The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, February 04, 1871, Image 4

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Field and J-lousehold. Warty Teats. Get a bottle of castor oil, keen it handy, end every time when done milki -ft, oil the warts and around the roots of the same, and in two or three weeks that cow will have as nice, smooth teats as any cow.— Cin. Gazcl'e. (•I a It am Flour Hofllns. One pint of sour milk ; a small tenspooD ful of soda; one teaspoonful of sugar: Graham flour enough to make a thick batter. Bake in rings, or drop the batter in spoon fuls on a square tin. A little salt should be added to the batter before baking. Water Cake. One teacup of sugar ; two eggs ; half cup of butter; one teacup of water; two curs of flour ; two teaspoonfnls of cream tartar ; one of soda ; heat the butter and eggs to a cream: then add the other ingredients; stir well, and bake quick ; flavor with nutmeg or lemon. Hen n Soup. Pick over the beans in the morning. Soak them three hours in a large quantity of warm water on the hack of the stove. Pour off this water and boil them in anoth er until quite soft. Strain through a col ander and reduce to the right consistency with hot milk. About ten minutes before serving, break into the Roup brakers’ crack ers or toasted bread. An excellent dish or variety. Winter Plowing. At this season no opportunity should be lost for plowing, spading, and subsoiling. All work done now will he so much toward relieving the farmer and gardener from the press that usually comes on in the spring. Besides all soils are much lighter and more friable by fall and winter plowing, and in addition to putting the spring work ahead, the freezings and thawings of the plowed soil leave it light, open and easy of pul verization. New Year’ll. Cookies. Four fresh eggs beat with a pound of su gar one hour, the iuiee and rind of one lemon, one pound of flour, and one half teaspoonful of hartshorn. These cakes must be made in a cold room, or they will be too soft; roll thin cut them in squares, and impress them with any fancy mould ; lay on the. pans anise or caraway seed, in-- stead of buttering ; let the cakes dry from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and after wards bake in a very slow oven without browning : they will keep a year.— Godey’s Lady’s Book. A Good Way to Cook Chickens. Touching this subject, Mrs. Ingolepe writes : “Fricassee your chicken, taking care to brown the skin nicely ; season to taste. When done set by to cool ; then re move all the bones: put back info the dish in which it was cooked. Take a chopping knife and chop finely, leaving in all the oil of the fowl ; if net enough of that, add a piece of butter. Then pack closely in a dish, a? you wish it to go to the table, and when your friends come to taste it, my word for it, their approbation will more than repay you for the little extra trouble it hae taken to prepare it.” The Night Lump. There are many families who use night lamps, and burn kerosene oil, a very good thing when properly used. A few words on the suhject of its use at night may prove interestiug to the general reader. When the light of the kerosene lamp is turned down low, the combustion is not perfect, and the atmosphere of the room becomes vitiated by the unconsumed oil vapors, by the gas produced by combustion, and also legitimate particles of smoke and soot thrown off, to be taken into the lungs of the occupants. Air thus poisoned is deadly in its effects, and the wonder is that the people are not immediately and fatally injured by breathing it. Its consequence are the unaccountable and mysterious head aches, irritation of throat and lungs, dizzi ness and nausea. . Ripe Fruits in Sitting Hooihs. We should be chary of keeping ripe fruit in our sitting rooms, and especially beware of laying it about a sick chamber for any length of time. The complains which some poople make of a faint sensation in the presence of fruit, is not fanciful ; they may be really affected by it, for two continental chemists have shown that from the moment of plucking, apples, cherries, currants, and other fruits are subject to incessant trans formation. At first they absorb oxygen, thus robbing the surrounding air of its vital element ; they then evolve carbonic acid, and this in sass greater volume than the purer gas is absorbed, so that we have poison given us, in the place of pure air, with compound interest, warmth accelera ting it.