Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, February 16, 1864, Image 1

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rnu» iiriiRY^ r ' ’\y JjY* fOKSDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY HORN'Ub By Mi DWIKELL. at five DOLLARS FORSIX MONTHS or Ora Do i.i. a it oru Month,' • ; *,f Invariably in advance. .Utrmt •M TERMS OF. WEEKLY. V"i* $3 for six months, in 'A(ivjitcje, f JJ'jJJ'L - ' inijjil " Two “i,; t'r.rtoT .mi»H i'» W, & Atlantie (State) R.R. rrAtlontn to Chattanooga—J38 miles.' ,. Joh» 8, Rowi.and,6upc’t r | jjui/j,,™ NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Lcavs? Atlanta, at 0# p u 1 Arrive* atOlialUuooga T 32 a m •Leaves Chattanooga xti.IBn.U'.iAvdM 00 p. m Arrives at Atlanta 4 00 a it EXPRESS FREIGHT A PASSENGER. Leaves Atlanta at....i.....v....,....,..,7 25 a m Arrives at Chattanooga Cftt.bnn 7 25 p it Leaves Chattanooga,at,..;,...*,., 3 45 A it that ono of tho I Advertising Bates. TTEREAFTER the rates' of advertising XXr in tho Courier Will be as follows:! Transient advertisements per square of tsq Kirst insertion is*ill* ii i,ni J*v a b * on, $ 2 0* I Arr,v?s ftt Allant - a -”<ifrt!l'i"rr”tt[",|J£^^ Each subsequent inecrlit n 1.00 ACCOMODATION PARSENGERiTRAIN. >'• ‘''ttlttgal feUvtfttWUeMtrt *>«« i • f Leaves Atlanta «M.oulL«J.vWb*?« L^cr? of Administration 5 50 £££?£*£*£* 26 >■-« Dl.-mlfjt'vh front Administration 10 00 , «V ! * * * Dismission fiom CUardia'uship " 8 00' ,A F! W *t,‘**U>frr """" Virginia Correspondence. Phillip’* LboioS, Ga. Cavalry.) Near Hamilton’s Crossing, Va. V N „ •», rwa.t J»PrlS.i^ r 7tE'T8af. '.■J 0 * 1 ' OTICE13: hereby given that Olio,of tho Dear Courier: I noticed in the daily AssossOrs Will attend at tho tilts Wd , , - „ . * places hu-i\itolie<V m this notice, for ice jmr- ) #?XP ■ 8 Appeal, of the 28tli ulfc,, a pose.of <TaUim? in IholKeturns of Oonfmlerv leading editoVial in favotf of roofeahi* *> ‘ ha $ tho «4tor had hea- l ies: ' ese nelliihfuo > sjiaultn • | d«d his article Army Disorganisation, liis -'-M-nl remarks Would have been 'AtThamAs‘Mili's, Entdrahy, 30th inst; " much mql'e ttppopriate. As a private u\t PiiiBon's Store, .Wcclneaday,apil Thura- iti tli© army of Northern Va. 1 uniiesi* (lay, Feb. 3d and 4tb. ■ m, ■ / 'i NotiaariM» T 04H(UiMn W3$& Rale of personal property, per sqn >re 3 00 Rale of iand dr'ueglpcs sir 'YrnW 10 00 Etuih SJierifiVLeVy.of'WTi lhies ,iV1pss 5 00 Oi more^h'an-SnflpWeifraia'jiF V'-t- rqnaVe qf< Ita.ll l?*.* Each mortgage »Me'pbr »q«i*q ; ' ! '10 00 „itnn,the East nnessre A Georgia Railroad atDnltdn, and Geo. Rftilroad ; & Banking Cd. nil i Arrive at Aiigusta at.<.f;;h. liU-aiiiJtJOiA.M I All military order?, communication?, no- Leave Augusta at,i|n...l.i...l..v.<<...-0 [tices, Ae..#lub'c'ch:>rgoil n transient mlver- I Arrive at Atlanta at ( v.vt 1 v! •*.MJ1 chi" tUMRettfafo -d>«"•<',/ 1 ' Announring candid.ttos.S10, In advance. All military order?, communication?, no- Trihiites of Respect-, Obituaries, Ac,, {of I roore>than-live'lines] are charged'ns adver- ItisemeRtis u**! b»HOa .r-jTi n: sMsiilev [ Rati * l-Tosevne-rfl .«M.»DW1NEI,L. ■ .ob.’l 'wli 'Proprietor of Ceilriot , .'' IfoUci 1 o/'ifArviajie*"alld 'DediM/^atiVv- leeedin’g Five Lines in lciiqth, nfe publinhed I gratuitously in tho Courier. The frlendt of ; Passkuokr Traih. Lcaro Atlanta at i;tiUi.Tunwil.n„.4 30 A it Arrive at Augsta at §2.0;« K»vo Augusta at.