Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, August 02, 1860, Image 4

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Don’t desert an old Jriendfor a new face.” (Old Proverb.) COL. SAM. COLT’S Pistols, Rifles, Carbines and SHOT GUNS. Patents or 1860; 1866; 1867; 1868.' T HESE arms have no equals in quality and finish; are adopted by the Army and Navy of the United States, and the principal government of Europe; are uniform in all their parts, are simple, safe, snre, serviceable and can be had in one hundred varieties, as well as Cartridges of powder, ball and shot, andsmall parts for repairs, from all rospocta- ble gun deulors, and the Hardware trado generally. Address Secretary COLT’S PATENT FIRE ARMS MAN’F’G Co., mayStrily. Hartford, Conn. Beware of Mineral Poisons. DB. J. BOVEE BODS’ CELEBRATED VEGETABLE^ MEDICINES HIS Imperial Wine Bitters For the cure of Incipient Consumption, weak Lungs, Weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, General or Nervous Debility, Piles and ail diseases requiring a Tonic, ere unsurpes- . - - Wii sod. • they ai* a ■’age. They arc made of a pure Sherry Wine, idic" medioal Salt. . por Infiamatory Diseases Only t i Hew Medical Salt IS NOT AOURE ALL. POR INPLAMATORY DISEASES ONLY ThR. COGGSWELL’S New Medical Salt If instead of being a remedy for all ills, has control over but one ill, has but one aim, and accomplishes but one thing, to wit: Sub dues Infiamatory Diseases—whatever be its form or locality, whether in the head, throat, abdonien, extremities or skin. The peculiar excellence of the New Medi- oal Salt is, that without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effeotually cures In- fl&matorv Diseases (no others) by producing an equilibrium of all the fluids in the body, the want of .whioh is the sole Cause of in- llammation. Invalids, Takfl Notice I—The following forms which, the 1 unbalanced fluids assume and many not here mentioned, that have more or less fever and pita, are easily sub dued by the New Medioal Salt as fire is ex tinguished by water,to wit:.Brain Fover, Hcadaohe, Rush of Blood to the Head and Heart, Fits, Inflamed Eyes, Ears and Nose, Canker, Neuralgia, Spinal Affections, Ery sipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Asthma, In flamed Lungs andLiver, Heartburn, Coughs, Dyspepsia venerial Diseases, Rheumatism, Goat Scrofula, ’Salt Rheum, and dll' Itching and other cutaneous eruptions. Dr.. Coggswell’s New Mfodlcal Salt exerts like’the vaccine matter, an extraordinary in fluence over the veins and arteries, resulting in a gradual declining of Inflammation as in dicated by the pulse, whioh soon returns to its natural - state, as the heat, pain and fever <M Dr! 1 Ooggawell<e New Medioal Salt does just what it olaims to do no morono less—equal ises the fluids by removing from the system all arterial and venous obstruction!* Descrip tive Ofreulara may be obtained from any Prugglit who keep* this valuable medicine for sale# WM. B. TAYLOR * CO., Ho. • Court Square Montgomery, Alo. General Agents for South Carolina, Geor- gi^Floridaj^Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana W Dr. Coggs well’s AntiphlogUtio Salt—Acute 5!ln^5hufe?h^^u?^pylong standing ea ses, should always order Chfonlo Packages. Bold by Druggists jUdOlfe—tw2|m propi most wholesomo and delightful beverage His Brandy Cathartic Is a sure remedy for costivenoss, liver com plaint and dyspopsio. They a7? pleasant to tho taste; snro in their operation; anu as a cathartic, entiroly, effectually and positively supercedes the use of Pills, so nauseous and disagreable to the tasto. His Imperial Gin Bitters Act on the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, and are a superior remedy for dys pepsia, connected with liVcr complaint i its forms. FOR FEMALE OBSTRUCTIONS, Thoy nro truly valuable, 'made of pure Hol land? Gin, pleasant and agi-oeable to the taste and may bo well termed a necessary Female Companion. His Cathartic Syrup For Infants, Children, and delicate Females, is certainly one of the most desirable and valuable medicines in the world. It is a per fect substitute for calomel, acting on the liver removing ail obstructions in tha Bowels, cur ing costivenoss, indigestion and dyspepsia.