Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, March 27, 1866, Image 2

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, V-.V i ■ Til USD AY HOIlNINti, Mor. 27. Improving the Cemeteries. Some 35 bunds worked faithfully in the new cemetery on last Saturday nnd And nmi.y t f soid re- J crignlzuncFs either have peon. «r art very much improvod the appearance of tho grounds. Wo hopo the work will bo pushed forward until that sacred spot shall beoonie a sourco of pride to the city. It has been suggested that •very Snturday be devoted to this good work and that all who feel an interest in giving a respectable appearance to ■•God's Aero” and rescuing from pre mature oblivion tho resting ptaceB of over throo hundred Confederate dead, givo this movement their personal ap probation and support. What we have said in regard to the new cemetery is equally applicable to the old one, ex cept that no Confederate soldiers are buried there. Somo 12 or 15 hands were subscribed to wor k in the old cemotary lust Saturday ; why they did not do so, wo aro not advised. It is to be regrotted that some rather ungra- oious complaints were made in regard to the work done on Saturday. We hopo this will soon be forgotten and that all will cordially co-operute in the improvementot both cemeteries until they shall become what they ought to be—the best improved grounds about tho city. Tho cost of putting up suitable Head boards to the Confederate graves will be considerably more than was ar first sup posed. If any ono desires to coutrib. uto for this purpose, money left with us will be properly appropriated. AX ACT For the relief of Securities on Reeognizan- cct in certain easet. Whebsas. Many persons havo here tofore become security on u-cognizm ces, for tile personal appearance of par ties at the Superior cm rts of this Stale who, after I tits execuiion of said bonds, enlisted in the Confederate anny and Concert To-night. We havo had several occasions to speak,in commendation of ttieCunccvla and entertainments given by ladies and gentlomen of onr city for charitable purposes. Wo have no four that per. sons who have witnessed these exhihi tions will chnrgo us with exaggeration In whatever commendations we may havo bestowed. TLere will be another to-night at tho City Hall, the proceeds of which are to bo expended in replenishing the Libra ry of the Methodist Sunday school*. TUe programme may be f. und in our paper to-day, We liuve not witnessed a to hearsul, but judging from what we hear of it, tho exhibition will bo one of the very best. All who desire to contribute for the purpose specified and all that lee, like enjoying a little '.nnooeut amuse ment, can find in this exr.ihition one of the very best opportunities. The man agers have taken much pains to pet up an interesting entertainment, and we do sincerely hope they will realize a libera' support, for tho cause in which they Itavo labored so freely. Efforts lor charitable purposes, and fop tho publicgood, aro not always ap preciated, hut we hope and trust this one will be. liable to ho forfeited to the great injury of Bttid aecurities, for remedy whereof; Skc. 1. lie tt enacted by the General ds- tcml/lyof the State <f Georgia, That iu all cases ill the Superior courts of this Stale, where such recognizances have been forfeited, or are liuhle to be for feited, and the principal did, before such forfeiture.enlist in tile Confederate army or navy andfansot now be found cr produced, the security or securities, cn such recognizances, may in the dis- nret ion of tut court, he and they are InkPeliy relievt d from all pains, penal ties and liabilities of the suine, upon full payment of all costs which may have accrued up to the tiuio ol the re lease of said securities, any low. usage or custom to the contrary notwithstand ing. Approved, 5th February, 18GG. AN ACT. To define certain acta of Treapaae, and make the same penal. Section 1. The following acts shall Is realtor lie deemed and held to be trespass, an l indictable, to-wit; 1st, Tito wilful cu'ting or telling of any wood, timber or shade tree, upon tho laud, enclosed or unenclosed, ol anothor, without tho consent of the ow nor. 2d, Tito lakin’or carrying nwny. or attempting to take and carry away any limber, wood, rails fruit, vegetables, corn, cotton, or uny other tilth le. tiling produce ot property ol any vulue what ever, from the land, enclosed or unen closed, of another, without tlio consent ot the owner. 