The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, October 28, 1871, Image 1

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yol- R* Ithethomaston herald, PUBLISHED BY I McMI CHAEL Sc CABANISS, 114l 14 £fSRT SATURDAY MORNING. I terms. t $2 oo Iiw r v*:**."*”."- 130 ■ * J. invariably in advanue S ii' ! ' rm . V i„ he »t..|.pe l lit the expiration of the f T'" ifi'r u,>W« ««th*cri|»tl..n is previous renewed. I « ,p trV sos » subscriber is to be changed, we i I II tb "' ll ~1,1 address as Well as the new one, to H 8 .,.t b*** in " I received for a less period than three I * ,n:h \ kt fierier in town without extra choree. I „,inn paid to anonymous communications, as i I N" for every thing entering our columns. I This rule , :r > l ;- he nnmeg of three new subscrib \ we will send the llkkai.d one year 9 KKKE <ifter subscribers name indicates that the I Un!# 1 of iubscri ption is out. advertising rates. Irv ts for oivert,tains!, or wheie advertisements ■ ire handed(Vonpariel type!. $1 for - " i 6 «• 118I 18 I— *i oo i2ao * 7 tH(j*K»rt *sift oo I I Sqiari# 2ixll A (Ml 10 0(1 Ift O'l 2ft 00 f 2 S./r'-tris s ... ••>/ ? |M) -00 Ift OO! 20 00 30 00 * I 4 01l 1(| ftl) 2() rt() 8o (Ml , 00 I 1/ r'ln'mn hoo 200 3» oo 40 oo! ftO 00 u fln-nn I ,0 00 20 0 ' 85 ,M) ftlM 80 00 I j i iiliimn.. .' ... *5 00 2ft oO 40 00 70 00 130 00 I)|.p!*red Advertisements will be charged according U the wec.t thev occupy. ' id advertisements should he marked for a specified i|, Mf nth' rwise they will be continued and chorged for infl ordered out. Advertisements Inserted sit intervals to be charged o fnvw each insertion. advertisements to run for a longer period th n three months are due and will be collected at the beginning , iek q'lirter. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Adverfisements discontinued from any cause beft>ro expiration of time specified, will be charged only for the time published. Pfovs-innal cards one square f)0 00 a year. Virrii’.'e Notices $1 .ftO. Obituaries per square. jtiMres of a personal or private character, intended |n palmate any private enterprise or interest, will be cb trged as other advertisements Idrertlsers are reqtte ted to hand in their favors as jarlvin the wee’- as ;» -ssibte ]fu it ore t« in* icill ft<*. xtrirth / to . legal advertising. uhetetofore, since the war, the following are the fur notices of Ordinaries, Ac.—To bk Paid In ad- V4XCK : Thirty Oavs’ Notices ft 00 Firty" bivs’ Notices .. ... 0 2ft SiMof Lands. Ate. pr. sqr of ten Lines 600 sj xtt 'Dus’ Notices 700 ’nnths' Notices It 0" T-n f>ivNotices of Sales pr sqr. ... . 200 —for t.h*se Sales, forevery fl fa $3:00. Mortgage Sales, p -r square. sft 00 "Let ssid- a liberal per centnge for advertising Ktri von self unCeaSinsiv before the public! and it tmthTs not what htlsl '-Bs vat are engaged In. for. if l Wthyntlv an I industriously pursued, a fortune will beti r-su < —lTnntis Merchants’ Magazine. i/Tter [ began to i'verti-e trtv ironware freely, (inn o increased with itmz ng rapidity. For ten yai Bist lit ive spent £1" non year! to keep my tii|ii*ri»r wires hes Te the tiubiic Had 1 been timid in yberthing. I never should have po-sessed my fortune ■ offlVi.uitii". McLeod Itelton. Birmingham '• idvcrtising tike Midas’ touch, tu> ns everything to cn'd it it, your daring men draw millions to their coffers”—StuHVt Olay • Vint md telly is to love, and boldness to war, the ikll'fnl use of printer’s i O', is to success in business ’" — Hi* chcr, Vi’h i t the aid of advertlsemen*s I ou and have done both nginmv p culations. I have the mostcom pic e hi It in‘•printers'ink.” Adve rising is the "royal road to h oittess " -it irnum Professional Paros. D n , univM peiinne ‘.nvi.,g P oc,„ a _ nen Ivlocated at. The Rock.ten ters his professional »■ rvic, sto tit Mtrrntmdirg commtilfv and promises to spare no labor or attention to those who m iv patronize I'i"'- Jtily22-fitno QVYD'VIOU }fc BE\LL. A»r .*•....%•* i“d ' ' t'otinsel’ors r.t Law, Ga. Will practice In the -ever*! i ‘ourt.s of the St.