Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, May 08, 1866, Image 4

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“■ From the I.oui^% illo Journal. The Spectre of Civil Wnr. It ought not to bo disguised from the country that tho grim and ghastly si re tro of civil war is -Tiring indistinctly above (ho l’.orison of ..American politics. We utter tho notomf warning, and wo do it rrmu a profound conviction that there is a necessity for it.' Wo should ho glad to closoour eyes against so pain- lul and awful a truth if thereby it ■ectild bo avbrted. Jiut tliat is not the way to uvortical'.nnitios. It is tho wav to invite them and lie unprepared for them when they cornu. It is time the country were nlurmod, and for intelli gent, peudo loving, and patriotic men •to open llieireycs 'to the slow‘moving currents of tho wide, dark fathomless sea lhat rolls to tho frightful precipice ahead, in no other way ert^the terri ble plungo be avoided. Wo must awake io the 'tcjribie perils thul sur round us, or we are Inevitably lost and licyond llio power of rodqiStion as a republican gnyertrrient. Let no man ’who has tho form and instincts and en dowments of n man trillo iu view of tho 'possibility ofcivil'Wur. Tho Buko of Wellington has said that all other lem iporal calmilies in a civilisod.Stato aro as 'nulling in coutparison with this. All other evils nro lolerablo in compari son. .In a country so vast os ours, if •civil war should break out there is no liumun ken tlmtcan measuro . its dura tion or penetrnto its awful blaoknoss or counts its consequences. Tho war wo havejust passed through, though technically a civil war, was, in its main characteristics, national, if hero was no division of neighborhoods, involving conflicts of arms, fire and slaughter, in the North, and there was no such division in the South. Tho nonrest approach to nnytbinc of this kind took place in Missouri ana in East Tennessee, and in those Statoa tho hor rors of the-war were tho most appalling. Tho civil war wo speak of as threaten 1 ing the peoco of tho country in tho not remote : future, is one whoso shadows would rest ovor Ovory State, city and village, from Nova Scotia to the ltocky Mountains, and which, possibly, might cover llieji' lonely peaks, and settle •down upon the I’ucifio slopos. It is perhaps quite probable that some per sons who rend these lines may receive the suggestion of the possibility of such a calamity as we refer to with an in credulous smile or even a contemptuous sneer. So multitudes of well-meaning mull. reocivbd tho notes of warning ol tho war that bus just dloscd. So many poisons, bot'li North and‘South, jokod •and sneored in I860 and in the proceed eng years—jokod and sneered up to the very moment whon the sulphurous vol- •umo leaped forth as from tho mouth of •hell. Not a few of t horn, alasl long Binco uttcrod their lust mockery, utter ed thoir last triviality, over events of which thoy had no discernment'until they cumc upon them. Wo utter, wo repeat, tho distinct notos of warning now, in this month of April and year of i>oaco and graco, 1806; now while .the power ip yef in the hands of tho peoplo, who must all suffer to an extent, which no pan can describe or tongue tell if tho land should. ho lapped in- the lurid fla'mesuf universal. strife; now whilo there is timo to tako measures to avert, ilio impending doom—wo utter the dis tinct notes of warning to intelligently ■thinking men who do not wish chaos and night to come again, that spootre, hideousatid bloody, deformed and po- luted, of such a civil war as has never been witnessed in modern times is slowly 'rising.before the vision ! And it is senroely three years off. Howevor appalling tli'o figure, wo had hotter look' fulVat it until wo comprehend somo- tiling of it, until its lineaments .are burnt in upon our braius, until wo are fully aroused- to the necessity of the great duty of putting forth efforts ade