The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, May 04, 1872, Image 3

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E ' , I ■ . , . . IV' l> s - SCHOOL. DIRECTORY. n vvtiat nictoti. „ cTOtIT. Pn»*«r. * , • < o p,-rint<*nd«nt «f “ rh .1 H 1 *’’ m-st. Ar. Mity 4 1579. . ~4C h n"l»", c,OPk * * ’ th aehool ■‘lnri"* Mt * " V, " rk - ’* * ‘ school Tfnrher.’ Mcrtln* 4 o’dMk *. MKT „ nisT cnrrcM. Mirivn WIIITK. P'*»^r '-ftt «'«ht»»th «‘ehn*>l. ' vmintunt '>ttna4htettd.-n*. s». s*. t-MtxnAV, M.xy 4' 1879 . ,„» o ~’clnck A. M _ .., ,v j, honin' •* v ‘ U • intf fn(f it o’clock, rH. , . lt: . -cho- ■■ ■— r POST- OFFICE. ~rrc* *»rKi, *tc. Ip • .VlopU.p « ~ .- v< "’clock, A * . ~I T V, rost-'nfMMl m-ttt-r «a Kent to tb*» \ (i rt**r < at ' HBhln*t«»n. ! hJrihcra ro j*.(.otk -vc.<l man tines most, pay qonr , ,iunr. !)»llh*. W C‘*nta; Weeklies, S cents; I |i l ||,.«. I cent pe- q ettfer. j iteri'l letter a 15 c 'nts «-x*r-i postage. , |i 1 for letters will be published In the llkkalo , first >f c ich month r 1 ■— —— ui (t iso Dr. It \V F lift, 'f Mur ro. Tenn , if* ox. ee/ (1 n r '" eh at I;'itttus Chinch. tw i mil."* tvM ; i f fljom ji;n, on Tiicnd tv the 21 •/ i ‘■i. 10.000 11)8 PACO.V ju f ncpiveT and for (j/ hy O A Weaver. aprG- ts Gettino Heai v to Brit.n —M it is I; injj hiu’ed to tliii site f the new Bapti t C„iircli D i** intended t-y the comm Dee ('proceed with i't* ercetfimnt nn early dale. Rvcpivri) 1)v t“ <1 »v’** a fo’i line of NOTION'S WHITE HOOHS. RE DY- MaT»E CLOT lING at. 1 O HOC FRIES, nt li: .4 2t v’ F Pi IiNFR & [lk a. ’ ( LTf.'tTAiNMENTs. — P.ot Wilbur pave ■ fntfrtonincMto at the Lodge Id 'on on ITf ir.-ity and Frid ) eve irigs, which were I petty well att' tided W. S. O’.ll*ll \\ I' is iiuvv re eiving a I fiflfiii'leie s r u -k -if X iti.ine, Ft e* v. 1 Staple I Dry Gauds, !1 trdware. **fo. nov 4;f. I Pfnsn.vAL - K'“v T II S out returned I fp'tn Macon, on Wedtv'f'uti'v. where he had I wn in attendance up >n ?*ieO»‘orgia Annu- I il Rapt ist C invent inn. Am>rb*s —i' e uddtvss delivered Itv I Mr, C. F. Turner, on Deo trati »n I) .v. * ill I appear on our first pug -n x w >'k, a nutn- I 1 ■ t iht'.e wh > heard it h »vi g r quested ill public.ition. Ov A Vi it —\e woie greeted on Wed l.y Mr .J L Ida ke a-* whole fo’ded a gentleman as ever sho k hands kith another. lie will remain among us a keck or two. Kivr, Aie.g.v t:av*» j, t -t reoeivrd 100 bushels Seed Oils at and 10 000 Lhs of F ‘-ur. * iTR-tes. which they will sell 1»k»- all t/r tjcries. et'ean f>r cash ja 20 ts I s Qt'E-T <>f K.nj vmf. t— A paity t'f , T l)n g ladies a. and get.lien.on vi it. and R > ;e^^ , f ;c!, ryoa Wednesday, rnd ctj ycd them -s,:Vf>' hs f. !ks usually d> on such cc “-ions ~~fX— qui—site 1 v OLIPII AN rS is the place t. htiv yotir Drugs. l),e S off l’i . ts, Oils, fur y ,u can buy them right fr ni him. Pvderooino Rip mrs —The Male Acnd pwv in being put in excellent <t ler, inside &r d outside, by Messrs \!!en A Ingram. In the meantime the scs>im sos tr e chool bf e being held in the M -'Vd M Oi u eh. Go to \Y. S. OLI FIIAN I S to buy \our I't&dy-Made Clothing He ha-just received a tuce at and they are vet v cheap. nov4-tf. \ FTER *fMD To Keep • Siiadt ”- Mr. A ,t)( } has b».d the las' awnii gin town P ir up j n f r ,, nf (i p brick building. It hr.i;,<J cn. uuh to ever the entire side- Oi m wall to cut b aid « X'ends across Gout of the building, . 