-tie of Georgi., and attend | h r,| ini)tly to a!! business entrusted t<* their care. |« it BiNnwtcii. [inm-24 Gmo ] w. x. UKAi.t* ]) >Y\ <>\ Sc I*| NVI IT K E \n.r * .It ( 1 ) Law. GrifTtn. <sa. Office In Aimali * I nil, nc<t door the *tak omcß Will practice in the Counties the Flint«'ircuit, and in the United States tstrict 'ourt. Attention given to cases in Bankruptcy, mavis !y n’Y VL .t NUNV \ ELY V ,f rnnvs :»t Law, (Irtttin. Ga. Will practice In all the coun -1,1 s I'ainprising the Flint Judicial <’ircuit. and in the 1 " , i , ''itss ot deiiweth TANARUS, Uiavtrtn. Fayette and Coweta. practicts in the Supreme Court of <Je"rg'a and the , '' ,ricl " ,,r t ot the United ■'fates tor the Northern and s>o,uh wn Districts «r Georgia X- » ni'snmxy. [uplift Iv] l. f. dotau T Y \LLEN, \rritc ev «t L w Th'.ffl— hri i* HS ! rtn . Da. Will practice in the counties c«*m * f tfl< ' nt -Itidicial Circuit, and elsewhere by lie; '. c 'V ,tr, ct. \ll business promptly attended to. ‘ 1 ln Llteoey’s brick tmilding. mchll-ly Jj ! ‘ I l» KKNI> VLL offers his pr «fej»- ’ n ' 1 services tc the cMti^ert-= rtf ! noittastoo and jj r ’"" 'ing country. May be found dnrin ■ t‘>e day at ’ Hardaway’s .tore, at niglit at the former rest ceof harles Wilson. . jan 14 ly. H REIM) I N‘l. Vt'orney at Lmr, y * Harnesvll o. Pike co , Ga. Will practice in the ’tnties comprising the Flint Judisial Ctr'-nit., and f | tvhere by special ont.ract Al tuisiness promptly l lto Othce in Elder - budding, oVef > ‘hamber's I tn Store. atigti-- y p ll)tl VS BEALL. Attorney >» r Law, » Thomaston, Ga. Will practice in the Flint Cir- Cu - and elsewhere by special contract aug27-ly 1 1 II \LL Arr<»rt»ev o'*utisoll,.r th sJ' Vv 'YiH practice In the counties composing , V ,lnl Circuit. In the Supreme Court of i.eorjia, bWtriet Court of the United States for the rv flt 'Sou hern Districts of fieorgia. AI l f KK ' i V V & McCALL\. Af»Mr.M‘VB hrlr, and *i> nvinstV,n ' Mflll attend regu eountj,,,’ r r *''tice in the Sttperior • '<>urts of the VI ujroe o' , ew ton, Itutts. II nrv, Spalding Pike. Per ’ pson > Morgan, DeKalb Gwinnette and das- ...<lec U-ly f| r MATHEWS. A't •rttey at c “ n p . ]al o' ' tton, Ga. will practice all the counties •pecial', Circuit and elsewhere by decU'-ly li F.'rs V TRIPPE Atfornev h f L-IW *"■l in , a , "fill practice in the State Courts lv inn.ih til tes' District Court at \tlantaand * ,a ' dec (My ff , ' UUN I’. Ait • rlloy Law i!i»F|! n t practice In all the countie# of rc| ut«.nd Supreme Court of the State. U VKhj\ beI’IIUNK \ t..rn..t at w Un ties Oa Will practice in all tb»» er ri*, tK Ile Chattahoochee Circuit, and Upson and— -1 r c<| unties deciS-ly I) ; ' V(, .’RRS 'Vil| (vmtirtue the uricMCC N tore ' e^b'*D e. Office at B. D. Hardaway’s Drug -- dcd'-ly i) Ll* I H \VN\II. is pleu«f» i t<» > firti/. . of Upson that he will continue i(f!>J «tim r" Medicine In its vari<»us branches at declS-ly 8 IYALHKR A'tornov a t Lnv , S "te ! ana’ Wfn in Circuit Courts of d «;lD.]y ,n lh * United states District Cogrts. LADIES’ FANCY STORE I OV^Ff MESSRS. FLEMISTEE & EBOOKS, CORNER OF lIILL AND SOLOMON STREET^ GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, respectfully inform the good citizens of Thomaslob and vicinity that we have no* in store, and keep constantly on hand a superior stock and very latest styles of LADIES’ FIXE DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ tkCIUbDREXS’ SHOES, LADIES’ JEWELRY, LADIES’ HOSIERY, LADIES’ NOTIONS, MILLINERY, &c. A thousand little tricks and trinkets that Men-Mer chants know nothing about, to be found at our Store. Isa: i x_,i_,i3sr eiir.'s" i The Choicest, Freshest, and SWEETEST, stock in the inaket Goods manufactured to suit the taste of customers. Orders respectfully solicited. Call on or address MRS. M. A. HIGHTOWER & CO., inayl3-tf Gridin, Georgia. ANDREWS & HILL, MANUFACTUREitS ANt> DEALERS IN FURNITURE, COFFINS, &c., See., AT J. Si T. O. ANDREWS’ Mill, Fixe Miles Southwest ol' Thoniaston, Ga. \\ T R would re.