Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, September 08, 1860, Image 1

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&aiofl ‘iriT ?U:i> .1 Ttf. ,wi (Yriauba 1 — n vonr: doji stfoeq*, 4iH<%^Htea:« «-.1 . _ oci \nU*ir.o K.-tii i • Ht T.^hg5nviri< )U , IM^ilun : --*.‘b ; ■:. VOLrifc 2DIT0K RQM|v,GEO.,SAtfTOM ¥i.&;"a&ujv, iydi 'ia Jr. rl i 4Ui:r Hi fUESDAY, n ijAYItQftN’OS ATwom ^bsAsmICX snitii. Terms of' AireWjlktlif tn T^^reeklf. rr.n sqoaSr orrss uses. Ono in.s®lafl..lK8ki....*t,00 Two insertion*..•••*•*>£? Bach additional insertion, -0J5. One Month •*.«<> ' 'MHMKiXSPgg* Six Month* Wf • »■■ *wet»e. Months,. ........ W,0y - A ltfters.1 discount will be ma-le to those srho advertise logger mqyuflU. , ( / ., Obitvarits of mom than five lines charged ' tb* (amp as advertisement* ^ . , T rftgtici* of' Marriages anrllviatJk Ml ex-* ceeding Fiye T,ines in length, aio. published K atniwusly in tht Contier. The WeAds of e parties are requested to send in theso no tices accompanied with a responsible name and they will he published with pleasure. r. n. uinvr.v, ....... i>itxi.4p scott. ? [ARVEY & SCOTT, OrN'EYS AT IAW, • ROME, . . . ---—. . . GA. A DVAVCBS pflfoWWrt.ttWaUy bc had upon good claims loft for collection Romo, sTnnol.—ly. <Sr Z. B. HAKCROVE, --J-. ATT O it N K V AT L A W, BOMB. ... - GA. OrWrK—Geer Fort .t Hargrove’s new store. HShro-ly r . GMfflEU),BR0.&C0. No. J49~ Baltimore st.. cotter' Charles, •; : r toWmm *m>. ■ watches. Jewelry, SILVER AND ABATED WARE, J XtiRiify a^L^nyy^ppd^pneraii y ~C. E; A Co. invito attention to their rich and extensive stock of Goods, not inferior to any other establishment in -their line. One of their Arm visiting’Efarape-atlrfually ena bles them hy a caroful solectibn from the best sources to offer inducements to purobasfciy both in Style and price second to none. Watches of tho best makers and in crery variety.■ Military Companies furnished com plete.! - aug2-twly % GEO. T. STOVALL, '..jgfc'A»,TpBif.Mi4t T h A&U30 • noMB, r.r:*/•.* GA - Wli. practice in tho counties nf Gui-' O^ ’rt ovor ff. J. O nliarti’* niothln^ ntflrc —IThdorwood A Oa. T. U. R. OubV, E*q.. Athonr. On. t™} 17 %2L — ,—j nWiwiM J* THOS. J.' VEttDEHV, , . attorney at law, CEDAR TOWN. ----- GA. Writ, praotieo in the counties of Floyd, IMk. Paulding, Carroll, Ilarnldson and Oass. Strict attention paid to collecting. jnn20-ly ’ J, W. II. UMDEUWOOIV c; H. SMITH. UNDERWOOD & SMITH, ‘ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, fttQMB <? 'l- ’ Pnvcnr* In Upper Georgia: also in the t ilnrnl District Court of Marietta. libiO’JO-ly C. B. SMITH, NOTARY PUBLIC. Co-n ni«(lonor of D;e ls for Alabama «nn*'S''f. Slid Fall Importations, 1860. ^ n %) ; mSbt&o a - Millinery & Straw Goods. armstrongTcator & CO IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF MI B 0 p. Bonnet Silks and Satins, VELVETS, RCCIIES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS. STRAW BONNETS; FLATS, <tc„ Ac. No. .237 and LofU of 239 Baltimore st., BALTIMORE, MU. Oiler a stock unsurpassed In the United States in variety and cheapness. Orders solicited and prompt attention ^ TEillfiff-^-A'iVi'nhtlis, six per rent off for eg li. par funds. (in54-2mtw ‘NO HUMBUG, Bnt the Poor Man's Belief, rfajiO -ax'-} ,akp mi RICH MAN'S FRIEND ! Harris’ Twelve Pointed Double MOULD BOARD F