The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, February 11, 1871, Image 3

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IpOWASTON HERALD. GA , FEB. 11,1871. p-rr'MAT'i~ ■ A of interest to the reader* of ‘Mot*’’ from our friend, in every I %** ** t 0 r e.l estate changes, accidents. CO®® '* ■ uESTEkJ RAILROAD. B Ct> A J- wnITK ’ pre * id< ‘ nt * DAT rAS** f '' <3HR " c f>:00 a. m. I ••* “ 8:05 A. »t ■■!’.>; p>rnf#Tllle a. *. tl 7:50 a. x. m •••; 10:20 a.m. |t B*rn« TiU ® fc 10 t. M. Et* Ai:>Bl *„Kiirr rAMRMOB*. ' 8:28 p.m. ■ . .tl.nt* •••” 8:00 p. m. * ville 11:05 p. M. ■Ayico" 11:50 p.m. Kit BtrnWj 1 •*•••']'*" 4 ;8 0 A . M. "ZroToTeT BsaTl has been ap- of Thomas ton. An excel ■!**«, wj ,,>inlT l. ■ Remember Mr. W. X. Beall’s Rltst Monday, for tbe double-barrel lf r .sd fixing"^ I . , , _onl. Alexander, one of the form I’ T ' i!t „ r , „f tbe UEeau). and Dr. Riley, l !ltr » „f the Piedmont and R;„ c ton Life Insurance Company, both EriSn, are thej’me of writing. _-.Mr F. M. Jordan, who has W *Zg in* the capacity of Marshal for B, days past, has Riven up-not the tb, any means, hut his baton. KcjiDffi* - T be new Bchedule of th ® I Western trains is published this K"*the head of this column. Since the ■ travel has increased considerably K informed, the public being better Elated than before. I, jjp _persons indebted to G. J. Cos., Levris & Robinson and Robt. Iptrryman, are reminded that money is Eed by these gentlman. Step up and Kjnur accounts. See request under E Advertisements. EjornoßAPHio Gallery.— Mr. L. A- E,from Griffin, will open aPhotgraph BilJlerv, in Thomaston. in tbe Brick Kiine:, on or about the 15th instant. I Kill be remembered by all of our old Errivc Better.-On Wednesday, Capt. Ei Hull hud so far recovered from his Eit severe illness, as to be able to be to his home. lie is still suffering Es. &nd his recovery will undoubtedly Eow, but we are sanguine of seeing him E f streets restored to health, before elapse. » Educational Review.—We have ■riedthe February number of this valu- Bt monthly and have devoted as many as we could spare to the perusal Bopajes. It now has a larger circula- Br'Wiany other educational publication Blip South or West—the just reward of All articles in the Review are Btliod of a solid nature. The price B'<magazine is only $1,50 a year. E. Bi'bart k Cos.. Publishers, 704 Chestnut B St. Louis Board.—The gentlemen who Btaktn out polices in the Piedmont and B'jti'n Life Insurance Company, in Baston; organized a local Board of n o Thursday evening last, with Boiceof the following officers: Presi- B 8 D. Hardaway; Vice President, i rr y |11an ; Medical Examiner, G. iinnah; Secretary. FI. T. Jennings. Blsll take occision to touch at greater Bupon this company at another time. Bsinto Task.— Attention is called to B'enisement of Messrs. L. Cohen & I J’is issue. Merchants and private Bering liquor to purchase, can pur- B 'his firm, With the certainty that M M Simon-pure article will be I 'em. Brandies, Wines, Whiskies, ■ a l wa ys on hand and f<*r sale in I to suit Customers. If you chose ■ l?1 old Monongahela for your B take” send your order to Cohen I Tor Dealers, Atlanta. the citizens of Rocky B neighborhood, upon their ex ■ ’ ‘ f irtune in securing tho services and refined lady. Miss I lx ay, as teacher for their children. whs raised in Thomaston, and the Masonic Female College in Ga., where she graduated in a B*" w ith high honors. We know Remarkably well qualified for the E*hioh she has been called to fill, ■ considerable experience in for one of her age. We B ar e in recommending Miss Cfira- E ?