-’Prtßtl*ullv inform mir ▼ v friends and the public generally, that, we have establish da FURNITURE MANUFACTORY at the above named pla'’c, where we manufacture and keep Constantly on handsupeii -r Fttmbure f all kinds, vftrii tics, atld grades. Wc are prepared to fill all or d. is tor COFFIN ", and do ail kinds of Cabinet, work with neatness and despatch We fl itter ourselves that we ran please all that. kn<>w good work when they see it (>nr facilities and advantages In preparing our own Lumber and Manufacttuing oltr iiW , Work efiables us to ..fter any quantity, better varieties, and and eb ed'y better baigiins titan other Furniture dealers in tins section of country. We earnestly lequest all that are in need of anything in mir line to c <li .nd examine cur stock, as we feel satisfied that we can give satbtaction in style, qiialitv anil price. All work warranteed to l>e as represented. Orders solicited. N in t.v2i:-ly -IAS ANDREWS AL S. HILL. CHEAP READING ATLANI A NEW ERA. CLUB 11 ATE 8 . In order to p!are the WEEKLY NEW ERA within the r ach of all. the proprietors have determin ed to to off -i- the following SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS : One copy, one year f % 00 Yen copies one year, tl.ftO each ift 00 Twenty copies, one year. $1 .2ft each 2ft I'O 1 hirty Copies, one year. SI.OO ear-h 80 00 The M'eeklv Kra contains nearly twenty-eight col umns of choice leading matter each issue, consisting of Politics, Liittrature, Market R ports, and GENERAL NEWS. Make up votir Clubs at once. Postmasters are authorized and requested to act ns Agents. A (hires! Nl2\V ERA OFFICE. july29-tf Atlanta, Ga. BTEREOBCOPEB, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment "f the above goods, of their own publica tion, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPE. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITES* E. »$• H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Importers afld Manufacturers of Photographic Materials. mclilS 10m The Southern Farm and Home. A FIRST CLASS AGRICULTURAL MONTHLY. G EN. W. M. BROWNE, IDITOI At 13 OO per Year in Advance. r pfTE Smumrl Volume comrttpnces with 1 November number. Now is the time to sub scribe. Address, J. W. BURKE. A CO., octa ts Mscort. Ga. DR. THOS. A. WARREN, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OFFFRS hi* service* to the c oz't.s ( ,f Griffin and vicinity Special attention given to the treatment ol CHRONIC DISEASES, Those at adfist .nee can <-an consult him hy letter. Office over George Beecher «fc < o , iil Street. apri!29-tf WATCH REPARIINC. r r'IIK Citizens <>f |’ :«> <! .H[i .coot £ counties are respectfully informed that I have m'oVed my stock t«> the store o Vr Wm Wallace,-and am now prepared to execute work fn my liffe of busi ness, on the most fovor-ibl t.-rniS. Rep iring of all kinds done at the shortest n<»’ice and i the neatest man ner. I have facilities tor turning on* good w-Tk. and by strict attention to bud ness hope to receive a liberal sbaie of patronage. Very respectfully, aprtTS ts WM. L. BRYAN. Attention Men With Beard! TAM am now Ifi'ttti t) i-> Tb >m where T will keep a first-class White Man's Btrfter Shop Slaving, Tflm>rrtng ft'd Di*’ s*r llsrif, fn fact, everything in ttie Barber’s lined-mein good stvle and ut saMsiactory prices Give me a call. First door West of Wm. Johnson's Store. 0. 11. HARRIS. TIIOMASTON. GA.. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1871. OSBOIiN & BOYLE, HILL STREET, OIFLXJh '±i 'IIST, manufactcrers of BUGGIES, EXPRESS AND IF .A. Ft JVC -WAGONS, ALSO—OtALERS IX AtT. KIND OF CAKKIAGS & WAGON MATERIAL. AGENTB FOR THE CELFBRV'TED STUDEE3AKER WACON SARVAN'S PATENT WHEELS. C’A ]»!' I AGES. Phaetons. t£c., of any style, ordered direct from the best North ern Factories. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS neatly executed. Special attention given to ordered jobs, and all work warran ted. au<rl2-ly F. M. RICHARDSON, WHOLESALE and retail DEALER IN STOVES, GRATES, MIST ELS, TIN-VAT.A.IRE], HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, &c Hunter Street, near Whitehall, Orders Solicited. oct7-3m LIBERAL CASH"ADVANCES ON COTTON. GROOVER, STIIBRS & CO., SAVANNAH, GA., RF.SPRrrrpiTIXY -nf-rn, -h. - • and Planters of Georgia, Florida and Alabama that their Largs Firb-Proos Warehouse Capacity 35,001) Dales, Ts now ready for the storage of Cotton, and that they a?e prepared to make Ij'hvml Cash Advances On Cotton in stme and to hold.a reasonable length of time, charging bank fate" of intcre.'t. If you want Money, send your Cotton to ociT-tf * GROOVER, STUBBS & CO. JOHN L. HARDEE W W. KIIKLAND N. A. HARDEE'S SON & CO., • 7 House Established 1830. COTTON FACTORS, ANI» GENEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents for steamers Katie and Swan. Dealers in Peruvian Guano, I.and Plaster, and other Fertilizers. Agents for Star Soluble Phosphate, White lock’s Veget it--r, Baugh’s Raw Bone Superphosphate of Lime. Patapsco Guano, Patap-co Bone Flour, Original “Coe s'’ Superphosphate, and t ea Fowl Guano, octl-tf JONATHAN COLLINS & SON COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, m a.coir, GA., K uffpr <>nr sprviyps to Pn*ron planters f x and Dealers, anil hope bv strict attention to business, to merit vour pa*ronnge Would sta daily <sall vour attention to Macon as a Cotton Market, be lieving inducements to shippers to this point, are stfp rior to any inland market in this Smith, ad equal to those of the *onf,h and equal to those on the sea board. Usual ficili’lesextended to planter and ship pers. Our buyers are spirited, liberal men. septSO 2m DISSOLUTION. r T'ft*lF rutrfncrshin hevpN.f! p.. oyi-.ti cr nn- I der the name and style of SUGG* & OUT PH.'V NT, Is this d.v <fiss<dved by mutual consent.. Either party is authorised to u e the firm name when necessary, in winding up the business of the said dissolved firm All parties Indebted to the firm of Suggs «fe Uliphan+, either bv notenr aceouht. are earrtesfly a- ff renpett'olly requ-sted to come forward at.d make payment ass >on as possible, as they are anxious and determined to close the bu-iness of the firm. The books can be found with W 8. O'iphant. at their old place oi business September 20’h. IS7I. J. W. SUGGS, oct7 It W. S. OLIPHAXT. DENTISTRY"! nn J* r<ignp'l being r»p msnpntly £ located in Thomston.stiHtendersthier professional Bet vices in the practice ol Dentistry to the ci’izen.sol Upson and adjoining eotinti> s Teeth inserted on g Id silver, adamant! eor rubber. All work warranted and ago and fit guaranteed. Office up st drs over WILSON SA W YKR'a store. dec!* ft BUY A N * SA W Y UR. B. B. WHITE n\S -«n har'd arnt j, n --(nrlv rnaltir. <*, a large l«'t of BOOTS and SIIO'E'*, POLE UPPER ami HAIDTN!* LK.ATHFK. for which h-- will Ra ter for Bark Hides, *'orn. Wheat, Bacon, Pork or M* VKY, at the Lowest Market Prices. <»ct7 ts DISSOLUTION. j| R fi-rn I p**" fn'P 1 n Wn si* FRIPVD £ .fe HARP, doing m rofiftnrtise feDsinras In 'fhort aaton Ga , its hereby dissolved. oc t7 4t JOSEPH FRIEND, A. P. HARP. STAFFORD, BLALOCK AlO., BARNESVILLE, CA., TTAYE now on hand the LARGEST, BEST and CHAPEST STOCK OF GOODS EYer ofl'ered Ifi BARNESVILLE, Consisting In Ladies’ and Gents’ Apparel Os every discretion and style. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Sugars, Coffees, Carpetings, Trunks, Umbrellas, Salt, Syrup and Molasses, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Rice, Bacon, Lard, and Flour, BMSING AND TIES, CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. All sizes of FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CASES. Twenty-five head of fine Keniucky MULES and HORSES, and will keep from Twenty-five to One Hundred head constantly on hand during the season. We also have a Large and Commodious Cotton Warehouse, And will buy or sell, store or ship your Cotton. We k.ep constantly on hand] almost anything you may call for and what we have not got you wi I not find this fide of New York. We sell at astonishingly LOW PKIi E s , and defy competition. STAFFORD, BLALOCK & Cfh, octi4 3m Bavqesville. Ga. NSW AND DESIRABLE GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER ISTI -3 . IWTT.L b«T'lpnertl *o fsho'v my customers and the general public, my stock of DRY MODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, and GROCERIES, recently purchased, nn-1 which I desire to sell at very short profits— and solicit close buyers to examine and be convinced. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goo-'s hXCHANOE on New York and also on Southern Cities for sale ’’lease exaininesny stock before purchasing. . oct7 ltn G. A. WEAVER. ROGERS & CHENEY, WAREHOUSE AND COTTON COMMISSION THOM ASTON, GEORGIA. "1 E tuko »b><3 rrpthcrl of informing nor T v fri. nds and the pnMTC generally that ot?r NEW W AREHOUSE is now eom>leted and we are now pre pared to serve theca in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. Onr Scales nr« new and corr- et, and having secured the serv ices oT a competent and re'iald.- Scalegman. wo can safely guarantee to do justice to both buyers and sell' rs. LIBERAL ADVANCES will be made or. COTTON in store. BUYERS IN TIIOMASTON will pay Barnesville PRICES for Cut ton. Insurance on Cotton in Warehouse one per ceaL octT 6m CANNON HOUSE, (Recently St James Ilotel.l Marirttd Street, Gate City Block, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Board, Per Day, $2.00. oot2l-6m Miscellaneous. State Items. SAVANNAH. The irrepresnib'e Alpeoria comes for ward and thus makes petition to llis Excellency, U. S. Grant, the President of the U. S. America, and His Honorable Cabinet: “We your humble Petitioners eome’s and pray, that Thomas P. Rottb may be removed fr< m the Custom House in Savannah Ga for reasons, meny of which are unfit to be set fert.h in this petition, and all which we are ready to verify. We do not wisq call your attention to his pass life as a bar-tender in New Orleans, nor to him as a sailer-boarding House keeper in Californie, nor to the many frauds that has taken place and are taken place under him : —but to the fact that he has and does use his Office to demoralize corrupt and divide the Republican party of the first Congressional District of Georgia." The citizens of Savannah are excited over an elopement case. ATLANTA. The city is rile with rumors that 11. I. Kimball has failed. The Atlanta Journal of CoNnm»rce sketches the route of the contemplated Great Western and Atlantic Canal. This engineering scheme is a gigantic one. and it* intended to Connect the Tennesse river with the Atlantic. Ex-Gov. Ilerschell V. Johnson has de livered an address to the Agricultural Societies in reference to the next Agricul tural C-mgress. The Atlanta Sun says: “A sub commit tee nf the Joint Congressional Ku-Kbix Committee, reachod this city early yesterday morning. It consists of Horace Maynard, of Tennessee, Chairman ; G. W. Sch 'field, of Pennsylvania ; W. E. Lansing, of New York ; D. W. Yoorhees, of Indiana; and Thus. F. Bayard, of Deleware—the last two are Democrats, and the others Radicals." The Committee now in session in Atlanta, through its Chairman, have summoned an unusual number of witnesses. Almost forty men from Floyd county are here, on summons to appear before them Numer ous others have been and will be called on. We learn that the entire list of witnesses who have been before the Grand Jury at the pressent session of onr Superior Court, have been summoned indiscriminately.