The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, November 04, 1871, Image 1

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r *"" i ** 1 11 * T * *» » " Tfa "-' ■''*'■ ~~ m"* •_ _i - Zl- JT'" a '•-••. -.’ VOL. 11. THETHOMASTON HERALD, PUBLISHED • BY McMICHAEL 8l CABANISS, EfERY SATURDAY MOB NINO. TERMS. one Y* *r $2 00 jlx Month* I 30 All payment* INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Tue paper will he sto|ipe'l at the expiration of the i Ime pai<! T' ,r < Ul| h'* s subscription is previous renewed. II the adire-s <*f a auimoriber is to he changed, we must have the old address as well as the new one, to prevent mistake No subscription received for a lese period than three months. Served by Carrier In town without extra charge. No attention paid to anonymous communications, as we are responsible for everything enterh g <>cr columns. This rule is imperltive. Any one sending us the names of three new subscrib ers with $6.00, we will send the llkkaud one year j I'ttEK An < mark after subscribers name indicates that the time of subscription is out. advertising rates. The so lowing are the rates to which we adhere in si! contracts for advertising, or where advertisements are handed in without instructions. One square ten lines or less (Nonpariel type). $1 for the first and sftcents for each subsequent insertion. sQUABK I T. lIM. I8 M 6M. 12 M. I 'HI f3 AO * 7 oo.fmO siftoo 2 Squares 200 SOO in IK) tftftit 2ft 00 3 Squares ....... 3 001 7 fH»; lft 00 2i 00 8o (Ml \ Squares 400 10 00 j 20 Oft! Bft (mi 40 00 U Column 300 2on 3o oft 40 00 ho 00 | u Column 10 00 20 ol| 83 00 65 00 80 00 1 Column 15 00 2ft u()‘ 40 00 1 7tl 00 130 00 Displayed Ad vertisements will be cnarged according to the si*\oe they occupy. All advertisements should be marked for a specified i time, otherwise they will be continued and charged for until ordered out. Advertisements inserted at intervals to be charged of new each Insertion. Advertisements to run for a longer period th m three months are due and will be collected at the beginning of each quarter. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Advertisements discontinued from any cause bes-re expiration of time specified, will be charged only for the time published. Professional cards one square $lO 00 a year. .Marriage Notices $1 .50. Obituaries $1 per square. Nmtees of a personal or private character, intended to promote anv • rivate enterprise or interest, will be charged as other advertisements Advertisers are reque-ted to hand in their favors as earlv in the wee as p >ssible I/u a ore te m will, he ntrirtly adhered to. LEGAL ADVERTISING. As heretofore, since the war, the following are the for notices of Ordinaries, Ac.—to »k paid in ad vancs' : Tuirty Days' Notices ••$ ft 00 Forty Days’ Notices ... 6 2ft Sales of Lands. ,ke pr. sqr of ten Lines 6 00 Sixty tia\s’ Notices .. ... ... 7 00 Six tenths’ Notices . ... It 00 T- n Day.’ Notices of Sales pr sqr. .. ... 200 Siikkikkt' —for these Sales, for every fi fa $3:00. Mortgage Sales, p-r square. $3 0o “Let. asid- a liberal per centage for advertising Keep vou'self unceasingly before the public; and it matters not what- bu«d ess you are engaged in. for,-if iute'tigentlv and industriously pur-ued. a fortune will be the resu t —Hunts Merchants’ Magazine. “ After I began to i 'verti-,e my Ironware freely, business increased with ams/eng rapidity. For ten yea'si oast l have spent £Vt.otm year!, to keep ny superior wares bes re the public Had I been timid in 4'iverUslng. I never should have possessed my fortune of £3s:i.doi<’\ —McLeod Belton. Birmingham “ Advertising like Midas’ touch, tu>ns .-v.wylhing to gaVI H if. your daring men draw millions to their .•offers * —Stuart Olay •D'h it audacity is to love, and boldness to war, the skillful use of printer’s I it, is to success in business.’ Be cher. Witho and the aid of advertisements I ou and have done noth ng in my p dilations. I have the most complete f»i h in “printers’lnk.” Advertising is the "royal road to business B irnuin Professional Paros. IIIRXM PERDUE bnvim* P’rmn nen ly located at. The Rock, tenders his professional services to th • snrronndirg commnity, and promises to spare no labor or i.ttent.ion to those who nviv patronize him. july22-6mo O WDSVIPII Sc BE \ LL, Atfenpvs *•••! Counsellors at. Law,Thoniiiston, Ha. ill practice in the several ilourts of the State of Georgia, and attend promptly to all business entrusted t.p their care. m it. s vNnwioH. [jurte'24 Gmo } w. x. bkai.l. 1) >Y\ T ‘>V Sc fI>VUJKE ft* 1 > Law, Griffin. Ga. Office in Almah Hall, next door ,n the 'itxr Offucr Will practice in the t/ounties .imposing the Flint t 'ircuit, and in the United States c istrict * ourt. Attention given to cases in Bankruptcy, l’may 13-1 y .. n»Y \ L ,fc NUNN \LLY Ats rn-vs at Law. Griffin. Ga. Will practice in all the coun ties comprising the Flint Judicial ('ircuit. and in the oiin'les of Meriwether, OUyton. Fayette and Coweta. Will practice in the Supreme (’ourt of Georgia an<l the District I 'ourt of the United States for the Northern and South ern Districts of Georgia A. 1) NUNNAI.LY. [apllft-ly] L. T. DOtAL. TY ALLEN. \rror i-pv at L w Th.on • aston, Ga. Will practice in the counties com prising the Flint Judicial Circuit, and elsewhere by toccial contract. Ail business promptly attended to. Office in Cheney’s brick building. mehll-ly DR T R KEN'»\LL offers his prUs sional services tc the citizens <>f i hotnastou and fiirroundinv country. May be found di.rin f e day at B D. Hardaway’s store, at night at the former resi de ice of «’haries Wilson. ' ' .!»" 14 FE REDD»N’L Vt or tt*v sit L iff, • Barnesvile, Pike co, Ga. Will practice in the counties comprising the Hint Judicial Ctr< 1 > ' el-ewhere by special ontract A» business promptly ""ended to Othce in Elder * building, over < bam her s Tin Store. ftUgt> ~ y rn (ovf\S BEALL. Att.«rn**v at L«w. 1 Thomas ton, Ga. Will practice In the Flint Cir cuit and elsewhere by special contract. anggi-iy T«)ll Nl. II VLL Atf'Tnev G«<i 0 r at Law Will practice In the counties composing the Flint Circuit. In the Supreme Court of «•eor.i*, "nd in the District Court of the United States tor the Northern and Sou hern Districts of Georgia. Th unaston. Ga , June 18th. 157 ,, *1y. \ XDBKSON & MoUALLV Attorneys at Law. CovingVm, Georgia. Will attend regu- InrTy. and Practice in the Superior » <•«[* of the Counties of Newton, Butts, Henry, Spalding I ike. Monroe, Upson, Morgan, DeKalb Gwinnetteand^ Jas- T \ MK* M. M A HIE *S. A«t rt.ev at G Laws, Taibotton, Ga . will practice all the counties e “ oposing the < hat< ahoochee Circuit and elsewhere by •pedal contract I> iiiEKT P TKIRRE Attorney a- Ltw li F..rsvth, Ga Will practice in the State Courts •'"I 'o the United States' District Court at UJanta and B*vannsh. Ga. ,k ‘ c 01 y T X HUNT. Aft -ri.oy ut Lh* BaG e •J • ville, Ga Will practice in all the counties «.f "•* Flint ’ircuit and Supreme Conrt of the Mate. Ar VRION BETIIONE, AtD*wiev at -it I. Law. Talboton, Ga Will practice in all the rouuties ~f the Chattahoo-hee Circuit, and Upson and Merriwether counties eC Dfi R 0 JERS vv»M oonniiu* the pr-u‘fic« of Medicine. Office at B. D. Hardaway’s Drug >tore dtmH-ly DR G W T HaNNXII, i- d* notify tbe citizens of Upson tl*at he will contione *■« practice of Medicine in its varlou# Branches at ‘hoinaston. Ga. decltf-ty Tames s \v\lkf:r i^w f.‘ UQanae, Ga. M ? lll practice in Circuit Omrts or State, and .n the United states District courts. OeolO-ly LADIES’ FANCY STORE! OVER MESSRS. FLEMISTEE & BEOOKS, OORMKR Xtr mu AKDBOLOMON BTRFKTS, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, Y\ "t’LI) renpeclfully iofurm the citizens of Thomaston and vicinity that «« have now in store, and keep constantly on hand a superior stock and very latest styles of LADIES’ PINE DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ &, CHILDRENS’ SHOES, LADIES’ JEWELRY, LADIES’ HOSIERY, LADIES’ NOTIONS, MILLINERY, «fcc. A thousand little tricks and trinkets that Men-Mer chants know nothing about, to be found at our Store. MILLINERY ! The Choicest, Freshest, and SWEETEST, stock in the maket. Goods manufactured to suit the taste of customers. Orders