The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, December 16, 1871, Image 1

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y()L. 1II« thethomaston herald, PUBLISHED BY Mc MICHAEL Sc CABANISS, liVKitY SATURDAY MOUSING TERMS. tw ) . i oo * „,.«««•* invariably in advance t mwt will He »tnpped at the expiration of the 1,1 f, r unlei** subscription l* previous renewed, rtdrfre n os a subscriber is to be changed, we Bl) 't hue the old address as well as the new one, to received for a less period than three ® n bv Carrier in town without extra charge. • mention paid to anonymous comrinmJsHtions. as w ;’® e for everything enteri g our columns, -m. rule is imperitive T nv one sending us the names of three new aubsertb ,r, with Jti.uo, we will send the Jlbuald one year . ' Mlir k aft-r subscribers name indicates that the time of subscription is out. advertising rates. T>„. fn In vinz are the rates to which we adhere in ' 1 1 , cts for idvertisinz, or where advertisements 111 C L.„,ledia without instructions. W (»,e .nuare ten lines or l--s (Vonpariel typel. *1 for th.- ftrst and W)cents for each subsequent insertion. ■ T 1 M '3 M 6 M.~j 12 M ~~~~ ” ” s| no $ g ftn s7on f ino lift on ■ "v. 2'Ml 500 in (Ml Ift no 2ft on j Ij’ltra ■■ J (M , 2't no 80 (Ml Attires V ... 4 'MI 10 00 20 'MI 80 (Nil 40 (Ml J rilrnin ... ft'Hl 2 (Ml 8o iMt 40 00 Ml 00 u olnmn ... 10 on 20 O') Bft |M>; fift no HO on 1 ~,/umn ..| If) (Ml 25 «H» 40 00 70 00 130 00 pisplsred Advertisements will be cnargeil according to tliesrscr thev occupv. 11l advertisements should be marked for a specified time, nth' rwise they will bo continued and charged for until erlered out. I Ivertisements inserted at intervals to be charged nf new each insertion. 11vertiseinents to ren for ft longer period tlv n three iD uithH are due and will tie collected at the beginning of ach quarter Triinsient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Advertisements discontinued from any cause before riplntion of time specified, will i>e charged only for tb'time published. Professional cards one square |IO.OO a vear. Kurrlage Notices 41 .ft'* Obituaries fl per square. V,itfres of a personal or private character, intended • peruete nnv rfviite enterprise or interest, will be chaffed is other a I verils otienfs Advertisers are reqn • ted to hand In their favors as lirlv in the wee as p .sible l'teu »• >’ t* /«* ioUl be utri'tltf adhered to. LEGAL ADVERTISING. A.'heretofore, since the war, the following are (he r c<e for notice! ofOrdin.arles, Ac.—to be i*/vii> in ad tocr: Piirty Dsvs’ Notices • 5 00 y.rtv 111 vh' Notices .. .... . fi 2ft Stl nus ban is. Ace. pr. sqr of ten Line* ..... 6on MAtV !'»\S' Not'CeS .. ... * 7 (Ml 'ix 'oaths’ N itices . .. I( (Mi T n IViv ’Notices of Hales pr sqr. .. ?00 NiKium-' ast-vs —for tie -e Sales, for every fifa <3:00. 4'rtyigo Hales, p r squire, "fft On “I,et asi 1 a lib-ral per rentage for advertising Kec run seif unceasingly bes ire the public; and it miters not what busi ess vm are engaged in. lor. if to-.gently m ' industriously pur-ued. a fortune will tsovresu i —Hunts 'lerchants’ Magazine. "After 1 began to i Iverti-e mv ironware freely, kimm ift ere and with am ax ug rapidity. For ten .is \-.*st l have spirit £3'.00 r vc.arl to keep my .I'l'i ,r riivs h ( >f re the public lfaifl been timid in il r'l'irnf I never sh .uld have po-sessed my fortune "f €tfto.niii"’. YlcLeod ttelton. Birmingham " t Iver'.sing like Midis' tyu'uh, turns every thing to till B P, you' hiring men daw millions to their offers■ Hinart ('I ly ' Vhif. ii Ucity is to love, and boldness to war. the rtil'ful use of printer’s i ik.ts to success in business ’ - Be cher. . .» f"h" it the dd of advertisements T ou .1 have done ; >th ng in mv p .-ulaiions I h ive tiie most comple e ii iin ••|irinter«'ink.” Adve. tising is the “‘royal load t»hoHiness -It irnum Professional Pards. IHIH \ M I’FRDII Fi ' avi'iy rv'r<n:» 1 ' uen I vlocated itThe Hock, tenders bis.jir fessional s-I vies to th snrmundirg commnity. and promises to M'crtm labor or attention to those who m ix patronize h ""' July22—(smo \\ 'I ' Wli VM'ir. \ nov . 