Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, April 26, 1860, Image 4

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TTtHE TKi.CE OPjioVE. OR. i. 60VEE OOOS' .CELEBRATED VEGETABLE MEDICINES __ ati'wort toe' floWI *t .him. - ■ >' ...'ili .• . roans Hope, with eye of ligtft in vain Led smiling Reouty to iraptom hina^,, While Genius poured hi. swoetret stXIfej; >; •And shook her roses o’er him. AWtogfc^Hjinger sought the gTOvA' • >/ And flory Vengeance seemed to guide him, And rudely tore the wreaths of lore And angry at the hold endeavor,. Ha rose, and wovehis wreaths anew, And strung hisboif more firm than. pver. When lo I the invader cried ’’Farewell 1” My skill, bright nymphs, this lesson teacli«B— While love Is sprightly, hind him well, . ■ fWfthjWaUey and songs, and honeye But shoaladuU langour eeizO the god, Rttttll mb on my friendly mission, For know when love begins to nod, His sorest spear is opposition." —~f * < A Senator on PeverjT as a Crime. iHfcWrisan elegant extract of a recent speech Senator Wigfall, of Texas: “ Itwaa popular talk of the poor.— Poverty, he stud, toas a crime. The mm toko was poor had sinned, and there wi screw loose in his head somewhere, would amend 1 the title of the bill to md, for the'encouragement of crime, providing for criminals and violating the constitution.’ • It was popular, he repeated, to talk of the bone and sinew eTtnStew, of wool bate and broj but poverty teas a crime. He would'not pander to. prejudice by such talk.” Ur. Wigfall is a democrat, of course, gfi^Few peopl ing the qualitic To win their h those qualities cient. dyspepsia. - They .are pleasant he taste; sure intlieir operation; and as a cathart ic, entirely, effectually and positively supercedes the'use of Pills, so naueoous and disagreable to the taste. - His Imperial Gin Bitters ey are garTho man who undertook to blast hla neighbor's prospects used too short a fuse,- and'got blown up himself. .S®*A parly o four friends, lost week, chased a fox thirty-six hours. They *"***lMf„ '* *11* +*“* ♦ >li "ir into, the ground,” g®*The old fogy who poked his head out from “behind the times,” had it knocked soundly by a “passing event, 8LATR?I.ATE, SLATE Werl subscriber has on hand about 500 uares of Roofing Slate, of all sizes st quality, and will continue to keep •nouglfto supply all domanda hereafter.— Price, six dollars per square at tho Quarry, eosh.or will make liberal TIME arrang monts with contractors, or will contract foi putting it on in tho lest style. * SEABORN JONES, Jr. febOtrily. Van Wert, Ga. ' BY W. A. DARDEN. First Boor below Walker’s LIVERY STABLE- fTIHE Subsoribor has fitted up a first class J, Restaurant, and will be prepared to serve up Meals at all hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Ham and Eggs may be had at til times, and Oysters, Shad, Bird*,) Ducks, Squirrels and other luxuries, each in their season. People from the country will find this a convenient place to get a Good Dinner Cheap. W. Ai DABDEN. , mar22trlwtf. COOSA BIVER STEAMBOATS! After this date tho Coisa River Stosmboa Company’s Steamers will leavo for GREEN. SPORT,-andintermediate landings’ as-fol lows : STEAMER ALFARATA, or . PENNINGTON, Leaves Rome, Tuesday Mcrn- ing at 6 o’clock. Leaves Gresnsport “Wednes day at 9 o’clock. jan24triwtt COTHRANS A ELliIOTT. Herring’s Patent Champion Fire & Burglar Proof Safes. adams, mckinney & co., 96 Liberty Street, NEW YORK, Offer for Sale from United States* Bonded Warehouse: BRANDIES—Cognac—OTARD, DUrUY 4 Co., PINET, CASTILLION 4 Go., JAMES HENNESSY and MAURETT Rochelle—A. ALEXANDER and HOPE SEIGNETTE, and- KA8TEAU. G|N8—IMPERIAL SCHIEDAM, own im' portation, and various other favorite brands. • RUM—JAMAICA and ST. CROIX. WINES—SHERRY, MADEIRA, PORT and other brands, various grades. IITBOND—SCOTCH IRISH WHISKIES ALSO in Store a large and well selected J DOMESTIC LIQUORS, - SUCH AS Rye, Bourbon & Monong’hela '■ WHISKIES. : febl4-tr!wly. SAVANNAH ~ROUTE . TO KEEP INSURED. HIS Great Reduction in Kates of Passage. New Arrangement ofjthrough Tickets, i FROM FROM New Orleans, $88 75 Memphis $32 76 “ ... 