— Although it is as sure and effectual In its op erations as calomel, yet it is so delicious to the taste, that children will cry for it, mid it is ns gomle. innocent and harmless ns the •lews of Ilcavon. Thousands of mothers throughout the land will bless the diBcovorer of this invaluable medicine. CHARLES WIDDIFIELD * CO., Proprietors, 849 A 051 Broadway, Now York. Sold by Faroll A Yeiser. mnr20-trilv SAVANNAH ROUTE! iTO TST e w Y Ork Great Redaction In Rates of Passage;' New Arrangement of through d&mSgjft Tickets. vnoxl New Orleans, $39 76 Mobile 36 90 Montgomery,.. 36 00 Columbus...... 21 00 Albany, 23 00 Macon, 20 00 * FROM Memphis $32 76 Nashville, 27 76 Chattanooga,. 26 00 Knoxville;.... 26 00 Atlanta, 21 00 Augusta, 17 60 »»«u vuio, uuu delivered anywhere i York or vicinity. By the Splendid and' Commodious SIDE WHEEL Steamships Auuustx, 1,500 tons, Capt 'M. S. Woodhall. Florida, 1,300 “ “ Isaac Ciowcll, Alabama, 1,300 " « G. R. Schorck, These steamships belonging to the old es tablished and favorito line, known as “New York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company,” and were built expressly for this lino, theyare commanded by experien ced, skillful and polite officers; and in com fort, accommodations and Fare, cannot be excelled by any vessels on the coast. Through .Tickets are sold ’ in New Orleans by R. Geodes, 90 Gravicr st “ Mobile, " Cox, BuAiNAnn A Co.,' “ Columbus, “ 8. H. Hill, Agent Har den’s Express and J. M. Bivins, Rail Road Ticket Agent, and at all othor points by con necting Rail Road Ticket Agents. JOHN R. WILDER A GALLIE, Agents, Bay St., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL A SON, feb28triwtf Agents, 13 Broadway N. Y. Medical College of Alabama AT MOBILE. The-lectures of this Institution will com-' marice the 14th Nov. next. The Legislature of the State Appropriated fifty thousand dollars at its last session, for the benefit of the College. This donation has enabled the Trustees to erect a magnifi cent building complete in all its departments.' The museum of the College has beon se lected in Europe with groat care, and is sec ond to none in the country. There are three large Hospitals in Mobile free to the stu dents. . The rooms for Practical Anatomy will be opened about the middle of October. FACULTY. J. C. Nott, M. D., Professor of Surgery. J. F. Houstis, M. D., Professor of Anat- my. Wm. H. Anderson, M. D., Professor of Physiology end Pathology. eo. A. Kctclium, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine. F. A. Ross, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. F. E. Gordon, M. D., Professor of Obstet rics and Diseases of Women and Children. J. W. Mallet, Professor of Chemistry. Goronwy Owen, M. D., 1 Demonstrators of A. P. Hall, M. D.. } Anatomy. H. D. Smidt, M.D., Prosector of Surgery. Address W. H. ANDERSON, june20tri3m. Dean of Faculty. Jillson’s Patent ANIMAL TRAP. K NOW all men by those presonts that wo DRESSER A JILT,SON, Manufacturers and Patentees of Jillson’s Patent Animal Trap, havo for valuable consideration trans ferred to Mess. R, W. Inman A Co., the privi lege of supplying the said Animal Traps to all tho Southern States—hereby binding our selves to furnish none of these traps to any parties in the Southern States, except those who are appointed agents by the said R. W. Inman A Co. Given under our band and seal, this 10th day June, 1850. DRESSER-A JILI.SOX, By tho authority invested in us we have appointed Messrs, PERRY A LAMKIN, Merchants in Romo, our solo Agents for the following counties, Vis: Floyd, Chattooga, Cass, Polk, Gordon. Walker, Dude, Whitfield, State of Georgia—who will always have a eood stock of Traps of all sizes on hand, to furnish customers ut manufacturers prices. uovO.—Cm. R, W. INMAN A CO. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, adams, McKinney & co„ 96 Liberty Street, NEW YORK, Offer for Sale from United States Bonded Warehouse: BRANDIES—Cognac—OTARD, DUPUY A Co., PINET, CASTILLION A Co., JAMES HENNESSY and MAKRETT. Rochelle—A. ALEXANDER and HOPE SEIGNETTE, and RA8TEAU. GINS—IMPERIAL SCHIEDAM, own im portation, and various othor favorite brands. RUM—JAMAICA and ST. CROIX. WINES—SHERRY, MADEIRA, PORT and other brands, various grades. IN BOND—SCOTCH IRISH WHISKIE8 ALSO in Store a large and woll selected stock of DOMESTIC LIQUORS, SUCH AS Rye, Bourbon & Monong'hela WHISKIES. feb!4-trlwly. COOSA RIVER ▲(tor thlf date tho Coma River Steam boa ALFARATA, or y Mem- Leaves Rome, ing at 6 o'dlook. Leaves G-re e nsporMWediies* day at 9 o'clock COTHRANS A ELilOTT. JantBrfwtr. "Tgftjjr 4 ' Complaints, arising from, a morbid of Ot Stomach or