Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, April 26, 1860, Image 3

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■s '^thal th Otouvitt. Thursday Morning, Apnl 20, 1800, itb Joseph Wai.kkh is Agent for this payer in Charleston, 8. C., and as authorised M make contracts for Advertising, receive noney and givo receipts. eerSEE first and fourth i*a-. GES FOB INTERESTING READING MATTER. -• ‘ g©-Rev. J. E.,Ry erson, will preach at thh Baptist Chur'ch" on next Sunday, at the uSuaLhouV.-c , : Latest | News. l"STEN11UIt0KK’S Exit IUITIOK, ’Tllis magnificent Panornmawiiich"has been on Exhibition jibe past three t night8 at the City Hall, is one ot .the' finest specimens of art that:it has ever been our pleasure to witness; The scenes represented are softie in which the'hand of nature and of art have rendered most striking and sublime. Go lovers of Nature, you will be de lighted with the granduer of the scenery portrayed. Lovers of Art, you will be charmed with its'truthful coloring, its glorious perspective and its matchless accuracy. Lovers of money,you will re joice that you can have so much in terest for your fifty cents. Any one who allows these splendid paintings to leave the city without seeing them, will have lost that ‘‘joy forever,", which a thing of so much beauty is. calculated to inspire- The eye ifrnot the only organ that is charmed. The movement of the Pano rama is accompanied by the soft strains of a Melodcon ; and Master Antonio’s performances qn.tlje Piano, are truly wonderful for a child of only ten years of age. The different views are ex plained in a very lucid manner by-Mr, Grace, the agent and manager. The Panorama will be on exhibition to-night.' How to Secure tux Return or Let tcrs not Cillid roR.—-Thousands of letters misdirected or never called.for at the post-office annually find their way to the dead letter office at Wash ington—a bourne frdm whioh very few misguided missives eve* ret.urh, Tho law, however,, recently enacted, pro vides a way foif tho return of .letters to their writers. It is lawful ito request tlip Postmaster at, tlio office to whichr tho letter is directed, to return it unless called for within . thirty days, and when this request is made, it becomes fieduty of the Postmaster td r* tarn It to the writer without expense'Io hirii,— This request can be printed on the flap of the envelope, and would read os fol lows: . i ' ' ’ * '; Postmiuitef of' Please return to the undersigned un loss called for within thirty days. (Signod) - ' Tho arrangement will commend itself to business ineit who have un extended correspondence,' and without doubt be generally adopted. C@“The amoqnt of money in the U. 8. Treasury subject to' draft, is nearly $7,000,000, or an inorease of upwards of 1 ,alf a million dollars over the stun on and at the close of the previous Week. _ -Three hunters from Kansas, says jo-tit. Louis “Bulletin,” lately return ed from a month’s hunt on the - Arkan sas river, bring with them the skins .of three hundred and seven wolves.' An other party of twelve, In two months’' time, secured over two thousand 'shins. The skins are worth one dollar apiece,' CffirTho bleached remains of the etni- 5 rant party massaored at the Mountain. leadowin Utah,, have been collected into a single grave, und a stone monu ment, conioal th form, fifty' feet in height, now morks the,spot where they rest. This is sui-paounted by a cross oj red cedar, twelve feet in _ height,, pit whioh is carved the following inscrip tion : “Vengende Is mine, I willrepay, salth the Lora." On the base of the monument stainds a granite slab, into whioh arij cut tho words: *’ Hepe ,120 men, wothen, and children were massa cred in cold blood, early in September 1 , 1867. They were from Arkansas,"- The National Democratic Convention. Charleston, April24.