The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, December 23, 1871, Image 1

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rob- thethomaston herald, PXTBLISHBD BY . 8c CABANISS, * frY satuHoat morning terms. y I 60 INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. !> ,Tm ' ill he «. topped lit the expiration of the | Tj- gnhscriptlon is previous renewed. W g „fa subscriber is to he changed. we , I! o id address as 'V.-II as the new one, to r"' rli'itJm received for a less period than three « >', ( .. irr i, rin town without extra chars'*. '' 1 "iinn Tin.ill to anonymous cormnnnnations. as • '' "iL. for everything entering our columns. - *“E a s'the names of three new subscrib -1,1 Ut« we Will send the Ukrald one year ? ' Murk afmr subscribers name indicates that the of mbscription is out. ADVERTISING RATES. - in.vine are the rates to which we adhere in r wivertisine. or where advertisements , without inst ruct ions. •’ * n " ’ (.hVlines or le-s (Nonpariel type). $1 for W,cents for each subsequent insertion. 'JILL jjjl Mll2 * 1 , M ) s■l 50 $ 7 00 $lO 0 SIS 00 I'T lat 1 ' % w s (Ml 10 00 I A Oil 25 00 i s,jnar-'s •• •• ino 15 oo 21 00 80 00 1 H Sqiarrt -• •• ()) mot 20 i)0 80 00i 40 00 ; i t ~<l '"••s oo 2no 8> oo 40 oo 50 00 IK t'ehvtw |o oo vo o » 35 oo 65 on 80 00 IN J "' nn IS m, 25 oO 40 (to 70 00 130 00 [ ii will hecnarged according I [ i'/v.-rfisemen's should be marked for a specified ’ , orh rwisH they will be continued and charged for ,nel’.>r<fsrel ant. \ ..vrtisernenM imerted at intervals to be charged Ls ncv t*f h insertion. i,ivyrti»em«nN t<> ren for a longer period t.h n three ,rr due find will be collected at the beginning nfcoeh q lartiT ■fnny-'Mt H'lvertis-unents must be paid for in advance, vlwtisements discontinued from any c-mse l»‘f'>re ... r .ii„n «f time specified, will be charged only for I.Vtunc published. 1'.,',.,.'il cards out* square $lO 00 a year. N’ntices $1.50. Obituaries $1 per square, v«f a personal or private character, inten led •., ,i ; pte any • rivat.e enterprise or interest, will lie ~ n other a 1 vertiseinonts h are requested t«i hand in their favors as n r| irlhe wee as :> issihle. , i „ y fr mi trill Ur itrirth/ nrlhrmi 10. legal advertising. U'ii 1 fe*ofere, since the war, the folio win;>are the ... („r notices of Ordinaries, Ac.--to in; i*Atn in ad .*p I lavs' Notices ••$ 5 00 iUivs' Notices ... ...... 625 t.,s"f l/m 's. dtp pr. sqr of ten Lines 6 00 p:tOsvs’ Sutices .. .... 7 00 », t.inths’ N dices . .. .... .... 11 00 t n r>iv ’ Notices of Sales pr sqr. .. 2 00 M.-arf —for t.h-*se 4 ,|,-s, for every fi fa $3:00. In; iPlte Sales, p r square. $5 00 ‘1,4 asid- a liberal per cent,age for advertising. .. vou self unceasingly before the public: and it - not what busi .'ss vm are engaged in, for. f : nlv an ! in lustrionsly pifr-ued. a f >r*urii» will v ,-,. V i i —tin«t, s Merchants’ Magazine. \fter I begin to i 'vertise rav [r tnware freely, ~,« inefased with am iz,,ng rapidity. For ten ; , «t | have spent fiVniipt yearlc to keep ny ii nns hcf. re tlie public Had 1 lieen timid in i : I never sh mid have possessed my fortune id| , n -Mcbend Belton. Birmingham i . eng like 'f Idas’ touch, turns everything to t ■ 'l K,ym\ luring men .raw miliums to their Mrs "-stNitHrt cloy ■V 11 lieita is t<» love, and boldness to war, the It aw us printer’s i »*r, is to success in business 1 - r • t the aid of advertisements I "ou and have done N rig in ray -P' 'dilations. 1 have the most complete li i"printers’ink.” Adve.tisirig is the "royal load pMti»« R'lrnnrn Professional Paros. ID 111 ‘vV 'l PERDUE, huvi'ur P ' f'DO •" aly located it The Rook, tenders his professional •tn th Mirroundit g e/immuity. and promises to t ’i" labor or attention to those who mav patronize j uly 22-- Brno U H \V\I»'V leu. Ar rn,. v t IC. u-,. 1 ' ’or At Law, Thmnaston, Ga. Will practice 'I «’ourt.s of the State of Georgia, and attend ft" ill business entrusted to his care. Mvll-tf |I \' i\ t 1 1 MIK in \ ■oc ev'- «i ' l,r iffin. Gn. \lmah 'all, next door T \R urnoE Will practice in the tlounties -'tie Flint t 'ircuit. and in the United States >'t. Attention given to cases in Bankruptcy, |.' 