Southern times & planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 1870-18??, March 28, 1874, Image 2

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TiMES & PLANTER. F. L. LITTLE, Edttoh M. 11. LANK, ConuFSv’o jlntTon. $pat;t-a, ga..' mM ien s«, 1^74 vrrrr jottings. Atlanta invests 00,000 in the Louis t’llc lottery tlius far. Corn is selling at eighty to cightv fiva cents per bushel in Gainesville Would it were so about Sparta. The young Men's Christian Associ¬ ation of Atlanta arc endeavoring to aecure a lecture from llcv. llenry Ward iK-echer. A movement is on loot looking to flic building of «n enormous cotton factory on the Augusta canal, to cost jirobub’y enc million dollars. lion. Iverson L. Harris of Millcdge. wille, who has filled several conspicuous positiom, and is a lawyer of extended reputation, is reported to he in declin¬ ing health. Hon. Tfevschcl V. Johnson’s name having been proposed for Governor by the Sand.rsvillc Herald, that gentleman has assured the editor that be does not Tant tbc position, if tendered him. Giant, Alexander & Co. on Friday Ja-tt Ciittsed an attnehu.ont to be sued nut against tho Air-lino railroad, and had tbc same levied on an engine and ihrnn jmsmuiger uoiicIk-h, the prf'f^'rty of fhc load. The next election for Governor in Georgia will occur more than two years hence ; yet the friends of various can¬ claims. didate. hrr* General hdHrwing A. li. to Lot<(uiu urge tUeijc nnu Colonel '1‘homai Hardeman arc promi¬ nently mentioned. The Savannah Advertiser-Republican itt offered for sale for the next thirty days, in const tjuerec of the imperative witlidtawaf of one of the firm, ncccssi fating the closing np of partnership nf fUjtrs, One of the best Slate newspa¬ pers, it will be a rare investment to any one who possesses brains, energy, and capital. Mr. Mackey Brown, father of ex Governor Joseph E. Brown, died sud¬ denly nt his residence in Cherokee county, on tbo 24th instant, aged sev eilty oight years. He fought gallantly iti tho war of 1812, as tlid his father be¬ fore him in the battles of tho Revolu¬ tion, nod Iins always been a quiet, good oitUcu, estsi med by all. 'ihe Washington Gazette complains that gambling on the public square is licensed by the authorities ot tho town, Und that some of tho officials assist in swindling tho people.—Tho same paper head* one of it* editorials ns follows: ‘•Return to reason on the part of our At rut era; largo crops of small grain sown ; the good old time* coming, again; plenty of bread aud meat near at hand.” A mighty implement is tho hair pin - .' Phil Gibbs, a prisoner confined iu the {Station llww*e tit Atlanta, picked his wsy through the brtek Wall with uuc of tlrnse little chignon day morning b, liriek* art the brick, ran PTITllirough the npertmc and slip hack the bolt of the door. Tlti let hint out into the passage, and when the policeman on duty, hearing a noise, opened the i utcr door, Phil shot out past him and made good hi* escape. The New York Sun say* : The new postal law bring* a considerable rove nuo from the New York advertising ogoncio*. Geo. 1*. Rowell A Co'* quat terly hill* upon newspaper* received cx ceedSIMO; those of S. M. Pettcngil! Jk Co. are above 8oOl), while the a gen • rie* ot NY. J. Carlten, Bates A Locke W. W. Sharpe an 1 othera most prom ineut, pay ftotn one-fuurth lo ones eighth ot the above amounts. I.UK l nitod Stite* House of Retire oentativen on Tues 1 ay tnmeated Morgan Kavvl.s Domocrat). and oeated Andrew Sloan (Lepubliem), us member trout the First Congressional district of Ge.»t gir. by a strict party vote. Both ueu Demon nude spccehoq tut the del ate w*.« little attended to, a* the re.