3rd. The pulling down or removing any fence, paling or enclosure, o an- other, without the consent of tllcowu- 4th, The squatting or settling upon tlie land, enclosed or unenclosed, ol another, whether public or private, with no bnna file claim or color - I title, and without tlie consult of the ownert Provided} the intruder ahull not re fill,ve off tlie iutid after ten days notice; and provided further,-that this section shall not apply to wayfarers, wito shad camp for u night, or in case of providon tiui detention, for a longer time, on utt- enclosed 1 nd. S.-c. 2. Any person committing nny of the above acts of trespass, shall lie held nail deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and suijecl to indictment in any court having jurisdiction thereof, and upon conviction, shall he fitted or imprisoned,or built, at the discretion ol tlie court, tite line not to exceed two hundred dollar-, tho im prison men t tint to exceed the term of sixty days; Pro vided, thet potions camping for a night ami using wood for shell purpose, snail not bo deemed guilty, tinder this act. SiO. 3. Repeals conflicting laws. Approved 23rd F.-bruury, 1.S5G. From the Milledgnville Recorder. Something Umiicutly Wrung. More titan a thousand negro men have within two weeks passed over onr Railroad from Putnam anil adjacent counties for the West. They-have been iml 'ced to leave their employers. n the promise of higher wages, alfboiigh con tracts itad been ratified by too Freed, man’s Bureau. The most able bod id and likely fellows are thus taken with only a change of clothing. Their par ticular destination is unknown. They may or may not see tlie West. The planters thus deptivod of their employ- ces, wilt be disappointed in making thetr crops. We cannot believe lliut this inv. iglit’g of hands from planta tions is liy tlie connivance of the Bu reau. There should be an immediate Investigation into the matter by tlie proper authority. The wrong is too serious a .Inn to the planter, after hav ing pitched his crop ft r v. Certain num ber of hands, to tie passed over ill silence. Ilud it been earlier in the season and lion-producers taken ns well as produi ers, not the least objection would have been trade; hut, under ex isting circumstances, it is a great wrong which ought to ho promptly investiga ted. We take tlie following on this sub ject from tlie Macon Telegraph of Sat- uid.ty last, alter tho foregoing was pen ned : A Grievance—A friend who has just returned troru atrip through Clark, Hall, Waltounnii the neighboring coun ties, says the negroes, after having ettp- traded lor tlie year, urehroakingupnnd got g oil' in large numbers with persons who offer litem more to go to the West. The work on many plantations has been suspended Irom this cause, anil tho planters can get not relief from the froed- men’s Bureau. Now, such conJuct ns this should be stopped, and if glte lluronu refuses to du its duty and afford protection to the whites, as well ns blacks, tho former will he compelled to take matters into their own hands. These adventurers from abroad—God only knows where and with what sinister purpose—should ■lot bo allowed to go upon (limitations ami seduce tlie freedmen into viola tion of tlietr Holemn contracts with our people. An occasional application of Lynch Law to these ports ot Soutlierii society would not be amiss. ®.w © V KO B A B t LIT Y 0 F. A NOT 11E It V E TO A Card. Editor Courier: Sin t My name was announced in your paper as a candidate for Judge of the County Court, before I Itad seen the law to organize said court. Since examining tko same, I know that 1 am not competent to discharge the duties of tlie olHce. It will require a ntuti of considerable legal ability, and well ao quainted with tlie rules and practice of the Superior Court, 1 therefore with, draw my name us a condidato for the office. Very respectfully yours, Dennis IIii.l. Letter from the IIuii. Win. C. Itivcs The vencrabl* Wm, C. Rives, of Vir ginia, endorsos the policy of the Presi dent in strong terms. We extract