Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 24, 1861, Image 4

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LlinT. GENERAL SCOTT-HIS AGE, HEIGHT tteioht, health and HABITS.—General 9cott is the largest mfcn in the Ameri can service. He is six feet six inches tall, and weighs two hundred and sixty pounds. He is seventy-four years old, yet his health is good, and his whole system is apparently vegorous—much of which is owing doubtless to his very temperate habits. The exchange from which we clip the ahove item styles the eminent commander referred to “Gen eral"—a title unknown to the Ameri can militrry oiganixation of the United States. Thomas Hood died composing—ami that, too, a humorous poem. Hs 19 said to have remarked that he was dy ing out. of charity to the undertaker, who wished “to urn a Hvely-Hood. EMPORIUM! I’OR FALL AND WINTER, I860. A. BAUM, g®-YVhen is the letter L like a piece of unparalleled gonerosityT When it enables a lady to make over a lover. Ifle-Why is a selfish friend like the letter P?—Because, though the first in pity, he is the last in help. The wiBe carry their knowledge as they do their watches—not for display, but for their owu use. g^-If a man could be conscious of all that is said of him in his absenco, lie would probably become a very modest man indeed |®“We suppose that there is quite as large an amount of craft upon the land as there is upon the water. g^-Small bonnets and crinoline are no longer worn by ladies of fashion in Paris. gfg^If paronts are shameless the con duct of children will generally bo shameful. jgy Words are but poor fig-leaves to cover the nakedness of deeds. K&"Ladies, please be sweet, but don't be too formal. Be roses—but don't be prim roses. WHe wbo is a tiger in his own family is generally a sheep in socie ty «®“Ifa man is dissipated, his for tune will probably soon bo so, too. JlSPdf falsehood paralyzed the tongue, wnat a death-like silence would pro- vado society. Hay-Husbands and letter papershould always be well ruled. HayDid you ever know a woman that would not think you intelligent, if you said her children wore preity? IQt-Why is the letter G like an indi vidual who haB left an evening party ? Because it makes one gone. WOULD most respectfully announce that the tu the citizens of Rome and surrounding country u PEOPLE’S SAVING STORE,’’ squares of Rooting Slate, i»f all aims and best quality, and will continue to keep enough to supply all demands hereafter.— Price, six dollars per square at the Quarry, cash, or will make liberal TIME arrang i meats with contractors, or will contract fo ; nutting it on in the best style. &EABOKN JONES, Jr. Van Wert, Ga. JR ymv IN FULL REAST, and has received, and is constantly receiving, the largest and most Uerhrrrhe stock of BET &QOBB, EVER been exhibited in this plsoo, and will be sold at 1 lian in any other house in Rome, as no one can undersell me. I append a list of some of the choicest Dress Goods, which for beaut st from 15 to 20 per cent, less style and qnal- Oesirable Home for Sale. I wish to sell my land Ijtng 3n the Jacksonville road lj l miles from Cedar Town, con- i taining 29A Acres, 20 cleared, | the balance in timber. Com ment on ibis place is unnecessary, as it is known by the community to bo No. 1 Cedar Valley land, and is one of the best improved f daces in the Valley. Having on it a new rnmo dwolling with five rooms, and front and back porches, frame negro cabins, cook room, smoke-house, stables and cribs; also, finely watered by a fine well ton Bteps from the house, and Big Cedar Creek running on the North and West boundaries. No improve ment is needod as the place is well fenced, mostly with now rails, outsido, and cross fen ces. Tho neighborhood is excellent, nnd con venient to Cburehes, Schools, and Mills. This place w®l he sold at exceedingly low figures. Forfurtherparticularsapply to Win. T. Newman, Rome, Ga., or to me, on the prom ises. G. W. NEWMAN. • 8ep20tw A wlf itv, cannot be surpassed, and something entirely new in market. