The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, November 25, 1871, Image 1

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lm -asih ' w yOL. 11. THETHOMASTON HERALD, J|k ( »LISHItD BY ' M cMIChWI &>. CABANXSS, EVKRV SATURDAY, MOfljKUK} ffii 3. All payments INVARIABLY IN ADVANUK. Tue pap <,r W, N he stepped at the expiration of the lme j„|,i for, unless subscription is previous renewed. II address of a subscriber Is to be changed, we B „„t hsve the old address as well as theaew one, to nrerent mistake r jjo subscription received for a less period than three *<Served bv Carrier in town without extra charge. No attention paid to anonymous comtiiunisatlons. as Wl , are responsible for everything entering our columns. This rule is imneritive. \ny one sending ui the names or three new subscribe with 16.00, we will send the Hkralu one year y || An < mark after subscribers name Indicates that the time of subscription Is out. -.-* *• v* _ advertising rates. The fodowing are the rates to which we adhere In all contracts for advertising, or where advertisements are handed in without, instructions. One square ten lines or less (Nonparlel type). $1 for the first and .V» cents for each subsequent insertion. ■ SQUARES |lT.|lM.| BMi 6 M. TTm~ fte'iar* j # 1 W $i b 0 f 7 I*o *lO 0. *ISOO 9 Squares ... ... *Mj 5 <*> 10 (hi) ift 00 2A 00 S Squares 8 ‘MI, 700 1A 00 *0 00 80 OO 4 Squares 4 00, 10 00j 90 00 [ 80 oO| 40 00 v Column A 'Mil 200 B'i 00! 40 001 ftO 00 Z Column 10 00 20 00; Oft 00 6b 001 80 00 1 Column 15 00 25 00 40 00 70 00 180 00 Displayed Advertisements will becnarged according to the sesor they occupy. All advertisements should be marked for a specified time, otherwise they will be continued and charged for sntll ordered out. Advertisement* inserted at intervals to be charged of new each insertion. Advertisements to run for a longer period th in three months are due and will be collected at the beginning of each quarter. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Advertisements discontinued from any cause before expiration of time specified, will be charged only for th<- time published. Professional cards one square *IO.OO a year. Marriage Notices *1.50. Obituaries *1 per square. Notices of a personal or private character, Intended to promote anv orivate enterprise or interest, will be charged as other advertisements Advertisers are reque ted to hand in their favors as csrlv in the wee- as possible Vu a ore te mn will be *trlr.tly adhered to. LEGAL ADVERTISING. heretofore, since the war, the following are the pricse for notices of Ordinaries, Ac.—to bk paid in *n vo'Cv: Thirty Hava' Notices ••* ft 00 Forty 1 lays’ Notices .. 6 2ft Sales of Lands, «tee pr. sqr of ten Lines 6 00 Hlxty l>avs’Notices .. ... ~.. ...... 700 <i\ Ninths’ Notices 10 00 T o Day' 1 Notices of Sales pi* sqr. ... 2 00 "> ii rhi vkt’ Sai.V!* —for these Sales, for every fl fa *8:00. Mortgage Sales, p r square. sft 00 “Let aside a liberal per cent.age for ndvtjfpging. Kce ' yourself unceasingly before the public; and it matters not what bust tesa you are engaged in. for, if Intelligently an i industriously pursued, a fortune will hetheresuN —limits Merchants' Magazine. “After l began to advertise my ironware freely, business Increased with amazing rapidity For ten ycs'-s past l have spent £BO.OOO veark to keep my superior wares before the public ilnd I been timid in advertising, l never should have possessed my fortune of £85o.OOO”. — McLeod Belton, Birmingham. * ; advertising like Midas' touch, turns everything to Hold H> it, your daring men draw millions to their coffers ” —Stuart 01 ny •tVhat audacity is to love, and boldness to war, the skillful use of printer's 1 ik, is to success in business. ’’ — He cher. Without the aid of advertisements I <',*uld have done nothing In my speculations. I have the most complete faith In “printers’ink.” Ad vet Using is the “royal road to business ” —Barnum. Professional Paros. Dr HIRAM PERDUE having rv’rma nently located