New York, Feb. 23.—Salas of cotton
to-day 1200 bales. The market was
Loss of the Steamer Hungarian,
Halifax, Feb. 21.—Tho steamship
Hungarian is a total wreck. The crew
and passengers are supposed to be all
lost. But a small portion of her hull
only is visible at low water.
Nothing like news can be obtained
for the press, unless in the mail, a small
portion of which has been savffd in a
damaged condition.
One passenger ticket lias been found,
witli tho name of Ellen Skecham.
A despatch to the Cunard Steamship
Company, from Cape Sable, says that
tho steamer's lights were soen on Cape
Lodge at three o'clock on Monday
morning; at daybreak her spare and
pipe were standing; at ten o'clock they
were all gone. The ship settled fast.—
There was a heavy sea running moun-
tains high and breaking over the wreck.
Communication with the spot was im
possible. It is probable ail hands were
lost, unless the boats loft the ship before
day, whicli is unlikely.
A Denial.—Mr. Speaker Pennington
denies having had anything to do with
the payment of Mr. Clay's debts, and
pronounces the story lately started by a
correspondent of the Cincinnati Com
mercial, a fabrication.
Whereas, Death, the destroying an
gel, has again visited the socrea pre
cincts of our order, and taken from our
midst our friend and brother Francis J.
West,and reminded usagaiq that our so
journ upon this earthisofshortduration
—that all things perish,but the immuta
ble truths of omnipotence—that our
lives should bo so squared and plumbed
by the unchangeable Jaws of our heav
enly Father, that when called from
labor to refreshment we may be able to
work our way into that upper and bet
ter Temple, "not made with hands,
eternal in tho Heavens”—that our
id Master above may say, “well done
thou good and faithful servant, enter
into tho rest prepared for you from the
foundation of the world
Resolved 1st, That whilst we bow with
becoming submission to this afflicting
dispensation of Providenco, and sin
cerely lament the loss of our worthy
brother, we feelingly sympathise with
his afflicted and bereaved family;
Resolved 2nd, That a page of our Re
cords bound in mourning be oocu-
nied by this testimonial of respect to
he memory of our deported brother;
u . .. . Resolved 3rd, That we wear the usual
t0r\Ve call the attention of tho** lbadg0 ^ mour „ing for the spaoe of
who have promised to beoome members
or tho New Volunteer Company to tho
Notice in anothor column. In an en
terprise of this kind, it is important to
start right. Then let including
thoso who wish to join, bo present at
th» meeting to-night.
thirty pays;
Resolved 4th, That the Secretary fur
nish a copy of the abovo to the wife of
the deceased, and also for publication in
the “Rome Courier” and “Landmark Dan
ner it Baptist,”
W. J. Borden, 1
W. R. Bec*. 1 IVm.
BcTCMt JS, Wmuiltifl. t
C- J * T own, (Du *:
NO. 40.
Rognlar meetings, every WEDNESDAY
Officers—C. H. SMITH, N, G,'
THOS. J. PERRY, V. <*,;
R. T. HARGROVE, Secretary,
W. N. DUCKER, Treasurer*,
fcbOtrily.' „ , , .
y^Royal Arch Chapter.
Regular Meetings FIRST TUESDAY
NIGHT in each month.
D. J. SANDERS, Treasurer,
D. G. LOVE, Scc'y. febOtrity.
A Card to the Suffering*
Tho Rev. William Cosgrove, while laboring
as a missionary in Japan, wss cured of Con
sumption, when .all other means hsd failed,
’»y a recipe obtained from a learned physician
residing in the great city of Jeddo. • This re
cipe has cured great numbers who wero suf-
forring from Consumption, Bronohitis, Sore
Throat, Coughs and Colds, and tho debility
and nervous depression caused by these dis
Dosirous of benefiting others, I will send
this recipe, whioh I bavo brought home with
me, to nil who need it, free of charge.
Address Rrv. WM. COSGROVE,
230 Baltic street,
jan28-tw3m . Brooklyn, N. Y.
Davis’ Pain Killer.
No medicine is more prompt in, its action
in case of Cholera Morbus, Ac., than Perry
Davis’ Pain Killor. It is the acknowledged
antidote which seldom fails If applied in its
early symptoms... No family should be with
out a bottle of it always on hand.
The stain on linen from the. use of the
Pain Killer is easily rembved by washing
it in alcohol.
Davis' Pain Killer seems particularly effi
cacious in cholera morbus, bowel complaints,
and othor diseases to which the natives of
Burmah, from their unwholesome stylo of
living, are peculiarly exposed.. a valu
able antidote to the poison of Centipedes,-
Scorpions, hornets, Ac.
Rer. J. Benjamin, lqto Missionary in Burmah
Sold by druggists and all dealers in family
medicines. • feb4.