from a letter to the Hon. James Lyons, of Richmond : "You were pleased in your letter to express a desire to know my opinion of the late Presidential veto. I agree with you entirely in your estimate of It. It. bur been a Cod-lend for u», for it that horrible hydru-lieniled monster, which lie so gallantly encountered and slew, had been sufitred to live. I do not see how tlie South would have been longer habitablo lor our own race. In deed, my dear sir, the whole courso of the President, since his admirable mes sage at tho o; cuing of Congress, ap pears to me to ltuvo heott in the spirit of the loftiest patriotism and statesman •hip, and worthy of lira best days of the Republic, if lie goes on ns lie has commenced, ho will merit the glori ous title ot the ‘restorer of the Consti tution,’ than which I can conceive of no higher crown of gloty in tlie sail condition in wbieli tur country lias fal len. It is a-vpecinl mercy of Provi dence to have sent us such a man in such a time of uped.” A notuer Constitution At. Amendment — It is rumored that a prominent meiti- bor of tne, t’onimtuee on Recinistrul'- Uon Inis prepared, und mu ms to. offer in Congress, it. a lew days, I lie sulije.n- eu aduftional amendment to the Con stitution. it uut-ts with great favor. d will ho engineered with special en ergy by tho projector of several gl’Cflt sttil incomplete military enterprises-— It is us follows;—Iticliniond Fnquirer. AitrtcLE XCV. That no -State slitill be admitted to representation in Congress until by a | revision embodied in t- luiHiatiicntitl law, it pledges its citizens never to claim resolution at any pi ttida. Watches, linger rings,spoons, silk dress es, books, pictures, sideboards, wines liquors, c images, and other pWtubTe property which may at anytime, untlet the ptesBUI-e of military necessity, have been transferred, shipped, removed or curried away ftotn their residences, eel I ts, grounds, out-houses or stables, and delivered into the cure and keeping of loyal citizens ot New England—iod all persons claiming or asset ting title to any such pm table property so removed, snail bo excluded Irom tlie basis of rep resenlatiun, un I be forever disqualified to hold uny otlico of trust or profit un del- tlie Slate ov General Government. Washington, March 22.—Although bore is no certain data on the subject, a report generally prevails among mem bers of Congress ta-duy,' that tlie Presi^ dent will veto tho Civil Rights hill. CONCERT. Programme of Concert. TO 1)E GIVEN AT THE c IT Y II A L L, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 27th• * PART 1. 1st.—Scene—Flowers of Spring. 2nd.—Scene—William Toll. 3rd.— Pantomime—Lad's that lovo th* lu 8 4th.—Scene—Mr. and Mrs. Toodles. 5th.—Tableaux- Fairy Queen. Oth.—ftaartotte—Uvangiline. 7th.—Scene—David nnd Gulinh. 8th.—Scum*—Tho Rival Querns, tfth.—Comtdv—O’Culigan and Stranger * PART II. 1st.—Duet- Fannie Grey. (Comic) 2nd.—Pantomime—Damon and Pythias. 3rd.—Drama—Ben Bolt. 4th.—Charade—IMian-touu Admission 50 cents. Tickets to be hail at tho Stores of Messrs. S. M. Soligraan, II. A. Smith, and at Choice Hotel. For (jrcciisjwrt ANI> INTEUMEDIATE LANDINGS. THE ST’R UNDINE Great Sale of MACHINES! Y! W ILL DE SOLD at Mil lJtlgcvlllc, Os., tlie Mil day of April next, to wind up the co part nc rail if» between the State ol GYorgia nnd Divifit?. Jones k Lee, nil tho STOCK and MACH IF 1*RY belonging to the late PioJfKKii Carp Cbui’Axr, consisting* in part, ns follows: f2 Machines, complete/ (hr manufacturing Cotton Cards aad Card Clothing lor Fuo turfed. 1 Machine unllniFhod. 2400 pounds befit English Cotton Card Wire. A lot ffr Wire, assorted sizes. 2 ins paii’d Cotton Cards. 4.'>30 lt “ Card Sheets. 000 Card Backs. Abt/ut 200 Sheep Skins, (tanned.) 1 large Iron Sufe. X Steam.Holler, (40 .horso power,) 2 Flues, Shntting and Pollies. 1 Wood Planning Machine: a lot of Belt- in 9- J. It, Stevens & Co., REAC estate Agents. rome. Georgia. 