1 K Kev Dall is receiving a fresh stock of lav, S and MEDICINES from New Y rk, * uau sell them cheap fe‘*24- f j. Evr hi\g r h —The Turner /in i-j have the Joe XVillet cloth-lined *' r C.llar fop « a le. h is a neat affair, 1 übeady in c .risidt rahh* demand This s about the nearest appr ach to anything r f^p dly Vjtrien st\le th «t the gent.e* have vet male, and is nanred after the j"«ng chap who succeed, and in winning Ally’s hand. - A number of ladies ad gentle mm. pr pose miAi tig ifjfnrY rrrrwM nniiiu. Andrews’ MOI to-d.y. (Saturday) if Uie we .Inr is fuvorab'e Cu,.id 1...s d *< dsre to at' »n and and w,|| p r , b.,b ydo m,. lu ly brined atd q<i<n>d Car l.i .\ a [ Kkti i iz. r We are stili Agents lor I bib Oeef.raud FERTILIZER, nod prepared »„ sell upon-;he same terms as hist year $o » 00 ca-!i or *6<> 00 on time, payable in ni ney or cotton a- 15 ,ent per p-ur>«f. King db.An.EN l-t f iHE QUjR Tins DtCIOEI) -f ,» C ;„ r ,J men h:id II I 111. lie dfae On \{ r , lb esl y evenir.g and discussed hi- q ie*no : Lttolvtd, 1 hat the Fai mer is a m re u-eful no mbi-r of s ciety th .n the Mechanic. Ihe merits of th quesyi-.n wer- » x miir.ed at I* r.gth, and it fi . dly dec ded io tl.e negative. Dow n With the Urht —Tois i- the c m mand we have been waiting to fear the sky give to the clouds, fop a We-k i f le.i-'. 1u- the wishes of ihe p rc'-rd eaitn wire not gist* ifi and uroil Wed: C-d .y evening, when a slight sh wer (el Rin is rea'ly needed very bd y, and it i- lear-d tha r if it does not fall s ‘on, little e tton will « me up C. NCERT We are iiPormed that the col* end people are preparing for a ••uncert to he given in aid • f th- e .lured Meth aiist C urch. in this p ace. Funds are needed to complete their h .us- «>f worship, ad this is the a linii aide means r sorted to t>. raise the n, in which we hope they will be successful Rumor —A ium ris in circula’i-.n ihat a negro was kill'd a few miles from town early in the week, but th. re >.f pears *o be no foundati n for it Neitfier the Sheriff Coroner or any other nffi ***r has env infor mation of it. I is pto'ahlv -t the same nature as those fun lU* Rmlad'-lphia war rantors that us .It.» cin-ulate in the N nth. T< o Stk no f u tub RlZz ros—We beard a gentleman wh. kn >w> a thi* g ..r two, rem irk one day this we**k that all the buzz ir is al» mt here w re dyii g ofstaiva tion, as so g:eat a q mutity of gu m > hid been used in the c *unty thi* spring, ns •■o overpower their sen-e of smell, H nd r n ler | it impossible f>r them to s.-ent d-ad ani mals. TlloMV TiN. tr .\ Api t 2G h, 1872 At a meeting ot the i'iiouiaston M m >ri - al Association, held to-day at the So.dier-’ Cemetery, W. S O iphant was called to the chair aid II Timer, appointed se-retarv The proceedings of the 1 t-r m"“tieg w. re read, ami upon rep >Fts being called f>.r the secretary real die following: ”We the C- minittce apr. ir.ied ly your f .rmer cb tirman to the rfr due tae As-ociation. with iostrut'tim to apply the same to die e; oh>sng I t’e*r-’ graves, beg leave to pr. sent the I l> wi; g as our r- port, sh wing the urn titit .eedvco tpy us ati I ?hc dishursoine it ot the same. Am unr received ul -I \\ Atwater, (dep. si ) $ 8 l 0 Amount r ectved of and K Ad tins, (deposit) 29 3(7 Cash received fO. A Weaver ... 