The Closing Years of Life are often
rendered wretebed by ailments which are
trifling in themselves and are easily cured if
taken in time. Affection of the liver,stomach,
and other organs concerned in digestion, are
tho most frequent. Thoy naturally makothe
sufferer nervous, irritable and complaining,
and relatives and friends are forced to. bear
tho brunt of their ill humor. The use of
Ilostcttor's Celebrated Stomach Bitters will
prove an efficient remedy for this evil, it will
not only strengthen tho wholo physical or
ganisation, but entirely cure tho. most obsti
nate cases of Indigestion, Diarrhoea, Dysente
ry, and Liver Complaint - The first physi
cians in tho country arc loud in their praise
of this preparation. Another recommenda
tion of tho Bitters is thatitis so palatable to
the taste that it may be used even as abever-
age. Sold by all druggists. febi.lm.tri.
' kinds of
are NOT SURPASSED by any offico in Upper
Persons wishing Pamphlets of any kind,
Bill Heads,
Blank Notes,
or other Job work will do well to give ns acall
and all kinds of
kept constantly on hand.
of tho MOST APPROVED STYLE, and are
now prepared to fill orders in this line.—
Blank Books,
Hotel Registers,
Steamboat and
Railroad Blanks,
. Bills of Lading,
Way Bills, &c.
A RRAGSMSNTS have been mado with
an exeollent Book Binder to fill orders
entrusted to our care. Persons hnving Mag
azines or Periodicals of any kind, Sheet Mu
sic, Law Books, or Books of any kind, they
desire bound, may be assured that it will bo
neatly done, and on reasonable terms, If en
trusted to our cate,
Terms Oaslx.
iillrogenlsc4 Superphosphate .
Of Lime.
Patented November 25, 1830.
TON, Ac.
TYRIOR TO the year V84T, Superphosphate
JL bad been made in England, by treating
burnt bonus with sulphuric acid, and by the
formation of sulphato of lime, thus abstract
ing one atom of, lime from the bones, 6 solu
ble phosphate had been formed. In 1847, J.
J. Mapes mode a series bf experiments, thus:
ho found, analytically, that Peruvian Guano
contained the neecssary elements for insu
ring the growth of plants, but not in the
right relative proportions to eaeh other. He
instituted a series of experiments, practical-
ly, by which he proved that one hundred
pounds of burnt bones, treated with fifty-six
pounds of sulphuric acid, thirty-six pounds
of Peruvian Guano, twenty pounds of sul
phate of ammonia, formed a mixture every
way superior to Peruvian Guano, and that
it would not excito tho soil, but would con
tinually odd to its fertility.
He had found that one barrel of blood,
fresh from the animal,'mixed with a cord of
organic matter, would, by fermentation, pro
duce a manure equal to a cord of well rotted
stable manure, lie further found that sev
enteen barrels of blood, when dried, would
make one barrel, and that blood could be
procured at coraparitircly little cost, in cer-
;aln sections; that it could bo dried by cook
ing and pressing so as to produce a dry pow
der, and by adding to tho above named in-
redients an equal weight of dried bullock's
lood, a manure is formed one hundred pounds
of which are epual in power and lasting ef
fect to one hundred and eighty-five pounds
of the best Peruvian Guano.
Since lie has offered his invention to tho
farmers of the country, some fifty companies
have imitated this article under various
named, and for tho purpose.of rendering it
uiar, have traduced Prof. Mapes and nil
elo, claiming to make that of a superior
quality. Every year presents new imitators
of this article, who manufacture an inferior
article, using the mineral phospstes as a ba
sis. instead of the calcined bones of animals.
Notwithstanding all this, the demand for
Mapes’ Nitrsgonised Superphosphate of
Lima has doubled.
Peruvian Guano contains an excessive
amount of ammonia, the only use of which
is to render water oapable of dissolving a
larger amount of the inorganio constituents
of the soil, or as sometimes called to act os
an excitant. The market gardeners of New
Utrecht commenced some years ago by using
two hundred weight of guano to the acre;
they are now compelled to uso twelve hun
dred weight of guano to produce the same
effect, and their lend is evidently impover
ished by its use, while those who baVo usod
the Nitrqgenised Superphosphate of Lime,
have steadily found their soils to be improv
ed, and instead of requiring more, they re
quire less fertilising material each year. And
this is particularly true of Tobacco and Cot
ton lands.