Ij O W. T he merits of this Plow over others, for thaciiltivaiipiiof bothCut- ►otvaird C irh aro many, bn*T shut! mention only its'loading merits: With four wthgs. two small and twolarga. it enn bo converted into /Ssmuliflbreot Plows, all of which are very irraesrary for. tho cultivation -of cllf- ferentcrops. And another very important feature is durability. A Plow completed will last a man from two to five years, accord ing to tho soil he cultivates, and will only cost about Three-Dollars to put it up. An Agency vvill soon bo established in Romo, and then pi inter's will lie incited to call end see for themselves. Address. B. F. REYNOLDS.., tnarJOIrilf. Kingston, tin. mil'’ DUABT5, RESfMWT ©EOTSY, ROME, G.EO. <; Booms pyer-Fort A Hargrove. , I T A8 been engaged in ibis EL practice of Dentistry in I Europe and the. United States for the. last twelve years; and will guaran tee to those that employ his services, entire satisfaction, in both, tho operative, and' mechanical branch of tho bus’nbss. , * Particular attention given to regulating childrens teeth. ^SS-All work performed at reasonable charges. -t ■ -«*• K-mayl7—twly. VERANDA Boarding House In’sigiit of the Depot—sn'mo side'rif"the Street, [fobllirlty] S. G. WELLS, Pro. ETOWAH HOUSE, ROME, ••••..., GA. L. P. TIIQAIAS, Pro’r. (Late of Eatontou Hotel.) Tnv: Rtaoco omcoB arc kept at thi? JToun'e, an<l it is nearest tlio I)cpot. jnii5 jlillincry Establishment, m,,’,., Black Looe, Veils A Nett8. m : Forih^tfairnv All Pricjes and Styles. i; Tlio Ladies will find all tbeso, articles new, 1 .utiftrl andflheap. . -nugUtf . TO THE LADIES ! ISSI!Si\(lliLI!ftSTfllJ(KKL HAVING RECEIVED THEIR [Spring and Summer ’ GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE SPRING, GA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. THE REGULAR- STAGE OFFICE*. There is a Livery Stable kept'In connection witli this Hotel, where Horses and Vohiclos are kept for hire. jailUtwtf DAVID G. LOVE, NOTARY PUBLIC, PENMAN, Collector and General Agent. :7.'iT-Ofiicc in Drug Store of B .kcr <t K"h els. fel>l7-trily. angS. T. W. ALEXANDER, vi' ATTORNEY AT LAW. ROME GA. fcblO’AT ' _ _ W. B. TERUUXE, ( ., $0 ATT OR set -AT L.vki >-•- ROME OA. Orm - * - In City Hail Building. aprS-Iy,. Dr. B. M. HTRICKLAND, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN,'—''- - OFFICE at tlio Drug Btoro of Baker, EehoU A Strickland. . Room over MoGulre. A Pinson’s store. Rome, Oa., July Id, trily. Seoeiith year in IKr Trifle—.1 fuel age re quire.i /net lourk K. M. SEAGO, PRODUCE BROKER —AND— General ('ommission Merchant, Oflirc in Scaqo'x Block, No, 13. Alabama Sl„ ATLANTA, GA. S ELLS nil floods on arrival at 2} percent. Will make returns within three days from receipt of (foods. Will purchase, funds In this city, Nciv York, New Orleans. Philadel phia. Baltimore, Boston, Nashville, Cincin nati, Saint Louis and Louisville at 25 per .cent.; on sums of $1,000 or more at 1 per eent. in this City.. The citizens of this City, or strangers in this City, on sums not less than $100, at 1 pur cent.; on smaller sums at 25 per eent 'y-ft'Respectfully refers to B inkers and Merchants of this City. marJOtrily. -DR. II. V. M. MILLER, Has removed his Office to the Room* over Duncan’s Store. marl3,trlam. J. B. IV. NOWLIN, M. D., BOMB GEORGIA. , *jjr*Office over Drug Store of NEWMAN .’A NOWLIN. feb21lrily. Dr. E. A. WARE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Ten nates west of oct.1’59—ly X ROME, GA. WM. FARELL, M. D., ROME, .'