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Rich fi Hired ami colored silks, Rich Brocade silks, Rich Broche do Afrique, Solforino roller Rich Broche de Valanes. small figured. Rich plain and figured Reps, real Irish Pop lins, plain and figured, Foulard Silks, Black Silks, a full assortment, Plaid l.ance. in all colors. Brocade Magenta, plain and figured Merinos, all-wool Detains, plain and figured. Muslin Detains and t'ashiueres, troui 121 cents and upwards. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! For Ladies, Misses and Children. A very large lot of latest patterns such as Zouaves, Boumous, Cloth Arabs, Uagluins, Ac., from $2.00 and upwards. SHAWLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. My Embroidery, White Go thing he’onging to that line Al«o, on hand a full assortu id Hode, , CorsHs i nnrtinent is completed, and contains every • lies Vests, and real Spring Skirts, Ac. Ac. House Furnishing and Plantation Goods, conaistingof Blankets, Kerseys, Linsy,Stripes, Ticks, Osnaburg, Flannels, Prints, Napkins, Toweling, and a choice lot of Gaitcre, Boots, Shoes, and Jrteaxly IVTuLcle Clothing All of which will be sold at my usual low prices. Mv stock is unusually full, and I respectfully invite tho publie to "an examination of the A . H A t .M, At the ‘‘People’s Saving Store,” near Etowah House, ROME, GA. oot20tri0m adams, mckinney & co. 96 Liberty Street, NEW YORK, Offer for Sale from United States Bonded Warehouse: IiRANDIES—Cognnc—OTARD, DUPUY 4 Co., PINET, CA8TILI.ION 4 Co JAMES 1IENNESBY and MARRETT. Rochelle—A. ALEXANDER and HOPE SEIGNETTE, and RA8TEAU. GINS—IMPERIAL SCHIEDAM, own im portation, and various other favorite brands. RUM—JAMAICA and 8T. CROIX. WINKS—SHERRY, MADEIRA, PORT and other brands, various grades. IN BOND—SCOTCH IRISH WHISKIES ALSO in Store a large and woll selected stock of DOMESTIC LIQUORS, SUCH AS Rye,Bourbon & Monong'hela WHISKIES. frblt-triwly. » MAPES’ SOIL-LIFTING PLOW! Tl/'HEN a surface Plow is run at a depth V * of twelve inches, and a two-horse Soil- Lifting Plow follows, which is capable of disintegrating to a depth of fifteen inches more, there is a total disintegrated depth of twenty-seven inches, and those who so pract.ioe will find that they have another farm beneath that represented on their map. A smaller size of this Plow, (one horse) thinner in the sole nnd more dart-like in its "gure, is an admirable implement for culti IbL n ?„?r >1 ’ 8 ' a " d . v iU do Um work of more t ‘ “ ' “7? , me " w Ah hoc. With tho corn when the oorn is bnt tHree inches bfgh and before the roots occupy the irm,.« A*™' 1 the rows; this will li^the .Xmov^ev^rv corn plant with the .oil, and for 2o slight a distance as not to separate the particles from the roots yet so completely loosening the mass that the plant may bo picked up with the fingers. Ibis is more thorough cultiva tion than can be obtained bv one hundred h icings, leaving the soil in better tilth and cutting of no roots. More than twenty thousand of these Plows were sold last vear PRICES: * ‘ Una Horse 1 wo Horse SAVANNAH ROUTE ! fro Ne w Yor k Great Reduction in Rates of Passage. Now Arrangement of through .-aJML&fii** Tickets. PROM FltOM New Orleuns, $39 75 Memphis $32 75 Mobile 36 00 Naahvillo 27 75 Montgomery,.. 25 00 Chattanooga,.. 25 00 Columbus, 21 00 Knoxville, 25 00 .Albany, 23 00 Atlanta,.. 21 00 Macon, 20 00 Augusta, 17 50 Baggage checked through by the Manhat tan Express Company on the Central Rail Road Curs, and delivered anywhere in New York or vicinity. By the Splendid and Commodious SIDE iVHEEL Steamships Augusta, 1,500 tons, Capt M. S. Woodhall. Floripa, 1,300 “ “ Isaac Cirwcll, Alabama, 1,300 “ “ G. R. Schetck, These steamships belonging to tho old es tablished and favorite line, known as “New York and Savannah Steam Naviga tion Company/* and were liuilt expressly for this line, theyare commanded by experien ced, skillful and polite officers ; and in com fort, accommodations ami Faro, cannot be excelled bv any vessels on tho coast. 