Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 28, 1860, Image 1
f =*=* ' gsxotk l^pds : ~ ,7 ' ,T - TrT —■' T .i" nf> ' t .... P" 11 ■•■•■■■' j^SLJu. *f 2 % !‘:^ !■’ v- .• V *'*• .fnii.j ni .• i ’i + vr.jJM^\et W3tobi^iir. '„ *iiJ wortiJ l JfH ,nT»i!A!?Mo1tv| K'jinJq.’na {’tvc-urn* ~ ■L ^ V : ,j! v)*v..oi»! .<,f otLg^gAn^k^jutt^i^noo biuomxnj ^ y r.l-'I»JiliA ..VM ItYfVKlT ,<>m i.-ii> 1 ; 1 ‘’ <, » "mwitJti:.i.. a n fj:tKi<ta M A'rot^t>OM ^tiaioC i«Im*T d -.Wivovbf •(II(.Di)-‘.;»-ij!t!.io xoAVtouiotlJ jort t-rob )#i() ‘ low^L* si x^ae!*!* 1 * 0 '*” -Uli-fiJal l\ ■ Ar. • i-l'i i>" ; 1a. hj^qjmcr r inf ' iwjn jr * Itrii^iT.^THUR* By Id* DWINELLi > AT' FOUR DOLLAR'S] A" YEAR/ V, U Inrarinbly in advance. '.*4."■ > rrrrr —, 'Terms df Advertising in Tri-Weekly. -rrtrt ; tow'uw*.'.'• 7. \ v >;’jQne insertion..-.*.....)•(•• *i»fw} e.r ■- Two insertion*. ~W» Eo,oh additional in«»rticm,..,«».i...O,W alHC *One Month,.-....... .....i,00- Two Month*.......a...,;.. <—.—.8,00 ,Throo Months,;...u— T;50 {■: r: Six Month*....... — JO.OO; Twelve Mon the...... «*• ..#•.•••#! o»00 J '. ‘ Vllberal dile’onnt will be made to thine •whosdrortifisflSrgorsmonnts.^ ' 'OhHuarieii of rtinro thun'flVe lines charged ,^ho siirne as advertisements.. .'.. .1 . ' rrt Notices af Marrbev* W. D*sA*.'wf ex ceeding Fixe Linos-inlength,me published rratnitously in the Fourier. The friends of the parties sro requested to sen-l in.those no tices accompanied with .a responsible name ( and they will be published with pleasure. FIRE OrtWtoityoWil&w York. This a>m«Kni«inti(|ff3G>ift<gsgainat On the most favorable termk Fully, the Losses i tun.l-.lny* Andnotpro rats’ As.-- - « WM. CIIAUNCEY, "Fres't," Jae. K. Oaklky, - ‘- Pnn.o Jleen; <■■ •. »•• Seo’y,' -> .*»*<» ’ Vice Prks’t” '■ B- F, JONES, Agent, Rome!*’ 'nor'2.T-8r 1,.—.— i.„ s.i.>-:< lir'-i:: ^Tf* •il*A ' FOR NEW YORK. i,;,; .-;•</ FARE REDUCED, Freights and, Passage as Low as by i ■, i, r i •: * any other Steadier. «* ^ ,CABIN PASSAGE,, he Spi#?dM 'f!d ?lrofc3aioi)qI GeSrd^t- a, d. nssrsT. .... . . .• scow, HARVEY At SCOTT, ATTORNEYS AT L A \f» .ROME. GA. OME. ,. , ..... • • • . A- DTANCES ol money hsd upon good oleims left for oollectioa. me, June I.ttIT- .j.., ,., , ’ X. n. H.4.U6ROVE, • ATTORNEY AT i LA W. ROME. * A rr. T-.t Aj • - - «A. Orrrcr.—Oror Fort A HargroTs's new store. .’AUbhlr •••■ -J • By the Splendid and Commodious SIDE ff.«4Sftall.' Florida, 1,200 « Isaac Cirwell, Alabaua, 1,800 “ “ G. R. Schetck, >Stnflti]is btlMKAi# fibTtHZ gQ ft- ihB farortto- 1 iiS, known • as the “NtfjriYork and Savannah Steam'Naviga tion Company,” and in comfort,...nccommOaS- 'lloHs' and Fare, cannot-hr excelled. They are commanded by experienced, skillful and polite officers., ... x /« - ZA 5 r JOHN R. WILDER A GALLiE, • Agents Savannah. RAM'L L. MITCHELL A SON,. ju!2(L—tr; O O Agents, New