SmceU,producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Korbut, etc. In view at the fact that every member of the human family is more or leas subjected to some of the above complaints, beside ^in numerable other conditions in life, whioh by the assistance of a little knowledge o. excroiso of common sense, they may be able so to regulate their habits of diet, and with the assistance of a good tonic, secure per manent health, In order to accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is. certainly, that whioh will produoe a natural state of things at the least hazard of vital strength and Ufo; for this end Dr. Hoe tetter - has introduced to this country a prepara tion called HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS, whioh at tins day is not anew medicine, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all wbo havo used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upoi the atomaoh, bowels and liver, reatonni EATING SALOON, BY W. A. DARDEN. First Door below Walker’s LIVERY STABLE- T HE Subseribor has fitted up a first class Restaurant, and will be prepared to serve up Meelsatall hours of tho day or night, at reasonable prices. Ham and Eggs may be had at all times, and Oysters, Blind, Birds, Ducks, Squirrels and other luxuries, each in their season. People from the country will find this a convenient place to get a Good Dinner Cheap. W. A. DARDEN mar22triwtf. Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid This is a new discovery! It is the result of learned research I It is triumph of Scientific SKILL I 11 I T is a Chemical Union of materials pro vided by Nature herself, for rendering pure the air we broathe. -Its action is in obedience to fixed laws. Quick. Sore and Powerful t It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitchens; It removes all offeusi vo odors ; It cures burns with instant certainty; It is tho best preparation ever used for fresh wounds ; It destroys all vegetable and animnl poi sons ; It relieves in a few seconds the bites of in serts, bees Ac.; It scatters boils when forming s It soothes boils when formed, and heals them rapidly; It is good for carbuncles, corns ulcers] and ores; It cleanse tho teeth and purifies the breath. Tho worst symptoms of Typhoid and Sc.irlct Fover are mitigatod by the use of this Fluid; it ha. been known to chock the pread of Typhoid Fever in families and duutatinns. For sale by druggists, and country mer chants generally—from whom orders ore re spectfully solicited. Try at least one bottle. Price fifty cents. Follow directions. Manufactured only in-the laboratory of J. Darby, Auburn, Ala. It may be order- d from PROF. JOli:’ DARBY, Auburn, Ala. F. B. Persons wishing ores, soils wntcr, ,ito., analysed, can have it done on reasouable terms by sending to Prof. Darby. Sold by Baker A Echols, Rome, Ga. jimo2!trlly. FOR FAMILY USE. WILL MEND AHTICLES IN Wood, Leather, Crockery, Gloss, Ivory, Bone, Alabaster, Marble, Rubber, Gutta Per- oha, Cloth, Paper, Papiet Maehe, Shell, Horn, Plaster, Ac. And indeed there is scarcely an article in the whole range of domestic economy, wheth er it be for use or ornament, which, when broken, cannot, with this preparation be re stored to its original value. It challenges the world for its superior. It is indispensa ble id every HOUSE, WORKSHIP, COUNTING-ROOM, And no person, after a-trial of Star’s Chemically Prepared Glue would willingly dispenso with it for four times itcost. It is always ready, and always reliable. It is not offensive to the smell, and is not affected by climate, and where known it has become a FIXED FACT. The attention of dealers and consumers is invited to the following testimonials regard ing its superior qualities: New ante, Nov. 26,1850. “After a faithful trial of Star’s Prepared Glue on Wood, Leather and Cloth, at the Phcnix Works, I most cheerfully recom mend its uso for all purposes generally re quired, and especially for family ase. C. A. CARTER.” “We, tho undersigned, having tested Star’s Prepared Glue, agree with the abovo recoin- msndation. “WM. B. DOUGLASS, Cabinet Ware Manufacturer, Newark. N. Y. “LYSANDER WRIGHT, Machine Depot. 