Rome tri-weekly courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1860-1881, January 13, 1876, Image 1

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til ol M. DWINELL, PROPRIETOR. 1 WISDOM, JUSTICE, AND MODERATION." POUR DOLLARS PER ANNUM. NEW SERIES. ROME, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13, im YOU. 16. NO. *8 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. FLOYD COUNTY SCHOOLS. TOR TUB WEEKLY. , „» r W 00 Imth. 100 ail month* 1 Three inoalt* 00 24 7fi FOR THE TRI-WEEKLY. .......*t 00 !»!<“, III month. * -brw Month. 1 0# If not paid .trioilr in advance, the price ol rai Waaxi-v Cmimea will be $2 60 e jeer, and i.Tai-W*e«i.r *6 00. To club, of fi»« 'T more, on* oopy wUl ho tur- lined Fees. ing funds,aiul express • charges on the same, Atiuual Report Of the Comity School as per receipts and Commlrsioiier. j vouchers Amount paid out for To the (\Uzens o) Floyd County:—From advertising, ns per the operations of the Common School vouchers 12 00 system of Floyd county in 1871, ft full I Amount paid Coim report of which was made and published ty Commissioner for the time, by the County School Com-; services in the years THH UOUR'BR W»i» gsiauununu m s»ww, --- u "l.i« and .teady circulation in Uheroke and !■ ih • 1)6,1 » d?erii,in * modlum |Q in section. CONTRACT RATES OF ADVERTISING. pa (an.i« on* mouth.......... Isa aqua?0 tbrf® month* ipe aquare ait month*......-*- lie aquare twelve month*...... inn-fourth ooluutn ona month... lua-lnurth column three month* Ine-fourth column i.x month...... Ine-lourth colutun twelve month*.-. Ine half column one month. Ino belf column three months tee-half column alt month*.... tne-halt column twelve month )no column one month. In* column three month* Inc column *ix month*.... ,no column twelve month* .... 0f. The foregoing rate* or* for cither Weekly ,r Trl-Weekly. When publiahed In both paper,, it per oent. additional upon table rate#. 4 00 8 00 12 00 20 80 10 00 20 00 88 00 80 00 20 00 32 00 8(1 00 104 00 38 80 60 CO 101 00 180 00 missioner, the following amounts re mained due nnd unpaid at the close of the year: Salary of County Commiss'r,. 8 636 00 Expenses of office, blank books, printing, stationery, postage, eto 70 00 Services of tcaohers in the va- ' rious districts as follows Barker’s Floyd Springs Texas Valley North Carolina Etowah Tnlio Flntwoods Watters’ Livingston Rome District. Hillsboro De Soto Forrostville Rome ©racelep’ (Suide. Rome Railroad-Change of Sohedule r\V AND AFTER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12, U 1875, th® trainn on thia road will run av >llows: UORX1NH TRAIN. Lsaves Rome daily at.. J J! Arrive! at Rome at 11 80 A M SATURDAY EVENISU ACCOMMODATION. Leave, R-m. Samrday only... 5.45 P. M Arrive* »t Rome at P - M C. M. PENNINGTON, Qen'l Supt JNO. E. STILLWELL, Ticket Agent. United States Mail Line—The Ooosa River Steamers I O N AND AFTER NOVEMBER 80, 1874, Steamer* on the Coo*o River will run a* or aohedule a* follow*, »upplying all tha Po*t Iffiooa on Mail Route No. 8X8V! Leave Rome every Monday at - ' p - “ Leave Homo every Thursday at_.... 8 A. M. Arrir* atUadaden Tueidoy and Friday . 7 A. M. Laava Gadsden Tue»d*y and Friday 9 A. M. Arrive at Roue Wednesday and Saturday 6 r. M. povSS J. M. ELLIOTT, Oon’l Supt. Georgia R. R., Augusta to Atlanta. I \AY PASSENGER TRAINS ON OEORGIA 1J Railroad, Atlanta to Augusta, run aa below: Total amount duo, The funds appropriated by the State for the payment of these claims having been applied to otlior purposes by the Bullock Legislature, it became necessa ry for the General Assembly, succeed ing, to make provision for their pay ment. The process of providing funds to pay of! these claims has been long and tedious, but they have finally been paid off in full. Out of the State's ap portionment to the County for 1871-72, he County Treasurer, he being then as provided by law the custodian of the school funds, paid on the foregoing ac counts, os appears from his vouchers, $2,346,66, leaving a balance due of 87,244,84. By the Common School law, approved August 2, 1872, the County School Commissioner was made the custodian of the School fund. Tho present Com missioner was continued in office by re- election in July, 1873, and since that time has received and paid out on the claims of 1871 amounts as follows County’s apportionment, rec’d from the State for 1873.. . .