York. ,, _J. .A. GHAIIAM* Proprietor. ftE ;>^GU'liAB^AGE /PFPICB..'; ^Th/irelt aLiyery Stable kept,}n ybnneotiob GEO. T. STOVALL, f ‘ J ATTORNEY AT L A Yf, BOMB - - - Vt’-iV ' ' ' °‘V gsyf.1? pfastics in the eonnties of Cherokee so T. A-EI.. T Aoskaiilf'l fllitlkSn* htoro , 1 .THOB.iJrf YERDERYyj • r -^A^TbRNE Y-’AT LA4V,' ti ATTPUNEY, A,T L A W. , .S'•’.C*Vi>. Brant attention siv$n to eolleqting and ae- oxring olflinvln jUppar Geowia^-; Jfebi H ” i. s^naawooa.. . « a^- sritr. SOERtYOOD A SMITH, 4. w. n. VS ^yX^JV^E I-S. AlT. Prsctics .In Unnyr IlA-W.- . . ?-. GA. ! Georgia t fluo in the Federal Distrifct Court of Marietta jan20*0P-ty „ , „ * * C. II. SMITH, N OT A R Y PMf B L^ C- Commissioner of D?edi for Alabama end Tennessee r angS. T. W. ALEXANOER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0A -1 feblO’ST W. B. TERHVNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME OA. Orrica—In City Hail Building. apr*-1 r * J. B. W. NOWLIN, M. D„ ROME. GEORGIA. ■ SWr-Offlco over Drug Store of NF.WMAN *|NOWLIN.| feb211rily.. "^Dr. E. A. WARE, practicing; PHYSICIAN, __ Ten miles west of ooti'i#—ly ROME, *OA,.‘ WM. FAUELL, M. D., ROME OA. OrricE—In the old Tost Office. aprl’W~~ — H. H. PENNY p’ GENERAL COLLECTINO AGENT, CA VS SPRING, GA. Sept. T, ’SL-toiS-tjr. sps Offies kt J. A WhlteheEds’ C - * L: ' " l1 " B. J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Rome, Ga. And all kinds ef Produce, and Heavy Goods, botoal insurance .. COMPANt. <5. H. STILLWELL, Boc’y. July** c7w.lahqworthy .. . ..\»orisso».or ffflfpiANO, ORGAN -**waaMMfr frit. H. W, X*AH oWORTHY eiiJ^SWYOOAL MUSIC %aM6WATMIGHT, 8U. AUGUST,-A«, S . 1«« it.ttmrn - . ad Floor 'of ,rott A Troemaa’* Block. jSI-Ssision, five raoathe—TerTna^ti^per GirorpiJJ Manufactures—Oeorgia's Strength THOS. P. STOVALL & CO„ Of Augusta, Geo. XYTOULD respectfully invito the attention V y of Merchants to their heavy.-Stock of 4-4 SHEETINGS, ^ Cotton Til As manufactured by the MONTOUR COM PANY. These Goods will compnro fayorahlv with ang made in the South, and we will sell at such VERY LOW rales, as to under Sill Northern bought domestics. TIIOS. P. STOVALL 4 CO. General Commission Merchants, Augusta Ga. jan.11. JOIljf T. SMITH, ,,, wmi I Geo. W. & Jehial Read, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS; t awd'Stfji#' , add^ Paris style BonnetSj Flowers UMBRELLAS, PABASOLB. Ap., 120 Chambers and 50 Warren Streets., NEW YORK', *’ , V 4tli and &th Streets above the Aster House. jnn2V—trdin W OULD.nntify the Trade that they are opening Weekly, in now and bcauti- terns, the DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG, A Co. DRY GOOD MER 80 and 82 Cfylmiers fit. '• tlfy Wei ful patterns, WAMSUTTA PRINTS, Alsd the AMOSKEAG, . ; A New Print, which excels every Print in the country for perfection .of execution anil de sign in