The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, February 04, 1871, Image 3

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ijjfrTHOMASTON HERALD. I r uASTON. QA-, FEB. 4, 1871. IknlgM ATTER. Apartment of Interest to the reader* of 1 (a j| C {t “dot»” from cor friends In every ■ h . to real estate changes, accidents, pand Dr. Flewellen, formerly I 1 ,)f Thomaston, have been on a short l(' Ti () th are the same as ever— l T sit to US ' ** I B . ir nesville Gazette, says that on the I Los December, by Elder John Mul- | 4fc N j r William Mitchel was married to n, ' \I F Brown, all of this county, pits 311 1 * I cppino Seed Oats for sale by I SpR „; 9t King Sc Allen. I jac-5 ~ I if are glad to be able to announce that - v Mr. Jones, of Atlanta, will preach |‘ ,he nl , nt hly. unless other duties render it for him 80 - I are able to state to the citizens and n v friends of Capt. John I. Hall, that ho f improving:; "lowly, it is true, but the ! for the better is decidedly encourag ing- | , —Participants in the raffle for 1 ‘.an are hereby notified that the same , , „„„ Tuesday next, 7th inst. take place on Tuesday feh4-lt Several cotton buyers have been actively J., P ed on the square this week. Judging tm , y from appearances the number of y e 9 purchased has been moderately large Oritlin, and we believe other places 4 re represented. Trains on the Thomaston & Burnesville BailroaJ leave town, since the change of Jhedule, at a very early hour in the morn , „ i on 2 while bofore cock-crow. We in£" H ,u,, « . , . , wi jl give the hour of 1-eaving next week, tether with the time of arrival of trains, 0 p and down, at Barneaville. Injure in the A2 f na, all your dwellings ,nd merchandise, cotton in gin houses, or n Btore . Liberal rates. Losses adjusted p>mp!y an all. W. A. Johnson, Agt. feb.ltf Toe right mun in the right place. We , T e gratified—decidedly an, to l-earn that (mr clever young friend Mr. Amos White, been appointed conductor on the Upson plenty Railroad. This gentleman is a de ferring one, and in the performance of his (]ntieH, will prove the wisdom of his selec tion. b the course of three -or four days J. L J hiison & Cos., will have on hand a fine lot of yellow Pink-eye Potatoes for planting; also a fir e lot of eating Apples. f«b4tf We have received the first number of a new weekly P^iper —The Georgia Cultivator -published in Griffin, by Semica B. Burr, and to ho devoted to farm interests, litera ture, art, science, education, and general intelligence. It starts in life under favora ble auspices, and will no and >ubt, be well MjHtiiineit by the farmers of middle Georgia, f»T whom it is specially intended. Wanted—Five hundred bales of Cotton, fir which the highest market price will be Fid. Jas. W. Atwater. jan23-tf The exterior of the Hotel de Sherman haj been greatly improved in appearance since receiving its bran-new overcoat of inch-nlank. As wg have succeeded thus hr in keeping nut of mischief, we are una ble to say anything in regard to the looks fi the structure inside. A kind of a ‘bird’s eye view’ has satisfied us that there are ® re comfortable places to reside in iu the world. J L. Johnson & Cos., has on hand a small l' s "f the great Rust Proof Seed Oats at $1.15 R bushel. Also a small lot of the Illinois Norway Oats, the very best at $1.25 a bushel. Good yellow Oats at OJ cts. feb4tf Thk Arkansas Journal of Education comes 1 us this week changed to regular magazine rrT i. This has always been one of our iii st welcome exchanges, and we have ’■ ;ifnn to hope, that under its new manage- its value will he greatly increased. n “ original articles in this publication are are fully written ; and in the selection of t racts from other sources good taste and Criminate judgment are exercised. We iiie pleasure in recommending it tb all Webers and pupils. Lior to Your Interest —We want 500 r « hales Cotton and will pay the top of ' p uiarket. King & Allen. iau2B-2t having freckles to remove, adopt p ?ren t plans to rid themselves of them. • rr y Davis’ Freckle Lotion, oream, and *■ r us salves are among the appliances ported to, but our little friend Wallace, a ’ ban enquiring