respectfully solicited. Call on or address MRS. M. A. HIGHTOWER Si CO., mayl3-tf Griffin, Georgia. ANDREWS & IITITT, MANtTAOTULKKS AND DKALKBB IN FURNITURE, COFFINS, kc., &c., AT J- & T. G. ANDREWS’ Mill, Five Miles Southwest of Thomaston, Ga. YV 'vmuM rp-ipoptfullv inform nnr v V friends and the public generally, that wtf have established u FURNITURE MANUFACTORY at the above named pla-'C, where we manufacture and keep constant ly on hand superior Furniture of all kinds, uni. ties, and grades. We are prepared to fill all or ders lor COFFINS, and do all kinds of l'a'.inet work with neatness and dispatch tVc fl .tt-er ourselves that. vv«- can please all that, know good work when they see it < bir facilities and advantages In preparing our own Lumber »nd M anufiictii • hue our ow Work enables us to offer any quantity, better varieties, an id -jd.iedty better b.argdns than other Furniture dealers in this section of country. We earnestly request, all that are in need <>t anything in our line to call r.nd examine < ur stock, as we feel satisfied that we can give satisfaction in style, quality and price. Ail work wurranteed to be as represented. Orders solicited may 2» ly JAS ANDREWS &L S. HILL. CHEAP READING THE ATLANIA NEW ERA. CLUB RATES. In order to place the WEEKLY NEW ERA within the r ‘ach of all. the proprietors have determin ed to to offer t he following SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS : One Copy, one year .... $ 8 00 Ten copies one year. $1.60 each Ift 00 Twenty copies, one year. $1.25 each 2ft Oft Thirty copies, one year SI.OO each 80 00 The Weekly Era contains nearly twenty-eight col umns of choice leading matter each issue, consisting of Politics, Liierature, Market Reports, and GENERAL NEWS. Make up your Clubs at once. Postmasters are authorised and requested to act as Agents Address NEW ERA OFFICE, jlily29-tf Atlanta, Ga. STE R EOSCOPEB, YIEWS, ALBUMS, CII ROMOS, , ~ . FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment *>f the above goods, of their own publica tion, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPIIOSCOPE. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE3, E. «*i 11. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Beoadwav, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Importers and Manufacturers of PhotograpHc Materials. incblS-lOm The Southern Farm and Home. A FIRST CLASS AGRICULTURAL MoNTMLY. GEN, W. M. BROWNE, IDITOI At 9‘4 00 per Y ear in Advance. rpnrc Second Volume commences with | November number. Now is the time to sub scribe. Address, J- BLLKE. A to. nets ts Macon. Ga. DR. THOS. A. WARREN, RIFFIN, GEORGIA. OFFERS h»s anrvicna To the c'tiz'ma of Griffin and vicinity Special attention given to the treatment ot CHRONIC DISEASES. Those at adistmee can < an consult him by letter. Office over George Beech.-r A, < o , ill atf ~WATCtUREPARIINC. rruiK cilia."" ••' I’l'ici" h..H .Hpcc'.i I r .«« r t™: 1 m-YC<i Diy »l—*lt t-. tc* - , j ] ille f hll ,|. *"' C Hep lrl»P "I »" r-SEs-r"- share of patronage. > ery i WM BRYAN. aprilS-tf Attention MeiTwithßeard! li\J «m n. w h’.puTed i T ' r ’ n “ b - r K 1 T'<x WCTytblegffi the OarherV iine 1 S’ o- & h^ w - THOMASTON, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1871. OSBOIIN & BOYLE, Hill street, ORIFFITST, siAsurACTtraßßs or BUGGIES, EXPRESS AXD rA-FtlVt "WA-Gtoisrs, ALSO—DKALKRS IN ALT. KIND OF CASUIAGE & WAGON MATERIAL. AGKNTB FOB THK CELFBBVTED STUDEBAKER WAGON AND . SARVAN’S PATENT WHEELS. CARRIAGES. Phsctoiis. Ac., of any style, ordered direct from the best North ern Factories. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS neatly executed. Special attention given to ordered jobs, and all work warran ted. aii‘rl2-ly F. M. RICHARDSON; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES, GRATES, MiATELS, TIN-WARE, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, &c Hunter Street, near Whitehall, Orders Solicited. oct7-3in LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON COTTON. GROOVER, STUBBS & CO., SAVANNAH, GA., TANARUS) EXPECT FULLY inform fho M^r.