—The Conven tion met at 10 o’clock this morning and was permanently organized, by the elec tion of Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Massa chusetts, as President., together with thirty-three Vice Presidents and thirty- threo Secretaries—one for each Stata in the Union. Amotion was made to-amend the rules so as to give each delegate the priv ilege of voting as he plensed. Oh this a lengthy discussion ensued. Tho rea son given for this amendment was that several of the delegations are bound to abide thedeeision of the-majority. The amendment to the rule, was adopted by Choir, delivered a most impressive ad dress, whioh was replete with patriotic, msorvative sentiments, i vast' assemblage glis- tears, as the speaker referred in eloquent terms,, to the patriots of the past ( while his reference to thh words oh the scrqll'in the hand of the statue of Calhoun, thrilled every hearer with .emotion. '• The’Convention was much more order ^anffharmonioUB to-day than on Mon- . $he Committee' bn the Platfqrm was appointed by the several delegations, and is composed'of one delegate from each State. - ■ • ■ A resolution was adopted, that the Convention adopt a platform before pro ceeding to make the nominations. All resolutions are to:be referred to the Committee on the Platform. ' Judge Meek, of Alabama, offered the resolutions which were adopted by the Democratic Convention of that State.— They were referred to the Committee the Platform. The Rome Courier, Weekly & Tri-Weekly, PRICK GREATLY REDUCED, * ’3 For Cash invariably in advance. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. ' CLUB RATES WITH THE Southern Cultivator The Largest, Cheapest & Best mfM In tho South, TO CLUBS OF FOUR THE "Weekly Courier" and “Southern Cultivator” Will be sent for one year at the • exceedingly low prices of Two Dollars and Fifty cents, The Georgia delegation is quite har monious, although somewhat embor- assed by their large number. The Committee on Credentials has not yet reported. Tho general opinion is, that the Wood delegation, from New York, will be excluded. iJSertate i To-day. Congressional. WAsniNaloN, April 23.—The proceedings were unimportant Adjourned until Thursday.; In the House, Messra. Avery, of Ten nessee, and Jones, of Georgia, made speeches on the subject of slavery. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, mado a speech oq a Protective-tariff. Later from Havana'and Mexico. New Obi-ans, April 23.—The. steam ship Cnhawba, with Havana dates to the 20th inst., arrived ltere to-day. The Captain General has sent a Com missioner to Washington to confer with the Spanish Minister regarding the cap ture of tho steamers Miramon and Mar ques. The Revenue Cutter Dodge arrived a’t Galveston with Vera Crus dates to the 19th inst. The Cutter brings Elgee the Secretary of Legation, with important dispatches for Washington. Gen. Miramon, .with 1,800 men had arrived at.the capital. The Government were embarrassed, r Gen. Miramon had sent n bitter letter to Gen. Cuss regard ing thO captured steamers. jRjyOvcr three hundred cases of In sanity in the Ohio Lunatio Asylum have been traced directly to the" use of mod ern alcoholic poison*. . JK^Phe priests in Paris, and indeed throughout France, are denouncing 51a- chiavelli, Julian the apostate, Judas the . traitor, and other ignoble characters of history; ■ the blows are not • meant fordliem, but they are ' aimed at the peijurer who lives in tho Tuileries all these names being regard id os his aliases. g@“There will be over 100,000 bales of cotton grown in North Carolina' this year. OPENING OF Spring and Summer Styles BONNETS, HATS, AND FANCY ARTICLES, APRIL 7th; AT Mrs. M, J, 8UMMERHAY8’ , Establishment; Broad St., Rome, Go. apritwtf .. t -c - to each subscriber, invariably in advance. Old subscribers by paying past dues, can come in with the Clubs. Where can the Planters of the Chero kee Country get as much interesting reading for.