at The Rock, tenders his professional services to tho surroundirg continuity, and promises to cpnre no labor or attention to those who mav patronize him. july29—6rao Mil SANDWICH, Attorney nn«l Conn* sellor at Law, Thonmston. Ga. ‘ Will practice in the several Courts of the State of Georgia, and attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care, novll ts I) UTViON & UISMUKE Vtoroev* at > Griffin. Oa. Office in Almah Hall, next door to the Star lirnct Will practice in the Counties composing the Flint Circuit, ami in the United States District < 'ourt. Attention given to cases in Bankruptcy, tnaylß-ly ODY VL <fc NUNNVLEY, Attorney* at Law, Griffin, Ga. Will practice in all the coun ties comprising the Flint Judicial Circuit, and in ihe cninMes of Meiiwether, Clavton, Fayette and Coweta. Will practice in the Supreme Court of Georgia, ami the District Court of the United States tor the Northern aud South ern Districts of Georgia A. I>. NirSN AI.LY. [apllft-lv] *- T BOTAU TY ALLEN. Attorney n* Liw. Thom • aston, Ga. Will practice in the counties com prising the Flint Judicial Circuit, and elsewhere by special contract,. All business promptly attended to. Office In Cheney’s brick build!ns:. mchll-ly OR T R KENDALL offers bin profes sional services tc the citizen- of Ihomaston and surrounding country. May be found rturin r tbe day at B D. Hardaway’s itore, at- night at the former resi de ,ce of Charles Wilson. jan 14 ly FF REDDING. Vfornev at Law. • Barnesvil e, Pike co, Oa. Will practice In the counties comprising the Flint Judicial Circuit, and ekewhere by special on tract Al l-usiness promptly attended to Office in Elder s building, over ( hambers Tin Store. a,lgt> - ? f PiIOMVS BEALL. Attorney at Law. 1 Thom aston, Ga. Will practice in the Flint Cir cuit and elsewhere by special contract augST- y TORN I. H ALL Armrneva! 'I o»uns«*U r at. Law Will pracUce In the counties composing the Flint Circuit. In the Supreme Court of i-eor ,la, and in the District Court of the United states lor the Northern and Southern Districts of Georgia. Th .miiston, Ga . June ISth. IS7Q-Iy. __ VNDERSON & MoU ALL \ Attorneys at Law. Covingt «n, Georgia. Will attend regn krty, and Cfaettce In the Superior fourts of the counties ,>f Newtna, Butts, H -nry, Spalding me Monroe, Upson, Morgan, DeKalb, Gwinnette and Jas p<;r T VMKs M Vt ATHEW S \ f * *nv*T »«t v| Laws, Taibotton, Ga . will practice all the counties Coinp.tslng the > Ihatiahoochee Circuit and elsewhere y •Pedal contract 4«c.10-lT UGBERT P TttIPPE. A-ktrttev a? Law t Forsyth, Ga Will practice in the State Courts »'"! in the United States' District Court at Atlanta and B*vsnnih.Oa. <lfC tVly I A HUNT. Aif-..»r»*«y at Law Ba* • vilie, Ga Will practice in all the countie* of th * Flint • ‘ireffit and Supreme Court of the stut'G \f*RlO.V BETHUNE. at L Law, Talh *to«, Ga. Will practice in nil the •ounties .of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and Lpson and Merriwo-ther counties 6rc. S-)y n!v ROGER? will « »*ie pr i.-tico of Aedicine Office at B. D. Hardawsv’s Drng store doHS»ly DR G W T Il iNN All. i- pß’t^‘ notify the citizens of Upson that he w ill continue 5* practice of Medicine In tu various *»™ n 'J** ** Ga. d*c\s-\y T S AVALKER Artornev »t Law •) UOange, Ga. Will practice ° f “>« State, and ib the Unite* SUtee uwnrtfc 4eclo-ly store I \ • ' PLEMISTEE & BEOOKS, COB*E* OF hill ahd eoLoMon iTlttn, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, ■yyOULD respectfully inform the good citizens of Thomaston and vicinity that we have now In store, and keep constantly on bund a superior stock and very latest styles of LADIES’ FINK DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ & CHILDRENS’ SHOES, LADIES’ JEWELRY, LADIES* hosiery, ladies* NOTIONS, MILLINERY, «stc. A thousand little tricks and trinkets that Men-Mer chants know nothing about, to be found at our Store. MILLINERY ! The Choicest, Freshest, and SWEETEST, stock in the maket. Goods manufactured to suit the taste of