'L 'fc Y(IX V VLLY \ t rni 1 ' sat , " *\ 'lntfin, Ga. Will practice in all the coun- the Flint Judicial Circuit, and in the ■ctiwether, Clayton. Fayette and Coweta. " n, lie Supreme Court of Georgia, and the "tirr ut tlie United states tor the Northern and -; r n Ihstncts of Georgia [ Apt 1 5-1 V 3 L. T. DOYAT • \ V'fiir "V ;t r L w rhimi- practice in the counties c»m --> eo-vir ' nl 1 ,l, li<*ial Circuit, and elsewhere by ‘■v in Chenlv'. vi' promptly attended to. ' * brick bunding. mehll-ly )<: , V K P K EX I I VLL h . s r.r dVsT' - i te the citizens of I hwnwtou and ~ , ' May be tiumd durin t e day at ll ; ,[| ' n 'Kbt at the former reside ce of I Rogers A, Cheney’s Warehouse. • p RE|)|>(\i j Vtmrnev at L<W " 11 ‘'ke co, Ga. Will practice in the . 'lifisiug the Flint Audi nal Cir. nit, and . ‘ s i'e<‘ii| ontract A1 business promptly ' , . " °thce in Elder's building, over Chamber's ugfi- y. [ u l\S BE A IjL Attivrnev at L >'v, l 't"n, (la. Will (.riiotice In the Flint Cir 'eivhere by special contract. ang27-ly I ,L Mv LL \rtomev an<l 0 ti l'll• r ■ v tll practice In the counties composing ■ • ,*''*■ In the Shprem« Court of *..*or la, H’ ... Court of the United States for the ' '"'t hern Districts of t.eorgia. ' ln,| t*. 'hine 18th. 187**-Iy. McOALLV ArtornoyH wv\ Georgia. Will attend regu | F "* us *in the Superior • ourts of the T ' e . Cp>., a . >Utt», II nrv, Spal ling Pike, r f*®, Delrtlti Gwl one tie and -las dee 0-ly ' 'ik> \i S V r rn, * V Ht the a . ' ,a -will practice all thecefunties f ! • t 'oehee Circuit and elsewhere by i'nite,! si,. I '.' .Practice in the State Cour's —. dec 0-ly H, iii'\r i~ ■ . t; a » •*'■ r,|U y a. La w Ba ir C'iit,« n >'' P rac tice in all the counties of ! Court ..f the State. ■L ,(i\ ,T. • i — i | B T.ib 4 ,.®^\t"'-'r»-A /t j ■ f ihe pf, ‘, 1- ''.a. Wil] practice in all the ! ■ "•''•"unties' 1 ' °° * leo ( 'feuit, and Upson and J Be _ deeply H«i, 11 : IJL; ■ B ,; e at B. D.Hardae w’s i: rtrg B\' J deetw«ly 'IV p *i i< ii*ph*»pH to 1 PSuri that he will continue B ’* 118 v, ‘ rl ""4 bren.-hes at lift decl§-1y i-u^ RR . »« 1,.,» > LADIES’ FANCY STORE! OVER MESSES. FLEMISTEE & EEOOKS, CORKER or IIILL AND SOLOMON STREETS, GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, WOULD respectfully inform the good citizens of Thomaston and vicinity that we have now In store, and keep constantly on hand a superior stock and very latest styles of LADIES’ FINE DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ ik CHILDRENS’ SHOES, LADIES’ JEWELRY, LADIES’ HOSIERY, LADIES’ NOTIONS, MILLINERY, &o. A thousand little tricks and trinkets that Men-Mer ebants know nothing about, to be found at our Store. MIIjLINE'RY ! The Choicest, Freshest, and SWEETEST, stock in the tnaket. Goods manufactured to suit the taste of customers. Orders respectfully solicited. Call on or address .MRS. M. A. HIGHTOWER Si 0., maylS-tf Gridin, Georgia. ANDREWS & HILL, MANUFACTURERS AND HEALERS IN FURNITURE, oorriNS, &c, & c , AT .1. ASi T. G. ANDREWS’ Mill, Five Miles Southwest of Thnmaston, Ga. R vr >uLl rejnoctfnlly inform ntir tv friends and the public generally, that we have est ahed a FURNITURE MANUFACTORY at the r.bove named pla -c, where we manufacture and keen con-tanMy on hand superior Furniture of all kinds, '.aii'-ties, and grades. VVe are prepared to fill all or d. is tor COFFIN s, and do aU kinds of Cabinet work with neatness and dispatch We hatter ourselves that, w" can please all that. kti<>w good work when they see it (tin' raetlities and advantages in preparing our own Lumber and \1 aimfaetu iug our ow Work enabl. sus to otter auv quantity, better varieties, an d' ei' ed'y better leirgd'is tliar. other Furniture dealers in ring section ot country. We earnestly reqrt£st.' ali tbit are in tier; of anything in <>ur line to edi nd examine «ur stock, as we feel satisfied th it we earn give sati.faction in style, quality amt price. All work warranteed to be as represented. Orders solicited. m;iy2C-1y .IAS ANDREWS & L. S. IIILL. CHEAPREADING THE ATLANIA NEW ERA. CLUI! RATES. Tn order to phu e the WEEKLY SMEW ERA within the r -ach of all. the proprietors have determin ed to to offer the following SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS : On® copy, on® year . . f ... $ 3,oft ‘ IVn copies one year. $1.50 each ]5 Oft Twenty copies, one year. $1 '.25 each 25 ('ft Thirty copies one year SI.OO ea h 80 Oft Ihe \speklv Era contains nearly twenty-eight col umns of choice leading matter each issue, consisting of Politics. Literature, Market Reports, and GENERAL NEWS. Make up your Clubs at once. Postmasters are authorized and requested to act as Agents. ‘ Address NEW ERA OFFICE, j«y29-tf 1 Atlanta, Ga. ST EI ? EOSCOPIIS, VIEWS, ALBUMS. CH ROMOS, FRAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, NF.W YORK, Invite the attention ot the Trade to their extensive assortment <*f the above goods, ot their own publica tion, manufacture and importation. Also, PIIOTO.LANTERN SLIDES and GIIAPIIOSCOPE. NEW VIEWS OF YO^EMITES. E. &H. T. ANTHONY Si 0., 591 Broadway. New York. Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Importers and Manuf.cturers of Plioto*;ra|>liic Materials. inchl^-lOm The Southern Farm and Home. A FIRST CLASS AGRICULTURAL MONTHLY. GEN. W. NX. BROWNE, EDITOR At B'4 00 per Year in Advance. r pHR S-m* *n(i \ ultimo commences wirii 1 November number. Now is the time ta sub scribe. Address, J. W BT'LKE, A 0< octS- ts M4cqft. Ga. DR. THOS. A. WARREN, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. OF FU hi <j sjcrvpos tn the c ’'Z' < f Griffin and vicinity Special attention given to the treatment ot CHRONIC DISXNVSEB. Those at a distance can eun consult him hv letter. Office over George Beecher A o , illStree'. . april29-tf WATCH REPAIRING. 'TV; |fe (.tit'Zftiis of ( ri?;» ,»e -81 £ counties are respectfully informed that I have moved tnv stock to the store o Mr. Wm Wallace, and am now prepared to execute work in my hne of busi ness. on the most favorabl terms. Rep iring of all kinds done at the shortest notice and i the neatest man ner. I have facilities for turning out good work, and bv wini?t atfenfioh to business bojie to receive a liberal share of patronage. Very respectfully, aprilS ts WM. L. BRYAN. NTOICE. \ r,r, n<*r«j ns are oer hv rmrifipr} not t<> trade for a Note given by A Lewis to Na’han Zorn tor the amount of s3ftft, and due 25th dav of Re cetpber, LSI! At last accounts said note was in the hands of a ?ir9. Wilson. novl9-2t'* A. LEWItU THOMASTON. GA.. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1871. OSBORN & BOYLE, HILL STREET, a-ißiFFiisr, a^., manufacturers ok BUGGIES, EXPRESS AND F’aA.FUVC "WA-G-Oisrs, AI.SO—DEALERS IN ALT. KIND <'F CAEEIAG2 & WAGON MATEEIAL. AGENTS FOR THF. CRLKKRT TED STUDEBAKER. WAGON AND SARVAN’S PATENT WHEELS. CARRIAGES. Phaetons. Ac., of any style, ordered direct from the best North ern Factories. REPAIRING OF ALE KINDS neatly executed. Special attention Riven to ordered jobs, and all work warran ted. - an<rl2-ly EM. RICHARDSON; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES, GRATES MANTELS, TI3STW-JVPLEI, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOOS, &c., Hunter Street, nesir Whitehall, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Orders Solicited. oct7-3m LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON COTTON. GROOVER, mm & 00., SAVANNAH, GA., I) F.SpROTFULLY infirnt t* c h 'nta \ and Planters of Georgia," Florida and Alabama that their Large Fire-Proof Warehouse Capacity 35,001) Bales, Ts now ready for the storage of Cotton, and that they are prepared to make Fj z hrraf C'tsh ,tffvaHCCS On Cotton in st.oie and to hold a reasonable length of time, charging bank rates of interest. If you want Money, send your Cotton to oct7 ts ‘ GROOVER, STUBBS A CO. JOHN L. IT \RDF.K. W W. KIKKLAND. N. A. HARDEE'S SON & CO., House Established 183f». COTTON FACTORS, AM) GF.NERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. Agents for steamers Katie and Swan. Re lers in Peruvian Guano, I,and Plaster and