°°d people of Rocky Mo'liht B. c T and sincerely hope they will B^ 8 her by securing a full and E school, as she is in every way ■ ' e >r confidence and esteem. Ef 10n t 0 debated at the Next fl wn g of tbe Thomaston LitGrary roen are mofe deceptive B^l? orally and 80ciall y* B r0161118 are as follows : El Ft IVK ' negative. ■s* ’ J - Y - Allen » B - D - Hardawa^, ISw. W - X - Bea,1 ‘ Bitiyj 681,00 Was decided in favor of I n d gentlemen are invited to Y. Allen, Sec’y. LErr.-Mr. James H. Drake has gone to Atlanta to live, where he has been appointed to a responsible position in ono of the Rail road offices; Our best wishes for his health and success go with him. The Farm and Home foTFebruary is the best, the most instructive and most enter* taining number that has yet been issued of that deservedly popular periodical. Hon. E. Steadman's Essay on Cotton Manufactures at the South, is an admirable paper, full of sound, practipal sense, and valuable advice. John Plowbandles, whose former letters have attracted so much at tention and been so highly commended, excels himself in this number, on the subject of Agricultural Colleges. The Household, Scientific and Farm Yard Departments are all first-rate. The “Ed itor s Book Table” contains many interest ing notices of new books, and the first chapters are published of anew atory, which promises to be very exciting. We heartily commend the Farm and Home to popular favor as a first-class mag azine, and advise all who have the opportu nity to go to work and get up clubs of subscribers and earn for themselves some of the fine premiums offered by the pub lishers, a list of which is given in this number. Published by J. W. Burke & 00., Macon, Ga., Terms, two dollars a year. Circus. —John W. Robinson & Co's., ex tensive establishment is billed here for Monday next, the 13th inst. Two perform ances will be given at 2 and at 7 o'clock. We see by many of our exchanges, that this splendidly equiped circus is everywhere spoken of in the most complimentary terms. Among the performers, who have been en gaged at vast expense, we will mention Madam Amelia Bridges, who has been awarded the distinction, by the entire press, of being the finest Seen® Rider in America. She is also wonderful in her Tight Rope performances. Little Annie Carroll is un questionably the youngest rider in the world. The Champion Leaper of this little world of ours we have in the person of Sam Rinehart, whose principal act—the Lion’s Leap—ten feet high, made through a hoop which cannot be passed over his body when his arms are by his sides, is one of the most difficult ever attempted by a human being. Charles Wright is the strong man of the show, and can handle a hugh cannon ball with as much ease as a child can an india rubber one. The Leslie Brothers are the most skillful performers on the Horizontal Bar, now traveling with any circus. The feats performed by the Whittony Brothers are absolutely dazzling. Their performance on the Double Flying Trapeze, thirty-five feet from the ground, has never been ex celled. The Phunnie Men are Billie An drews aud Harry Gibbons, whose grotesque drollery, inimitable mimicry and genuine wit, have made them universal favorites. Persons who attend the show are assured that not one word will be pronounced by the clowns which will offend the most fastidious lady or gentlemen present. We have not the space to write a longer notice of the various features of this mammoth circus, but will close with this advice to all who wish to see a first-class entertainment: Go to Robinson's circus next Monday, and take as many of your friends as you have monev enough to go round with. Business J3udget. Pink Eye and Goodrich Potatoes at febll-lt. King & Allen’s. Landbeth’s Garden Seed for sale by febll- It. King & Allen. J. L. Johnson & Cos. have a fine let of Virginia Salt, and other groceries. Also a fine lot of Domestic, cheap for the cash. feb4-tf. Wanted. —Five hundred bales of Cotton, for which the highest market price will be paid. J as. W. Atwater. jan23-tf Insure in the iEtna, all your dwellings and merchandise, cotton in gin houses, or in store. Liberal rates. Losses adjusted promply on all. W. A. Johnson, Agt. This is to notify all persons that W. A. Johnson is not my agent any longer, and all persons indebted to :ne will come and settle forthwith. John. N. Webß. jan7-lm. You who lead sedentary lives—Printers, Tailors, Shoemakers, etc., will find a great relief for the Constipation from which you so often suffer, by taking Simmons’ Liver Regulator. It is a simple, harmless, veg etable compound, sure to relieve you, and can do no injury. febll It. Everybody is using Dr. RadolifFs great remedy, the Seven Seals, or Golden Wonder. It cures like magic. One hundred and seventy-two bottles sold by J. L. Johnson & Cos., in one week, and every case cured. See what Dr. J. 0. Hunt says about this Medicina. A Certain cure for rheumatism and neuralgia in three minutes. For sale by J. L. Johnson it Cos. janl4-lro A Sure Cure For Meningitis. Dr. Rad cliffs Great Remedy— Seven Seals or Golden Wonder, It will cure Asthma also. Read what Mr. A. T. Shackelford says of it: Mr. W. A. Johnson Dear Sir: I used one of your 50 cent bottles of Golden Won der for the Asthma and experienced very great relief from it. I recommend it to all suffering from that troublesome disease. Yours respectfully, feblFtf,’ A. T. Sa'ACxrfLFOEl*. COMMERCIAL. THOMASTON MARKET. Corrected weekly, for the Tbowaitoo Herald. by KHfoli ALLEN. TnoMjjwojr. 041, Feb. il, if?® CORX—Fer boabe! fl 00. MEAL—-Per bttabel, f1 *5 HACON—-Clear aide*. 17 to *oe. Shoaldera, 16c. Coe atry __ 20c. a V,7^^ M P»r gallon, 50c. ®YKUP—Per xallon, 'be. to yl,zs. £HEEBK—Per pound, 25c. oLO AHS—Per round, 15 to 200 COFFEE—I’er pound. 28 to Bt*c —Per hundred, *5 00 to f$ 00. JJHKAT- Per bushel. *S 25 **YR—Per bushel |1 75. OATS—Per bushel *1 00. PE AS— Per bushel, *1 00 ftlCJS—Pff potmd, 11 to 12# , , Per pimnd, 20c to 25c. CHlCKEN'S—spring 25c y \LT—Peranck, »2 75 521T K !H*« r P° un ffi <»«*ben,4se to 60«. Country *sc. EGOS—Per dozen. 15c. —Tobacco from 2.V to |1 25 p*-r pound, w lIISKT -Corn Whisky per gallon, #2 75, Rye Whisky, $3 00. BRANDT—Peach Brandy per gallon, *4 00. Apple Brandy, 00. BEEP—Per pound, 7c to 9c. COTTON MARKET. Corrected weekly expressly for the Thomaston Ilerald Middling Low Middling " r ~/u Good Ordinary ry Ordinary jo FINANCIAL. GOLD—Baying at 1 lOtol It. BlLVKß—Haying at l Otto 1 05 RaTE OF INTEREST—Oq money ? per cent, per month. * MACON MARKET. Corrected weekly expressly for the Thomaston Herald. BACON—Clear Sides (*mok. d> $ 14# 14# Clear Rib Sides (sraoked).... Shoulders 10#@ 11 Hams (Sugar cured) 25 0) 80 BULK MEATS—CIear Sidea 18 @ 18# Clear Rib Sidea 12# i) 18 Shoulder* 9#® iO COFFEE—Rio 22 & 80 •lava ... 82 <& 40 DRIED FRUIT, per pound 10 (& II RICE, per pound 9 (fy 10 TEA—Black 1 50 <& 1 75 Green 2 00 @ 8 00 BUTTER—Goshen 48 (td 60 Tennessee Yellow 80 (ft 40 Country 25 (& 40 EGGS B5 (and 40 LAUD— 15 G) 16 SUGAR —According togrnde 15 (and 20 MOLASSES—According to grade.... 50 (a) 60 FlSH—Mackerel, bbla,No. 1,2,8 ... 15 00 <s)2* 00 Kits..... 2 75 (and 500 P A T,T L verpool per sack 1 90 (and 200 WHISKY—Common ltye 1 20 (and 1 25 Fine 2 00 (and 5 00 Corn 1 20 (and I 25 Bourbon 2 50 (and 500 Virginia 2 50 fd 8 50 TOBACCO—Low grades per pound.. 50 (and 55 Medium 60 fd 70 Good 70 fd SO Bright Virginia 85 fd 1 50 Fancy . 1 25 fd 1 50 FLOUR—Superfine per bbl 7 00 fd 7 50 Extra . 8 00 fd 8 50 Family 950 fd> o 00 Fancy Family Brand .. 