The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, January 07, 1871, Image 4

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I'fELD, CARDED AM) HOUSEHOLD. It is sai-i that the Btnoke of tho dried leives of tho pumpkin, burned on n bright fire, wiil cause flies to quit an apartn'.er.t instantly, or it will kill them. Kbady-Mai>e Gu*a.—A good article of prepared glue, so useful to have about every house, may be made with Guru Arabic dis solved in strong vinegar. It will keep i t good condition a long time. Common gue dissolved in the mine way will keep Loui fermentation several weeks. Ice Cream.—To make ice cream take one gallon of cream, two pounds of rolled loaf sugar, one teaspoonful of tdl of lemon. If for vanilla ice cream, two beaten, and one tablespoonful and a half of tincture of vanilla well mixed with the before it is added to the cream. An Ohio hog-grower says that the fal lowing treatment will make the bitcifi&t h «g out of a pig in twelve months: Take two parts of barley, two of corn, and one of oats. Grind them together ; then cook, and feed cold. II*? says it is the cheapest I id, and that any pig of good improved Faced can be made in this manner to gain a pound a day until a year old. * Soused Shad —Take a line large shad, clean and Cut it into quarters, put it into a “spider” and let it boil i.bmrt twenty min utes in salted water ; when done put into a dish to drain, and when perfectly cold, piuce it in a deep bowl, (taking care not to break it) season with a little more salt, if necessary, cay cnee, and a few grains of all spice, then add puffieent cider vinegar to cover it. In a few day ft this will be fit to eat, and found a very nice relish for tea. Plain Gingerbread. —Three pounds (f flour, a quarter of a pound of butter, half an ounce of ground gii g*’r, half a pound of sugar, and molasses sufficient to moisten the flour. Out up the butter in the flour, add to it the sugar and ginger, and stir in molasses barely enough to moisten the ll ur, as it will become Soft by kneading. Knead the dough well, roll it out in sheets, cut in cakes, place them on tins, wash them over with molasses and water, and bake in a cool oven. Magic Soap —Take 10 lbs. common bar map, 3 lbs. Roda osh or sal soda ; -1 lb. bo rax ; 3 oz-». liquid ammonia ; 4 gals, water ; cut up tilo soap and put in a boiler with the water and heat it till dissolved, and then pat in the soda ash, borax and amrn nia, and in a few minutes it is leady to turn out into jars. It will he' almost hard soap when cold, and a piece of'it dried will uo to use as hard soap. For washing clothes put a pint of it into a boiler Wi h four gallons of water and heat Dearly to boiling. No other soap is needed. M gnonette—A correspondent of the London Journal of Horticulture gives a plan of growing mignonette as a little tree foe the conservatory. lie says, “sow a pinch of seed in the centre of as many three inch pots as there are plants required. When the plants are strong enough, thin them by degrees to one plant in a pot, and that must be the strongest. Train that up to a stake to the height required, pinch out all side shoots and the heads of bloom, but do not divest the stem of its leaves until the plant has attained its full height. To form a head, about three are left at the top.” Extracting Wheel Grease, Etc—l have cleaned wheehgrease from a nice silk thus: Laying the silk on a clean sheet folded to eight thicknesses, I rubbed the greased part with a soft cloth dipped in lard, mov ing the silk to anew spot frequently. After a time the wheel-grease all went through, leaving only clean lard. This was then cleaned out in the same way, by rubbing it with some nice soap and alcohol, using a clean cloth to rub with, and frequently changing to anew spot on the under-lying sheet. The silk was then laid on a clean cloth, and rubbed dry with a s >ft cloth. A friend cleaned Canton crape in this way, and you cannot find a place where it was greased.— S. M. Mealy. Remedy f it Chills and Fever.