1 lot of Tools, to-wit. Hand Saws. Tennnt Saws. Braces nnd Bills, Chisela, Augers, Vices, Hammers, Drills, Rasps, Files, and many other articles too nunit'rou»-to men tion. The above named articles wfll be sold without reserve to the highest biddtr for cash. It will bo an excellent opportunity lor Meclmnus and Traders. There is no reason why tho biiRinesB of making Cotton Cards cannot bo successful in the South; the im mense difficulties under which the Card Factory labored during the war, is now re« moved. The Machines aro as true and regu lar and of as flue workmanship ns can be made and tho products o| the Factory, (wiih go. d material) will he as good in quality as can be made any where. A crippled ti dier work one, and make, as wo think by OfRse?ot tho Store of West k Bros.. nlj t> i Office Block, Broad Street, Rome, Q* Offer for sale the following property/ NO. 114# 202J acres 6T heavily tirafoered /and u. icd i mile below Wilder Station, oaths!?' con and Western Road, add 12 miles fSl! Griffin. This lot is equally divided hiT Railroad, ami thtf woodcnn\odoliycred J* the roa«? at very little expense-one thhdi the land is in pide, the remainder ia hicW will leave her Wharf clone calculation, Irom $5 to $10 per day every TUESDAY Morn- ing, at 7 o’clock, for Grcensport and Intermediate Landings. Capt. F. M. Coulter, commanding. For freight dr passage apply on board, or to H. M. ANDERSON. Ag’t, Office at L&inktn k Co's Store. clear profits. Attohtmn is earnestly Invited to the mat ter:—they will bo open lor exhibition nnd examination at any ti^e.. P. M. COMPTON. Com’r. DIVINE, JONES ALEE. Cheese. Cheese. A LARGE LOT OF NEW YORK STATE mill FARM DAIRY CHEESE, just ra- ceivod and for sale cheap by GREEN, SWANSON k CO. mareh27.3t HUS0N HOUSE KINGSTON,GA. CERO A. SMITH, Prop’r R EGULAR Dinn. r House /or 8tnte Roa'l Tr.v n-, and Supper aut( Break fust House CIO] NEW YORK MARKET. New York. Mutoli 22.—Cotton ml- vanned one o.-nt. Market excited ; sales to-day 5.001) bales at -He. Naval stores dull ; turpentine Soon OOo. Gold quoted at 128. Oh ND wilt be jendy to them on X\»Murch 27th. Tlie Ladies of Rome mill NEWS FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OFTIIE AUS TRALASIAN: New Y.ikk, March 22.—Tito steam ship Australasian lias arrived witli Eur pciui advices to tho 10th instant. MARKETS, MILLINERY, MRS. O.'JL'feMrni, MILLINERY GOODS, are invited to call and examine f<»y tl»t»msi*lvesff* R..om8 over the Book Store, Sec & ere!! SCENT advices from our consignor cn able us to off r greater indue ehnnt .parties wanting cotton teed than any other house in, the city. Th^seed are ol the best variety, and warrautea to bo Irosh and of last year’s cr wth. • BURNETT, JONES k IIARGROvE. march24 2w Also—at tho saino time qnd place, will ho Aold, separately, as the individual property of the Stute. about 5,850 Imported Cotton Catda. Some of the above Cards are damaged j those that arc not, aio a No. 1 article. P. M. CQMPTON, Com*r Milledgcville, March 13, 1860. tw.t.apl.l Photogiapbs. J. Vr.~CLA.-RY, or vmoiNiA/ WOULD roFpectfutly inform tho cititens of Rome and vicinity, that Jie has opened a PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, over Mr. Mark’s slore, where he is prepared to take all kinds, of the latest and best tdylo pictures, known »o the nrt. CARTES DE VISITES, PHOTOGRAPHS. AND ALSO rOCELAIN PICTURES, which for their beauty and durability not be surpassed any where. Persons hav ing old pictures of friends can have them greatly improved, by having them renewed upon Porcelain. Coll and exam inn spec! mens.—Satisfaction given or no charge made. [march in Just Received. Cotton in Liverpool was buoyant and a mile Inuhor; sides of Friday, 20,000 tittles: Middling Uplands lOd to 19 I 4d: .'.aturday’s market not reported. Consols, Sti 3-1 it 87. Five Twenties, 70 3. Disadvantages of Dei no White. The President of the Opelousas railroad has ordered that negroes pay tlie same Tare i,tt the toed Hint white iolks do. That is right. Why did tlie Federal.” who non trolled l lie rami let tlie negroes pass over it at a halt a price 'I White laborers going from New Orleans to A - inks pus to jet work, were charged five dollars for passage on tlie ears—negro laborer, wore omtrgen two dollars and u half. A ivliitp pusoenger was taxi d two and a ball dollars lor beiog white, or a negro was credited jfltli 1'Vn and n half dollars for beitij, black. Why did tlie Federal ofticejs make the odious distinction between, black and wLite people? Do they no* dltiim Hint jib distinction should he made?