10 50 (2)11 00 GRAIN AND HAY. CORN-Yellow, Mixed and White.. 100 @lO5 MEAL— 1 00 @ 1 10 GRITS— 125 @IBO OATS— .. 75 @ 1 25 WHEAT—Per bu»hel 1 40 @ 1 50 FIELD PEAS— 1 00 @ l 25 HAY—Northern. .. 2 00 @ 2 25 Tennessee Timothy @ 2 00 Herds Grass. 2 00 @ Tenne-seo. 2 00 @ ATLANTA MARKET. Corrected weekly expressly for the Thomaston Herald. CORN—White, per bushel f 85@$ 90 Yellow. 1 00 WHEAT-Tenn. White, per bushel 1 85@ 1 15 Tennessee Red 1 2>@ 1 35 RYE—Per bushel 1 25 BARLEY—Per bushel t 25 OATS—Per bushel 60@ 65 FLOUR—Fancy, per sack * 4 00 Family, per sack 4 00 Extra, per sack 8 60 Superfine, per sack 8 00 BACON —Shoulders, per pound Hams,per pound @ Canvassed Hams, per pound 20@ Clear Sides, per pound @ MEAL—Per bushel 1 00 llAY—Tennessee per 100 pounds 1 70 Western, per 100 pounds 1 s*'@ 1 60 LARD— t er pound 14# BtJTTEIi —Per pound 25@ 40 EGG—Per dozen Bft FIELD PEAS—Per bushel 1 00 2 1 25 IRISH POTATOES Per bushel 2 750> 325 VIRGINIA SALT Per sack •• 2 25 COTTON YARNS—Per bunch I 90® 2 00 PEACH BRANDY —Per gallon 4 00 APPLE BRANDY—Per gallon 2 75@ 8 00 RECTIFIED WHISKY—Proof, per gal... I 40 BYE WHlSKY—P«rgallon 2 50® 5 00 CORN WHlSKY—Country, per gallon... 1 50 LIME—Per bu-hel 50® 60 GREEN APPLES —Per barrel 600 700 KING & ALLEN, WHOLESALE AK» EKTAIL DRY GOODS & GROCERY MERCHANTS, TIIOMASTOX, GA, Keep constantly on hand a Large and Well Selected Stock of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoea, Uatg, Caps, CLOTHING, Notion*, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Lard, Flour, CROCKERY. GLASS WARE, HARDWARE, JVOODEN-WARE, DRUGS, etc., etc. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods. oct22*tf Bowdon Collegiate Institution, Bowdon, Carroll County, Ga. exercises of this Institution will open January *9th, 1871. for the Spring Term, and August 17th for the Fail Term 1 The citizen* of Bo#don having assumed all expen«ea by ample endowment, the Trustee* hare employed a full corps of Instructors - .. We congratulate the friend* of the Institution on this happy consV.niatiou and ask for it a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended For ' atalogue and Supplementary Circular, giving all particulars, address Rev F U V Uentenon, President J 9- MOPKK Jf , dec!7-tf. Secretary Board Trustee*. FURNITURE i FURNITURE! BY wholesale and retale at the* Large Furniture Rooms of m A. JOHNSON. where von can get beautiful Chamber setU from *35 to IrU, PTDec'inc three car load* of cheap Furniture when I wilfbe able to eel 1 nice Cottage bed steads at from *7,89 to f 10,00 and everything you want l£ the wav of Furnttnre at Boeton Factory prices. Call ray -T'eralM .toe* }*lDl 4r4t> CASH STORE! FALL & WINTER GOODS! C. F. TURNER & BROTHER, WOULD respectfully inform the public thst they have juat received their stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of DRY GOODS, Hats, Notions, Hoisiezy, Fancy Goods, Furs, Caps, and Groceries. ThAjr 6all SPECIAL ATTENTION to their large assortment of all kinds of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Which consist in part of Black Alpaccas and Silks, Figured and Colored Alpaccas and Poplins, all wool Delains, Marinoes, Plaid Poplins, Scotch Plaids, Repts, Empress Cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc., etc. All kinds of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Woolen and Cotton Hose, Men and Boys Cotton and Woolen Half-Hose, Ladies Kid Gloves, every quality of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Berlin Gloves, Boulevard, Balmoral and Hoop- Skirts, Corsets, Plaid Shawls, Arab Shawls, Ladies Marino Vests, etc. Clothing put up to order. For Gentlemen wear they have a full assort ment of