(5.i;t.;i, vv „ ........7-30 a x Arrive at Atlanta at. ~7 40 a m the partlts-aro requostud to send in these tto- Ai tiers accompanied with a responsible name 1 ’ . »nil they 1 will hr publisbe l with ple iRiirc.' . ALFR i' SftM .. - Macon & Western Railroad XtlantaTfcJJation, J.0? mUes^.-^FaroTtS 00 sperintenai Coosa, Friday, Feb. 5th. At Tcxus Valloy, Saturday, Feb. 0th. At Floyd Spring?, .Holiday and Tuesday Feb.'8th and0th. ' A—.Si- .d'T .v< rw3 AtCbulio, Friday,.Fpb.12. , , )10 ,| y,no!, Oiio of the Assessors will ho at my office Y— in person and ninhnars reminds me Very much of JCr-Gen. Roger A. Pryor, one of Virginia's most distin> guished sons, now a private in the 4th Virginia cavalry. He has a tall, ele gant figure—-handsoma, though rnther effeminate face, and a very oasy. care less, indifferent don't care sort of man ners. He is a baoholor, though not wool died, as madam rumor, that r>iallc old lady who novel- lien, pays that he Is soon to ebango his state of "single *oret:hedncsi" and become a Benedict I J. R. 8. tatingly say, so far as my observation extends, and 1 have taken some pains to inform myself upon the subject, that a. large majority of tho veterans of Qeh. j Sad Accidknt.-A party of twelve ev»iV'vUv‘“,,V,ni f Ti;A toiLiAf S v v. ,, 't- U n"'’ 0 I Ij * e 'opposed to interfering with ; men, under the command of a Lieu Which tiiuu the books will bc°cloM|dJ and »H tllc 'organisation of the army, tenant, wus sent out, on yesterday by wl-.q fall to nmko their return? within thut rTheir long military experience, to say I M “J°|' ,jec ' 1,1 seureh <>t pomo deaertors time, will hiire the per centage ad'cd to tlihir LniTiln^ / ““•? who Were reported to be ih Buokhead iBmk x 1- * 01 V» tun'll ouo L*{Oil«sb i ,10lllln g of their good common sensei district, and were making depredations Also ali persons registered musl iuako Re- leaches them that efficient military offi on the properly of tho citizens. A turn of their Quarterly Sale?, and pnV the cer . like “tha wrinkle _e • ' * *= '— 1 ’ Tux on it l.v that tim 0 ;and persons wishing Ula w '»nkles of centuries to ronew iboir, lU ? lstry, ; . / |imHt.w ! m, my cannot be extemporised.’’ I perfectly uftiec and Register by the i'iili Huy of reb. agree with the editor when he says next, nnd I_'vill also stato that tins Registry I • -v . . ...t . , . J uiiu i uiii iti so ormn uiui m is ivesrisirv | . ■ « * init ,k t . • » , ,• \ . ., ^ RClftdeft^U Tan M rq,SaWf>rq, AUHqrs, Sh«/* tbst 1, .*°- t,,r ? a ? cn,n S P rfRenc ® - of ,he maker?, and evory person whs manufactures onemy is not the time and occasion in hay article fors»lM^ / - '1Wfcuu.-s-. .. Jau23-ttr*w*ftsbl2! di mfWar Tax-Col# J I which; to discuss abstractionb,” and ur I concoivo his proposition to bo ah ab 8tract ion of tho moat abstract and dati- gcrous character! I hope that Congress will, not dieorgmiiKe and demoralize by SEWING WIACUINE, j . . ... FOR SALE. . .. — . ji N.excellent one !or coarse work, tuch I a ttnmpting to reorganize it with tho LrL'as'Ndgrd Cl 'tiling, Sacks, Ac. Enquire enemy threatening us at every point. Mi theFonrierOfiU^nuueomllad .foba' f^t U(f ^ coungcl from tUe e ^ my and. preserve our present organization intacti and my word for it when the lot House and Lot I -Kr/.u i. EOR SALE^ hzay! qnd tremble. This is ecrtftinly not the 1 for expedients or experiments In ch'd nan:o'of‘tlod' Ict us WnT| llie i."a nxinm R: Y-r.,F U 4’«tMKN.UA > CimTuiwibier'iof-Deeds for' Alabarini '*»'d Ireansslai)'! '« »<*> *<• n • ang*.'