— Good Health. Tltc Wciglit of Women's Clothing. A writer in Good Health says that the average weight, all the year round, of that portion of a woman’s clothing which is supported from the waist* is between ten and fifteen pounds; and that if a woman was sentenced to carry such a weight about in this way for a number of years, for some great crime, the punishment would be de nouneed-as an inhuman one; yet thousands of women daily endure such a punishment voluntarily, because if is the custom, and because they do not know the bad effects likely to follow. The writer earnestly counsels women not to adopt an attire sim ilar to that worn by men, hut to have their clothing suspended from the shoulders, by which dangerous pressure on abdominal muscles would he avoided. Lighted Stables. It seems to us, says Hearth and Home, that farmers do not fully appreciate the im portance of light in horse and cow stables. Very few farmers' barns built forty yeaie ago have got even a single window. Some of those recently erected have a few, but in a majority of cases the} 1, are too small, and not incerted where they should be. There should be at least one large window for every two stalls, placed opposite each par tition, and the bottom of the sashes should not be lower than six feet from the stable floor, so that when opened or raised in mild weather the air may not blow upon the animals. Fall, winter and spring storms of rain, snow and sleet not unfrequently last two days and some times three. No humane, prudent farmer would leave so important and valuable domestic 6toek as horses and cattle exposed to such storms during the day or night, and if his stables are well lighted, dry, comfortable, and sufficiently ventilated, his stook will endure the confinement cheerfully, and with no desire to be out- doors. Legal Advertisements. Libel for Divorce. State of Georgia—Ups- v c unity. Suportor Court, November Term. If TO. Present His Honor, James W. Greene, Judge. Martha Ann lizard, ) Libel for Divorce, VS. V Bailess A. Ile&H. 1 Pule to perfect service. It appearing to the Court ffom the return of the Sheriff that the Defer.J.ant doe* rxtt reside in this conntv; and it further appearing that he is a non-r- si dent of thisStato It is, on motion of Ooun-el, ordered, that said Defendant appear and answer at the next term of tills Conrt; else that the case be considered in default and the Plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it i« further ordered that this Rule be published in the Thoinaston Herald once a month for four months. A true extract from the minutes dec3l-4m H. T JENNINGS, Clerk. Upson Sheriff’s Sale. TTTILL he sold before the Court House \ Y door, in the town of Thomaaton. Upson eonritv, Ga during the regular and lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March rext. the following property to-wit: Twelve cane-seat chairs, two rocking chairs, two folding tables, one pair andirons, off 1 bedstead, bed and furniture, ‘wo bedsteads, beds and furniture one small table, one looking glass, one bureau, one clock, two demijohns with five gallons wine each, four com mon chairs, one large wash pot one buggy and harness one bav horse nine or ten years old. one black horse, one bridle and saddle, one cow’ and calf. Said piopertv levied on to satisfy one fi fa. in favor of John K Hart and J. Y. Allen, vs. James W. Hightower, issued from the Superior Court of Upson county. November Term, 1870. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. Also, at the same time and place, one sorrel horse mule 10 or II years old, one black mare mule 10 or 12 years old, and one bay colt. Levied on to satisfy one fl. fa. issued from Upson Superior Court. November Term. 1870, in favor ol James M. Smith fur the use of the officers of Court vs. Nathaniel F. Walker, N. M. Walker, M. I?. Walker, and June Walker, colored. Property pointed out by plaintiff'. O C LIT ARM AN, Sheriff / I EORGTA Upson county. AVherPßs \ X" John W. Jones, temporary Administrator of the estate of William Jones late of said county, deceased, applies for permanent administration of said estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Feb ruary next, whv said administration should not be granted Given nnder my hand