—Vlanlert Louisiana Banner. just Received F ROM the i:clcbrot«d manufactory of J.8. LETHGKN k CO., a largu lot of COOK- 100,000 Kirk.v, Liinbrick and genuino Virginia Fish IIooVbj 2.000 Fish Lin« s. of Cotton, Flax, Silk, and tho oc let rated Reluid Grass Tiout*Line 10,000 Yault fiup -rior I rotit lino. Alfio,Jltn(?8, Reoln. Floats. Nets, Seins, Bc»bp Flies, Artificial Bait, Sein Twine. Balt Boxes, Drags. Spring Hooks, Pottent Grap pies, Difigorgvrs. BiiTting Niedles. Sockdnlo- gers, Gigs, Lea*.lu r Drinking Cu)>3. Ac., k VEAL k WILLIAMSON omo, Gn., Feb. I. I860. ING STOVES. * mbroeit'g the well-kn-wn patterns: Asliland, Kemu kian, Suntind, Crystal Palace, ahd Planters, Every ene can be fuiie I b’-th in style and price at BURNETT, JONES k HARGROVE’S. march24 Super Fhosphato of Lime W E hur«MU8t r-reived fn>m Baliimore Mf.rvli i»f this supc- Government Income.—Tito income of tho GovcrnmeDt. Irom Internal Reve nue, thus far in tho current fiscal year, commencing in the middle of last year, has been somewhat over two hundred millions of dollars, wlilub, if kept up at the same into, will make tho aggre gate of the year’s teevipts from internal taxation alone, three hundred .and twenly-tive millions, and that would he one hundred and thirteen millions more than tho inlet nul revenue in Hi No More White States. Tit is is tho caption ofa leader in tlie last New Yot a Independent, writ ton by tlie notorious agitator, Theodore Tilton S'uce the independent Inst the ini! t once of Henry Ward Reecher, it 1ms grown rampant, gone crazy. It wilt have “no more white States, no more tube "admitted into tite Union until they giva the negro tlie right of suf frage.” A eotemporary says, " Mr. Til ton is a laild leader, hut boldness does not always win.” Mr. I'iltou is tar be yond what may bo considered "hold!” lie is absurdly seekless—ijone "dSft"— lost his reason—-mud with "u method in bis madness" it is true, but neverthe less mad, "No more white States!" — Then I t there he lijuck States, what will become of thewhito ones? — Will they profit by this ndmixtuie ol white und black States? Lot tlie Inde- penden' and Mr. Tilton show bow?— liaclt cun easily allow bow it will give a sort of political importance to the ne gro in iho SNliih, and detract from that of the white man; but how will it advance Uto interests of tite white States in the North, or tlie white man in the North? Tell us how, Sir. Theo dore I’iltou; tell us how oh! ya tran scendent "Independent Acchanye. New IT jMrsitlsF. Ki.ection.—The Con c rd (New Hampshire) fiuriot. ol Wednesday, in chronicling the result tit but Slate, says’; Tlie disunionisi have swept tho State but liy a majority considerably reduced from that ol'lasty. ar—probably a third less. It will lie sprit tltnt they nave voted solid in support of the rati lea ineii and mriiHiiPsot tlie Congressional wing ot’ihut party. This fact is scni— what surprising; but when it is consid ered that tlie whole putronnge ct' the President was allowed to lie used against him, no other remit could Le reasonably expected. Cincinnati, March 23—The follow ing is a list of losses by tlie fire on Tlturstlay night : Adams Express Company, S150.000; insure o for $35 000. Enquirer compa ny, $100,000; insured for $35,000 — Httekeye Hilliard Saloon. $10,000; part ly insured. Nibhet & At.inson.J 18- preVious'fiseal yeV, and I.Varly "three I l ’ l,0 i K. W. Cat-roll times as mgoh as that of the year which * co- ' * ^ —0,000; insured for SiO.OOO.— ended with .Juno 24, 1804. ' The most A - Pot tH * C " , lost their entire stock Lnnl, Five (5) T« rior Fertilizer. Confincnce in ils m«rits hns be»*n ftrm’y established, n« shown bv Su extensive u e in other parts of the country. For gnr<lens it i# sneniully rrromineildcd. Enrich your land If you w«n.hi «xp et a large, yield ns tho frmt of yntur labor. BURNETT JONES k IIARGROVE. moreh24.lw.2W RICE. ^ BARKBtfi, Fresh, «t BUBNETY, JOXK8 l IIABGnOVE'S. * OATS. ^ flfl BURITKL8 of SEED. OATS st 1 UU BURNETT, JONES A 11AKOEVE’S. Sheriff Snln. W ILL bi sold bt-fire the Court House DcforinRomo, within the lognl lioursi of side, on tie ls»t Tuesday iu tho following property, viz. Lot, oMni No. 12 — 4th Dibt. ami 4th section.