-- I r-rtifrt^"— ^ i !ti '- —•—— if*»- ■ ikR-t. BROAD.ST., ROME. GAi .(imuu4| .. ,, a. sdtiMiiq line "iilq Atlanta to .West Feint, 8? miles," Fa?a $1^5 . This Rood connects at Macon, with ill6 'Central Road for*SdiiCnWllr'Atid Mllledgo- villo,' add the- South-WeBteni Rood fur Al bany; FdrtGaines and Coluinbui, Ga.rivi A TTOUSE AND LGT Wifpied-hy Cling, jqn^trlw2w„-, ini ' 1 enemy and send him back howling to *'is Northern homo and be certain wu » ir it t b t n country, before wo:commence ——‘I squabbling over the oflib«s cither nllli. mr*A I dKdhdfc % [^<1 JV(H\Vinn o< I ttiVy ot-'civil. If any : fecl themselves '4vWit? n .j'llitvi'ijfnggvjfeveil ‘mtiiomuno of all we liuld ^tOlttNWia FA88BNGB11 TRAIN. •} iLeave Atlanff, dally 'Arrivo at >ve«t P< bit at i •??, ,i ti BgawSliteasrgtgR A'illlnl t ' -b:i :l lln t.i t-llqnid I l I?‘ ! V:Wr?i 'nli u>f lit l-l'.m ' * lioitmoT't '~>lj 1 -,ni ' V',': li vJl" .: ■ -iTvtts t« jitliGilitiii] i i».iiMttij mil Rome : J •cij. lito.v-1 MUTUAL , INSURANCE .0 ,tiiJain(»O^IPAK nAlTE, . rt-cv.'i O.-riri:—flom-^yfllTori a.iOi -CIBOICE - HOTEL, BE OFE’S'ED. 1 ' J.®/Rawlins, ^o’rA IriTlHRlIotoi'jms been thi.rongh- Li lo litrreiinvatnd and put in or* Idcrtfod tl(p'rist«n*i*nl*fiRi.iin»in.,wl No paiws ■will bo' ?par<d to niakoioatcsls -ctnnftrtsblwi i . « - v land the Table wiltr liuAuppliediw4ihilbo.U«t npmBjCdaohcs new m»ko |tho cuQntryt a'fiiJi'dll AH ■« 11 janl9.'*thljrre ;±i " J “ si ill continues vtfry ’jilcriibnt. It is fititifng Jitittbiij ~hi tic bosom of IrViniei', _ _ Instead tif ’‘Wftiter'lifijibrihk'hi the lap ai iof’Hpririg," as old fa.!,or Riche, the fin- number of citizens had called on Major Lee yesterday and complained of tliese' marauders, and agreed if tho Mnjor would send out a body of twelve • pick ed men, they would join the force and endeavor to capture the marauders. Tho men were sent according to agree ment, and coming to the house at Mr. Wesley Collier first they halted about nine o'clock, and sotno of them ap- ptouched and called, llo cmne to the door and wanted to know their busin ess. They told him, and he refused to let them in, being cautioned by the aotB of men who bad been going to the houses of citizens in a similar manner, osteneiblv for the purpose of looking up debei-lers, but in roality lor the pur pose ot committing robberies. They told him they must come in, they had their authority, and meant to harm he one, and if lie refused still they must force their way. He persisted, where upon the party went to the window and smashed it in and was about entering when one of them was shot by Mr Qmjier. , ( _ . » ,i. ak-m The no the of the wounded . man ii Benjamin Knight. His wound is fatal. I his dispensation is mournful, aud the charge would seem to fall only on those vagabond rascals who nave beep fi sting Life country' pretending to act under the 'orders 1 of Major Lee.—jlf. Coijcd, V2t/i inst. The Unleigh Confedoiate gives the sequel to un agitation meeting in Gas* ton couiity, N. C.