Southern times & planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 1870-18??, March 21, 1874, Image 2

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TIMES & PLANTER. F. L. LITTLE, Editor AI. JI. LANK, Couhebp'g Editor. M'AKTA, GA.. MARCH 21, 1871 niiirii'itnu ikamjhks. <• The growth ol the gtnitio trade with in the p:tst few yeais has been marvel¬ ous. NVe do not have before us the s.uliftlics which exhibit the various stages ol'its increase, but all ob-ervets oi the pa*t eight years were obliged to sec the iuct. When the war cml d, and Konthoiu lot tunes bad vanished, the cotton growcis seemed to seize upon the Impe that it: giiino their prospect of recuperation, uod it Caine to pass within that slioit space of time, that, us Compared with the low hundred tons Used annually in all the South, the con sumption of the article wiiltiu the same f( rritory grew to hundreds of thousands u year. At first it was all made hon¬ estly ; then we heard of adulteration ; then canto the sad experience of last year, when iis use readied the climax, When all the manipulators together could not supply the unprecedented demand ; and then came 1*1 of. White s analysis of various brands, and the rev¬ elation that many of these wete well nigh won It less; that .some of them, cost ing the funnel from fully to sixty dol¬ lars per ton, did no contain one-tnirJ that amount ill Valuable piopcrt.ini— s „ that wo now hear throughout the State, und the cotton 'growing region, that so much guano is uu injury that the South is not n,ado richer hu' poorer by it, uud f hut the niiioiiiit demanded by tbc tann¬ ers will he greatly less the present year tb Oi for scveial years past. Titer- is b-ar that this reliction may be loo deeiitcd, and tb t under tbo in* flue net- ol I’udes-r White’s chemical unulyses, and other causes, ('aimers may go from the cxitmno of hating u-e.d it too luely, to it.-, almost total abandon¬ ment. We have faith iu good manutcii, nml ho question that they uro a great bene¬ fit. Never at any time more than the present have out (armeis mom greatly Itcedi-d them ; but tiu-y slioitld be bouglit w ith eu: h, nml discretion should be i .’..ployed in pin chiming only such us will stand Pr-dt-Hioi White’s or any f suieiitiUe man’s analysis. Tic standard articles only should be bought, tho spurhiiis r jeelnd, and its inunufau tili'cr exposed to the public scorn. Prof N\ lute’s disclosures show that there ate plenty ol honest multures left, and so it will a! ways bo ffitUlt: ui.r rue p protection against the frauds of dishon e--t dealori', m the light of that aeieu— tilie lest which, like tho light of heav¬ en, is a common blessing to hs all. Tim iloctrino of the grout Apostle, *' 1 ty all tilings, hold Lot to Hist which is good,” may, without iireverence for sacred words, bo applied to this »ub jict. And innNRiUfli n.s tbo cotton crop is execs ive ami food crops deficient in tin- South, let tho I urt tiers tty the experiment of using them on tliu defi¬ cient crop. on .vi v ctu itrt, Two years ago* the b*D ■ tlounty Courts It HID i clear /ended P^otmod jurist— J-**go W in. mse. Tlwii ostublislmient was left optional with eaeli < ouuty, which could create the court, it desired, through the grand jury. The one which exists in Hancock was among the very first orga nized in llie State, and during the first six months after tho b II became a law only about six County Court® were cs tublished. Gradually it became known that their expeditions modes of trial greatly diminished jury labor and ex penso, greatly dec teased jail expenses, afforded a very cheap and quick process for collecting small claims, and iu