. GA. Orric*—In the old Post' Office. aprl’S7 H. H. FENNY, GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT, CAVE SPRING, a A. Sept 7, ‘59.-n45-ly. FORT & HARGROVE, OFd“EIt FOIt S.vt.E A LARGE ASSdlRTMENT OF Gro eries & Staple Goods, tuluptcil to Pin liter’s use-- For Cash, Consisting of Sugar, Coflftet, Salt, Mola&ses, Nails, Negro Kerseys, Blankets, Linseys, Negro Sho:s, Stripes S li irt iggS.QS Pit liltrgs, iioiylS-ly. Factory Thread, Ac., Ac, WOULD CALL THE ATTEN- tionof the Ladies, to their now and elegant assortment »f BONNETS. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS, and everything be longing to tho Miliurey business. Opening on Saturday. ' mnr22triw. A. J, BEARDEN, AM BROT YPIST* ROME, GA. jan3LI8G0; [Trily. ETNA INSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, CON. INCORPORATED 1819 ! CHARTER PERPETUAL. Authorised Capital, ....$1,.306,000 00 Paid up Capital 1 1,000,Olio 00 Assets 2,030,'423 80 E.'G. RiPi.kv. Vres., T. A. Ai.ex.isPEti, V. P. T. K> Buack, See'ty. A. A. Wiluams. Aili’r. W! 8. COTHRAN, Agt., Rome, Oa'. • aprilo trily. !Thc ( Bladen»bnrfDnellii»g:G*ound. -.e: ’ utl ■.■"TT< ’.into# vii.ri*! »J it pi surrounded by trees, forms, maae^ ter the imago, of God, come to"'insult Nature andd# HteVeri; -TCT8l¥[Sd word Hopkins was killed here in a atlel. This secmbd to be the first of these fashionable murdors on this duelling ground. ■ ’ >.• ; v ««:*'? Ih 18W, A.T; Mason United States Senator from Virginia, fought with his Sister’s husband, John' McCarty, here.' McCarty Ros avers© to lighting,-atid. thought there was no necessity Tor' 1 it; but Mason would fight. McCarty nam- mbskets, loaded with grape-shot, and so near together that they would hit heads if they fell-on their faoes. This Was changed My the sr colids to londihg with bullets,‘and taking twelve feet as the distance.- -Mason’ was-killed -Instantly, '-ond -McCarty, Who had hiir collar-bone broken, still lives witli Mason's Sister in Georgetown. His hair turned white 1 so soon after the ‘fighfaS^Tto cause much comment. 'lie lias since b'6on 'Solicited to net as second in a duel, but refused, -in noaordance with a pledge he. .made to (his wifi? soon after killing her broth er. tn ‘1820, 'Commodore Decatur Was killed In a duel-by Commodore Barron. At the first fire they both i fell forward with their heads within ten feet of each other ; and, as each supposed himself mortally wounded, each tVilly and' free ly forgave tho other, still'' lyin^ on ; the ground. .. >.• - • • Decatur expired immediately, but Barron eventually recovered. In 1812, two strangers named Lega and .Sega, appeared here, fought ond Sega was instantly killed. The neigh bors only leurnod this mupl; of their names from the marks on their gloves left on tho ground. Lega was not hurt. , J. . ”7 , . ,, In 1822,' Midshipman Locke, waskill- ed here hy a clerk in the Treasury De partment, named Gibson, Tho latter was not hurt. n. a. J- *• wish. WITT & WISE, DEALERS IN ICE! CENTRAL ICE HOUSE, ATLANTA, GA. T ilts Firm, at considerable expense, have fitted up an excellent IOE HOUSE, and.will he prepared during the roniin” season to furnish lee of the'bo.