* Also eight oi* ton.acres of lot No. 25—ith DLL and 4th section. Levied on aa th S roperty of Wm. B. Jon« s. hi favor of J hn . Pratt. Property pointed out bv Plaintiffs Attorney. J. It. TO WERS. mnr24. Sheriff. IQpSecretary MeCallocU has direct ed the Hgentnof the Treasury Depart □lent at the South to notify all persons who bubsenhed to the Con federate cot ton loan that the Government consid ers nil such cotton liablo to seizure and confiscation. reliable estimate of the custom* reve- dug through all parts of the country place the aggregate at one hundred and eighty millions in gold for the wh«do of the current fiscal year. This would make the total income of the National Treasury from irtU rnul revenue, and from duties on imports, for the year eliding next June, about five hundred and seventy millions of dollars in cur- ^ rency, which is over two hundred mil- ^^Jions more than the estimated disburse- ^wnents of the Governnient. W] '.Ba^ Uhicago pack<a 501.402 hogs tlut-iug tlie seasoii just closed—a fulling off of, 248 695 from tho preceding year. *®- The ruins of two ancient cities have recently been discovered in Mexi oo. They are supposed to date back from the time of Cortex f music and instruments. 1*. I Inly $15,000: insured for $9,000. Holmes & co., 40 000. insured fnr 25.000. ii-J- ant, -Stratton & Dehull, $8 <>00; no in Hurume. Trowbridge & Gtllech $10.- 000; nj insurance. There are a large number of small los-es, including the office of tlie Daily National Union. Business Fourth street, lirtwccn Wal nut und Vine, is entirely suspended to day, und tlie street blockaded by the fallen walls of the Opera House. Tite streots surrounding the burnt space were thronged with eager specta tors throughout tlie day, an t un in tense feeling of awe prevnils through out the city over this terrible calamity. S®“Tlie Christian Chapel at Augusta was entered on Monday night and a large melodenn stolen. This is the fourth time this church bus been enter etl recent ly. The Coast Clear to Mexico.—Tho Atlanta New Krasays; “There i- no order of the U. S authorities prohibit ing citizens front en igniting to Mexico, or uny other country, unless at the timo a charge i« pending against them for the violation ol some law of this govertment. Such as desire to know tite truth witli regard to tlie privilege of expatriation, nitty rely upon this.— We have seen it pi ivately, but officially announced, by tlie Secretary of Stute, Hon. Wm. H.Seward, in reply to a letter of inquiry written by u gentleman in this city. Bfiy* It is proposed that a joint reso lution will soon be introduced, dis charging tlie Coo tnittee of fifteen ftom the further consideration of the. hill fer the admission of the Southern States, n i that immediately alter its passage, witicli s said to he assured, lh« creden tials of the Southern members will k« prop rly re'erred. It is said tltnt a nne jori.y of belli Houses is in favor ot this coarse. PHOTOGRAPHS. M il. A. J. It HARDEN, would Inform his frien-d? i*u*l the public generally that ho has re-openeil his old rooms over veal k a Storo, Rune, Ga., and in now prepared to takcPhniogrnphs.Ambrotypos,Ferrotypes, and Porcelain Picture?*, plain or colored, and in nil sizes, from that suited to a finger ring to lift* size. Cotton Seed. Cotton Seed! WE arc in receipt of a large consigntnei of Fr* »h (Jt»TT0r» SEED, guaranteed to 1 of cr"p of 1805, which wo are directed I c'#3i out cheap. GREEN, SWANS0& A CO Found at Last, A SURE and certain euro for ITCH. Dr. Velloc’s Pink Curate. One box wu ranted to cure. For s»i«* bv STROH, KNIGHT k OILMAN. (iijEEii mm & (Or Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, HAY, SUGARS, BACON, FLOUR, SYRUPS, CIGARS, CANDLES, TOBACCOS, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, Real Estate Directory.' ry nri'i oaks Prictf $2,600—one half cash la tbs balance in twalvo monthi'" NO. 115. IS good up-land, loo.atsd s mu City of Komo, in Texai V»lu, known ns the Soltnan Place—40 acre, cl,.7 cd and under fenoe—the remainder timbers,t with oak and hickory, I ra «."5 tnents consist of a double log dwellim? nil not esary log out-hulldings. A good’ »,n in ll.e yard, and branch running thrwgi, orchiri. 