Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, December 04, 1875, Image 3

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ihe SWIfeMfl $otmet ROME. GhEORGH-A. gsturdey Moruliiff; December -1* 1878 B. H. RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLISHERS’ AGENTS, 111 Bay Strket, Savannah, Ga./ \r* aiittmmd to contract for advertising in #ur j»apor. ju!15,twtf cotton reports. By Telegraph to Samuel Morgan, Cotton liuycr, Rome, (2a. New York, Dec. ?>, 10:20 A. M.— Colton quiet and easy ; futures steady and very quiet: January 131 to 13 3-16; February 13 5-16 to 135; March 135 to 13 9-16; April 13 11-16 to 131; May 13i to 13 15-16 ; December 13 1-16 to 131. Gold 141. Liverpool, 12:30 P. M — Cotton steady. Sales 12,000 ; 2,000 for export and speculation. Arrivals dull. New Orleans.—Receipts 2,S49; ex pected 7,500. New York, 3 P. M.—Closing futures quiet and steady : January 13 5-32 to 13 3-16; February 13 11-32 to 133; March 13 7-16 to 13 9-16; April 131 to 13 5-32; May 13 15-16 to 13 31-32; June 141 to 14 5-32; July 141 to 14 9-32; August 1411-32 to 143; December 13 1-16 to 13 3-32. Gold closed 143. Sales for future delivery 12,000. Receipts for the week 158,986. Ex ports to Great Britain 8S,72S; France 17,242; continent 22,273; channel 1,700. Stock 612,391. HOME MARKET. Market quiet: Middlings 12; low middlings 113; strict good ordinary ill ; stains 9 to 11. THE CITY. The rush is at .1. 1). Carver’s now, buying Valencia and seedless raisins, tor holiday fruit cakes. Oo thou, deed, Planters Selling Cotton will do well to call mi Jke If. Whitelcy, ns he is always posted in regard to the market. Customary commission. Office at Morgan’s. oetl2,tw-wtinarl2 Covunimaut Moats. Tito Government boats have come down having expended the appropria tion made by last session of Congress. The boats, wo understand, will soon bo sold. Rridnl amt Christmas Presents, U'e omitted in our last to call the attention of our readers to the adver- tisment of Dhomo & GoldsmithJ Their stock is superb. X Charming I cttcr. Our Egyptian letter will be read with interest. It is full of pleasant surprises. Aside from the interest attached to its popular author, our old friend Col. C. I. Graves,it is interesting because of its literary merits. Malaga Crapes. Catawba grapes,double crown dnhesiaraisons seedless, and Valinoia raisins, for.fruit cake, London layer raisins,"citron, currents,prunes, dates, minoo meat. Now fruit and nuts, and a large supply of fancy goods, just in (or the holidays. Send in for a circular and see tor yourself. .1. L) Oauvrii. decl.twot, Prnjer Meeting. During the summer mouths prayer meeting was held every Sunday after noon, atthe fair grounds, under the auspices of the Young Mon’s Christian Association but as the winter approaches these meetings were discontinued. The people of Hilsboro have offered the young men a school house near Mr. E R. Lumpkin’s residence, in which here after meetings will be resumed, begin ning to-morrow at half-paBt 2 o’clock. The Steamer Dispatch. Wo understand that tho Steamer Dispatcli will leave her wharf Monday morning for Carter’s Landing. It will bolter first trip up the river and we hope she may find business enough to justify her in making weekly trips. It may take some months or so to get the line established but when she does, wc feel confident the businees will increase and prove of great benefit to Rome and those along the line ot the river and the counties above. Personal. Col. Glecn desires us to state that he will be absent in attendance at Cherokee Court next week. As he is a candidate, his friends will have to look after the Aldennanic honors for him. Our young friend Frank Huflakcr left Rome last Tuesday for the Vanderbilt University at Nashville. He proposes to pursue a course of Theological studies preparatory to entering the ministry of the