quate te the extraordinary emergency, mid to Bliield us from the dreadful ca lamity. Tho duty and the power aro in tho hands of tho pooplo, not tbe peo ple ot any ono state Of <?f [my > ono sec tion, tut of all tho Slates and of all tho sections. They ban control events, and they, end they only, can ward oil' civil war ! Will they do it ? . Wo do not know, and cannot answer. If they aro nut lost to thoir own interests and wel fare, if thoir lioarts are not shut to, the instinots of self preservation, if they aro not hopolossly blind to future possible miseries in comparison with which all that thoy havo sqil'ored in tho lato war as nothing and less than nothing, they will gird thoir loins, Ihoy will rouse themselves as no people ovor did bo- fbre, arid overcome tho obstacles to the settlement of our national troubles be fore'they ljecomo insurmountable and unremovable. Thoy will do or forbear to do almost anything rather than sub- jeof themselves to tho dark doom of Civil Vdr. THE WEALTH AND POVERTY OP OUR STATESMEN. Jefferson died comparatively poor. Indeed, if Congress had not purchased his library and given for it five times its value, he would,- with difficulty, have kept the wolf from hlB door. CARD. To the Mcrcliunts ol the South. The undersigned. Wbolcsalo Dealers, ad vika tho fact that Charleston is again a market for the purchase of goods, anil in view of tho early npnnfng of tho spring trade, wo bog to solicit tho resumption ol the patronage so liberally extended to the mnrkot in tho past. Wo are atraro that in old and respected firm wilt ho luissrd from onr numbor, but In gay familiar names will be found in new 'associations, ready to supply tho wants of llio Trade, as of yoro, uud other old aud now firms will bo.added to ournuiuborat an early day. The cash 1 and shore orodil system having boon universally adopted In all tho Nor thern markets, WB nro necessarily com polled to ndopt a like system as tho only safu onu on which to conduct busiuess, and the heavy percentage once necessary to cover bad debts will now beavoided. Smbltiprof- itj and quick returns will lie title rule, and under its working wo hone not only to ro- storo to our nnciout oily its former prosper ity, but to cxlond her Undo to thefull extent of tho capabilities her oxcolleut geographi cal position and natural advantages afloril Our interest and ambition combine to stimu late us in attorning this result. Tho Soulh-Carolina Railroad is now open to Columbia, and its President has officially lu’ibrmcd us that tho Augusta line will be complctod to Biackville this month, and that on tho 1st of February-ho will rocolvo through freight to Augusta. A line of steam ers to Savannah will agord facilities for shipping in that direction. It is our purl pose to have in store by the last of February a complete and varied assortment of goods in our respective lines adapted to the spring trade, and every exertion shall bo mode to promote your in tore Is. We extend to you the hand of commercial fellowship, and solicit your co-operation and patronage 'in our efforts to make Charleston tho centre ot Southern trade. Oive us the encouragement Wo -ask, and you will enjoy all the advantages df a aheap home market. •Dry Goods. W. T. Rurgo'Vt'Co. Edwin Bates A 'Co. J. R. Read A Go. Strauss. VOHce A Co. Atkin, Noyes and lohnstou. King A Goodrich. James B. Betts. Stoll Webb A Co. P: Epstein, 208 King Streot. P. Lyoas A Co. Fancy Gooils. II. D. Burkett A Co., Successors of Bowing, . Tliayor A Oo. North, Stoclo A Wardcll. Millinery and Straw Goods. Lengnlck A Soli, Williams A Covert. Boots ahd Shoes. E. B. Stoddard A Co. B. F. Fleming A Co. T. M. Bristol, Successor of Bunhuin, Taft A Co. Sdw. Daly, Agent. Johu’Goiumius •Hats'tend Caps. Williams A Covort. II. II. Williams A Co. F. Horsey, 2d Hayno stroot, Successor to Horsey, Auton and Co. •Hardware. , J. E, Adgor and Co. Hustlo Calhoun and Co , 21 lluyno stroot. Hart and