— Rev. Mr. Caldwell will be examined this morning. We learn that Gov. Bullock, since his return, has not only caused a”suit to be commenced against Dr. Angier, because the Doctor refused to pay illegal warrants, hut that he declines to draw any warrants on the Treasury for any purpose. Persons to whom money is justly due, and to whom the money could as well be paid as not, cannot prevail on the Governor to daaw his warrant for the same. We have heard that he says he wants the question tested, as to whether he or Angier is Governor. Tint Country Press of Georgia. — The Savannah N' i ws pays some merited compli ments to the Country Press of Georgia, which we heartily ennorse. It says our Georgia rural press is far ahead of that of any other Soujhern State, save Kentucky, and on a par with that of any Northern State. We go farther and say that we doubt if the Country Press of any Northern State can equal < Ors. Oar contemporary hopes to sec the day when the Country Press shall be a respected and recognized power in the land. It is so to-day. The following statement is a great truth : Conspicuous among the imnrovements made in the country weeklies, and one that has enhanced value and prosperity and materially enlarged their sphere of us» fulness, both at home and abroad, i?» the attention given to their local dep A largr* majority of them are persistent and intelligent chroniclers of items of interest in their own section—the result of which i«,- that they are popular an 1 prosperous to a degree never hes -re known in their history. Atlanta Constitution. MAC >N. The Weslyan Ferr ale College commence? it« current sessi >n prosperously, having 200 students in attendance. There is to be exhibited at the State Fair, in Macon, a combination of wood, wire and L-dia rubber—a machine—which can talk in any language : Say anything ; pronounce di-tinctly ; laugh, cry, hiss, shriek, squall ; sing divinely in alto, soprano and ha*“o ; in short, anything i,f which the human voice is capable.— Ex, The next Annual Commtfn’CHtion of the Grand Lodge. Free and Accepted M isons t S'ate of Georgia, will be held in Macon, commencing Oct. 3l*t, it being the last Tuesd iy of the present month We make this statement from the published notice of ihe Grand Secretary, because there is a little misunderstanding as to the time of meeting of the Grand Lodge.— Ex. A great many prominent visitors are attending the State Fair. Every depart ment of exhibition has its immense variety, and the beauty, arrangement and general display is a marvel of taste, skill and invention. In the afternoon, Weston, the “American deer.’’ walked five miles and six hundred fer in 5# minutes nfnd 20 seconds. The rain prevented any further exercise upon the race track. ftUtcilaiteous Item*. \\ hy is a talkative woman like the ocean? Because you can't make her dry up. A Pennsylvania jury found two men “notguilty”in spiteof their pleaof “guilty.” The jury eouldu’t believe their word. An old batchelor says the talk of women is usually about men ; even their laugh is he ! he ! he 1 " ith shelter, gor<J pure water, ands eem ed food, hogs are rarelv attacked with cholera. A Brooklyn mother, advised her daughter to oil her hair, and fainted flat away when that candid damsel replied : “Oh, no, ma j it spoils the gentlemens' vests I” The greatest pleasure of life is love; the greatest treasure contentment; the greatest possession, health ; the greatest sleep; and the best medicine, a true friend. A judge in Indiana threatened to tinea lawyer for contempt of court. *'l havo expressed no contempt for the court,” said the lawyer: “on the contrary, I havo care fully concealed my feelings.” “What do you ask for that article?” inquired an old gentleman of a pretty shop girl. “Two dollars.” “Au’t you a little dear? ’ “Why,” she replied, blushing, “all the young men tell me so.” Y' ung ladies are advised always to untie and well examine any anonymous b< quet or basket of flowers which they may receive. A lady was about throwing away some fl iwers recently, and discovered a note containing an offer of marriage from a bashful lover. A mammoth cheese, weighing 3.000 pounds, the product of one day’s milking of 2 200 cows yielding 30,105 pounds of milk, manufactured in Erie county. New York, has been deposited for exhibition in International Industrial Exhibition at Buf falo. During a fine starlight evening lately a three-year-old philosopher, after a silent and apparently profound scrutiny of the