‘t quality. The Ico will ho carefully pul Up and de livered at the. Depot, or to Adam's Express Company, at the following RATES: For 50 lbs,, or upwards, 2 cents. Less than 50 lbs If cents. DENTISTRY. Dr. J. T, Diran e, I s now ponnftinv.iMv Wnied in Uotnc.iitni Ims tnki-n romtiA •»vur Fori A*. IT:irjrove’s store, wliere he will ho ploaXm) to re‘oivo tho ealln of.tluM 'who in *y rc piiro his profousional ncrvieos. IK* woiihl ntso ntn»e that-Ho is propar^Q to Insert jirtifiehil tooth, on vuhnimzoH rtihbor, wliieli is rast.suj>crcof*<W»R/oU ot)iqr styles of work, now ifiirtjyTfftniitmn<t as It ilues^ AND V Pleasant Do?rcc of Elasticity, WITH Cleanliness and Durability. All work performed at Now York prices. rnny-t—1 y, ingnT(? PH(ENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD. CON. CAPITAL $490,000! CHARTER PERPTIJL. II. KKt.i.ona. Sect’v.. S. L. Looms. I’rest. W. 8. OOTHRAN, Agt., Roino, Gn. npriljtril.v. ’t$- J. C. REESE, M. D. SILVER CREEK, - - FLOYO, Co.GA Offloe at J.A Whitahaoda’ qugJ-ly- R, J. JOHNSON, COMMISSION MERCHANT. .eIaZ Rsie*iG»i‘.rnhi'1 And all kinds at Froduae, and Hi that: hatswyte ai—iltntei to Alsa. DcFOREST, ARMSTRONG, & Co. DRY GOOD MERCHANTS, 80 and 82 Chamber> St. N. Y. ■\TTQULD notify tho Trade that they arc YY opening Weokly, in now anil beauti ful patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, Also the AMOSKEAG, A Now Print, which excelsev?ry Print in tho country for perfection of execution and de- isign in full Madder Color*. Our Prints are cheaper IhSti any in market, and meeting with extensive sale.' Orders promptly at tended t6. ’ ' ‘ Feb9*00,trily. J. B. MURPHY RESIDENT DENTIST, R E8PE0-TFULLY informs his friends, and the pulilie generally, that lie continues tlio prnetieoof DENT1STR F in allitsbranoh- os, iiiul Inis fitted up au iillieo, over tho store of MeGuiro A Pinson, where ho is prepared tn execute nil ppcfailqusappqrtsieiitg id den tistry. Ill the liinst approved manner." Hu would also call the particular attention of these in want of Artificial Work, to his su perior style of teeth, set on gold plate 1 j fer beauty, strength and life-like nppeacainfo, they are nnt surpassed. As an impression bas been made that my prices for dentiil opera tions nre higher than the usual run of Den tists, I hog leave to eny that they are tho same as charged by Dentists nt Apgostn, Macon anil Savanna'll. For Artilioial Work inychar- ges arc as follows: } " 1 Enlire Sots Upper and Lower from $1 lift to $251; Half Sets, Upper or Lower, from . 50 tn 150 Temporary Sets, Upper and l.nwpr, 25 each. Partial Sola in proportion to the above. As I am well posted iu all the late improve ments oftlic day. Ifoyl ennOdent that I can meet, tho wants of hi! Wbq may ncod. : lho ser vices ofa Dentist, and if rofcrencosare want ed; ns to their utility in answering tho purpo ses of nature,.I ug give them in abundance, from those who have tested my skill, for tho last fourteen yours, iu this, and adjoining States. J. B. MURPIIY. Roue, Sept. H, 1859-lf. Change of Schedule- Orriei:'Rnjm Unt.noAi>. T Runic, March 111, 2800. • J O N ami after Sunday tlio 1st day of April tlio Morning train will leave Rome daily nt 7J o’clock. A. M.. returning nt 45 o’clock. P. M. Evening Train leaves Romo daily (Sundays excepted) at 05 o'clock. 