1 r ti * I sel nr at Law, Th«»mast<>n. (fa Will practice ■ 'f viral . ’ourt.s of the Ht-ite of <? corgi i, and attend P 'u" vtn nil business entrusted to his care, nnvll t s f) V\ itv Sc t| HVU'KK V “ . cr. It t 1 eiw.'lriffin. Oa. (iffivein Mtnah tall, next door ;/V VK 1 b"' r| cK Will practice in the Counties ( dn. the Flint l ’ircuit. and in the IJnited States iVi ' Urt Attention given to cases in Bankruptcy, | ' V VL v fc \U \X \ LLY \ t r*'"?* s af .nv. Urtftin, Ua Will practice in all the coun f"im'u" P r I' sr .' h<> * r '’ nl 4udici il Circuit, and in the H , 'V'iiveth.-r, CLivton, Fayette and Coweta. I'i'trirn ! ' C '" * n ,l '‘' •'‘'tpfeme Court of (Se-wgia. md the ' "J!T f 'he United Mates tor the Northern and M u [apllft-lv] L. T DOT Vl j] t \ v LLV.\ \irnr »>v i' li \Y Th ><n prijiM .V-':*• Will practice in the counties cm -1 '-.-'a? «-,/[ 1,1 f Judicial x’ircuit. and elsewhere by ' !L l,r ‘°' All business nromptiy attended to. “>’» brick bjti’.dm* mehll-ly J);. * R KKV’» \LL ff s h's pr f.s i-r , '' nil "‘ ’■'ic-s tc the citizen- of ( h.unaston and B and , f . lr ' v ! c "U'itry, May be found dtirin t e day at (- ~ ,r ,' I'Vsy’s store, at night at the former resi holes Wilson. jan 14 ly J r KKill) X'l At hr u-v >it L w . ' “tniesvil es Pike co , Ga. Will practice in the , ."‘ •"upriNing t.he Flint -ludiiialCir nit, md i By special ontract At nusineas promptly I tilhco in Elder - l*u Iding, .ver«'hamber s I ' r< ii g(>- y. I i>\S BKUiL Artorfiov nr »r. 1.. 'huston, <!a. Will practice in the Flint Cir- I bv special contr.xct. aug27-ljr jr| ! t>ractice in the comjiosing; I tfu * Supreme Court- of ‘ieor hi. I '"'Wu r ° urt Cnited States for the dh.\n wlo Districts of (ieorgia. I —lSth. 187**-1 y. I.A it & McOAI.LX. At'or'icye I , ' r i r »n| i>' fngx m, ('eorgi». Will attend regu- I u Jn! "f >f\ Ht,>e ’ n the Superior Courts of the I i| nrv, ’ Spalding Pike I ’ ’" r l?an,.DeEalb and Jas- I ~ . ik*e O-ljp I, '* j. MVl|| FW S. A r r>iov nf ■ i.??‘ , *<tli.‘ ,> practiceall thecuinties I" C * ! "-"ract ,4l ""' ck «» Olrottitaad nUewhere oy I . ' dec 10-1 y ■!■ * r ».TtV ’jRFFE. A r.irnev a f Law ■a. PftiuiA, in the State Courts I l,t tes District Court at vtlantaand I . "—dec rt ly I I 1,1 ircuit « n x prHctice In all the counties of I ' Court of the State. I I t'” T \ ."Kerfixt I aft .... ■ lO; , r th e ?'K Will practice in all the I ('( 1 |, n ,; littt ' loo hee Circuit, und Upson and B t Cs dee;S-ly ■I) ■) 1 . 1 ” m 11 “ ‘ r : u * 1 r m office B. D. Hardawa^* !■ dec.lH.Jy ■ -V !' Ti r —— mA C? l lr r(H ■ aj >n Aat be will continue ■ le,ne ia -its rmrlmis branches »t II ( * * * * (ieciy-lY ■ urn Ht Luw I * >tftk« n'IJL ,n ( 'ircuit Courts of iy United >Utos District Oowrto. *m LADIES’ FANCY STORE! OVER MESSRS. ELEMISTER & BROOKS; COKNKR or IIU.L AND SOLOMON BTEF.KTB, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, YyouLn respectfully inform the good citizens of Thomaston and vicinity that we have now in store, and keep constantly on hand a superior stock and very latest styles of LADIES’ FIXE DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ & CHILDRENS’ SHOES, LADIES’ JEWELRY, LADIES’ HOSIERY, LADIES’ NOTIONS, MILLINERY’, &c. A thousand little tricks and trinkets that Men-Mer chants know nothing about, found at our Store. IMTILLI ISTETIFL'Sr ! The Choicest, Freshest, and SWEETEST, stock in the inaket. Goods manufactured to suitj the taste of customers. Orders respectfully solicited. Call on or address MRS. M. A. HIGIITOAVER & CO., tnayl3-tf Griffin, Georgia. ANDREWS & HILL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALKRB IN FURNITURE, C37FINS, &c., &c., AT J. & T. G. ANDREWS’ Mill, Five Miles Southwest of Thomaston, Ga. \\T R w -ti'd rpsfio(>tf|jl]y inform mir I ' friends and the public generally, that we have estahed a FURNITURE MANUFACTORY at the above named pla c, where we manufacture and keep con-tant.l v on hand superior Furniture <>f all kinds, x aii.