$3945 71 County’s apportionment, rec’d from the State for 1874,... 3819 95 Amount received of S.C.Trout, poll tax of 1874. 1856 00 u.ave* Auguata at 8.00 a. ■ Ltavea Atlanta at -7.0U A. ■ Arrive. Augusta at 3.30 V. u Arrive* at Atlanta at. 5 9® V- ■ Night Paisengar Train* a* follow*: Liave* Augu*taat™ 8.15 r Leave* Atlanta at .10.40 r. u Arrival at Augusts A. n Arrive* at Atlanta at. .0*20 A Accommodation Train as follow*: Loire* Atlanta * *? ?• J{ Leavoa Covington ~5 50 A. M Arrive* Atlanta 8 10 A. M Arrive* Covington 7 80 P. M The Selmai Rome & Dalton Railroad T rains will run as follows over thi* Road, commancing Monday, May 24,1175: HAIL TRAIN DAIIT—NORTH. Laar* Rome 0.10 P. M Arrive at Dalton 8.24 P. M Making dole connections at Dalton with tha Bait Tcnnaaaea, Virginia and Georgia Railroad, and Weatern and Atlantic Railroad, for all Eaitern and W**teru oitiaa, and nil Virginia Spring*. HAIL TEAM DAILT—BOITTH. Lear* Dalton 6.00 P. M Arrive at Romo 9.10 P. M Arrive at Calara 5.40 A M Arrive ot Selma 10.20 A. M Making elois oonnaotions at Oalera for Mont gomery and point! South, and at Selma with Alabama Central Railroad for Mobile, Now Or loam, Meridian, Viekaburg, Jackson, and point* ’South in Toxaa, Louisiana and Mississippi- Sieeplng Car* on all train*. M. STANTON, Qon. Supt., RAY KNIOBT, Gon. T. 4t P. Agent, W. 8. CRANE, Agent, Romo, On. Western & Atlantic Railroad and its Connections. ___ “KENNKSAW ROUTE! Th* following sohodnlo takes offset May 23, 1876 NORTHWARD. No. 1 No. 3 No. II Leave Atlanta... 2 00 pm... 620 am... 656 pm Arr Oarterivills.. 6 86 pm... 8 42 am,.. 8 60 pm Arr Kingston *04 pm... 0 11am... 9 24 pm Arr Dalton 8 41 pm.,.1064 am...ll 46 pm ArrOkattanooga.10 16 pm.,.1242 pm SOUTHWARD. No. S No. t No. lit Lv* Chattanooga 4 00 p m... 616am.. Arrive Dalton .... 6 41 pm... 7 01 am... 100 am Art Kingston 7 88 pm... 007 am... 410am Arr Cartersvllle. 812pm... 042 am... 618am Arr Altanta to 10 pm... 11 66 a m... 980 a Pullman Palaoe Car* run an No*. 1 and Ditween New Orleana and Baltimore. Pullman Palaoe Caro run on Noa. 1 and “ 8 J*een Atlanta and Nashville. Pullman Palaoe Caro run 01 No*. 8 and between LoulivUle nnd Atlanta. ••'No change of cars between Now Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Atlanta and Baltimore, and ®Bly 00a ohange to Now York. Pouonnr* leaving AtUnta at 4 20 P. M. ar rive in New York tha aeoond afternoon thereof- »er at 4.00 P. M. Erouriion Tioksta to tha Virginia Spring* and - - lb# - i on lal* L> Now rarioua Summer Retorts will — „ 9'baq* hjuhlle, Montgomery, Colombo*, Macon, *•»«* “ * Te » Uy Pant** deerring a whole car through to the vlrgtoia BprlBg* or to Baltimore, should ed- troa* the under*!guru. Parti** oootomplatln* traveling ihoold lend [*r a copy of Ktnnttaw Routt Oateite, oottaln- tag schedule*, eto. W*A*k lor ticket* vln'-Ksnnotaw Route. „ „„ B. W. WBENN, QnPI Pousagornnd TioketAgt, Atlnnta, Qe. •WjlS.twtf 1872, 1873, and 1874, total of 81 days, as per account rendered 1365 00 681 00 600 00 1200 00 405 00 760 00 430 00 1143 00 300 00 1021 50 150 00 150 00 390 00 300 00 Leaving balanco on hand of .