customers. Orders respectfully solicited. Call on or address MRS. M. A. HIGHTOWER & CO., tnaylß-tf Griffin, Georgia. ANDREWS &lIILL, MANL’FAOTCRKBS ANI> DICALKKB IW FURNITURE, COFFINS, Ac., Ac, ▲T J. 6i T. G. ANDREWS’ Mill, Five Miles Southwest of Thomaston, Ga. \\TR would fully inform onr T T friends and the public generally, that we have estahed a FURNITURE MANUFACTORY at the above named pla*’c, where we manufacture and keep conntantlv on Furniture<>f all kinds, tari. ties, and grades. We are prepared to fill all or ders tor COFFIN 8, and do all kinds of Cabinet work with neatness and dispatch We flatter ourselves that we can please all that know good work when they see it. Our facilities and advantages in preparing our own Lumber and Manufacturing our ow.i Work enables us to otter any quantity, better varieties, and decidedly better bargains than other Furniture dealers In this section of country. We earnestly request all that are in need of anything in our line to cAll and examine cur stock, as we feel satisfied that we can give satisfaction in style, quality and price. All work warranteed to be us reph-sented. Orders solicited. may2C-ly JAS ANDREWS & L S. HILL. CHEAPREADING THE ATLANTA NEW ERA. CLUB BATES. In order to place the WEEKLY NEW ERA within, the r»ach of all. the proprietors have determin ed to to offer the following SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS : One copy, one year ... .... *8 00 Ten copies one year. *1.50 each Ift 00 Twenty copies, one year. *1.25 each 25 00 Thirty copies, one year *I.OO each 80 00 The Weekly Era contains nearly twenty-eight col umns of choice reading matter each issue, consisting of Politiss, Literature, Market Reports, and GENERAL NEWS. Makj up your Clubs af once. Postmasters are authorized aud requested to act as Agents. Address NEW ERA OFFICE, julys9-tf Atlanta, Ga. STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, CH ROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BRpAOWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of their own publica tion, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPIIOSCOPE. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITES, E. & H. T. ANTHONYwk CO., 591 Beosdway, Niw York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Importers and Manufacturers of Pilotographic Materials. ujchlS-lOm The Southern Farm and Home. a FIRST CLASS AGBICULTITR AL MORT.ULT. GEN. W. M. BItOWNE, editor At *2 OO per Year ira Advance. r Second Volume commenced with I November aumber. Now is the time to sub scribe. Address. J. W. BURKE, A CO„ octS- ts Macon. Ga. DR. THOS. A. WARREN, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OFFFRS his services to the citizen* of Griffin and vicinity Special attention given to tbe treatment of CHRONIC "DINICASE?. Those at adistmoe cancan consult him by letter. Office over George Beecher At o, 111 Streeu apflr2»-ir ~WATCH~REPAimNC. rpGF, ‘ttfitens Potto n«d odjteett 1 counties are respectfully informed Otat I hare moved inv stock to the store o Mr.Wa WaUa®e,aml am now prepared to execute work in my Hbe of busi ness on the most favornbl U-rms. Repairing of ail kinds done at the shortest nmiee snd 1 • the neatert man ner I have facilities for turning out good work, and by strict attention to business hope to receive a literal Terir u brt*». Attention Men With Beard ! I \\f hiti n<*w !o.?ared i»f where I will keep a first class White Man » Barber Fhoo ’•hiving. Trimming and Dress Hair, in fact, everything in the Barber’s line done in good style and SSry pHce. Give calL Jest Ot Wm. Johnson s Store. 0. IL UA-RRIS. THOMASTON, gA SAJftpDLy MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1871. OSBORN & BOYLB, Hill street, aiLiFFiisr, • OA., MANCfACTCBEKa Og BUGGIES, EXPRESS AMD WAGONS, BLSO —DEALERS IM ALL KIMD OF CASSIAO3 * WAGON MATERIAL. AOr.KTS FOR THE CKLEBRVTXD STUDEBAKER WAGON * AMD SARVAN’S PATENT WHEELS. CARRtAGES. Phaetons, &c.. of any style, ordered direct from the best North ern Factories. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS neatly executed. Special attention driven to ordered jobs, and all work warran ted. augl2-ly F. M. RICHARDSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES, CRATES, MANTELS, TUSr-W-A.PLE, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOOS, &c., Hunter Street.'ncar Whitehall,- ATLANTA, OEOIiaiA. Orders Solicited. oct7-3m liberaTcash advances on COTTON, GROOVER, STIIBSS & CO., SAVANNAH, GA., Respectfully inform the M»rohunt< and Planters of Georgia, iTorfda and Alabama that their Large Fire-Proof Warehouse Capacity 545,000 Bales, Is now ready for the storage of Cotton, and that they are prepared to make Liberal Cash Jtdvanees On Cotton in stme and to hold a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of interest. If you want Money, send your Cotton to oct7-tf GROOVER, STUBBS A CO. JOHN L. HARDER • W W. KIKKLAND. N. A. HARDEE’S SON & CO., House Eftublisheil 1830. COTTON FACTORS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents for steamers Katie and Swan. Dealers in Peruvian Guano, Land Plaster and other Fertilizers. Agent* for Star Soluble Phosphate, White lock’s VegetatT, Baugh’s Raw Bone Superphosphate of Lime. Pafapaco Guano, Patap-co Bone Flour, Original “Coe's"’ Superphosphate, and Fowl Guano. oct7-tf JONATHAN COLLINS & SON. COTTON r ACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACOIC, OA__, • "1 offer our Nervu-ps to Cotton Planters ▼ t and Dealers, and hope by strict attention to business, to merit your pa’mnage. Would specially call vour attention to Macon as a Cotton Market, be lieving inducement* to shippers to this point are sup-rinr to any inland market in this South, ad equal to those of the "tenth and equal te those on the sea board. Usual ficilitles extended te planter and ship per* Our buyers are spirited, liberal men. *ept3o-2m cllnnonTiouse, (Becently St. James Hotel.! Marietta Street, Gate City Block, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. B 'ftrd. Per D-tv. $2 00. nct2l-6m DENTISTRY! IM|E undpruicnani beine l«K?ate<l in Tbomston. still tenders thier professional services in the practice of Dentistry to the citizens of Upson and adfoining counties Teeth inserted on g Id silver, adaraanti' e o»- rubber. All work warr.-nted and a go and fit guaranteed. Office up stdrsover WILBON SAWYER b itore. BRYAN A BAWYEB. decs* ft • CLOTHING ptiouinr price*. Also Tailoring and Cutting done at short notice b.t r. H. Baird. Cherry st next to First National Hank, eeptSo-m Macom. 44*. B. B. WHITE Hts <>n hand and e-*n**«oHv makir.-*, a large lot of BOOTS and SHOES, SOLE. UPPER and HARNESS LEATHER, for which he will Barter for Bark. Hides, Corn. Wheat, Bacon, Pork ot Mi *N KY, at tie Lowest Market Pr&n. <wt* 1 1 STIFFORD, BLILOt’k & CO.. BARNESVILLE, CA., JJJAVE now on hand the LARGEST, BEST and CIIA PEST STOCKOF GOODS Ever offered In BARNESVILLE, Consisting in Ladies' and Gents’ Apparel Os every disertption and style. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Sugars, Coffees, Carpetings* Trunks, Umbrellas, Salt, Syrup and Molasses, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Rice, Bacon, Lard, and Flour, BAGGING AND TIES, CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. All sizes of FISK’S MJ2TALIC BURIAL CASES. Twenty-five head of fine Kentucky MULES and HORSES, and will keep from Twenty-five to One Hundred head constantly on hand during the season. We also have a Large and Commodious Cotton Warehouse, And will buy or sell, store or ship your Cotton. We keep constantly on hand almost anything you may call for and what we have not got you wi 1 not find this side of New York. We sell at ustonishingly LOW PRICES, and defy competition. STAFFORD, BLALOCK & CO., octi4 3m Barnesville, Ga. ROGERS & CHENEY, WAREHOUSE AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THOMASTON, GEORGIA. "IYTE ink* thin method of informing onr T ▼ frDnds and the public generally that our NEW WAREHOUSE is now completed aud we are now pre pared to