-tit—. and grades. We are prepared to fill all or d* rs 'or and do all kin Is of.i.abiuet xvork with n<"-r''«s\s and dispatch vL- Airier ourselves that we can please all that, know good work when they see it Oiki facililies and advantages in prep-tnng our own Lumber and Mamifaeturing our ow Work en.thb sus to oft. r anv quantity, better varieties, nn and ‘ci< edly belter b.iigdns than other Furniture dealers in ihis section-of country. We earnestly request all that arc in need of anything in our line to*c ill nd examine «ur spick, as .we feel satisfied th xt we can give xiti-faction in st,vie. qu ditv and price. All work wurranteed to be as repiv-si-nted. Ortlers solicited. m;xy2c-ly JAB ANDREWS & L. S. HILL. CHEAP READING THE ATLANIA NEW ERA. C LUU li VT E tej. In order to pla< e the WEEKLY NEW ERA within the r ach of all. the proprietors h tve dt termin ed to t.» ..fIW the toliowinsr SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS : t>ne c py, one year .. t.. $ 3 00 Ten copi.-s one year, $1.50 each 15 00 Twenty copies, one year, #1 .'5 each * ... .. 25 nfl Thirty copies, one year SI.OO ea> h 80 00 The Weekly Era contains nearly twenty-eight col umns of choice t e tding m itter each issue, consisting of Politics. Liieratnre, Market IT ports, and GENERAL NEWS. Make up your Clubs at once. Postmasters are authorized and requested to act as Ag-uls Address NE W EitA FFICE, july2i)-tf Atlanta, Ga. STE R EOSCOPES, views', ALBUMS, CH ROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 BROADWAY, SEW YORK, inyite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment ■ f the above goods, ot their own publica tion, manufacture and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN BLIDE3 and GRAPHOSCOPE. NEW VIEWS OF TOSEMITES, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 Br.’MIDWAY, New I>hk. Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Importers and Manufacturers of Photographic Materials. inehlS-lOm The Southern Farm and Home. A FIKHT CLASS AORJCrLTUKAI. MoNVII.T. GEN. W. M. BROWNE, IbITOB At B‘l 00 per Year in Advance. r Sa* aid \«*l ii »r» e com nonces with 1 November number. Now ta the time to sub scribe. Address, J. W BURKE, A 00., o«jts ts Macon, da. DR. THOS A WARREN GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OFFFRS hi- services to thp C' tig'-rva ,f Griffin and vicinity Special attention given to the treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES. Those at adisf-mcc can < an consult him by letter. Office over George Beecher A o , ill Street. april29-tf WATCH REPAIRING. 1 counties arc respectfully informed that I have moved mv stock to the store o Mr. VVm Wallace, and am now prepared to execute work in my line of bu«i m«v on the most. fiv«*rtbl Gnus. Rep iring ol' all kinds done at the shortest no iee andi the neatest man > ner. I have taeHities for turning nut good work, and by strict atrbtitlon tfi'business hope mVeceßfl a liberal sbate of patronage. Very respectfully, aprtlS-tf WM L. BRYAN. NTOIOE Vt.Ti nefSiios aro or he nonfipj n<d t<» trade for a Note given by A Lewis to Na’hsn. Zorn tor the amount, of #BOO, and due 2'<th dt» of f»e- At last accounts said note i|t^the nov!9-2t A. LEWIS. THOMASTON. GA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1871.. OSBORN & BOYLE, HILL STREET, O-RIFFITST, C3-A., V OF BUGGIES, EXPRESS AND WAGON'S, ALSO—DEALERS IN ALL KIND OF CAKBIAG2 & WAGON MATERIAL. AGENTS FOR TIIE CKLEBHVTED STUDEBAKER WAGON AND SARVAN’S PATENT WHEELS. CATxTxTAGES. PhsSPonsf Ac!, of any style, ordered direct from the best North ern Factories. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS neatly executed. Special attention given to ordered jobs, and all work warran ted. au«:l2-]y F. M. RICHARDSON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOVaS, grates mantel^ HOUSE-FURNISHING GOOS, &c., Hunter Street, near Whitehall, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Orders Solicited. oct7-3m LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON COTTON. GROOVER, mm & CO., SAVANNAH, GA., F.SPRGTFCn LY inf rm the M^r-h-nt \ and Planters of (jieorgia, Florida and Alabama that their Large Fire-Proof Warehouse Capacity 25,000 Bairs, Is now ready for the storage of Cotton, and that they art' prepared to muke Tj'brrfti C'tsh •Irivanres On Cotton in stme and to hold a reai-onable length of time, charging bank rates of interest, if you want Monev. send your Cotton to oc’7-tf GROOVER, BTUBRB A CO. JOHN L HVBDEK. W r VV. KII’KLAND. N. A. HARDEE'S SON & CO., House Established 1830. COTTON FACTORS, XNI) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Ajrents for steamers Katie and Swan. Dealers in Peruvian Guano, Land Plaster and other Fertilizers. Agents for Star Soluble Phosphate. White lock’s Veget Baugh’s Raw Bone Superphosphate of Lime. Ptxtapsco Guano, Pjxtap co Bone Flour, Original “Coe s’’ Superphosphate, and ,ea Fowl Guano. octT-tf JONATHAN COLLINS & SON. COTTON FACTORS | COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACOir, (3--A.-, l\ T K ofT-j. jsprvf ( <ovj t oo*yop F ur'prs if ▼ and IVrders. and hope bv strict attention to j business, to merit vour patronage Would specially j call vour attention to Macon as a Cotton Market, be lieving inducements to. shippers to th's point are I -up rior t<» anv inland marketjn this South, ad eqtuil j to those of the -onth and equal to those on 'h- sea board. Usual- f.cil' ies extruded to planter anii ship pers. Our buyers are spirited, libeial men. sepfßu 2m CANNON HOUSE, i | (Recently St James Hotel. ) Marietta Street, Gate City Block, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. B mrd. Pf*r Dtv. s'2 00 <X*t2l-6rn r TUIE •*»! i< r-'.ijT e«I hoifi f Td- 4" *? eittiy. 1 locate<l in Thomston.stil 1 tenders thier professional setvicesin the practice ol Dentistry to the citixens »and Upson and adjoining <-«>unth» Teeth inserted on g Id silver, adamant! eor rubber All work and ago and fit guaranteed. Office up st .irs over WTLN'>N store. N. BK VAN. dec!* ft r is To Teachers and Patrons. T\ i*tder to yqiut!'t° the distr I*nrd appropriation of tho-Poblie Seh'-ol is sng geste.i to Teach rs to make out th»dr accounts ag duet their patrons for the entir- time they nay have sever ullv pro rata per aehoiar on Gie fimd dormfe.r by the ntate for Public Scho is on e icb hill of Tuition , By -order of the B<»«rd bf Edneaiinn. ’ J M. GREENE. Thomaston, Ha., Nov. 11, County School Com. — - riff >RK t neatly vx-nr. and at the HERALD OFFICE. declS-tf ST WORD, 81.11.011i ill)., BARNESVILLC, CA., ’ |T AYE now on hand the LARGEST, BEST and OH A PEST STOCK OF GOODS Ever offered In BARNESVILLE, Consisting in Ladies’ and Gents’ Apparel Os every discretion and style. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Sugars, Coffees, Carpetings, Trunk«, Umbrellas, Salt, Syrup and Molasses, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Rice, Bacon, Lard. and Flour, BAGGING AND TIES, CHITTING and SMOKING TOBACCO, SINGER’S sewing machines. Aiuizesof fisk’s METALIC BURIAL CASES. Twqntv-five head of fine Kentucky MULES and HOUSES, and will keep from Twenty five to Ono Hundred h-iid count intly on hand during the seixfaon. We also have a Large and Oomtnodioi is Cotton Warehouse, And will buy or sell, store or ship your Cotton. We k ep constantly on hand almost anything you may call for and what we have not got you wi 1 not find this ’de of New York. We sell at astonishingly LOW PUIt EB, and defy .competition. STAFFORD, BLALOCK & CO., octi4 3m Bai nesville, Ga. RO.EHS & CHENEY, WAREHOUSE AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, THOMASTON, GEORGIA. IITE tak« this method of inform'r»g enr T v fri nds and the public generally that our NEW WAREHOUSE is now completed and