35 00 Nashville, . 27- 76 26 00 Chattanooga,.. ’ 25 00 Columbus,...— 21 00 Knoxville,... • 25 00 Albany, 23 00 Atlanta, 21 00 iacon,.......... 20 00 Augusta, 17 60 Baggago checked through by the Manbat- - , ji Express Company dn the Central- Rail Is a sure remedy for costiveness, liver com- Road Cars, and delivered anywhere in Ifow plaint and dyspepsia. They are pleasant to York or vicinity. - ~ . r/ f the. Splendid aha Commodious BIDE !EL Steamships . Augusta, 1,500 tons, Capfc. M. S. Woodhall. Florid a, 1,300 « “ Isarto Oiowell, Alabama, 1,300 u “ G. R. Seherek, These steamships belonging to the old tabliahed - and favorite line, known th« “New York and Savannah Stefim Navi .... . , tion Company,’’ and wore built expressly for It fOfBMj^ b' 1 ^ • f - J • ■ • * . ; i , FOR FEMALE OBSTRUCTIONS, They are truly valuable, made of pure Hoi 1 and* Gin, pleasant and agreeable to the taste and may he well termed a necessary Female Companion. His Cathartic Syrup For Infante, Children, and delicate Femtiei is certainly one of the most desirable am valuable medicines in the world. It is a per, foot substitute for calomel, acting on the liver remoyihg til obstructions in the Bowels, cur ing eoistivenesi, indigestion and dyspepsia.— Although it is as sure and effectual in its op erations as calomel, yet it is so delicious to tbs taste, that children will cry for It, and it is as gentle, innocent and harmless as tho dews of Hehven. Thousands of mothers throughout th* land Still bless tho discoverer of this invaluable medicine. CHARLES WIDDIFIELD 4 CO., Proprietors, <49 4 661 Broadway, New York. Bold by Farell 4 Yoiser. mar20-trilv JOB OFFICE. ■ M homestead m TIRE INSURANCE CO,. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Office, Whitlock Building, [Corner of Nassau and Bookman Street.] CAPITAL, $150,000. With Surplus all Securely Invested. Insures all kinds or ‘ Formal Property against Loss or damage by Flro, at the very lowest rates charged by re- . sponzijjlo. Companies. Planters, Merchants, and others desiring to effect Insurance upon their property, are re spectfully solicited to givo a portion of their P Applications for Insurance, mrido in person er by mall, Will receive immediate attention. Posseszing personal information In regaid to /~\UR FACILITIES FOR DOING ALL locations and other detail* o&IueqrabTc prop- Vf kinds of ' . 1 prop- t States, thi. iv otn. excelled by any vessslson the coast. Through Tickets are sold in New Orleans by R. Gbddes, 00 Gravier st. « Mobile, “ Cox, Braixard 4 Co., ’’ Columbus, ” B. H. Hill, Agent Har den’s Express and J. M. Bivins, Bail Rood Ticket Agent, and at all other points by con necting Rail Road Ticket Agents. JOHN B. WILDER 4 GALT.IE, Agents, Bay Bt>, Savannah. BAM’L L. MITCHELL 4 BON, fob28triwtf Agents, 13 Broadway N. Y. Jillson’s Patent ANIMAL TRAP. NOW nil men by those nresonta that we DRES8ER 4 JIIiLSON, Manufacturers Patentees of Jillson’s Patent Animal Trap, have for Valuable consideration tranB ferred to Mess. R, W. Inman 4 Co., the privi lege of 'supplying the said Animal Traps to all tho Southern States—hereby binding our selves to furnish - nono of those traps to any parties in the Southern States, except those who an appointed agents by tho said R. W. Inman 4 Co.. Given under our hand and seal, this 10th day'June, 1359. DRESSER 4 JILLSON. By the authority invested in ns we have appointed Messrs. PERRY 4 LAMKIN, Merchants in Rome, our solo Agents for the following counties, viz: Floyd, Chattooga, Cass, Polk, Gordon. Walker, Dade, Whitfield, State of Georgia—Who will always have a good stock of Traps of ail aises on hand, to furnish customers at manufacturers prices, novfi.