serve them in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. Dur Scales are new snd c»rr'*et, and having se'-nred tbe services of a competent and reliable Scalesmini we can safelv guarantee to do justice te both buyers and sell-rs. LIBERAL ADVANCES will be made on COTTON in store BEYERS IN THOMASTON will pay Ba-nesviHe PRICES for Cot ten. Insurance on Cotton in Warehouse <>ne per cent oct7-6m F OUTZ’ 8 CELEBRATED In ail Cattle Fovlars. SThis preparation, long and favorably known, will thoroughly re-invigorate broken down fcnd low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intestines. It is a sure preventive of all diseases incident to this animal, sueh as LI NG FEVER. GLANDERS. YELLOW WATER. HEAVES. COUGHS, DIS- A TEMPER, FEVERS. FO UN DER, LOSS OF APPFTITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Ac Its use improves umUßb the wind, increases the appetite— give* a smooth and glossy skin—and tran-sfo-ms the miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and spi-itel horse. • . To keepers of Cows this prepara tion is invaluable. It is a sure pre ventive against Rinderpest, Holloa ißH’af I Horn. etc. It has been proven by yafcW I actual experiment to increase tfi* quantity of milk and cream twenty per rent and make tbe butter firm and sweet. In fattening catUe, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. In atl diseases of Swin *. sueh as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver. Ac., this articleaets as a specific. By putting f-ona one half a naper to a paper in a barrel of ■Will the above dUe*se§ will be ersdi cated or entirelv prevented. If given % IJ*- FT/ in tiase, a certain p-eveative and sure for tbe Hog Cholera. DA HD E# FOUTZ, Proprietor* BALTIMORE, 14, For «tl- bv Druggists and Storekeepers thrniifbfl the United States, Canadas and South America For Sale by J. W. ATWATER, Ttoatartcn, Ga. a«vll-ly yVIISCELLANEOUS. Funny Mention. A fainting fit—tight lacing. Tbe world in arms—the babies. Not a good buss—a blunder buss. When is s ship like a scarf-pin ? When it ia on the bosom of a heavy swell. What can a man have in hia pocket when it is empty T A big hole. A young lady translate*) the C. 0. D. on express packages into Call On Dad. “Clara," asked Tom, “what ani mi Is dropped from the clouds?” “The rain, dear," was the reply. A doctor's motto is supposed to be “Pa tients and long suffering ” The quickest way for a man to forget all common miseries is to wear tight boots. Motto for lawyers. Be brief; for doctors, Be patient j for potters, Be-ware. An appropriate hotel for old maid* to stop at —the Mansion (man-shun) hi>use. The man who p"pped the question by “star-light,” got his sweetheart's consent in a twinkling. A cynical lady rather inclined to flirt, says most men are like a cold—very easily caught, but very difficult to get rid of. Carlyle says: “Make yourself a good man, and you may be sure there is one ras cal less in the world.” A parson, reading the funeral services at the grave, forgot the sex of the deceased, and asked one of the mourners, an Emer alder, “Is this a brother or a sister?” “Nayther,” replied Pat; only a cousin.” Mrs. Partington, in illustration of the proverb “a soft answer turneth away ruth,” says “tha: it i- better to speak paregcrical ly of a person that to be all the time fling ing epitaphs at him.” The Chicago lawyers, who lost some S4CM,(K)O worth of law books iu the fire, now as* a liberal donation of books for the library of their Law Institute, which they promise to make free to the bar generally. A bashful young man was escorting a bashful young lady, when she said, entreat ingly; “Juhez, don’t tell anybody you heaued me home.” “Don't be afraid,” re plied he ; “I am as much ashamed of it as you are.” That settled it. Says the psalmist—“He maketh my feet like hind’s feet ” A negro preacher read it “hen’s feet,” and proceeded to say “dat hen in de hen roost, when she falls asleep tightens her grip sVs not fall off. And dat's how true faith my