Co. Edgarton and Richards. C. Gravbloy. E. L. Dt-itiiug A Co. ^Agricultural Implements ami Machinery. Little aud Marshall, 173 East Bay stroot.' Books. E. J. Dawson and Co. Bogort, Denny and Co. Carriages and Harness. L. Cbapiu and Co. R. W. Galo and Co. Nathan and Ottolcngui. Paper Hangings, Window Shades and Upholstery. II. W. Kinsman. Clothing. Edwin Bates A Co. Macullor, Williams and Parker. Hooper & Force’s COLUMN. SILK. BASQUES, L ACE POINTS, Bercgo and Circu lars, just recoivod by HOOPER A FORCE. opr. 14 DRESS GOODS. M OUKTTS, Lonos MosninbiqlieS, Crape, Printed Jaconctts and Lawns, Brill- 1 hint, just rcceivoil by apr.14 HOOrER A FORCE. HITE GOODS. S WISS, JaconottB, Mulle, Nainsook, Vlo- lorla Lawn Sad Barred Muslins, just receivod by HOOPER A FORGE. apr.14 domestics. T) LEACIIED, 7-8 and 4-4, 6-4 and 10-4— O Brown, Georgia Made find Soa Islands, all widths, just received by apr.14 HOOPER A FORCE. CLOTHING. A LARGE Lot of SPRING and SOM MER CLOTHING of latest styles and best material, for sale very low by apr.14 HOOPER’A FORCE. SHOES & BOOTS. L ADIES’ latest styles of DRESS and WALKING SHOES. GENT’S BOOTS and SHOES, Patent Loathor and Glove Kid—Come and see hem. HOOPER A FORGE. HATS. L ADIES’ and GENTLEMEN’S LATEST SPRING STYLES, just received by apr.14 HOOPER A FORCE. OVERSTOCKED. W E aro ovorslOdked on Olive or (Salad) Ofl, 'Kerosene Lamps, Blacking,Snuff, and Hoes, o&d iproposo to sell lower than tho lowost. HOOPER A FORCE. npr.t4 1 Tierce Putty, Just received and for salo by HOOPER A FORCE. g Bids. Linsoud Oil, Justjeccivod and for Valuable table. KEEP IT FORREFERENCE. Prices of Confederate Money for Gold from January 1st, 1801, to May 1st, 1865. 1801. January to May 1st, 5 per cont., discount. July 1st to Oc>. 1st, 10” “ “ Oot. 1st to Oct. 'I5th, ,12 " ‘ Oct. 16 to Nov. 15th, 15 « '< .< Dec. 1st to Dec. 7tb, 20 '• “ “ December 15th, 30 “ “ “ 1802. January 1st, 20 .por'cont. discount. « 16th, 20 « “ Fobruary 1st, 25 " J “ 15th 40 « « March 1st, 50 15th, 05 *' ' “ April 1st 75 “ “ •< 16th 80 “ “ 'May 1st 00 “ “ 15 — " 1st, 05 « 15th, $3 00 for 1st Iff June July “ 15th, August 1st, 3 20 “ •f loth, « » Sopt. 1st, 2 50 “ « 16th, “ " Octobor 1st, “ “ •• 16th, « “ Nov. 1, *02 to Feb. 1, ’03, $3 00 1803. ■ * Fob. 1 to March I, 3 10 for March 1st, 3 26 “ Mar. 16 to May 15 5 00 1 salo by HOOPER A FORCE. Francis Murphy, l’iorsuu A Co. 1 OHO Bbs- Pure White Load, Just re- 1 Hr\J\J ccivud and for salo by HOOPER A FORCE. 2 Bids. Spirits Turpontino, Just received aud for sale by HOOPER A FORCE. S)f\ Gallons each, Copal, Coach and Dumar H\J Varnish, for salo by HOOPER A FORCE. P AINT Brushes and SaOh tools for salo by HOOPER A FORCE. E BONY aud Ivory Keyed Diamonds for sale by HOOPER A FORCE. C HROME Yellow, Chromo Croon, Black Paint. Vonitian Rod, Pa ont Dryer and Burnt Umber in Oil, for salo by •« ^ HOOPER A FORCE. Congress purchased his manuscript .pa pers) and paid $30,000 for them. -James Monroe, tho 6th President of tho United States, died so poor that hit remains found it resting place treugh the charity of onoof his frlonds. They remain in a cemetery in School street, but no monument markB the spot whoro thoy repose. John Quincy Adams left some $50 000, Iho result', of his industry, pru donco and inheritance. He was a man of method and odonomy. Martin Van Buren u ied very rich. Throughout his political life he studi ously looked out for his own interests, ft is not believed that he ever spent thirty shillings in politics. His party shook the bush and ho caught the bird. Henry Clay left a very handsome es tate. It probably exceeded $100,000. He was a prudent manager and scrupu lously honest man. James IC. Polk loft about $150,000— fifty thousand, of which he saved from his Presidency of four years. Daniel Webster squandered some millions in his life time, the. produot of his professional speculation. He died leaving his property to his children and his debts to hjs