-hont- U and Planters of Georgia, Florida and Alabama that their Large Fire-Proop Warehouse Capacity 25,000 Hales, Is now ready for the storage of Cotton, and that they are prepared to make Liberal Cash Advances On Cotton in stme and To hold a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of interest. If you want Monev. send your Cotton to octT-tf GROOVER, STUBBS A CO. JOHN L. HARDER. W W. KIRKLAND. N. A. HARDEE S SON & CO., House Established IS3G. COTTON FACTORS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents for steamers Katie and Swan. De-ders in Peruvian Guano, Land Plaster and other Fertilizers. Agents for Star Soluble Phosphate, White loek’s Vegetat-'r, Baugh's Raw Bone Superphosphate of Lime. Guano, P.atap-co Bone Flour, Original “Coe s’’ Superphosphate, and Fowl Guano. oct7-tf TonathaFcollTns & sonT COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACOir, O-A.., I nffer i-nr serv’ppis to ro"nn P’antrrs V V and Dealers, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit your pa'ronage. Would st^dally call vour attention to Maeon as a Cotton Market, be lieving Inducements to shippers to this point are -up rior to any inland m irk. ♦in this South, ad i-qnal to those of the *'outh and equal ta> those on th- sea board. Usual f icilitie* extended to pi mta*r and ship pers. Our buyers are spirited, lsbetal men. sept3o ‘2m DISSOXjXJTION. r 1 ! E partnership heret**f r • exi-’i • ? tin -1 der the name and style of SHOO 5 A OLIPHANT, is this and y di*s<ilved bv mutual consent. Either party is authorised to u e the firm name when nere<s*ry, in winding up th-- buMm-s- of the said dissolved fl-m All parties ind> bted to the firm of Suggs A Oliphan’, either by note or »ccount are earnestly a: and respectfully requested Di come forward at.d make payment as s-*ou as possible, as they are anxious and determined to close the bu'in >ss of the firm. The books can be found with W 8. Oiiphant. at their old place ol business t»et item tier 20th. 1871. iA.SLGGft, oc t7 4t W. S. OLIPHANT. "DENTISTRY! 'T'llE mviersiirreH hoin.r PP TTcinpntly 1 located in Thomston.stilltenderathler profeasitma) seivicesin the practice of Dentistry to the citizens <•! Upson and adjoining i-ounti*'S Teeth inserted on g Id silver, adamanti eor rubber. All work warranted and ad fit guaranteed. Office up stairs over WILSON r<A WYKKs store. deef ft BRYAN k SAWYER. B. B. WHITE HAS m buroU Mini i< o n nnflv a large lot of BOOTS and SHOE'S SOLE UPPER and HIKNI LEaTHFIL for which he will Ba-tsw for Dark Hides, Wheat, Bacon, Pork ot M* -NKY, at the Lowes- Market Prices. oct7 ts DISSOLUTION. r h(ir*?T f«*rp an tm as FRIEND 1 A f fA Rf, doing m- rchATidise BtfsinrsK irr Thoin aston Ga , is hereby dissolved, ocll 4t JOSEPH FRIEND, A. P. HARP. STAFFORD, BLALOCK & 10., BArNESVILLE, ga., JJJAVE now on hand the LARGEST, BEST and CHAPEST STOCK OF GOODS Ever offered in BARNESVILLE, Consisting in Ladies’ and Gents' Apparel Os every discription and style. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Sugars, Coffees, Carpetings, Trunks, Umbrellas, Salt, Syrup and Molasses, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Rice, Bacon, Lard, and Flour, BAGGING AND TIES, CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. All sizes of FISK’S METALIO ■RURIAIi CASTIS. Twenty-five head of fine Kentucky MULES and HORSES, and will keep from Twenty-five to One Hundred head constantly on hand during the season. We also have a Large and Commodious Cotton Warehouse, And will buy or sell, store or snip your Cotton. We k:ep constantly on hand almost anything you may call for and what we have not got you wi I not find this tide of New York. We sell at astonishingly LOW PRICES, and defy competition. STAFFORD, BLALOCK & CO., octi4 3m Barnesville, Ga. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER ISTI - S . I WILL tm pinned phow my customers ami the general public, my stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, and GROCERIES, recently purchased, and'which I desire to sell at very short profits—ami solicit, close !.uy*-rs to examine and be -..nvinced. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. EXCHANGE on New York and also on Southern Cities for sale. "lease examine my stock before pnrehasing. oct7 lin G. A. WEAVER. ROGERS & CHENEY, WAREHOUSE AND COTTON COMMISSION MIEPtOH-A-ISrTS, THOMASTON, GEORGIA. \UE t»»k° this frothed of inform'njr «nr V x fri- nds and the pnblic generally that our NEW WAREHOUSE is now completed and we are now pre pared to serve them in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. Onr Scales are new and correct, and having secured the services of a competent and reliable Seal. sman. we can safelv guarantee to do justice to both buyers and tellers. LIBERAL ADVANCES wiU he made or. COPTON in store. BUYERS IN Tilt >M AFTON will pay Barn*->ville PKICKm for Cot ton. Insurance on Cotton in Warehouse <>ne per cent. oclT-6m CANNON HOUSE; (Recently Sl James Hotel.) Marietta Street, Gate City Bioelt, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Board, Per Da,, $2.00. oct2l-6m yVIISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous Items. A gentleman of experience hns discover ed one good thing in sea-vt-jaging. lie sav«: “You can get as tittht as you please every day, and every-body will think you are only sea-sick ” “Don’t trouble yourself to stretch your mouth any wider,” said the dentist to a man who was extending his jaw frightfully, “as I intend to stand outside during the operation.” “Mother, send for the doctor!” “Why, my son?” 4 Case that man in the parlor is going to die—he said he would, if sister Jane would not marry him—and Jane said she wouldn’t. Poirtrsn —Mr. “Cbawls Teawmpson” recently ran his head against a y >un«r ladv during a cotillion. "Aw ! excuse me tieaw,*' said he; “did it hurt, aw?” “No sir,” she replied ; “it’s too soft, thank you.” A chap the other day, asked bis sweet heart if he might b* permitted to encircle her in his arms and give her an ass cti- nate hug “No.” said she, “I can’t allow that, but I’ll split the diff-renee with you—y >u may kiss me.” “A Girl of the period” comments thus upon Mormunism ; “How ahr-urd -four or five wives for one man, when the fact is each woman in these times ought to have four or five husbands It would take about that number to support her decently.”— Index. “Cuffee, what do you t’ink de most use ful ob de planets—de sun or de moon ?” “Well, Sambo, 1 t’ink de moon nrter take de fust rank in dat article.” Why you t’ink Bi, Cuffee?” “Well, I toll you : kuse the moon shine by night, when we want light, an 1 de sun shines by day wheu we don’t?” A kiss par excel!© l ce is the kiss on the lips. Its superiority is easily explained. All other kisses are necessarily cold in com parison, fur they are not mutual. One per son alone as an actor is concerned in a mutual one. You kiss and instantaneously are ki->ed. Ileuce we find lip kissing the most favored. Ch icago Lawyers. —The Chicago Journal, says: “There is not a law office nor a law library left in Chicago, except the few small duplicate libraries at the residences of the leading lawyers. There is not a paper showing that there is suit pending in any ot the six court of rcord in Cook c unty, irir. eluding the federal court. There is not an indictment in existence in the cuuntv against any one, not a judgment, not a peti tion in bankruptcy in the federal courts. Even the duplicate flips that the lawyers keep in their 1 ffiees of important cases are all gone. A few may have escaped by be ing taken luthe houses for Sunday or night work. We may add that there «re in Chicago about five hundred lawyers.” The English Language. Mr. James Brooks writes from abroad : “The English language, I see—and the more I see the better I see it —is becoming the Universal language iff the educated world. Twenty or twenty-five years ago, or less, only French would carry you through the world ; but now it is impossible to go anywhere from the pyramids of Egypt to the mountains of Ja pan, that English will pretty well carry you along. Chinese house-servants, more or l°ss sppnk English—“pigeon English as it is ealled—but, nevertheless, comprehensible English ; and go where you will, in what ever society, English