Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 01, 1861, Image 1

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[I)C $ri-totekh Courier ptBIJSIIED EVEEV rCFSliVY THURSDAY ft SATURDAY MORN'OS By M. DWISKLL. AT FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR. Invariably in advance. [Terms of Advertising in Tri-Weekly. «„rmB OKTFH MSB*. . „ $T.*0 On<A insertion | 5Q Two iw^'i'tioiH* Kneti n'Miti*nal Insertion, Months 15 00 A liberal discount will be male to those (who adverti-e larger amounts. • rfvl'i-irif.-' o' 1 "i"'" thrxn five lines charged mine as advertisements. n ( \f,r-isi'r and DraMv. not ei- ‘ rjrc Fines in length, are published •iituitouilv ill the Courier. The friends of t|,„ „,-tie«are re oieited to send in these no- I' .es accompanied with a responsible name I,nil thev will be published with pleasure, PivfcdsioOQl A n „ SCOTT. IIVltVKY * SCOTT, attorneys at law, ROME DVAS’CEA of mon Rome, .Tit .... GA. ean usually he had ..,1 el linn left for collection, lv. z. It. nABUKOVE, A T T 0 U X % Y AT L A W, home, - - - ■-;-** r,A -. mrten—Over Fort A Il irgrove's new store febl9—ly ~7jRO. TJ STOVALL, ATTORNEY AT.LVW, ROME. r,A - Wi.i, nra'tioo in the eo l iti ■< of Cherokee |f*:i. OH‘t over N. J. 0 ii'iorg’s ChRiiing store I Rr.vr.Hr.srv— ITnderwoal A Smith. Rome fGa. T. R. 11. Cobb, Eiq, Athens, On. jan27 THIS. J. VKROEUY, A T T " R N E Y AT LA W, CEDAR TOWN, OA. Wn.r. pr.i'.tioo i« the Bounties of Floyd. ?.lul ling, Carroll, Haraldson and i'as». I 3tri ‘t attention paid to collecting. jan20-lv CANFIELD, BRO. & CO., No. 229 Baltimore at,, corner Charles, BALTIMORE, MD., IM PORTERS AND DKaLKHS IN Watches. Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, BRONZES, CLOCKS, Military and Fancy Goods generally 0. Il7\fc Co. invite attention to their rich and extrusive ptoi'k of Goods, not inferior to any other establishment in their line. On* of their firm visiting Europe annually ena hies them by a careful selection from the best sources to after inducements to pnrehasert both in style and price second to none. Wat'lies of the best makers and in every variety. Military Companies furnished com plete. aug2-t\vly j.Jw. m. rxnr.nwoon e. n. smith. UNDERWOOD Si SMITH, A T T 0 R N K Y S AT LAW, RDM OA. Valeria* in Upper Georgia: also in the Federal T»i-‘ .■i.-t Court of Marietta. 20'50-lv ,|au. r. ii. smi m, N 0 T A R Y T* 6 LIC. ninimer of D eis for Alabama snd nu*3, T. tV. ALE.UKDE1I, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ROME OA. fehIO'57 W. II. TKBHI'NE, ATTORNKY AT LAW, ROME OA. OrriCK—In City Hail Building. apr9-lv IRIS. GREGORY Ac FAKF.LL, RUOAD 8T„ ROME. OA OppiPK— First door below Choice Hotel, octldtwly Dr. II. .M. HTRICKL ANU, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ■OFFICE ... h.a ».-e «»—• »f Tin leer idiots ,1 Strickland. R,i. ■ i over McGuire A Pinsen'. store. Bo .e. (la., July 14, trily. MUTUAL* INSURANCE COMPANY'. ROME. OA. Orricr.—At Rome Railroad Depot. W. S. COTHRAN, Pres't.. 0. II. STILLWELL, Scc'y. july28 NO HUMBUG, Bat the Poor Man's Belief, AND TUB RTrn MANS FRIEND ! Harris’ Twelve Pointed Double MOULD BOARD P L O W . rpiIE MERITS OF THIS 1 1 P ovr aver others, foi the culti vn'ion ol both Cot *on and C >rn are many, hut I shall mention only its lending merits: With four wings, two sm ill and t;vo largo, it can be converted tato Seven different Plows, all of which nr very necessary for the cultivation of dif f'Tentcrops. And another very important feature is durability. A Plow completed will last a man from two to five years, accord ing to the soil he oiiltivatoSpjmml will only eoit ahotP Three Dollars to jmt it up. An Agmey will soon be established in Rome, an l then planters will he. invited to call nnd sec for themselves. Ad-lress. B. F. REYNOLDS. mar20tritf. Kingston, fla. Seventh Vtar in the Trade—A fa*i agt re quires fast work E. ID. 8EAGO, PRODUCE BROKER —AND— General ( ommission Merchant, Office in Sea jo's Block, Xo. 15, Alabama St.. ATLANTA, GA. S ELLS rll Goods on arrival nt 24 percent Will make returns within three days t*i • n• receipt of Goods. Will purchase, funds >n this city. New York, New Or’oans, Philadel phia. Baltimore, Boston. Nashville, Cincin nati, Saint Louis and I .