friends. The former sold for loss' than $20,000; Iho latter ex ceeded $550,000. JolinTyler left $50,000. Before ho wns President ho was bankrupt. In offico ho husbanded his means, and then marriod a rich wife. Zachary Taylor loft $160,000. Milliard Filmore is a wealthy man. and keeps his money hi a strong box It will not bo squandered in specula tion and vice. Fiank Pierce saved some $50,000 from his term of service. Saddlery. Ilastio, Culhoun and Co., 24 Hayne street. Jennings, Thomlinsoii.aud Co. Ilarrol, Nichols andi Co. Drugs. King and Cassidey. Joseph J. Morgan: L. Chapin and Co. John Koncfick, 48 Broad stroot. Crockery. Webb and Sago. William G. Wlilldcn and Co. Draper and Tailor.. J. S. Phillips, 32 Broad streot. Grocers. Geo.W. Williams and Co. Clins. If. Moiso and Co. Geo. W. Clark and Co. Thaddcus Stroot . ‘ J. A F. Dawson. J. F. O’Neill and Son, 107 East Bay. W. II. Chafeo. Wm. Gurney. Henry BiclioXfaud Co.. Thompson and Bro. Cahill aud Co. John King and Oo. WngnCr, Hoathand Monacos. J. II. and D. Mullor. Eollmann Bros. Hay and Grain Merchants. John S. Bird and Co. Building Material, Sash, Blind and IDoor Manufacturers, W. F. Russell and Co. Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mailings and tailors Trimmings. Chas. D. Carr and Co. Grocers, Auctioneers and Commission Metj chants. Bruns and Bee. Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, Dealers in Dry Goods. T. Savage Hoy ward and Sons, 123 East Bay street, Charleston, S. 0., and 141 Augusta, Go. (Steam Bakery, Crackers, Biscuits, etc. J. C. H. Clausscu. Iron and Mill Bands and Machinery Agency. J. M. Eason. Shipping, Commission and Wholesale Archibald, Gotty and Co. F. Connor and Civ marehO-law. 2m •one Lamps, and Chimneys in store, for salo by IIOOFER A FORCE. GH Boxes French and Amoiintn, Window 7C VJ Glass, arsorlcd slics for salo by hoofer a Force. TJlURNiTURE Calloo and Cotton Damask X? Just rccoived, lor sale by HOOPER A FORCE. foblO. Sole Leather. fZCl SIDES SOLE LEATAER just received O v and for aalo by trefl ' HOOPER & FORCE. tar The Pennsylvania wheat crop is very pioniising. GREEN, SWANSON & CO, Wholesale and Itctall GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, HAY, BACON, FLOUR, SUGARS, SYRUPS, CANDLES, CIGARS, - TOBACCOS, NUTS, CONFECTIONARIES, FLAVORING EXTRACS, SODA, OIISSE, SOAP, A ND in fact overy thing usually kept by first class Grocery IIouscb—all of which wo will and doscii very cheap. Pnr- chnsors would do well to call and oxnmine our stock in tho LUMPKIN BLOCX, BROAD STREET. CORNER MAIDEN LANE, ROME, GA. GREEN. SWANSON, AGO. fub23.twsw.3m A. nonnisos. a. b. nun’. Morrison & Huff, Successors to A. Maupiu A Son, Broad St., ROME, GA. DEALERS IN HARD WAR!, AND House-Furnishing Hoods. Keep contaantly on hand a largo suppl; of ASKS, hatchets, SPADES A BHOVEfcS, PICKS AND MATTOCKS, WEEDING A GRUBBING HOES, Nails, Iron and Steel, LOCKS. HINGES AND BUTTS, PLANES,’ SAWS AND AUGERS, BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, MILL IRONS, MILL SAWS, WHEAT FAHS, rOQKET A .TABLE CUTLERY, TRACES, HALTER AND LOG CHAINS, Nova Beotia and Ohio Grindstones. And everything usually kept in first class Hardware Stores. All of which will bo sold low. Call and examine before you purohaso jan23-tf elsewhere. BARRETT, CARTER & CO AND DEALERS IN Paints and Oils, of every description. Proprietary & Patent Medicines of all kinds.; 201 Broad St., AUGUSTA, GA. Being tho oldest House in iho city, in our line, upd now having a Large and Well assorted STOCK OF GOODS, Wo solicit a fhnre'of pnhlio patronngo, and believe we will give full satisfaction in every particular. Call at our alfi stand. febl0.w.3m March 1st, « 15th April 1st, “ 15th, May 1st, ” 15th, July 1 to July 15,18 00 July to Aug. 15, 20 00 August 15th, SopL 1st, 15th Octobor 1st, « 15 th Nov. 1st •* 15th, Dec. 1st 15th " 31st, H. & S, ABRAI1AMS SUCCESSORS TO % WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' & GEETS,’ HATS. Gliconsware. TIN WARE, And a general assortment o) FAMILY SUPPLIES. Corner of Broad and Brldgo streets, ori si to the Choice Hotel. . H. ABRAHAM! Marchl5-tf. LOUISVILLE. JOS. W. aunBlLL. OBO. WoaT.UINOTON. Jttetrop6lit% EnterprU^r J. W. MoiTill flreatClift Sale. SUCCESSORS TO J. T. SMITH & CO., No. 220, Main Strsbt, tOUISVILLE, KY., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SADDLERY, HARNESS', ’ TruiiLc.iS. Bags and Valises, WM. W. MORRIS dt CO. Importois and Wholosalo Dealers in NOTIONS, STATIONARY, FURNISHING GOODS, 132, Main Stroot, betwoon Fourth and Fifth Louisville, Kentucky, Respoctfully Invito on examination of thoir . WELL ASSORTED SPOOK at all times i which thoy ore willing to soil at EASTERN PRICES? ORDERS / / Promptly Filled, and Goods Forwarded WITHOUT DELAY. Cincinnati Paper Wareho’se Chatfield & Woods, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE Paper Dealers, V7 Si. 70 Walnut St., Cincinnati. ERF constantly on hand Ruiad Cap Dotter and Note Papers, Prlntors’ Flat . , Folios, Plain Letter and Note Papers, Rcgral, Medium, ahd Demy Writing Papors. Io Agents Khr the colebrai ivanhoe mills Writing papers Also Manufacturers of BOOK AND NEWS PAPERS, PAPER BAGS. Also on hand, Grocers, Manilla Pnpors for Drug use, and a comploto sleek of LE, AND BINDERS TOOLS. Binders Fitted out Complote, in Tools and Materials. ■ • •. H; Orders by Mail promptly filled. .. I Wrappihg Papers, gists end Dry Gbods J. J. C01IEN, AT HIS OLD 8TAND, HOME, GA. H as on hand A largo lot of Tobaoeo, oi all grados ; Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Shoe Findings, Hardware, Wooden Wore, Crockery and Glassware, Tinware, CoBfeetionaries, Groceries, etc. All of Which lie offers as low as tlicy can be sold in this market. His facilities for buying and shipping 1l bulk nro such' thnt ho flatters himsclt that ho can sell chonpor than many othor houses in tho city, anil in the wholesale department ho feels that bo can offer unusual induce ments. janl-w-Om 5 DRUMS! DRUMS! Stroll, Knight & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL roriMtti Wo aro now reooiving a lar£o r nud well solcctod stock-of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VAllNISlIES, DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDICIN ES, PERFUMERY, &c. Wo intend to mako it to the intcrost of Physicians & Dealers generally to buy of us. Wo are prepared to sell goods ohoaper than at nny point this side of tho Ohio rlvor, as wo receive our goods direct iTom tho manufactures. Our motto— Quick Sales and Small profits. Tho very bostff / Wines and Liquors hand, at wholesale and retail. ~CE WINE for Sacramental NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jeweler’s. Association, ' Capitol, .$1,000,401. Depot, 107 Broadways An immonso. stook of Tlanos, Watcli Jowolry, and Ftincy Goods, all to bo sols? ONE DOLLAR cooli, withoutrcgardtovS, nnd not to bo paid,for till you soo what. will receive. W .‘CERTIFICATES, naming each artui, and Its vftluo, qro plaeod in sealed cnveW nnd well mixed: Ono 6f these onvolopcs bo sept by mall to any address on reccinh, 25 conts; five for $1: oleven for $2: itk, for $5; sixty-five for $10; and ono iiuniW fur.‘.$1,5.... ■ ""‘j On receipt of tho Cortifioato you will what you aro going to have, and then Rh] your option to pay, tho dollar nnd tsko i hrtlolo or not. Purchasers may thus ni.i a Gold Watoh, Diamond Ring, a p|«j| Sewing Machine, or any sot of Jewclrjoi our list, for $1. and inliocnso caa they .” lossjthun Orio Dollar’s wbrih, as thoro are n. blank?.- . , - , Agents aro wantod in ovary, (m country; ovory porson ean mak'o $10a~ selling our Certificates In tho greatest of Jowolry over known. goad 26o. for k Cortifioato, whfck will i. form you what you can obtain for it Ji tho enmo timo got our oirculnr, contain!? full list and particulars; also. Term l Agents. . Address, ‘ " M " l JAMES HUTCHINSON A CO 'IV? Broadway, Ti.T,I United State* ] Steel Pen Works! Factory, CAMDEN, N. J. B. EASTEUBHOOK Si CO., STEEL PEN MANUFACTURERS, WAREHOUSES! 