Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, October 30, 1860, Image 4

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A Novelty in the Art World! Photography upon Porcelain. THE AMERICAN .phie Porcelain Co., No.'iSl Broadway, NEW YORK, vlngzecurei thair novel and ingenious ention by American and European pat- itt, aro fully prepared to execute all orders INIATURE LIKENESSES OF PERSONS ON CHINA, resenting all the attractive and advanta- >us features of ordinary photographs, the illiancy and finish of a water-color draw- , and a hitherto unattained quality of du- iiity, by being rendered as imperishable the natural properties of the articles upon hich they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company sables the reproduction of Photographs, tot only on plain surface, but upon such os e round or of any degree of irregularity— irtratts can be reproduced with fruitless curacy, and delicacy of delinlation, upon ’orcolain wares of any description and di tension used as' articles of luxury or of household utility, such as URNS, VASES, BREAKFAST CUPS, TOILET JARTICLES, AC.J thereby securing faithful portraits and fur nishings unique and exquisite style of orna mentation of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifi cation of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of thoso patrons of tbo Fine Arts de sirous of haviug Portraits on Porcelain, the Company havo imported from Europe a col lection of superior porcelain goods, manufac tured to their own order, which they soli at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of tho patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to uso the process, they have dotormined, in order to afford people in every section of tho Union an opportunity to possess . PORTRAITS ON CHINA, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype, •r daguerreotype to the office of the Compa ny in New York, accompanied by FIVE DOLLARS, will receivo in return by express, free of other charge, A RICHLY ORNAMENTED BREAKFAST CUP AND SAUCER, with the portrait transferred thereon. By transmitting a daguerreotype and TEN DOLLARS, they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOME FRENCH VASE or TOILET ARTICLE, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. By sonding a pair of daguerreo types and FIFTEEN DOLLARS, they will receive in return A PAIR OF RICH SEVRES VASES, ith the portraits executed equal to minia- s paintings; and, in like manner, por ta can be reproduced .on porcelain, wares ’ABES OF EVERY QUALITY OF FINISH, ging in price from >20 TO $100 THE PAIR. N, B.—Be particular in writing the ad- ss, town, county and State distinctly. All letters to be addressed to ‘Mahagkb, MXRICAX PHOTOGRAPHIC PORCKLAIX Co.,’ 781 Broadway, octl3tw3m] New Yonx. SAVANNAH ROUTE! iTO New York Great Redaction U Kates of Passage. New Arrangement of through Tickets. raou New Orleans, $39 75 Mobil 35 00 Montgomery,- 26 00 Columbus...... 21 00 Albany 23 00 Macon........... 20 00 ten B Road Cars, and COL. SAD. COLT’S Don’t desert an old friend for a new Jaee.' (Old Proverb.) Memphis $32 75 NsshviUe, 27 75 Chattanooga,.. 25 00 Knoxville,.... 25 90 Atlanta, 21 00 Auguste, 17 50 by tho Mnnhnt- 'press Company on" the Central Rail * delivered anywhere in New nUWtVMl) Mill u York or vicinity, By the Splendid and Commodious SIDE WHEEL Steamships Auocsta, 1,600 tons, Capt. M. S. Woodholl. Florida, 1,300 “ “ Isaac Ci.-well, Alabama, 1,300 " “ G. R. Schtrck, These steamships belonging to the old es tablished and favorito line, known as “New York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company," and were built expressly for this line, theyare commanded by experien eed, skillful and polite officers; and in com fort, accommodations and Fore,' cannot be excelled by any vessels on tho coast. Through Tickets arc sold in New Orleans by R. Geodes, 00 Cravier st. “ Mobile, “ Cox, BnAiXAnn A Co., " Columbus, “ S. H. Hill, Agent Har den’s Express and J. M. Bivins, Rail Road Ticket Agent, and at all other points by con nccting Rail Road Ticket Agents. JOHN R. WILDER A GALLIE, Agents. Bay St., Savannah. SAM'L L. MITCHELL A SON,' feb28triwtf Agents, 13 Broadway N. Y . STEAMBOATS! After this date the Coma River Steambea Company’s Steamer* will leave for GREEN. 