fttll Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper then any in market, and meotlng with cxtcnslre salo. Orders promptly at tended to. FebVfWhfruy. COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO, ‘ -^SUCCESSORS TO— 1 ’ ’ ants. Faclort & (tamfatssloB ntcfr ...... - CENTRAL WHARF, ” " CHARLESTON, fiOVTHCAROLINA; ns HENRY L. JEFFERS,}Charleston, S. O. September.7,—ly. VERANDA; imf-Ji'i! House ETOWAH HORSE, bomb,. - GA - L.PtTHOMASfPro’r. (Late of Eatonton Hotel,) Txx SUge Offices are kept at this. House, and ty'.is Depot, . , jan5 inn GRAHAM HOTEL, * ! OAVE'SPHING. 'GA;' DAVID G; IiOtE NOTARY PUBLIC, PENMAN, TT., .1. Stliin«s-6|rts fCABO , X Nwl J MU! Villi l/lllO-) j 3860, litn*** :»4i v»l fit);j4))oiy»{f9l ni. ! -diL-oF. orfl ey.aorittvL i «i i I kin -nil aoil j ifil lfec«*i<i r.itl fimjii -iJiitit ol rcriil ivt— .. BONNETS rMfilgmyi’; HRS. H J. SIJMMERHAYS, ■\TQVf -IN NEW,.YORK, HAM JUST BR- i-v 9*‘r»4 for Bonnets, and. Oh ding the liys much larger and the stylc qniteJtfierenVs^eimeis .it in-1 'cnmheiif npob he/fitS Inform ’'title. Ladies' of. Rom* Uo!& Aclhfty, iPt&l4 l flWls« 5 ^ rt,, ®' 1 . r ‘"l Tf any oa'e’dellres'a Bonnet of tha 'BjiHng; style before the return of M».'S:i wlth ; hir Spring supplieij on the receipt of An onlur,; Aho will ssad.hP ExpWMAhorswnu(ip«iafc : Order* ttkv be left ★ith ; Misl8iiuk'VPiL'q- shSos, at the 8t*tvtn‘taf6)i>, of’ r ssnt direct to, < MBS. M. J. SUMMERIPAVh. 1 »• fsblltritf. 51 East Broadway,'N. Y;I« ,T!;v ji'v. 1 1,i-J tn'tT'St'ffvf' veil ff Ws -^Mgire.'th HibNtNiat pkpgtgfiNSgi -Chin*,-tie fallowing nbtitSO, Usued ' -hy tour. Minister to that empirt, Hon. John i&'Wordr /V"- {•> •*»' vuiiidn' bn* l t\ j I ^ 'WheroAs, atteaty ofninmity anifeoin- ew mil in^ebbotweih tile United Slates of •grf? America' and the Tk-Tsing Empire was Ar * vi " I, entstn, whidll 'treaty his been itil- " th^ErmWentoUI^V of Chihkj’tfiid' thi ratifications beeh -dully exchanged.!) j Therefore, be.Jt,known,that dhU; trea ty is now published-for the general in- formatioU-aUdgahkoftedifna j whom It Uavixi''itswTirtr-''J r ‘ * >r nl&pjft wattcm STEWART & WATTERS,' CITY AUCTIONEERS.. - W ILL sell at Aurtlon hn' Comlhlsstoii', Lands, Negroes,-HUMes.Groceriii, Dry Goods, Books,:Fttrniture,'or snyother artiel that ‘ ........ xtS , will be duly cared for, and made.- ! A. J» BEARDEN, AMBftOTYrPl.ST* -IVIM ■! .'V 1 jan.11.18C0;. ROME, QA. t? I? WU| [THiy. REKOyAJ.! ; ' * M-G14BE & .m-I V* rn * . t J «*x*J * r - fHfSONr H AV&,Bc W vod;w.thdr nsVJtbullding first floor below the Drug Store « sas-i\sssj?shjats«i: and the publio generallj. jan3-trilAwtf rsrrj g!if MANUFACTURERS OF A DEALkRs In Saddles, Bridleg ;) /^JL‘ nni-'And Harntte^^® J" BROAD ST., 1 ROME, GA; TfEEPtconstantly on hanid' k large and em.n ((! .(.• Carriage, Harness and Saddle ebnoiit Mi ffJQWaWWBdboIo- j >.d r- (jAWhogTyatoekof.BOOT-AND: SHOE SSP^Sir rnvm?