$2097 07 The balance hero remaining, added to tho State apportionment for 1875 of $2,153,55, makes a total of $4,250,62 for carrying on the Common Schools of 1875. Extracts from the Annual Report of the School Commissioner, of Floyd County, showing the operations of the Common Schools of 1875. .$9591 50 $9621 06 Amount paid out on claims of 1871, as recommended by Grand Juries, and required by law, and as per vouchers, July, 1874, Feb., 1875. and Aug., 1875, which amounts settled those claims in full.$7244 84 Leaving a balance on hand of $2376 82 Tho law required that tho funds ap portioned to the County, each year, should be applied to liquidating tho claims of 1871, until said claims should be paid in full, unless the Grand Juries should recommend a tax instead for laying these claims. The Grand Juries laving declined to recommend such tax, it is obvious that there were no funds until the present year, 1875, for re establishing tho Common Schools of the county. In addition to receiving and paying out tho School funds, tho County Com missioner has been required to perform other duties each year, such as report ing to the State Department statistics of the private schools of tho county, enumeration of school population, etc. These dutios he has endeavored to per form' for the past four, years to tho best of his ability, and with as little expense as possible. In 1872, and in 1873, there was an avoroge of 625 scholars, white and colored, attending tho private schools and colleges of the county. In 1874 there was in tho Romo Female College and Cherokoo Baptist Female College, tho only colleges in the county, an aver ago attendance of 200 pupils; in tho High Schools of Rome and Cavo Spring, 215, and in tho private elementary schools of the county, 370. Making a total of 2 colleges, 6 high schools, and 15 private elementary schools in operation in the county, with an aver age attondanco of 785 pupils. Eduea tionnl statistics of the county, so far as the privato soliools avo concerned, arc generally incomplete, owing to a want of power on tho part of the County Commissioner to induce or compel the filling up of blanks given out by him. Art enumeration of tho school popula tion was again takon in 1874 by tho County Commissioner. In a few of the Districts where it was impossible to mako a new enumeration, owing to a want of co-operation on the part of cit izens, tho enumeration of 1872, carefully taken by the School Trustees, was used an a basis in re taking and revising the last enumeration. RECAPITULATION. Whole amount of funds reoeived by tho safe'.':*: tostieo Whole amount paid ont on claims of 1871 as per receipts and vouchers.......;.. $7244 84 Amount paid J. B. Campbell, Execute Department, for col looting and forward- 243 00 $752459 COMMON SCHOOLS, I8TA. -WATTERS. Six Schools were organized in this District—four white and two colored, and taught by the following teachers: W. J. King, Mis. M. E. Rush, B. N. King, Miss Nannie Kennebrew, Melissa Carter, W. G. Gnrvin. Number of children of the age re quired by law, white and colored, enrolled in tho schools of this Dis trict 190 Average attendance 106 Number of pupils studying orthogra- ; )hy,' 158 j reading, 146 ; writing, 61; . English grammar, 34; geography, 38; arithmetic, 92. Average amount charged by the teach ers for servicos, $37.50 per month. LIVINGSTON DISTRICT. Four schools wero organized in this District—two white nnd two colored, and taught by the following teachers— S. C. Knight, R. S. Simmons, Winnie C. Head, A. J. Tabb. Number of children, white and colored, enrolled in the schools of this District 175 Average attendance 105 Numbor of pupils studying orthog raphy, 130; reading, 116 j writing, 74 ; English grammar, 32 1 geography, 19 ; arithmetic, 83. Average amount charged by teachers for services, $43.00 per month. FORESTVILLE. Two schools were organized in this District—one white and one colored, and taught by the following teachers— Frank