8F0BT, and intermediate landings’ as fol low* i STEAMER ALFARATA, or PENNINGTON, Leaves Rome, Tuesday Kern ing at 6 o'clock. Leaves Oroensport Wednes day at 9 o’clock. . ELLIOTT k RUSSELL. jan24triwtt The enterprising proprietor of Chestnut Grove Whiskey. . (The Purest Medical Agent eve _ . . has Aimished the community a Bti molant > Pure, Healthful and Invigorating, at the same time a mild delicious beverage. It Is calculated to do aWay with the vile druggod stuff that is palmed off on the commnnTtv, *0® which i* injurious to body and mind, fn addition to the certificates beneath, he has aWploma from the STATE AGRI CULTURAL 80CIETY, ad additional testi mony from DR. JACKSON, of Boston, under oath to iti absolute purity. CERTIFICATES. Philadelphia, Sept. 9th 1850. We have eareLilly tested the sample of Chestnut Grove Whiskty whioh you sent us, and find tha$U contain* none of the Poison ous substance known as Fusil Oti, which is the eharacteHstteend inlurious ingredient of tbo Whiskeys in general use. BOOTH, GARRET k CAMAC, Analytical Chemists. New York Sept. 3d. 1858. I have analysed • sample of Chestnut Grove Whiskey, reeieved from Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr, of Philadelphia, and bavin; carefully tested it, 1 am pleased to state the i it if entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances it is an unusually, pure and fine Savored quality of whiskey, JAMES R, CHILTON, Analytical Chemist. " Boston, March miBSe. I have made a chemical analysis of com- lueruial samples of Chestnut Grove Whiskey which proves to be free from the hoavy Fusil Oils, and pe rfeetly pure end unadulterated. The fina flavor of this Whiskey is derived from the Graiu used in manufacturing it. ja-’^-ea #•- » 1 « A. A. HA For Sale V MAPES' Nitrogenlzed Super-Phosphate S OF LIME. REMOVAL* T HE undersigned, Agent for the above Fertiliser, in eonsequonce of its marked success the past season, and the greatly in creased demand arising therefrom, has made arrangements with the manufacturer for a large and frill supply; and requiring greater faeiiitiea for storage and other accommoda tion, has taken the four story Warehouse as below, where he will be able to supply any quantity required, with promptness. -He may be allowed to oxprees bis satisfaction in view oi the fset.that oi the numerous pur chases made of him by planters, genorally for the purpose of making comparative tests with other fertilisers, not one case ha* come to his knowledge where oar Fertilizer has not shown a decided superiority. Planters who hare used Mapes’ Phosphate, now make It their sole reliance, and are ordering (some of them) as much as fifty tons, for use the next season. This fact speaks for itself. We have diacovered a quality, developed in the drouth, which was before unobserved, viz : its hygrometric power, or capaeity, to absorb moisture from the atmosphere, which obviat ed to a large extent the late unparalleled drought where it was used, while most other fertilisers were not only valueless, but posi tively injurious to the plant The safety and irofit as a money investment, arising from he use of Mapes' Phosphate, are now placed beyond queation, and the experience of the past season, has established what we have, without hesitation, always asserted for it that is the only fertiliser reliable under all oircumstauces of soil, mode of cultivation, and of weather. SLATE, SLATE, SLATE! Van Wert tyuurry. T HE sqbioriber has on hand .about 500 squares of Roofing Slate, of all slse* and best quality, and will continue to keep tosapply —- Price, six dollars per square at tho cash, or will make liberal - TIME arrang meats with contractors, or will contract fo putting it on in the best style. SEABORN JONES, Jr. feb9trily. Van Wert,.Ca. Pistols, Rifles, Carbines and SHOT GUNS. Patents or I860; 1855; 1857 ; 1868. T HESE arms have no equals in quality and finish; are adopted by tho Army and Navy of tho United States, and the principal government of Europe; arc uniform in nil ihcir parts, aro simple, safe, sure, serviceable mid ran bo bad in one hundred varieties, at well as Cartridges of powder, ball and shot, and small parts for repairs, from all respecta ble gun dealers, and the Hardwaro trade gunerallv. Address Secretary colt’s Latent fire arms man’F’OCo., may3trily. Hartford. Conn. onough | all demands hereafter.