turn of mind, investi the subject a little, and came to the f usion that gun-powder would be as c *cious as any thing he could get hold lu connection with a young acquaint- e ’ attempted to manipulate about P°unda of powder, in close proximity 1 e fire, when it ignited, and although he Jf)n j! 11 tr ‘uhled with the freckles, succeeded tvf. * n removing a portion of his lashes and hair. Don’t try powdrr —its too violent, and the smell »tm| Urnt a ' r fill* the room after an "plication of it, i« unpleasant. Y; p ****** & Cos. have a fine let of 4 ot^er groceries. Also a omest * c > °hsap for the cash. "VVe take occasion to caution people, es pecia iy the little ones, not to expose them- Relves during the unsettled weather incident to this season of the year. That alarming disease, Menengites, has made it appearance in Atlanta, and has terminated fatally in several cases. Diess warmly, especially the extremities, keep the feet dry, avoid wetting the head with water, don’t stand on dump ground or in cold places, keep out of drafts of air, and a repetition of the terri ble experience of last February can be en“ tirely avoided. Take Ayer’s Pills for all the purposes of a purgative, for consumption, indigestion, headache and liver complaint. By univer sal accord, they are the best of all purgatives for family US e. feb4-lt I am thoroughly satisfied that Simmons’ Liver Regulator is all it claims to be for indigestion and bilious complaints. I have also heard many of rr.y fiiends speak of it, and all agree that it possesses the virtues c aimed for it. A. 11. Hightower, feb4-lt Conductor M. Sc W. R. R. Tiie question to be debated at the next regular meeting of the Thomaston Literary Society, is : Resolved, That* nature contributes iaor6 to eloquence than art. The appointments are as follows: AFFIRMATIVE. NEGATIVE. 11. T. Jennings. J. Y. Allen, I. R Kendall, C. F. Turner, C. G. Bearce, W. X. Beall, A C. Greene, G. W. T. Hannah, R. D. Shuptrine, B. D. Hardaway, J. K. Adams. The last question was decided in favor of the negative. The ladies and gentlemen are invited to attend. J- Y. Allen, Sec’y. — ♦— For Sale. —A lot of good old mules, on time till November next. Also a fine yoke of oxen. Appiy to C. C. Smith on my firm near Hootenville, or to me at Thom asl°n - Jas. W. Atwater. jau2B-2t Through the kindness of the Secretary, we are able to present the following brief report of the citizen’s meeting held on Fri day morning. It must he a source of grat ification to every lover of order, to know that the Council are determined to put a stop to lawlessness in our midst. Certain individuals seem to imagine that their liber ty is abridged, or their rights taken from them, ii when they choose, they cannot vio late law and order, even in the presence of ladies. On several occasions, recently, lawlessness of a very serious nature bas been committed, greatly to the injury of the public morals. This has given Thom aston the unenviable reputation of being a “rough” place. Now that the citizens have expressed their intention of sustaining the officers of the law, let us hope that by the exercise of firmness and prudence, the order of things may be changed. It is a solemn duty devolving upon every well disposed citizen, to aid and assist iq the mainten ance of order, and frown down every attempt to encourage violations of the pub lic peace: By request of the Town Council, the citi zens of Thomaston met together in the Courthouse, on yesterday, for the purposo of expressing their sentiments as to sustain ing the Council; Judge Weaver, on motion being elected chairman, briefly stated the object of the meeting to be a determination to institute measures for thebetter pres ervation of order in town. With bu} one dissenting voice it was resolvedthat the Council be sustained and upheld in carry ing out the ordinances and be empowered to establish other necessary regulations with in their jurisdiction for the maintenance of order. After considerable discussion and s line very sensible remarks from vari ous gentlemen, the meeting adjourned. Everybody is using Dr. Radcliff’s great remedy, the Seven Seals, or Golden Wonder. It