-ult w as a fotegone eouclu»i.ut. 1 input tial out aide opinion regard* the UYIf f*Af iff £ of Rim 1* ** * gr, s* partisan proceeding, u twarranted by the bet*. Austria is U.e first (..unity to adopt «M**.-utc* tor «lie intiuduction ot e rent*. tion a* a mode et dis; osing i f tb* l odics otthe dead Sir llet ry Thompson’s p*per on cremation ha* Leeu translated twee into liriumo, once at i'olo^i.e and once iu Gr*U. a ‘•ty ra Austria containing a iwU ot IO0.00O Tho Aumiiuh public«tiou wts prefixed by iu ruiioduction writ ton by Dr. Kept, I -iuteriv intiueuced, physician to tiro King of Bel gtaur. it i» sard, by this paper, the Communal Council ot V ten du ha* adopted, by a large majority, a pro pv-owl io e»ubli»h iu the cemetery the uece^ 'he a i a; p*r*tu* tor burning the hod »«*. Use vt w Uroli witi be optional aud open ro ail. The C-aucil ot Grits ba» *>»'*vd a similar ro*oiutu>u Tim Jionrn c uious i volcano. For two months past rumbling noises hnvn 1 oe i heard in the region about 15a1d mountain, in McDowell county, North Carolina, and a great commotion has followed. In anticipation ot a vol ctn’C eruption, the citizens for twenty tntlcs around have been thrown into a state of awful flight, in the midst of which they have betaken themselves to earnest prayer. For days a great revival has progressed in the neighbor¬ hood of tikis expected Vesuvius, and many hoary- headed sinners, and espe¬ cially old illicit distillers, have como forward from their hiding places and besought neighbors to pray for them. There are about fifty dwellers on the slopes of Bald mountain, who say it seems as if the mountain were giving way. The cattle have fled, and matters really look serious. Many scientific adveuturers arc journeying thither, and we may soon expect fuller accounts. OKN. ncLUVS'S NOMINATION. The Baltimore Sun’s Washington correspondent tclgraphs that the nomi¬ nation of General McLawstobc I spee tor of Revenue for the Second Georgia district is still pending before the Sen¬ ate Finance Committee; and I lie At lanta Herald is informed that the entire Radical delegation from Georgia will oppose b:s confirmation, ll.ia might have been expected, though all good men will unite in the hop® that their may he futile. G.urrul Me Laws, tliough regarded as a Democrat, i, IUI not participated in politics since the sur. u . lUl . r the sword wLicit be wore throughout our «rr» stru gle with great credit to himself ^ but his nomination was not made with regard to poll ieal considerations, lie was a class-mate and friend of General Graut nt West Point, and the notniua tion was bestowed eTpiui ITTiii ptiruTyTu cotiB.'qticuso of tho President’s kuowl edge of him as a man. of worth and honor. The act on the part of the President was hailed throughout the South with approval, and the appoint nient was deemed to bo one in every way worthy to lie made. And now conies the howl front the place holders and .dime-seekers, who would tremble at tbo sight of a true and honest man like General MoLaws holding a Federal office. Wo only hope that thff Presi¬ dent will stand firm, aD>l that the Senate will confirm the nomination. [Atlanta HeraM.] Important Church Trial. The us't 'lly quiet village of Ncrcross has bcon agitated tor some months by a matter <>t religions ditt*rcue« between Hurt James P. Simmon* an.I Die Bap¬ tist ('lunch ot that place, of which lie was a memtut It appears that Mr. Simmon*, wrjo is a sort ot independuiit tree-thinker on religions and all other subject h, entue monthn ago wrote and publinhed a book entitled “War in Heaven,” which unfortunately has cre¬ ated no little war on eatth. It gave rise to great scandal iu the Church, aud the author was finally arraigned before that ecclesiastical! tor alleged dangerous and unpardonable heresy. After in nr h discussion and a ngty cou iroversv. both in tho church and in the papers, in which the offending J* proved to'the i'uiililtil th com* tocmau wotlby of at, in which pr-untso wasi ..