>ui.svi)lo at 24 per cent.; on sums of $1,000 or more at 1 per cent, in this City. The citizens of this City, or strangers in this City, on sums not less than $100, at 1 percent.; on smaller sums at 24 per cent Respectfully refers to Bankers and Merch.inti of this City. mar20trily. KINGSTON HOTEL, KINGSTON, - . GA. P ASSENGERS can got a good warm sup per at th« ahoroTiain^a Hotel, imimdi- utely opposite the Ticket office, on the left hand side of the Railroad going down. Sat isfaction given or no charge. Strict attention to passengers going to Rome. * T. R. COUCUE, Prop’r. twtf. VERA A Boarding House _ In sight of the Depot—same side of the Street, [feb 11 trily] S. G. WELLS, Pro. DODWORTH’S MUSIC \ STORE. Dr. J. T. DUANE, RESIDENT DENTIST, ROME, GEO. Rooms over Fort A Hargrove. H AS been engaged in tha practice of Dentistry in Europe and the United States for tho last twelve years; and will guaran tee to those that employ his services, entire (satisfaction, in both, tho operative and fmeehanical branch of the business. Particular attention given to regulating Ichildreiis teeth. ^50-All work performed at reasonable (charges. mayl7—twly. DAVID G. LOVE, [NOTARY PUBLIC, PENMAN, collector and General Agent. ^O'Offic in Drug 8toro of Bakor ft Eeh fcblT-trily. A. J. BEARDEN, MBROTYPIST, ROUE, 0.1. pi,I860; [Trily. IIRAN, JEFFERS & 00,. —SUCCESSORS TO— FFERS & COTHRAN, s A Comatssloi Merchants, central wharf, [RL&XrO.V, SOUTH CAROLINA. iVJOTRAN, Rome, Oa. ••affbrs, No. 6 ASTOR PLACE, N. Y. PUBLISHER AND I) BALK It IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MUSIC, Instruments, AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Songs and O impositions for the Piano Forte, By the Best Musters, Sacred nnd Organ Music: Dance, nnd Mill • ary Music, for the Piano Forte, Sent by mail, postage free. (Stamps may be sent instead of change.) CATALOGUES OF MUSIG FOR Brass Bands; Quadrille Band.**, small or largo Orchestras. PRICE List of Brass Instruments, Sent on application. TIIE “Journal for Brass Bands," A now publication of Band Music, is issued on tho 15th of cnch month; also, the ‘‘COM PANION. "ooutaiuing Marches, Medleys, Ac. The instrumental parts in lliest words are sep arate and reudv for performance. HARVEY B. DODWORTH, sepIl-twSm Director of Dodworth’s Bands. Phelan’s Improved Billiard Tables AND COMBINATION CUSHIONS, Protected bv letters patent dated Feb. 19 1856. Oct.* 28, 1856; Dee. 8, 1857; Jan. 12, 1858; Nov. 16, 185S, and Murch 29, 1859. The recent improvements in these tables make thvm unsurpassed in the world They are now offered to the scientific Billiard play ers ns combining speed with truth, never be fore obtaining iu any Billiard Table, ftales- roums Nos. 65, 67, and 69 Crosby street. PHELAN Sc COL LENDER, •epll—triflm Manufacturers. GRAHAM HOTEL, CAVE SPRING, GA. J. A. GRAHAM, Proprietor. THE REGULAR STAGE OFFICE. There is a Livery Stable kept in connection with this Hotel, where Horses and Vehicles are kept for hire. jonlttwtf FORT & HARGROVE, OFFER FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries & Staple Goods, adapted to Planter's use— For Gash, Consisting of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Nails, Negro Kerseys, Dlankrts, Linseys, Negro Shoes, Stripes ShirtingN' OMiabnrg.s, moylsi-ly. Factory Thread, kc. % Ac. J. B. MURPHY RESIDENT DENTIST, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and the public generally, flint he continues the practice of DEXT1STR Y in all its branch es, and has fitted up an office, over the store if McGuire A Pinson, where he is prepared to execute nil operations appertaining to Den tistry, in the most approved manner. Hu would also call the particular attention jf those iu want of Artificial Work, to his su perior style of teeth, set on gold plate; for beauty, strength and life-like nppcneance, they are not surpassed. As an impression has been made