1'hrough Tickc.tR are sold in New Orleans by It. Gkuof.s, 90 Gravicrst. “ Mobile, “ Cox, Buaimahp A Co., “ Columbus, " 8. H. Hill, Agent Har den’s KxprcHS and J. M. Bm.xs, Rail Road Ticket Agent, and at all other points by con necting Hail Road Ticket Agents. JOHN U. WILDER A (1ALUE, Agents. Bav St., Savanunii. SAM'L L. MITCHELL A AON. feb281riwtf Agents. 13 Broadway N. Y . N. York & Savannah Route. GREAT REDUCTION IN RATES OF PASSAGE. iSs, Cabin Passage, - - $15 00 Steerage “ - - - 7 00 New Arrangement for Through TIOKET8 TO NEW YORK. J.IM'ORD’H LIVER INVIG0RAT0 NKVER DEBILITATES, I T is Compounded entirely from Gums, and hu.i become an established fact, n Standard Medicine, known and ap prove by all that have used it. and is now resorted to with q confidence in all the diseases for which it £4 is recommended. It has cured thou- sands within the last two years who had ^ given up all huposof relief, as the numer- jS mis unsolicited cer tificates in my pos- j? session show. The dose must hr w adapted to the tom peruuicntof the in- dividual tuking it, and used in such ^ quantities as to act greatly on the Bow- Q els. Let the dictates of ^ your judgmentguide in the use of the Liver Invigorator, and it will cure Liv p3 er Complaints, Bil lons Attacks, Dvs- w pepsin. Chronic Di arrhoea, Summer ^ Complaints. Dvsen- terry, Dropsy. Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness. Cholic, Cholera, Cholern Morhtis, Cholera Infantum, Flatulence. Jatmdiee, Female Weakness, nnd may housed suceesfully as an Ordinary Family Medicine. It will cure .Sick headache, (as thousand cun testify ) in twenty minutes, if two or three Teaspoonfuls are taken at commence ment of attack. All who are using it arc giving their testi mony in its favor. Mix wnter in the mouth with the I tor, and swallow both together. Vrice One Dollar per Rottle. —AL80— SANFORD’S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM P URE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, and put up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, ami will keep in any climate. The Family Cn-| . thartio Pill is gentle but active Cathartic 02 which the propritor 1 his prac- Lq live morethnn twen- Pistols, Rifles, Carbines and SHOT GUNS. Patrxti or 1850; 1855 ; 1857 ; 1858. T HESE arms have no equals in quality and finish; are adopted by the Army an ‘ Nuvy of the United States, and the principal government of Europe; are uniform iti all tlieir parts, ure simple, safe, sure, serviceable and ean be had in one hundred varieties, ns well as Cartridges of powder, ball and shot, nnd small parts for repairs, from all respecta ble gun dealers, and the Hardware trade generally. Address Secretary COLT’BFATENT FIRE ARMS MAN F'GCo., mny3trily. Hartford, Conn. Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid! This is a new discovery ! It is the result oj learned research! It is triumph of Scientific SKILL ! ! ! I T is a Chemical Union of materials pro vided by Nature herself, for rendering pure the air wo hreuthe. Its action is in obedience to fixed laws. Quick, Sure and Powerful! It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitchens ; It removes all offensive odors ; It cures burns with instant certainty: It is the best preparation ever used for fresh wounds : It destroys all vegetable and nuiinal poi sons : It relieves in a few seconds tho bites of in sects, bees Ac.: It scatters boils when forming ; It soothes boils when formed, and hoal* them rapidly: It is good for earbunrUs, corns ulcers and It cleanse the teeth and purifies the breath. The worst symptoms of Typhoid and Scarlet Fever are mitigated by tho use of tliis Fluid: it has been known to check tho spread of Typhoid Fever in families and plantations. For anle by druggists and country mer chants generally—from whom orders are re spectfully solicited. Try at least one bottle. Price fifty rents. Follow directions. Manufactured only in the laboratory «f J. Darby. Auburn. Ala. It mav be ordered from PROF. joii: t DARBY. Auburn. Ala. F. B. Persons wishing ores, soils water, etc., analyzed, can have it done on reasouabl terms by sending to Prof. Darby. Hold by Baker A Echols, Home, Ga. junc21trily. KUOM FKOM Now Orleans, *39 75 Memphis, *.".i 75 Mobile. 