M. E. church South. He is a worthy young mau and we wish him great suc cess in his proposed field of labor. May Knight. We had the pleasure of meeting this clever gentleman yesterday. Mr. Knight is the master of transportation, of the Selma Rome & Dalton Railroad, and baring his unfortunate mistake in al lowing any discrimination against our city, in tho matter of cotton freights, makes a popular officer. We trust how ever that he will soon see tho injustice as well as the bad policy of the dis crimination and will restore the old rates. The discrimination is as unjust to the patrons of the road as it is to the City of Rome. If Mr. Stanton must have a Compress it would be better for the road to buy him an interest, in the Press at this place so that he would be sure of his toll let tho cotton go which way it will. With his toll secured he might then be willing to give the people justice. Weekly Cotton Statement. Benj. F. Hull, of this city, report er for the National Cotton Exchange,fur nishes the following statement for the week ending Friday, Dec. 3rd 1875: COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1st * 40 Receipts this week: Boat via. Coosa—-372 Boat via. Oostauaula 50 S., R. & D. R. R—407 Rome R. R 137 Wagon 882- 1948 Receipts previously 12279 ‘ Since Sept. 1st 14227 Total 14267 Shipments thisweek— 1494 “ Previously 9638 “ Since Sept 1st 11132 EorrcNtvilie Circuit. The Stewarts of Forrest,ville circuit, M. E. church South, are requested to meet atthe church in Forrestville on Saturday the 18th, inst., at 3o’clock P. M. A full and protnp attendance is requested T. S. Burney, Chairman. I lie O. K. Store. Haas Bros, are themost extensive Cloth iers in tho City of Atlanta, and their Celebrated O. K. Clothing Store is the place to buy your clothing at.' Iko an 1 Joo Haas are both clever gentle men and it is a pleasure to trade witli them. Do not take our word for it hut call on them when you go down and see for yourselves. NpiniKey \t Oman, Yesterday a woman was trying to lead a calf through the town, and the obstinate creature wouldn’t lead worth a cent. Both at, coaxing and threatening she utterly failed, but still persevered. Fi nally, a gentleman seeing her lack of success advised her to turn tho calf louse. “No,” she replied, “I wns never out-douo in my life, and I will carry it or kill it.” And she did succeed, thin exemplifying the truth of the adage “ Wliero there is will there is a way, .Harried. Our friendandtownsman Mr. George Rhodes, was married on the 1st, to Miss. Julia Maynaul of Barnwell S. C. He and his lovely bride have our best wishes, for their prosperity and happi ness. At the residence of the bride’sfather, on Wednesday, December 1st, 1875, by Rev L. R. Gwallney, Foster Harper to Miss Sallie King, all of this coun- ty. We congratulate the happy pair upon the auspicious event and wish for them all tho enjoyment it is possi ble to obtain in this life and in the life to come. Stock on hand 3135 THE ROME MARKET. Market dull : Middling -12 Low Middling 113 Good Ordinary 111 Stains 9} to 111 STATEMENT For the corresponding week of last year : Stock on hand Sept. 1st 133 Received this week 2005 “ previously 10112 “ since Sept. 1st 12117 -BUSINESS JOTICES. 1000 pounds fresh Buckwheat Flour at Harper <fc Fort’s. nov30,tw3t Latest novelties ia Scarfs, Ties and Huffs at Mrs. Mills’, Broad street, Remo. . A large and Turied slock of Felt, Straw and Velvet liats at the lowest market priee3 at Mrs. Mills’, at wholesale and retail. _ The finest selection «f Crochet Goods in the city, comprising Saeques, Cloaks, Hoods and Tidies. Infant Cloaks iu great variety at Mrs. Mills’ 1 urnishiug Store. Hats, Hats, Hats! A lull and complete assortment of Hats in all the latest styles at Mrs. Mills’ Furnishiag Establishment. aotCR.twtf How to Make Money! See W. L. Appleton, Agent, and he will tell