— lt is a notorious fact that the midical fraternity have no remedy but quinine for chills and fever, and that so far as the patient is con cerned is a matter of doubt which does the most damage to the constitution—the disease or the remedy. Those who have had any experience with the disease know that the simple remedies used by those living in districts infested by chills, are more efficacious than all the prescripts ns of the physicians. In view of the fact that there is snob a prevalence of the disease in this section, a gentleman residing in Cecil coanty assures all those suffering from the affliction, that swallowing early in the morning for three successive mornings a heaping teaspoonlul of table salt, d’smlved in a tuipbler of water, will effect a .certain cure. To Keep Mii.k Sweet. —A teaspoonful of fine salt, or of horse radish, in a pan of milk will keep it sweet for several days. Milk can be kept a year or more as sweet as when taken from the cow by the follow ing method: Procure bottles, which must be perfectly clean, sweet and dry; draw the milk from the cow into the bottles, and as they are filled, immediately cork them well and fasteu the corks with pack thread or wire. Then spread a little straw in the bottom of a boiler, on which place the bot tles, with straw between them, until the boiler contains a sufficient quantity. Fill it up with oofd water, heat the water, and as soon ns it begins to boil draw the fire and let the whole gradually cool. When quite cold, take out the bottles and pack them in sawdust, in hampers, nnd stow away in the coolest part of the Louse. - Southern Funner. Fit zen Plants. —Some still, clear night, Jack Frost will find his way into the lady’s parlor or chamber, where she keeps her house plants, and, ah me! next morning her sweet pets will be as rigid as the arti ficial flowers on ber bounet. Now what shall be done? Don’t hurry them iuto a warm room to thaw them by the side of a stove, as you would a frost-bi teu chicken. Let them remain where they were frozen ; close the window shutter or drop the cur tains, so as to make the room quite dark ; then sprinkle the plants with cold water, direct lrom the cistern, and wait for the results. Do not allow the room to become warmer than 45 degs. fir twenty-four hours. If a few drops of spirits of cam phor are thrown iuto the dish of water be fore sprinkling, it will be all the better. Plants treated in this way, though frozen so badly that water will freeze in drops on the leaves when sprinkled, yet by keeping the room dark and cool for an entire day they will come out unharmed. LEGAL NOTICES. Libel for Divorce. QT ATE OF GEORGIA l;i*s v c t sty. k ) Supeiior Court, November T»na, liTe. Present ills Honor, Janies W. Greene, Judge. Martha Ann II aid, j LUkI for Divorce, \3. V Baifisa A. ILa.r.L ) t . perfect service. It appearing to the Court fr* in the return of the Sheriff that the Defendant does not reside in this county ; and it further appe iiiog that be is a non-resi dent ol tills Stale. It Is, on motion of Counsel, ordered, that said Defendant appearand answi r at the next term of this Court; eUe that the case be considered in default aud the Plaiutitl allowed to proceed. And it Is further ordered that this Kui.* be pablbhcd in '.lie Thotunatou liei a!<l once a month for four months. A true extract from the fid antes. dtcJl-iiu H. T JENNINGF, Clerk. / < EORGTA ll’- N county.— W hereas \IT Jh .bn W. Jones, temporary Administrator of the estate of William Jones late of said county, deceased, applies for permunsnt administration of said estate. - 'i hese are,Therefore, to cite an t admonish the kin dred Rnd creditors of said deceased, to show cause if say tiny hate, on or before the first Monday in Jreb runry next, why said adiilinistraiion should not be grstiti-ii Given under my hand this 29th dav of De cember, IS7J. WM. A. < OBR, de<.3i-iJ Ordinary. ("A EOROT \ —I/prov county.