seems now to be the tongue.” A Chicago Jehemiade —Mr. W. D. B inker has brought trom Chicago to New York a curious memorial of the great fire. Among the ruins of the Western News Company's establishment, where an im mense stock of periodicals and books was reduced to ashes, there was found a single leaf of a quarto Bible, charred around the edges. It contained the first chapter of the L iiftontationß of Jeremiah, which opens with the following words: “llow doth the city sit solitary that was full of people: llow is she become as a widow ! she that was great among the nations and princes among the provinces, how is she become tributary! She weeperh sore in the night, and iter tears are on her cheeks; among all hpr lovers she hath none to comfort her.” And that was the only fragment of litera ture saved from U e News Company’s great depot.— New York Tribune. A Great Invention.— There is a genius in Titusville, who has invented anew and effective kind of fly-paper, with m dasses, glue and nitn-glycenne. A fly, for in stance, is attracted by the molasses. lie alights, gets the glue upon his legs and flies away. Presently the glue fe'ds uncomfort able, and he rubs bis legs together ; this ac tion expn des the nitro- glyceiine, and the fly, ’Oh! where is he?” The people in Titusville who use this arrangement say that they can sit in their rooms und hear the crack ol explosions every minute or two. Trie sound is as loud as that made by a tor pedo ; and in the grocery s'orea the ear is deafened, while the air is continually cloud *-d with the flying arms, legs and heads of bursted flies. They have many very curi ous things in Titusville,-<ome whole-souled, energetic liars oinung them. Sporting Times. The Mightt Fallen —The Mississippi has aim >st dried up. The maje-rie river whose magnificent volume two thousand miles from its outlet has been the theme of the tourist’s admiration ; so broad and deep th it it seemed some grand entry of the st a on which the navies of the world might ride ; has shrunk to a mere ridiculous creek and its thiu and attenuated current craw s lazily, as it were ashamed of its shrunk shanks among low, and bare submariue r dges and beaches of gand that have never seen the sun before, so far as human knowledge goes, separated the waters from and y land. The w ater lias never«been s » low within the memory of the oldest inhabitant Herds of cattle bask in the eunsbine on the dry bed of great w aters where a few months ag great fleets of steam boats rode at will. Boys with their trousers rolled up to their knees sound wi<h their feet the grand mys terious depths which have engulphed 8) many waywaid boys and helpless men whom aecide t or rachness hae entang’ed in the 6rong, swift uudertow.— St Paul IVesx. State Items. MAOON. The State Democratic Executive Commit tee assembled in this city yesterday, and had full and free cons<>lutmn. The follow ing resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the fruits of the victory achieved at the December election c.tnnot be secured without thorough organization. We reiterate the opinion previously ex pressed by this committee that men of character and ability should be nominated for office, and it should be regarded as a patriotic duty to suport and elect them, though individual preferences have to be abandoned. Resolved That the people of Georgia and this Committee have an abiding confideuco that the Democratic Legislature, soon to assemble, will be guided by “Wisdom, Jus tice and Moderation that its action will he d»«creet, it** enactments just, nod its ad ministration honest and economical. Resolved , That this committee believe the reports of the existence of Ku. Klux or oth er secret political organization in this State, which have induced Congress to take action on that subject, are wholly unfounded. That there have been acts of lawlessness ai.d violence cannot be denied, but they have not been instigated by eny partisan motive or feeling The ill advised use of the pardoning power, hy which notorious criminals have been relieved from the pun ishment due to their crimes, has in some instances, excited persons to acts of vio lence which would not have otherwise oc curred, and which we unhesitatingly con demn and disapprove.