cures like magic. Oue hundred and seventy-two bottles sold by J. L. Johnson & Cos., in one week, and every case cured. See what Dr. J. O. Hunt says about this Medicine. A Certain cure for rheumatism and neuralgia in three minutes. For sale by J. L. Johnson Sc Cos. janl4-lm This is to notify all persons that W. A. Johnson is not my agent any longer, and all persons indebted to me will come and settle forthwith. JonN. N. Webb. jan7- lm. JoT to the World ! Woman is Free ! Among the many modern discoveries look ing to the happiness and amelioration of the human race, none - is entitled to higher consideration than the renowned remedy— Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, Wo man’s Best Friend. By it woman is eman cipated fri»tn the numberless ills peculiar to her sex Before its magic power all irregu larities of the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures suppression of the menses. It removes uterine obstructions. It cures constipation and strengthens the system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails, as thousands of women will testify. This valuable medicine is prepared and sold by L. 11. Bradfield, Druggist, At lanta, Ga. Price, $1.50 per bottle. All respectable drug men keep it. feb4-lt Thr cheapest Furniture in the State is sold every dav by W A. Johnson, Agt., for The Boston Furniture House. jaE2l-tf In the Louisville Courier- Journal, of the 19th, we find the following: “A letter from Mrs. Lee says that it is hpr intention to have the General’s remains removed to Richmond should she ever leave Lexington, and if not, she wishes them a. her death to be placed in Uol ywood, and that she be buried beside him there. commercial l. THOMASTON MARKET. weekly, e*prt *»lj for the Thonjintoo Herald. BY KIXG~& ALLEN. TaioinaTON. Oa , Feb. 4,1870 CORN—Per liasliel |1 00. ME Vi,— Per b i«b el, fi 25 BACON-Clear fidta, IT to 20c. Shcmldara, 15c. Country Hams. 20c. MOT. ASSES—Molasscj. pt'r gallon, 50c. PA RUT— P«r eallon. ’sc. to $1,25. OHEBHE—Per poutsd, 25c. SUGARS—Per pound, IS to 20c COKRtSE—Per pound. 23 t>>Bo c FLOUR —Per hundred, $5 00 to $5 59. HHAT— Per bushel. $2 00 RYE—Per bushel fl 75. OATS—Per bnshel 00. PEAS—Per bushel, $1 00 RILE—Per pound, 11 to 12# LARD—Per pound, 20c to 25c. CHICKEN’S—Spring 25c S A LT—Per gnek, $2 75 BUTTER—Per pound, Goshen. 45c to 60c. Country 25c. EGGS—Per dozen, 2On. • TOHAX’C')—Tobacco from 25c to $1 25 per pound. WHISKY—Corn Whisky por gullo-b, $2 75. Rye Whisky. $3 00. BRANDY—Peach Brandy per gallon, S4 00. Apple Brandy. #5 00. BEEP—Per pound, 7c to Bc. COTTON MARKET. Correctod weekly expressly for the Thomaaton Herald. Middling js Low Middling .12% Good Ordinary Ordinary iq FINANCIAL. GOLD—Buying at 1 lOtol 11. SILVER— Buying at 1 04 to 1 05 R.iTE OF INTEREST—On money 2 per cent, per month. MACON MARKET. Corrected weekly expressly for the Thomaston Herald. BACON-Clear Sides (smoked) ....$ (rb Clear P.ib Sides (smoked) ... @ Phoulders @ Hams l,Sug ir cured) (& BULK ME ATS—Clear Sides Clear Rib Side 9 I2>£ *) 13 Shoulder* i0 COFFEE—Rio . 22 <3) 80 Lagnayra 30 3? • T ava 82 Q, 40 DUIUD FRUIT, per poirrAl 10 fdJ II RICE, per pound 9 10 TEA—Black 1 50 @ 1 75 Green ... . 2 OQ @ 8 00 BUTTER—Goshen 48 (a) 60 Tennessee Yellow 30 (?t\ 4Q Country 25 @ 40 EGGS- 35 (a) 40 LARD— ... 15 '» 16 SUGAR According t.ograde 15 (w 20 MOLASSES—According to grade.... 50 (??) 60 FlSH—Mackerel, bbla,No. 1,2,3 ... 15 00 <Tr 2a 00 Kits 2 75 (a) 5 00 SALT L vt-rpool per sack 1 90 fa) 2 00 WHISKY—Common Rye .... 1 20 (a) 1 25 Fine * 2 00 fa) 5 00 Corn I 20 1 25 Bourbon 2 50 (a) 5 00 Virginia ... 2 50 (3) 3 50 TOBACCO—Low grades per pound.. 50 (3 55 Medium 60 (3 70 Good 70 (3 80 Bright Virginia.. 85 (3 1 50 Fancy . 1 25 rtr) 1 50 FLOUR—Superfine per bbl 7 00 (3 7 50 Extra . 8 00 fi) 8 50 Family . . 950 (3'o 00 Fancy Family Brand 10 50 ( 2)11 00 GRAIN AND HAY. CORN—Yellow, Mixed and White.. 1 00 MEAL— 1 00 <& 1 10 GRITS— 1 25 ® 1 80 OATS— 75 (ft 1 25 WHEAT—Per bushel 1 25 (ft 1 40 FIELD PEAS— 1 00 (ft 1 25 HAY—Northern 2 00 (ft 2 25 Tennessee Timothy (ft 2 00 Herds Grass 2 00 (ft Teune-see 2 00 (ft ATLANTA MARKET. Corrected weekly expressly for the Thomaston Herald. CORN —V r hite, per bushel $ 85®$ 90 Yedew 1 00 WHEAT—Tenn. White, per bushel 1 85® 1 45 Tennessee Red 1 25® 1 85 RYE —Per bushel 1 25 BARLEY—Per bushel 1 25 OATS—Per bushel ... 