—6m, R, W. INMAN 4 CO. './■ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT .1 ' •; FpRM TUB Quaker City Publishing House! THE-OLDEST PUBLISHING HOUSE IN AMERICA Conducting the Gift Book Burmese! 100,000 CATALOGUES New, Enlarged and Revised—now ready for Distribution. Superior Inducements to the Public ! FOU 1860. : jtSFK new and and sure plan for obtain- GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, and other 'valuable Prizes. Full particulars given in Cat alogues, which will lie sent free to all upon application. valuable Gifts, worth from 50 eta. to $100, GUARANTEED to each purchaser, $100,- 000-inGiftshavo boon distributed to may pa trons within the past six months—$150,000 to be distributedauring the next six months. Tho inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the .busini terprizo with tho greatest satisfaction to Si. Agents wanted in every Town and; Forfull particulars address DUANE SCLISON, Quaker City Publishing House, . .. 33 South Third Street,. feb28tri3m. Philadelphia, Pa. THE BLANCEVLILE SLATE W ITH HALL’S PATENT POWDER-; PROOF LOCKS, the same that were, awarded separate' medals at the World's Fair, London, 1851, and the World's Fair, New- York, 1853, and are THE ONLY American Safes that were awarded medals at the Lon don World’s Fair. , . These Bates form tha moet portect security against Fire and Burglars oT any Safes ever offered to the publle. •1,000 REWARD Will he paid'to any person that can ebow tkata Herrlnc's PtilHChampion Sate ever failed to preserve ite contents aeclden t|| Firo, * 8. 0. HERRING 4 CO„, Manufacturers, .wi !. Knowles, Riohmend, Ya-i utwiw, Petersburg. Va.; Rowland ., Norfolk; Va,;J. Wfe-Yiwi R, F. ’Lester, Petersburg, Va.; Rowland 'I Brothers, Norfolk, 1 V*q 1. U. Thompson A Co., wsfesf? snasSS - V4S WERT, FOLK CO., 04. fpBE snbieriber now has bis Slate Qualry JL folly opened and is provided with a suffi cient number of workmen to fill orders in any part of the .South. Tbs quality of the slate has been folly tested, aud its beauty and ex otllenee can be seen by an examination of asvsrti buildings in Roms ooversd with slats from this. Quarry. The subscriber propose* to furiflsb the state st any potnt in Georgia, Alabama or Tennessee and lay it on the roof at an ekpense not exceeding the cost of Tin roofing. Contracts eaa he made wl>h John R. Free- man Agent' of Rome or B. W. Blanoe general Agent at Van Wert Polk Co., Ga. ou tho Ire and when " eer- A FIRST RATE MACB1N1 Fob sale ! *EEfWN.T.COST. Plahtatton Work. W ~ a SBa te W. Ik . _ ENQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE; Bom Ga., Aug. 17. HOSTETTEH’S STOMACH UTTERS, Berthe of the Ston Lyuntery, OoUe,. In view of the foet that every member of the human family is more or less subjected to some of the above complaints, besides in numerable other conditions in life, which by the assistance of a little knowledge or exeroise of common sense, they may be abls so to regulate their habits of diet, aqd with the assistance of a good tonic, secure per* manent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is, certainly, that whieh will produee a .natural stale of things, at the least hazard of vital strength and life; for this end Dr. Hostetler has introduced to this country a prepare- .tion called HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, which at this day is nx % new medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving, satisfaction to all who hare used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the simple