35 00 Nashville, 27 75 Montgomery 25 00 Chattanooga 25 00 Columbus, 21 00 Knoxville, 35 50 AlbanVg 2.1 00 Atlanta, 21 00 Mscou, 20 00 Augusta, 17 50 ETufaula, 24 00 Baggage cheeked through by the Mahattan vigara feb9trily. FOR FAMILY USE WILL MEND ARTICLES IX Wood, Leather, Crockery,Glass. Ivory. Bouc, Alabaster, Marble, Rubber, Gutta Per- cha, Cloth, Paper, Papiet Macho, Shell, Horn, Plaster, Ac. And indeed there is scarcely an article in the whole range of domes tie economy, wheth er it be for use or ornament, which, w*“‘ broken, cannot, with this preparation be stored toils original value. It challenges the world for its superior. It is indispensa ble id every house, WO UK ship, counting room, And no person, after a trial of Star’s Chemically Prepared Cine would willinglv dispense with it for four tinms it cost. *It is always ready, and always reliable. It is not offensive to the smell, and not a fleeted !>v elimnte. and where known it has become a FIXED FACT. The attention of dealers and consumers is nvitod to the following testimonials regard ing its superior qualities: Newark, Nov. 2f». 1859. After a faithful trial of Star's Prepared Gltte on Wood, Leather and Cloth, at th> Pheitix Works, I most cheerfully recoin mend its iho for all purposes generally re quired, nnd especially for family use. C. A. CARTER.” ^ “We, the undersigned, having tested Rtnr* Prepared Glue, agree with the abovu rccoiu msndation. “WM. B. DOUG LARS, Cabinet War* Manufacturer. Newark. N. Y. • LYSANDER WRIGHT. Machine Depot. 230 Market st., Ne’k. N. J. • IIEDENBURG A LITTELL, Carriage Manufacturers, Newark. N. J. “WM. H. KIRK A CO., Carpenters and Builders, Newark, N. J. “LIVERICH A ENDEL8. Carriage Makers, Newark, N. J. Stnr’a Chemically Prepared Glue gold by nil Druggists, Furniture Dealers. Grocers, Fancy Goods Dealers. Hardware Dealers, Stationers, and by country Mer chant generally. Price 25 rents per Bottle. A brush goes with each bottle. Put up for dealers in rases from 1 to 12 dor.. A splendid Lithographic Show Card, prin ted in colors given with each package. All orders v»r letters of inquiry by mail ad dressed to the STARR GLUE COMPANY. 51 Liberty st. N. Y. will receive prompt attention. liberal discount to the trade. Sold bv P. L, Turnley, No. 3, Choice Hotel. Rome. Ga. npri!24trily. vermifuge) SYMPTOMS OF WORMs’ T HE countenance is pale and 'cad, i; colored, with occasional flushes, or a „ ■ cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; J eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; J azure semicircle runs along the lower til lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and soJ times bleeds; a swelling of the upper Ij] occasional headache, with humming 1 throbbing of the ears; an unusual, seernj of saliva; slimy or furred tongue: breJ very foul, particularly in the morning; ”3j petite variable, sometimes voracious, with A knawing sensation of the stomach, at othcJ entirely gone; fleeting, pains in the siomjiijj occasional nausea and vomiting; viol^ *1"'" pains throughout the abdomen; bowels a regular, at times costive; stools slimy; unfrequcntly tinged with blood ; belly j,J len and hard; urine turbid; respiration A OHsionally difficult, and accompanied J hiccough; cough sometimes dry and conj live; uneasy and disturbed sleep, grinding of the teeth; temper variable,! generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. M’LANE’S VERMIFUGi) Will certainly effect a cure. The universal success which has tended