— A the Quarry, JANFORD’S LIVER INVIG0RAT0 NEVER debilitates, I T is Compounded entirely from Gums, nnd lias -become an estab ashed laet, a Standard Mcdieine, known and op- ._ ... .. . have used it, and is confidence in all the is recommended, sands within the last given up all hopes of ous unsolicited cer- session show, adapted to the tern- dividual taking it, quantities as to act els. yourjudgmentguide Liver Invigorator, cr Complaints* Bil- pepsia. Chronio Di- Complaints, Dyscn- Stomuch, Habitual . Cholera, Cholera Infantum, Flatulence. prove by all that now resorted to with diseases for which it It has cured thou- two years who hod relief, os the numor- tificatcs in my pos- The dose must be perament of the in- and used in such greatly on tho Bow- Let the dictates of in the use of the and it will cure Liv- lous Attacks, Dys- urrhoea, Summer torry, Dropsy, Sour Costivenoss, Cholic, Morbus, Cholera Jaundice, Female Weakness, and may be used succesfully ns an Ordinary Family Medicine. It will cure 8ick headache, (us thousand eon testify) in twenty minutes, if two or three Teaspoonfuls are taken at commence ment of attack. All who are using it aro giving their testi mony in its favor. Mix watorin the mouth with the Inrigara- tor, and swallow both together. Price One Dollar per Bottle. —ALSO— SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC FILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM P URE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, and put up in Gloss Cases, Air Tight, and will keep In any climate. The Family Ca bat active Cathartic bos used in bis prao- ty years. The constantly in- from those who nave and the satislhction regard to their use, place them within The Profession ferent Cathartics aet of the bowels. The Family Un due reference to this boon compounded purest Vegetable _ alike on every part «|J canal, and are thartlc Pill is gentle which the proprltor tiee more than twen- ereasing demand long used the Pills hich all express in has induced^ me to the reach of alL well known that dif- on different portions thartlc Pill has, with wqll established fact from a variety ofthe Extracts, which act of the alimentary and safe in all cases where a Cathartic is needod, such ts De rangements of the Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in the Baek and Loins, Costivoness, Pdin and Soreness over the whole body,, from sudden.eolp, which frequently, if neglacted, end in a long course of Fever, Loss of Appe tite, a Creeping sensation of Cold over the body, Restlessness, Headache, or weight in the head, all Inflammatory Disease, Worms in Children or Adults, Rheumatism, a great Purifier of the blood and many diseases to whieh flesh is heir, the numerous to mention in this adxeraisement. Dose, 1 to 3. Price, 3 Dimes. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathar- tie Pills are retailed by Druggist generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all tho large towns. S. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor. 208 Broadway, New York. Sold by Druggist* in Rome. auglfitwtf latest improved patterns adapted to Southern cultivation, at lowest prices. J. A. QUIMBY, No. 3, Warren Block, oct9twAw5m] Augusta, Geo. M. D., State Assayer, No. 18, Boylston Street. ale by C. WHARTON; Jr« Boll Fite. Agk —tr!3m No. 115 Walnut BL Phil. *ep!3—tri3m T) UR NETT’S Flavoring Extracts, Ooeo- ,0 sine, Ksllrston and Tooth Wash—s ffSh supply at FARELL A'YEISBR, adams, mckinney & co. 96 Liberty Street, NEW YORK, Offer for Sale from United States Bonded Warehouse: BRANDIES—Cognac—OTARD, DUPUY * Co., PINET, CASTILLION A Co JAMES 1IENNE8SY and MARRETT. Rochelle—A. ALEXANDER and HOPE 8EIGNETTE, and RASTEAU. GINS—IMPERIAL SCHIEDAM, own im portation, and various other favorito brands. RDM—JAMAICA and ST. CROIX. WINES—SHERRY, MADEIRA, PORT and other brands, various grade* IN BOND-SCOTCH IRISH WHISKIES ALSO in Store a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC LIQUORS, SUCH AS Rye, Bourbon & tfonong’hela WHISKIES. febll-trlwly. Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid 1 This is a new discovery! It is the result of learned research / It is triumph of Scientific SKILL t! I T is a Chemical Union of materials pro- vided by Nature herself, for rendering pure the air we breathe. Its action is in obodiencc to fixed laws. Quick, Snre and Powerful I It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitehens; It removes all offensive odors ; It cures burns with instant certainty; It is tho best preparation ever used for fresh wounds; It destroys all vegetable nnd animal pel- sons; It relieves in a few seconds tbc bites of in sects, bees Ac.; It scatters boils when forming ; It soothes boils when formed, and heals them rapidly; It is good for carbuncles, corns ulccrsTnnd ores; Itcleanso the teeth and purifies tho breath. Tho worst symptoms of Typhoid and Scarlet Fever are mitigated by the use ol this Fluid; It bar been known to check the prend ofTyphoid Fever in families and limitations. For sale by druggists and country mer chants generally—from whom orders are re spectfully solicited. Try at least one bottle. Price fifty cents Follow directions. Manufactured only in the laboratory ef J Darby, Auburn, Ala. It may be ordered from PROF. JOHN DARBY, Auburn, Ala. F. B. Persons wishing ores, soils water, etc., analyzed, ean have it done on reasonable terms by sending to. Prof Darby. Sold by Baker A Echols, Rome, Ga. jnno21trily. FOR FAMILY USE. WILL MEND ARTICLES IN Wood, Leather, Cookery, Glass, Ivory, Bone. Alabaster, Marble, Rubber, Gutta Per ch*, Cloth, Paper. Papiot Macho, Shell, Horn, Plaster, Ac. And Indeed there is scarcely an article in the whole rungc of domestic economy, wheth er it be for use or ornament, which, when broken, cannot, with this preparation bo re storud to ita original value. II challenges tho world for its superior. It is indispensa ble id ovory HOUSE, WORK8IIIP, COUNTING ROOM, And no person, after a trial ol Star’s Chemically Prepared Glue would willingly dispense with it for foni times it cost. It is always ready, and always reliable. It is not offensive to the smell, and is not affected by climate, and where known it has become a FIXED FACT. Tho attention of dealers and consumers is invited to tho following testimonials regard ing its superior qualities: .Newark, Nov. 26,1859. "After a faithful trial of Star’s Prepared (flue on Wood, Leather and Cloth, at the Phonix Works, I most cheerfully recom mend its uso for all purposes generally re quired, and especially for family use. C. A. CARTER.” “We, the undersigned, having tested Star’s Prepared Clue, agree with tho above reconv msndation. “WM. B. DOUGLASS, Cabinet Ware Manufacturer. Newark. N. Y. “LYSANDER-WRIGHT, Machine Depot. 230 Market st„ No t. N. J. ‘•HEDENBURG A LITTELL, Carriage Manufacturers, Newark, N. J. “WM. H. KIRK A CO., Carpenters and Builders, Newark, N. J. “LIVERICII A ENDELS. Carriage Makers, Newark, N. J. ’ Star’s Chemically Prepared Glue is sold by all Druggists, Furniture Dealers Grocers, Fancy Goods Dealers, Hardware Dealers, Stationers, and by country Mcr chant gencrully. Price 25 cents per Bottle. A brush goes with caoh bottle. Put up for dealers in rases from 1 to 12dos Aspiendid Lithographic Show Card, prin ted in colors given with each package. All orders ar letters of inquiry by mail ad dressed to tbo STARR GLUE COMPANY, 51 Liberty st. N. Y. will receive prompt attention. SS9.A liberal discount to the trade. Sold by P. L, Turnley, No. 3, Choice Hotel Rome, Ga. apri!24trily. DR. M’LANE’S Celebrated American Worm Specific, VERMIFUGE. - SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. T HE countenance is pale and ’eaden colored, with occasional flushes, or a cir cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and some- times bleeds; a swelling of the -upper lip; occasional headache, with humming Of throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; ap-> >etite variable, sometimes voracious, with a thawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent Cancers can be Cured! Dr. R. W. JANUARY T ENDERS hi* services for the treatment of Cancerous Diseases, whether local or in the uterus, Scrofula and Chronic Diseases. His treatment is very mild, and perfectly safe, whether taken internally or locally applied. The remedies are vegetable. As proof of his’unrivalled success in the treat ment of Cancerous Diseases, he would rofer to the following gentlemen: Dr. Boyd, M. D., M’Lemorsvllle, Tenn.. Dr. J. M. Fort, M. D., Keysburg, Ky.; Dr. Dillard, D D., Lexington, Ky.; Warner Spindle, Esq., Fredericksburg, Va.; Hon. Joel Berry, Mississippi; Dr. Norfleet, M. D., Port Royal, Ky.; Dr. Saytes, M. D., Ripley, Mo., Dr. Diltard, M. D., Chicago, Ill.; Peter- ton Tanner, Athens, Ala.,- J. H. Eaton, LL.D., Murfreesboro’, Tenn.; Rev. J. R. Graves, Nashville, Tenn.. M. L. Berry, Esq., Murphy, N. C.; Dr. Maxey, M. D., Tomp- kinsville, Ky.; Elder W. C. Buck, Marion, Ala.; Elder C. H. Stillwell, Rome, Ga.; Dan iel Ware, LaGrangc, Ga. Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 23—trlly. LUMBER, LUMBER Cheaperthan the Cheapest, The Steamboats charge 25tsper 180, forcarry- ing to Reske.-soYhatthe cost delivered on UfsKass’ter d “- Orders sdflcitcd. Address Jr JOHN LAY A CO., apritlltrffm. Sterling, Ala, £5 0 t?3 Singer’s Sewing Machines PRICKS REDUCED TO $50, $75, $90 and $100. T HE plain reason why Singer's Sewing Machines have always sold readily at z higher average price than anv other, is that they are better, more durable, more reliable, eapable or doing a much greater variety ol work, and earning more money. Long con tinued popularity is proof of sterling merit. In the purchase of what are called cheap Sewing-Machines, thousands have been de ceived and disappointed, but with Singer's Machines there is never any failure or mis take. Singer’s New Family Sewing-Machine the price of which is only $50, is a light and elegantly decorated Machine, capable of per forming. in the best style, all tho sewing of a iri rate family. It has secured a great repn- ation daring the few mrntbi siucojit was first offered to the publie. Singer’s Transverse Shuttle-Machine, to be sold at $75, is a maehiue entirely new in its arrangement; it is very beautiful, moves rapidly and very easily, and, for family use and light manufacturing purposes, is the very best and cheapest Macbino ever offered to the publie. Theso Machines are being in creased in number as rapidly as possible, and yet the demand for them can not be fully supplied. Singr’s No. 1 Standard Shuttle Machine formerly sold at $135, but now reduced to $90, is too well known all over the world to need any description. Ev-ry eort of work, coarse or fine, ean be done with it. Singer’s No. 2 Standard Shuttle-Machine. This is thefavorite manufacturing maohine everywhere. The sise of the Machine give* ample spaoe for almost overy description ot work, wmch]togother with'its admirable work- ng qualities, gives it a decided advantage.— Price, with table complete, $100. Since the groat reduction in the price oi these Standard Machines, on tho 1st of Octo ber, 1858, tho sale of them has increased four fold. All of Singer's Machines make the Inter locked stitch with two threads, which is the best stitch known. Every porson desiring to irocure full and reliable information about lOwing-Machincs, their sise*. prices, work ing capacities, and tho best methods of pur chasing, ean obtain it by sending for a copy of I. M' Singer A Co.’s Gaxette, which it a beautiful pictorial paper, entirely derefted to the subject. It will be supplied gratis.' i. m. Anger a co., mar2itrily. *58 Rroadway, N. Y.- FI n*i and ■Bros,. _ trUL WM the United States, ano box of Pi! postage stamps, or one vial of Ve- drugs fat lonneen three-ant stamps. All orders fro- teusd* must be f com pealed by twenty cents extn. _ - for sale by Druggists end Country Store Keepers generally. For sale. whoUnalj and retail, by P. Turnley, Rome, Ga. This delicious tonic stimulant E SPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, hav ing superseded tho sn-ealled “Gins” “Aromat ic, “Cordial," “Medicated,” “Schnapps” Ac., is now indorsed by all of the prominent phy sicians, chemists, and connoisseurs as posses sing all of these intrinsic modloinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) whieh bclung to an old and pure Gin. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all druggist, grocers, Ao. (Established in 1778.) A. M BININGER A CO., Solo Prop’rs. No. 19 Brood St., N. Y. Druggists and Dealers supplied with choice Wines, Brandies, Ac., direct from U. 8. B>n ded Warehouses. Orders from the country wil meet with prompt attention. Our Slock of choice Bottled Liquors comprises the largest and most varied assort ment in this market Opinions of tlic Press. The Biniugers, 19 Broad str't, have a very high reputation to sustain, as the oldest and best house in New York.