this 29th dav of De cern her, 1870. W.V. A. COBB. dec3l-td Ordinary. /\EORGT A—Upson county. Whereas \ T Franklin Brown applies for the Guardianship of the property of Martha K. Uard.v and Thomas A. Har dy. orphans of Isaac Hardy, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons conchrfied to show cause, ifany they have on the first, Moriday in February next, why said guardianship should not he granted Given under my hand, this 221 day of December, 1870. dac24 td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. rA EORGIA Upson county—Whereas. TT Robert S. Tisingef applies for the Guardianship of the property of Pharos Hardy. Marv E. Hardy and Thomas E. Hardy, orphan children of Thomas Hardy, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause if any they have, on the first Monday in February next, why said guardianship should not. be granted. Given under my hand, this 22d dav of December, 1870. dec24-td WM. A. COBB. Ordinary. EORGIA —Upson county —Whereas \ I Thomas R. Kendall applies for the Guardianship of the property of William J. Thomas, orphan child of William J. Thomas, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on the first Monday in February next, why the said guard ianship should not be granted. Given under my hand this the 20th dav ofDec'r, IS7O. dec24-td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. f EORGIA— Upson county Whereas V TANARUS" William L. Adamsapplies for letters of Guardian ship of the property of Fanny Buckholts. Leodora P.uckholts and John J. Buckholts, orphan children of James Buckholts, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections, it any they have, to the granting of said Guardianship on or before the first Monday in Fehrnavy next. Given nnder my hand this 22d dav of December, IS7O. dec24 td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. fIOOROIA —vpson county.—Court of Ordinary, T December Term, 1870.—Whereas Amos Worrill anplies for dismission from the administration of the estate of Burn 1 W. Jackson, deceased. It Is therefore ordered that rule ni si be published in the Thomaston Herald for three months, returnable to this Court, on the first Monday in April next, that all persons con cerned may have notice thereof and act accordingly. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. W VI. A. COBB, Ordinary. dec 1 .7-Bm—Pi inter's fee $7,00 /" A EORGIA-Upson county—Elijah Per- VJT due, of said county, has this day filed his petition, as the head of a family, for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 12 o clock M., on the 11th day of February next, at m.y office in Thomaston. jan2B-2t WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. IDETSTTISTIR/Sr! undersigned being permanently located in Thomston,still tenders thior professional services in the practice of Dentistry to the citizens of Upson and adjoining counties. Teeth inserted on g Id silver, adamantine or rubber. All work warranted and a good fit guaranteed. Office up stairs over WILSON SAWYERS store. dec9 ft BRYAN & SAWYER. SIO^EWARD! I HAVE I ost my Pocket Book containing papers worth several thousand dollars to me, but valueless to any other person. I will give the abo’ e reward to any one safely returning these papers. declO-tf JAMES SHATTLES. THE OHIO FARMER. A r OL. XX-1870. The Great Paper for the Farm and Fireside. r PIIE OHIO FARMER is a Weekly of £_ Twenty Pages, printed on pure paper, large quarto form, ciit covered and stitched, it being the onl journal of the kind in the country. Each number contains a large amount of useful information, all articles being snort ana' to the point Editorials fresh and practical. Everything pertaining to the FARM, GARDEN AND VINEYARD Are thoroughly discussed. A Mechanical Department i« kept full of instructive hints to aid in the FARM WOEK-SflO p . Special attention is given to the DO MESTIC Department: and for the FIRESIDE are furnished Incidents of For* ign Travel, Stories Sketches, Choice Poetry, Fun, &c ,&c The CHILDREN’S De partment is nicely illustrat'd each week, and filled with such things as will gladden the hearts of the litile ones, and make them better. Only Two Dollars a Year. Six Months for One Dollar; Three Months for Fifty Cents. Specimen Copies Free. Address OHIO FARMER, CLEVELAND, O COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO,, MACON, GA., CAPITAL - $500,000. SIOO,OOO Deposited with State Authorities for Protection of Policy Holders. OmOEPIS : WM. B. JOHNSON, President, WM S. HOLT, Vice President, GEO. S. OBEAR, Secretary, JNO W. BURKE General Agent, C. F McCAY Actuary, JAMES M. GREEN,....Med. Examiner, W. J. MaZILL Sup. Agencies. This is a Southern Institution and a Home enterprise. Controlled and directed by your friends and neighbors Its Capital is larger than any similar enterprise in the South, and its ratio of Assets to liabilities (the only true test of soundness) very much greater. Husband, have you provided an ample support for your wife and children in the event of your death? If not insure your life in the Cotton States. Sons, have you provided for the comfort and snpport of your aged mother should you die first? If not in sure in the Cotton States It will cost you but a trifle. Young men, do you wish to provide yourself with a handsome endowment, in five, ten, or fifteel vc-rs? Then save a portion of your earnings and take a policy In the Cotton States. All should ensure while they can, for disease or ac cident may prevent them from getting a policy should they delay. E. A. FLEWELLEN, . * Agent. TOB WORK of all kinds neatly executed at the HRRALD OFFICE. dsclS-tf Bbcfeßl&mi CHARLES A. DANA. Editor. 'WwMy £un. A Newspaper oi the Present Times. Intended for People Now on Earth. Including Farmers. Mechanics. Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Man ner of Honest Folks, and the Wives* Sons, and Daughters of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAIt ! ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR §3O, Or less than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a $59 Club at eyery Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN, 82 A YEAR, of the same size and general character os THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of miscellaneous reading, and furnishing the news to its subscribers with greater freshness, because it comes twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY SUN, S6 A YEAR. A preeminently readable newspaper, with the largest circulation in the world. Free, inde pendent, and fearless in politics. All the news from everywhere. Two cents a copy ; by mail. 50 cents a month, or 86 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed. Four Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed sand an extra copy to thegetter up of club). Eight Do«ars. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of club). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, to one addrets (aDd the Semi-W eekly one year to getter up of club), Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed (and the Semi-Weeklyoneyearto getter up of club), Thirty-five Dollars. One hundred copies, one year, to one address (and the Daily for one year to the getter up of club). Fifiy Dollars. One hundred copies, one year, separately ad dressed (and the Daily for one year to the getter up of club), Sixty Dollars. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed. Eight Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY h? Post Office orders, checks, cr drafts on New York, wherever convenient. If not, tnen register the letters containing money. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, Sun office, New York City. Tlio Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, For Female Com plaints, whether in young or old, mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn ot life, these Ton ic Bitters have no equal; are safe and reliable in all forms of disease. Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? TREY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK-, Made of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Bpir~‘ its, and Refuse Liquors, aoctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tho taste, called ‘•Tonics 1 ’ “ Appetizers,” “ Restorers,” that lead the tiprler onto drunkenness and ruin, but are atrua Medicine, made from tho Native Roots and Ilerba of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the GRE AT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRIN CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigoratof of the Bystem, carrying oil all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters, according to directions, and remain long unwell. *IOO will be given for an incurable case, pro viding the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and tile Vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu- • matism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indi go stion, Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood,, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Organs. They invigorate the stomach, and es imnlato the torpid liver and bowels, which render them, of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor 4 to t he whole system. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, 1 Vain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bidious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Pain in tho regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other Eainful symptoms which are tho offsprings of •yspepsia, are cured by theso Bittern. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find] its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions, or Bores; cleanse it when it is foid, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pare and the health ci' tho system will follow. ■**( PIN, TAPE, and other WORM3, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages — English, German, French, and Spanish. { ,T. WALKER, 32 & 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. Proprietor. R. n. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and General Agents. San Francisco, California, and 32 and 34 Com merce Street, N. Y. 1 tP§“ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, septl?-6m GOLDEN MOMENTS! i ';SV, inform those #§|Pf% r '[> Es! wanting a Time #' && j§£> yjlv scription they j would do well to V- ’Ss®* 4 ■ ) cal! at SO C OLIVER S. IIIGGIN’S New JEWELRY STORE, Earnest ille, Ga., as I keep on hand and are constantly rec iving fresh from New York the latest and most improved le of Watches, Clods and Jewelry, which I nm offering at astonishingly low prices as I am dealing di.e-ctly with i rporters I feel confident t iat I can furnish this class of Goods as cheap as tmv House in Georgia. 1 am determined to keep on hand a GENUINE WATCH and CLUCK, which wo can sell to our customers and WARRANT AS REPRESENTED I am permanently located In BARNESVILLE and am going to build up a business In this line purely on merit, so if you want a FINE WATCH or CI <>CK call »t the sign of the 4 BIG WATCH,’ in tho" new BRICK BLOCK, next door to Bloodworth A Murnhev East side public square. 1 V9T W atches and Clocks carefully repaired and warranted. OUVER S. IIIGUIXS. jan22-tf Rnrnesville, Ga. ADVERTISEMENTS. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore! COME TO ATLANTA. 1 11. K. SHACKLEFORD, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, NO. 8, BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, OEORGrIA. Sole Agent for the Celebrated TOBIAS BITTERS. TAEALER in fine WINES. BRANDIES, WHISKIES, GINS, &c. Will duplicate any bill of Pure Proof LIQUORS bought in the above mentioned markets. Grocers and Dealers in Liquors in Middle Georgia can save money by purchasing from my house. I can sell CHAMPAGNE cheaper by the case than can be bought outside of New York. Send for Circulars and Price Current. IK. SHACKELFORD. June 4 1870 .4 TllOrS4\l> WOMEN TESTIFY. DR, J. ERADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR, ROMAN'S BEST FRIEND | 4 CERTAIN CURE FOR WHITES, SUPPRESSED MENSES, and other diseases peculiar to women. Prepared and sold by L. 11. BRADFIELD, Wholesale Drug gist, /Atlanta, Ga. Friee $1 50. TESTIMONIALS : Tupkegfe. Ala., Nov. 21, 1869 —Mr. L. 11. Btadfield—Sir: Please forward us im mediately, another supply of “BraJfield’s Female Regulator. ” We find it to be all that is claimed for it, and we have witnessed the most decided ar.d happy effects produced by it. Very respectfully, HUNTER &, ALEXANDER. We. the undersigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to the trade Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator, believing it to be a good and reliable remedy for the dis eases for which he recommends it. W. A DANSDELL, Atlanta, Ga. W. C. LAWSIIE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOTS & SON, Marietta, Ga. PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR & CO., Atlanta, Ga. State of Georgia. Trotjp County- This is to certify that I have examined the res ceipt of Dr. Josiah Bradfield, of this county, and as a medical man, pronounce it to be a combination of medicines of great merit in the treatment of all the ciseases of females for which he recommends it. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21, 1898* Feb’y 26, 1870 ly PATENT METALLIC WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES. IY/ r E beg leave to call your attention to an entirely new article known as “Patent v * Metallic White Wire/’ p >ssessing qualities which prevent it from ever corroding or turning from its color during any number of years, and on which letters Patent have been secured. It has been found to be the only article suitable for a Clothes Line. The old fashion rope or chord always causes so much trouble and annoyance by breaking, rotting out, and discoloring clothes, and by being obliged to be put up and taken down every time used. With this WIRE CLOTHES LINE, You have none of these annoyances, and when it is once put up it gives you no more trouble. After using it we are confident you will fully corroborate the statement of thousands of others in its praise. Every family should, and will eventually have one. It will not rust nor corrode, though you may keep it in water for any length of time, even salt water. SIX REASONS WIIY EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES: Ist. You never have to take it out of the weather. 2d. It will last fifty years or more. 3J. It is the cheapest Clothes Lines in the world. 4th. You cannot load it heavy enough with clothes to brake it. sth. It does not in any way discolor, wear or injure clothes that are hung upon it. 6th. It will save its price in saving clothes every six months you own it. IRBY 11. TRAYLER, of Thomaston, Upson county, Georgia, is the authorized a«-ent for the Hudson River Wire Works in Georgia. All orders to Irby 11. Trayler, ton, Geargia, will be promptly filled when the cash accompanies 'the or.der. IRBY H. TRAYLOR, April 2,1870-ls Agent for Hudson River Wire Works. They are a GentleFnrgatlve as well as aTonic,posses ing also, the peculiar merit of acting aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs G.H.&A.W. FORCE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES WHITEHALL STREET, ■A.'rx./X.tNTT.A., aA. janls-ly .\r. bTkenny’s NEW ALE DEPOT, NO. 14 PRYOR STREET, ATLANTA, GA. J£ENNY is State Agent for tho celebrats ed O LD WICKLIFFE. KENNY is Agent for Lill’s CHICAGO ALE. 0T KENN Y is Agent for London Royal Nectar Gin. E£F“ KENNY is Agent for old Tom Gin. ILT KENNY manufactures All Grades of Segars. KENNY’S BITTERS cannot be excelled as a tonic. Try them! Go and see KENNY ai his new stand on Pryor Street. ff. L CLAY & CO, WHOLESALE. LIQUOR DEALERS AND Commission Merchants, NO. 1 Oft A NIT M BLOCK, BROAD AT. ATLANTA, GA., PRICE LIST. X W. p. p«r Kn | It 0,1 XX W. I\ in,, g*l j' m Ten. Corn Whisky, per gal f 1.90 to 9 20 1 en. Rye Whiakey, per gnl I.NI to 8 (H) fctberwm WhiNky. ner gal. 9.00 to 4 (H) v vv’ttb i l M,r *•! 1.00 to S.(M) (nv \ X XVVMskv, per ital 1.20 to 2.00 1 U y WhUky, per gal 9.00 to 6.00 Lee» Best Wrhbjky. pei g.,1 2.0nt0 4.00 ~er K* l 2.(H> to 0.00 Old C row Whiskey, p.«r gal., 2.60t0 7.00 JftUxlMf LIVERY INDJILE STABLE. A LWAYS on hand, pike tons, Carriages, Buggy and Saddle Hoises. FINE BLOOD HORSES, to (Lovers' 6 livery ‘ Extra accommodations given WALKER. <3c BRO. 3 GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Snv f T ißh toa ™ B for the Indian Springs, and ( jiinel'l tf ßnd " anU Spr ngs * on re:l ß"nable terms. A. STAFFORD. A. J. BLALOCK. J w STAFFORD Stafford, Blalock & Cos, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Goods, HARDWARE, CUTLERY &c„ ITT* No 21 Main Street, Barnesville, Ga dec» THE VOCAL TRIAD. EMBRACING THREE systems of musical notation Containing over Fifty Lessons in the THEORY OF MUSIC PROGRESSIVE AND CATECHETICAL ORDER, Divided into Three Departments: Primary, Intermedi ate and Advanced Courses, Interspersed with New Music EMINENT COMPOSERS; Embracing many pieces never before published, for the uso of Choirs, Societies, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND CONVENTIONS. B Y PROF. E. T. POUND, BARNESVILLE, GA. PRICES : Single Copy ..s i 50 IVr Doaen 16 Per Hundred.... 