that my prices for dental opera tions are higher than the usual run of Den tists* I bog leave to say that tbev are the same as charged by Dentists at Augusta, Macon and Savanna n. For Artificial Work my char ges are ns follows: Entire Sots Upper nnd Lower from$100 to $251. Half Sets. lT|»per or Lower, from 50 to 150 Temporary Sets, Upper and Lower, 25 each. Partial Sets in proportion to the above. As I am well posted in all the late improve ments of the day, I fed confident that I can meet the wants of all who may need the ser vices of a Dentist, and if referencesnro want- e I; ns to their utility iu answering the purpo se's of future, I can give them in abundance, from those who have tested tny skill, for the last fo 11oen years, iu this, and adjoining States. J. B. MURPHY. Romb, Sept, 14, 1859.-tf. .A-ixction AND COMMISSION ROOM! BY Johnston & Gillum, Auc’rs. A T the Store Room formerly occupied b; McGuire Sc Pinson. Three days iu the woek— TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. Broad Street, Rowe, Ga. Ton sign men ts must be made to M. P GALUERAN, Agent. mayI2trily. GUNSMITH, The subscri ber having open ed a Shop on Broad at., is now prepar’d to man ufacture Rifles, Shot Guns & Pistols, Of every quality; and also any kind of Re pairing, such ns Stocking, Dressing Out, Cleaning, Changing Old Flint Locks to Per cussion, fto. Also. Making and Fitting \YS of every description, at short notice. 1 warrant all work to give satisfaction or no charge. JOSEPH ZARUBA. nov27—twly W. & Atlantic (State) R. R optciuhcr 7,-' 'FKIUI j hsst«». 8. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 13S miles, fare $5— Jons W. Lbwis, Supe’t. MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, at- 16 20 a ¥ Arrives at Chattanooga 7 .14 r a Leaves Chattanooga at 6 25 A M Arrives at Atlanta 1 dO p m EVENINO PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta at night 8 15 A n Arrives at Chattanooga 5 30 a m LcaVes Chattanooga, at * 00 r a Arrives at Atlanta -...11 32 a a DeFOltEST, ARMSTRONG, A Co. DRY GOOD MERCHANTS, 75, 77, 70, 81, S3 A 85 Duauc St., NEW YORK. W OULD notify tho Trade that they arc opening Weekly, in new ami boauti ful patterns, the WAMSUTTA PRINTS, Also the AMOSKJKAG, A New Print, which excels every Print in the country for perfection of execution nnd de sign in full Madder Colorn. Our Prints nro cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly at tended to. Feb2’60,trily. A LAitD. Mrs. Sumraerhays B EING desirous of selling out her Winter Stock of Bonnets us possible, will alter this date sull them at NEW YORK GOST PRICES, An opening of a complete stock will take place on Thursday, Nov. 2d, to which the adics are invited. oct30tWAWtf TO THE LADIES KADI n (. 11(111 Have just received a large assortment of Fall and Winter MILLINERY GOODS, Which we will sell at the lowest prices possi ble. Como and judge for yourielvcs. oc til WHOLESALE TOBACCO HOUSE! Weatherford, Sloan & Thomas. IiltOAD ST., ROME, GA. W ILL keep constantly on band a largo nnd carefully selected stock of Vir ginia and North Carolina Tobacco, and will supply the trade on as rcusonable terms as cnii bo hud elsewhere. I. G. 8. WEATHERFORD, Rockingham Co. N. C. W. C. 8LOAN, Rome Ga. W. J. M. THOMAS, junolOtrily. Rockingham, Co. N. C. Family Supplies BY JAS. W. LANGSTON, No. 2 Choice Hotel, BROAD STREET, ROME, GA. T HE Undersigned will keep a general as sortment of Family Groceries consisting of FLOUR, BACON, .MEAL, LARD. SUGAR. CANDLES, SYltUP, TOBACCO, MOLASSES, SEGARS, COFFEE. Cotton Yarn a, FISH. DRIED AND FRESH FRUITo IN THEIR SEASON, Ac. No pretense is nuidti to a WHOLESALE business, but persons may be sure of getting nt least as Good Bargains here at RETAIL as at any other House iu tho city. Jt^TTerms—Cash only, JAS. W. LANGSTON. jruc2—twtf HOOTS AND SHOES MAKL’FACTPIlKn BY P. A. ONBEHG, ROME GA. The Subscriber i.