you how hundreds have made money by taking a policy in the old reliable, the Mobile L'fa I nsurance Company. nnv22,t\v-tf—oot28 Mr. Flunk Kane’s Bakery Keeps the best bread in Rome aad defies competition. lie also keeps all kinds of Cakes, and is prepared to furnish weddings and parties on short noties. Fins ornament ing done at Nn. 32 Broad street. oct2G,tf Last (tall for State anil County Taxes. Iu obedionco to positive orders from the proper authorities, I will bo compelled to irooeed against those who fail to settle their axes at once. I will he in Romo for a few days. S. C. Trout, T. C. nov30,tf Removal of Holmes & Gordon. This firm has removed their stock of drugs and medicines to No 19 Shorter Block, second door below The Cpurier office, whore they will be glad to see their friends anti customers. Oct. 27- tw&w-tf. The Mary Carter’s Schedule. Tho Mary Cartor will make weekly trips between Romo and Greensport, Ala., com mencing Monday, 13th inst., at 11 o’clock A. M. Ship your cotton by her if you wish to snvo money. She has reduced tho freight on cotton, and it is to the interest ef buyers and farmers te give us their patronage. Thomas Marablc, Captain; IV. T. Smith, Mate and Clerk ; Tom Dayton, Engineer, S. F. Smit», Son & Bro., tf General Agents, A mau or a woman cannot have a sweet disposition and a sour stomach at the same time. Acid in the stomach or what is com monly called “heart burn” iB nothing hut a proclamation that the liver is "out of sorts.” A person with a bad liver secs the dark side of everything, hat a bottle of tho eolebrated Homo Stomach Bitters, the great liver regu lator, tho universal tonic, and cure for female sickness, will set your vitals in healthy mo tion. For sale hv t.nmkin & McNulty, Home, Ga. 1 HOLIDAY & BRIDAL PRESENTS. The Largest and Best Selected Stock Ault-Bond and Antl-Iting Ticket. At a meeting of tho citizens tho following tickat was unanimously nominated: FOR MAYOR: R. V. MITCHELL, FOR ALDERMEN t First Ward—J. B. Fleming, S. F. Powers. Second Ward—A. M. Lansdell, J. II. Cooper. Third Ward—Dr. D. G. Hunt, J, M. Norris. FINANCIAL. Gold buying 12} uliug 15 Silver buying par selling 3 Sight exohange on N. Y., buying } dis Sight exchange on N. Y., selling ear GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. Bacon, clear sides, per pound 15J to 17 ets Hams Hi to 18 cts Shoulders IU to 13 cts Dry salt dear rib 14} to 10 cts Dry silt shoulders 9 to 10 cts Buttor, Goshen per pound 35 to 40 cts Wusttra 30 to 35 cts Country 35 to 49 cts Bran par hundred pounds $1.10 to $1.25 Beans per buBhol $2.50 to $3.00 Candles per pound 17 to 22 cts Candy per pound 15 to 30 cts Cofi'cc, Rio por pound 23 to 203 cts Java 20 to 35 cts Ccrdova 2G to 27} ets Corn Moal por bushel 00 to 70 Corn, loose GO to 70 Grits per barrel $5.00 to $6.00 Homiuy $6.00 to $8.00 Wheat nor bushel $1.00 to $1.30 Canned fruit, all kinds, per doz $2.25 to $3.75 Flour, ohoice. per barrel $ 0.75 to $8.50 Family and extra G.25 to 7.25 Superfine 5.75 to Fish, fresh per pound 10 to 12} ots Cod 5 to 10 ots Herring, in bxs 50 to 00 cts Maukercl.r in barrels $12,00 to $18.00 Mackerel in kits 1.50 to 3.00 Dried apples per bushel $2.00 to $2,25 Peaches $2.25 to $2.50 Hay, per hundred pounds $1.10 (p $1.35 Lard in tierces, per pound 1G to 17 ots Lard in kegs II to 20 cts Sugars 9 to 14 ots Molasses in barrels, per gallon,50 to 60 ots Molasses, hlf-bbls and kegs...55 to 65 ots Syrups 75 to $1.00 Oats, fer stahlo, per bushel 60 lo 75 Oats for planting $1.00 to 1.25 Onions, per bushel .,.,$1.00 to $1.50 Potatoes, Irish, per bushel....,,$1.00 to $1.25 Tea, Young Hyson por pound 85 to $1.50 Imperial tea. 95 to $1.00 Gunpowder tea $1.50 to $1.75 English breakfast...... $1.00 to — Japan tea $1.00 to $2.00 Tobacco, all grades...per pound 65 to $1.50 Whisky, hesFreotified..por gal. $1.50 to $1.76 Corn whiskey..... $1.75 to $3,50 Choice brand whisky $1.75 to $8.00 Smith’s Holland Schnapps $6.50 per dos Smith’s Aromatio Stomach Bitters...,,.., $7.00 per dox Brandies.... per gallon $2.00 to 12.00 Rum, boat qualities $1.75 to 4.00 Gin, best qualities $1.75 to 4.00 Rye and Bourbon $1.75 to 3.00 Sherry Wine, superior... $1.75 to 5.00 Port Wine, best quality $1.75 to 4.00 Rice, Carolina, per pound 9} to 12 cts Salt, Liverpool per sack $1.75 Virginia salt $1.90 Sugar, crushed, per pound 11} toj.4 cts White clarified sugar... 