The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, February 18, 1871, Image 4

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and Household. To Clean Lineup Mildew'd linen may be rejjpffed )>y upp ing the spots ; while vret.Pt river with tine chalk scraped to and rubbed well itr. A Good Water-proof. fa render »hoes water-proof, vra-m a little beep wax and mutton suet until it is liquid, and rub some of it slightly over the of the soles where the stitches are. A Itcll-ih for Pork. Fry some slices of salt pork %ke them out, pour a little fc ; season with pepper ; sprink’c in a little flour, then cut tip the pork into small*, and put it av y. > RaU and Harness. To k°ep rats from eating harness, keep the harness always well greased w/’-t the following: To three or four pounds of grease, add two or spootffuls of tar ; greased in this way rats and mice willjiot, cut them, neither will horses chew thein\ Getting Out Manure. Determine how y< u \VjB piifc upon an acre; then knowing the. size.of the lot, it is to calculate in Wow 'toany heaps a loads should ba Jumped, far ‘apart they should he? V*Tpr calculation, and the fir.-t row of heaps oh'D-er a straight side laid, may be evenly covemrl. Raisin Pudding. Soak two ounces of raisins in enough hfandy to cover them. Talcn half a pound of flour, a pound -of chopped suet, a dessert-spoonful ot ground ginger, / two egg*, four ounces of white sugar, and enough milk to make it. a pretty light paste ; add the raisins, boil it.Qir two .hours, and serve with what pud.d-lng.sauce you please. .. Dyspeptic’s feUcuit. flour (yheat coarsely ground without bolting), two^quarts; corn meal sifted, one quart; butter half a cup; sour milk to wet it up, and ealeratus as for bis cuit. Roll out and cut*with a tea-cup and bake as other hiscajrf’nnd when they are Sold they are just for dyspeptics. And if the flour none would re fuse to cat ** Colic Rcjhcdy. tt may not be tcaspoonful of common salt dissolved in a cup of water, will give almost instant relief in most any case of colic in man ; quart of fish brine is ore of the J^rst. reme dies for bots or colic in horses. I bavtj never failed of success in giving weak salt water, in any case of colic, to nursing in fants. A less quantity than will often relieve adults Coffee. Having picked over the coffee, wash it nicely, parch it evenly in the oven until thg’ berries crack open ; when thoroughly browned (not burned) let it stand until luke-warm ; then beat the yolks of twoegits to a froth; stir it through this warm coffee, and set it in the oven a minute to jJrv. Take the ground coffee, one tablespoop/fij to a pint of boiling water; stir it up with atnve ; let it simmer half" an ~7)?>ur'; stir the grnumlß down wnen mey rise, and use good cream. Farmers* Pudding. Take one pint of bread crumbs, and a quart of milk, half a cup of sugar, four eggs, taking only the yolks, butter the size of a walnut, one lemon, grated ; bake until done, but not watery ; then spread a layer of currant-jelly or any preserved fruit over it. Take the whites of the eggs ami sugar, in which has been stirred the juice of the lemon, beat to a stiff froth, pour it over the pudding, and brown it. Serve cold with cream. It can be made without a lemon. Flavor with nutnieg. How to Coo It Old Fowl*. For the possible benefit to some other young housekeeper. I wish to tell them how to eook an old chicken. Prepare as for roastiDg, then boil threo hours in a covered pot, with one quart of water, to which add two tablespoenfuls of vinegar ; after which put in a pan in a hot oven for about one hour, to brown. The liquor in the pot to be prepared ft r gravy ; should the water boil away too much, more should be added. The result, is