we ate now pre pared to serve theta in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. Onr Scales aro new and c «rr- et, and having secured the services ot a competent and redahle Scab sman. we can saft-ly guarantee to dp justice ta both buyers and sellers. LIBERAL ADVANCES will he male or. COTTON in store BUYERS IN THOMASTON wit! pay Ba n svilh* PRICES for Cot ton. Insurance on Ctrtton in Warehouse one per cent. oct7-6m FOUTZ’S CELEBRATED Horse art Cattle Porters. Si Tnis preparation, long and favorably known, will tlioioughly re-Lnvigorate broken down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intestines. It is a sure pr venti . e of all disease* incident to this animal, such, as LUNG FEY RR. GLANDERS. YELLOW WATER. HEAVES. COUGHS, DI3- TEMPER, FEVERS. F0 UN D ER, LOSS OF APPFTITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &c. Its use improves the wind, increases the apatite— / give* asmooth and glossy skin—and »/ J y tran Morins the miserable skeleton Jr £* -. into a fine-looking and spirited horse, gggjgjpjjsyH^r . To keepers of Cows this prepara j tion is invaluable. It is a sure pre ventive against Rinderpest. Hollow 1 It Horn, etc. It las been proven by i actual experiment to increase the Ot f <gy-aIJ quantity of milk and cream twenty !^ r cent and make the butter firm * and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and make* them thrive much faster. In all of Swfn ’. such as Coughs. Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, fcc., u,is article acts , as a specifie. By putting f. om one half a t»aper to a paper in a btirrel of swill the above diseases will be eradi cated or entirely prevented. If given -. fU f.jrf in time, a certain preventive and ft' cure for Hog Cholera. DATID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor Baltimore:, ati. For saD hr P-ugiri-t' aad Storekeepf'rs throughout the United States, Can atlas and South America. For Sale by J. \V. AtWATKR, Th omMtoii, (H. Miscellaneous. Tl»e New Stute Dtmorrulir EireulllTC Committee Appointed by Hon. Jniian Hartrtdge, under Authority of the Late Convention. . By virtue of the Authority Tested in me by the Convention of tlie Democratic party of Georgia, which as-embled in Atlanta on the Oih instant, the following named gen tlemen are appointed members of the Ex • cutive Committee of the Democratic party of Georgia, to act until the assembling of another Convention of that party : For the State at Large—Clifford Ander son, of Bibb ; E F. Huge, of Fulton J Joseph B. Cun.mmg, of Richmond ; Carey W. Styles, of Dougherty. F t the First Congressional District John C. Dell, of Screven ; Jainds 11. Hun ter, of Br«»< ks. F >r the Second Congressional District— Charles C. K'bbee, of Pulaski; Wui. 0. Fleming, of Decatur. For the Third Congressional District— Albert It. Lamar, of Muscogee ; Hugh Buchanan, of Coweta. For the Fourth Congressional District— A. D. Hammond, of M mrue; John I. Hull, of Upson. For the Fifth Congressional District— Geo. F. Pierce. Jr., « f Hancock; James D. Matthews, of Oglethorpe, For the Sixth Congressional District Garnett McMillan, of Habersham, and \Y r . E. Simmons, of Gwinnett. For the Seventh Congressional District— John T. Burns, of Floyd ; C. D. McCutohen, of Whitfield. Julian Hartridgr. Chairman. The Story of u Hlug—Uuc of the Roman ces of the Lute War, From the Kansas City Times ] In the v>i 1861 a young man, then liv ing a few miles from this city, went into the Missouri State Guard as a soldier. At Springfield, and on the reorganization of this branch of the army, lie took service as a Confederate. Afterwards he joined a company in Col. Up. Hays’ regiment, arid participated in the battle of Lone Jack. Bes« re leaving home, however, his moth er gave him an old-fashioned gold ring, "hich bad a heart upon it, and the letters *‘R. S.” engraved upon this heart. She placed it on her son's h and with a wish, or rather a prayer, that he might go through the