< nupplicd with a fine lot of extra FRENCH CALF. PA TENT LEATHER, and ail other materials for GentleinenVs Dress Boots A Shoes. He employs the best of Workmen and keeps posted on the latest fashions. Genteel Fits and Work warranted. Thankful for past favors he hopes to re ceive a continuation of patronage in this branch of home industry. Aug25—ly P. A. OMBERG. tiios. j. runny, ::::::: a. w. r. lamkin. PERRY & LAMKIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Nil. I Choice Hotel, W ILL keep constantly on hnnd, a well Belar'.cd assortment of Groceries. Al so, Provisions, such ns, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal’ Ac.. Ac., which wo will sell low for Cash, or country produce, nt ca-h prices. Wo feel grateful for past favors, nnd hope by prompt attention to business, and fair deal ing. to receive a liberal shnrenf patronage.— Our motto will bo quick soils and short pro fits. Give us u call before buying elsewhere, Rome, Aug. 31, ’ Change of Schedule. Office Rowe Railroad, Rome, March 31, 1860. O N and nfter 6unday the Lt day of April the Morning train will leave Rome daily at o’clock. A. M., roturning at 4| o'clock, P. M. Evening Train loaves Romo daily (Sunday* excepted) at 64 o’clock. P. M. f and return next dnv at 64 o’clock. A. M. W. *S. COTHRAN, OenT Sup’t. HENRY A. SMITH, Bookseller h Stationer ROME, GA. rifm JUST RECEIVED /fg, large and exten- sivoStock ol Selvol, Classical aud Miscellaneous Books. Also, a large variety of Stationary, Wall Papering, Engravings,Paintings anil Funry Articles, suitable for the Hotidars. Merchants and School Teachers, supplied with Books and This road connects each way with the put ionary at Augusta prices. The attention Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the Last (> f purchasers respectfully solicited. TeunesiM A Georgia Railroad at Dalton, cud , --- the Nashville A Chattanooga Jl»>lrood bt | A C31 XXic* Chattanooga. umrStri. I ,ianJ--twly COOSA RIVER STEAMBOATS! After this date the Co >sa River Stcamboa Company's Steamers will luare for GREEN. SPOUT, and iutermediuto landings' as fid- lows : STEAMER ALFARATA, or PENNINGTON, Leaves Rome, Tuesday Merit ing at 6 o’clock. Loaves Greensport Wednes day at 9 o’clock. ELLIOTT A RUSSELL. jan24triwtf. SURE Italian Salad Oil, for table me at jnnaOtri. FARELL A YEISER. We are all here, Father, mother, Sister, brother, Jill who hold each other dear, * Each chair i» filled ; we re all at home ! To night let no cold atrauger come, lt is not often thus arounu Our own familiar hearth we’re found. Bless, then, the meeting and the spot; For once be every care forgot: | gentle peace assert her power, And.kind affection rule the nour. Wo’re nil—nil here. We’re not all here ! Some are away—the dead one* dear, Who thronged with us their ancient hearth, And gave the hour to guileless mirth. Fate with a stern, relentless hand, Looked in, and thinned onr litttlo band ; Some like a night flash passed away, And some Bank lingering day by day; The quiet grave-yard—some lie there— And cruel ocean has his share. We’re not all here. Wc are all here! Even they—the dead—though dead so dear— Fond memory, to her duty true, Brings buck their faded forms to view; How life-like, through the mist of years, Each well remembered face appears! We see them, as in times long past; From each to each kind looks are cast; We hear their words, their smiles be hold; They’ro round us as they were of old. We are all here. We are all here, Father, mother, Sister, brother, You that I love, with love so dear. This may not long of us be Baid ; Soon must we join the gathered dead, And by the hearth we now sit round, Some other circle will be found. Oh ! then, that wisdom may we know, Which yields a life of peace below ; So, in the world to follow this, May each repeat in words of bliss. We’re all—all here! Gordon County Meeting, Held in Cal houn, on Saturday, Deo. 22s6. In pursuance of a call previouBly mode a very large and respectable portion of the people of Gordon county, metat tb* Court House, in Calhoun, on Saturday, 22nd inst. On motion of Col. J. E. Tarrott, llov. W. W. Birch wiih called to tho Chair, as President of the Meeting, and John S. Dobitis ns Vice-Presideut. It was then moved by John