Among the advantages arising from the
le of Nltrogeniied Superphosphate ore the
following: It carries no weed seed to the
soil; it prevents rust, and insures the perfect
ing of plants; thus, when used on Cotton, the
bolls do not fall and. as by the experience of
Mr. Lomas, Col. Davis, and Col. Goodwin
and others, if gives a greater weight per acre
of cotton. For Wheat, it has steadily prov.
ed itself to be superior to the Peruvian Gu
ano; when in contact with seed, it does not
destroy it as' does tke Peruvian Guano; and
it supplies the deficiency of the Phosphate
of .Lime and othor ingredients; produced bl
excessive reaping of grain and andne pas
The reports of the farm of the inventor, of
tho Amerloan Institute, and committees of
other institutions, wh i have visitod it, altho’
it is manured entirely with this'fertiliser,
prove that no manure lias yot been used
which produces an equal amount prof'
Tbe American Institute have just a
thoir Silver Medal to Professor Mapes, for the
best fertilizer, after a most thorough investi
gation into the merits of all in the market
The subscriber has been appointed Sole
Agent in Augusta for the. sale of the above
fertiliser, and guarantee/ that its constitu
ents aro the materials stated aboTe, and no
thing else. Planters desiring miiro informa
tion, will please send for our Circular, con
taining testimonials, and tho articles by Dr.
Enderlin, which constitute the best treatise
an Phosphate evor written.
Price 850 per Ton in Augusta
J. A. Quimby,
No 1U3 Broad st., noxt door to the "Consti
tutionalist” office. jnnUtwiawAwtomarl
Merchant Tailoring Establishment,
*qme, ass
The Undersigned willbe
a'*-.■v-n7it--u i. if
On Monday, 9th ixist.,
and _wlli be glad to show . their friends
And Prices exceedingly
W# hops to reoeive the encouragement of the ciUtsns generally In Ihlz enisrpHse sud
met to compensate them in return ^
By Saving
Prices plainly marked in
For further particulara apply.ju( the ,Stoir«u-
ja«2-tf JONES, »COTt,.OMBKRG. A W.
. ,, • -*! ’• r-bn-dz -,.}
I I-,*-..., : X i," .WISDOM’S ri, qJ^Vlv
Buggies-,' Hacks' and ' Wagons,■ ■tivAi'ftr four
horse CoOChts orOmnibus,, with good- drivers, accommodate (balmy Stable. Traiucienfi
Horses, well fed and curried • for. 7S "yards, •
from Rome Railroad Depot. ' ».>-Vv»
sgons ft
J; H. W.
"Costar's” Rat, Roach, Ac. Exterminator | addition to Jibe certificates beneath,_Ke_hat
Tho entorprising proprietor of
Chestnut Grove . Whiskey,
(The Purost Medical Agent ever known,)
has furnished the commuuity a Stimulant,
Pure, Healthful and Invigorating, at tbe
same time a mild delicious beverage. It is
calculated to do away with the vile drugged
■tuff that is palmed off on tho community,
and which is injurious to body and mind. In
Costar's” Bed-bug Exterminator.
"Costar's” Eleotric Powder, for Insects, Ac.
Rats, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Ground Mica;
Bed Bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fless,
Insects on Plants, Insorts on Animals, Ac.,
Ac., in short, svery form and species if
10 Years established in New York City—used
by the city Post Office, tho dily Prisons and
Station Houses, the oity Steamers, Ships, Ac.,
the city Hotels, “Astor,” "St. Nicholas," Ac.,
and by more than 20,400 private families. .
Drhggiats and Rstaiierseverywhero sell them
Wholesale Agents in all the laree Cities, -
Regular sizes, 25e. its. and $1 Boxes, Bottle,
! 1! BswareI I! of spurious imitations. Examine
each Box, Bottle and' Flask, and take noth
ing but “Costar’s.”
81,00 Boxes sent by Mail.
33. A ti Boxes for Plantations, Hotels, Ao., by
Address orders—or for "Circular to Dealers”
Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y.
Sold by Farrll A Yxisxn, Wholesale and
Retail. Romo. Go. fob2trlSm.
Buena Vista Banksi
t supply of the shove named plaster, kept
X. constantly oh hand and for sals by
Roms, G»., Kov, 18,dm.
received a Diploma from the STATE AGRI
CULTURAL SOCIETY, and additional testi
mony from DR. JACKSON, of Bolton, un-
k S.—Horeeli, Buggies and
sole.] .
Van Wert ftnari
rpilE subscriber hoi on ’ hind‘'about'
X squares of Roofing State, of - ell<
ix dollars per square at thi
Price, six dollars per square at the-’uunri
cash, or will make - liberal TIME arrange
ments with contractors, or will contract for
putting it on in the best style. ^ • . jliyr
Wert, SL
der oath to its absolute purity,
Philadelphia, Sept. 9th, 1806.
We have carefully tested tho sample of
Chestnut Grove Whiskey whioh yon sent us,
and find that it contains none of .the Poison
ous substanoe known as Fusil Oil, whioh is
the characteristic and injurious ingredient of
tbe Whiskeys in general use.