process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, erty in-tho Southern and' Company is enabled (beyOnd^aany others) to give advantages in rates of premiums,* 4c. The direction- of the Company embraces come of the first business men of the City of New York, extonziyoly engaged in the South ern trade; and closely identified with its in terest Any information connected with insurance will be cheerfully given, and-all business connected with this Company will be trans ected with liberality and promptness. DIRECTORS. Wm. Cbauncey, Wm. Chauncey 4 Co., 10 Old Slip. Moses Taylor. Pres. City Bank, Well street Faul Spofford, Spofford, Tileston 4 Co., 28 Broadway P. C. Van Schaick, Van Schaick, -Edwards 4 Co„ 05-Front stroct. V. Barsnlou, Importer, 02 Water etreet. Jas. B. Wilson, formerly Wilson 4 Cobb, 02 Front street E. D. Sprague, Dayton, Sprague 4 C<>„ 107 Front street Benj. H. Lillie, B. H. Lillie 4 Co., 144 Pearl street John G. Holbrooke, International Life Ins. Co., 71 Wall street Philo Hurd, 130 Nassau street T. J. Coleman, J. C. Coleman 4 Co., 63 Wall street A. Matnran, 21 Bookman street Win. K. Strong, 50 Pine street Edward Haight, Pres. Bank of the Common wealth, Nassau street Wm. A. Whooler, 63 William street C. Melatta, C. Mula tto 4 Co., 63 Beaver street N. C Platt, President Artizens’ Bank, Nassau afreet John T. Wilson, 73 Fulton street B. M. Whitlock, B. M. 4 E. A. Whitlock & Co., 12 Bookman street Nathanlel W. Burtis, N. W. Burtis 4 Co., 60 Vesoy stroct Wm, L, McDonald! Carriages, 412 Broadway John G. Lightbody, 31 Bookman street Paoli Lathrop, Luthro'p 4 Wilkinson, 15 Murray streel W. M. Nowell, Newells, Harman 4 McDon ald, 13 Murray strec, Frederick A. Fislior, Wolfe, Dosh A Fisher. 38 Warren street Vinard H. Fowler, 133 Nassau atrei- Goo. W. Read, Geo. W. 4 Johi-il Read, 120 Chambers street HobU B. Currier, MeliuirCurrior 4 Sherwood, . * -42 Warren street lohn B. Gorlins, - City Hall John B. Snook, Architect. .12 Chambers street Gcorgo Carroll, Carroll, Herrick A Mend, 49 Chambers street W. H. Bulkley, Alien, McLean 4 Bttlkloy, 40 Chambers street D. M. Holdredge, N. Y, S. Hooting Go., 442 Broudwav Francis Miller. M. D.. 106 Forsy'h street Wm. OiTATJNCEY. Pres’t. PHILO HURD; Vice I’rez’t. ■Tohv-K. Seo'ry. B- F. JONES; Agent, ’Romo, Georgia. jan3-8rn-tw. generally contracted settlers, and Caused principally by the ohange of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by • brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, t disease whieh is probably more prevalent hen taken in all its various forms, than any other; the eause of whieh may always be attributed to derangements of tho dige** live organa, can bo cured without foil by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT- as per directions on the bottle.. For ntry have their Bitters es a pre- f disease, nse Every count... _ . „ ventive of disease, and- strengthening of the system in general, and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Gtermana, fro.n whom this preparation emanated, based upon seientifio experiments whioh has attended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in the medical scale of aoience. rBYBE AHD AGUE Thtz trying and provoking disease, which fl-c* la vrisntless grasp on the body of nan, redactm: btui to'- a me* Shadow in a short space of time, and rendering Mm physically and mentally naelees, can he defeated and «WTto from the body hy the nse of HOSTETTER’S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, any of th. above stated dheaaee can not he contracted when exposed to • any ordinary oondltiooe prodaclng them. If the Bitten •le ased as per directions. And as R neither creaiee nausea norotTends the palate, and tendering nnnecta- sszy any change of diet or Interruption to usual