the administration of this preps ation has been such as to warrant pledging ourselves to the public to return the money in every instance where it should prove im fectual: “providing the symptoms attcnoiJ the sickness of the child or adult shoj warrant the supposition of worms being m cause.” In all cases the Medicine to be gi>f IK STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIRECTIOI We pledge ourselves to the public, thii| Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURj in any form; and that it is an preparation, not capable of doing slightest injury to the most tender m/m Address all erders to FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 has used ty rears, 'tho co stantl v in- - creasing demand from those who have long used (he Fills and the satisfaction P-t which nil express in regard to their use, 1 has induced me to place, them within j the reach of all. The Profession 2 well known that dif ferent Cathartics act E on different portions of the bowels. gg I The Family Ca- ^ tlmrtic Fill has,with due reference to this rj well established fact been compounded W from a variety ofthe purest Vegetable IH Extracts, which act alike on every part of the alimentary Express Company on tho Central Railroad, i canal, and nre good O and safe in all case and delivered anywhere in New York or vi- ! whore a Cathartic is needed, such us De- cinity By tLe Splendid and Commodious Steamers, i rungeinents of the Stomach, Sleepiness j Fains in tho Back and Loins, Costiveuess, ! theseStaudard Machine Singer’s Sewing Machines Pill OKS REDUCED TO $50, $75, $90 and $100. f’l'MIE plain reason why Singer's Sewing 1 Machines have always sold readily at a higher average price than anv other, is that they nre better, more durable, more reliable, capable of doing a much greater variety ♦*! work, and earning more money. Long con tinned popularity is proof of sterling merit. In the purchase of what nre called cheap Sewing-Machines, thousands have been tie ceivt»d and disappointed, but with Singer's Machines there is never any failure or mis take. Singer’s New' Family Sewing-Machine tho price of which is only $50, is a light and elegantly decorated Machine, capable of per forming. in the best style, all the sewing of a pri rate family. It has secured n great repu tation during the few month) since Jit was fir?t offered to the public. Singer’s Transverse Shuttle-Machine, to be Hold at $75, is a marhiueentirely new in its arrangement; it is very beautiful, moves rapidly and very easily, and. for family use and light manufacturing purposes, is the very best and cheapest Machine ever offered to the public. These Machines are being in creased in number as rapidly ns posrible, and yet the demand for them can not he fully supplied. Singr’sNo. I Standard Shuttle Machine formerly sold at $135, hut now reduced to$90, is too well known all over the world to need any description. Evry sort of work, coarse or fine, can bo done with it. Singer's So. 2 Standard Shuttle-Machine. This i« thofavorite manufacturing machine everywhere. The sisc of the .Machine gives ample snaco for almost every description ot work, wnichjtogethcr with its admirable work- ng qualities, gives it a decided advantage.— Price, with table complete. $100. Since tho great reduction in the price ol P. 8. Deshin nnd Physicians ord»*rlnx from oth.«ritk( Fleming Bros., will do well to write their wilrr and take nont. but Dr. M'Lane's, prepared 6y pit* Bros^ Pittsburgh, Pa. To th<*s* wish mg to gif trial, w« will forward per mall, post paid, to any p«n| the United 8tate§, one box of Pills for twelve thrw-o postage stamps, ®r one vial ef W ilfuRo three-ceot stamps. All orders fro. 2nna U must ttaj compauied by twenty cent* extra. 