FANCY 4 ASSMEItES. BLACK CLOTH, Doe Skin Cassimeres, all wool Tweeds and Kersey, Sheep's Grey Kentucky Jeans, Fredericksburg Herring-Bone Full Cloth and Satinets, Black Silk Velvet and Fancy SILK YTEH-TVET "VEST PATERNS. A large assortment of MEN AND BOYS’ HATS & CAPS. They have on hand a good assortment of all kind of Mens, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Childrens' SHOES, and will receive in a few weeks a stook of Men and Boys WINTER BOOTS, Ladies, Missea and Mens GUM SHOES. They will also receive in a short time a fine assortment of LADIES -A-TSTID MISSES FURS. As they SELL EXCLUSIVEDY FOR they can afford to sell Goods at as moderate prices as any house in Central Georgia. They respectfully invite the citizens of Thomaston and vicinity to give them a call. Thankful for the liberal patronage they have already received, they hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of tho same. C. F. TURNER & BRO. octls-tf THOMASTON, UPSON, CO. QA. SUGGS & OLIPHANT, DEALERS IN DRUGS & DRY GOODS, THOMASTON, GEORGIA, Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to them by their numeroua friend*, beg leave to inform them that they are receiving, and have now In store, a fre«h stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part o PRINTS, POPLINS, DELAINES, ALPACAS. FLANNELS, SHIRTING, SHEETINGS, DOMESTICS. NOTIONS, ic, Also a nios lot of Columbus Eagle and Phoenix Factory Goods, snch as CAsfcrers, Jeans, Stripes, Checks and Ginghams. A eomplete assortment of Hats and Shoes for ladies and gentlemen. We continue to make DRUGS, MEDICINES, and Dye Stnfs, a speciality. Fine Wines and Liquors, always on hand for medicinal purposes. octl-tf The freemason FOB 1870 I THE largest Masonic Monthly m tba vofld. It contains tidings from tbs Craft in all parts of the Globs. It Is strictly cosmopolitan and is the organ of tbs Craft every where, and not csnljnsd to any one State or locali ty. Each number complete In itself. Bample copies sent free. Every Maste* Maso* in good standing anthqpzed to actas agent in sending subscriptions. A discount made to clnb agents if desired and in all casea a copy eent free to snch agent*, if eotified. CLUB RATES. Clubs of t*n to twenty.... ft 50 Clubs of twenty to fifty 1 35 Clubs of fifty or more 1 25 Single subscribers.. 2 00 Names may be added at any time in the year at club rates. Back numbers supplied. Address, GEO. FRANK GOULET, nov29-8m St. Louis, Mo. “thos. bethel, dealer IN DRV COOK M GROCERIES WOULD inform his customer* and friends that his fall stock is now eomplets, and solicits from thsm a continuance of their fonnerpa>roCr at his new fir* proof store on Mslu ttrast, Thomas t?£ dA’lf-fiin gsogp Mill Gearing,Shafiinfc&Pujleys foQIE « Ho]^^TlMoßis' FCRACIRCULAR—I^r •eptlO-ljr Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. tis at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color , with the gloss and Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair Where the follicles are destroyed, 6r the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fdirlfag the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigdrbus. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to tne hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing eke can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giviug it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos,, Practical and Analytical Chemists, I/O WELL., MASS. £bicb SIOO. For sale in Thomaston by Suggs & Oil-* phant, and all Druggists everywhere. feblSdy *• f r JOB WORK of all kinds neatly executed ti th« HIF.ALB CfHCI to physicians: * — Ns* f it, August. V2th 136#. Allow mo to call jour attention to my PREPARATION OF CMMINO fcI ?RAkT BffHe. Tbe component parts aro BITCH 0, LONG LEAF, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. Muds * r Prei aration — vacuo Juuiper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine gin. Cubebs extracted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berries; very little sugar ia used, and a small portion of spirit. It is more palatable than any now in use. Bucbu, as prepared by Druggist.