— Wherean X Franklin Itrown applies for the Guardianship of the property of Martha K. and Thomas A. Har dy. orphans of Isvic Hardy, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, ifany they have ou the first Monday in February next, why said guardianship should not he granted Given under my huß<J, this 22 I day of December, 1870. diic‘24 td W-M. A. COBB, Ordinary. / 1 EORGIA—I. pson C 'Uxty —Whereas. V J Robert t 2. Tisinger applies for the Guardianship of the property of Pharos Hardy, Mary E. Hardy and Thomas E. Hardy, orphan children of Thomas Hardy, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause it any they have, on the first Monday In February next, why said guardianship should not be granteA Given under my hand, this 221 day of December, 1 870. decil-td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. i i EORG lA—Upson C'Unty—Whereas \ T Th* mas If. Kendall applies for the Guardianship of the property of William J. Thomas, orphan child of William J. Thomas, deceased. Th satire, therefor-, to ciie-aml admonish all persons concerned *o file their objections, if any they have, on the first Monday in February next, why the said guord lansh.p should not be granted. Given under my hand T .is the 20th day ofDec'r, IS7O. dec‘2l-td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. / 'I F.ORGIA—Upsi'N o unty Wberen* \ f William L. Adams applies for letters of Guardian ship of the property of Fanny Buckholts. Lcodora Huckhobs and .J.ihn J. Buckholts, orphan chUdien of Janies Buckholts. (lecen-ed. Mi e-e are. therefore, to rite nrd admonish all prisons concerned to file tin- roi4-ctnuis. il any they have, to the granting ni said Guardianship on or Lelbre the first Monday in Kilmtary rn-xt. (< i ven under uiy hail i this 22d diiy of December, 1370. dtc24 td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to Mathias Mauk, late of Upson county, deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment., and all persons laving demands against said deceased ure required to present them in terms ot the law, DUKE WILLIAMS, - deeld-fiUd Administrator. ("N GO HO IA —u pson county. C-nrt cf Ordirfftry, I December Term, JWhereas Amo- Wonill applies lor dismission from the administration of the e date ot Bunvl vV. Jackson, deceased. It is therefore ordered that rule ni si he published in the Tlmmaston Herald for time months, retumahle to this I'ourt. ou the first Monday in April next. Unit all per* .ns con cerned may have notice thereof and act accordingly. A true extract from the minutes of said C’o-.rt. W W. A. L'OBB, Ordinary, dec! 7-3 m— Pi inter's fee $7,00 THE ’ OHIO FARMS'??." A'Olj. .X..X. — The Great Paper fur the Farm and Fireside. r |MIE OHIO FARMER is a Weekly of i I vvf N’TY Pagrs printed on pure par* r, large quarto form, cut covered and being th-onl journal ot the kind in the country. Each number contains a large amount of useful in "urination, all articles being short and to the point Editorials fresh and practical Every’thing peitainirg to the FARM, GARDEN AM) VINEYARD Are thoroughly discussed. A Mechanical Department i- kept full of instructive hints to aid in the FARM WOlur-SIIO** special attention is given to the 1:0- MU3TIO Department; and for the FIRESIDE me furnished Incidents o)1For< ign Travel, Stories Sketches, Choice’Poetry, I tin, &c ,Ac The 1 HILDItFN’s De partment. is nicely illustrat <1 each week, and 111 eel with such things as will gladden tire hearts .of the lit.lo ones, 1 n 1 inuke them better. Only Two Dollars a Year. Six Months for One Dollar; Three Months for Fifty Cents. Specimen Copies Free. Address OHIO PARMER, CLEVELAND, O WILSON SAWYER, DEALER lit DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, r n 1031 v, C 4 a., WOULD rospFctfuliv inform (fit l oit'zens ▼ T ol Upson an*l surrounding countiis that in addi tion to a large stock cl GROCERIES, I have added DPL-'ST. GOODS, Roots and Shoes, Ladies’fine Shoes, Childrens’Shoes, Huts, Crockery, READY-MADS CLOTHING, Notions, and Stationery. All Toilet articles—Soap*, Per fuaiery, 1 clogne, Hair (*il, Ac. Also, Candy—pure and fresh. 