war safely, and get safely back to his home again. It is not known that either the ring or the prayer acted ap a ehi.rm. bur the young man went ul harmed through many bloody fights, being hit in but one of them, tin* wound then proving to be only a mere scratch. In 1804 the young man was very sick of a fever at Clarksville, Texas Duri'g the delirium attendant upon it, and while he was Kissing to and fro, the ring slipped from his finger and was hist. The oloeesc search failed to find it, and it given up for good There waited upon the young man, however, a very pretty and amiable girl, who seemed to fie sorry when lie got weli enough to rejoin his c unmand. When he left her he laughingly told her that if she would find his ring, and ho lived, he W"uld come back and marry her. If this promise was made at first with any degree of sincereity, if was soon f Tgotten in the excitement and care of a soldier’s life, and only at rare intervals, perhaps, did he re call the sick room and the minisieiing angel. When the war was over the young man returned to his father’s farm in Jackson c mnty and went to work in good earnest. Two years ago hi« in *ther died and once mro ihe loss of the ling came bock to him with redoubled sorrow. He determined to write to the lady who had nursed him. and to inquire of her whether she was married or not, and whether she had ever,seen or heard anything of the present his mother had made him. The letter was written in Augnst, 1860, and in March, 1870, what was his surpri-e to receive an answer from the identical girl he had leit in 1864, and to whom he made a light promise of marriage. She was s ill single, -he said, arid waiting for him. And what was stranger still, only five days be fore she wrote, she had found the lost ring Tne manner of finding it was as f.Jloug; Ihe father of the young lady had deter mined to make Rome repairs in his Ivyse, which lepairs neee-sitated the taking up of the floor of tliß room in which the soldier had been sick. After doing this, and while digging away some rubbish beneath, ihe workmen came upon the ring. It had slipped through a crack in the floor, and had been lying there, safe and sound, for nearly five long years. The lady took P' sses-ion of it at once, and wrote immedi ly to its owner as we have stated above. Perhaps she lot ked upon its recovery as an omen, and perhaps it was. At any rate it was a little romantic with all its attending circumstances. The correspondence thus commenced or «\KhtT renewed, was continued with an ever increasing ardor on ttie part of the gentleman, until in the end he made anew and tmieiu us offer ui marriage. Without that the story’ Would he incomplete. Last week, with memy in his pocket. a good h one in Jackson county, and a> great hap— p in his heart, this you ig soldier— uow somewhat older and more settled and and sedate—started f r Clarksville, Texas the home of his betrothed Who can doubt the resuii ? He will probably remain there a month, and return again to Mi-sou i with his bride. When he does we |j* anise to give his name. Until then it is impassible, f r the Condition o* *eor»tty was attached to t'.e int. rmation before we cojld obtain it The cirt umstahees. however* are just as we have narrated them in every p-r icu.*r, and furnish another to the long Ist of r miamic incidents that h*ve grown out of the war. State Itcnn. ItTRAt. DISTRICTS. . Everybody about Griffin saw the moon and a bright star about one o’clock la-t week. The Middle Georgian prophesies that it is a sign of Democratic gains in the coming election?. The Mid lie Georgian has found out that it is strange, but true, that large hearted men always raise large turnips and smart children. Mr. K- i y living eight miles from Griffin lost his house and everything in it by tire. Joel Byers, of Butts county is dead. Bishop Beckwith was in Griffin Saturday at and Sunday. A pnrty of seven white men and two colored men were shot on Sun