— Telegraph and Mes* seuger. He Refuses. —A proclamation from Gov ernor Bullock was published in these col umns a few days ago in which our fellow townsman Judge Clifford Anderson, was announced as one of the attorneys for the State in the Bruusw ick and Albany railroad case The announcement was made with out consulting Judge Anderson, and he has declined to net for the State in the matter. — Ibid. RURAL DISTRICTS. Covington has a string band, and the cats are disappearing from the place. The temperance society of Covington continues to grow.— Enterprise. Warrenton too lias a band, with new intruments, just received.— Clipper. Albany has enjoyed a grand masquerade ball. Coweta has been visited by large flock* of wild pigeons. The Southern Female College at La- Grange is completed. Rev. Dr. Means was robbed of $llOO and a gold watch Tho watch. w®» presented to Dr. Means by the students of Emory College on hie retiring from tho Presi dency of that institution. Col. Styles presented to Mayor Iluff of Macon, a beautiful fruit casket in behalf of the Press. ATLANTA. John 11. James has been nominated by the Democrats of Atlauta us a candidate for the office of Mayor of that city. Sensiiii.e Words Ab ut Advertising.— The fullowing is from tho Journal of Com merce, New York : “People who sit nervously in counting houses, or behind their goods, waiting for customers to take them by storm, and making no effort to let the world know the bargains they have to offer, will find the season very unpropitious. Many of those who have spent large sums in hiring drum mers and paying for other well-known appliances to trade, have effected large sales | but swallowed up too large a share of the receipts in such enormous attendant ex penses. The best remuneratiou has been found by those who have returned to more legitimate, an old-fashioned method of pushing their business. We say it. not simply because we are interested in this line of expenditure, but ns our best advice to all who wish to be enterpri.-elng and se cure a large custom, there is nothing so affective to this end as judicious advertising. A little advertising may be like a gentle touch of the whip to poor Dubbins’ horse, ‘a mercy thrown awaybut a liberal out lay is almost certain to bring it in a largo return, and this will last even beyond tho current season. We do riot believe that any who has valuable service or desirable property to offer can fail of reaping a rich harvpKt by continuous advertising on a large scale.” Queen Victoria.—Some very singular stories are told about Queen Victoria, and it is hardly supprising that the sober and rather stupid English people should regard her as insane. She has, it appears, a firm conviction that Prince Albert is never away from her, aDd that she can hold com munion with him. A chair is placed for him opposite hers in the library • his favor* i e books are on the table, and it is an ordinary practice with her to address him aloud as it he were reslly present. At din ner a knifd and fork are laid for him, and the servants are directed to even go through tbe formity of helping him. Every morn ing a pair of boots are cleaned and set down before the door of the chamber he oc*» cupied, and at breakfast she not unfre quently waits a considerable time for his imaginary coming. It is said that she de rives a great deal of ». on fort ami consola tion from this belief. Entcrtaiuing, as she does, these sentiments, it is no wonder that Buckingham Palace is closed, and that royal fetes are only a memory and tradition in England ln lex An old bachelor editor thus, in his spite, comments on a recent moonlight night: ‘We left our sanctum at midnight, last night, and on our way home we saw a young lady and gentleman holding a gate on its hinges. They were evidently indignant at being kept out so late, as we saw them bite each other Btveal time-.” Torek thousand persons lost their lives by recent storms and floods in China. NO. -18.