60® 65 FLOUR —Fancy, per sack 4 00 Family, per sack 4 00 Extra, per sack 1.... 8 60 Superfine, per sack 3 00 BACON —Shoulders, per pound Hams.per pound ® Canvassed Hama, per pound £o® Clear Sidea, per pound ® MEAL—Per bu#el 1 00 HAY—Tennessee per 100 pounds 1 70 Western, per 100 pounds 1 50® 1 60 LA RD—Per pound 14)£ BUTTER—Per pound. 25® 40 EGG—Per dozen 35 FIELD PEAS—Per bushel 1 00ft 1 25 IRISH POTATOES Per bushel ..2 75 O) 325 VI HO INT A SALT Per sack •• 225 COTTON YARNS—Per bunch I 90ft 2 00 PE \CH BRANDY—Per gallon 4 00 APPLE BRANDY—Per gallon 2 75® 3 00 RECTIFIED WHISKY—Proof, per gal... 1 40 RYE WHISKY—Per gall on 2 50'S 5 90 CORN WHISKY-Country, per gallon... 1 50 LIME—Per bu-hel 50ft 60 GREEN APPLES—Per barrel. 6 00 7 00 KING & ALLEN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS & GROCERY MERCHANTS, XIIO3I ASTON, GA., Keep constantly on hand a Large aad Well Selocted Stock of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, CLOTHING, Notions, Sugar, Coffee, Itice, Tobacco, Lard, Flour, * CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, HARDWARE, WOODKN-WA RE, DRUGS, etc, eto. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange for Goods. oct22-tf Bowdon Collegiate Institution, Bowdon, Carroll County, Ga. r ¥MIE exorcise s ! of this Institution will I open January <9t\ 1871 for the Spring Term, and August 17th f««r the Fad Term The citizens of Bowdon having assumed all expenses by ample endow nent, the Trustees have employed a lull corps of instructors We congratulate the friend* of the Ins itntirn otMlrs happy consumatiou and ask for it a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended For < atalogue and Supplementary Circular, giving all particulars, address Rev F. H. M Hendenon, I’xesident. J D. MOORE. Jr, decl7-tf. Secretary Board Trustees STEEL. ENGRAVING OF QE> T . ROBT. E. LEE. Subscribers remitting S4 for one year s subscription to The Sovtkers Press, an Il lustrated Weekly Journal of 40 columns, will receive an elegant engraving of Gen. Robert E. Lee, 24 x 19 in ches forwarded in a secure case, postage paid by us. This number contains a large fioely executed likeness of Gen Lfe, engraved bv a skillful artist from a tograph, expressly for The Press, with an outline of his li'e an account of his obsequies. Single coptes, (if or dered earlv) forwarded to any address on receipt of IU rents. Energetic Canvassers wanted in every county in the South" to whom a liberal ltot eJ pr sered in this issue. Address. THE FEW?. Baltimore. Md. de£ ! * ‘ l!B CASH STORE! FALL Sc WINTER GOODS! C. F. TURNER & BROTHER, WOLLD respectfully inform the public that they have just received their stock of FALL and WINTTIII GOODS, consisting of 1 O DRY GOODS, Hats, Notions, Hoisiery, Fancy G-oods, Furs, Caps, and Groceries. They call SPECIAL ATTENTION to their largo assortment of all kinds of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Which consist in part of Bln ok Alpaccas and Silks, Figured and Colored Alpacoas and Poplins, all wool Delains, Marinoes, Plaid Poplins, Scotch Plaids, Repts, Empress Cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc., etc. All kinds of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Woolen and Cotton Hose, Men and Boys Cotton anl Woolen Half-Hose, Ladies Kid Gloves, every quality of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Berlin Gloves, Boulevard, Balmoral and Hoop- Skirts, Corsets, Plaid Shawls, Arab Shawls, Ladies Marino Vests, etc. Clothing put up to order. For Gentlemen wear they have a full assort ment of FANCY CASSIfIERES, BLACK CLOTH, Doe Skin Cassimeres, all wool Tweeds and Kersey, Sheep’s Grey Kentucky Jeafis, Fredericksburg Herring-Bone Full Cloth and Satinets, Black Silk Velvet and Fancy SIJLiTt VELVET VEST PLA-TEiR,2STS. A large assortment of MEN AND BOYS’ HATS & CAPS. They have oi> hand a good assortment of all kind of Mens, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Childrens' SHOES, and will receive in