5,00 “ ” “ J V Cotten 5 0 “ “ “ J Alien 3 ; 0 “ “ “ Mr tiillela and 2 0 “ “ fr.un other, . 300 Total $*5,30 Amount \ aid f >r cncb-si, g g avc yard G3 00 Tiabir.ce due the A<*.(_•!•.t o■> ... .30 W e would report also that the ino .ty plac- and in the band* of y on- f Treas urer, Dr. F cWell-Ti, his f.e« n pb-im i t> at interest and will n« t In* col!cc/dde U’.ti the 25:h ut D cember t ex : , at whi h tim-* the principle and interest will am u t t - $2 5 00. The fund ■* >f the Associ i f ion not beii g -utticicnt to have built an iron railing, we bav* deein-d it l-e-f to have the graves en e’o-ed with a g -<>d plank fence, with the in ention of planting a hedge this fall which by the time the fence W II have deCave L will f rtn a complete ad perm merit eoem ure. Ttic iiiii unt in Di. F ewe len , > hiod* we tlii. ksh uUI h* ap li**d t > die pure 5 ase of tombst lies, f.r the load ..f the grave v>l each soldi r, with ;he nani* 1 , regiment and date of death inscrib'd thereon, and would rec mine'd th**t-ame toyouraction. Ttiere are other subscription lists ou f with anv u ts which arc claimed to hav»* been Paul, but as we are uu.ible t"Hseert:»in to whom tic 3 were paid, we cannot make ary and fi .ite rep rt of the same. Respect fu My subtiv'tpd. A J Ki'G W> Oi l|*h \NT. J K Adam*, H Tpr\ek, II T Jennings. 0"m mi tree The S •ci'e.tarv was then instructed to read a communication ffofn Dr. Fieweilen, showing the amount that F'ad been placed in his hands and the disposition he had made of tt together with a lengthy letter, setting forth his views .nd wishes in regard to the soldiers’ graves Oi motion the r* pnrt was aecPrPrd -.nd a (H inmi tee. c r.sistirg <f D . E A F . w ellen. J s-ph Allen, E B f i mi.s na and J. W F ILght'we*. was app inted f>y tie Chair as an Executive Committee, f r the ensuing ye;ir, w ith instiucti m* a’te- dn» the planting < f the hedge 'his Fall ad to procure snitabfe tembsrones or each g ave as recomtue .ad hy the Committee On m .tion the A>««ociati m wdj mrned. W. 8 Oi.iphant. Ctiairman. Hatch Turncr, SeoretAry. Ice < ream S\l> n. —Our j >lly friend W *4-av;c aUgjjjp c ■ in|* ete.f tn 4 new ra U»or. within which during the coming long at and hot summer idec-e.iii letn-umde.soda- Wat. r. at and >th» r c tiling « mtmurids will be disjeum-d, and whi-kv and siich f.roth di-p -n*ed with lu a few and *ys it wl. be to lull operation, and h" will invite the ladies and gentlcm-D f this vicinity to ca l up n liitit. Tax ?» 'Tice —I will as-p*s taxes in I f «»»|1 ‘1 * r i (i us 1 ,»vr 1.11 r« tR-t-t f A E,T R fAT Yl \kKET I tie building recently £ * and f r r- to bv Mr W. X R ill. i s -ortl v pj b" list and >»s a m nket for be-h meats S metfiing ~f rhis riaiure has long been wanted in ThotnaSton, aud we •are gb.d s me ciU rpn.-ong pers »n is to hold of the in itter lu earnest. It wi I be a great acenrroda'ion to be citizens, atid it is t > be hoped, a s u ce of profit to the proprietor or pr .priet. rs. Rei S NaL —Our w- r h\ R.