The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, December 31, 1870, Image 1

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e&p&m jgk WMBfflß Hfo. HERALD VDL. H. THETHOMASTON HERALD. <MIAS. <; . WKAIiCE, KlHrtMt AND PROPRIETOR THOMASTON, GA., DEC. 31,1870. Libel far Divorce. >'!' \ Tl' OU (i KOIIO lA—Ui*s -v c unty. i ' -nperwir Gomrt, November Term, ISTO. Preset iii- Honor, -lumcs W. Greene, Judge. M.trfhn Ann H aid, 1 Lituel For Divorce, V 8 V Bailess A Heard. 1 Rule to perfect service ’ appearing to the Court from the return of the J-!. i,tf that the Defendant does not. reside in this tv: and it tuith* r appearing that he is a non-resi d.-nt of thin State It is, on motion of Counsel, ordered, i it n.tid Oeti«vlaett appearand answer at the next term « t hi - Coutt: that the ease he considered in default . I the I’l'intill allowed to proceed. And it is fmther • "d,eii'd tlmt this Rule be published in the Thomaston Uera!d once a for four months. s tine extract from the minutes, o.'hl-im H. T JENNINGS,CIerk. 4 ' H< iID !I \ —Upscn county.— Wherpas 'l f John W. Jones, temporary Administrator of the William .tones late of said county, deceased, '-pptmsfor permanent administration of said estate. t hese tire, tlicrefnee, to cite ana admonish the kin <>' (■(] nTtd creditors of stMd deceased, to show cause if nuv they have, on or before the tfirst Monday in Feb *:'iry next, why said administration sthonld not be ■ lilt 'd Given under my hand litis 291% day of De i ’ober, 1870. \VM. A. COBB, dec# 144 Ordinary. jS * fhOlUHA—Upson county. Whereas * l Brown applies for the Guardianship of t 'e property of Martha Hi. Hardy and Thomas A. Har d> . orphans of Isaac Hardy, deceased. I iiese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons ■ ' i-itied to show cause, ifeny they have on the first Monday in February next, why said guardianship s' .itiM not he granted u.vrtH under my hand, this 22.1 day of December, IS7O, i: e-4 td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. t 1 KOIDJIA Upson county.—Whereas, \ I l.‘o l ert S. Tisinger applies for the Guardianship ■ the property of I’toires Hardy, Marv E. Hardy and ' '.nns Iv Hardy, orphan children of Thomas liardy, 4.■•■eased. 'i lo se are. therefore, to cite and adnrenish a?l jiersons concerned to show cause it any they have, on the first ' "uda.v in February m-xt, why said guardianship should tint lie grant ed. Gt\ en under t«y hand, this 22d day <*f December, 1870. dec2444 W.M. A. COBB. Ordinary. f 1 KORGIA— Upson county—Whereas V 1 'llmmas U. Kendall appNps for the Guardianship m he pro|x«rty of \\ illiam and. Thosnas, orphan child of o Jam •!. Thomas, deceased. t se are, therefore, to cirewnd admetnidh all persons ‘ 1 < orued to tile tlreir olf.ectious, if any they have, on t’e tiot Monday in February next, why the said guard- Jandi p should not tie granted. *>iv. a Miuier «ny hand this the 20th day of Dec’r, 1870. Otc-4 td \Y M. A. 0088, Ordinary. £ KOIIOI A— Upson county. Whereas A * M illiavu h. A dams .applies for tetters of Guardian y,ili) °1 'he propi rty of Fi.nny Duckholts Leodora 8 vkholts and John J. Bnckholts, orphan cliiklieu of -'"in's Buck holts, deceased. 1 'Cm- are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons ' ' 1 , ' r,,t ‘V t 0 fib* their objections, it any they have, t</ k ol said Guardianship on or before the first w '7! and: ‘> in February n. it. liven utuler twy hand this 224 day of December, IS7O. D 1 WM, A. CUiSB, Ordinary. EXTRA. THOMASTON, GA., DEC. 31, 187 Q. ELECTION NOTICE! ORDINARY'S OFFICE, » Upson county, Ga., Dec. 20,1870. j IVTOTICE is hereby given that an Election 1 i "ill be hekl at the places of holdingJJustices' Court in the several Districts of this county, and at the Courthouse, for the town of Thomaston, on the first Saturday In January next, for one member of the Coun ty Board of Education to serve for two years; one School Trustee to serve for one year; one School Trus tee to serve for two years; one School Trustee for three years; according to'an act of the last Legislature en titled, An Act to establish a system of Public Instruc tion. Sai»i Election will be conducted as the Law r> « tires for holding elections for Justices of the Peace, amt returns of the same will be made t*> the Secretary of State and to the Clerk of the Superior Court. In Districts where there is no acting Justice of the said !• lection will toe held by Three Freeholders of said Drs'rfct. WM. A. COBB, <fiee34-2t Ordinary. To Debtors and Creditors. 4 LL persons indebted to Mathias Mauk, 1 V late of Epson county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said deceased are required to present them in terms of the law, DUKE WILLIAMS, declh-JOd Administrator. Executors Sale, EORGIA —Upson county.— By order W of tihe Cksurf of Ordinary of Spalding county, will lie sold before the Courthouse door in Thomaston, Upson county, between the legfil hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January, IhJO, the following real estate belonging to the estate of H. C. Cuningham, deceased, to wit: Five hundred and sixty acres of Land, mere oj less, known as the Thundering tprings and CroweU place. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms one-half cash, balance tweive months credit. dec-3-td GEO. A. CUNINGHAM, Ex’r. CT GOliGlA—upson county. - Court of Ordinary, T Decemsber Term, 1870.—Whereas Amos WorriU applies for dismission from the administration of the «<iate of Bum-1 W. Jackson, deceased. It is therefore ordered that, rule ni si he published in the Thomaston Herald for three months, returnable to this Court, or the first Monday in April next, that all persons con cerned may have notice thereof and act accordingly. A true extract from the minutes of said Court." WM. A. COBIS, Ordinary. dec!7-3m—Piinter's fee ¥7,00 EORGla—Upson county.—Whereas John T. * Mathews ajyplies for the Guardianship of the pro perty of Matilda Mathews, Sarah L. Mathews, anti Alice It. Mathews, children of Lewis J. Mathews, of said county. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persos interested, to show c.ause, if any they have, on the first Monday in January next, why the prayer of the peti tioner should Tiot toe granted Given under my hand this Ist day of December, 1870. dec3 td VVM. A. COBB, Ordinary. EORGIA —Upson county.—Whereas James H. W Marehman applies for the Guardianship of th* property of Hillyard Stephens and Charles O. Stephens, orphan children of George P. Stephens, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, i : f any they have, on the first Monday in January next, why the prayer of the petitioner should not toe granted. Given under my hand tMsS tch of November, 1870. decß-td WM A. COBB, Ordinary. (GEORGIA —Upson county.—Court of Ordinary, * September Term, 1870.—Whereas Mrs. Martha A. Greene, Administratrix of the estate of Charles E. G reene, late of said county, deceased, has filed her peti tion for dismission from her administration of said estate, alleging that she has fully administered and settled the same. It is, therefore, ordered that rule ni si be pub lished in the Georgia Herald, a public gazette of saW county, for three months, that all persons concerned may have notice that the prayer of the petitioner wHi be granted at the January Term next ensuing of this court unless cause to the countrary be shown. A true extract from the minutes of said court. sept27-3w WM. A . CCBB, Ordinary NO. i.