breddren, holds on to de rock.” A clerk in a postoffice was a little em barrassed the other day on being asked bv a iady if there was a letter for my coW. B“ing disposed to treat her politely he re plied that there w«s nothing for anybody's cow The lady being equally embarrassed, also disposed to be polite, said she inquired for Mike Rowe. The following correspondence is said to have taken place between a merchant and one of his clients: “Sir your account has been standing f,.r two years ; I must have it settled immediately.” Answer; “Sir things usually settle by standing ; «i| that my account is an exception. Ts fl has been standing too long suppose you let it run a little.” A clergyman, who owned a farm, found his plowman sitting on his plow, renting nig horse. Quoth the clerg’ man : “Jxhn, wouldn’t it be a good plan for you to have a good stub-scythe here and be cutting a few bushes along the fence while the horse is resting a short time?” Wouldn’t it he well sir,” said John, “for you to have a tub of potatoes in the pulpit, and when they are singing, peel’em awhile tube ready for the pot ?” Avery happy retort was that of a badg ered witness to a lawyer named Missing who wag tormenting him. The lawyer was Defending a prisoner charged with stealing a donkey. The prosecutor had left the animal tied up to a aod when he re turned it was gone. Missing was very severe in his examination of the witness. “Do you mean to say, witne»«, the donkey was stolen from that gate. “I mean to say, sir,” giving the judge and then tbe jury a sly look “the as<* wa« Mis-ing.” A Tender Uon.-cienc* — A good example of a morbidly tender conscience, an well an one wholly mpervious to a Conviction of wr rig, is aff.rded in the story of a hatter aid blacksmith, who were members of the same church. The latter, who was a thoroughly pious man, arose one day in a conference meeting to tell of the enj tymont he experienced in communion with God. in which delightful duty he spent an hour in the middle of each day. “Try it, brethren.” said he, “you will be richly repaid for the lose of time in your business, and do not allow yourselves to be interrupted by any calls to business. Why, when I was thus engaged, I would not lose my devotions even if I knew I were losing the sale of a hat—that is,” he added, after a moment’s pause, “a wool hat.” The blacksmith, un like the hatter, never troubled himself to make corrections. Oo the contrary hi» cry ing sin was that of exaggeration. Ilia deeds of valor were no less remarkable than Sir John Falstaff, and the enemies whom he disputed in battle oft n increased in the same ratio as those of the hero of Gad’s Hill. The brethren of the church, pained by the reproach which the marvel us stories seemed to bring <m his profession, r»*Holved to ctU a me ting, i.nite the offending brother to be present, and in a delicate way, hint to him, that he was doing much harm to the cause of religion. A number of in direct allusions producing no effect on the blacksmith, the hatter rose and said he should be under the painful necessity of being personal, and would unwillingly say he referred to the brother n pew No. 4. ‘ Brethren, said our friend of the anvil, slowly rising and looking about him with tears in his eyes, “It must be that you al lude to me. I acknowledge my fault, and thank you for vur kind interest in me; hu», brethren, pity me. for I have shed, bar rets of over that very swt.” State Items. ATLANTA. Henry county folks have been passing through Atlanta to some point in Arkansas. It is not true that Gov. Brown has pur chased Bullock’s fine barn and farm in Cubb county. Mrs. Bullock left Atlauta two weeks ago without informing her best friends whero she was going. Bullock’s whereabouts is not known. Northern pa pers indicate that he is no longer in the United States. In the case of Rev. Mr. Wood, for seduction, anew trial has teeo granted by Judge Hopkins. MACON. The Citisen chronicles the death of Judge Henry W. Cowles, caused by consumption. Fat