-preise tative. II n. J din I Hall. returned t • I’honi tstm '•n Tt.ur-d-ay, afei q me a engthy absence A though but ju-t di-chtirged from t'e severe limits peil.*rm*d by the Investig.i --»" g C mmittee, in N w Y >rk and el>e wh. re, he appears to he in the erjoynienf •- f excellent health. We all extend a hearty welcome to y«.u, C 1 Ki.kch n < f Officer- —At the meeting of the L dge of (i "and T-onplars, bed on Wednesday evening, the following b.dies a. and gentlemen were elected . ffioers for the ensuing three months: R v T II St .ut, W C T ; Mrs R bec cu A 1 ien, W r V T ; W O Suit h. W F T ; 0 A Ciiriway, W 8 ; T B J dinson, W. F S. ; J. M Lu qu"st, W T ; Miss Emma Johnson, W C * YV \\ Wheels, W. M ; Mss Eletha Johnson, W. O ; J otiit B and w s. Emp RICM • v Fasiii n —Tua ks —We -t*. If and iljto this s pie id (1 it* ii 1 1 nery estab bsbm ro, kfpt by Mis M J Calher ft|. s airs in the ('h«‘ney Rui ding, afw even ings sit cc, ar.d < Ur vi-ioti was overcome by 'he brilliant array of *•[) llv Vardmt” hats bnti net-, feat hers, lace collars, hand s. erehiefs, cuff,, kid gloves, ribbons, & comprising all the hues of the rai- bow ; perfum rv & •, t'ge her with a great amount of and zz it.g je.'elry and in ir y other sir -e'e-* f hoi e.,’ apparel, the name, of which we k •<* \ no- We were struck s> mu ill wi h w-nder (hit we imagined ourselves in s me w> r!d where the angels a- ff the : r r;t liant p'um ige. Cl* ! had w■» n little w ; fe w*d fak“ her imnft' di ite'y to ttri? vr ,r» »l»a f she ■night •‘buy heFseif ridh” t i low prig". A London join n;*l that pretend- to be well frofsed in American politics, predicts that Dun Sickles, the p.-ttider siml murderer, will be made Secretary of State in the event of Grant’s re- election. WmTMtv’s .Mir to \tj C«tiK-r is io *-ver' respect a firs cla-s mu-ica< m igi.Z i o I* is f oblishe t rn nrh’y and contains (J .rir.g the veaf fti»vr >rds of sev.-nty two pieces of r.. W and »sh ice music, Wri ten by the be*o aur n>rs. which if b tight in sheet frm vv uhf cost o tfif eighteen d.'l'ars, besides musical st-.r*ec. -,md aruc es ..(' t C h*gb>-> rnt< rest to aIF Rv a !tr r we will fur'i’sl. 'he M iryjc I. HfTK T and Tl! M\-Tov UeR'ID i.M-e’loo- for $2 3if We ein er.d r eMr SICAI. f>UE T f-> all W h'» W ;int « good 'inr-ca mag zb e. The II Fff \ f.D -»:>■ ufcs f r Address all O'ders to 'ln- MhßaiD !' ■nvi ti.'i, 01. t< so f ■■■■■■■ ......I. ■■■■! 1... II 1.1.1. ■■■,. ]N[o:iCE3.- \ V. w ffcnutifvliig 'gi nt —\ i t'e' tif'l es h-i I 'h.-'r .'rmvhneks. nn'il tlte 5«1 1( |,,t..n- It ja- ..f the ; So- p !r e w -is lireiu/ht tr* m thel'h’t lio. V-.lle s t.<> 1 p rfec tl ef' Nigsnt L- *(1 tt. delight 'n! .r --ticl. s foi the teeth that a i.iHiah wasev. r and p[.ed into. ‘■l'lithlrcn’* l.ivre s-tvt-d fin- “O C<‘ills/'— Vt-t .- se of Oro -p e-m he cured wh. r> en, t.y Dr T- bias Vpn.-tiun Eiaiment, •y .rrant.-d for 2t years, une oev-r a bottle return and It al.-*> cures Pierrbcß-. D> sent Ty, l oplc. Sore Th.»<u»t. Cuts. Burns. ■ nd Kx t- Cains Sold by the pruggsfets, Dydot 19 I’a.fe I’Jnce, New York, Venn b fs- li web’d rot hire bren if her Cr.lnpl-xl-.n h«-l b.