©''mutter iu Cot: it was a itifniltel, for their tin ommiiteo ot Atlanta ^!T7, tw <• u*i*‘ of Mes*r*. Speer.*-', "Tl'arieu, 1 >aniels, Citurehill and Eadon. Tlie.-c gentlemen, it .appears, duly read utid considered the charges and specili cation*, with the houk before them, and recently nnbn.ittt f their report, in which they say : “In view of all the iae**, nttd especially in view of tho first, second, fifth and eighth specifications, wo believe that the opinion* of brother James P. Simmons on vital questions ate so erroneous, pernicious, and un¬ set iptural, that it would he injurious to tbo cause of Christ for him to bo re¬ tained in church fellowship.” Sunday, tho Stir instant, being Cou fercnca day, the case ot Mr. Simmons came up for final adjudication, when the report ot tire Atlanta committee brother was unanimously adopted, only one refu-ing to vote, and a subse¬ quent motion “that brother Simmons ho expelled' was also carried; where¬ upon, ns stated by Mr. Simmons him¬ self in his newspaper account of the trial, “shamed utid disgusted, we arid the crowd left." ihe expeiinl metal or stoutly denies that bis book contains any o; inioo ;n eonsi>tenl with Die articles of faith n adopted atid held by the Bapti*t Churth, *nvs his writing* hu» misunderstood, and announce- hi* intention to appeal ’o the Association. So, alter fighting *ix month*, the war i* not »t ended. 1 he women - w!. -ky w it hu> a enri = ana ay to the practice well l>n >w in iu o si t nit. a t i* ta led. U'U'l. P a nature thi* piece** is that it -* ma t tl ink" at be has c*u-e to com h r i!fiu tout of hi* enemy s door and starve ntm.-elt to ueatk, by way ot causing the veng anceof tl.e govi* to fall uton bin Tl is curious practice , is f. r; iddai and punished by the SOSth nf. section .ituv of tlu> :»«•» f«.t C-!c. . tlluktratioa of the force of law that the I rohibition of the ; r clice of sitting ’ 1 t. which is much vi ler than the rcasl v ovlw it** uv -rK- , 1 ,,r “ Jn el " a 10 * The Chicago Tribune think* that the most fitting mark ot lespcct to the late Senator Sumner would be the passive "• hi* famous battle flag resolution, won! tor word, a* it came from the braic which l as now done with early thtuk This, it i* fain to believe, would *’bc higher bonot than escorts and pa rades at d all the j pomp and pageantry c f a folenin funeral. NEW A PVrrtTlSEMUNTS. If Old Friends Fate A^D TH : PUB I*. AM prepared !<■ tin rny work in n y live Carriages,*Buggies, VVagens or Carts hnilt, cr repaired to erd-r, will, leikti es. and d>pnte*i Ilnr---- almring and I’In nut* lion 'Vork done n( Durt notin'-. I Imvc on iiand, find will cnnlitmn to k ep. Cl* ldr- n’g Carriages ( in indi-persab e article', wldc-lt I will sell at Augusta prices. Also, P uws of va-ious kinds and iron for a’l purposes. F. / I n ill ran (in HO to lmcp Vo’nll c Pur ; 1 Cafes, wlitcli will be *>.'<] ns low »,s c afforded. Worden Collin* mail- to o'd> r nt short wCce Where .paries desifa it. I will d'g grave! 5 , famish tins b iek i»t,d lime and wall I hem up. Yniv putronnge is rcsjwtfrillv sol >i <d. m*r2l 3m JOHN T. MARTIN. U ND’S cdREs. EXTRA ‘ Nenralgin, Pilos', Headache. Diarrha‘a, Roils, Soreness, Lamonoss, Burns, Wounds, Sprnins, Toothache, Scnlds, Sore Throat, Ulcers, Bruises, . Rheumatism, “C llexnorrlgages, ‘ ‘ DND.’§EEXTH:AC ‘ cu ‘BY ’ Iliul'— I f"> W. A. Cone, with J. B. Newman. SADSles, HARNESS J Bug^io-, i : { . Qootc, Sho B s. Gaiters; Q FT VlitlNt! in its t>rnni lies 1 tty dute vli stunt inti-.y Ag--nts f..r lie SI N’G Eli « E WIN G M ACPI N E. t live It.