meat as tender as young chicken, and some think richer and better. Economical Hrcnkfaat Dish. Ts you havo a few' bits of meat, or two or three cold potatoes, left over, put some dippings into a skillet: slice the potatoes thin, cut the meat up fine, and add salt and pepper to taste ; then bent two or three eggs, according to the size of the dish to be pre pared ; stir them to a cup of cream or milk, and pour over the meat and potatoes. If eggs are not plenty, use fewer ejrgs and more milk or cream. If milk, add half a tablespoonful of butter. Keep it over the tire, stirring constantly, till the eggs are conked. It tikes but a f°w moments to prepare this, but do nor leave it an instnnt till done, or the eggs will burn and ruin the whole. Good Hum*. After hams have b°en smokod, take them down and thoroughly rub the flesh part with molasses, then immediately apply ground and powdered pepper, by sprinkling on as much as will stick to the molasses, when they must be hung up again to dry. Hams treated in this manner will keep per fectly sweet for two or three years. This must be done before the fly deposits its eggs, for after that is done nothing will stop their ravages. The above has been practiced in our section for more than twenty years. No soaking is necessary. One pint of molasses and one or two pounds of black pepper are sufficient for any ordi nary family. Try this plan if you want good sweet hams.— Rural American. Tlic Best Tee Cream. Our beet confeotioners in making their cream use about eight ounces of loaf sugar to every quart of cream. To flavor four quarts of cream with vanilla requires a bean and a half boiled in a little milk. If with lemon, the outer rinds of three lemons enoulti ha grated very fine, or six drops of oil of lemon to every four quarts of cream. Four quart® of good cream will make seven quarts of iee cream, if well beaten : while thin milky cream will increase but little, and never become perfectly smooth. The ice should be fine and put into the freezer with alternate layers of salt— say about two quarts of salt to an eight-quart freezer —the ice and salt as they work down to be filled up. m JjEGAb Libel for Divorce. STATELOF nJCMMITA— Ups '•"V' vktx (Vn-Ufiofcrnher Term. IST«*. Present flfr TTcnor- Janfe* 'ATGrecne, Judge. . Martha Ann II ard, ) Libel far Div™e. m j S a I Rale to perfect service. It mppe-trinx W the Court from the retnnvof the Sheriff that the Defendant Oafs rn.» reside in this conn tv : and 1t further .xppe*«Wt that he is a non-r.-si dent of this State. It is. on motion of Ci un-el. ordered, tha* said Debm’arit appear end "iriswer at the next term of this Court: el-e that the cage in default nnd the Plaintiff allowed to And it 1« further , ordered that this Hn’e be Ablished in the Thomaiston \ Ilera'.d a meTW.: for FA- A tme ex’.rnct frJk the ‘ T JENNINGF, Cleik. . U psor^iTenTP'ffStliu^- T'\ r ILL be : n g V Mareh next, before^ the Courfhona** d-or in i Thomnston Upson between the tegalh.nm of sale, two bnDs of IPW cotton on by virtue-f an execution is-iy and form the Superior Conrt of srtid ! county, in f 'Vr-r Henry ig-timr Rhe v e ewv Prnperfv printed Ont inCiid execution. Also a* the same time and p'nee. on<»-hnlf Interertun certain mill «*u»L on Potatee Creek tosrrthermit h*ljl lLatcr. arivii'gea ond yard en/Unlrirg . dnorc or less knowryfflTthSold o,»lqui/t prbperty; the S'-me b< ingon tne east of on a* i’ e pn pitftr of tho .Toucan C«4quitt to sntfs'r seven ft fas In fsvdr <if K A FiweUon against Jonathan and Henry C'olqnftt 7»r..r.ertv i>*Lit e d ou* bvjjwiitijr. \ s fch+Hd. m fiberiff. f •Jpsiyjs l>erifliaisa lc.