135 qq eepß-tf A HEROIC REMEDY: HENR Y ’ s CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR! .BASED ON SCIENCE PREPARED WITH SKILL, and all the available engenuitv and err ness, that the art of pharmacy of th/?' sent day ean contribute. And comb in Concentrate! Form the most "“4 Valuable Vegetable Juicm Known in the History of Medicine. < PURIFYING THE BLOOD Imparting NUTRITION TO THE SYSTEM Tn v, TO THE STOMACH. ’ f And a Healthy aeti< n to the Liver, K neys, Secretive and Excretive 0r iAns A DYING ZUAVE Lay breathing his last on the battle ti, his companions surged on and left ; ' alone. They knew the cause of his . preaching end it was tho deadly bullet y friendly voice could cheer him to life .* human skill could s£ve him THOUSANDS OP PRECIOUS LIVES are to-day as rapidly sinking, and as i cr , ly tottering on to an untimely end, i Q v sering, Agony, Wretchedness, and ance of the cause which Science can arrest and assuage Nourish into new Life and Vig , r And cause the Bloom of Health To dance once more upon their with,, ed Cheeks. DISEASE, LIKE A THIEF, Steals upon its victims unawares, and L, fore they are aware of its attack, pl a[l ., itself firmly in the system, aud thr i•» neglect or inattention becomes seated, a' defies all ordinary or temporary treating to relinquish its merciless grasp. DO YOU KNOW THR CAUSE OF The wasted form—the hollow check? The withered face—the sallow eomplexi, r.' The feeble voies—the sunken, glassy The emaciated f-irm—the trembling fra, The treacherous pimple-the torturings r The repulsive eruption—the inflamed n<’ The pimpled face—the rough colorless skit’ and debilitating ailments of the pre-s; age? The answer is simple, and cover.- t;.e whole ground in all its phases, viz: the Fangs of Disease AND HERE*D ITA It Y T A INI ARE FIRMLY FIXED IN THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE—TIIE BLOOD. The INDISCRIMINATE VACCINATION during the late war, with diseased Ljaiji has TAINTED THE BEST BLOOD in the entire land. It has planted the gua of the most melancholy disease in the n o of men, women and children on all sides, and nothing short of a HEROIC REMEDY will Eradicate it root and branch, fnrevo Such a Remedy is HENRY’S CARBOLIC CON ST IT U T ION H E NOV A TOR. On reaching the Stomach, it assimilates at once with the food and liquids theuir and from the moment it passes into the Blood, it attacks disease at its fountain head, in its germ and maturity, and die pates it through the avenues of the organ? with unerring certainty, and sends new aid pure Blood bounding ttirough every artery arid vein. The tubercules of Scrofula that some times flourish and stud the inner coating - the abdomen, like kernel of corn, are with cred, dissolved and eradicated and tbe <i*« eased parts nourished into life. Tbe Tor pid Liver and Inactive Kidneys arc stimif lated to a healthy secretion, and the:: natural functions restored to renews health and activity. Its action upon the blood, fluids of tb« body, and Glandular System, are Tonic. Purifying and Disinfectant. At its tou.n disease droops, dies, and the victim of it* violence, as it were, LEAPS TO NEW LIFE. It relieves the entire system of Pains ant Aches, enlivens the spirits, and imparts > Sparkling brightness on the Eye, A rosy glow to the Cheek, A ruby tinge to the Lip, A clearness to the Head, A brightness to the Complexion, A buoyancy to the Spirits, And happiness on all sides. Thousands have been rescued from ti' verge of the grave by its timely use. This Remedy is now offered to tbe pu v with the most solemn assurance of its* l ' trinsic medicinal virturesv and po”ver:* Healing properties. For all Affections of the KIDNEY - RETENTION of URINE, and Diseases Women and Children. Nervous tion, Weakness, General Lassitude, a: * Loss of Appetite, it is unsurpassed. If e * tinguishes Affections of the Bones, Coetiveness, Debility, Diseases of tbe K--’ ney*s, Dyspepsia, Erysipelis, Female * regularities, Fistula, all Skin Disease* Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles. F-j monary Diseases, Consumption, Scrofula •• King's Evil, Syhillis. PREPARED BY Prof. M. E. HENRf* DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE BERLIN HOSPITAL; M. A., L. L. I)., F. R. s. HENRY & CO., Proprietors . Laboratory, 278 Pearl Street. Post-office Box, 5272, New Yor* CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5. S® n j where on receipt of price. requested to correspond confidentially) reply will be made by following mail. Sold by all respectable Druggists. raeh26-ly