some instances that the tines and forfeitures imposed by the Judge upon violators of law more than paid the salary allowed bint. As these facts wore developed, the courts began to spread, until now they are established, with some modifi cations, in nearly all the principal oonntu’s of the State, Everywhere they ait hailed with fav«r. and are eon sidered to be a uetir apprt>xitnation of what is needed iu the way of Inferior Courts. Tho Splieto ol their nselulncw* has lecu greatly eulstged in some counties, where they have been made court* ot record, witb the jurisdiction extended to five hundred and a thou* «cnid dollars, aud where they are pro \tded with a Solie tor General to prose cute lender* The Warrentou ('liy^rr is engaged in grouping many telling »«tJ about these courts tor public iu term at ion. It Mjft; "A* i;r M boerd Horn, they success wherever they have been «*t»b lishrd under tbe law that sprang from fceu-itor Uee.*e‘* judicial miud. Iu the Morgan County Court a saving of two thousand six hundred and forty ioeen dollar*have accrued to the parties to two tkuujuj aud til'eeD *aiis comuietieel in tiro course of the last six month* Flues to the amount of three hundred aud three dollar* have been iu»po*ed in the aaute length of time, about one tb.. 1 of which h-s been collected aud paid iuiu the c-oun'y treasury. Clark county pit}* its county Judgo one thou* sjiiul dollars a year, and the last grand jury uiHjualilicd'y t-tnlors d bis court. The roads, t I»s-y say, arc worked Tar bet¬ ter; the court dituinkJns the jury and jail 1 da, and is a convenience to the public; and as to ft' < s, it has aliudy collected seven tenths of the j'idge’s salary.” UtiNKItAl. I.AFUItrri'; lttrl.UVH, The President has notninaied Gen¬ eral Ale haws lor Collector of Irrernal Revenue for the l’ir t Collection Dis¬ trict of Geergia Among the readers of this | «p«-r, Geiicml McLnw.i lias many warm fiiinds who would rejoice in his tioo'l for line, if the appointment is tniide, and who would give General Grant full credit lor making n wise and judicious selection. Nothing would so speedily or c(fec»uaUy restore *'ih« era of good feeling” on the part of the Southern people as the ttpf ointment to office ol men who have been trusted at home for their virtue, and who de¬ serve public trust. htatb jn-r iNiif, -The lint*. A. 11. Stephens is said to be imp-ioving in hea th. H« many friends throughout the whole country will be rejoiced to know that ho is re¬ stored to usefulness as a Representative from the State of Georgia Richmond County C ur’ has be^n made a c urt of rtconl, its jurisdiction extended to uniotiiita <,f .. thousand dol¬ lars and under, and uu tln-vi U no w o as County Solicitor provided to prosicute all misdemeanors tiit-d before the said court. The cori'i r stone of : lie new Female College at West Point \v is laid, on Wednesday last, with appropriate cere monies. Colonel .fames M. Mobley of Hamilton, Deputy Grand Master of *he Mnsot ic Older in (»>orgi«, officiated, mid delivered uu addiosa ou the oceu .'ion. Tho accounts from all portions of the Hr ate indicate that hut little guano will bo used by the farmers the present year, ns compared with si veral years past, if this fact arises from want of cash with which to purchase, it is wise; but. good guano is a paying institution, ami we h-q e Lumets will not go to an unwise extreme iu discontinuing its use. The warehousemen of Macon arc H'ill refusing to accept for almost every* u ...J .. "I I "• * r pets aeeommudation, and m-t one in lilty eompHU-d with last Tho phintcis will have to seufll-t out as best they can without the itsual favors. Many ol