120 acres from the known as the' tho place. It has also on it a peachorclJ? Price $600 cash in currency. W * NO. 116. Fur in of 840 acres known as “Gleamon* located 4 miles from Kingston in Bartow Couuty—300 acres open and under coliin. tion. tlio remainder well timbered. The improvements consist of a good dwellim out houses and negro quarters. The farmh ftiirlj watered. It has on it a cotton rii which runs by vator power—thcra it .1.5: h run/ by vator power—there is aUo ft good I.'op.tinn for a mill half a milt fa* tho Rome Rail Road, and 2 miles from8uu Road; flno flower garden Ac. For further intorinatinn address Lt. John W. Woffort Cnrtersvillo, Ga., tfho is our agent for Bsrtow County. NO. 117. That very valuable farm known as the Tomlin Place, located on the Romo ahd Yu Wert road, ton miles from tho former place containing 6U2-i acres, more or less—short 4U0 acres cleared and !q a flno state of culti vation, nnd tho remain er heavily timbered with o.ik and hiokorv. Tho iiuprovctawts arc a comfortable frame farm house and nee. es$ary out-buildings. This place has tbs reputation oi being one of tho best up-land farms in tho beautiful and fertile Valley is which it is located. Most of the open land is dark red ohockolate soil, producing cottos corn and wheat finely. There is an abas, dance of fruit on the place. Price $21,000 one third cosh, in curreney and tho remainder in three equal annas] payments with cntercst. NO. 118. A very dcsirublo littlo farm of 150 acrei moro or less, located on tho Van Wert and Romo Road, about nine miles from tbs City of home, adjoin ng tho Tomlin farm-short half of this pluce is cleared und ready for cultivation, tlie balance well timbered' Most of the land is find quality red chocks* late noil. Improvements—a common fans dwelling, with out-buildings. A never fail* in j well in the yard. Price $3,500, one third cash and thin* in&inder in three equal annual payments, NO. 119. Farm of 350 acres, located In Waller County Georgia, 2 miles south of Lafayette the county seat, on the broom town Tails; road, 150 sera* open and ready for culms* tion tbe remaining 200 acres heavily timber* ed with oak, hickory und chcsnut. Thl farm i«» watered by a nover failing tpriif branch, the bead ol which is near the bom*. Tlio improvements conpht ot a one sterr framo lmuso wHi several rooms, and all neoe.-eury out-buildings. The placehuol it ftl.»o a tint* apple und peach orchard. Price $4,50u in currency, half cash sd tin? balance in six and iwl'lve months with int-resi. NO. 120, A beautiful little farm of 260 acres located near the Chattooga river, in Cherokcsc-'unty, Alabama—25 miles from tho city of Rons and 10 from Centre, the county seat of Cher* oboe, lot) .le rt s open nnd under cultivation tlio remainder heavily timbered with oaf nnd hickory. Improvements condst tf ‘ Will finished frame dwelling with ell ej* t uning in all five good sized rooms. Til house is eligibly situated surrounded by I handsome yard ornamented with flower* overgreens, shrubbery, Ac. The place h* on it also all necessary out buildings, mdf* •ling stables, good apple o-rrhard, etc. A never failing well of excellent w-ter in th yard. Price, $3,000 cash in currency, FLAVORING EXTRACS, SODA, OIISSE, SOAP, larged to life sire, if they choose, und made as natural as if taken from life. PRICES. Photographs for Albums, $5 00 per dozen. Photograph*, life size and colored, from $50 to $100. Auibroh.pes, Ferrotypes,* nnd Porcelain Picture*, from $1 to $5. Thankful for the lit ernl pnt’orug formerly be-*t< wed, ho hopes his old ‘riends will no’t lorget him now. ] ISouie a fid Lot FOR SALE. Rc.iilencn, togotli.r with .11 tiocssary Dgf- The ntPHssgc of President Joltn- son, giving inforrnntion t" Uomtress’oqtt. oerning tho provisional Governors, ole., has lu-.-n put into type. It makes n volume of two liumlreil sixty two napes, nnd contains u vast amount of informa tion concerning tlio .Southern States. tST A dispatch announces the do- feat of the hill restoring the dentil pen alty in the House of tho Wisconsin Leg islature tire by a vole of fifty to thirty- four. t&r Americnn papers containing Bancroft’s oration were seized in France ky order of tbe Government. red for ill Rimio, Ga. Tite dwelling is surround,’.,! by eptwb'U. grounds, curable of being greatly beautified; occupying „n ele vated position, it lottimiinds a fine view ol Iho surrounding country. It is known ns tite former residence of Mr. .T. F- Cooper* nit'l is offered < n reasonable terms. Apply to A. C. 8. through tho Puat Office, or on tite premie s. marcltl.lin. Rome, Ga. Sweet Potatoes. 