- a Ca 11 . ntar'Jl -Ont iTim /^VWNl’,15-' of Wild Gm.Is will in.ikt- pay \ / meul of Tax ;ts .;,*ed foe 1*73. Ttl iMA'I LITTf.R, C) >!i aiy, |].-tu ockCtuuty. march -Itf Shoriff’s Sales. IT7 ILL I» -, SOLD before the Couit Iluttse \ | d or, iu he town ot Spirt a, l.etw. .-n tlic ieg il bottrs <»i s le, on the IM Tttcjilay iu April, one UOR-F. utid BOGGY, levied on as the propcity of W L. Reeve!., to satis ly one nrirtgage ti fa in tnvor ot lirutUly and Pringle, vs. said iioeves, AL O. At the same time and place will Its sold. C2-1Y) two hundred and foriy seven acres of laud, Allen, more or Utcv.-s less, adjoining and lauds of Troup G. 8 others ; levied on a* the property ot Wii i.uii Thornton to satisfy one ti ta issued front the Superior Court ot Hancock County, in favor of K. L. O- mm, vs. J. I!. Thornton principal, and Wi liam Thornton security, Prop rty pointed our by defendant. ALSO. At the sane time and place, w’ll be S..1J One Hu dr. d aud Four Acte, in the ll2tli Diatri t (i. M., adjoining lands of J. W, Moore, 0. 1’ t/.* 1 and oiit rs; sold as .Im¬ properly ( f C. N. 1 to peitor ti.nirt Ft. iS'td Fa. t l-i-ij' i'j liet jamin C Ci vti „..i l.t^^TT /< to »nd now b nig , 0 Bl „ rroI , t . rl . utby G. G. IL. 11. AI.'O, At tlf tatu • t uic -u 1 place, wit' he rol.l Nine Hu- iked and Tw nty A. re* of l a d in 'lie 10*1 His rict G. M , adj-'iniug iau>.s . f J. tV. Tr> adwell slid < liters; luvud o’> as the prop r y of Joseph 8 8>kt-s. under and •■y vt. tu«- of, and to sat sfy, a Ft. Fa. ,s u. d from the 8 per or four; ot Hancock cnuoty iu fav >' of W. W, Sin os n A Co. \» J soph S. Syl; s P.opt.rty po.L'.cd out by pluiu t.ff,. At the *atne tiu.e aud place, Two flun died Acre* < f L.nd uror** > r p.-«s. lyinv in said e u,,tv; levied on as tho property ot James It t in rut.m n.l Willi m It. I lioru ton tine Ft. F» issued t'r m tire Sup tint ouit .1 li u u»ck county, in favor ot J .ttios 5 . 11m, against .-a tiea 1J 'I'l.oru ton .led ^ 111: tl. li it.oruion. Froperty P ruled out by pi„iat.tFs uUorrey. A LSO, At same lime «t.d place. Twenty-uinc nnii dr.-d verow laud, iu tlm log Uisirict, G. or., adjoining lands of li ate., Douglteiiy and others , so d m the property . f Andrew J. Lam , 1.1 satisfy one Supeilor Court ti t«, iu tavor ot J. H. Jolinstou, Adtn'r Coshy Cou no vs. Andrew J. l-aue. At time ALSO, same and plaec, Twcnty-nir.a HunJred Acres land in 102 District, (1 M adjoining land* of Baxter, Dougherty and "the:* ; so d a* the propt-ny ot Audrew J blue, satisfy oue Superior Court ti fa in favor ot J. it Johnson, Adtn’r Ja*. Thonn#, deceas'd. Property pointed out by plain titTs attorney. It l' J* ids J W. MOORE, Sheriff. W- M. YCOtbY, v. r. vs u>z j. j. vkrocut. W. M. VEfOESt S SONS, MiM'FVCTl'aKKS r.K DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Moldings, Picket Fencing. . Scroll Work, Laths and Lumber, Uerzolia- * - Georgia. JO,,x _ *SPnt,>purta i { lfm^-tfully* k, f my.u m***, t„ Hancock *,„1 adjemine counties to "Dp u; e live wrUtlc I give th iu v.ius re for their money. Paul ma le teot*. * h * 3,, 10 ^ uiIa fiousc-. I -till preach to the W M VE “ 1> “ Y Sheriff's Salo. \\'DJ. be »" *P* “1 r; ». Fef lla!lC the ** Court eoaoiy, hen** 0%. on the fiot Tu.sUty ,n Ap-U next, withm ***• W.v- *« -t kl»v ^jr ^ J. Lane in :hat cettaiu T!{ it'T oi L\sD in saii c, unty adj .ini: g iau-ls of F. ihaafT aud other?, contain, nj Five Puudted *r*l Si-ty-on* Aces -aid I.ane haDi g po r cUa-.-J *»iJ laud from Th>ma- M. I'urtvt. and hoid.tig a b r: J tor tii'.e tl.creto , to sat¬ isfy one ti. fa. i*sued from the ciror Court of n.i.eack county in favor of S C. Barnet again t J. S.’Newm.u, pr:ocq'»’, ao-i A J. Lase. security. J. W. MOORE, SHerlffl March 14, :«T4. W. L Bradley’s Standard Fertilizer \ SEA FOWL QUANO. B D on •^sea cr^ 6UAN0 SKA FOWL GUANO, in Bags, 200 II.