‘ Lurux hf ticySf U’US(C' T Ul'Son eontHv. Da , durinc fl-sf Tnesdawfn Mifrch rext* tlie to- wit; ni- «eat. r .»rsTf-w *» rocking chairs, two one pljHr‘><fidiron«, one bed and hedstero]*; beds and fmail tab’s, one icoking fcnrenu, onsfcloek, two with fiveiraijjß four com mon chalrsfobe Ini tre wash pot omJ»y j-'one hav horse nine or ten y-ea/s on* bridle aud snd«lle. one cow and cfilf jpVl pmperty levied on to aatisfv one fl ta. in Oitoji "ti John K Hart j and .1 Y. Allen, vs. lintesAV. issued trom He Superior Court of ! Propiertv pointed out. itjpijrs. i iCso, ut tho same time and place, o* sorrel horse , nsilfe tfl or 11 wars old, one id a-k mule 10 or 12 ; year* old, and one. bay colt. satisfy ore > fl. fa. is-ned from Cpson ><rp.»V»^t’oiin v November Term. ISTO, in favor ol fames >fl. Smith for the r«e of officers of Court vs. Na’hatflal 1 Jf. Walker. N. M. 1 Walker. M IW Walker, ke’-, co’of and. I- Property poinWl out-by pflnnt'iT. ! / o c ail ARM AN. - w r, " r A T t !’P('V rSirvT'^— Whorenp , John M r . Administrator of tho < >.ryfp of William Ti'fijf labs of’s»M eounty. deceased, perma:iej?Tadi*ffnlstmtion of said estate. s’+l hese are, to cite t’ e k»n ■dr.eil anand *itty they lirtve. on dr hi*ire tfl? iminday in L#»b sfuriry nea»f!' ■ should not be *nand thta 29th dav of De cember, 4fTD. f A *f WM. A. f ORR. I decol-td * ' Ordinary. fV ** r F.ORUTA Upson 'countt.- Whe-oas i \ T Franklin Brown applies for the Cuard s an«b.ip of 1 the property of Mattha K Hardy and Thomas A. llar orphans of Isaac Hardy, deceased. ' Theso are, thei jifore, to cits and admonish all nersona' > Concerneand to show Monday in February wlfy said guardianship should not be granted T . I Given ujuler my hand, this 2*2 ishiv ofßeceniber, I^7o. ‘ dac24mt j WM. A. CfTI.IL Ordinary. P- i EORGJ.A —Upson COUNTY —A\ herons. » \ T Robert S. Tisinxrer applies for the Guardianship of Ahe property of l itres Hardy. Mary F,. Hardy nnd TWoman E. Hardy, orphan children of Thouias Hardy, deceased. ' These are, therefore, to rite and admonish nil persons concerned to show cause it any they have, on the first ♦Monday in February next, wliy said guardianship should mot be granted. / Given under my nand.'fthis 22d day of December, ’S7O. ' dec24-td ** WM. A.^7o ßit. Ordinary. ('1 F/OROTA— c un-ty Wlrorons T Thomas R. KonoaUrttpplies for the Guardianship of the property of William J. Thomas, orphan child of William J. Thomas, deceased. , . -OTt-’ hre .r.jfliArl'il’.'t /-U. the first Monday in r<o..,«>r noit, why the said guard lansh p should not be granted. <?iven under my hand this the 20th day of Dec'r. IS7O. dec24-td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. KORGIA—Upson county —Whprpns "T" William L. A dams apnlies for letters of Guardian ship of the property of K.nnv Buckholts Leodora Buckholts and John J Buckholts, orphan children of James Buckholts, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections it any they have, to the granting of said Guardianship on or before the first Monday in February next. Given under my hand this 22d day of December, IS7O. dec24 td WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. (AGORGIA — upson county. Court of Ordinary, T December Term, 187 b.— Whereas Amo*= Worrill applies for dismission from the administration of the estate of Rurrel W. Jackson, deceased. It is therefore ordered that rule ni si be published in the Them&ston Herald for three months, returnable to this Court, on the first Monday in April next, that all pers ms con cerned may have notice thereof and act accordingly. A true extract from the minutes of said Cant. W M. A. COBB, Ordinary. dec’7 Bm—Pi inter’s fee $7,00 GF.ORHIA —Upson c unty flharVs Stephens (colored) has this day filed his petition, for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 12 o clock M.. on the 22d day of February inst., at tnv office in Thomaston. febll-2t WM. A. COBB, Ordinary. $lO REWARD! 