—Home Journal. The house of A. M. Biningor A Co., No 10 Broad st., ha* sustained for a period ol eighty years, a reputation that may well b. envied.—N. Y. Evening Post. The name of A. M. Bininger A Co., is guaranty ot the exact and literal truth whatever they represent.—K. Y. Commercial Advertiser. The Importing houao of A. M. Bininger Co.. No. 10 Broad st., is conducted up principles of integrity, fairness, and highest nonor.—N. Y. Evening Express. We have quoted those complimentary no tices of the New York press to the end that those who aro still strangers to us may **■ tain such just ideas of our position and r tation, as will enabls them to determine whether the statements whieh we have made are entitled to their consideration and confidence. aprlllOtriwly AND Good as the Best!! JOHN LAY, & CO., "K'EEP ON HAND, AT THEIR STEAM JUb. Mill, a constant supply of all the or dinary kinds of Lumber, whieh they will deliver at the Steamboat Landtag at OnedoUar and Sets per 100ft, SSmile*, arira Daily Stage line. Between Borne and Talladega. T HE Coaches now make close connections wjth hours. Through Passengers will find this an agree able route. - Leaves Remeeverymrrningat 8Joclock Leaves Talladega every even. 8 “ POWELL A HUTCHINSON, JunolOtrily Proprietors. Gas Lights! Gas Lights! Gas made from common PINE WOOD I W. H. MAGILIi A OO., Builders of Gas Apparatus for mailing Gas from Wood. mHI subscribers are now prepared to build I and furnish Gas Apparatus for cities, villages, towns, publie and private buildings, on short notion. Gas made from common pine wood iseheap- er end better than any other light known from another source. Persons wishing to see the Wood Gas Works In operation, ean see them at Grady, Nicholson A Co’s., Col. Hammonds's or Dr. Ware's in Athens, Ga. > 2nfo>All kinds of Gat and Steam fitting done toorder kS-All klodt of Gas and-Steam fittings oonstantly on hand, for lighting and heating purpotea. Orders sent through the Post Office, or oth erwise, will be punctually attended to. Rome, Ga W. H. MAG1LL A CO. s. b. boss, ns, n. magill. novSO—ly. mu An aperient and stomachio preparation of. IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by’com bustion In Hydrogen, of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaint*, vis.: DEBILITY, HERVOU8 AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION. SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM. SCURVY. JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA- TOM, MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER. nrriENT fevers, neuralgia, chronic HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAKNESS. Wnt- I MENSTRUATION, WHITES, CHLOROSIS. eto» PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SKIN, etc. I The IRON being absorbed by tho blood, and thus eiroulating through the whole system, ho part of the body can esoapo their truly wonder ful influence Tho experience of thoneands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment ha compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy, palo and otherwise dekly complexions Indicate ita necessity in al most every eoncelvablo case. In all eases of fomale debility (floor alhns, chlorosis, eto.), its eflbots aro delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medleine, whioh exerts snoL prompt, happy, pnd folly restorative effects. Good appetite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an nnnsnal disposition for active and oheerful exeroiee, immediately follow it* uso. As a grand stomaohic and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. Put up In neat flat metal boxes containing OO pills, price SO cents per box t six boxes, •s SOI one dozen boxes, 44 00. Per sale by DmnMi generally. Will be Mint free to Smyaudrcsa on receipt of tbe price. All let ters, orders, ete n should be addressed to R.B. LOCKE &CO., General Agents. 330 BROADWAV, it Y. CATE SPUING HOTEL FOR SALE I THE Hotel property formerly known as the flahle House situa ted in Cave Spring, is offered for _>salo on reasonable and easy torus, the Hotel Building there is a store house and land aufflelant for three or four stores more, immediately on • and fronting the Public Square. Thsre is in all about Si acres of Lana. There ' ts also a good Livery Stable on, the Lot and all neoemary out- buildings for Hotel and ontoWJSrEKt julymri5)m] GRAHAM k MOORE.