230 Market st., Ne’k. N. J. “IIEDENBURG A LITTELL, Carriage Manufacturers, Newark, N. J. “WM. II. KIRK A CO., Carpenters and Builders, Newark, N. J. “LIVERICH A ENDELS, ’ Carriago Makors, Newark, N. J. Star’s Chemically Prepared Glue is sold by nil Druggists, Furniture Dealers. Grocers, Fancy Goods Dealers, Hardware Dealers, Stationers, nnd by country Mer chant generally. Brice 25 cents per Bottle. A brush goes with each bottle. Put up for dealers in eases from 1 to 12 doz. Asplendid Lithographic Show Card, prin ted in colors givon with each packsgc. All orders er loiters of inquiry by mail ad dressed to the STARR GLUE COMPANY, 51 Liberty st. N. Y. will receivo prompt attention. SEO.A liberal discount to the trado. Sold by P. L, Turnley, No. 3, Choico Hotel, Rome, Ga. april24trily. DR. M’LANE’S . CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, VOX TOT ouxa OP ^ Hepatitis or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. . ,-t A FIRST RATE SEWING MACHINE POR SALE! BELOW N. Y.COST. Especially Adapted for Plantation Work. Warranted to do First Bate Work. ENQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE. Rom Ga., Aug. 17. THE BLANCEVLELE SLATE PARRY. VAN WERT, POLK CO., QA. r IB subscriber now has his Slat* Quarry fully opened and is provided with a suffi cient of workmen to fill orders in auy number part of the South. The quality of tho slate has beon fully tostod, and Its bsanty and ex. soon by an examination of esvoral buildings In Rome oovered with slate from this Quarry. Tho snbsoribor proposes to Airnlih tho slat* at any point in Georgia, Alabama or Tsnntsss* and lay it on tho roof at nn expense not exceeding the eostof Tin roofing. Oontraets ean be made with John R. Free- man Agent of Roms or 8.W. Blancs general Agsat atVaa Wert Polk Co., Gs. disease. Diarrhoea, d’ . generally contacted by new settlers, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease whioh is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than any other; the cause of whioh may always be attributed to derangements of the diges tive organs, ean bo cured without foil by using HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BIT TERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will reoom- mend Bitters of some kind, then why not nse an artiole known to be infallible f Eveiy country bams their Bitters as a pre ventive of di seals, and strengthening pf the system in general, and among them all there is not to be found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon scientific experiments whioh has attended to advanoa the destiny of this great preparation in the medical seme of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This byfill and provoking disease, which fixes Us relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mentally naeless, ean he defeated and driven from the body by the use of HOSTKTTXR’S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, any of the abort stated diseases can not bo contracted when exposed to any ordinary conditions producing them, If the Bitten aroused as per directions. And as It neither creates muses nor offends the palate, and rendering unneces sary any change of diet or interruption to usual pur* salts, bat promotes sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is thus remoetd as spaedlly aa is con sistent with the production of a thorough and perma nent cure. For Persona in advanced years Who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and Infirm body, these Bitten ore Invaluable sura restora tive of strength and vigor, and needs only to be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while mining, these Bitten an Indispensable, especially where the mother • nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequenUy.her strength must yield, . and here it la where a good tonic, such aa Hoatotter’s Stomach Bittors is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means by thlf remedy fob all cases of debility, and befocs so doing, ask your physician, wbo, If he is acquainted with the Virtues of the Bitters, will rooemmend their nsr. In all esses of weakness. CAUTION.