11l AV E lost rnv Pocket Book eontninirig papers worth several thousand dollars to me, but valueless to any other person. Twill give the abo’e reward to any one safely returning these papers. deeio-tf J\MES suattles. DENTISTRY! r IMIE undersigned being pe-manently X located in Thomston, still tenders thicr professional services in the practice of Dentistry to the citizens of l T pson and adjoining conn tics Teeth inserted on gld silver, adamantine or rubber. All work warranted and a gn< and fit guaranteed. Office np stairs over WILSON SA W YE It S store. deed ft BRYAN A SAWYER. THE OHIO - FARMER 7 tol. xx-isro. The flreat Paper for the Farm and Fire-ide. THE OHIO FARMER is n Weekly of Twenty Pages, printed on pure large qnarfo form cut covered and Pitched,it being the onL journal of th-* kind in the country. Each number contains a large amount of useful in r nrmati«n. ali articles being short and to ihe point Editorials fresh and practical. Everything pertaining to the FARM, GARDEN AND VINEYARD Are thoroughly discussed. A Mechanical D pnrtment i< kept full of instructive hints to aid in the FARM WORK-SHO 1 * Special attention is give" to the DO MESTIC Department: and for the FIRESIDE are furnished Incidents oPFori ign Travel. Stories Sketches, Choice Poetry, Fun. Ac, Ac The CHILDREN’S De p irtoient is nicely illuMrot and each week. a> and filled with such 'hings n« will gladden the hearts of the little ones, uud make them better. Only Two Dollars a Year. Six Months for One Dollar; Three Months for Fifty Cents. {U J Specimen Copies Free. Address OHIO FARMER, CLEVELAND, O Dr. Radcliffs Seven Seals, or, GOLDEN WONDER ! E challenge the world-Lo fiofl a romps ▼ \ dy superior to Dr RADCLIFFS SEVEN SEALS or. GOLDEN WONDER. The great cure all of ths age. For Sick Headache, T<>othache. Flesh Wounds, Burns, Colics. Pains in the Back, Ac , Ac., nothing has ever been fonnd to tqnfcl it. It never fails to cure Rheumatism however aggravated the case. Read what Dr. J. O. Hunt says of this sovereign remedy: ‘•I certify that I have used one small bottle of the Seven Seals, or, Golden Wonder porch «"d from Mr. W. A. Johnson, the fluent, ami with only a portion of it, cured a verr severe case of Neuralgia It given Im mediate relief in cases ot this nature. ■I. O. HUNT. Price per bottle fit) cents and SI.OO. Call and see testimonials from nil portions of the coun’ry at Webb’s Store. 1 ome and be re ieved of your troubles. lean cure any esse of Headache in thr<*euiiniites. W. A. JOHNSON, Ag’t. For Upson. Pike, Taibot and Monroe counties. dec24-tf Ton WORK of all kinds neatly executed «t the HERA LD OFFICE. declS-tf L'OAnLES A. DANA. Editort fz lie §oUut U r cdtiy j&nt. A Newspaper oi the Present Times. \ Intended for People Now oa Earth. Including Farmers. Mechanics. Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Woikers. Thiakcrs, and ail Man ner of Honest Folks, aid tho Wives, Sons, and V Daughters of all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR J ONZ &UND3X3 COPIES Past JAO, Dr le=s than One Cent a Cony. Let tbcr« 00 a Crab at every Post Office. bUN, S2 A Y£AS. ,©f the fame size and general character as THE WEEKLY, but with a greater variety of iniscel:aueou3 reading, and furnishing tho new* 'it conies twice a week instead of once only. THE DAILY SUN, QG A YEAR. A preSminentlv readable newspaper, witti tbo largest circulation in the world. Free, inde pendent, aud tearless in politics. All the news from everywhere. Two ceata a copy ; by mail, 50 cents a mouth, or $6 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. 