B. Huffaker, Sidney C. Living ston. Number of children, white and eol ored, enrolled in the schools of this District 87 Average attendance 66 Number of pupils studying orthogra phy, 71; reading, 69; wilting, 48; gram mar, 12; geography, 23; arithmetic, 50. Average amount charged by the teach ers for services, $40.00 per month. DE SOTO. One school, white, was organized in this District nnd taught by J. W. Mitch ell. Number of children onrollod in De Soto school 51 Averago attendance 46 Number studying orthography, 51; reading, 46; writing, 46; grammar, 6r geography, 4; arithmetic, 46. Averago amount charged by the teach er for services, $32.00 per month. barker's district. Nino schools were organized in this District—six white and three colored, and taught by the following teachers: Mrs. Martha J. Pullen, Hugh L. Bunn, Miss Mollie S. Jones, Mrs. J. H. White, W. Glenn, M. R. Branson, L. N. Poole, Mollie M. Bowman, Lavinia Watts. Number of children, white and col ored, enrolled in tho schools of this District 381 Average attendance 243 Number studying orthography, 336; reading, 253; writing, 119; grammar, 53, geography, 52; arithmetic, 131. Average amount charged by the teachers for services, $37.00 per month. flatwoods district. Four schools wero organized in this Distinct—all white—and taught by tho following teachers: Mrs. Mary Shrop sliirc, J. C. Baker, N. A. Hamrick, Mrs, Marianne Hutchinson. Number of children onrollod in the schools of this District 158 Averago attendance 95 Number studying orthography, 140; reading, 110; writing, 89; grammar, 23 geography, 13; arithmetic, 65, Average amount charged by tho teachers for services, $30.00 per month Tt’LIO DISTRICT. Four schools were organized in this District—three white and one coloved, and taught by tho following teachers: Mrs. E. J. Kile, Moses Fornby, E. S. Davis, Currie Jones. Number of children, white and colored, enrolled in the schools of this District 184 Averago attendance Number -tudying orthography, 159 reading, 1Q9; writing, 39; grammar, 11 geography, 8; arithmetic, 80. ' Average amount charged by the teachers for services, $32.5Q per month Texas valley district. Five schools wore organized in this District—three white and two colored, and taught by the following teachers: H F. tjelmnn, W. W. Cheney, 8, G. O'Bryan, L. W. Wymby, J. C. Franklin. Number of children, white and coloroa, enrolled in tho schools of this District Iv9 Average attendance 124 Number studying orthography, 16ft reading, 126; wiiting, 87; grammar, 13; geography, 6; arithmetic, 72. Average amount charged by the teach ers for services, $39.00 per month. FLOYD SPRINGS DISTRICT. Three schools wero organized in this District—all white, and taught by the following teachers: John M. Williams, Thaddeus Evorett, W. P. Turner. Number of children enrolled in tho schools of this District 122 Average attendance 68 Number studying orthography, 107; reading, 79; writing, 68; grammar, 19; geography, 15; arithmetic, 47. Average amount charged by the teachers for services, $33.50 par month. HILLSBORO DISTRICT. One school, white, was organized in this District, nnd taught by J. B. F. Lutnpkin. Number of children enrolled in this sohool. 52 Average attendance 42 Number studying orthography, 52; reading, 36; writing, 29; grammar, 8; geography, 17; arithmetic, 23. Average amount charged by the teacher for services $60.00 per month. NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT. Five schools were organized in this District—three white and two colored, and taught by the following teachers: t_i r* rr- 1 t_i nr o.* in AN ADDRESS TO THE SICK. LEGAL BLANKS! Do you wadi to purify the system ? I)o y t*u want to get rid of Biliousness? Do you want sotrothing to utrengthen you? D-» you wuut t» goo J Appetite? l>o you want to rid of ntrvr»uBot*ft? Do you want good digestion? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want to build up your tfoastitut’en? D j you want a brisk a vigorous ferliog? If you do, TAKE -OF- EVERY DESCRIPTION F* o r Sale AT THE OFFICE OF The Rome Courier. S I MU O N S’ LIVER REGULATOR! T o Tne THE LEGAL I>IIOFI£M»OS, AUOft TRATE8, Ordinaries anil (Klle.mnt Conn hie Kuna Coraiix offer* a full Ho* «f Lt«* Blink., constating of—- 1'UKEI.t VtCtiETAULK. 1* liarmlo**, la no draatio violent mcilioiue, 1* *uro to our* if takon regularly. I* no intoxicating beverage, ia a faultless family medicine, I* tbs cbeepoat medicine in t ie world, la given with safety and the happiest results to the molt delicate infant, l)oc3 not interfere with business, Does not disarrange the Byitem, Take* the place nf Q.iintoe and Bitter* of every kind. Contain* thtsiutolcst aud heal remedies. ASK ths recovered dyspeptics. Bilious sufFor- en, viotltns of Fever and Ague, tbn mercurial dise&eod pntiont, how they recovered health, Affidavits*. Foreclose Pastors’ Liana, . D»«d» in Foe piiopW Bonds for Titl*. •* ■ • • Affidavits and Wan ant*, M <,r *****^' Commitments. IW. W.nant*. _ , _ Bond* to ProiMMil*, 8*aroh Warrant.-. flench Warranto,. ‘ . Magistrate*’ Sointaons, FI Fia. ■ Appeal Bond*, Garnishment Affidavit* and Bard*. Summon* of Osrntahuonl, AtUchmfnti Attachment, under the Law of 1871, Poiiesaory Warranto, cheerful spirits and good appotlte—they will tell you by taking Simmons’ Llvor Regular, Tho Cheapest, Purest and Uni Family Med icine lu the World t 1 ““8" „- a. b It contain, four medical « in O. King, John W. Simmons, bliss e-1 in tho samo happy nropi Tie Howe, T. L. Duncan, Tahluloh preparation,"v;*i a gentlo Co Tonic, an u John Carrie Badger. Number of children,white and col ored, enrolled in the schools of this District 191 Average attendance 128 Number studying orthography, 162; reading, 107; writing, 82; grammar, 26; geography, 14; arithmetic, 74. Average amount charged by tho teachers for services, $40.00 per month. ROME DI8TR10T. Two schools were organized in this District,—both colored, and tanght by the following teachers: George H, Pope, Mary L. Barrett. Number of scholars enrolled in ijhese schools 62 Averago attendance 44 Number studying orthography, 45; reading, 44; writing, 18; grammar, 6; geography, 17; arithmetic, 28. Averago amount charged by the teachers for services, $32.50 per month. CAVE SPRING DISTRICT. Two schools wore organized in this District, both white, nnd taught by tho following teachers: Robert B. Simms, Miss Sallie S. Statham. Number of cbildreu in the schools of this District 63 Average attendance 42 Number studying orthography, 63; reading, 41; writing, 21; grammar, 5; geography, 4; arithmetic, 26. Average amount charged by the teachers for services, $25.00 per month. CAVE SPRING. There wero four schools in this Dis trict—two white and two colored, and taught by tho following teachers: Thos. B. Bailey, P. J. King, Eva M. Poole, O. A. Waddell. Number of children, white and colored, enrolled in the schools of this District 215 Average attendance 154 Number studying orthography, 176; reading, 109; writing, 88; grammar, 53; geography, 64; arithmetic, 73. Average amount charged by the teachers for services, $66.00 per month. ROME. There wero seven schools in this Dis trict—fivo white and two colored, nnd taught by tho following teachers: J. M. Prootor, Fouoho & Magruder, Mrs. E. H. Reeves, Mrs. J. M. M. Caldwell, Mrs. S. Harpor, S. C. Upshaw, T. B. Higginbotham. umber of children white and col ored, enrolled in the schools of this District 360 Averago attendance..,..! 