—Wo caution the public against using any of the many imitations or coun terfats, but ask forHoerxRxx’s Oklxbeatxd Stomach Brtxxs, and see that each bottle has the words “Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomaoh Bitters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on tho metallic cap covering the eork, and observe that our autograph signa ture is on the label. UT Prepared and gold by HOSTETLER It SMITH, Plttibugh, Pi., and gold by all Draggisti, grocerg, and dealers generally througheit the P ited States, Cauda, South America and Germany.. • SCO VIL Si. MM AD, NEW.ORLEANS, LA.; Wholesale Agents Singer’s Sewing Machines PRICES REDUCED TO $50, $75, $90 and $100. HIE plain reason why Singer’s Hewing- rarcly able to lie on the left side; sometime* the pain is felt under the shoulder blade* and it frequently extends to the top-of. the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for » rheumatism in the aim The stomach i* affected with loss of appetite and sickness, the bowels in general arc costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy xnsation in the back part. There is- gene rally a considerable loss' of memory, attorn-* panied with a- painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is some times an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility* he is-easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com- ilains of a prickly sensation of the skin; tis spirits are low; and although he is satis fied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet examination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills, in cases op Acue and Fever, when taken with Quinine, arc productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparator SLATE, SLATE, SLATE Vau Wert Quarry. T HE subscriber has on hand about 500 squares of Roofing Slate, of all sizes and best quality, and will continue to keep enough to supply all demands hereafter.— Price, six dollars per square at tho Quarry, cash, or will make liberal TIME arrang mould with contractors, or will contract fo putting it on in tho best stylo. SEABORN JONES, Jr. fcbOtrily. Van Wert, Ga. BININGER'S OLD LONDON DOCK GIN! This delicious tonic stimulant E SPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, hav ing superseded tile si,-called “Gins” “Aromat ic,” “Cordial,” “Medicated,” “Schnapps” Ac., is now indorsed by nil of tile prominent phy sicians, chemists, uml connoisseurs ns posses sing all of those intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to nn old and pure Gill. Tut up in quart bottles- and sold by all druggist, grocers, Ac. (Established in 17"8.) A. M BININGER A CO., Solo Prop'rs. No. 10 Broud St., N. Y. Druggists and Dealers suppliod with choico Wines, Brandies, Ac., direct from U. 8. Bon ded Warehouses. Orders from the country wll 1 meet with prompt attention. Our Stock of choice Bottled Liquors comprises the largest and most varied assort meat in this market T . Machines have always sold readily at _ a higher average price than any othor, is that they are bettor, moro durable,' more reliable, capable or doing a much groatcr variety of work, and earning more money. Long con tinued popularity is proof of sterlinj In the purchase of what aro callc Sowing-Machines, thousands have been do- calved and disappointed, but with Bingcr’s Machines there is never any failure or mis take. Singer’s New Family Sewing-Machine the price of .which is only $50, is a light and elegantly douornted Machine, capable of per forming. in tho host stylo, all the sewing of a pri rate family. It has secured a great repu tation during the fow months sinco’it was first offered to the public. Singer’s Transverse Shuttle-Machine, to be sold at $75, is a inaohiue entiroly new in its arrangement; it is very beautiful, moves rapidly and very easily, and, for family uso and light manufacturing purposes, is the very best and cheapest Machine ever offered to tbo public. Tlieso Machines are being in creased in number as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand for them can not bo fully supplied. Singr’s No. 1 Standard Shuttle Machine formerly sold at $135, but now reduced to $90, is too woll known all over tho world to need any description. Every sort of work, coarso or fine, can bo done with it. Singer’s No. 2 Standard Shuttle-Machine. This is thefavorite manufacturing machine evorvwhere. The rise of the Machine gives ample space for almoet every description of work, wnichjtogotherwith Us admirable work ing qualities, gives it a decided advantage.— Price, with table oompleto, $100. Since the great reduotion in the price of these Standard Machines, on the 1st of Octo ber, 1858, the sale of them has inereased four fold. All of Singer’s Machines make the inter locked stitch with two threads, which Is the best stitch known. Evory person desiring to S rocure full and reliable information about owing-Machinos, their sixes, prices, work ing capacities, and the best methods of pur- Opinions of the Press. Tho Biniugcrs’ 338 Broadway, have a very high reputation to sustain, as Ihu oldest and host house in New York .