-'the same money ? Just think of it, by making up a club of four 'you get a. first rate family Newspaper arid the best Agricultural Magazine published in the South, both une year and all for only. Two Dollars a half. CLUB RATES FOR THE COURIER For Eight .Dollars we will,send the Weekly Courier for One Year to, each" of Four Sub scribers, and one copy gratis, to the getter up of the club. . For Sixteen Dollars' we will send the Tri weekly Courier to tour subscribers for one year, and one dopy to tho getter up of the clubi CLUB RATES FOR The Presidential Campaign. Clubs of Four or more subscribers will be' furnished with the Weekly Courier horn May 20th to Nov. 20th [6 months'] st the low lice of 75 ceots each. And the Tri-Weekly n clubs of Four for the same time at One Dollar and Fifty cents each. The Weekly Courier now contains more Reading matter than paper in Upper Georgia and tho frieuds ofthe paper are ournestly ro quosted to aid us in extending Us circulation M. DWINELL, Pro’r. BININGER’S OLD LONDON DOCK GIN!: This delicious tonic stimulant T718PUCXALLY designed for the use"of tho P'1 Medical Profession and tlie Family, hav ing superceded the so-called ‘ G .ns” “Aromat ic, “Cordial,” “Medicnt-.d,” ‘'Schnapps” Ac., is now Indorsed by all at the prominent phy sicians, chemists, and cVmnofos'eurs os posses sing all of those intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an old and pure Gin. . Put up in quart bottles and sold by all druggist, grocers, Ac. . (Established in 1778.) V A. M BININGER & CO., Sole Prop’rr. No. .338 Broadmay, N. Y. _ Druggists and Dealers supplied with choice Wines, Brandies, Ac., direct from V. S. Bon ded Warehouses. Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. Our Stock of choice Bottled Liquors comprises the largest and most varied assort ment in this market Opinions ofthe Press. . The Binittgers‘'338 Broadway, .have a very high roputation to suBtain, ns the oldest and boathouse in New York.—Home Journal. The house of A M. Bininger A Co., N9 338 Broadway, has sustained Tor a‘ period of eighty years, a reputation that may welt bi envied.—N. T. Eocninq Post. The name ofA. M..Bininger A Co., is a guaranty of the exact and literal truth , of whatever they represent—N.- T. Commercial Advertiser* Tv Tho Importing houso ofA. M. Bininger k Co.. No. 438 Broadway, is conducted upon principles of integrity, -fairness;' and highest honor.—N. Y. Evening Express. We have quoted these complimentary ' ticos of tho New York prese to the end 1 tntion, as • will enable them to; e ., , whether the statements which we have made are entitled to their consideration and eonfidenoe. apriUOtriwly 8&ou * mmm&M, Would call the atteirtion of the puMic to their Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! T he day for puffs, blowing, ac.> *c, has passed-all We want, all wo ask is, that the PEOPLE will call and see for themselves. W» or* Row propos ing to establish a MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS, Ineonnection with the Dry Goods trade, and have fitted up Rooms for this purpose, in the Upper Story of our Magnificent Store House, on Broad Street, and- will he prepared, at any time, to SUIT Gentlkmen. Goods from Other Stores made, and at the lowest possible rates. . OUR STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, ITAL. CLOTHS, BANG UPS, Ae. he, enlarge our business w ^r. formerly, as Wo aro convinced that a small business will not pay, and what we yield prices t > tho consumer; most bo made up in quantity sold, mar27w*trilnr. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE ini I mmmwM m&Tm SATURDAY, MARCH, 31sf., 1860, ■ NO. 40. NIGH'' lar meetin ® 8 ’ ® ver y WEDNESDAY OUicers—C. H. SMITH. N. G., THOS. J. PERRY. V. G„ R T. HARGROVE, Secretary, W. N. DUCKER, Treasurer. fohDtrily. \ X ROME ' 11/ Regular Meetings: FIRST TUESDAY NIG11T in each month. TH08. 5. PERRY, H. P.; ANDREW J. BEARDEN, K., WILLIAM N. DUCKKR, 8,, D. J. BANDERS, Treasurer, D. O. LOVE, See’y. . fehOtrily. GREAT EXCITEMENT » GRAND SCHEME TOR APRIL, I860. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY MoKINNEY &*C0„ Managers. Authorised by Special Aetef tho Legislature. 25,828~PRIZES. MORE THAN 1 PRIZETO EVERY 2 T'K'S. capital" prize 9 0 0,000 TICKETS ONLY $10. Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion. To bo Drawn Each Salwdny. in 186^, In the city of Savannah Ga. , CLASS 60 to bo Drawn April, 1, 1800. CLASS AT. « « u, 1880. «' .! 21, 18007 « 28, 1800. . *1; I860, MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. Ileal the Sick.>>Dlseases of the Bowels and St'imneU are always caused by largedo- posils of hurtful matter, left by bad or Impure blood lu those importnnt organs, and-the poisonous material In this vitiated blood, acting on the system, makes it too week to throw oft' this mutter by the natural channels: nr if any is e irriei off it is a very small por tion. So arise diafrlite i and dysentery, colic cistiveness, bad breath, indigestion, nausea, lost of appetite, belching-of wind off tho stomach, et’ A short use of ‘Judson’s Moun tain Herb Pills will delight you. You will feel with aurprhe their mighty power, and be willing to any with red mon of the west, truly they are tho “mighty healer.” Sold by all Mcdicino dealers. npr2ltrilin; sand four hundred dollars were received at the morning offertory, at the Ohtirqh of the Advent, in Boston, on Sunday last. .... ,t A Pateiakch Gun*.—We learn from the Abingdon : Viryiman that Ctaptaih William Beatio, the oldest mnn in 8outhweste«bprglnla, i<Wpart«l^this life at the residenoe of his son, Mudison ..... « Voshington the last survivor of the King’s Moun tain veteran* ffym Virginia, officer, who left that city for Charleston who Is said to be operating with like ar- giimontagrinstDtmglas. NO. 3. CHOICE HOUSE. [Mouse formerly occupied by Boil. Battey.] P. L. tURNLEY, YTtOULD mtpectfhity Inform his VV friends anil oustomers, and pubflo generally, that h e i t & 0 Mt?ve 0 Stofko?Drag^^^d^ne^CEJmJJils ttwsaSB?®ja['*Es Medical uses. Also Seeds of alt klnds, beth Field and Garden, (Southern Raised).— Glass, Putty, Glue, Brushes, and lnfaet,evory thing in his line or that is usually kept in a . First Class Drug. Store,/ . Having hod several years experience, and by giving his personal attention to the bus! nest, ha hopes to merit a share of publlo pa tronage, arid, to bo able te furnish his cus (omers reiiablo articles, afas * LOW PRICES, As any house thjs side of Augusta, Ga.. Re- membsr the location. The wants of ths country shqll be supplied./ febll.*60. A Card to the Suffering. Tho Rev*. William Cosgrovo, while laboring _j a missionary in Japan, was cured of Con sumption, when all othor means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing m the great eity ol JodJo. This re cipe has cnredlgreat nnmbors who were suf- ferring from Consumption.. Bronchltlir,.Sore Throat, Coughs,and Colds, and .the dobllity and ner vous depression caused by these dis orders. ' ' .. i . Desirous of benefiting others. I will send . .this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who, frooof charge., "Address Rrv. WM. COSGROVE," 230 Boltia'stroot, • .1 Jnn28-tw3m ’ ' ., Brooklyn, N. Y. l i t DEATH 111 For Sale or Rent, T HE Homo and .Land, H miles from Rome, recent ly occupied by Mta. Marublo. This sottloment Contains about 271.acres of Land, Dwelling House ami oth er Improvements, Fruit Tiees Ao. Apply B. J.Jon»»ox, or to . ” • r” mar30w2m. FRANCIS BENJAMIN Tobacco, Snuffe, Ponders Ess. Coffee, Black- urn, OH ve Oi J, Vinegar, TURNLEY, No. I Choice House. he great remedies that, lias ever been laid, beford the public for Fever aud Ague, and which have received the highest enconium from the pross and .the people, is Dr. J. Hostettor’s Cclebra- tsil Bitters. Who would endure thu tortures arising from this terrible disease, when it can be so easily cured ? Who would endure sleop- less nights, burning fevers and ley chills al ternately, when a remedy con be obtained for a more trifle 7 And yet bpw many famllSei linger outn painful existence under this dead ly blight, and do nothing but gulp down auinine, until it becomes ns rommon as their nail meals, and yet they are not .relieved--— None but the foolish and weak would hesitate to proonre those valuable Bitters, and save themselves intense agony. Bold by. Druggist and dealers generally everywhere. ^7-860 ndrertisement in another column. I»ar20tri I in. CLASS 07, CLASS 68, CLASS'09,* CLASS- 65, $60,600 29,000 10,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 -2,000 if 1 5,000 5,000 800 000 400 7.500 10,000 9.500 Approximation Prizes 25,443 prize;, amounting to $212,140 25,828 Prizes Amounting to $300,040 |. WILL BE DRAWN THI8 MONTH. Certificates of Packages will bo sold at tho following rates; which is the risk : A Certificate of Package ol 10 Wholes, 'Do .do 10 HalvcB, 30 •: Do •" do 10 Quarters,, -lb .Do do lOEightbB, 7.5 0 l- Prize $60,000 is )•-. 1 I 20,000 i B l 10,000 is V' -i.l 5,0.00 is 1 i 4,000 is :: i '. 3,000 is V. 2,000 is ,.i j.:.^ . 1.500 is ‘ ' lilOOis it. 1,000 ar*' 10 ' , 500 are 2 f-r 400 are 2 306 are f *' ,- ,2 ; 200 are 50. '■•* • 150 afop. vr 100 -e c. 100 are' 100 95 aro - 100 85 aro LOOK AT THIS. :’v.: / A . SPLENDID DRAWING QN ,j Three Number Flan .Which takes plnco on every Wednesday and ll Prite of...r.i....;$23,900 of i. 4,60r of,.......;........;., ;.. 4,00 of;...M..,....~.,..G..J.; 3,001 TO EVERY FORM- AND SPECIES OF . VmL Vmie : “Costar's” Rats, Roach, Ac, Exterminator ; M CwtwV* “Costar’s” Bed-bug .Enterminator. “Costar’s” ; “Costar’s” Electric Powder, for Iniaets, Ac. ' -•/ DESTR0V8 1X8TARII.Y Rats, Roaehcs, Mlco, Miilos, Ground -Mice, Bed Bugs, AnU, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Inscot* on Plant*,. Insect* on Animal*, Ac., Ao., in ihort, every form and>*peoie* or VERMIN. 10 Yoar* established in Now York 01ty-l-u4ed by tho olty Post Office, the city Prison* and Station Houses, the city Steamors', Ships, Ac., the olty Hotels, “Astor," “St. Nichols* ” Ao., aud by more than 20,000 private families. Druggist* and RetaUebeverywhoro sail them. t! IBs war* 111 of spurious imitations. Examine each Box, Bottle add Flask, and take noth- . fngbut “Costar’s.” * *1,00 Boxes sentby Mail. $3 A $5 Boxes for Plantations, Hotels, As., by Expru*. ?• Address orders—or to HENRY B. COS' 34,312 PrizcB Amounting to $281,481.20 Whole Tickets $6, j •! ’ ‘ 8h«res In Proportion. 7 ' IN ORDERING Ticket! or close tho money l j our address for tho tickets ordered.on re-cipl of which (hey will bo for warded by first mail. Purchasers .can b&vo tickets ending Jn any figure they may dosig- “Ttfc- " -f?w, J The list of drawn numbers and prizos will bo sent to purchasers immediately after the All communications strictly cvnfidcntial. Orders for Tickets or Certificates, by Mail or Express, to be directed to i MoKINNEY A Co„ j mar22trl. .... Savannah, Ga. Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by Fannu, A Yeiseu, Wholesale and Retail, Boat, Go. fehltrlSm. . 1 Capital Prize of...... : -1 Prize of * ' ■ 4 Prize Prize -JlSiSfe::,.® Waoabf- CANNOT BE EXCELLED. > an anxious to Thankftrl for tho many evidences of confidence, heretofore extended, We an mess so as to enable u* to furnish ail varieties of Goods si les* rats* than SLOAN A HOOPERS. Bills Assets. H oivablo ’ and' Speeial ^ bejievodto bo good, Cash on Land, Bills of other Banks and Specie. I $153,600 00 8,425 72 $167,026 72 u ” Stockholders. W. 8. COTHRAN 408 shares $46,800 00 N. J.‘ okBERG.. .V. 25 JNO. HAWKINS.....;. 5 ER........... 20 47.900 60 40.900 7,000 2,000 09 2,509 00 600 00 $15S,600 00 Liabilities. Capital Stack. Circulation...,.—........ Due Depo*lt«ii .4153,000 00 2,636 00 _ 890 72 $167,026 72 u: Directors. W. S. COTHRAN*, O. H. SMITH, W. A. FORT. A. G. PITNER, J. H. McCLUNG. COTHRAN, President, and JOHN Hate, who being duly sworn, say is trufl and correct to th*. host' j»f their knowledge and belief, sworn to and subscribed beforo mo, April 11. 1860. W.Si COTHRAN,President,!. JOHN MoBRYDE, Cashier. ) „ [aprill2.] e mo, April ii, toon.- CHAS. H. SMITH, J. 1. C, Singer’s Sewing Machines PBIOES REDUCED TO $50, $75, $90 and $100. nriHE plain reason why Singor's Sewing- X Machines have always sold readily at a higher average price than any other, is that they nro better,moro durable; more reliable, capable o: doing amuch greater variety of work,and earning moremoney. Long con tinued popularity is proof of sterling’ merit. In tho purchase of, what aro called choap Sowing-Mnchincs, thousands havo been de- take. , Singer’s New Family Sewing-Machine tho prieo of which is only $50, is a light and elogantly deoornted Machine, capable of per forming. ill tho best stylo, all tho sowing of a pri rate family. It has secured a: tation daring the few'months si: first offered to the publio. Singer’s Transverse Shuttle-Machine, to he sold nt $75, is a machine ontirely now in its arrangement) it-is very beautiful; moves rapidly an0 very easily, and, for family use and light manufacturing^purposes, is the very best and cheapest Muctnuo ever offered to the publio. These Mnchines are being in creased in number, ns rapidly asposeiblo, and yet tho demand for thorn can not bo fully supplied. - ' -u . > . Singr’s No, 1 Standard Shuttle Machine formerly Bold at $135, hut now reduced to $90, ?* too well known all ovortlio world to need any description. Every sort of work, coarse or flno, can be done with it. - ‘ Singer's jib. 2 Standard Shuttle-Machine. ■ This is thofovorite manufactuVing machine everywhere.; ’The Size of the' Machine gives MHMaoai 04 Prizes,of..,.. 20 nl-e 1,280 jng qualities, gives it a decided advantage.— 132 Pnzcsof.......... 10 aro 56,320 PrlBo, With table corriplclo, $100. !24 Prizes of......;..-. 5 nvo....i....l41,120 Since tlio great reduction in the price of those Standard Machines, oil the 1st of Octo- ■' Ju - ns99 mountain Herb Pills: Aaova, we yea iHlti. a perbet II*«m *f inico, a chief of a tribe of th. alrau*. AttM N.lii>», iat once ruled Mexico, You -111 So* a rulf aaesuut •( bitn and bis psopla in our ratttphlfbr and A lapaoaaa—te ' l haJ gratia, from the Agenta for theae f llfa. The ierentor eml menufactur.r of “ Audewi'e Moaa- iln Herb I’llU," hei eilent the gtrmlhr (art *f ht« life la •aveling, haring rlalted nearly every ev-atry In the orld. He (pent over elx yh«* aainag the ladiaaa •t the Rocky Mountain! and of M-alco, and it was thaa tba' mafninn. the “ Uot.vTAl.r Hna 1‘u.u” were dlMoeered. A .eery „„„ ... Interentlng account of hla adrenturea there, yaa will *a* nee ,lt was B oor ahuao.c and Pam phial. It la an eetablUliad bet, that all dlieaaea arise IToae 