12 to 14 cts Yellow clarified sugar... 10 to 12 cte Louisiana sugar 9 to 11 ots Boeswax 25 cts LEATHER AND IIIDE9. Hides, dry Sint,,. Salt Green Damagod Leather, whito oak sole per lb Good hemlock leather Good dmgd hemlock leather Jodot French calf G'orneillian French elf, per doz. Boone Country upper leather, per lk. Kips, II 10 5 ball prloe 33 to 46 32 to 35 27 to 30 $0.00 $50 to $05 $4 35 to 6G 50 to 80 Country calf 1.60 to 1.25 -AND THE- Styles of, Diamonds, Jew* elvy, Silver-Ware, Cloolts, &c. 9 EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN ROME, CAN BE FOUND AT D0HME & GOLDSMITH'S JEWELRY STORE, 11® Broad Street, Don't take our word for it, but call and Ida DOHME & GOLDSMITH. All of which will I o *.ihl at pricoa to suit the times, for yourselves. <i«c2,twtf CARPETS. Wi. A. Haygood, 21 Marietta, Corner Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA., DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Curtains, LAMBREQUINS, SHADES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. n«v2t,twGm MCWILLIAMS & CO. W E ARE NOW RECEIVING A SPLENDID STOCK. OF GOODS, BOUGHT RECENTLY AT reduced 'prices, all of whieh will be sold at correspondingly low figures. Wo are dsteraslmsd to meet tke demands »f hard times la supplying goods at low prioes. Wo sffer among the many bargains in our mammoth stock— 12-4 WOOL BLANKETS AT $3.75—WORTH $5.10 FURS AND SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS AT 25 PER CENT. UNDER FORMER PRICES. NICE TWO AND THREE BUTTON KID GLOVES AT 75-FORMER PRICE $1.5#. LADIES' BOULEVARD SKIRTS AT 75-FORMER PRICE $1.25. DAMASK LINEN TOWELS AT 25-SPLENDID LINE. LADIES' FELT SACKS AT $1.25. KENTUCKY JEANS 22} TO 30—WORTH 30 TO 40. Novoltios in Plain and Plaid Bilk Scarfs In beautiful designs, Collars and Cuffs, Handksr- cbiafs, Hosiery, Linens, Oinghams, Lawns, Ac. Largest and Cheapest Stock Beets and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Staple Goods over keoecht to this market. We propose to most the demaeds of hard times by supplying goods at lower prices than they have ever been sold in this market. Call and examine the stock and prices. nov20,twlm-wlt w. t. McWilliams & oo. Harnoss leather.. Goat skins, each Sheep skins, sheared, each.. Wool, each Doer skins, per pound , Celouists, Travelers For map circulars, condensed time tables and general information in regard to trans portation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, Iowa, New Mexico, Utah and California, apply to or address Ai.ifkt B. Wrens, General Railroad Agent, At lanta, Ga. No one should go West without flrst getting in communication with the General Railroad Agent, and become informed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of lamilics, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. All informa tion cheerfully aiccn. W. L. DaNLKr, G. P. St T. A, Municipal Ticket. The complications growing out of the bonded indebtedness of tho city, are increas ing in magnitude every day, aud are threat ening to culminate in the speedy and utter prostration of her commercial prosperity. Considering, therefore, tho importance of the subject, and the interests involved, it behoovos each and every citizen to reflect before casting his vote at the approaching municipal elec tion. The city should have a Mayor and Council to administer her affairs during the next year