lay by an unknown party near Griffin. None of the party were seriously iijurod. Barnesville boys oredebared the pleasure of kissing the girls for a time, as their mouths are greasy from eating “chitlings and fatty bread.i’ Bishop Pearce will delicate the new Methodist church at Forsyth to-morrow. Sim Orr. of Nownan, assisted by “Billy Patterson,” cut Frank Johnson’s übdomeu open with a knife. M umps and Matrimony are epidemic in Floyd county. Somebody in Americus stole S7O from Rev S. Anthony. The Thespian Club of Bainbridgo ap pears to be going to work the right way. They will soon have a pretty and well ap« pointed little theatre. Rome is going to try the Swedish emi grants. SAVANNAH. The. Sivannah News says, Mace, Coburn and O’Bitld win, start on a sparring tour, and will visit all the principal cities of the South. Forsyth Park, Savannah, is to bo lighted with gas. I be Savannah Manufacturing Company is about to start.operations, it will be a joint stock affair. The Formes Ilabelmaun Grand Opera Troupe begins a week’s engagement, in Savannah, on Monday next. CJOLUMBCJa. The Enquirer says: A shooting affray recurred at an up-town grocery, about 11 o’clock Thursday night, between white men named Grant and Kil gore. Report says Grant was intoxicated, Grant went in to get a drink, was fired upon by Kilgore, the ball grazing Grant’s fire head and pa-sing through his hat. Grant returned the fire, his ball taking effect in the abdomen of Kilgore. Wound not con sidered mortal. Grant offered himself up to Deputy Sheriff Bivins yesterday, hut his conduct being considered justifiable, no ar rest-had been made at accounts. The total vote polled at the municipal election in Columbus on the 9.h was 1,220,* out of registry list of 1.435. John Moll henny was elected Mayor. Henry M. Law, Esq., of Savannah, lec tured in Columbus on last Monday night, for the benefit of the Good Templars of Columbus. Mr. W. If. Hope, of Atlanta, married Miss Liza e Patterson, of Columbus, and Mr. Edward iliile, of New York, married Miss Warren Chapman, of Columbus. ATLANTA. The Era soys : The capitol was very quiet yesterday. The smoke of M inday’s battle was still hovering over the forensic battlefield, and the house especially looked d-eidedly hazy. The Senate looked wise and weary. There was but little escape of gas in this apart ment. The ConeorJia Association inaugurated their new and elegant hall Thun-day night by the most brilliant entertainment. M AC IV. The Telegraph and Messenger says : The man who hired a horse from Mr. S. D. Cook at Freeman’s stable last Sunday, and failed to return him, was followed by Mr. C. to some point in Taylor county. It is reported that the thief, when being brought hack to the city, attempted to es cape from his captor, and was shot dead. Street hands have been hauling dirt, leveling the higher points, smoothing and s idling the side wilxj of Second street. Mr. Wm. McGee, in Vineville, hid a stable worth three hundred dollars buroed. Yesterday afternoon a white babe was found just in rear of the old eemetery, which had apparently been buried only the night before. It was wrapped in a course sack and some' biown paper, and was buried by hand, only a few inches under the ground. The child was but a few hours old when its life was taken. The back of the head was crushed iu by a blow, but no other signs of viuienoe were found upon its person. A jury of inquest, was summined, but the whole affair is sbouled in mystery, and they can scarcely determine save as to the fact that the child was m irdered. Would that the fieridt-h mother could be identified aod made to suffer the penalty of her most horrible crime. It is enough to freeze the blood to think upon such things. ACGCSTA, The and .wn train from Atlanta to Augusta whs shot into by some miscreant near Saw Dost. The conduct* r was hir in the wrist, Tne Rnuau Catholics held a Fair in Au gusta this week, to aid in building a par sonage. NO. 2.