1XPCR2 BLOOD I Tli# blood I# lh# lib J and wb#n Bny forelf a or unfemUlir natter gets mixed with it, it Ii it two# dl«lrlfcsW| M every org#n of th# body: few/ nar** f##b th# ftt and #11 the TiUl org*B« quickly csompbilB. Th« »t#®Mk will not digest the food perfectly. Th# lirtr cnm secret# * sufficiency of bit#. Th# Action of th# heart Ir weakened, and »o the elrcntatio# l# frfble. TW hufi become cloned with th# poUonou# taotUr ; hrae#, % li—und #11 from a slight fmparifr at the fdwntalw ., JiO Prifps ol,*..,..,.. .125, •SSfe; 1 -2,171. av Was- --MOO.. are......... 7,000 agc.',..M..: . 0.25Q ber, 1858, the sale of them has increased four fold. '; ' - . All of Singer's Machines make the inter locked stitch with two threads, which is the best stitch known. Every person desiring to procure full and reliable information Sowing-Machines. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, A. F. NEELD, _ • RETURNS THANKS FOR THE' latronage heretofore- extended JULhiui, and would- rcspcotrully in- UCE vite a contiauanca and extension ofthe «mie, nt-hi* shop.on Broad Street,' oppesiito3lr. Eve’s Carriugs;'Works, jfhore, by a strict tontion to bustiioss and an enriMwMfc please, ho doubts not but that he will bo so give ample satisfaction to all who ini’ tire anything in tho lino of ' Fashionable Tai done np'faithfully and tasteftilPMPHPffi ' ttnd:*,U work war- ranted. ».* v ■ • * " ke "all right.” on - i boautlful pictorial tho subject. mar22trily. ut IV vu. D uu/A-iiu,' tjmuu so « orial paper, entirely dovoted to It will bo supplied gratis. I. M. SINGER A CO., 408 Rrondway, N. Y. ihorohy . inqforsT od7 ber or date, as tho given totally faile&V THOS. M. ALSTON’, Summerville, Ga., Ffb. 18th ’60—3m«! Note, for one bun- for which i( wai GICERO A. SMITH, ;; nj.-DEALEl* 1» - CONFECTIONARIES ^ AND FRUITS, • '‘ A ROME, GA. V’-.. TS Just receiving a largo and well selected X stock of Confectionaries, such as. Raisins. Dates, • - on. . ¥ ' currants, M-fSoni, f v|&ilU Gr’nd Ganger, Allspice, Xetchupa, ci Oranorcs, Le: S 0C Brazil Nuts, F ENGLISH WALNUTS, ENG. DA’Y UIIEES: FINE SYRUr, Jigars, also a lot of RMS CASH. Candies,' Figs, . mere m the whoK coamr if «• AtacuCSrfd, A. aaickly part, and'lMt. lb aUng u you earth, for x.pnr. .aring, from wlilohl rna a 4o«a Irop-re Wnod'Sy to n*ry l - - , _ behind. All the paiangea become obtruded; «nd nalM the iihalructlou la remoewl, th. temp o' lib wow die. set. There pill- net only purify lh. blood, bat ragnrr.i. aB the Mentions of the body; U»y are, thee-foe*, urlralM ee a ,,~3sLa' OVDS FOR BILIOUS OURAIKI, fleer Complaint, Sick Headache, be. Vhtiv J**SiH*a Medicine ex|-la from the blood the blddew i-vde uOdb- rare, anil rendera all the Sulda and mctutkma pul* a*4 Buent, clearing and reacwlutliif thu ellxt organa. Pleaaaut indeed. I. It to ua, that « atv.aM* te (he within-your reach, a mwlielne Ilka lh. Modifrai* RW l-IHA” that will pa«a directly a pi* aBHrted pnru, tln^gh the blood and (old! cf Um body, and eawa th. .utbnr t* brlghUb with tb. Blub ef beawtromt huh, ■ jTvgaarMusM Judson’s Pills are the Best Remedy in'exist ence for the following Complaintr: tel Complaints, fW/ilify, ell, Phxr — GEEAT female Female! who i*la» hrelUi, theae Vltls. They purify f of all klnda, eleanae tli. aki- ... — and bring the rich eolnr of health 1 tar The Plante and Herba df which made, ware dUoorerod In a very aurpi' tile Tetueada, » tribe of Abbrlglnua la Almanao of our Agent, and you! wIB tho very Intcre.tlng account it eontal HiDKixa” of the Ay*— Observe).—The Jboiiftfuf IPrujiper. B. L. OUT)SON, 4k Ctt, SOLE PROPRI ET OHS, No. 50 LeomAv# nk iv tonjf. ■ Agwta wanUd atnayr—Addreaa a. abnye -R* ’£1 Plantation f6r The Suhacrihts oil Plantation, 10 mile* I •**»* (ywSStrJSSl