a few weeks a stook of Men and Bovs WINTER BOOTS, Ladies, Misses and Mens GUM SHOES. They will also receive in a short time a fine assortment of LADIES AJSTO UVCISiSIfiS FURS. As they SELL EXCLUSIYEDY FOR CASH, they can afford to sell Goods at as moderate prices as any house in Central Georgia. They respectfully invite the citizens of Thomaston and vicinity to give them a call. Thankful for the liberal patronage they have already received, they hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. C. F. TURNER & BRO. octls-tf THOMASTON, UL’SON, CO. OA. SUG-GS & OLIPHANT, DEALERS IN DRUGS & DRY GOODS, THOMASTON, GEORGIA, Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to them by their numerous friends, beg leave to inform them that they are receiving, and have now in store, a fresh stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part © PRINTS, POPLINS, DELAINES, ALPACAS, FLANNELS, SHIRTING, SHEETINGS, DOMESTICS. NOTIONS, See.. Also a nice lot of Colutnbu6 Eagle and Phrenix Factory Goods, such as Casimers, Jeans. Stripes, Checks and Ginghams A complete assortment of Hats and Sh< es for ladles and gentlemen. We continue to make drugs, medicines, and Dye Stufs, a speciality. Fine Wines and Liquors, always on hand for medicinal purposes. octl-tf ~THE FREEMASON FOR 1870 ! THE Masonic Monthly in the world. It contains tidings froia the Craft in all parte ot the Glob#. It is strictlv cosmopolitan and is the organ of the Cra't everywhere. i»nd not confined to any one State or lucidi ty. Each number complete In itaelt. Sample copies sent free. Every Ma«rrß Mason in good standing authorized to nctas acent intending subscriptions. A discount made to club agents if. de.-ired apd in all cuaes a copy sent free to such agents, if eot-fied. CLUB RATES. Clubs of ten to twenty $ I 60 Clnbs of twenty to fifty 1 35 Clubs of fifty or more 1 25 bingle subscribers 2 IK) Names ivftiv be added at any time in the year at club rates. Back numbers supplied. Address. GEO. FRANK GOULEY, nov29-8m t>C Louis, Mo. The Southern Farm and Home. A. FIRST CLASS AGRKJCLTUSaL UOJUHLY. GEN. W. 31. BROWN E, ISITOI, At 3‘4 OO per Year in Advance. r TMIE Second Volume commences with Ji November number. Now is the time to sab eorib*. Address, J. W. LTKKE, A CO.. eet9-tf M&toa, Ga. fmm Waterwheel, Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulleys V 0 $K li IM 0 R^L fcracircular^^* leptlO-ly Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one medl cine is so universally Jw required by eveiy body as a cathartic, nor was ever any be gg) fore so universally adopted into use, in |Wi among all classes, as nils mild but efficient W purgative rill. The , —i— , j . obvious reason is, U - that it. is a more relia ~—===’ ble and far more ef fectual remedy than any otlier. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them; those who have not, know that it cures theirneiglibors and friends; and ail know that what it does once it does al ways that it never fails through any fault or neg glect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions m all climates; containing neither calomel norany deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthv action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the bfidy, restoring their irregular action to nealth, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such de rangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the Wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these nils rapidly cure: For I>jMjt<»pftia or Indig-rotion, Untie*** new. Lang uor and Lo*« of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For liver Complaint and its various symp toms, ftiliou* Heartache, Sick Heart ache. Jaundice or Green SickneM, Oil ions Colic and Oiliou* Fever*, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Oyiuenterr or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, Gout, Gravel, Pal pitation of the Heart, Pain in the Slide. Rack and U»in*, thev should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Rrop*j and Drop«ical Swelling* they should be taken id large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For ftuppreMMion a large (lose should be taken as it produces ’die desired effect by svin puthj\ Asa 7>ift)ier Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably wellfloflen finds that » dose of these Pill a makes him feel decidedly bet ter, from their cleansing and renovating efftkt oa the digestive apparatus. Dr. .7. C. A YE It & CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., V. S. A. For sale in Thomaston by phant, and all Druggists everywhere. febl2*ly TOB WORK of all kinds neatly executed *t ths HEEALD CfllCE. * declg-t/ TO PHYSICIANS ! New YuXk. August. 