'I he best stock of Sardines in Thoinaston. I would stale to lav customers that 1 have now on hand a lot of fine ohUPEACH BRVNDY, and in addi tion u dies of all discriptions for the si- k and feeble, fc f>c 12L 21 a vV. SA WVEI 2. THOS. F. BETHEL, " DEALEB IN 08V GOODS .fill GBOCEiIIES \A7OULD infi Tin his customers and v t friends ib. t bis fall stock is now complete, and solicits from them a continuance of their former pairon age, at his new lire proof store on Main s'reet, Thomas* 7on, Ga . declT-Sm COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE 410., MACOBT. CX-XV., CAPITAL - 51300,000. ?100 000 Deposited with State Authorities for Protection of Policy Holders, OFFICEBS : WM. IL JOHNSON", President, WM. S. HOLT Vice President, GKO. S. OBEAR, Seeretaiv, JNO W. BURKE General Agent, C. F Me CAY; Actuary, JAMES M. GREEN,.... Me J. Examiner, W. J. MiiZILL Sup. Agencies. § This is a Southern Institution nnd a Home enterprise. Controlled and directed by your friend,-, and neighbors 1 s Capital is larger than any similar enterprise ,n the South, and fts ratio of Assets to liabilities (the only true test of soundness) very much greater. Husband, have you provided an ample support for yottr wife and children in the event of \ our death? If iiot insure-your life in the Cotton States. Sons, have you provided :«r the comfort and support of your aged inotii-r should you die first? If i in sure in the Cotton States It will cost you but a (title. Young men. do you wish to provide yonrst if w ith a handsome endowment, in five, ten, or lifted, vrer?? Then save a portion of your earnings and take a policy in the Cotton States. A 1 should ensure while they can. for disease or ac cident may prevent them from getting a policy should they delay. E, A. FLEWELLEN, Agent. J, C. ZIMMERMAN, .MAXUIACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, of ALL KINDS. Keeps on band a GOOD ASSORT MENT of FURNITURE of his own make and that o; Western Manufacturers. Having an arrangement with KIONDEAU A CO., of Atlanta, the largest FURN ITURE DEALERS in the South,.enables me to fill or ders of ur,y size for any quantity with extreme SHORT NOTICES, L I should not have the kind jou may wish. BED STEADS a speciality, plenty of them always on hand that are good. In returning thanks for yonr liberal patronage la the past, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Call and see my goods before you buy. I flat ter myself that I can please all that know GOOD AY Olt K when they see it. My increased facilities have enabled me to offer larger quantitii s, better Variety and better bargains. Fiaal'y I earnestly request all that are in need of ar.y my line to call and examine my stock. dec2s ts " J. C. ZIAI MERMAN. Tin Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKES’3 CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, For Female Complaints, whether In young or oil, mar ried oreingle,at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, those 'Ton ic Hitters have no equal; are sale aud reliable in ail forms of disea .. Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARC THEY? THEY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, Made of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spir its. and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to.please tua taste, ca led‘-Tonics" “ Appetizers,” “ Restorers, ’* &c. f that lea llhe tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bu t are a trua Medicine, made from the. Native Roots and Herbs cf California, free from all Alcoholics Stimulants. They are the Q- Ftlt3 AT BLOOD PURI LIE Rand LIPS GIVING PRIN CIPLE. a perfect Renovator and lnvigm-atoc of t he System, carrying oil' ail poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take theso Bitters, according to directions, and remain long unwell. ■s>lO© will be given for an incurable case, pro-' viding tho bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and tl.a Vital organs, wasted bevond the point of repair. For Inflamtn itory- and Chronic Rheu matism, and Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi- • Kestion, Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are earned by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of th« Digestive Organs. Tney invigorate tho stomach, and stimulate) the torpid liver and bowels, -winch render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tha blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor. to the whole system. Dyspepsia cr Indigestion, Headache, 1 Bain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tha Curst, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,"Bad Taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Tain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms which are the offsprings cf Dyspepsia, are cured bv theso Bitters. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find 1 its impurities bursting t iiroupli the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of tiro system will follow. I PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed' and removed. For full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed ift four languages— • English, German, French, and Spanish. J. AVANKER, 32 & 3t Commerce Street, N. Y. Proprietor. It. H. MeDONALI) & CO., Druggists and General Agents. San Francisco, California, and 32 and 3d Com. merce Street, N. Y. __ KiT SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. St pi. 7-tun GOLDEN MOMENTS! | WOULD re ■®- spoct i' u 1 1 y •'* inform those wantin;' a Time Piece of any tie® 1- S J t-'oriptiv U i h •:• y s- 14 ’"!-?'.' \ U ~ would do well to VV“ W call at AVy ~ ! OLIVER S. IIIGGIN’S New JEWELRY STORE, Earnest iTl*». Gn , a* I keep on hand and are constantly roc tying fresn from New York the latest and most improved stylo of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which I am offering at astonishingly low prices, ns I ant dealing diiectly with i porters’ I feel confident t atl can furnish this class of Goods as cheap as any House in Georgia. [ run determined to keep on hand a GENUINE WATCII and CLOCK, which we can sell to our customers and WARRANT AS REPRESENTED I am permanently located in BARNESVILLE and run going to build np a business In this line purely on merit, so if you want a FINE WATCH or CLOCK '•all *t the sign of the " 1510 WATCH,’ In the new ERICK BLOCK, next door to Blood* rth A Murphey, East side public t<jt*are. *?Qf~ Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and warranted, Oliver s. hillivs. Jan‘22-tf * Bnrnesvtlle, Ga. DDENTMa^nY. HPIiE undersigned being pcTnunently 1 located in Thomston,still tenders thter professional a t vices iu the practice of Dentistry to the eillxeto if Upson and adjoining eountb s Teeth inserted on g Id silver, a Umantl eor rubber. All work warranted nn I a go and fit guaranteed, * Office up stairs over WILSON SA VV Y EK b Blotv. dec9 ft BRYAN A 6AWYCK. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New York, Philadelphia ami Baltimore! COME TO ATLANTA! « 11. K. SHACKLEFORD, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, XO . 8 , I! n0 A D STREET, ATLANTA, G-EOEGIA- Sole Agent far the Celebrated TOBIAS BITT ER S . DE \LEII in fine WINES. BRANDIES, WHISKIES, GINS, Ac. Will duplicate any bill of Pure Proof LIQUORS bought in the above mentioned markets. Or core and Dealers in Liquors in Middle Oeorgiacan save money by purchasing Irani n»y ♦ ouse. I can sell CHAMPAGNE cheaper by the case than can be bought outside of New York. Send for Circulars and Puioe Current. JE-31. SEACKELFORD. June 4 1870 a TiiorsisD won ax testify. BR, J. BRADFI ELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR, T/OMAN’S BEST FRIEI7D J \ CERTAIN CURE FOR WHITES, SUPPRESSED MENSES, an 1 other diseases peculiar to women. Prepared and sold by L. U. bRADFIELD, Wholesale Dreg* gist, Atlanta, Ga. I‘riee $1 50. TESTIMONIALS : Tuskegf.2, Ala., N iv. 21, 1809 --Mr. L. 11. Bradficld—Sir: Please forward us Im mediately, another supply of “BraiSeld’s Female Regulator. ” We find it to be all that is claimed for it, an 1 7/e have witnessed the most decided and happy etf-ets produced by it. Very respectfully, HUN TER A ALEXANDER. We. tlie undersigned Druggists, taks pleasure in commending to the trade Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, believing it to be a good and reliable remedy for the dis eases for which he recommends it. W. A DANSDELL, Atlanta, Ga. W. C. LAWSIIE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOTS & SON, Marietta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR & CO., Atlanta, Ga. State of Georgia, Troup County- This is to certify that I have examined the re> ceipt of Dr. Josiah Bradficld, of this c «unty, and as a medical man, pronounce it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all the t ise;rses of females for which he recommends it. W’M. P. BEASLEY, M. 1). This .December 21, 1898- Feb’y 2fi, 1870 Iy L , vr , /2s - T l j.pi’ Yi.l io WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES, %TE beg leave to call your attention to an entirely new article known as “Patent * ’ Metallic White Wire/’ p ssessing qualities which prevent it, from ever corroding or turning from its color during any number of years, and on which letters Patent have been secured. It has been found to be the only article suitable for a Clothes Line. Tim old fashion rope or chord always causes so much trouble and annoyance by breaking, rotting out, and discoloring clothes, and by being obliged to be put up and taken down every time used. With this WIRE CLOTHES LINE, You have none ot these annoyances, and when it is once put up it gives you no more trouble. After using it we are confident you will fully corroborate the statement of thousands of others in its praise. Every family should, and will eventually have ’.llO. It will not rusi nor corrode, though you may keep it in water for any length of time, even salt water. - SIX REASONS WHY EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES: Ist. You never have to take it out of the weather. 2d. It will last fifty years or more. 31. It is the cheapest Clothes Lines in the world. 4th. You cannot heavy enough with clothes to brake it. sth. It does not in any way discolor, wear or injure clothes tht are hung upon it Gth. It will save its price in saving clothes every six months you own it. IRBY 11. TRAYLER, of Thomaston, Upson county, Georgia, is Hie authorized n-.*ent for the Hudson River Wire Works in Georgia. All orders to Irby 11. Travier Thomas-, ton, Geargia, will be promptly filled when the cash accompanies the order" IRBY H. TRAYLOR, April 2,1870-ts Agent for Hudson River Wire Works. * They are a CientlePnrgatlrfi os well a.*»Tonic,poßses lng also, the peculiar merit ot acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inffanimation of the Liver, and all the Visceral organ3 G. H. & A. W. FORCE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS m SHOES WHITEHALL STREET, ATIjAET 1 ;G-A. janl.Vly M. ]■:. KENNY’S NEW ALE DEPOT, NO. 14 PRYOR STREET, ..£>A3!7Xj /VI-JT-iA., OJK. Iv EXNY is State Agent for the celebrate ed OLD WICKI.IFFE. ZSBT KENNY is Agent for Lill’s CHICAGO ALE. KENN Y is Agt-nt for London Royal Nectar Gin. KENNY is Agent for old Tom Gm. d?* KENNY manufactures All Grades of Segars. KENNY'S BITTERS cannot be excelled as a te>ic. Try them! Go and see KENNY ai his new stand on Pryor Street. febft ly WTlclay & To" WHOLESALE. LIQUOR DEALERS AND Commission Merchants, NO. 1 GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD ST. l, g-a., PRICE LIST. X* W. P. per cal SI.OO XX W. I*. In-1 cal. .* 1.15 Ten. Corn Wl» : «ry. per gal $1.25 to 2 96 Ten. Rye Wh skey, per kal 1.50't0 8,00 UobenKA Whisky, per gal 2.00 to 4 00 ( ••.>• I’-'m I>oh Wbi>k.r, per gal I.sft to S.oO ( lay XXX Whisky, per gal 1.95 to 2 00 C!»y Ky Hell Whisky, per cal.. 2.00 to 6.50 Lee s Best Whisky, per gd 9.00 to 4.50 Kv. Marshall Whisky per gal. 2.fX> to 5.00 Old Crow Whiskey, per gaL 2 CO to 7 00 Jai?9 If LIVERY MDJALE STABLE. A L , w AYS ON" HAND. PILLIONS, FINE BLOOD HORSES, to dw™S to a ° a liV " y ' Eslr “ gl™ WTALKIER BRO., griffin, Georgia. Will furnish good teams for thp Indian Spring and J jun«U-tf ttDd " arm Sp,iug6 ’ OXI r *»<»nable terms. A. A. J. JiLAI.OC'K. J w 81AFFOBD Stafford, Blalock & Cos,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY Ac., ITT* No 21 Main Street, Barnesville, Ga dee9 THE VOCAL TRIAD. XX BRACING THREE SYSTEMS OF MCSIGAL NOTATION Containing over Fifty Lessons in the theory of music PROGRESSIVE AND CATECHETICAL ORDER, Divided into Three Departments : Primary, Intermedi ate and Advanced Courses, Interspersed with New Music EMf XE XT C O MHOSE Rs ; Embracing many pieces never before published, for the use of Choirs, Societies, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND CONVENTIONS. B Y PE OF. E. T. POUND, BARNESVILLE, GA. TRICES : Copv s i so IVr I,OZ ™ 16 50 P 7.“ A J heroic heiiiy 1 II E X R Y'M CARBOLIC I CONSTITUTE RENOVATOI! BASED ON SCIENCE I PREPARED Will! 