ihotn aie dreaming that they can make arrangements Into iu the sc „ soft, but they uro apt to lie mistaken iu their calculations. Professor Frank l.ipspomh, whose re¬ cent death at Auburn, Alabama, has b - n announce 1, was a young tujt^jfj brilliant atiiiinmeiits ami pro' 1UIS« Ho was a 11 id joinery, Alab inia, anjl sou of tho veil , Audi- w II. Lipscomb State University. II s < dueatiou broke® off by the war, in which he honorably partieipatid—was resumed in 1S6G. in the Universi'y of Heidelburg, and completed in tlie 1 niversify of Berlin, where In* graduated with high distinction. When a young man, but yet after ye tuft of travel and study, and expertaucc h teacher, ho was t ndcrod the position of Assistant Pro. |V s * or „f Ancient Languages in the University of Geotgia, which he accept 0 ,|. J„ ps72 lie was placed in the chair lM'es Lcttrcs in the same institu* tion. filling it until his last illness with imir k,.d ability. He was only about twenty cigh* years old, but had made f ar bimsclf’a woithy record ns a Chris tinti gentleman, and a scholar of the highest character.and promise, A gemi deal ol excitement hn.s ex* iuted iu Atlanta over tho Chisolm habeas corpus case. Gaines Chisolm is charged with killing IVnu Bedell, and is confined in the Fulton county iaii to await the action ot the Grand Jury. Judge Il><pkin* never exereisi * hi* Jtscietion mt-a judge In lav > r bailing a man chatged with murder : so application was made to Judge Cowan , M the City ( ourt, ter tho wiit ot i..t v -ea> corpus, which issued, and h heating was ordered. In the meantime Solicitor Gleuu upplicd to Judge 11 p for a writ of prohibition to be di* rected to Judge Cowart, commanding him to stay further proceedings in the habeas corpus until the .juestion of his jurisdiction over the case could be hi ard aud determined. This writ wee denied Judge Hopkin*. who held that the City Court w.s not au inferior court a* to tho Superior ( ourt of r u-ton county, and to the hearing on the application for habeas corpus was ha.L Solicitor Ooocral Glennftppeared before the City C urt, hut declined to ar -uv’ the ques itM at issue, detijrwg the j-.uisu.c..'ii • Judge Cowart, who proceeded to bear General GartteU and other able counsel f-r the defendant, and then refused the bad sought ! >f- So Gaines Chi-nla bis fate in Vuc.on county ia... Nj:\V aDVKRTISEMENTS. To HOB Pneads Pilris - AM) THE PUBII5. I AM prepared to do uny work in my line Carriages, Buggies, Wagons or Carts Imitl. or ri-|i:Un-d in md<-r, with ueutiiess nid >l>s|witvn llorx* sluicing uu I I’lanta linii Work Lone at f-tiort noline. 1 tinvo on loiud, and will cmitinuu to k-.ep. Chddr- n’s Carriages (an iudispensah e article), which 1 will sell at Augusta prices. Also, Piows of va ious kinds and iron for all purposes. ■ VM &m >— I will continue to keen Me idl e 15nr‘«| Cures, wlii- li will t»<* m'd »* low >i* c n l>c afforded. IVo: don Coffin* mad- to order ut short init cc Where pnr les desire it. ] wiil dij; proves, furnish the b.ick uud liuie anil w iil I hem up. • Votir piiirouagc is resper tfullv snhoi'ed. ntsr'il «iu JO N T, MARTIN* 0 N098 cUREs ”M Nourahsia, Piles. Headache, Dim'rhu-a, Builsz, Suwnoss, Lamvm-ss. Bums, Sprains, ’i'm)tllzl(-ho, Smhls, Wounds, Sorv- 'l‘hmaf, [1601's, Bruises, Rheumatism, ’ ETC. Ilmuorrhages, UND’§EEXTBAE GU BY iutii-1 Ibi A. Cone, with J. B. Kewman. SADDLES,v HARNESS ) 33ug^ie.