-. each. lHiADU.rS l’ATKNT M l'EBI’llOM’HATE OF 11ME. 0 V. COES SUl’KKl’i.OSl’UAI'K OK LIME. BRADLEY'S aMMUNIATKD DISSOLVED BUNKS, in tight dry bands ALSO, ! Royal Guano Compound’! n:n T HKabove STANDARD FERTILIZERS bavingbeen used for tbe last SiX A VEARS in tin* South with uttcptaled Mtcce*-', tire now offered at prices that C'innot t .it to giv«* satisfaction, while the Standard is guaranteed t*i|iial, if not superior, t» any ever sidd. The undersign d having been agems f„ r Middle Georgia since tl.eir introduc tion, fully understanding th.-ir value, ehce.tiully iecommi-on u.c.m «r.o pu'vr.c as the in st reliable FERTILIZER in use. For l’riecs and Terms apply to the General Loeal Agents. 1 *<>*nHr<l iV c<» Warelio t*c and Commission Meichants, thuncr t'amphell »■ Reynolds St. Angn.-ta, (»a. General Agents lor Middle A Genr,'*’-* ^ South Carolina. WM. STEVENs, Agent, Span?., Oa. PLANTERS LOOK i 0 YOUR INTEREST!!! AV. W. p jy 51 B L I*] , AT til: A. it ^ it w t « s S i* (* <1 S t o i* o , NO. 11 WASHINGTON STREET, JV. P HEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Etm»| and Ametiean Garden, Field Flower and Grass Seeds. Ptuo I tee-, vivape \ toes, Strawberry, Geiatii utu utltur Plants a speelaltiy. Also I lower Pots of all sueo constantly oil hand, leb? o.n CII AS. II. CKKllNK DU. Ill'NUY ROSIU: UL. " IOst -LlislietI ItS-45.— GREENE & ROSSIGNOL, SUCCESSORS TO WM. H TUTT IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN DRUGS, ’ CltllMTALS, CORKS, Sl’ONGES. l>SKNt’t .VL OILS, —AN p— 3S 5? Sundries, 2G1 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. fob. din. JAMES H. HULSE’S Augusta Steam D^^ng & Poouriu^ works, NO. 123 EROjA^MlLT. NEAR LOWER MARKET, A-u^usta, Georgia. 1 AI)IFS* Dr. ** Goods c!< Min i or dyed in sti|.eiior style ; Gctit enren’* floats, J Pant* and \ e»t» eh-atn d or dy.-d, and repaired ; Lace Curtains cleaned aud w', itenod to look like ucw ; Damask, Broealed aud .Satin Dituank Curtains dyed. leb7 Mm. W . jy 153 2F2. 2RL I £3 , Dealer in l*’’ o r e i t»* u >i >i <i Domestic F I U ITS, (iardt'B Secdis *V<*. tVc., 120 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA leb” Mm. W. li. YOUNG. E. W. HACK. YOUNG- «fc HACK, <; » <> e e u s —AND Commission Merchants, 278 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA GEORGIA. feb* 5m. E3. LIEBSCHER, Dealer in Oysters, Terrapins, Shad, Fresh and Salt Water Fish G.....A.....M.-.-K... "* Poultry, Vegetables, Fruits, and other Produce. All writers punctual!, attended to. Term* CASH on delivery. Agent for Cedar Keys Oysters end Creen Turtles. JACKSON STREET, near Post Office, AUGUSTA, GA. febT Mm RAIL ROAD RESTAURANT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. r pilIS House, opposite the Union 11. R. Depot, b-ts L.-on r^-§||eij !■ ik* IHiT 1 style tor the aceotnuiodation of *Le I raveling I’«*<* ^ MEAL*. PUNCHES AND REFRESHMENTS Served on arrival and departure of trains, at reasonable prices. A SPECIAL ROOM WITH MODERN ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LADDS. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Meals, 50c. Lunches, 25e. Beds, 5Ce. IcbT 3a JOHN F. DEUISLEB, Agt. N one Genuine unless Bearing I I" l&GpL. * W?L.BRADLEY > 200 lbs. This Brand in Full.—-W.L.B. QUALITY Guaranteed to Any Ever Sold. jot-tt* SPRING GOODS. Wholes ale and reta il WVJKTJSKKi 0 "^»"“•"“»* 50 Packages Opened this Day. 150 Pieces of the Best and Cheapest Black Alpacas made, 25 Pieces Heavy Gios Grain Black Silk, at $1 75 and $2. 20 Cases Assorted Prints. 