1‘. M., and return next duv at 0-1 o’clock. A. M. \V. S. COTlIllAN, Geu’l Sup’t. W. & Atlantic (State) R. R. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 miles, furo $5— John W. Lewis, Sitpe't. MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, at 10 20 a u Arrives at Chattanooga 7 34 p n Leaves Chattanooga at 3 25 a ji Arrives at Atlanta 4 40 i' jt EVENING PASSENGER T1UIN. Leaves Atlanta nt night 8 15 a u Arrives nt Cliattnnoagn 5 3(1 a ji Leaves Chattanooga, at 3 00 p u Arrivdifttf Atlanta.... 11 82 A u This road connects each way with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tonncss.-e A Gonrgia Railroad at Dalton, and tho Nashville A CHattaWuoga Railroad at Chattanooga. mar3tri. WHOLESALE , T0B«-4$IJSE! MoaP ST., HOWE, -keep oonutantly qn baud a large Him Itjw' . . that our Ioe jJSSkixSSstaikSwtth *v the best quality of tee, which eon be fufntah- cd all the Sommer. D supply at FARELL A YEISER’B. -m supply the trade on u. reasonable terms ss canbehsdebowhqrq. . ’ I, S.’ 8. i WBA25WKRFORD, iRoekinglisn Co. N. C, " W.a«LSSrSe»oGa. junel^tfiVy. ' ; Bog White Lead had Lins( l Ne.lartioKcheap,b, TrRN L EYi . j^bll No3Choice House. tiios. J. pr.nnr, ::::::: o. w. p. i.aukix. FERRY & LAMKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIt GROCERS, " No. 4 Choico Hotel, W ILL keen constantly on hnnd, a . well selected assortment of Groceries. Al so, Provisions, such ns,, Bacon, Lard, Flour, m its. GIvo us a cal! before buying clsowhcrt, Romo, Aug. 3i, ’ COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO,. —SUCCESSORS TO-— JEFFERS & COTHRAN,: Factors A Wad/lfertn iftercWats, CENTRAL- WHABFa 1 ’ ' ' CHARLESTON, SOVTH CAROtlNA. WADE §. COTRAN, v . G* HBNRY L. J^^RS, } ^Kairleslen, S, (!. September 7,—ly. HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller & Stationer ROME, GA. fgfStm JUST RECEIVED £ff> rnimOf a largo and exten- CBHr sivcStoek oi School, Clnssienl and Miscellaneous Books. Also, a large variety of Stationary, Wall Papering, Eugravings, Paintings and Faney Articles, suitabio for tho Holidays. Merchants and Sellout Touchers, supplied with Books and Stationary at Augusta prices. Tho attention of purchasers rospootfully solicited. Terms Cash.. jon#—twly In 1820, llonry C[ny fought (his soo- ontl duel) with John Handolph just across tho Potmnnc, Ah Randolph pre ferred to die, if at nil, on Virginia soil. He received Mr. Clay’s shot, and then fired into the uir- This was in accord unco witli a declaration made to Mr. Benton, who spoke to Randolph of <A call the evening before, on Mrs. Clay, I and alluded to.the quiet sleep of her ' child and the repose of tlio mother.— Randolph quickly replied: “I shall do nothing to disturb the sleep of tho child or tho repose of. the mother.’' General Jessup, whoso funeral I attended last week, was Clay’s sec ond. When Randolph fired, he remarked: ‘‘I do not shoot at you, Mr. Clay,” and extending his hand, advanced to wards Mr. Clay, who rushed to meet him. Randolph showed Clay where his ball struck iiis coat.” . 1 Olay replied: ‘•Thank God tlio debt is no greater 1" They wore friends ever ufter. lii 1832, Martin was killed by Oarr.— Their first names are not remembered. They were from the South. In 1833, Mr. Key, son of Frank Key, and brother to Burton Key, of Sickles notoriety, met Mr. Sherborn, and exchanged a shot, when Sherborn said: “Mr. Key, I have no desire to kill you.” “No mattor,” said Key, ‘(I came to kill you.’’ “Very well, then,” said Sherborn, “I will kill you.” And he did. In 1838, W. J, Graves, of Kentuoky, assuming tho quarrel of Jos. Watson Webb, with Jonathan Cilley, of Maine, selected this .place for Gilley’s murder; but tho parlies learning that Webb, with two friends, Jackson and Morrell, were armed and in pursuit, for tho pur pose of assassinating Cilley, moved to ward the river, but missed the parties and then returned to the city, to which they were soon followed by Graves and tlio corpse of Cilloy. In 1845, a lawyer named Jones fought with and killed Mr. Johnson. In 1851, R. A. Hoolo and A. J. Dallas had a hostile meeting here. Dallas was shot in tho shoulder, but recov ered. In 1852, Daniel and Johnson, two Richmond editors,held a harmless set-to here, which terminated in coffee, times, that Bell and Everett are the only national) candidates in the-field, and thev only ticket/ whioh.'Stonds a f host of a chance of success qver the llaok Republicans,,lie gives his'support copy Uordbbtofd Mr! Yerger 1 ^letteri '.' ‘ui-ft ■ Without Attempting to dismiss the , ofessed principles of ' oither party in the field, ltse&ma tq mo that tne only questions, a - patriot should now oik. ought.'to' be: lt(jvv’ : can we save tho Unrorff A ttitjvr fcarf wo'crttsh the' BlOek Republicans ? Whatever party we may Soutff^re^o/flienghts'of'tlS South, and it Wdomes ns its a great and intelli gent people, to put nn ond to the right of party,tynmay. ,’ It has already nearly proved fatal to ‘.our, couptry, t Indirid- ual independence Is now necessary to preserve It. Withobt doubting the dei- votion of any party In Mississippiln the interests of the South, it cannot. I' think, be successfully denied,,that the Democracy have failed,'os a National party 1 ,’to secure thbit which#ss thO very jernl Of the dissolution. Theso -g)pin- ons are now held witin my-own knowl edge, by some of. the most distinguish ed ' supporters of Mr. Breckinridge- in Mississippi;' who have, furtHermdro, patriotically declared their willingness i» support. Mr. Rell, should • it indeed appear that ' he is'the stfongeW candi date in the field. - The recent elections, I think, havealptrljr pa6v4d this to ,be a.filot, and ibis not too pnwh,tohppe that the patij^tism of these gentlemen wjll soon show itself, by an'opdn 'deela- rolion for Mr. Beil. 11 ’ • ’’ In this dontest 1 am-for crashing .the Republioan- party; rather, than the,olor thy 3uagCftdhf;\he"' r «rttflS»t Notwhal candidate^ ih the-field. Li / Yow oibedicatgem , , ■ER. BOOTS AMD MOFS'i'ACTi.’nKn Bv P. A. p ill B E K G, ROME OA. Tho Subscriber i* supplied with it fine lot of extra FR ENCH CALF, PA TENT LEATHER; and all other materials for Gentlemew’s'Dren'Boots A Shoes. Ho employs the beet of Workmon *M'keeps .potted on the latest fashions. . frji Genteel Fiti ami Work warranted. Thankful for . past favors he hopes to re ceive a continuation of patrohago in this branch of hpmo industry. ' i aagJoLly * P, A. OMBBRO. ’ • ,i»rK :no ROM B . *' "it! • MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ROMS, - - ,.GA*r / Office—At Roino BafiroadDeiKit, . C. K. G.t lase Wagon, prepared t liver promptly ell ligS passengers aha Bdggage, T ln ,r aldk ttbeut the pity, at