-, YL'o Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. i ) FI*' ltilNU in all its brnnclie* r-^utly done ou shott l.otn-e Agents for die SINGER SEWING MACHINE Give us a call. mar‘21-6m WOTICli /AWNF.RS of Wild Lands will make pay meal of Tax as-es-ej for 1S7 :i. TIDMA - ' L LITTl.E, O diiary, liaucoek Cuuuty. march 2llf. ShcrifF’s Sale 8. \l r ll.L UR SOLD before the Court House d or, in tbo town ol Span a, belwoen the «-g-il hours o4 « le, on ihc 1st Tuesday in April, one II‘)K>H mid BUGGY, levied on as the ptopeity "I W | 4 , Ue- ves, to satis¬ fy on-- inarigaae ti fa in tavor ot Hruutly and PriugW, vs, said Beeves, A LO. At the same time and place will be sold. 1*2 1 1 1 two hundred and forty seven acres of and, mere- nr .......* H--s, adjoining lands of Troup ■ - • • • i .... the property i.t \\i| iam 'fhoriiton to satisfy one li f t issued from the Superior Court <if tiaiuiock County, iu favor of |l. I,. <j i mm, vs. ■). IS Tlmrinou prineipal, uni Wi liam Thornton security, Prop riy pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At the simp time and place, w 11 lie soil Due Du dr.rl and Four Acre - iu the 112th Distri-.t li M., adjiijniug lands of J. W, Moore. i’ tzc 1 and otlurs; sold as ihe properly i f C. X, I- xc)l t<> s itisfy one •‘ J ** l-cli-ir lioiirt Fl, I’a. <>|,tnit,c.t I" '“v«r ol deij iniln f Ctdv.-r vs < • N-J-zetl. princi '»i , G. <;. i «ciUuu urily; siid Fi. Ku. I fcj^anr-TuInste’T- Pffqierty ot (i. G. d to Kz.ll. ai d now Property laing pointedfiutliy G. G, F/ 11. AI.-'O, At tie- same t me an ! place, wil’ l»c sold Nino llii'dtc<l mid Tw nty Arret of La d in (he 1 Hid His net G. M., ndj -ining lan Is cfj. W'. Treadwell and < tln-rs; leviid on as the p:op;-rty of Joreph S Sykes, under and by vntio- of, and to s.-u sly, it Fi. Fa. is uod from the S per or X'ourt of Hancock county in fay *: of VV, W . Simps n X l o. vs Ji soph S. Sykes I’.opcrty pomled out by plaiu tiffj. ALSO. At the same time and place. Two llun dted Acres of Ltnd more or less, lying in said c ui ty; levied on as the p-operty of James It i in niton - ail "ilfi in 15. rlioru* tow. to s .ti*fy one Ft. F » issued fr in the Sup t i >r t ourt < f U incucke uuty. in favor of J .incs 5V. Hunt against James 15 Fliorn ton and William 15. Tnoruion. Fropeitv p iuted out by plaintiff s attorney ALSO, At same time nrd place. Twenty-nine n«u dred Acres land, in the 102 I'isl ict, G. M., adjoining amis of Baxter, Duugbetty and others ; su’d as the property of Andrew J. favor Lane, t - satisfy one Superior Court ti fa, in of J. ft. Johnston, Adair Cjuby Con¬ ns li, vs. Andrew J. lame. ALSO, At same time and place. Twenty-nine Hundred Acres land in IU2 District, <t- M., adjoining lands of Baxter, Dougherty and others ; so!d s» the property ol Andrew J lame, to satisfy one Mippror Court fi la iu favor of J- 45. Johnson, Adni'r Jas, Thotnrs, decc*s»d. l’t-o; city pointed out by plain titVs attorney frbstS ids J W. MOORE, Sheriff. w m. \ im«Kv, A . T. VKKDSKV j. vrKim.v. W. M. VEFDEF.Y & SONS, MtM KAi 1 r.EIiS t-r nnnno UUUilOj CACU OMOiIj DilWRC Dull? I/O. Moldings, Picket Fencing. Scroll Work, Laths and Umber, Hor/A’lia- * - CleorccijL joil\ MII> I H>. tgent. spurta. J KES' help me live while I give them value re¬ tlbuiffhou”^ .--ill rr^fitoTh. people. W.M V Fit PER U1 5 Y i Sheriff’s Sale ^ L M ^ bef . rf the c ,o,rt-h,u* e % r in Spana. Uanc-ck county. Ga.. on the first Tuesday in April _iioxt, withm j in' rtiur^euaiu TRACT OF L.A.XD ' : n .* • • * * ^, v 0 ‘ . e ‘ Lane ba.ii c pu” , ^ .*i^ufd freiu the cupeti*r S * Uncock favor of C. Co un court y m Hsr et a^ain t J. S Newmau, prine p*- an<J A J. l.^ne. ».scuritr. .“herff .1, u MOORK. M.tvb it, W. L Eiaclley’s Standard Fertiizer.