chickens and turkeys are plentiful in Macon. The Telegraph and Messenger says, “we hear of • man who carried seven teen ‘possums’ to Cuthbert, a few days ago. He said he caught them all in ona night, and it was a mighty bad night for ‘poar-um hunting’ at that. Christian A Saw tel l went fir him, bjt he couldn’t be induced to take pay for one in puffs, and they crept back to their holes crying : *o— '” John F. Cargile, of Albany, Ga, late Clerk of the Superior Court of Dougherty county, died in Macon on the 10th iuat. SAVANNAH. The world-renowned pedestrian, Edward Payson Weston, arrived at Savannah last Saturday. Valuable sets of harness and Bantam fowls are the victims of thieves in Savannah. An interview between a bull dog and a canine carpet-bagger from New foundland produced quite an excitement. Much interest has been manifested by all parries and especially the ladies, in the Industrial Exposition. B. S. Cole, Esq., is dead. The races are expected to be very interesting. Templeton will be at St. An drews Ilall during the Fair. Joseph Davis, (colored) was drowned by the sinking of a boat. Lewis, (col.) was bound over in $5,000, for shooting Frank Ward. COLUMBUS. Duck hunting is profitable. Skating Rink popular. Frost plenty. The railroad to Chattahoochee progresses ; enough iron on hand to complete it from Quincy to the river. A countryman was robbed of sls on Wednesday. Fancy dress ball at the Skating Rink on the 29th. Superior Court commences oo the 27th. AUGUSTA. The jail came near burning up last week. A colored prisoner very gallantly put out the flames. A petition for his pardon has been forwarded to Atlanta. The Georgia road has anew and very comfortable Cab Coach for freight trains. A 075 pound lady is on exhibition. The Charlestonian who had the difficulty near the Globe Hotel the other day has vamoosed. RURAL DISTRICTS. The Georgia Clipper states that “the mighty has fallen.” Cause—big nigger and and an ax. Warrenton has fifteen or sixteen business houses. The Journal of Health states that Rev. J. M. Brittain has been chosen President of Conyers Female College. The druukafds of Americus are blatiug for milk. Fresh fish arc abundant. The weather has been seasonable for sausages and fatty-bread. The editor of the Repub lican has returned from his travels. Mr. Samuel Barnett and Col. T. C. How ard will spe*ak on agriculture at LaGrange, on the 2d ol Dec. The District Court tried and convicted a “colored lady” because she “hadn’t done nothing.” Charley contin ues to contend for the prettiest young lady in the State. lie is getting extravagant.— says that we have more like her and that she lives in the best town in the State. Men frequently go crazy on one subject. The Newnan Herald want* a boy of fifteen summers, who desires to learn the printers trade. A convention of the Democrats of Newnan is called on the 27th inst., to nominate a candidate for Mayor and four candidates for Alderman. The News says refiling is in fashion in Albany. The floor of the Skating Rink is adorned with “photose” of both sexes. The Demosthenian Society at Athens held a public debate on the evening of the 17’h inst. On the 18th inst., the two lit erary societies elected their Anniversnrians. Mr. E. 11. Gray, of Graysville, Catoosa county, elected Demosthenian Anniversa rian ; Mr. J. C. Avery, of Pensacola, Fia. t was elected by the Phi-Kappa So. iety. A little daughter of the Rev. O. W. Maxon fell from a bale >ny at the residence of Mrs. Smith in Talbotton, a few days sioce, and received injuries from which she died. Mr. James Leonard, an old citizen of Talbot county, fell and wn bis gin house steps on last Monday, and fractured his leg. Mr. Thoa. Person® killed a wildcat, three miles from Talbotton, on Thursday last, which weighed twenty pounds. Mr. John Parker’s gin house, near Prattsburg, with five or six hags of cotton, was burned by an inceudiary last week. Talbotton wants a Mayor and Aldermen. All of which vr« team from tbo Talbotton Standard* NO. 51.