#* All of.which wo offer VERY! CHEAP for CASH or to Prompt Paying Customers. . We can be found at the old standqf W. II. White, L doors below Tornley a Bakfcr* Drug ' ’ ijfttfjfilOl ’f.i--.ll :i:ir. • t beentf,l>tw»iwiHly<iWxpeIlf<i || MuAlMM in Canada, but ihey hnye '[er^hdu^lM thorities of thsH I grand jury 'last . fall l wreelarU«M,S barofpaMhiaWb and nofflta^H ertaken citizens of tb« JJidMd States i or visiting this Emp^.to^b- ulations, and thereby prombti hereby promote the nmi- 1 now existing between the; twonatToni. immrtlltjm ';tii Ol 4 *;rn rh' At all the ports! open to : oomtntree, a6 many wifdl if V, suit hue nf^tilw nr ««vi onus Itlir 1)00 lljiw V.*7S Consisting’of _ Sugar, Cdflbo* Salt, Molasses, Nails, Negro Kerseys, Blankets, ‘j’ Linseys, Negro Shoes, Stripes Shirtings, Osnabnrgs, mayl8-ly. Factory Thread, Ac., Ae. I DEN1A8TRY. ; Dr. J. T. pnaifg,,; ; v, I t now 'permanently located in Homo, uitd lm» tnkrn rooms over Fort A HnrgrOVe's ttorti^aiDOT tvlicro he will be pleated to receive -the calls of thop' who may require his professional services. . , •,* .... .ii . . He would also stale that hs is prepared to Insert srlifieisl teeth*, on .vulcanised .rnbbcr, which nuporcceding all othat Mylesiof work, now made, combining as U ideas, lilGHTNES^V • r* * >|ii) A Pleasant Degree 1 of BlMtleltp Cleanliness , ^u»af s ^‘ ** All work performed at Newport j majtt4-T)f?' * « fR - , i f 41,i trnaaA Clothing Manufactured Oh Commission. * ^ARTIES purchasing their goods ia the JT piece, can have them mads up in* any style, and of any assortment o( sties, at a charge of ten nercen). on “ ': The subscflMrwiyuigiL ence in ths business, with i for the manufacture of eztn Clothing,ean offetfgreat' who prefer ordering r ~ them reitenife _--^v References: _ 'TC Mosirsi." «ry. ATa.' deoil—-las LONGSTREET, BRADFORD dr CO, M, so ohaihbers Nt., A 60 RCade St., Between Broadway and Churokak, . NEW YORK. r. v. i.osasTRsiT, a. r. sradvord, a. a. wslls. J. r. oiliest. fob2—tw2m tiios. j-rskhr, V/i.Jjl. yL g^uMiXis. Lard, Flour, iimS.'a^fiivJvi'ees^ Wo tors, mg, to .receive a liberal sbsrssf'patronage*-! Our motto will be quiak sails and short pro fits. Give us a cull before buying.elsewhere, Rome, Aug.'Si, 'Sfi.tC 'iilhl Hil l BSOTSi A(T»,; wet;, 'a*snaaf««;' ROME GAv- u; ” 'Vt T — . The Suhsi-'Hlwr'is.siipplicil with atlne lot of extra FRENCH CALfrPA- TENT LEATHER; and all other materials „ for Gentlemen’s Dress Boots & Shoes. lie employs the best of Workmen and ‘ i posted on the latest feihioni Genteel FitS akd Work warranted. Thankful for past favors he hopes to .rSr ceive a continuation of patrohaga In this branch Affcenta Industry. ^ J aug25—ly P. A. OMBEftG. SHORT CREDIT LOWS VAtiaW8TO,"-U‘t WHITEHALL STREET, W respecUUly inform our friends and