'K; L r 1 and all the available ergpr.nbj V)i » I ness, that the art of pharmacy sent day can contribute. And I in Concentrate i Form the nwsi '^‘B Valuable Vegetable jyJ Known in the History of M,q; • f PURIFYING THE BLOOd*B Impartin'* I NUTRITION TO THE SYSTEM * I TO THE STOMACH? ’ 1 And a Healthy acti< n *0 the L; Trr - neys, Secretive and Excrett\« (j r A DYING ZUA^r Lay breathing his last on tl lo > ; . ;t | his companions surged on ;4il j ( alone. They knew the cause * . preaching end it was the deadly fi, friendly voice could cheer hiui p, human skid could save him THOUSAND- OF PRECIOUS Uy are to-day as rapidly sinking. as ly tottering on to an untimely et -i lering, Agony, Wretchedness, j, ance of t. e cause which Science c;io arrest and assays. Nourish into new Life and V Ar.d Cause the Bloom of Ibal?. To dance once more upon tUsr »:• cd Checks. DISEASE, LIKE A TIIIEr, Steals upon its victims unawares, au fare they are aware of its attack, > itself firmly in the system, and fit' neglect or inattention becomes ►eated ,• defies all oidinary or tempuraiy i reaiv to relinquish its merciless grasp. DO YOU KNOW Till! CAUSE OF The wasted form—the hollow cheek’ The withered face—the sallow comploxiia The feeble voics—the sunken, gla -.-v e: I I'lie emaciated form—tfie tremfdin* ha The treacherous pimple-the torturin>>y The repulsive eruption—the inflamed c The pimpled face—the rough and debili.atiog ailments of the [ire- ; age? The answer is simple, whole ground in all its phases, via; fie Pangs of Disease I an'd HEREDITARY TA I Nil ARE FIRMI.Y FIXE!) IN THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE—THE BLOOD. B The INDISCRIMINATE VACCIXATIinI during the late war, with diseased Ljeyß lias TAINTED THE BEST BLOOD 1 in the entire land. It has planted the fl «T the most melancholy di.-ease in the 1 ,1 <>f men, women and children on all eiy I and nothing short of a HEROIC REMEDY I will Eradicate it rorit and branch. f retc.B Such a Remedy is HENRY’S CAKBOL.I CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. On reaching the Sforttach, it ansinmV • ■ at once with the food and liquids the - I and from the moment it passes into in-fl B'ood, it attacks disease at its Liu I head, in its germ and maturity, and pates it through the avenues of the v\ unerring certainty, and sends new til pure Blood bounding through every artery I and vein The tuhereuies t.f Scrofula that s-me- ■ and stud the inner coating :| the abdomen, like kernel of oorn, ate with I crod. dissolved arid eradicate*! and the d>-1 eased parts nourished into life. TANARUS; e T'r-1 pid Liver and Inactive Kidneys arc sunup lated to a healthy secretion, and their natural functions restored to renewti health and activity. Its action upon the blood, fluids of the body, and Glandular System, are Took, Purifying and Disinfectant. At its touch, disease droops, dies, and the victim of it* violence, as it were, LEAPS TO NEW LIFE. It relieves the entire system of Pains an! Aches, enlivens the spirits, and iiuptrtd j Sparkling brightness on the Eye, A rosy glow to the A ruby tinge to the Lip, A clearness to the Head, A brightness to the Complexion, A buoyancy to the Spirits, And happiness on all sides. Thousands have been rescued from thf ver<:e of the grave by it«t timely u*e. This Remedy is now offered to the pub with the most solemn assurance of its in* trinsio medicinal virtures, and puwerfu Healing properties. For all Affections of the KIDNEY’S, RETENTION of URINE, and Diseases and omen and Children. Nervous Frustra tion, Weakness, General Lassitude, asl Losß of Appetite, it is unsurpassed. It tinguishes Affections of the Bones, Habits C'-stiveness, Debility, Diseases of the KD* neys, Dyspepsia, Erysipelis, Feu ale If' regularities. Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles. Pul’ rnonary Diseases, Consumption, Scrofula o? King’s Evil, Syhillis. TREPARKD BY Prof. M. E, HENBY, DIRECTOR GENERAL or THK BERLIN HOSPITAL, M A.. L L. I)., F. K. s IIENRY k CO., Proprietors- Laboratory, 1278 Pearl Street. Post office B .x, 5272, New Y< rk. CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5. Sent &*>:' where on receipt of price. Patients *r requested to correspond confidentially, reply will be made by foil* wring mail. Sold oy all respectable Druggists. mcb26*ly