267 Number studying orthography, 286; reading, 273; writing, 241; grammar, 102; geography, 182; arithmetic, 219. Average amount charged by the teachers for services, $85.00 per month. ETOWAH DISTRICT. There wore three schools organized in this District—two white nnd one col ored, and taught by the following touch ers: James A. Arnold, Miss Panola Har bin, Lewis Barrett. Number of ch ldren, white and colored, enrolled in tho schools of this District 91 Average attendance 67 Number studying orthography, 84; reading, 44; writing, 38; grammar 4; geography, 5; arithmetic, 26. Average amount charged by teachers for services, $40.00 per month. PRIVATE SCHOOLS. The colloges and private schools of the county have been well attended tho present year. In tho Romo Female College and Cherokoo Baptist Female College, together, thoro were 233 pupils in attendance during the last session. In the high schools of Romo and Cave Spring 2Q5; and in tho private schools of the county 540—making a total of 2 colleges, 5 high schools, and 17 private elemontary senools in operation in the county with an attendance of 978 pu pile. Tho privato schools for the most part were in operation when the public sohuols wore opened and were changed into, or taught ns public schools for tho threo months that tho law required snidl schools to bo taught—tho paf receiving ere lit for the amount tho toaehei M out of tho publi (G/nclwM on FovrA element* never onlt- d portion in any other athortio,. wonderful uaexeepUnnable Alterative end cer tain Corrective ol all impurities ol lb* body hai attended it. uie, that it Bucn signal success 1 i now regarded a* the EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC For all dlacases of the Liver, Stomach end Bploett. At a Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, DYSPEPSIA, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, MENTAL DKPRBESSION. RE8TLK8TNES8. JAUNDICE. NAUSEA, 8I< K HEADACHE, COLtO, CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS, IT IIA8 NO 12(11 >AL. CAUTION! A• thoro are a number ol imitations offered it tho public, we would caution the rommunitj, to Buy no Powders or Prepared (SIMMONS* LIVKR UKdULATOR unless in our engraved wrapper with TraiJo Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. Kone other is genuine. DittTMB Warrants, Affidavit* to Foreclose Meohaaics’ and Laborers' Liao, Declarations on Notes and Aocounts, Assumpsit (common law term), Subf-omse, Comn»ie$ions for Interrogatories Jury Summons, „ , Claim Bands. Replevy Bonde* Slarrtngo Lleoneaa Temporary Letters ol Administration t and Bond, Letters of Adminhtratiun De Bonis Non v and Bnnd. Warrants of Appraisemanf T etters of Dismission, Letters of Guardianship and Bead All orders will receive prompt attention* M. DWINELL. Propriety. Jo H. ZKIlilN A CO., Macon, tin., und Phlii de.phia* Your valuable medicine, tiunmons' Liver Reg ulator, has Huvod me many I)**ct irs' bills I use it tor everything u is rnoouiinondeu and nover knew it to f'il; I havu list’d it io Colic sed <rubt>8, with my moles and horsed, giving them •ibout half a b ittlH at » l mo. I have nol'lost one that I gave it t>>, aid I ' a a rocomoiond it to every mio that, has v»ook, ao being tho berimed icine known for u i ciiiopluints that horee tWb ir heir to, E. T. Ta ylor, Agent for Cinnger$ of Georgia. J. II. Zhilin it Co., Proprietors. «ep2!,tw-wl v K kpublication OF TfTK London, Edinburgh, British ftu t*rly and Westminister Quarterly Reviews and BLACKWOOD’8 Monthly M a er n x.i ne. LEONARD SCOTT *' O.. - - Pubii.liar* U(i Fulton fit,. N*w*V«rk. T iikrk hicpublioationh contain in the obeapesr form lor American re Jpt* cheapest form lor American re Jer* reliable information in regnr4 to British P MtJ nnd current literature, TERMS : Blackwood or ary one Review, $4 a I. D. FORD. M. DWINELL. COPARTNERSHIP. FORD & DWINELL, Beal Estate Agents. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A A copartnership, under the firm name and style ol Ford A Dwinbll, fur the purpose ol buying and celling real estate, or routing j lands ur improved property In upper Georgia ii-«. j f r »*. FORD, year; Blackwood ctul any one Revie*, *7;, Blackwood and two Reviews, $10Blackwood and three Reviows $12 ; any three Reviews $11; the four R views. 12; Blackwood and four Rs- viowr. $ll> 8 ngle rinmliemf a Review, $(; of Blackwood 35 cent-. Postage to ell part* uf the Hailed States on Blackwood, 24 cents a year; on each Review, • cents a year. When requirod to be prepaid by the Publishers, subscribers must remit te eevor the Same. Address LEONARD SCOTT A 00., »pr91-twtf 140 Folio* 81.. V. V. Roue, 3a., May 20, 1S/3. I. L. M. DWINEL — tw wtf A.THEW H. BROWER. H. D. COTHRAN, President. Cashier. C. O. STILLWELL, Asaielant Cuhler. BANK OF 1 ROME, ROME, OEOAOIA. Authorised Capital, • • $500,900 Subscribed Capital, - 100,000 Collection* made in all acconiblo points and proceed* p> ompily remitted. Exchange on all principalcitlM bought and sold. Loans made on first clan securities. Correspondent i BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, New York. *pr7,twly WHITELEY’S OLD RELIJBLE LIVERY STABLE! W. L. WHITELEY, Proprietor. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON hand to hire, Good Horses and Excellent Vehicles. Splendid accommodation!, for Drovers and others. Horses, Carnages, and Buggies always on hand for ■ale. Entire satisfaction guars ntaed to all who patronise us. feh2l.tw1y THE ROME HOTEL, BROAD STREET, NEAR RAILROAD DEPOT (Formerly Tennessee House) J. A. STANSBURY, - - Proprietor Rome, Georgia. J THIh HOTEL IS SITUATED WITHIN t-venty steps of tho railroad pla'torm, and convenient to the buiineii portion of t urn. Servant, polite .mil attentive to tb ir duties. «* All Baggage handled Free oi Charge. (ob»A THOMAS H. SCOTT, Clork. THE CHOICE HOTEL, CORNER BROAD AND BRIDGE STREETS J. C. Rttwltn*. Proprietor. (Situated in tho Buaineet pert of th* Oily.) Romo, Georgia. MEMPHIS & CHABLESTONRR, The Shortest, Quickest & Best Between the East and Southeast, and West and Southwest. IT IS 73 MILES SHORTER AND S HOURS QUICKER. Tbie in the Route for all going* to Memphis, Little Hock, Fort Smith, Hot Springs, Texarkana, Marshal Dallas, Palestine, Hearn, Houston, Wsco, Auntin, Galveston, San Antonio, 8t. Louis, Chicago, Kansas (dty, Denver, San Francises,or any point in Weat Tennesson, or on Mississippi, Arkansas or White rivers. See that Your Tickets Bead via. Memphis & Charleston B. B> before paying for them, or atarting on yenr journey Apply to M. 8. JAY, O. T. A P. A., A. B. WRENN, Memphis, Ten*. General Tiaveling Agent, Offico No, 2 Union Dop aay!3.twly spot, Atlanta, Ge. COFFIKTS AND METALLIC CASES of every quality aUower ^prices than any other i the city. Case ftuar establishment 1 Satisfaction in Eve ant Orders by Telegraph or mhertvlae Prompt ly Pilled Day or Night. W lREHOUSE, 06 BROAD STREET, NOTICE TO UNDERTAKERB. - One geed substantial Ileerre for sale okoap. ay27,tw-wty J. O.OAILHY DEMOCRATIC BARBER SHOP! -by- SAM HAMILTON. T he undersigned iias fitted up an elegant Shop under Cnotou Hotel, and it prepared to do all kinds barber work in good •tyfo. Give me a call. SAM HAMILTON. • •lilt #4f-I‘aa*«ngor* taken to and from tha Depot Ires of charge. WM. S. POWERS, Clerk:. ianlTa FRENCH’S HOTEL ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Opposite City Hell, Park, Court House, and New Poetoffice, NEW YORK. m All Modern ImprovemenU,ino1uding Elevator mi 91 per day and up wards. T. J. FRENCH A BROS., Proprietor*. twly E. S. EDGE, FASHIONABLE BOOTMAKER. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Eveir \ ; Bespeot. JOUR.” WANTED. A GOOD o'-.tlfl.twZm GIVEN AWAY To ngonta and others, mils and lemalc, a $50 secret and beautifully illustrated 10S pax® Novelty Catalogu® R. V. You SO A Co., 22 Broad wav. New York- UlSl.wW