ATLANTA, - - : e - OBOBGIA^ ■KTOTLD respectfully Invito the eitisen, of i*t and Jannaty 1 v£xcvf\tje Confectionaries, Cigars. Ac. COUNTSV MERCHANTS arepsrtleular- ly invited to give him a call, for lie will sell to them at a low price, for oath. '' - " He has, also, on handa la lira stock of CON- FECTIONARY of his own manufacture, su perior to any in the -Ity. , nov2»-ly. Toy»xUtlM'lpm«<r CLANs - jw&mm purchasou the house now oceu- s Ma/Mary P.'Whltakw. it will ^ G F'^ R ?,^Y ATEI) J ’? ,i ..... hod, and will be oponrd for tbo.fcccomniedstioti Of boarders by 'EM sub- scribor. on the First of January, 1880. ton i-iLoiiw (Vnagt T"-'-weeto'" 1 Sffil - .Wood, Lights and Washing, win ho Turn! ifdL!A.8aAto;S*i|A. '• deolti-tf. rr,. - !-■ ■ I'*: f" ARB'SEitlNG OFF Tfftijli Fjoi'f^ wiam *!•«*», ■ „MV,;.Ar- )b i-<tr. /hj REDUCED PRICra. TLe Ladlei wlii ^o well to glve them 0 they wish articles in theih Tin«Gheai os' wit* V >.»n T'.irj i*n‘- ao^ii Schedule t ijm- iv rniiow Rome sU> Kingston. N'andkiter Thursday, December lit, the >1 Iwsv# dfdly,M>01 «:slooki , returning to Rome 4i P. M., excepting idays, when it will return «8 p. M’. " - ’ '* .Ssoond tralp.wilUeqve.Rpsmjit Bio'etoek,. r)iw ») oilisilvk; ;iuair: q,J I-,Wirm.Vl^fA/Of- wan on Formosa, in too province ol Fun- Jdwi, Will-ba opsned to Atiforiekh cdm ce, and for.Ameriesststp rostohiliyltk bn * ‘<tee,«t ftMikiiiti^t dKiiauMiMi r .-State* In,-Shanghai, tbis eighth »-] day ftt^oy»mb8r, AmuO, oigh- bna »^nlW!firo4 a»d.M»aM»lnfe ,J»d •li ft.iw Jonx E. Ward, • Envoy Gxtrpordinary and Minister V MoqipotoRtipry:0!frtoiUl»<!l*dStatoL x Attosts, „ . ... " ... ;i» fr -’w. Wl 1 ^fUBUSGrtBNfaf 16i^k^o‘ti Excitement bW 1 the ' EqunlUV of .Ike ;.J 1 .vw.-SoldK 0TO9* ’i* ■'‘ob- It- Us now' insistetT that a fr6ttuii»' ! bks Abo rlgbV. of Bpoajdng first.„ And ^rhetbkr sha bf» a right stajon “ ‘ * vet definitely settled vontared snopibiotithat awotaan who loves, unsought deserves thesoom of ‘« WP,«hh5>VfW.?!... ?«t JHo - - - T? rho! ituy - Hid ^ hum who pennod that never see another hPWH-* ¥Wu«W.WW!!i di»Bled n «tos nsMtf erer ptoss his moustache, and the fal grant tbnt his dicky strihg* break short oflf «iery ^prnipg.r May nq .woman’# heart loom to boat faster— exoept. with * ** ‘ “ ‘ ” " tion of his always nerves quave were brewing Tti it. tnaiy no hare nothing in his chamber blit bodt heals, and see nM opeinohiwf muslin or -eali* op I leMtef - MV) low unasked 1 Ql with a truo-hearted man this worn, methinks, be the reason of reasons why hd should love her. She »yes tohim her Whole heart—for’- in those thibfik women docs not work by halves—mot i aratitttde, boc*UW be had I 1 it of .her; but became—beqat^ser me l it Will take more of: a pbUoi than I iwn td Accdunt foi^ th6 undeii: er >4 Stationer j a ni-ioP&lc.