Nesbitt, that L)r.3. A. Johnson iu.;d G. W. Wyatt be requested to net as .Secretaries of the meeting. On motion of John Harkins, a com mittee of seven was appointed by the President to prepare business for the action of the meeting, and report suit* bio resolutions, Ac. Whereupon the Chuir appointed the following gentle men, viz.: John Harkins, Samuel llarlin, John M. Neal, Col. James Rodgers, John Nes- bit, E. Sabustian, and Mr. Arnold. The committee retired, and in a short time reported through their Chairman, Mr. John Harkins, tho following pre amble and resolutions, which were road and unanimously adopted. But, before the adoption oi' the resolutions, howev er, Col. J. E. Parrott arose and made s short, but very forcible and well-timed speech, in, support of the resolutions, and the position occupied by the Union party of the county, Wuereas, the meeting that was held in Gordon county, on the first Tuesday of this month, by the Union Party,which nominated Col. Tiios. Byrd, J. B. Sloan, and J. E Parrott, as candidates to rep, resent Gordon county in the State Con vention which is to assemble in Mil- ledgeville, on the 16th day of Januaiy next, and, whereas, Col. Parrott has de clined running, on account of dissatis- f iction among a few Union men, because lie is a Lawyer, it is, therefore deemed important that his place should be filled by another. It is, therefore, Resolved, That we have the utmost confidence in the judgment and patri otism of James Freeman, and, having the assurunco from him, that he will op pose secession or disunion, except as a last resot t; We, therefore, place his name before the people of Goraon coun ty, instead of Col Parrott. Resolved, That we heartily and cordi ally approve and ratify tho nomination of Col. Thos. Byrd, J. B. Sloan, and Jss. Freeman. Resolved, That while we have no very great objections to the resolutions adop ted by our secession friends, at their late meeting in this county, yet wo will notsupport any man, or set of men, who believe or hold the opinion privately, that immediate secession, or separate State action, is the most effectual means of resistance to Northern aggressions. Resolved, That our delegates from Gordon county uro hereby instructed, that when in Convention assembled, to use every effort in their power to ob tain our rights in the Union, and to oppose separate State secession on or before the 4th of March next, and. that they favor the co-peration of all, or at least a majority of the Southern States, in the event that dissolution must come. Resolved, That we hereby endorse and approve the Resolutions heretofore adopted by the Union party of Gordon county, on the 1st Tuesday of this month. After the adoption of the resolutions, Col. Sloan, being oalled upon, arose and addressed the meeting at consular- able length, making a very forcible and argumentative speech in tavor of the co-operation party in Gooruia.' 1 : H was then moved bjrfjp.J, E. Tar rott, that the proceedings of this meet ing be forwarded to the Rome Courier, with the request that they be published. The meeting then adfourned tint die. W: W. BIRCH, PVes’t. i. ti. DOBINS, V. Pres't. J. A. JoexsoN,) j,. G. W. Wyatt, j 8et PATRONS * 1 k or vsa. • ROME COURIER, Dicrama S5tm, 1860^ Ties—silent time, is Storing still, And yeas by ytar do centuries come, The cycles of the earth to fill, The fruits of Time to garner home. Tie thus wo measure out tho span Of time—eternity—aud life. Id vain we ask, 0 what is mas, And why this petty bosom strife. The eternal years muet on ms mil, Like waves that overflow the soul; And all unseen, in silent flow, Like pbanluma do >hey come and go; Thoy come with hope, and then depart. And leave their ashes on the heart. But wisdom gathers mnny a gem For life's immortal diadem, Amid the changes which befall Life’s masquerade and carnaval. The crowns of King’s -tho thrones ef Earth Arc fallible—of mortal birth. The lands of time sweep rudely o’er Tho mighty monuments of yore, E'en pyramids sink deeper still; Storms wear the summit of each hill; The