—Home Journal. Tho house of A. M. Biningcr A Co., No 338 Broadway, has sustained for a period of merit, eighty years, a reputation thnt may well b, cheap envied.—N. Y. Evening Post. Tbo name of A. M. Biningcr A Co., is a guaranty of tho exact nnd literal truth of whatever they represent.—K. Y. Commercial Advertiser. The Importing bouso of A. M. Biningor A Co.. No. 438 Broadway, is conducted upon principles of integrity, fairness, and highest honor.—K. Y. Evening Express. the subjoct mar32trily. it papor, 1 vill be supplied gratis. I. M. SINGER A CO., 488 Rroadway, N. Y. ‘ OUISVILLE Artesian Well Water and J Congress Water, on draft withioe at jimoOtri. FARETjL A YEIRER’R Evening Express. Wo havo quoted these complimentary no tices of tho Now York press to the ond that those who are still strangers to us may ob tain such just ideas of our position and repu- t at ion, aa will enablo them to determine whether the statements which* wo have made are entitlod to their consideration and confidence. aprillOtrlwly Gas Lights! Gas Lights! Gas made from common PINE WOOD! W. H. MAGILL & CO., Builders of Oas Apparatus for making Gas from Wood. T HE subscribers are now prepared to build and furnish Oas Apparatus for cities, L JL ana turnisn Gas Apparatus far cltiedj villages, towns, publlo and private buildings, on short notice. Gas made from common pinowood isclioap- er and bettor than any other light known from another source. Persons wishing to see the Wood Oas Works in operation, oan see them at Grady, Nloholton A Co’s., Col. Hammonds’s or Dr. Ware’s in Athens, Ga. %te.AU kinds of Oas and Steam fitting done to order 7Ste.AU kinds of Oas and Steam fittings constantly on hand, for lighting and heating purposes. Order* sent through the Post Office, or oth erwise, wiU be punctually attended to. Romo, Qa W.H. MAOILL A 00. 3. E. BOSS, WM. B. BAOILL. novSO—ly,’ Garden Seeds. all kinds and varieties, warranted to by the land that wUl sprout,_for sale Onoico TURNLEY, Ne.8 i Honse. aperient and stomashto preparation of purified of Oxygen 2nd Carbon by com bustion in Hydrogen, of,high medical author, ity and extraordinary e'fflcaoy in each of the following oomplalnts, viz.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM, MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA, CHRONIC HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAKNESS. MIS- MENSTRUATION. WHITES. CHLOROSIS, etc.. PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, etc. The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and thus'eirenlating through the whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder- nil inflnenee The experience of thousands dally proves that no preparation of Iron oan for a moment be compared with it Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy, pale and otherwise Moldy complexions indicate Its necessity ia al most every conceivable ease. Is all cases of female debtUty (floor albus, chlorosis, etc.), its effooti are deUghtfuUy renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, In the whole history of medioine, which exerts snob prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects, flood appetite, com- plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately foUow it* use. Aa a grand itomaohio and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. Put ap In neat flat metal taxes eontafnlnR OO pill*; price 60 cents pwtalstt hftfj “j ten, orders, etc., abovld to® addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. 330 BBOAUW AV, It V. If.B.—The above la a fbowtanSte ortho CANVASSERS WANTED. iIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. Fifty Dollars per- Month and Ex-- peases Paid. W E wish to engage an aotlve Agent in' every oounty throughout the United! States ahd Canadas, to travel and introduce’ oumw TWBBTT OOLLAB DOUBLE TUBE AD LOOlP stitch SBWuio haobine. This Excelsior Ma- ehino is Just patentod.with valuable improve’ ments, which inako ittheeheapest andmbat popular machine in existence, and acknowl edged to bo unsurpassed for general utility, A limited number of responsible, agents ore wanted to solioitorders by sample, to.whom* satery of $50 per month and expenses will bo paid. For conditions and Aill particulars* ad*' dress, with a stamp for retutnpostage, „ J. W. HARRIS, No. 18 Shoe and LeatharExohange, Boston, Mas*., janl7-triflm White Lead and Linseed Oil* fobll No3Choice House.