other Fertilizers. Agents for Star Soluble Phosphate. M hite lock’s Veget itor. BaugtiV Raw B< n.' Superphosphate of Lime. Patupsco Guano, P.atap-co Bone Flour, Original “Coe s'’ Superphosphate, and L ea Fowl Guano. ect7 ts JONATHAN COLLINS & SON. COTTON FACTORS ASD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACOIT, OA-., TI T E offer fir serv’i-e- t<> On*rnn PDiatpr* ? v and Defders, ami hope bv strict attention to business, to merit vour pa’ronage Would s:« cially call vour attention to Macon as a ("otton Market, be lieving inducements to ship ers to th ; s point are «up rior to any inland market- in this South, ad equal to those of ihe '-forth and equal tot-hose on th- sea board. Usual f icili’ies extended to planter and ship pers Our buyers are spirited, liberal men. se[it3o 2m CANNON HOUSER (Recently St. .Tames llolelA Marietta Street, Gate City Block, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. R -»r.l. P -r 0 iv. S2 00 IH-•-21-6-11 UIENTISTRY $ _ tin L rsiirt pi) heini? pe tput.pvfjy I locate' 1 in Thom'ton.stintendersthier professional seivicesin the practice >n Dentistry to the ci'iieris ol i’pson and adjoining eoanth s Teeth inserted on g Id silver, a'iamantt eor rnf-ber. All work warranted ane a g" and fit guaranteed. Otflee up st .irs oyer WII>i)N SA WYER S store. N. HUYAN. decs* ft Insure Your Property! VI [» n* r'l't' who ffpvß,, in-ipe Cin h-uises, dwellings, store houses and stock therein, are hereby notified that’T am Agent for the Liverpool London and Ovoße Insurance 'Company, and I am pre pared to forward all applications for policies 1 his Company is reputed to be one of the best in the I nlted States, having paid over one million dollars loss in the lat- Chicago fire, and having a c>w ital of Eighteen Million Dollars n"W on hand. Come f .rw-ird and make vour appica'i'ins i mediately as delavs are dang, fus offi eis at the t?tore of G J Lewis for the p esent. dcc2-lm F. M. PERRYMAN, Agt. STIffSM, BL.ILOtK & CO., BARNESViLLE, OA-, J|_T AYE now on hand the LARGEST, B£s>T and CDAPEST STOCK OF GOODS Ever ofifered in I BARNESVILLE, Consisting in Ladies’ and Gents’ Apparel * 9 Os every discretion and style. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Sugars, Coffees, Carpetings, Trunks, Umbrellas, Salt, Syrup and Molasses, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cheese, Soap, Candles, Rice, Bacon, Lard, and Flour, BACHING AND TIES, CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, sINGF.R’B SEWING viACLINES. All sizes of FISK'S METALIC BTJF.IAL CASES. 'l'wpnty-flve head of fine Kentucky MULES and HORSES, and will keep rum Twenty-five to One Hundred h and constantly on hand during the season- We also have a Large and Commodious Cotton Warehouse, And will buy or sell, store or ship your Cotton We keep constantly on hand almost anything yon may call for and what we have not got you wi 1 not find this ide of New York. We sell at astonishingly LOW PRICES, and defy competition. STAFFORD, BLAL3CK Si CO., octi4 3m Barnesville, Ga. ROGERS & CHE yEY, % WAREHOUSE AND COTTON COMMISSION IvIHII^OH^KrTS, THOMASTON, GEORGIA. YT7 E 'His me’Ho'l of infurm'ne our T t frii-nds and the public generally that our NEW WAREHOUSE is now completed and we uie now pre pared to setve them in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. Onr Scales ar“ new and corr-ct, and having secured the ser\ ices of a competent and reilaide Sc-tl.-sman, we can saf' lv guarantee to do justice to both buyers aud sell. is. LIBERAL ADVANCES will be male on COTTON in store BUYERS IN THOMASTON will pay Barnesvilb- PRICES for (ait ton. Insurance on Cotton in Warehouse om per ceut. oct7-(sm FOUTZ’S CELEBRATED Horse aM Cal Porters. llis P r (tp*t r ation, long and favorably t known, will thoroughly re-invigorate t\ broken down and low-spirited horses, rJf »|j by strengtfiening and cleansing the | _ ill stomach and intestines. jaAjsE*A#-- It is a sure pr ventive of all diseases incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVER. <iLANDERS. YELLOW WATER. HEAVES. COUGHS PIS TEMPER, FEVERS. FO