*, ic of a dark oulor It is a plant that emits its fra grance ; the action ot a flame destroys this (its active principle), leaving a dark and glutinous decoction, Mind is the color of ingredients. The Buchc in tbj preparation predominates ; the smallest qliarifity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fer mentation ; upon inspection it will be found not to be a Tincture, as made in Pharma copcea. nor is it a Syrup—and therefore can be used in cases whore lever or inffafoafion exist. In this, you hare tho knowledge of tbe ingredients and the mode of pr^fi’ara'udik. Hoping that you will favor it with a trial, and that upon inspection it will meet wi** your approbation, With a feeling of confidence, I am, very respectfullv, ' 11. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist and Druggist of 16 Years’ Experience. [From the Largest Manufacturing Chem ists in the World.] November 4, 1869. , “I am acquainted with Mr. 11. T . Helm bold ; he occupied the Drug Store opposite my residence, and was successful in con ductihg the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise." WILLIAM WEIGIITMAN, Firm of Powers A Weightman, Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. HELMbOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT BU CHU Is the great specific for Universal Lassitude, Prostration, Ac. Tbe constitution, ouee aflected with Or ganic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCIIU invariably does. If no treatment is sub mitted to, Consumption or insanity ensues. IIELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT 6F BUCHCV l * In affections peculiar to Females, is unequal ed by any other preparation, as in Chlor osis, or Retention, Painfulness, or Suppres. sion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sehirrus State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, or the decline or change of life. HELMBOLDS FLUID EXTRACT, BU CHfJ AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from (he .system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change in di et, no inconvenience or exposure ; com* pletely superceding tho*>e unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Merci ry, in all these diseases. USE IIELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BtJCHtf In all diseases of these organs, Whether ex isting in male or female, from whatever cause originating, and mattes of how long standing. It is pleasant ir, tastfc and odor, “immediate" in action, and rfrore strength ening than any of the preparations ol Bark or Iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate constitution, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aw£re that, however slight may be the attack of the above dis ease, it is certain to affeo* the bodily health and mental powers. All the above diseases require tbe aid of a Diuretic. EXTRACT BOCHU is the great Diuretic. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price— sl.2s per bottle, or 6 botijes for $6,50. Delivered to any address, describe sympt toms in all communications. Address FI. T. HELMBOLD, Drng and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York NONE ARE GENUINE Unless done up in steel-engraved wrappw, with fae* simile of my Chemical Warehouse and signed may74y H T. II ELM BOLD.