‘—Four soldiers, two of whom'had lost arms in the service of tho country, advanced to the chair man’s scat alter tho meeting had bean organized, anc| demanded , to see the resolutions, and after examining them they immediately tore them to atoms and then .called for an adjournment The argument wus irresistible, and amid commotion the meeting adjourn ed. .sjfciweE®)! Rome and Blue Mountain, ■^tt8 : ,ij;..ucliWhowlnaki' close contocetiVfiif'.tfiih ptfii'pbsfh of Lincoln nnd his coadjutor? D E P 0 SIT 0 It SI “ H, “"" ’“'WcTlut'teach'‘bloody instructionr, which being taught, * *-> * • '»•> •euoi Return to plague the inventor. even—..‘t .<’/l .bfit-tndaiil ,noot!| mO Discovery or aa Alleged PktMLIk. crate the Prisoners and Aivaslsaie the President--Arrest «r the 5S5?«J leaders antt teizore urDocsaesls, For several days past the Govern* ment has been in possession of facts that hinted, beyond a doubt, to the existence of a secret organisation of disloyal men, having for its objeot the toroiole release of the Yankee prison* era held at the Libby and on Belle Isle, the assassination of the President, and the destruction of tho Government buildings and workshops located here. Captain Maccubbin, ebief of the de tective corps was assigned tho duty of penotrating the mysteries Of the case, and threading the details through the labyrinths of rumor to their head and source. That official put the matter into tho hands of two of his most ex perienced detectives, Messrs Reese and Mitchell, who immediately set to work, and on Saturday hight, they arrested, at his house, on Seventeenth strdeti between Main and Franklin, a Ger man named A. W. Heinz, a baker, upon tho charge of being a prominent mem ber of the treasonable association. Ha was furthermore oharged with inciting Confederate soldiers to mfitiny and the tissasinitlion . of tho President. The detectives seized along with Heinz a great number of tho most important papers, including the roll of member ship of thb organization nnd documents of such a chnincter as to leave no doubt ot his crime, and the criminality of others. The documents' were taken possession of yestorday hy General Winder, who ordered Heinz to ba placed in sccuro quarters at Castla Thunder, and to allow him no corns lnvinication whatever with- any outside parties. Heinz, tho reputed ringleader, has always been looked upon as a disloyal man, and his associates In treason are all pret-y much of his own oharacter* and social standing. it is possible that other arrests will follow, as the the treason will be probed to its depth, no matter whom it effects. Itich. jEx’er. -‘‘un • • vit <■< auii,i i ov Georgia, , , 1 j’r. GetiTs Office, V le, Jan. 21st, ’64.) bo°*tMMVifri’iJit thd'iraviifWK ptiM'lty-V.--, I comfortable ro*ms. clean bctlfc* ond WhJ’wWV l ,farfc miVaO'MA ?0 81T/.T* .i • Proprietor;’> :?rn»r:i>'.-nl r*.-’rt ' IfBOARDING HOUSE, i? ItSl , < u.:n'sl. '. . . • •* iRQDMSxTO T1KN.T;, sili Fufnished' for OAloet* Jir AND DEBTORS. TAKE NOTIGE; BANlt-U iMO^.-blavl! '“* lu i?rhu iifiilriiW'fli,if filial?, otli- ' TftiVidctl juiticii doth cdifuuand the erwisu the llanlc will in no wny li« refljviisri- I ingredients, L, “ Persous indebted, hy note or otherwise, I) /rI . , *irb \ t .Ka <r. ■ * noMi. ||» pbi4onoa f *ebtmS^Ho ; our own 'i I Ij . *!•?</ :ir*vo> imi .t «*'2- iik-k ZaO&L | \f the stay : ‘ Particular Notices>« AHORSE STOLEN. *? 