25 Dozen JouvitCs Paris made Kid Gloves, Mcrrimacs. Amoskeags, and Garner’s, at ICo, Mourning Dross Goods, Choice Standard Prints, Tickings, Hickory Stripes, Plaids, Bleached Shirtings—all tl e popular'Nan ds, King Philip Cambric—Superior to Lonsdale, 22 r We invito the i loses* Iniyer* to examine out* stock, being co iA*’-"’* ot our ability to i entire laiiafavtion in prices and g V o quality of goods. A. GRAY & CO. fcl.U Iv _______ 6 /% 8,1 ______ fc " m* m j • ^ C»»«oy Av* Chcrrv S*. f MACON, GEORGIA, J£EKl* CCNST.VN’TLY ON HAND— T.m.esscc ('..unity Cured Hams, Sides, and Shoulders, Ut slcni Clear l'.ibbrd Sides, flatus, and Shoulders, Laid, in tierces kegs, and tins, T.ili tcco, Rice etc. Corn, (bit*, and (lav, It'cal at d Flour of all gr nJca, iu sack* «tul barrels, Soap *- tm-.-li and Cardies, Yirgiiti.i Liverpool Salt, < lietvachi ( Via.) Lime, l’lnstcf of Paris, Plast ring II.-it. Laths, and Cement all of best quality. Aff. nts fo- .Stevens’ Sewer Pipe Drain Tile and Fire Itrlok, rule 1 orn and tlye \\ l»i*ky. The Acme VVIii*ky. injiatte s and oases. Sole Agents for the State of Ge.nga for the celebrated Clustm'u Drove VV 1 isky, iu bar rel-. Jnd cases. Full quart bottles All of which we will sell at lowes market rates. in trT 3in WHELESS & CO. C O T T O 1ST FACTORS, Ais^HSl-*^ liporoia. ^T7 E ARE General Agents for South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, for tho Halo ot Excellen: a Cotton Feitilizer, a high stantWJ «r ic’e, which lias been before the pnl> ! »’« //r 0 years, and l ax given general satisfaction, and Planters who have ti" il Jt extensively, assert that the KX( ELLEN/-A haoDto htipcrio-. We also Itav for .sale, Prepared Gheit" v '" v * tor "diking Home-Made Fertiliz¬ er, and as nearly every Planter can /".impart the of hi* Fottiliz.-r at home, we re¬ commend the Chemicals prepai-d (, y tiinnufacturcrs td the Excellcnza Fer¬ tilizer, as well adapted for .outposting, and will produce good result*, leb 14 dm. ms. ft BRUM CLARK’S, ^51 Uroad si, Aiijn’iislsi, <**!,., T li ARC STOf’K of Millinery Got ds. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ribs l>u..w, t.-iees. G"'»us (Jid lar* ; .Hair Gnt-ls, llraiilrt Biickles, Ao , Ac. Fancy Dry in variety. Belts, Setts, Ear Drops, Pins, Chain*, Canvas, /<pb\t Wool, Shetland W. o', Buttons, Gimps, Fiinge* Inserting*, Edging*. Ae, Ac. Crape Veils, Love Veil*. Hats und Bonnet- made ot good material at reasonable prices. Mis. +'lark i* Agent lor Madame 1-emorest’s Pattern* lor Ladies and chil¬ dren. Send for Catalogue. MRS N BRUM CLARK, 251 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. feb 11 ly Hunt, Rankin & Lamar’s FORMULAS. U|1IIF J the tif*t nio'*t *nd Corc-iit cheapest tiled. Manure Li for Compound the Farmer* of furnish our oonntry the to iihk Chemical is that, which Salts, is with of adulii-rntiou, our wliLli w« with strong not on ounce when mixed the ooiu[af>l at home, makes as (to"d or better Manure than ea'i he bought for twice tho iu -ney, F Jit MI I-A No, 1 m k-s 2.""u pounds of Fertilizer to he used on ton acres for cotton or fifteen w<-r*<< for corn, i’lice $2', ott. FOltMULA No. 2 males 3,UU0 pounds of Fertilizer to be use l on ten acres for eotlon or fiftem autos for uorn. l'ri-e, ffUi .’> 11 . A H, Birdsong & Co., Agt. tebl f 2tn For Hancock County. TIIE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. IT IS THE OLDEST and the Latest Improved. Nothing more simple, durable or easy to learn. Agents wanted in every coun¬ ty tn Georgia. Apply to THE HOME MACHINE CO., f,-.b 14 Tim Atlanta, Ga. BROWN HOUSE. OPPOSITE PASSEKGER DEPOT t MACON C rnoryia Board $3 Per Day. E. E. BROWN, PROP. Pendleton’s Guano Compound. - to:- "yy ILL beat any ot the*salt.« sold for Comp»osting, giving it the same cbanco. A I.DflTEn qiAATITY ON II VMS. zVlso a few bu.-bels belcct Cotton tieed, at a reduced price. Apply to c’parta, fefcll £m. I’.T rtXDLETON.