Analytical Chemists.
New York, Sept, id, 18S8,
I have analyzed a Sample of Chestnut
Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. Charles
Wharton, Jr„ of Philadelphia, and having
carefully tested it, I am
it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious
substances. It is an unusually pure and fins
flavored quality of whiskey,
.. . Analytical Chemist.
Boston, March 7th, 18JS.
I have made a chemical analysis of com
mercial samples of Chestnut Grove Whiskey,
which proves to be free from the heavy Fusil
Oils, and perfectly nitre and unadulterated.
The fine aevor of this -Whiskey ii’ derived
from the Grain used in manufacturing it.
A. A. HAYES/M. D., State Assayer,'
No. 16, Boylston Street
For Sele by
C. WHARTON, Jr., Sole Prtn. Agt.
febOtrllm] • No. 14* Walnut fit,' Phil.
Herring’s Patent Ghampion
Fire & Burglar Proof Safes.
PROOF LOCKS, tho same that were
awarded separate medals at the World's Fair
London, 1881, and the World's Fair, New
York, 1843, and aro THE ONLY American _ „ ,rdedm8d ‘ u *‘ u,#I,,,n - Bell, Pace, Lavender & Qo.,
These Safes form the most perfect security
against Fire and Burglars of any Bafes-evsV
offered to tho pnblic.
81,000 REWARD
Will -be paid to any person that can show
that a Herring's Patent Champion Safe ever
failed to preserve its contents in an acciden
tal Fire.
S. C. HERRING A CO.., Manufitoturers,
251 Broadway, cor. Murray .st-, New York,
and 62 and 41 Oravior st., N. O.
Auknth—B. W. Knowles, Richmond, Vou
R. F. Lester. Petersburg. Vo.; Rowland
Brothers, Norfolk, Vo.; J. JL Thompson A Co.,
Lynchburg, Vo., J. R. Blossom, Wilmington,
N. a, W. Herring A Son, Atlanta, Go., La
Rocha A Bell, Savannah. Ga^ J. M. A B. F.
Reed, West Point, Ga., Holmes A Co., Char
leston,8. 0. Janl2—tw3m
Lights! Gas Light!!$
Gas] madejfrom Common. ;
‘ - ■ PINE WOOD! : a
•’ i-’-rttrr'it C-Vio w -
- -MT. U. MAGILL * CO*
Builders, of Oak 'Apparatus for making Oat
from. '■Wood.
rpHE subscribers are now prepare jlo'bnild
X and furnish Gass-Apparatus for cHtes,
villagHtowns, pufillo Sndprivato.buiidiqgs,
. .Hramim
3m another source.' . , ,
Persons wishing to zee tbe Wood Gas
Works ln-opporatien, can,see them at Grtdy;
Niebolson-A Go's., Col. Jlampicnd'a .or-nfc
Ware's in Athens; Ga. * . ■
^SuAll kinds of ass ; and Steam fitting
done to order. .1 ,KtW , .vB>3 h.^4->*4
All kinds of Gas and Steam fittings
constantly on hand, for lighting and hcatlflg
wit. q.
, , , rr ,. aMD
Ordeft sent through the Post Office, or oth
erwise, will be ptmothmUy attended to. fe'tifa
Rome; Ga. W. O. MAGILL AGO.- t
1. a. boss,
novStMy. '
A Tifoeiy Notice.
A LL those who are indebted to me, cither
by Note or Account, must pay up be-
iturn day, or they will be sued. My
dual books most he settled.
lore re'
. • ; raan YOOi.
TlffOST respectfolly Invito the attention of
large and varied stock of Goode, whlih will
be complete by the 1st of 'February.
Garden Seeds.
QF all Usds and .j^flRtle* warranted to
milE subscriber, desirous of keeping up
X With tliiwnnts ofthe eemtanoity, h»Vh
recently increased their fhcllltics for-. furnWi-
leg Limber ef all Bto WgBf
W for building nod ettjer erdlnary P «rpo*s.
The Lumber fs Inferior to none and to filr-
nlshed ou os reasonable terms as chh be hsd
anywhere 13. this section. ' -. ■» 1 JLfL
All the Labor
abeuHhe MUIto|W4brined by white men*--
the timber need and machinery is not excell r
cl. and nil bills, for lumber will be PROMPT
LY tad ACCURATELY fiHodt; •
are .regularl^fetni>fn%d to- ltauf fumbe
Romo and other DWcto, and contl
made for lumber delivered.
but reasonable d'fc'dil' Wl be given' o
lumber.ltiglL- -,
, We *re tliUiitfbl for the 1
heretofore Bestowed and rrspectftil! a
continuance of tho same.
fthe kind that will sprout, for sale
TURNLEY, Ns.3 Che'--•’ — ’v «