very winds howl forth their ekime Amid the revelries of time. Fare well old Union—gallant bsrk, In which our fathers rode the wave, When winds Were high and tempests dark; Thy pilots over true and brave, But thou art all dismantled now, The angry billows beat thy bow, Thy broken mesta and rifted deck Proclaim thn but a shattered wreck. Tby form was once, indeed, divine, The hopo of millions, wee thy freight; And Earth had not a chart like thum, Thy bearieg ever proudly great— Now pirates seise tby helm en^ chart, And with a touch as foul as hill, Polluteth every hallowed nasi. A dreadful deed performed too well— Thieves tread the deek whore heroes trod. And lying minions give ohmmaod. Assassins suplicatiiig God, With torch and poison In each hand. Deceitful, slavish, lyillg men ; The slaves of slave*, corrupt and (nil, Disgracing e'en a Jackal's den, Where lust and butter rage and howl. Whore Washington, tho pore—the great— Where Madison with gifted soul— Where Jackson overlooked the State- Low cringing reptiles have control. Farewell old ship! I’d rather see Thee given to the storms of heaven A waif upon an angry lea, By the rod lightning riven; I’d rather see thy anchor cast Deep in a boiling lava’s flood. Where flames might climb each tope and most. Than for such worms to bo the food. I’d rather see thy gallant prow Dash boldly on night's stormy son; Unman’d—yet pure—the deep te plough A sacrifice to destiny. Palmetto land we hall thy Star. Resplendent through tho clouds of night, Tho storm will pass, while from afar, We see the glimmerings of light. Success and fortune crowns the brave! The dastards legacy is shame, To sleep, in a dishonored grave; The former climb* the bights of fame. When thou dost fall Palmetto Land, The blood of millions will be thine! Unknnrn hero’,,sword in hand, Will fall into thy battle lint. The path of glory yet untrud, Is thine to treed, through God’s beheet, And thou will rise by magic nod, The New Atlantis of the West; What ever fate is thine, we claim; To walk the Ordeal—rise or fell. Thy cause is ours—Our fate the seme, The same proud flag shall banner all! Land of the South! Where nature smile*. And God, his treasures vest, has given, Bey shall thy sons crawl like reptile* Or proudly turn their gnae to Heaven? Lend of the Sun! Thy waters gleam In many a bold majestic stream, And many a cloud wreathed mountain brow, Woo’s, and defies the tempest now, Thy Boos are brave, thy Daughters true, Thy flowers bloom forth in every hoe; The rich ehuudaeoe of thy sad Proves thee the richest gift of Gedl Dear Patrons, I must yield to fete, And modestly insinuate, Tbet I must have ‘‘the where with oil," Which men have used since Adams fell. It pussies me how to begin— Suppose I aek you for the Tin, Or lor e plaster for my shin. I fear that it will make ysu blink aoaae, To ask you for the Ecwter-linktnm. But it trould really he divine, O, To handte the pure glittering Jtme. The effect would oome down with a creak. To say "come hand me out the OasA.” Your purse, borhape, may shrivle some, When you roll-out tha grand EquivtUum I’d like to And a proper name With wbleh te recommend my claim; A Pocket jmU of rocks woo't do, Twould make me rich and •ate yen Tie strange that in this age financial 1 can’t find names for the mitetentfef. If I could make you understand By el! the names at my oommand. That 1 would like te gut my feeler* On some of the soul tempting Keelers. The moat poetic name is money It is a dew distilled from honay, But t'vo a better name, I think, The Anglo Saxons call it chink, Specie is good, but out of use, la all the wild Cat Banks cut loose; Tho Spizserinctum, represents Whole begs, in vaults of government*; And as for that ward revenue, It smarts like Slv and will not do, We Devils h»i Which all, n$ It lean overwhelmingsaortor, Lend mo—Patron, thlao ear—a ( What's In a name? The true ids Is only whet we touch orf Quo Apple’s worth a the— Haunted by singing hint A quarter's worth As wot. Because it is mj heeete i Dear Patrone i I've sung in P MajrjyJw* Throu^U i