^0Ji^G >&A> *>i •i-l'oru,a I pas or the- Holidays. ’ Merchants am iftteS 1 of purchaser* rnsptotfollysolMUcd. ' -'- ," TerttAS 6aEli^ ' * Jenfc-lwljr' ■’ het--"•>-;vi ot uid--!. yii-nii in -eiPr .lUur’-i hotfoot respectablo authorstorj andighre it with- out oommeatvrfimiiMtci 1 ii« tion.(’ skyk •’^fihatoFBrtgl^, i days’consideration, h*S named s;r:|.*^g; in favo“°of ‘ ywr hut ■ 1-o.i J ilos L :tt tpi ssp.--«SS™,‘EK , SaSi Senatorial caucus, and for. ths, purpose of -preparing resolutions'upon . which the Democratic parly should stantT-m HU. ■party, it Will hitheT WmlUde U. MEim|)n\.«fi<0harleston, or compel.’l .to abandon -squatter sovemlgnty.. o.-t ' g qi 1 ) -ni iiLff oitizen of Nsiw indignation—« the mention of name,' and - may his stockings alk need darning. 1 And whem bis: bei fact, that women -sometimes: love the horrid ogeaturegpolled men.” ; .p. Ft J V fTTiaTr*" Difincs.—. . rnctiiil c.-, nii.I Ik-.s Inf-McGnlhi AH to execute nil oiieratlonsappertaiuing to Dd tlstoy, In thomos^spjwwedimeiHtor.^ .^,JI U»ut,, etrth.tli and llf.Uka .m.c.wncel I they are notiurpaassd. ’ As an ImpreadonhaJ boon made that my-ipriesk for dental- opera- itlans am higherthan the usual ten oflia- Wfr yw thstUisy ws thMMN*| gKpmin ja new class of srtiolea ihare bsMn liissr-' ted tin the. -FremiUm IisVTiXrfor Uie ,9oni::rn<-ts9a fwiiiJ sib To wo I (SI , “,-. ca hU 0 h' sdvor pttcMr,,...,.,.f2 it iron cannon, silver pitcher... 2 i -«it , wtswiEknv«'h8iS»':.^. ! .;:<.f.w 5 vB«Mr*Utoi snmr'dau^K-^i.^.qx^ilb |IHhkss.i>..ii,spd,iw.ilAt mpMiii.! Black iisvillaGdurier charges-Gov. iBissfitl, of Illinois;vdtii-oonnhnn^At theeScape ‘ ~ or of CfSb the 8thinst; GoV.’ Bfeseliafftoi linuabMndness^dninliiilit^igiWfcr hPlCrto tbo SocKjOarjr.qf^^ for |he gSSkwM- - lurtesy. But mark the sequel. ifSollj '(Mf’itH’fitMd ImhHhe'tiay viqus, bad despatched;« an order to U — ri&Mw ha wOUkl fill up ‘ formed qf .the A ' ofthfri ■uw uhp. bad him token te The Courier e*y# there:..'. > about thomatter,. . •with find atlastlefchOr loomi notretfirri, and her frie to trace hsrto the ofl or dentist; Theanxiety of he had raoched an alarming 7 th inst,', whendt was i liered by the receipt . containingan announcement 'o ntorringlimitketstinst., with a young nMn MJfcrtsGtdenwich. We suppose thi* is the Rhode Island Remedy for the er:iiil qgrn qe«M )iiilwj(ii* ni ft las isiWi ni*' '1 °1 NEWMAN A NOWLIN, P.L.TURNLY, J. a BAKER. ..... i*js3— twswlm ti til> .Mil ,ti Mercer and Nnskanock Potatoes. T?OR pleating, the finest kind. Jott'rsealv- J: «d *t Ne. 3 Choite Hnusa, by febi* TURNIET. Temnorwy'iet^Upprr and L PaMuAdotoki ptsportkm to I As lass weU-postod in all thelatoldtpiW*- ■ mshu Of the day, J feel confident that I era i the i Ross, Sept. It, 1»5' tohfitslug A % Mt'RrHy. .*5)5 -.I to remain without, I NUhrhmnttUri UtUe «r*aA lotf«»^* riH young, wk tneo growing in this way the el-shelf of a room is a veH