250 BUSHELS For Seed and Table Use. EOEIVED by J. J. COHEN. (iiirticn Seeds. N EW GARDEN SEEDS nnd Betts far for Rule by fcM*tw*J» A ND In fact every thing usually kept by fir.Ht class Grocery IIou«ea—all of which wo will and dosell vcryclieap. Pur chasers would do well t*< call and examiuo our stock in tho LU.MI’KIN BLOCK, BRtf>AD STI.EET CORNER MAIDEN LANE ROME, GA. GREEN, SWANSON, ACO. feb23-twfcw Hm " ' ’ NO. 121. Lot of 160 acres, No* 15 In 9tb Distrid CutoiiBu County, six miles from Cliatunoff Tenm*s»<*«, mostly buttom landoftbsw quality. Price $20,00 per acre, cash in currency NO. 122. Lot of ICO seres No. 99 in 9th Di<tH* 4th Suction of Walker County Gs. G 84 * ridge land heavily timbered. Price $3,00 per acre, cash in currsaty* NO. 123. Lot of 100 acres, No. 140 in 7tb 4th Section of Walker Couuty Ga.. good " land, a portion open, balance heavily ' b«Tcd. improvements, several log C1 and a good orchard. Price $4,00 per acre, cash in currezef* NO. 124. Icot of 100 acres, No» 04 in 16th Di* 1 4th Section of Dado County* Ga.— timbered up land. Price $3,00 per acre, cash in currsnc;* NO. 125. Ga. & Ala. B. R. Compary. r PHE S ock holders of Georgia and Alaba- JL niH Rail Road Company, are her* by noti fied, that tbeie will bo u meeting of said Company, on the third day 6f Ajiril next, in Romo, Ga., at the Office of Col. W SCutnc President und Board of Direemrs will b« elected on thut day, and other important bus iness traiiHK.tcd. Hour of ineetinir, 10 A'nln/,1/ A 1 f 1,.. — —.I . — , L - V, i v. . o'clock A. Jl. Byortlcror the B"nt,l of i>,. rsators. CIIA8. II. 8M1TH, mnr' , .td Sectstsry. Office D.w.Tot, A Jacksomvillr R. R. Co.) D.ii.Tnx, Oa. Mafcii 20ih. IHIIO. | T IIF.RK wih bon meeting ofihoStookhoi. tiers ,.l tho Dalton A Jnaksonrillo Rail bond Company, at tho C.-urt llousu it, Dalton, on Wednesday tho 25th dov of April next, for the pnrposo of electing a now Bo.ird t f Director*, and transacting other important business. A full attendnne. is doeired. ns ninttors of vital importance to the success of our Rond, will be brought before that meeting. By ardor of tbe Board of Dir, dors. DAWSON A. WALKER, marit.l.n.w.ld Bveretary, Important Notice, A LI. persons Indebted to A. M. 81osn or -TV to any firm with which he lias been J. .T, rOHKN- oi.nnccted, it tu Harper A Pepper, Harpor A Butler, or to Sum mi Griswold, will find thoir notes and accounts with , ’ HARVEY A 8COTT. And will save cct by looking sftcr them st !"*>••• hhlMnr-tf Lot of 25 acres, two miles front of Homo, with a small comfortable i lioii.-o on it, about half cleared und rcMf culiivutiun, tho remainder in ortf growth. Price|l,0U0, cash iu curccucp NO. 128 , A vory snug and conveniently •"•gj “ e J -’** "ft auu oui.rve-—- a , framo < re?idenee, containing six g 000 corns very tileasantly located in burbs of the Village of Co* lavill*# V® j! from tho Ctty of Rome, with ftU n uC< , out-buildings including a large frsro®. ble, nsubie frame negro house and in the yard. 14x18 feet. Connected this de.druble property aro forty-»» r ,.f i„„.i ,t .,u ...u is in timber. * of land most of which is in .timber, never tailing wells of water on tb® r ono of thfiu near tho dwelling. L° was a place of considerable trade be:i* wjt iiiiU will become so zgaia* „ pronerty i.*-' eligibly located for , jt« wti property i.^ eligibly locate? * or . j,-, will bo ubout tho centre of th® . its present limits are extended by our Legislature. Price $2,600 cash, in currency. - TERMS. Our terms for Bulling and renuojj^ ami city property aro 5 nor cent, on ■ v> thousand dollurs, aad 21 r* «ni0UD»^ . Up to 1. FW .I.VWBISMU WW..-.-I -I on all sums in excess of that joioun paid q^ut ot the first payment on p sold or routed. Williams, Stansbury & Grocery, Commts-iou und Forrra^ merchants, TENNESSEE HOUSE, BR0A® Hume, G«- ■^JAVE on hand »nd_in tranlib ‘lOllUUjiounds of Battoo, 25090 Bushels ol Corn. 100 B srelsof Flour. . 600 S» u ks lre.h Cotton Bwa. 25 Boxos Tobscoo. . . For ssle st aceonamodsun* r'