12th 1808. Allow me to call jour attention to my PREPARATION OK C'OMPOI'SD EX TRAIT BrCIW. The component parts are BUCHU, LONG LEAF, CtBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. Moi-a or Preparation.—Buchu, in vacuo Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine gin. Cubebs extracted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries; very little sugar is used, and a small pros portion of spirit. It is more palatable than any now in use. Buchu, as prepared by Druggists, is of a dark color* It is a plant that emits its tra grance ; the action ol a flame destroys this (its active principle), leaving a dark and glutinous decoction. Mino is the oolor of ingredients. The Buchu in my preparation predominates ;* th 6 smallest tpiantity of the other Ingredients are added, to prevent fer mentation ; upon inspection it will be found not to be a Tincture, as made in Phurma copcea. nor is it a Syrup—and therefore can be used in cases where lever or inflamation exist. In this, you have the knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, and that upon inspection it will meet wi* 1 your approbation, *v ith a feeling of confidence, 1 uni, very respectfullr, 11. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist and Druggist of lb Years’ Experience. [From the Largest Manufacturing Chem* ists in the World.] v November 4* 1860. “I am acquainted with Mr. 11. T . Helm* bold ; he occupied the Drug Store opposite my residence, and was successful in con ductihg the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise.” WILLIAM WEIGIITMAN, Firm of Powers <fe Wcightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. UELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BU 6ntr fs the gr*»at specific for Universal Lassitude, Prostration, &c. The constitution, once aflected with Or ganic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which IIELMBOLD’SEXTRACT BUCIIU invariably does. If no treatment is sub mitted to, Consumption or insanity ensues. IIELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, In affections peculiar to Females, is uncqual ed by any other preparation, as in Chlor osis, or Retention, Painfulness, or Suppres. sion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, or the decline or change of life. IIELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT, BU CHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change in di et, no inconvenience or.»exposure ; com pletely superceding thor-e unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva cud Merci ry, in all these diseases. USE IIELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU In all dhea-es of these orjJUns, whether ex isting in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and matter of how long standing. It is pleasant ir. taste and odor, “immediate” in action, and more strength ening than any of the preparations ol Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate constitution, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be avrire tb'at, however slight may be the attack of the above dis ease, it ia certain to affect the bodily health and mental powers. All th? above diseases reqirire th*v aid of a Diuretic. lIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1 25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,60. Delivered to any address. Describe sympx toms in all communications. Address If. t. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 574 Broadway, New York NONE ARE GENUINE Unless done up in steel-engraved wrapper, with sac- simile of my Chemical Warehouse and signed m .yTrly II T. HELM BOLD.