pur- sols, but promotaa aoend deep and httilhy digestion, th* complaint Is thus removed , as speedily as is con sistent with'the production of a thorough and perma nent Otn. For Persons in advanced years Who are suffering from an enfeebled eonaUtnUoa and Infirm body, these Bitten are Invaluable as a restora tive of strength nod vigor, and needs only to be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing, these Bitten are Indispensable, especially when the mothers nourishment Is Inadequate to the demands of the child, eoosequenUy her strength muet yield, and ben It Is when a good tonto, suck as Hoetetter’a Stomach Bitten Is needed to Impart temporary itnaglh and vigor to the system. Ladlto sboeld by all means try this remedy for all catee of debility, and before so doing, ask your physician, who, If he ts acquainted with the virtues of Uts Bitters, will recommend theli use In all cases of weakness. Cfl/nOlf.—Wa oautitfn tho public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfeits, bnt ask forHosrema’s Oclibsatkd Stomach Bitters, and ace that each bottle has tltewoTda “Dr. J.Hostetler's Stomach Bitten’’ blown on th* side of ttaa bottle, aad stamped on tho metallic eap covering th* fork, and observe that our autograph signa ture it oe>4h* label. y ^ . (CT Prepared aad sold by HOSTETTER fc SMITH, FUitbvght P*., and sold by jdl Draggists, grams dealsrs geserffily thraagbont tho r Jted States, Cuuuto, Ssuth Imerita aid Germany. 9 00 VII. * MEAD, NEW ORLEANS, LA,. WIioIcbhIc Agsstta DB. BAAKE3 freats all Disease SPEGlAL attentiou given to all chr, ui liscoses—Goughs, Group. Consumption, tuein'r.n, Asthma. Bronchitis, all disease, the' Nose, Mouth, Throat, and Li-age. Ikin Diseases of everv description suCe- tilly treaten:—Lumbago. Lumbar, Abacee o» lerofnla, Rhoumatisn.. Goht, Neuralgia, i*o •aiysis, Kpilopsy, or Convhlflons, Dyapopeiu; Dyeoutery, Diarrhoea 'l lie verr worrt case, of Piles cored in a short time; also of the -ttomooh,-Liver, and 3o<o!h. There at- nany diseases incidental to women and dill dren which are treatod with distinguished rnceess. All particular will be giVen by letter. Dr. Paakco can produce one thous and certificates of his perfect success in our- Ing CANCERS, OLD BORE8, or ULCERS, HIP DISEASES, FISTULA or every disorip tion, SCALD HEAD, WENS, POLYPUS of the NOSE, lr in any other part of the body, TUMORS, and SWELLINGS of every description, and without the use of he knife,or any surgical instruments. These ast named diseases cminot bo cured by cor- j.pondcnce; there loro all such patients must plncc themselves under tho Doctor's perso ital supervision. Dr. Baakee has mado a new discovery of a “Fluid,” that will produce absorption of tits “Cataract,” and restore permanent vis ion to the Eye, without resort to tho knife All EYES and EARS are successfully trea ted without the use of the knife or needle.— Dr. Baakee has constantly on hand' at his- office a very extensive assortment of beauti- 'ui ARTIFICIAL EYE and TYMPANUMS, or EAR DRUMS, whieh are suitable for eith er sex and-ages—inserted in five minutes.—, Ear Trumpets of every description; also ov- ory variety of artificial articles known in the worlds—a large assortment of beautiful ami Jurublo ARTIFICIAL HANDS, with the Arm and Eihow Attachntt-nt; ARTIFICIAL FEET, with tho Ankle, Leg,and Knee-Joint attached. ' These articles are perfectly natural, and adapted tor either sox, and can be sent hr express to any part of the world. All kinds of Trusses for Iforaie or Rupture pt every description, tor either sex, aad Trussep par ticularly adapted (hr foraties in a weak con dition, also for those With Prolapsns Uteri.. Dr. Baakeo it ono of tho moat colobrated and'skilltol physicians and surgeon* now living. His fame is-known personally in DR. M’LANE’S CELEBRATED . ,~- LIVER PILLS, FOB 'THI. OUBE OP j' Hepatitis or Liver Complaints DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. —.— Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. . AIN in the right side, under the < JOB WORK are NOT SURPASSED by any ofllee in Upper Georgia.. . Persons wishing Pamphlets e any kind, Cards, Fosters, Circulars, Dodgers, BUI Heads, Blank Notes, Cheeks, or other Job work trill do welt to give ns a call MARRIAGE LICENCES, and all kinds of LEGAL BLANKS, kept constantly on hand. s WE HAVE ALSO A No. 1 RULING MACHINE of the MOST APPROVED STYLE, and art now prepared to fill orders in this line.— Blank Books, Hotel Registers, Steamboat and RaUroad Blanks, BUls of Lading, Way BUls, &o. BOOK NMHIVfL A RRAGF.MF.NTS huvo been made with an excellent Book Bindor. to fill order, natfusled to our care. -Borso'ns having Mag trines or Periodicals of any kind, Sheet Mu dc, Law Books, or Books of any kind, they tesirc bound, may be assured that it will be leatty done, and on reasonable, terms, if en rusted to our care. Torma Casli. ESTABLISHED 1700. PETER LORILLARD, ^inff & Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 4 18 GI4AM11ERS ST., F'irmorly 42 Chatham Street, New York,) Would call tho espotial attention nf Urn •re a id Drug 'isto tn Ids removal, and also ao articles of his manufneture, vis : BROWN SNUFF. Jncnhoy, Dein'gros, Fme Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee. Nai liiioi-hes, Ainerinnu Gentleman, Cepenkngeu. YELLOW SNUFF. ‘ '. 'oteh, Fresh Seotrh, High Tonst Sooteh. (ri.l. Iligk Toast. ' Fresh Honey Dow Scotch, or Litudyfeo TOBACCO. silOKI.NO. PINK cirr CUBWIXO. . .. 1. P. A L . or jdain, No, ■< Gav. ndi-h. or sweet, 1 A; nix'd, Stv'tetSe.utedOrmtoco: Litofeot. Tin Foi; Cu. endisti SMOKING. 3t. Jago, Spanish, Gmiu'er, Pure Turkish A Circular cf Prices will be sent on appli eiftiou. ■ N'. B.—N -to the -new nriinlo of Freeit Scotch Stiulf, wlttrh will be found u superior ar.ielo for dipping purposes. [jan33m-tw uas Lights Gas Lights! ovory principal city of .the worl AU fottora directed to .Dr. Baakee must contain ton oents to pay postage and inci dental expenses. All Oh rente Diseases can be treatod by correspondence, except those mentioned, whieh will require his personal pervision. . . _ «iu Office Hours, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. If. * DOCTOR BAAKEE •Office, 704 Broadway, a tow Doors above Fourth street. New York City. jsn3—trSra a w3m Gas made from Common . POE WOOD t w. h! magTll & co.. Builders of (fas Apparatus for making Ga “ from Wood.. fTlHE sulizeribcrs are now prepared to beild I and furnish Gass Apparatus tor. elites villages, towns, public and private buildings, on short notioo. . - Gas mado from common pine wood Is cheap er and better thau any other light kuown from another sonreo. Persons wishing to, soo the Wood Gas Works in opperatisn, can bee them at Grady, Nicholson 4 Co's.; Col. llamiaond'S or Dr. Ware’s in Athens, Ga. jfosa»All kinds of aas and Bteam fitting done to ordor. ^guAU hinds nf Gas and Steam fitting* .mnetantly on hand, ter lighting and heating puiqiofos. . Orders sent through the Post Office, oroth cruise, will be punctually attended to. Nome, Ga. . W. H. MAGILL 4 CO. ^ 't. It. ROSS, WR. It. zrAdlLL. nov30-ty. CAlffUASRERS WANTED.” LIBERAL iNDL CEMENTS TO AGENTS. 1 Fifty Dollars por Month and Ex penses Faid. i ;ys introduce our If SW TWKKTV D0M.SH HOUSLlI TUB*AD LOCK stitch srwi.vo This Excoliler Ma chine is just patented, with valuable impro' monts, whioh make it the cheapest ana me mm undone something which ought to' have been done. "A slight, dry cough is zome- times an attendant., The patient complains of weariness Snd debility; heiis easily startled* his feet are cold or burning, and he com- ilains of a prickly sensation of the skin; lis spirits are low; and although he is satis fied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptom* attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown tho liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr.-M’Lane’s Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, ire productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, -jr after taking Quinine. We would advise ill who arc afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. ■* ’ Address all orders to FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh,. Pa. I>. S. Dczliin nn4 Pliy.Maa* ordering from athnv th»a -'leiulnx lire., will do welt re writ* tbWr enter, dirt I art I y, J.I take mine, but Dr. t/TMhfOi prepare* by Fleminy live.. rilUhuraii, Pk. Tu ttuiee wl.hln. t« give them • .1.L we wilt per ia*tL pet paid, tn *uy part et io United State.; can Imx nf I’llte fir tweles'iliroremt .Mtngo etas<ipi. nr one- vl.l uf Vermifuge for fmre.-ea irm-eeat .i.aip.. All order, from Canada mint Imap .m;taniiMl by twenty c"»te extra. . - S..1.1 by nil rw.wctabte DrugghU, aad Country Btor* .irtpere gnnnralty. RESt0 uED! An aperient and etomaehie prepnrstrei IRON purified of Oxygen and Carboa by t button in Hydrogen, of higi medical aathor- ity and extraordinary efficacy in each *f the following complaint., Vis.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION. DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA C0UBH- RATION SCS0F0LA SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, , JAUNDICE. UVKR COMPLAINTS J TI8M, MEBOURIAL CONS MITT2KT FEVERS, HEl HEADACHES, FEMALE, "ISNSTRUATTON. WHITES. CHLOKOSI3. t-g ’CSIPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS ‘HR SKIN, ett. The IRON being absorbed by the bleed, and tbuz circulating through the whole lyrtsm, no -— ' ' can escape their truly wonder- _ _ _ of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Don can for a moment he compared with it Impurities of the blood, do- pression of vital eoergy, polo and otherwiee eiokly completion* indicate ite nreeeeity in al most every eone*ivablo easo. In til caeca of female debility (finor tibue, ehlorosle. eto.), ite effects are delightfully renovating. Ho remedy has over been ttieeoverod, to toe whole history of medicine, whioh exerts such prompt, happy, and folly restorative effect*. • Qooia app-tite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strsngflb with an tinnsnti dizpoeitioa for aetivo and cheerful exereies, immediately follow ite use. As a grand stomsehio andgen'rti restorative it has no superior slid no substitute. Pat up tn neat Out metal txiXr. containing g Wteta&wkfSSSz Colog ND PE uie., Hair White wash ■ale by tobll, 163, Hair Oils, (MERY of all kinds, Seen, Puff Balls, Portmon- Cloth, Tooth, DiMtiug nud A groat, variety for X i itorder. bysample, to whom a salary of $60 per month and expenses will be paid. For ooeditiona and fell partkiulan, " drees, with a stamp tor retain “* No. 13 Shqn andlicather Exchange, Boefott, Janl7-trl0m , Tobacco, Snuffs, S AS. Yeuzt, Pondera Es*. Coffee, Blask- tag Gtaatnon Mace, Olive Oil, Vinegar, TURNLSY, So. S Cboiee Hooro. foWl .. -,h tho vratits of tho community, have rooentiy increased their fltoUftlel'for fornish. ing I,nmber of til the various kinds reqnlr* od for building and other OWNimry purposes. The Lumber is inferior to none and u fofr nizhcit on a* reasonable team a*, too be bait anywhere iq this seotibn. AH the Labor are regularly onipToycd t^Sul lumber to Romo and other places, end contract* oan be made for lumber delivered. Terms for Hauling, CASH, but reasonable credit will bsigtosA on the lumberittelfi ~ oontinuonce of the samA , . ' '..... .. L. R. 4.8. D. WRAGQ. Flotu CofftTi FebT—tf