rotsonahlo rates. ’ .Cnitos • may 1 left athis Confectionary Stvrv,.or at the Kai ) road Depot. • m«ri5trU JSSrM. Jobard, a French savant, has astounded the scientific world. He has discovered a way of suspending anima tion; and also of bringing the,dead back to life. He professes to be able to restore a drowned man after-two days immersibn, and a frozen subject after ton years’ “oblivion,” i Provided;** ottF grit’s ueckbo not. broken j he oan-be nought book to lifo after hanging.a whole day. M. -Jobard, with great sympathy for. the “ills "which flCsh are heir to, 1 -’ suggests that medical qlen should immediately make., themselves icquainted with the secret of hts invon- ;ion, so that the’noor and MKrohunWte be suspended - tili better times came around, and the .victims thwarted leva wayuiyoy the fpi Job^ffi}. syatwh of , Appending wunir r ' VOS m tlrntQov. Browni-offiississippi, having been called out.afteriGen. Patrick Hon- ct hod-spoken at Ilnzlohurst, last woek declared that rT 1 ill domeneoessary to do so-to dofoat la - cole. 1 An Affray atNiagard'Pails.' 1 Persons ftoro NiOsUra Fiill inform ub that ofi Friday 1 night arid Saturday last there was quite ah affray between-- some of tho guests at the International. Hotel and the colored waitemeidplbyjscfdiBre. Mr. James Gordon Bennett’s son was in his room at the hotel, with a number of friends., The beU was rung, for some wine, and a colored waiter responded. The man gave Mr, Bennett offence, and he ordered him doWn ; stairk The Wai ter did not go as* directed; but called ids . to ]" t-to, was musclo, — down one of the waiters several times. The proprietor here interfered, ind the disturbance was quelled. During the night, Mr. Benpett, in company with a friend, went over, to the Canada side of the river, being followed by five oh six negroes, who were intent-on chastising the “white folks.”. The guests staid in Canada as long as they wished, and then re-crossed the Suspension Bridge. ' Just as they stepped from tho structure the negroos assailed them. Bennett and bis friend defended themaelveejmanfnl- ly, and two or three of the “darkt” kiss ed the earth. Oho of them somehow got behind Mr. B.’ and leVOlbd him with a stone, whioh was tbrowfi against his his back. The darkies had knives in their bands, whioh they flourished with, impunity. The white men withthe as sistance of friends, got him to the hdtel Without sustaining■ any seriousipjury«r- Rochester Union 2ith, *(«. --'i . , An Explanation Needed* We would like to see an explanation! by Mr. Douglas’friendB, of the following remarkable statement recently made by Hon. Anson Burlingame,in a speech in Maine, and reported by a oorrespond- ent of the Bangor “Union :”—At. Amer 4 ■ “Colfax, Frank Blairand myself, have had frequent, private interviews with Mr. Douglas, fn hjs own bouse. On tion against Southern dictation. I also had «,private interview with Mr. Douglas, casion of his first late visit to "Boston.—- Mr. Douglas then made use of this lan guage: “Mr: BurfagMoe, j m id#K»ed l ar!d C Fulh ‘WW WupJendid sight, Burlingame, toseeMo- Douged*returned from C from. Qregcjn, and Dougl ^ ^ Seirprmiddnt Is to^come 1 'fr6m •tote!” *.«•&«. iv. ^-Mfcfiittlikgauio then oxhorte4*jthf of Lincoln, could.Mi% »oug] never; on earth wonid r with tho Breekin- - said Mr. coin, and nothing <