3* Five copies, one year, separated* addressed. Four Dollars. Ten copies, one year, sens rate! y addressed iaud an extra copy to the getter up of ctno). Eight Dollars. 1 Twenty cojpies. one year, separatelv addressed toad an extra copy an the getter up of club). » Fifteen Dollars. Fifty copies, one year, to one address (and tho Seim-Weck’y one year to getter up of clnb\ f Thirty-three Dollars. Fifty conies, one year, separately addressed (and the Semi-Weekly one year to getter up ot ciuh), * Thirty-five Dollars. On<y hundred conies, one year, to one ad lrers - fund the Daily for one year to the getter uo of club;. Fifty Dollars. One hundred copies, one rear, separately ad dressed tnud the Daily lor one year to the getter up of club), feisty Dollars. THE BE3II-WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed. a Eight Dollars. Tcfl-coriesf one year, separatelv addressed (and extra copy to getter up of club), Sixteen Dollars. f ~ SEND YOUR MONEY 4 in Rost Office OTders, checks, or drafts on New f wherever convenient. If not. tuen register ttm letters containing money. Address 0- I. W. ENGLAND, Pnb'iober, -0 Sun offleo. New Yoric City. 1 / T\) o iXi\i Medical Discover™ Dr WALKER’S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, - * .» *. JFor linale Complaint*, afhbther in young or' old, «n.,r*. ried the dawn of the turn ot life, these Tron ic Bitters ,ve no equal; are safe and reliable in ail foriu.»f disease. Hundreds of Thousands Bear testimony to their wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? m K '.,5 % J \ 7 \ *wyXJus>. I THEY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK, Made of Poor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Bpir- V its, and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tne taste, ca'led ‘-Tonica’* “ Appetizers, ” “ Restorers, ’* &0., that lea l the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from tho Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant 1 ?. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRIN CIPLE. a perfect Renovator and Invigoratof ot the By3tem, carryingoil all poisonous matter, end restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No p"rson can take theso Bitters, according to directions, and remain long unwell. O O will be given for an incurable case, pro-' riding the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs wasted bevond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheu matism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indi go ition, Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit ters have been most successful. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Organs. Tney invigorate the stomach, nml stimulate* the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of a’l impurities, and imparting new life and vigor, to the whole system. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache/ Vain in the Bnoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Stomach,~B;ul Taste in the Mouth, Bidious Attacks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Fain in the regions of the Kidneys, nnd a hundred other painful symptoms which are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia, are cured by theso Bitters. 'Cleanse tli9 Vitiated Blood whenever you find ] its impurities bursting through the Bkin in Pim- ; pie*, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when it is fonl, and yourfeelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the rystem will follow. 4 BIN, TAPE, and other TVORM3, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, planted in four languages— English, German, French, and Spanish. J. '\YALKER,32 &. 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. Proprietor. It. 11. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and General Agents. San Francisco, California, and 32 and 34 Com merce Street, N. Y. UNSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, St pi 7- bill GOLDEN MOMENTS! | WOULD re speet fully inform those r wanting a Time § Piece of any de., h j, j Jfl Hcripthm t h e y would do well to Y~ i / call at OLIVER S. HIGGIN’S New JEWELRY STORE. Barnesville, Ga.. as I keep on hand and are constantly r "C iving fresh from New York the latest and most improved style of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which I am offering at astonishingly low prices, as I am dealing ditectly with i porters 1 feel confident tnat I can furnish thi-. class of Goods as cheap as anv House in Georgia. I am determined to keep on hand s GENUINE \\ A PCI! ami CLOCK, which we can sell to our customers and WARRANT AS REPRESENTED I am permanently located in BA.RiSrESVILLE and am going to build up a business l n this line purely on merit, to if you want a FINK WATCH or CLtHIK • all .t the sign of the ‘ BIG WATCH’ in th« new BUK K HL< k K, next door to Bloodworth A Murpkry East side public square. niches and docks carefully repaired and warranted. OI.IVER S. HIGGINS. Un.^ 4 f Baroesnlle, Ga. ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. New York, Philadelphia aod Baltimore! COME TO ATLANTA! 11. K. SIIACKLEFORD, ' WHOLESALE "/* • LIQUOR DEALER,^ , Sole Agent for the ♦ TOBIA T SVI S . * * »* r C*u I'kKALER in fine WINES. BRANDIES, WfllSKllk A3 INS, Ac. Wfß d#f)li C! \>e any hill of Pure Proof LIQUORS b*uj|fht in the < * r » and Dealers in Liquors in Middle Oeoi*giacan save mffiiev T^kpurchasiniz.fronKmy I can sell CIIA Send for Circulars Curnkat. , v* f * - jr5L. Shackleford. June 4 1870 I , |/ a fJiourfxi woMEX Testify. " r - . .g t ' if r r DR, J. FEMALE R^GULVOR.y^OMAITS BEST y y 4 CERTAIN CU£E FOR WHITBS... other diseases peculiar to Prepared and £dd by bRADPIEfaP, Wholesale Drug* Atlanta, Tuskegee. Ala., Nov. 21 a f mediately, armtber it trt that is claimed for it, and have witneftseifjtfie rnosp dbfcideA&nd ifappy by it. Very respectfully, s A-'AfeEXANBtiR. We. undesigned Druggists,' tnk -CgMoasure ijjy4)mqieij<yn/ro Dr. ,fe* / Bradfield’s eases for .* ' > t/ DA-NSjD^ Ga. W. C. LAWSllJlKtlanta, Oa. W. p State of Georgia. - Tfilnjw lt£ ceipt of Dr. Josiah a combination of medicines of greatjSurrt ia Afi«B»tre^|^ra t of aiPrhft females 2 for which he recommend* it. * - Mfafrl. P>BEAS"LKW .VI. f). This December 21, 1808 H "* /y ' Fe’b’ ly * r f. •* y . J r if WHITE AVmi eCoMES tiffis. / J,' C'' i-- I"l7'E begJLmvc to call your attention to aiLenlirely' new known as “Patent w T MetaaVrc White Wire/’ p esespftrtg "qua'lffies which preven>*'it from ever corroding or turning from its color during any'number oMtears, and/m. letters Patent have been secured. It has been found to !*e thus only article suitable Clothes Line. The old fashion rope nr chord always causes so t an|fr>yance by breaking, ' rotting out, and discoloring clothes, and by being put up and taken down every time used. With this WIRE OLDTHES LUSPE, You have none ot these annoyances, and when it is once put up it gives you no more th liquids^r^ r , us ’ n ? st . we aro confident you will fully corroborate the of If- will not r.,Vr“r,«V 7 1, “ rp,v should, and will eventuullv- have even salt J ° U may Kee *’ 1L ,n W}lLPr ror time, SIX REASONS WIIY E"V ERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THESE PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE WIRE CLOTHES LINES: Ist. You never have to take it out of the weather. 2d. It will last fifty years or more. 3d. It is the cheapest Clothes Lines in the world. 