who lully appreciate the situatioDj are inter ested personally and pecuniarily, in a proper settlement of her difficulties, and who will not for tho public interest without reference to the private and individual wishes ol any HARDWARE. Iron, refined bar...per pound Small bar iron... Plow slabs Swedes iron Steel, cast in bars..por pound Steel plow slabs.. F’eel plow wings Nails per keg THE ROME COURIER! Total 12250 Shipments this week 1447 -r. , i • P£ eV “Ti y 8.95 one. To this end the following ticket is sag- Total since Sept. 1st UIU4i g es ted, and the gentlemen who oomposeft Stock on hand 2208 ROME MARKET. Market quiet: Middlings Low Middlings 13 f Good Ordinary 12} METEOROLOGICAL. Rain fall in inches 37-100 Highest temperature 60° Lowest temperature 45 Average temperature 58° have consented lo serve if elected. ’ This recommendation is signed by sixty voters for mayor: T. W. ALEXANDER. FOR ALDERMEN: First Ward—R. S. Norton, T. McGuire. Second Ward—J. C. Rawlins, Dr. Wm. West. Third Ward—J. W. Bones, R. G. Clark. nov25,twtl Albany, N. Y„ December 2.—Hon. Ira Harris is dead. New York, December 2.—Charles O’Conor is gradually sinking. Albany, November 30.—Ex-United States Senator Ira Harris, iB very low. Syracuse, N. Y., December 2.—Reu ben IV. Stroud, canal commissioner, is dead. New York, November 30.—The mer- eory fell thirty-eight degrees In the last 24 hours. Ouerlin, O., November 30.—Two groceries and one book store burned. Loss, $45,000. Washington, November 30.—The president has tendered the commis- sionership of Indian affairs to Ex- Congressman Wm. A. Upson, of Ohio. The dead body of an unknown negro was found lodged in a tree, oyer the Alabama river, a few day* age. Floyd Sheriff’s Sales. GEORGIA, Floyd County. W ILL BE BOLD BEFORE THE COURT Houso door, in the city of Rome, in said oounty, between tho legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in December, 1875, ofollowing property : One undivided half interest in parts of lots 250 and 255, in twenty-second district and third soction, Also, eight acres off of numbers 254 and 255. Bold as tha property of JameB Black. Also, city lot aumbor 56, in the Cothran and Chisolm Division tf Roms, rroporty of S. C Robinson. Also, lot .f land number 1381, in twenty- aocond district and third section. Property ot W. 0. Babb. Also, thirty-oight shares slock in Georgia aid Alabama Steamboat Company. Property of W S. Cothran. Also, eigbty-Bovon acres of lot number 337, ia twenty-second district and third sectioi, togethar with steam saw mills and fixtures on the land, and including 130 horse power engine. Property of J. B. O’Neill. nov4,lw-wtd 32 to 40 10 10 to 15 15 to 35 15 3.00 to 5.00 5,50 to 0,00 5 to 6 7 to » 21 to 28 8} to 10 8} to 10 3.09 to 4.75 Turner & Braumuller, “Old” Southern Music House! Sole Agents for the World Renowned STEINWAY AND OTHER PIANOS, AND TAYLOR & FARLEY ORGANS. PUBLISHED WEEKLY 4NI) Tltl-WEEKLY. Established in 1843. T he long-established refutation of THE COURIER as a first-clans journal has given it a wide circulation in Cherokee Georgia, and an influence and position not sur* lassed by any paper in this region of the State, t has always been a bold and determined de fender of the rights of the people and the advo cate of the interests of this section. E. S. EDGE, FASHIONABLE BOOTMAKER. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Every A GOOD •• JOUR.” WANTED, •c 120,twin ITS POLITICS. While THE COURIER is thoroughly Demo cratic, it has nover surrendered its right to condemn all impolitic measures whether they originate with its own party or that of the oppo sition. No paper can be truly Democratic tnat is not truly independent. To be merely partisan is descending to a level of subserviency THE COURIER will never stoop to. Fealty to the Democratic party is based on the prinoiple that the Democratic party shall be true to the People-—that the machinery of its organization shall bo controlled by the people, and not by tricksters and office-seekers who may desire to use it for selfish purposes and for the promotion of the aspirations and intrigues of rings and cliques. AS A NEWSPAPER, THE COURIER will be found equal to that of any journal in the State with the same advan tages as to its location and field of labor. No pains will be spared to collate such teoord of passing events as to give its readers & general idea of the current news of the day, and to keep thorn posted on all matters affecting their rights and interests. AS A FAMILY JOURNAL , THE COURIER will contain every we.k .elec tions from literary writers as will make it a lavorite in the family circle. Short stories an# humorous paragraphs will be found in each number as a diversion to the general reader. THE MAMMOTH WEEKLY. This is a Urge and well-filled paper ef thirty two columns — not more than seven or eigh< columns being given to advertisements; This is made up from the tri-weekly editions, which, when put together, presents a large mass ot the choicest reading—politios, the news, literature and local intelligence—giving each week twen ty-four or twenty-five columns of solid reading# The Weekly is especially a fiist-olass journal. To tlie Public. With an incr.aae to ita already large circula tion, we hope to make THE COURIER come up to the highest standard of journalism, and to make it popular among'■ Therefore, we hope our fi word to their neighbors whenever they can consistently do so. a#-Order, for the paper ehonld he ad dressed to M. DWINELL, Proprltor. w Reliable Agents Wanted in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North and South Carolina and East Tennessee. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF AND DEALERS IN Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. 30 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. nov27,twly FINE FARM AT PLAINVILLE IT’or Sale. T HE FINE FARM, CONTAINING ONE Hundred and Ninety Acres, formerly owned by Capt. E. G. Rarnoy, adjoining Plainvillo, In Gordon county, Ga., on the Selma, Romo A Dalton R&ilrosd, sixteen miles abovs Romo, is offered for sale tn reasonable terms. The farm is ill under now fence, most of whioh ia plank Tho open land is in a high state of cultivation. The buildings aonsist of on« frame dwelling and kitchen, «ne brick store house with two is, frame corn ciib, framo gin house with good gin and throshor, all now and substantially built, and three log stables. Also, six cabins, largo framed stable, and school house unfinished. In good cotton years at least two hundred bales of cotton, custom work, may be ginned on this place, and a largo amount of custom threshing. A good cotton press goes with tho place, but the gin and thresher can be bought separately. Tho dopot and villngo of Plainvillo was sold off this property. A great bargain can bo had in this place. Address FORD A DWINELL, jull2,twflm Real Estato Agents. Rome, Ga. TO MILL OWNERS, FOR THE BEST MILLSTONES, Bolting Cloth, SMUT MACHINES AND IMPROVED MILL FINDINGS, Addrut, Wm. Brenner, Atlanta, On. TRAVELERS NEW YORK AM) THE BAST Should Purchase Turin Tickets via. EAST TENNESSEE & LYNCHBURG AND THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND ROUTE. By this Line passengers go through from Dalton to Baltimore WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, 3 Provided tbeir ticket, read Via. the Baltimore and Ohio, between Washington City and Baltimore. W. D. CHIPLEY, General Southern Agent, nov23,twly Atlanta, Oa. Cheap Cottage for Sale in Center •f City. W F, OFFER A VERY ELEGANT LITTLE three room cottage and a kitchen, In heart of the city, exceedingly cheap fer oaah. It eaa bo rented by the month' at lit until gold. In quire of _ FORD A DWINELL, ju!3,twtf Reel Estate Agent*.