heavens, asked his mother abruptly, “Where do the stars come from ?” Mamma replied : “I don’t know' Willie; I don’t know where the stars come from.” “Well, you bet I do. The moon laid ’em. The Hearth and Home says: “Tho oracles of the human soul speak in favor of the purity and perpetuity of marriage. Men may forsake the oracles and build so cialisms out of their own fancies. It is all the worse for them. But the intuitions, the loves, the moral impulse of the race uro on the side of marriuge.” Ilow a Western Editor Gets Out or a Scrape —The editor of the La Crosso Democrat had some prairie chickens sent him the other day, and thankfully acknowl edged the same, forgetting that the chickens bad been shot in violation of the game law. N»xt day, he says “they were fish,” and blames the compositor for the mistake. He adds: “The error was more mortifying to us because the law preventing the having iti our possession of prairie chickens was yet in force, and it might lead ignorant parties to suppose that we had violated the law, and set at defiance the State of Wisconsin, and all the law-abiding people thereof. We knew they were fi-h all the time, and told the girl when she was picking off the feathers they were fish. The wish bone was a regular Cat-iish wish bone, and the feet—but why multiply words, anybody would know r they were not chicken.” Great Fires.— The Chicago fire recalls other great conflagrations, which, however, it leads. New York, in 1835, lost Gsocostly houses, worth with their contents SIB,OO ,000. In two years the burnt area was entirely re built, more splendidly than ever. In 184’), Pittsburg lay in ashes: over 1,200 houses burned, and the loss $5,000,000. Portland. Maine, in 1806, burned in tho flames $10,000,000. One-fourth of the population was left homeless. Over fifty buildings were blown up to stop the fire. Few traces now remain of the fire. In 1812, Moscow wa3 deliberately de stroyed by itsown people to defeat Napoleon. Tne great fire in London in 1866 has hitherto been regarded as the greatest of record. It lasted seven days. Nearly 15, 000 houses, private and public, were con sumed. Whole blocks were blowu up to arrest the fl trncs. In 1364, Atlanta, Georgia, went up into smoke an 1 down into ashes, with entire unanimity, at the hands of Gen Sherman. Columbia, South Carolina, did the same thing in 1865. The destruction was so nearly complete, that the job was perfect in its way. Constitution. Josn Bileings on Marriage— Sum mar ry for love, without a cent in their pocket nor a drop of pedigree. This look- desper ate; but it iz the strength of the game". Sum marry because they think wimruin will be scare? next year, and live tew won der how the crop holds out. Sum marty tew g p t rid ov themselves, and discover that the game was one that two coaid play at, and neither ov them win. Sum rnarrv the second time tew get even, and find it a gambling gßine —tho more they put down the le«s they take up. Sum marry tew be happy, not finding it wonders wheLe all tfie happiness goes tew when it dies. Sum marry th**y can’t tell why, and live they can’t tell how. Almost everybody gits matned, and it iz a good joke. Sum marry in haste, and then set down and think it carefully ovpr. Sum think it care fully over fust, and then set down and mar ry. B >th ways are right if they hit the mark. Some marry coquettes. This is like buying a poor farm, heavily mortgaged, and working the balance ov yore days to clear oph the mortgages. But, after all, married lif<* iz full as certain as dry-goods business. Ivno man kan swear exactly whrr he will letch up when he touches cali co. Rno man kan telljist what calico has made up its mind to do next. Cadco don’t kn->w herself. Dry goods ov all kinds iz the child ov circumstansrs. The man who stands <wn the Y ank shivering, and dussent, iz more apt to ket h cold than him who pitches his head fust into the river. If enryhody asks you whi y u got married (if it needs be), tell him you don’t recollekt. NO. -17.