4for sals by Druggists and Country 8t«ro K>i?sj generally. For sale, wholesale and retail, Tut nicy, Rome, Ga. t, r. This delicious tonic stimulant I ^SPECIALLY designed for the use of the _j Medical Profession and the Pamily, hav ing superseded the so-called “Gina"“Aroruat- i :.” "Cordial," “Medicated," “Schnapps” Ac., is now indorsed by all of the prominent phy sicians. chemists, and connoisseurs us pusses sing all of those intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an old .in l pure Gin. Put up in quart bottles and s dd by all druggist, grocers, Ac. (Established in 1778.) A. M BININGER A CO.. Pole Prop’rs. No. 19 Broad St., N. Y. Druggist* and Dealers supplied with choice Wines. Brandies, Ac., direct from V. 8. Bon ded Warehouses. Orders from the country wil meet with prompt attention. Our Stock of choice, flnftlcit Liquors comprises the largest and most varied assort tnent in this market Opinions of the I’resn. The Ritiiugers, 19 Broad str*t, have a very high reputation to sustain, ns the oldest and best house in New York.— Home Journal. The house of A. M. Biuitigcr A Co., No 1!* Broad st., has sustained for a period of eighty years, a reputation that may well b. envied.—JV. Y. Evening Post. The name of A. M. Bininger A Co., is a guaranty of the exact and literal truth of whatever they represent.—K. Y. Commercial Advertiser. The Importing house of A. M. Bininger A Co.. No. 19 Broad st., is conducted upon principles of integrity, fairness, and highest honor.—A T , Y. Evening Express. i have quoted these complimentary no- of the New York press to the end that who are still strangers te us may ob tain such just ideas of our position and repu tation, as will enable them to dotcrinine vhich wc have onsideration and aprillOtriwIy m the 1st of Octo- Thrco Horse 1 “ y For Sale by oatftlwiwGm] *ith Cutter $0 50 12 50 14 00 ... „ 14 00 "ith Cutter 15 50 J. A. QUIMBY, 2 Warren Block, Augusta, Oa. on Thursdays and Saturdays, with tho same through rates of fare andexpreaa facilities. Ihese Bteumships are new, and built ex pressly for this route, and for speed, comfort, and elegant accommodations, are not oxeel- led by any •teatoer. on the ocean. Through Tickrts can ho procured at tho „ „ A , '“"owing places : Mobi 1,' 7°, n *® Grnrier st. Mobile—Cox, BRAiMAnn <t Co. auV j M Hamden's Agon'.' 8 ' M ' B,TCn '' Tr R ' « Ticket Eufaule—A Stow. Montgomery—J. W Ticket Agent; A Pom. agent W A Vf. R. R. tt «d at other points, from connecting Railroad Tick et Agents. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 TO . Tr r. Agents, Sarannah. H. B. CROMWELL 4 CO Agsnts. 84 West st. and 335 Broadway, sept-itwl, New Y#rk • Oaaooar, Gcnsfal hich flesh is hoir, the numerous to mention in this adxersisemcnt. Dose, 1 to 3. Price, 3 Dimes. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathar tic Pills arc retailed by Druggist generally, and sold wholesale by the Trado in all tho largo towns. R. T. W. SANFORD, M. D„ Manufacturer and Proprietor. 208 Broadway, Now York. Bold by Druggists In Route. a.ugl6t\rtf Steamboat Notice. On and after the 1st day o Beptember next, the Coosa Ri v er Steamboat Company wil charge on Packages of M.ney containing One Thousand Dollars er less Jic, over One and under Two Thousand Dhllars 50e. ELLIOTT 4 Rt'RHKLL, Agents. Wo have tioes thoflo who whether the statement* made are entitled to their confidence. Cancers can be Cured! Dr. n. W. JANUARY T ENDERS his services for the treatment of ( anccrous Diseases, whether local or in the uterus, 8crofillit and Chronic Discuses. ~ • .»u •IV.OIIIUX V" | ... ' . IIIOIIIU JJIBCUPPS, procure full and reliable information about I u ' 8 treatment i* very mild, und perfectly Sewing-Machines, their sixes, prices, work- ! sll “'j, '''l‘“lhcr taken internally or locally iug capacities, and the host methods of pur-1 U PP''“J. The remedies arc vegetahle. As chasing,can obtain itby sending for a copy I l’ ro °f <*f his unrivalled success in of I. M- Bingor 4 Co.’s Gasette. which is "a °/ tl Onnecrous Diseases, he w beautiful pictorial paper, entirely devoted to "* tiie subject. It will he supplied gratis. I. M. SINGER 4 00.. mar22trily. 