1 -itoo REWARD. m,n,^li:..rly. ami Lilo: them away, as wci ' IT !»»**/• Ill c stay at home patriots wlio have never seen a military encampment and nevcr.cxpericnccd the luxury of sleep? Ing on the liard damp ground, with a slone for a pillow, and eating a little adSRfr* for any S] wart.Gr K o I clean m,'for hpg forage, a. wo very [re, left'with us hereafter; if captured Ly .the ,, B u he,, egg between fore lega; n'o olhtr quontly hqve to do, .could witness the iydatu.q-4. liTHelownerTaltegthe.Orafd'iMsdhoq nnirka rcriiemhcrpii. 1 ?vi\l give tho iWYft iutiilant spirits and unwavering confi* rJ for tlio hors* delivered at inv re?i- J . 1 , , Of Interest to Tax Collectors Elect —Some weeks since, says the C'olutnbu Enquirer, we culled attention to tli heavy bonds that would this year be required of Tux collectors in Georgia The law requiring that their bonds shall be in (wiee the amount of the es timated taxes ot their counties, and tho acts of the hist session of tho Lcgis 1 future having increased taxes to an un precedented rate, the bonds of thri ,Collectors must bo much larger than ever before known in the State. The bonds for counties returning the ave rage amount of taxable property will be $200,000 or $300,000,’ and that for Musengeb couhty will bo $600,000 or 700,000WuIo'J iil »mW«Mlut '' wiH'Hot'bc responiibla far any article, if CJTOLEN from the Biil'diwikcr on Jail. 23d, captured by =thl?> Yankees." . , O ahsyHorse, 0 vcnr? old, with dark *--* 11 a Rm t*iat\ATi*i]iI<v fftp imv Hrtiirle' I .... * * ■ • ’ 1 ' *■ — • Weiwilk’tjit be -rotp6nsi'>lo,''-nitrler ;ttay 5‘ i»< * ilDj ni Ia[ 1*:^ } «e 1^1 oioni^ M tort** .*i5* r | iffy* win, 1 ;, rmidlj 'k»S^ 3. Hiii- Koldu"?. «t"» their friend? ,.j ri .,^ llst:ltll far :irl..el"« loft lor repair, if I dVne.e,'r'.aile? Ronth of ItomV.' »*■ w c - T,ADBS - !rr 1 NOTICE. ^ * - • *i r VH 41 gervonis t;augli* . a VIrOfeS®Sr ;• ET0WAHH0USE," r nd RomGjfiyrft'* eiui*i 7m.'BDW!BNi "ri w PluotttlEMja* osn bn* ,.*•?■,sjlsiiul. u-i'iLti'-i. -lit) 'id via o»h»hr 0MBERG& HOUGH. I kinds. L' priper qiiai ler? in tho city of Tlomo af' ’ii'ine o’elock'iit night without passe? will . ".•all m, not back fr ,r. the he put in callabeose. and tie ir owner? ehar- - riSp-s »r oigoVI 6a. ■UI*VL ai b’» v Tr(yR >, b : A:ij8; l ‘ WM I tnuriw liti v aa m. m-ultlTM Hfi Rock _ yrtOtUpT and thist cruel war is over.” - .. -*sTls tho Mnrch of the Southern Alsu, — from^a 3eotcli^^lod3L|. PrTCo$1.59^ ^^ ^ yan2(i-lit 1 ^' 1 SALE, DESIRABLE F-ARM, 7 tnileaJioflh rlflilwPWM f cultivation .a?).*/ vhs^ilS iisttil'2. .31 iHIdal ,s m t _ RiiBdlie^^&L^---- 4 [to H ardware Store, g y / jnnlOtnlm, House and Lot for Sale. ew more Men Wanted THE opportunity to join my compa ny will close very soon. A fotv more recruits will bo rocoived if application is mndo.t|n<MriiMl(>*.bt>i stil'lo In-uiove: , Tho couipapy ;hos been received,by reac i y so ) at home, Elegant arras, saddles,- bridles knit- uad contain”*«ix room?, four with firo placci —tihd out-building?, negro cabins, Ac. Or chard, of Rno - frnit, and scverkl springs Le^ all,who Jq If53> l-ihi/s si* Capt. Com’d’g. cnaroi diiio* “'-**-r-—«» . • • —,» ■ ... excellent-water. For tonus or lurtbcr in- Forest,'near Rome, Jan. 26, ’04.' •-OBtlVlf. r. UI^. 