UN I) ER, LOSS OF APPETITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Ac. Its use improves 4, J the wind, increases the apiretite— r gives asmooti* and glossy^kin—and ’J tr.mdn nii t l >» miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and -pi ite 1 horse. v i .To keepers of Cows this prepara- UiV l i l " 1 Uon is invaluable. It is a sure pre- TfU . ( i I ventive against Rinderpest, Hollow ‘-'ire ff A f wn ’ e^c - H las been proven by j actual experiment to increase the )y(f quantity of milk and C’eam twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an app-'tite, loo* n3 their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. In all diseases of S win •, such as Coughs, Ulcer® in tlie Lungs. Liver. A;c., this article acts as a specific. By putting f-om one half a paper to a paper in a barrel of Fi swill the above diseases will tv* eradi ' cated or entirelv prevented. If given %IT- TR in time, a ce-tain p-eveutive and cure for the Hog Cnolera. DAUID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor* BALTIMORE. Md. For sale hv Druggists and Sto r ekeepers throughout the United "States, Canadas and South America. For Sale by J. W. AI WATER, ThomuirtOT, Ga. novl!-Iy A Disgusted Drummer. It is a well km»wu in*3t that tlie revenue has an army of Assessors, o<illeet<»rt», A*' eistants, C'lerks, Special Agents, etc., in each and strict, vrho.-e (iutr it i s to see that Unc e Sum is not cheated out of his “just deserts,” and that the combined salaries of these offices is about tuuul to the amount of revenue they co lect. A frieud relates the followin'; “little story,” for the truthfulness ot which we will not vouch : I tint a “drummer.” In other wonis. I’m a traveling clerk for the “Great North American Tool and Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company,” and, as a mut ter of course, in my various peregrinations over the country, I brve Suine strange ad ventures One evening I drove into the little village of Smithville. Do p- <i stopped be fore a mce looking cottage, with tlie owner of w inch I thought I might be ab e to “strike a trade.” as the surroundings mdi caied that a skil!ed*tind enterprising hand had charge of them 1 shouted “hallo,” and was answered by tlie propietor in person. I >tated mv busi ness in as glowing terms as possible, and wound up hv asking him if lie wanted any thing: tn my line. “Well. n<>, he replied : “you see I’m As sessor of Revenue for this district, and my duties are such that I have no time lor anything else ” “Perhaps your neighbor over tfmre,” said I, pointing across the way, “would buy a tew articles?” “lie? ID’s Assistant Assessor of Intern al Revenue for this district, and it requires all his time to attend to his duties. I guess he wouldn’t buy anything.” “W ho lives in the next house down there?” I inquired, hopefully. “Mr. Smith, Gollectnr of iuternal Reve nue for this district, lie has no time fur farming, and. of c *urse would buy nothing iti that line.” “Maybe the owner of that fioe mansion on the hill yonder,” replied 1 solemnly, “would take t) lew agricultural implements, as everything around him indicates—” “Oh, no, stiid he, interrupting me, “he’s Assistant OMlecGir of Internal Revenue fur this district, and if he had all the farming implements in the world he wouldn’t have time to use ’em.” “Dues anybody else live in this town ?” I asked, desparingly, for no other houses were visible. “Yes-.” was the reply, “Mr. Jones lives just beyond the hill yonder: hut he is In sp ctor of Internal Revenue for this district; and is never at h >me.” “Thunder find lightning !” said I warm ly, “d'es the Revenue Department live here? Is there a blacksmith in tlie place? It there is, maybe he w..uld like some Df our tools.” “Mr. Simmons was our blacksmith, hut he received tlie appointment of A-sistant Inspector ot internal Revenue for this dis trict last week, and in coris> quence of which he has closed his shop for the present.” “Is there a man in this vill ge who is not, connected writ!) the internal Revenue of this district ?” I a-ked this question as sarcastically as possible, and with a faint—very faint glimmering us hope. ‘Well, yes, there is the postmaster, but he is expected to receive a commission as Inspector of Brandies and Whisk vs f t this district. I think it is useless to go to him.” “Where is the hotel ?” I asked, disgusted, e have none It hasbeen changed to a bonded warehouse for this district.” “Do yuu collect enough revenue in this district to pay yourselves?' I asked, for information this time. “No, sir, w e do net; but other districts collect more than enough. 