-. SEA FOWL GUANO- B II co Cx£j FOWL GUANO SKA FOWL GUANO, in Bags. 200 lbs. Pac h. BRADLEY'S PATENT SUPERUUO.'PH ATE OF i LMK C C. COE’S SUl'ERFliOSl’llA 1’K OK LIMK. BRADLEY & AMMONIA ILL) DlfebOLYi-.L) BONKS, in tight J;y barrels ALSO, Royal Guano Compound ! -o:n- U, HE above STANDARD TLRi'lLIZEUfj havingbern used for tbc last StX -L X I*. A RS in I ho bout It with uneijualed nieces- me now offered at prices that tail giva , superior, cannot to satisfaction, while the S.audard is gua.aiiteed equal, if not to any evt-v sold. The undersign d having been agents for Middle Georgia since tl.eir in trod uc tion, iully understanding their value, clieeriully lccmumcud them to the public as tiie most reliable bKIUTLlZKR iu use. For I’rtves uud Terms apply to the General Local Agents. At Co. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, r Jo, hoi Campbell and Reynolds St. Augusta, <!u. General Agents for Middle A Nmth Georgia & South Curoliuu. WM. STEVEN a , Agent, Spa**ta, C 3 . PLANTERS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST 111 \v. w. i* k m t '- h x:, THE ' AT A u gr u s t ji S e e <1 Store, NO. 1] WASHINGTON STREET, 17EEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, European Mild American Garden. Field IV Flower aud Grass Seeds. Flint Trees, Grape N ines, Strawberry, Uoiani um turd other Flauts a speclahty. Also Flower Pots of all sizes constantly on bund. icb7 oar CH VS. H.GREENE Dll. IlfSNRY ItOSIGNOL. -lOstablislied 1 s 15. GREENE & ROSSIGNOL, SUCCESSORS TO WM II TUTT TMrtmTTCKS AND DKAl.KiiS IN DRUGS, CHHMTOALS. CORKS, SPONGES. INSKM IAL OILS, .—\ N D— nvi Sundries, 204 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA,GA. fcb7 Silt. JAMES H. HULSE’S - Augusta Steam Dyeing & Scouring Works, NQ. 123 BROAD STREET, NEAR LOWER MARKET, ! .A.'uguyta, *% Goorgia. I ABIES’ Dress Goods clcanc 1 or •**yle ; Gent’emcn's Coats, j Pants and Vests cleaned nr dyed, and r< l.aee Curtains cleaned and whitened to look like new j Dam ask, Brocated and Satin Dituask Curtains dyed. L)b7 bin. “V57" » FERRIS, Dealer in F o i* <> i iz ii ji vi <1 I> o m e s F RUITS, Garden Sctqls iV<*. iVc., 129 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. lcl»7 3tu. W. It. YOUNG. E. W. IIA< K. YOXJKTG- tfc HACK., ti I! (IT K -lt S t —AN D— Commission NX ere h ants ’ 278 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA GEORGIA. fell" otn. ES. LIBSSCUEn, Dealer in Oysters. Terrapins, Shad- Fresll and Salt Water Fish, Poult T. Vegetables. " A-^-iXI-.- Fruits, and 12 - other ■'* Produce. All orders punctually attended to. Terms CASH on delivery. A gent for Ceti ar Keys Oysters S nd Creen TU rtleS. JACKSON STREET, mar Post Office, AUGUSTA, GA. febT 13m RAIL ROAD RESTAURANT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. »TM1IS I IIou«e, opposite the Union R. It. Depot, has I been re fitted in tbc best style lor the accommodation of the Traveling Public. ' MEALS, LUNCHES AND REFRESHMENTS Served on arrival and departure of trauis, at reasonable prices, A STECIAL "WITH MODERN ACCOMMODATIONS FOH LADIES. Wices. Liquors and Cigars. Yleal*. 50c. Lunches, 25c. Be Is, 50c. iebT ota JOHN F. 11EU1SLEB, Agt. None Genuine unless Bearing m I: f. ^3^1} SkJ J - m i X)rV I 200 lbs. This Brand in Full.—-W.L.B. QUALITY to Any Ever Sold. SPRING GOODS. "Wiiole^ale andl rotyi. i { w K .’.“I"'". ”|' ;“'J l ^ , ou “» |, '>i™3r. 1 c:K. i-u.t l :ii.vsEi i wmiowa 1 t l 50 Packages Opened this Day. ISO Pieces of the Best and Cheapest Black Alpacas mad®. 25 Hoces Heavy Gtos Grain Black Silk, at $1 75 and $2. 20 Cases Assorted Prints. 