4th. You cannot load it heavy enough with clothes to brake it. sth. It does not in any way discolor, wear or injure clothes that are hung upon it. 6th It will save its price in saving clothes every six you own it. TUBA 11. TRAYLER, of Thomaston, Upson county. Georgia is the o for the Hudson R.ver Wire Works in Georgia. All orders to Irby 11. Trayler Thornass ton, Geargia, will be promptly failed when the cash accompanies the order’! ’ IKBY H. TRAYLOR, April 2,18,0-ts Agent for Hudson River Wire Works. ■ ■— Thoy arc a €Jentlel*urg , ativ© as well an »Toic,posses- Jm< also, the peculiar merit ot acting as a powerful agent relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the l iver, and all the Viscjd, Organs M. E. KENNY’S NEW ALE DEPOT, NO. 14 PRYOR STREET, ATLANTA, OA. K ENNY is State A»ent fox the celebrate e<l oLD WICKLIFFE. KENNY is Agent for Lill’s CHICAGO ALE. KENN Y is Agent for London Royal Nectar Gin. KENNY is Agent for old Tom Gin. ID* KENNY manufactures All Grades of Segars. KENNY'S BITTERS cannot be excelled as a tonic. Try them 1 Go and see KENNY at his new stand on Pryor Street. febs ly W. L CLAY & ( 0.. WHOLESALE. LIQUOR DEALERS AND Commission Merchants, SO. 1 GRANITE BLOCK, BROAD ST. ATLANTA, GA., IPiRTCIB LIST. Ten. Corn Whisky, per gal ....‘51.25 to 2‘25 Ten. Rye Whiskey, per gal 1.50 to 3.00 Roberson \\ hisky, per gal 2.00 to 4 00 C r.y Bourbon VA hisky. per gal 1.50 to 9.00 ' XXX W hiKky, ikt ga1..... „.. . i2sto*> oa P la 7 Jwl ", hisky * l ,(>r2al 2..’.' 2.00 to <3 5* Lees Best Whisky, per gil *2 O' to 4 5i Ky 51ar»hall per gal. 8.00 to 5.00 j!m2o-Tf eV ' ,>er gUI 2Cotc 7 - 0 u STEEL ENGRAVING OF* on:TV. 'ROUT. E. LEE. O OB^CR IP,ERS remitting 3:4 for one k. year p sobscription to Thu Popthkrn Ppms ttn ji. Ins rated Weekly Journal of 4* columns. will receive an eleLant engraving of Gen. Robert K. Lee, xl9 in ches, forwarded in a secure case, postage paid by us ' 1 " u L nber contains a larce finely executed likened e ”, Lb *> engraved by a skillful artist, from a ph*>- fit!T'ln h ’ ex I* r< ‘ 88l . v L>> The Press, with an outline of his ‘ '' h :, ? c ?“ Dt of his o, 'B»*quies. Single copies, (if or- Kn V 2‘'TT le<l l ° any ft ‘ ldreßs on receipt of 10 £?■?*• „“?***• tMvassere wanted in every countv fered* '?n 1 tM° " " >m * ,ib ‘‘ ral lißt of Pn miums is of-;rM J . A,,d "‘" : TIU: LIVEItV I\D SILB STABLE. A V* l YS « o> * TI AiN n - PHAETONS, X A. Carriages, Buggy and Saddle Hoises. PINE BLOOD HORSES, fe'droverT' *° d HVCri ’ El,ra “commodatloM g 1.,„ WALKER <55 Sno., griffin, Georgia. S' f “ r f ish P o ? d teams for the Indian Springs and Junen ts ftD r “ Sp,iDS8 ’ ° n r terms The Southern Farm and Home. A FIRST CLASS AGRICULTURAL MOSTMLY. Cm EN. W. M. BROWNE, EDITOR, At OO per Year in Advance. THE Second Volume commences with November giumber. Now is the time to <mh- Mm,.. Add,,,., j. w . BtIRKB * <X>, ° ctß ~ tf Macon, (ia. THE VOCAL TRIAD. ZWBBACTNO THREE SYSTEMS OF MUSICAL NOTATION Containing over Fifty Lessons in the THEORY OF MUSIC PROGRESSIVE AND CATECHETICAL ORDER, Divided into Three Departments: Primary, Intermedi ate and Advanced Courses, Interspersed with New Music EMINENT COMPOSERS; Embracing many pieces never before published, for the use of Choirs, Societies, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, AND CONVENTIONS. B T PHOF. E. T. POUND, BARNES VILLE, GA. PRICES : Single Copy j w Per Dozen ]<j 50 Per Hundred. 125 00 aepS-tf !-f A HEROIC m\U] HENRY’S CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION R^'NOTATOIi: * - .BASED ON SCIENCE r Willi SK IU and all tbe bailable cngrnuitv an A f ness, that the art of pharmacy of',? 1 * 5 sent day eanxontribute. And c „ in Coneentrarei Form tbe most 1 ! ** Jfagetatile Known in the History of PWOFYING THE p ' .