'Their surplus is appropriated to till uur deficiency. Thus things are equal zed. Don’t you see the philosophy of it ? What would the govern ment be without a revenue ? Good evening, sir ” He left, and so did I. Up to this time I have failed to see the “philosophy of it.” Small Pox. At this time when small pox is prevailing to a considerable extent in many p..rti ms of the country, it is important to understand the most reliable preventive as well as curative measures in its management. Small p f x is pr ipagated hv specific c rifa gion or miasm, and by direct innoculation of the virus or lymph which accumulates in th-* pustules. 'Die miasma of small pox is multiplied by heat, moisture and foul air. Thus, a small quantity of the malaria in a hot damp, and filthy t ouse. will increase so rapidly that the entire build ng will soon become a magazine of poison. Tin? poison can not develop itself in a pure and drv atmosphere, hence, the first and most im portant preventive means of this Uaihsome disease is to remove all filth and moisture from dwellings. The second preventive measure consists in keeping the functions of the lady active, This can be accom plished by avoiding excesses, by baths, a regular diet, and strict attention to cleanli ness in every respect. Third by vaccina tion v hen properly performed. The best lympth to be used f-.r vaccinating is that which 13 prepared in Germany and import ed in quids. ]r should be introduced bv slightly tcarafyirtg the arm r.r calt ol the Dg, (not sufficiently to draw blood) and ap plying the lymph, allowing it to remain until it is entirely dry. If the first appii cati. n does noT take effect it should be repeated every two or three davs. In order to have vaccination certainly protective against small p' x it must pr-duce the fol lowing constitutional symptoms : light rain in the head; sidling oi the muscles ; chilly sensations, and some fever, together with the development of a we 1 defined pustule, which will appear fir.-t, as a ema f blister, then fill with gr-iyish lymph, will drv and become of a mahogany color, and, upon scaling < ff', will leave a pit It flammation may appear arou -d the pustule, but as that occurs frequently as the result of the geari. fvirig, it is not a positive indication that the vaccine disease has been perfectly develop ei. If he vaccination has been perfect the system is as much protected as it can be, abu observations prove that it is n preven tive of small p x in ninety-three cases out of one hundf'd. nod in the remainder it m -d'fies it. The treatment of small pox sh. uld always he entrusted to a skillful physician, and under judicious manage ment, it is by lj means a fatal malady. State- ltuuu RURAI. districts. Finders and parties are all the range in Valdosta. Thomas Fox was robbed while attending the Superior Court. The Times had a visit from a wren and wishes to know tlie omen. Mr. W. 11. Sims, of LuGrange, is dead. The residence of Col. W. P. Banks, of La- Grange, was destroyed by sue. Calhoun Times has been feeding on an eight pound turnip. The Methodist Church at C»vp Spring was damaged to the amount of S2OO by tire, last week. The New nan Herald thus speaks : j A citizen of this city < wns a wild lot of land in Ilarrals >n county. Oue day this week he received a letter paving the way to its purchase by the writer of the afore said letter. In refening to the value of the land, the Harrulson man wrote; “the timber is worth more than the land, and the timber is Dot worth anything in this c ointry ” A question of morals arises. Can the owner of this land sell and receive pay for it, because of its want of value? •Question in mathematics : If the lot is worth anything, how much is it worth? Will some divine solve the former, and a school master the latter. The E itonton Press and Messenger says ; On Tuesday night last, about thirty-two Swedes arrived at this place. Seventeen of this number are taken by citizens of our own county, and the balance by persons in ; .Jasper county. Mr. Foss, the ageut, | brought one hundred and thirty to Augusta, ! all for Georgia. Some stopped at Augusta and others went to Atlanta. Two or three of the number who left their homes with ! intention of coming to Georgia, were per suaded to desert while over in Charleston, S. C. Ilaight’s Circus is to be in Albany, Ga., on the first of January. ATLANTA. The Sun says : Probable Attempt at Assassination.— Yesterday, immediately after the Senate adjourned, four buck negroes approached the door of the Senate Chamber and in quired for Capt. Whit. Anderson, the door keeper. Capt Anderson soon appeared and askei their business. They, in a very insulting manner#sud they had come to demand an explanation and satisfaction for his conduct at the polls of the Third Ward on the day of the election. The Captain, to avoid an altercation with them, said he had no explanation to make, and quietly admonished them to leave. At this moment one of the party stepped back, an 1 placing himself in a threatening and defiant atti tude, cursed Capt. Anderson, and said if he would stop and >vrn stairs he would very soon have satisfaction. The Captain stepped back into the Chamber to get something to defend himself. When he returned he could just discern the tops of their heads retreating down the Capitol steps “double quick. ” He followed them down stairs, Imt when he reached the door they were j far down the street, running for Ijfe. The Constitution is informed that the Grand Jury of Fulton county have returned i a true bill against Foster Blodgett, fur | larceny after trust. Ex-G ivernor Joseph E. Brown’s son Frank, died in Atlanta last Sunday. A gin hou«ebelonging toObediah Thomp son, near Bolton Station, on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, was seton fire about i 9 o’clock on Thursday night. The building I was fired in three places. In the building i were 125 bushels of peas, 500 bushels of i cotton seed, a small lot of wheat and some farming utensil*, belonging to Mr. Thomp son; also, eight thousand piurids seed cotton, belonging to Mr. J. W Spink, sons in-law of Mr. Thompson. Nothing was saved from the building. The logs by the fire aggregates some sl2Ol or SISOO. SAVANNAH. A fire at Savannah Saturday night burn ed the two story frame building on-Bryan Street, occupied by Appel & Son, clothiers, and Wm. A1 Davidson, wholesale fruiterer, both were Davidson lost from SBOO to SI,OOO. Appel &. Son were fully covered by insurance. The houses were fully insured. AUGUSTA. The Chron. and Sen. says: On last Thurs day we gove an account of the arrest, by Mr. Tb. >m-t3 Turner, a conductor on the Macon and Augusta Railroad, <f Russian Warren, a negro who had committed a robbery in Hancock county. Oo yesterday Mr. William S. Dickson, the tfentltuiau who was r lbed, came tu .Augusta fur the thi°f and carried him back to Sparta. Mr. Dcks-n says lewis robbed off nr thous and five hundred dollars—three thousand live hundred of which wa* in silver, and one thou-and dollar* iu gold. The robbery was commuted in the afternoon, just aft*’r dinner, when Mr. Dickson and his wife had left the plantation. The money was kept in a large tin b x in the house. Wnen Warren got possession of the box he made his escape without being detected, and car ried his plunder to tne w» ode. There the box was broken opened and rifled. That night Warren took the train ar W arrent* n and w,is arrested by the conductor, why had been ask> and to keep a look out for hiir. When arrested, the negro h»d only oro hundred and eighty dollars in gold an l silver upon Lis person. NO. 3.