1 10 4«> fcg .' wnfl (riiDiii’d At Reward. AUCTION SALE, (^'«&*assCK?ar5s ffliLp “sane* ' propose to' soil -tho hoUso’ and lot which _■ I am no# occupying, situated In'front of h« lot formerly bcoupicd'by Jbhii Kcc. -bs ■tnvi.. ,-f -lALSO, SiuoBadoUswIqq foM iwhfd by. Yeiscr A Rccsc lying on he road loading up Silver Creek ftw Romo ^o Cedar Town, ' — ~ - on tbc will.payth.) above rownra iorpi» I I '^lltl'fAUY EXEMPTION FOIL sion and lodgment in some jail taat 1 can HALE, get him, or his deliyory to mo._. ’• G Having raadc arragements to go into k.*BgLajaEfc±B Georgia, Iloji Ooanty. -? •*— B '”f, OMSESSSKJfflWJrtSSw «' , Xbuniudo to the Louri bclon „ illl5 ito . r~u ih sd- hdlUb Al'.Iu'n denco in, our ultimate triumph, every where felt and expressed in "Uncle Robert’s’’ army; I am sute they would blush for shame—quit their croaking— pull off'their coats roll up their sleeves and go whistling to work to rafso pens— potatbek—corn; wheat and meat to feed their brave doferid'ora in the field next year, should' the war continue. You hear iio cowardly doubts alid fears ex pressed, neither do you see any long luces in thb army—till' 'is calm confi dence Rnd unflinching determination here. Would to Heaven that every inan, (the wpjnenqnd chi if] ion are uN could be .inspired with tho same patriotic feeling. . Gen. i\ M.. B. Young, of Bartow county (in the absence of Gen. Butler) is : commanding our Brigade. Gen. Young, I learn, is not more than twenty- five years of age and is said to be the youngest Brigadier in this army. Al though so "young," ■ in years, yet, he is a veteran .in amts—for heroism, un- doublcd eourage nnd fearless daring he is .not surpassed, by any hoary headed chieftain in the service. He is a grad uate of West-Point—entered tho sor vice at tho commencement of the war a3 tho. Adjutant of Cobb’s Legion— afterwards became its Colonel and for distinguished gallantry on tho field was promoted last fall to the position ho now holds. He is a rising man and Bartoyf,, may ■ .well bo proud of. her but to will it him—Gen. ; iloua iM { A Gontl Movement. Wo learn that Capt. Charles W. Pe' den, piovost marshal, has issued an or Uer under which non combatants and males, under eighteen and over forty- five years of ace, require tto passports on the Railroads between Atlanta and Augusta, Macon and Montgomery.— I Passports are required of all non-coin- I bat ants on the read lVoni Atlanta to Dalton. „ Torsons visiting the Army of lonnes- see with clothing alid provisions tro re quired to call on Col. Dunoan, Secreta ry of the Atlanta relief committee, to have their packages examined. If these have sufficient .in amount to war rant the party to visit tho army, he will issue a certificate on which the provest marshal will grant the necessary pass port.—Atlanta Appeal. State ov Georgia,_ At(j’t and I nsp’i* 1 Milled geville, General Orders, 1 No. 3. | .Wmmvii.nivir -• Tho Aids do Cuufp of Senatorial Dis tricts nre by this Order, especially charged by tho Governor, with the en forcement, within their respective DU> , tricts, of the Laws of the State, "for; tho suppression of unlawful distillation of grain and other commcdi'.ies.’’ Cop> ies of tho Laws passed by the General Assembly regulating distillation, act company this ordor, nnd the attention of tho Aids is called to the Laws on the same subject, passed by previous Legis latures, and they are authorized out military force, if necessary, to exe- ,oBtf§ tflefA. ’t 1 ' Botli the moral and physical welfare of tho country, require that this illegal practice should be suppressed; and though in this Order the Governer es pecially charges Aids-de-Camp with the duty; he at the same time orders all Military officer? and Militiamen to obey their orders for its fulfillment, and ap* peals to tho sense of duty of right mind ed citizens who liave at heart the inter ests of their country, and a Christian rega-d for the poor around them, to b« active in giving information and assis tance to Aids in ferreting out and sup*' pressing this great wrong. The law is the oomtnon master of us all, and every faithful officer and Bel- dier and good citizen will not cavil at its wisdom or propriety, while it re mains in use on the Statute Book, but will give every effort in his power for its loyal execution. By erder of tho Commander-in Chief, h;, . HensyC. Wayne, Adjutant and Inspector Gan’I. From the Selma lleporler. Montsvallo, Ala., 1 Jan. 28, 1804. j Mr. Editor:—I send for publication tlio following recipe for Diarrhoua. It has been given to a number of our poor soldiers who were reduced to ekeletona with that disease, and has never failed to affect a cure : One large handful of sweet gum bark put into a half gallon of water, and boil down to a quart; one gill good brandy and one ounce of laudanum. Sweeten with loaf sugar. Dose—One table spoonful three times a day.- ,«l»w»«m tsantWBd«* ” —_—. * i Habeas Corpus Case. Hon. O. A. Loqhrane, Judge of the Superior Court, yesterday delivered his opinion in the Daily and Fitzgerald cabo, brought befoio him on a writ of Habeas Corpus. He decided that Congress had the right to repeal the substitute law and place all men in service who had sub stitutes in the army. Consequently Gen. Beauregard issued the fol lowing brief and pointed address to the troops in his department - on the 8th illstant'; , ® <<^ ’ w,r, ’ AO'viouol OKI Soldiers or the Department or Sooth Carolina, Georgia and Florida.—The term of service of some of you iB about to expire. You must have obsoived from the newspapers of your country . that your brothers in arms of the veter an armies of Northern Virginia and of Tennessee have ro-enrolled, and was to bo expected of such men, -by entire Companies, Battalions, Regiments and! Brigades, proudly retaining tho organi zation infact under which they navo wonronown. Will the men who have defended Forts Sumter and Moultrie, and Battery Wagner,_ faib to- follow theso examples of soldiery patriotism t - tST" We are glad,to hear, that the Confederate- steamer Florida is on 5? more sea, though we are not informed whether commander, Maffitt, has suffi ciently' reaoYored from his late illness to resume bis dutyps. It is an astonish* ing thing that the hundreds of Yankee cruisers on the aWt- for, nnd Maffitt always make out te miss- them. It spoaks volumes for the skill and en ergy of those commanders;.that they have so long successfully eluded the pursuit o! the whole Yankee navy. Catturb or Gen. IIood.-—The Rich mond correspondent of the Charleston Mercury, gives-the following newer Gossip'suys Gen. Hood has boon t»p- turvd and even conipleu-ly subjugated. South Carolina,