^lmparting NUTRITION TO THE SYSTEM n TO T7IE STOMACH. ’ “ a Healthy acti n *0 the Li^ r r neys, Secretivi and Excretive OrV'* A DTIIZG ZUAVE Lay breathing,l).s last on the bnt;; P < his companjons surged on and Iff/. ' alone. They ktiew the cause c> , 1 ' Mi<*achi»g eml'it was the deadly bulift v 'nriendto voice £»uld cheer hmi to i f e hunymskill save him OF PRECIOUS LIVE? tfre to .f£y as’*rapidly sinking, andm.' , ly tottering on to an untimely end i n / fering* Wretchedness, and U ance 6f tißtmuse which /( * arrest and assunge m»w Life and Vi/, And e iyise the Bloom of H,> a |, n ' To once more upon th**ir ed Cheek's. rlf LIKE A TIII£f sores they ait aware of its attack, p u itseif tirjfriiy the system, and thr'■ peglect becomes seated ’ defies all ordinary or temporary treats., to reluupivfb its merciless grasp. - THE CAUSE Os The —the hollow cheek! TheVithpreW face—the sallow comnlen. The yoics— the sunken, ghesy The emifbiaTed form—the tremblingfV The treaipbeVous pimple-the tnrturiog^.. -The ei uption—the inflamed« .The face—the rough colors-Hob and ailments of the pin age? The-answer is simple, andcvfr* whole ground in all its phases, viz: tbe • ' Fangs of Disease AND HEREDITARY TAIN ARE FIRMLY FIXED IN THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE—THE BLOOD The INDISCRIMINATE V ACOINATIO during the late war, with diseased Lvm lias TAINTED THE BEST BLOOD in the entire land. It has planted thegf of the most melancholy disease in the v-: of men, women and chi.dren on all t c and nothing short of a HEROIC REMEDT will Eradicate it root and branch, forwi Such a Remedy is HENRY’S CAKtiOL CONST I TUTION RENOVATOR. On reaching the Stomach, it assimius at onee with the food and liquids thee and from the moment it passes into tl Blood, it attacks* disease at its f untt head, in its germ and maturity, anddisi pates it through the avenues of the 1151: with unerring eertainty, andß< nd'neu pure Blood bounding through every 8 r ? and vein The tuhercaies of Scrofula that sj times flourish and stud the inner coati-t the abdora-en, like kernel of corn, are*- ored, dissolved and eradicated and the eased parts nourished into life. TheT* pid Liver and Inactive Kidneys are stiff' lated to a healthy secretion, and tM natural functions restored to renew health and activity. Its action wpewi tbe blood, fluid* body, and Glandular System, are 1 Purifying and Disinfectant. At its L disease droops, dies, and the victim of; violence, as it were, LEAPS TO NEW LIFE. It relieves the entire system of Pains»i Aches, enlivens the spirits, and impst* Sparkling brightness on the Ej® A rosy glow to the Cheek, A ruby tinge to the Lip, A clearness to the Head, A brightness to the ComplexioD, A buoyancy to the Spirits, And happiness on all sides. Thousands have been rescued ftf®* verce of the grave by its timely u*e. This Remedy is now offered to tbect with the most solemn assurance of Il! trinsic medicinal virtures, and p° vt Healing properties. For all Affections of the KIDM RETENTION of URINE, and Diee»£ Women and Children. Nervous P r * ( tion, Weakness, General Lassitude. Loss of Appetite, it is unsurpassed. * ’ tinpuishes Affections of the Bones, H af y C"Btiveness, Debility, Diseases of the neys. Dyspepsia, Erysipelis. Fenr® !f ’ regularities, Fistula, all Skin D |! L Liver Complaint, Indigestion, monary Diseases, Consumption, Scro‘Q King's Evil, Syhillis. PREPARED BT Prof. M. E, HENB* DIRECTOR-GENERAL or TIIE BERLIN HOSPITAL M A., L L. I'.. F K S HENRY & CO., Propr*t>- Laboratory, 278 Pearl Post office B >x, 5272, N evf ‘ g R $1 per bottle, six bottles for $5- \ e^ s $ where on receipt of price. E dt . ie requested to correspond confidents .’ reply will be made by fallowing Sold by all respectable Drugg lß tnch26«dy