448 Broadway, N. Y. Daily Stage Line. Between Rome and Talladega. T HE Couches now make close connections with the Railroads at both ends, of the route- Distance 90 miles ; time 22 hours. Through Passengers will find thisan agree able route. “Leaves Romeevery morning at fi) o'clock Leaves Talladega every even. 8 *« POWELL 4 HUTCHINSON, juualfitrily Proprietor*. tho treat- would refer to tbu following gentlemen: Dr. Boyd, M. D., M'Lemorsville, Tcnn.. Dr. J. M. Fort, M. D., Keysliurg, Ky. ; Dr. Dillard, D D., Lexington, Ky„- Warner Spindle, Esq., Fredericksburg, Va; Hon Joel Berry. Mississippi; Dr. Norfleet. M. D., Port Royal, Ky.: Dr. Bnyles. M. D., Bipley, Mo., Dr. Dillurd, M. D., Chicago, Ill.; Poter- ton Tanner, Athens, Ala.; J. H. Eaton, LL.D., Murfreesboro’, Tenn.; Rev. J. R. Graves, Nashville. Tenn. M.L. Berry. Esq., Murphv, N. C.; Dr. Mnxoy, M. D., Tomp- kinsville, Ky.) Elder W. 0. Buck. Marion, Ala.; Elder C. H. Stillwell, Rome, Ga.; Dan iel Ware, LaOrange, Ga. Murfreasboro, Tenn., June 23—trily. Pure Train Oil. fZ B.\RREL8 Just received, and mb*Ji. for sale TURNLEY, No. 3 Choice Honor fl A Novelty in the Art World! j| Photography upon Porcelain. Secured by letter* patent in the United States, ] England, France, and Belgium. T1IK AMERICAN Photographic Porcelain Co., No. 7S1 Broadway. NEW YORK, having secure; their novel ond ingrnioui . invention by American and European pal-: ents, nre fully prepured to execute all ordcri for MINIATURE l.IKENE.'SES OF PERSONS ON CHINA, presenting all the attractive and advanti- geous features of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy and finish of a watcr-eolor draw- . ing, and a hitherto unnttained quality of ds fi ral.ility. by being rendered ns imperisbable as the ratural properties of tho articles n,®» which they avr trnrsferred. As the patent, d process of the Company enables the reproduction of Photograph*, not only on plain surface, but upon such e* are round or of uny degree of irregularity- portraits call he reproduced with faultiest ncctiraej-, and delicacy of deliniation, upon Porcelain wares of any deaerlptirn and di- ; meiision used as articles of luxury or of household utility, sveh as URNS, VASES BREAKFAST CUPS, TOILET ARTICLES, 40.; thereby securing faithful portraits nnd fur nishing a unique and exquisitostyle of orna mentation ot articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifi- cation of the popular taste, and to meet the j wants of those patrons of tha Fine Arts de sirous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Company have imported from Europe a col lection of stt,terior porcelain goods, manufac tured to their own order, which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of tho patent right, and consequently the only persons authorised to use the process, thejr nuve determined, in order to atford people in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess PORTRAITS ON CHINA, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotypa. •r daguerreotype to the office of the Compa ny in New York, accompanied by FIVE DOLLARS, will receive in return by express, free of other charge, A RICHLY ORNAMENTED BREAKFAST CUP AND 8AUCER, with the portrait transferred therton. By transmitting a daguerreotype and TEN DOLLARS, they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOME FRENCH VASE or TOILER ARTICLE, _ with the portrait reproduced by the patentcol process. By sending a pair of daguerreo types and FIFTEEN DOLLARS, they will recelvo in return A PAIR OF RICH 8EVRE8 VAf E8. with the portraits executed equal to minia ture paintings; and, in like manner, P® r ‘ traits can be reproduced on porcelain wrsre* or VASES OF EVERY QUALITY OF FISW 5, ranging in price from *20 TO $100 THE PAIR. , N. B.—Be particular in writing the *“* dreas, town, county and State dUtiactly. AU lettora to be addressed to ‘Mass®* * Auksicak PnoroRRArntc PencaiAi* Co., T81 Broadway. •>ctl3tw*m] NkwYowu.