403 Arch St., Philadelphia, 42 JOHN ST., NEW YORK. vpiIESE Colobratod Pons aro ol Ocne!,, JL' American Manufacture, and corantiil every loading stylo In tho Market, and inl equal in finish, olastiolty and fineness r )ojnt te the host imported. Thoy arc, third oVe, sure to gain tho 'confidence of the Ant,, lean public. SAMPLES AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. LOTS MADE TO ORDER, OF ANY | PATTE N OR STAMP REQUIRED. Far salo to tho Trado at tho Manafictsl ror’s Warehouses, ns above; and at retail Id all Stationers, Bobksollcre, nnd News Desks in the United States. , It. EASTERBROOK A CO. I marl tw.3m Also a pui-poscs. You Will tage to gtvo Vis olsowhoro. Call at McGuire a PiNson’s old stand, On Broad Street, Romej Ga. nd It to your advan- 1 before purchasing FURNITURE. Found at Last, A SURE and certain cure ‘for ITOlI. Dr. Volloc’a Pink Cerate. One box war ranted to cure. For salo by ■ STROII, KNIGHT A GILMAN.,tf Broad Street, Rome, Ga. Dr.ALEn m FUHHITURE, LOOKING GLASSES, METALIC BURIAL CASES, ETC. Just received, a fine let of elegant NEW STYLE BUREAUS BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, CRIBS TABLES, LOOKING-GLASSES, ETC, I am In daily expectation of a largo supply of various styles of CIXAIRS) COTTAGE CHAkbBR SETS, And other goods in my Hue. METALIC BURIAL CASES always _ hand. Ware Room over Ilills A Fanchen Hardware 6toro ' DcclVlvBm. •OFFICE ROME RAIL ROAD, 1 Rohb, Ga., Oot. 9th, 1866. f CONSIGNEES will tako nolloo that for vJ wont of Depot room, freights must bo tokon away on arrival, othorwiso. they will bo sent to a warehouse and stored-at their oxponse. C. M. rENNINUTON, ocH2-tf Eng. A SupU NEW YORK. PACIFIC HOD,I, 170,172,174 & 176 Greenwich 8tE (ONE SQUARE WEST OP BROADWAY.) I Between Conrtlandt and Bey Sts., New Fori I John Patten, Jr.,Prop’r. T HE PACIFIC HOTEL is woll and wldtljl _ known to tho travelling public. Thelo*I cation ie especially suitable to merclianlsull business men; it Is in closo proximity lothl business part of the City—is on tho highwsj] of Southern and Wcstorn travel—and adjs-l cont to all tho principal BaiJroad and Stcam-1 boat depots. Tho Paoifio has liberal nocomodalion f-i| oVor 300 guosts; it is woll furnished, sill possesses everj modern improvement for Uu| comfort arid entertainment of its Inmsttr Tho rooms aro apqcious and well ventilstw •irovldod with gas and water; thoattondsna s prompt and reSpoctful; and tho tableh gonorously provldod with ovory delicacy si tho season. . . Tho subseribor, tvho for thd'pnst tow ycml lias boon tho lossoo, is now solo proptieU*,! and intends to idontify himsolf thoroscbljj with tho interests of his house. With 1m|| oxporlcnco ns a hotol-koeper, ha trusts, tjj moderate charges ami a. liberal policy, Ml maintain tho favorable reputation of tho Pi- cifio Hotel. ,1 N. B. To provont ovorohargo by llattj men, the ooaohes of tho Hotel are ovrnxj by the proprietor. JOHN PATTEN, Jr. oot5’g5-ly EDDY’S KEROSENE ’. I , f -:,'n Cooking & Heating Stoves and THE COOKING STOVES WILL Bake, Boil, Stew, Fry & Roa "With tho greatest economy and facilhl -nd without heating- tho room In wkid. tho i without — thoy aro used. They aro porfoctly sieir'l operating liko an ordinary Korosono Lsni with a chimney, and are tho only Kcrosc* Stovet that burn wltUOut smoke or ol* THE HEATING STOVES are very convenient and economical, oi. ally whore a fire is required but a few ho® 1 “Wo ha'vc bcon pcrfcctly astonlsDcd lo what a labor-saving, dlrt-saving and hta Orders for StOves may to sont tliri'ip Amorlcan Advertising Agonoy, 380 Bro**’ way, Now York. MOORE it NICHOLS, Manufacturers of Cooking and Heating Stoves and AppOr* 109 ' B. REMINGloN S i°SONS, iHo 11 , Manufacturorfi of Rovolviiip Pistols, lliflcs, Guns, Gun 0*O)f• Gun Barrels, ami Elliot HepcsUTS* fel27-tww-tf.