-en fl el. If h.-»(jt,V Is -kin and < p it is tu i-cSS irv t., s- cr -unt retain that p rt <>t it; and 1%/ths. Ihst.-ad f -«-s -rib "to p dots nn pnw !.-rs. glweil re- Hiei. h r th it an impure, bl tchv <>r sittlew st‘l i» t.e pri.'.f "f ff hie ditfeso -n torpid liver *>r v-l«i .♦.*.! W.,..d, }. -r oil whih hit VVaukkr’ .'aiuorma Visko' R I>it ie s is a sate, sure, and < fiT dual le.oedy 1f,,, mtt’i Cocoa ini-.—N > cils. n« ither pomad.-s or alcoholic washes foreign <>r domestic- c.n c with f'o.-..a'n u- alt \ 11. DI’F)--l'"(t Ir an'-lmrs tiie har firody in the scalp *:i'es t n- w t»and lustre— an i r- nders it the • crowning glorp" oi b >th sexes, old and v oung. T’rHtt'* A'trnl Oil.—More ac-idents r>ccnr from nsing utma'e oils, than pom steamboats and railroads c,.inhin*d Over goO.ooO families continue to burn Pm"\* s rs] Oil. and n<> accidents -lirec Iv or in'ii .ct- Iv h v«- oocured .rem hurn., g, storing --r andling t, Oil oub* ot Chas l’ratt Estnidi In and 77 • Now York. V Ffe>mtir,il Whit", s ft. smooth »rd e'ear rtttn ts produced t"V O W TANARUS, i.fl's “Bl -o o Youth.” It tetnoves sn, 'reekl, g sunt tons, an) a*t othei disc-dor tions Iro u th -ki . leaving .h • ,-o.n pt,xion hrilli «nt and betutifnl Solin' «ji d.ij|isi-ts Thi- pr p ,ration is entirely five Iron) an> material detr ri n oiiil to health Jud The Rrrtirdv Vcrdrcl.—Thmlj to Mrs. Winslow’- Soothing -yrttp. tr« have f->r \ b.-en relieved from sle piass ot paint jl watching with poor, buffering, tvething children. F;a’ and general debility in ih« ir various 'nrm- ; a'so. as a preventive aprinst K. ver -.nd A tru«-. and o'her int.etrait tent fevers The Ferro Phosphor,,toil Klixn ot ('a j? ,ya. ni de bv i asw. 11 .urd.t (.’••, New York sold hv all I>rn-.'gtsts is (he best tonic f-u paii. nts recovering from lev, r ,-r cthe’g Sickne-e it ha* »■> ,-q .at. Ifi ley'* <*« tin In Goldrn 11*11 Uolng-'iie Water so«*-adir.g t<> the original formula of Prevwt, Pari*. so long .-.nd lavorablv known to the euctom.-rs --f l avtl nd llarral c Ri-ley and th ir hr nohes l»r its fine perm.-.n nt tr.grance in- wmd•h\ 1! .V Rislev t,np th tr ee sup. lid b.\ his sncctssma Morgan aud Kisl.y V\ h-.lesale Dru g sts New York Ttiorston’s I Tory Pea 1 1 Toofii Pow l**r.— The best article known f..j- cb-ansP g nd'tng the -tee h :,n<t g ims S«dd hv a'l '*. legists. Price vfi ;,nd 5 ceiits per b*>ttle K C WtlU A- Cos New Y'-.rk fa bolic “ialvr un-q idled as a lle.-i ing 1 ’om p- un Phrsicians r. c-■•mne'id ft is 'he '•.••st aov'er derinl rein dy ev*-r known. Ptfc. 2o Cents per b'-X tohn 11. Hen y, r-ole Prie or. b College I’lac** New y.ur Cli • iSt:tcloro’s hair Dye.—’’his m kniflbent cou.f.aund is beyond contingency, the s» est and most retit'ble P.'e’ii rx-Mence; to\ertaiing to in p-.r'ito the llair. uniio mity bfi< tor. i.onrrhiner.t an.l elaa icty Manntacton , t>6 Maiden Yane, New York Svapnia i- Op*um pn isle ' of its sic ening an I nisoi)"Uß qualiiies l s is » [.erfect anodyne not pr) duc.