25 Dozen Jouvin’s Paris made Kid Gloves, Merrimacs- Amoskoags, and Garner’s, at 10c, Mourning Dress Goods, Choice Standard Prints, Tickings, Hickory Stripes, Plaids, Bleache d Shirting'S—all tl e popular brands, King' Philip Cambric—Superior to Lonsdale, 22ci We invite the <htsest Buyer* to examine our stock, being co ifkloul of our uliilUv to «Jv* entire siUistuotlon ju prices un-1 quality of goods. y ® * IT * feh*-t .TAMES a. gray & GO. 1v /\ a nr , 'ES if*-* Coi’isei' (JofStrsa A v »■»«• ****** « MACON, OEOBGIA, fNj JVY ON HAND— Ti-miesseo f’mmtiy Cm-od Hams, Sides, <-nd ,Shoulders, Western Clear Itibbed Sides, Hams, und Shoulders, Lei (I, in tierces kegs, and tins, Tohiicco, l(iee etc. Coi-n, Oat-, and (lav, Meal ami Flour of all grades, in sack, ami barrels, Snap Virginia Har-h. mid Liverpoo and (’andles, 1 Salt, i heivacla ( Mu.) I.ime, l’lusler of Paris, 1’lasl ring Unit, Lallis, and Clement, all of best quality. Agmits I’me tor Stevens’ Sewer Whisky. I’ipe Drain Tile und Kirn Itriek. <'orti and f!ye The Acme Whisky, in barie s and eases. Sole Agents for ilie Slate of (Jeorgui for the celebrated Obi-sunn Drove VC jjisky, in b.r vels end oases. Full quart bottles All of which we will sell at lowest market rates. mar? tfin Wf I E LESS CO. c o t r r o ]sr If A. C T OES, A ti^iis(;t, C* < k or*» iii. U YV 7 F, ARK. General Agents for South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, for th® sab: ol Excellent a Cotton Fertilizer, a high standm-.l «r '<• which lus been before the pub ic five years, and It® ti« vi-ii gi-m-ral .'.itisLo :ion, and J’lai.tei's wltuliivu used it extensively, assart that the KXUKI.LKNV.A lias no sit I" no.-. We also h.iv for sub-, PrepHta-il (,'lieinicals, for making Home-Made Fertilix* er, and as neatly < v- ry Platiier eau m-'ku part of his Fertilizer :it liome, we rc* tin- (du-inie.ds prepared by the inauulacturcrs oi the Kxeellcuza Fer» tili/.c-r, as well mlapit d (dr cotnposting, and will produce good results, teb 14 Km. MRS. ft RRUi CLARKS, kJ.5 I ISroatl s-it, Ga., 1 ARG STO'-'K of Millim ty Goods. *11,its, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Rib® J buns, Laces. Dollars ; 11 .-tiv (finis, Braids Ac, \e Fancy Dry Gm-ds in variety. Ib-lts, Buckles, Hetls, hfiir Drops, Dins, Chain*, Canvas, y.epfiyi Wool, Shot laud Wool, Buttons, Gimps, Fiingos, Inserting)), Edgings. , ie. (fiape \'eils, Love Veils. Hats und Bonnri.' ui-ide of goo-i material at reasoriulilo prices. Mix. Clink is Agent lor Madame Demorebt's J’at'crus for Ladies and chil* dreu. Fend lor Catalogue. MRS N BRUM CLARK, 2b 1 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. fob 1 t ly Hunt, Rankin & Lamars F O li M UL AS« riMIR tic-O otvl clicipest ^Linure for Hie Farmers of our country to use is that which i* I the tnost core-iit ndu'icr atcl. In our wiii'.-li (Jompou<>d when mixed w- furnish with the the strong Clu-mical ntak*a Salta, with not on ounce of .tion, comp, gt at home, as good or hetior .Manure than na-t be bougiit for twice tin-m tiry. F JU.M lit, \ No. 1 in k-s 2,(ton pounds of Fcrti to lie us ;d on ton acres for cotton at fifteen n<-res for corn, l’-ioe j?2o 50. FitKMI l. \ .N.). 2 maks ) pounds of Fertiliz r to be use 1 on ten acres for cotton or fifteen actes for corn. ITi-e, .-jtlG -oO. A- H. Eirdscng & Co,, Agt lcb!4 2m For Hancock County. rui: HOWE SEWING MACHINE. o!o IT IS THE OLDEST und the T^i n tost I m ] > 1 o v e d - Nothing more simple, durable or easy to learn. Agents wanted in every coun¬ ty in Georgia. Apply to 'illK HOME MACHINE CO., fi b 14 12m Atlanta, Ga. JSROWN HOUSE. OPPOSITE PASSENGER DEPOT ! MxVCOX Georgia Board 81 Per Day. E. B. BROWN, PROP. Pendleton’s Guano Compound. lyiLL beat any of the'salts sold fer Composting, giving it tho same chance. A I.T ttITCIt «fl tMITI ()A IIAAI). Also a few bu.-hel-) ec-k-ct Cot’ou Cee i, at a reduced price Apply to Sparta, febli m. I* T ff Mtl.ETO A