-ing he .dsche or cot sflp .iion ,«fi«>wca.Hs 1* <he caae wit . other preparaikuu of opium donn Farr, rVsir i»». New Y ork. m»>4 1 m li U R EKA ! AMMONIATED BONE. E ARE AGAIN OFFERING TUK v\ ELLKNOWN FERTIL'ZER EUREKA AMMONIATED DONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, It has been tried in Georgia for the last six years. It will be sold for CASH OR TIME OR FOP, COTTON, AND IS AS GOOD FOR Corn, Wheat, or Root Grops AS FOR COTTON. More than usual paths has been taken in its manufacture, and we ask a compari son of the analysis made by Dr. A. Means last year with that made the present. m RO3ERS & CHENEY, Ag’ts., Thomaston, Ca. Analysis of Eureka Guano for Messrs.- F. V . Siiris & Cos., February 12,187& Moisture determined at 21? degrees Fah. - - * - * - 713 Organic matter. - - * - 38 00 Yi Iding Ammonia, - -3 7G Solul le Miospha’e Acid, - - 570 Equiva e P to Bone Phosphate, 12 57 Common I’hosphoric Acid, - - 923 Equal to Bone Phosphate, - 20 41 Sulphur, Iron, Alkalies, Salts, Ac., 3D 38 100 00 A. MEANS, liup • (O). Savannah, Chatham co.. Ga. 'l’he foregoing analysis of the Eureka Guano, presented for inspect ion by Messrs. F. \V. Sims & Cos., warrants us lu pro nouncing it an excellent and reliable Fer tilizer for general crops. Its proportion of nutritious elements is well balanced. 'The amount of Soluble Phosphoric Acid which it supplies, affords a guarantee of , good fruitage for the first year, while the amount found as insoluble, will prepare the hand by slow chemical re-action gidifg* on in the soil fora larger yield for the en suing year 'l’lie Ammonia is in ample quantity to stimulate the plain and preserve its vigor, promote its e rly growth and maturity, and preserve its greenness, while the Phosphates perforin their work of furnish ing a correspondent fruitage. A* MEANS, Inspector, ROGERS & CHEiTEY, Ag’ts., Thomaston, Ca. Analysis for 1871—November 23 1871. M isture deternvned at 212 degrees F ih 5 85 Organic Matter 42 85 Y )dw>g V.iunonia 44G Soluble P io.-ph"rio Acid 7 UO Equivale t t*» B .ne Pn >s. [iih.. 15 28 O'.tnmon Phosphoric Acid 4 10 Equivalent to B<)ne Phosphate. 8 95 Undetermined 40 20 Total Phosphoric Acid 11 10 Total B >ue Pn spfia'e 24 23 10u 00 A. MEAN?, In pector, Ssvamish. These analysis show an improvement worthy of consideration. Our sales last year were doubled —reach- ing nearly Four Thousand i ons. Send for pamphlet containing certifi cates. F. W. IMS A CO., General Apenfs for Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Florida. ROGERS 8l CHENEY, Aj’ts. ianSfklm Thoinastcn. Go. ATLANTA AUCTION AND COMMISSION MART, tr.ilrr lur H. I. Front Inf on R^itr«Md ATLANTA, aSO'KcITA, Advances made on CofcugmAisnU, NuotiatiGU<? EtTeoreU, etc. rjZAXX S^TH f J. H. BARRETT, PKOPttIK rOR. ACCTfONFER. N. B.—Special Attention Giron to the Sale es Real Estate. FLORENCE SERVING MACHINES*! UNRIVALLED FOR Simplicity, Durability and Great Range of Work. NEEDS ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AriT.KCIATFD. — 'J t -•* - r~ ~. *■»■ |jiß& *- 4M ' yms&T**** f'irt i U ( - t ty { •• <*•?* -.- v k 's/: w l I : ij- -h'w Lp?, *4C. > i~ ~ fjH^ v •* , v i " ,s • :* 'U* •• •-♦ «ppfiN ■ • - i : O lIG ANS! Bnrdett Mason & Ilanilin, Smith's and all the celebrated manufaetorys C om $7.0 61000. PIANOS. Knabe. St. Louis. Guild. Church & Cos., and several other celebrated makers, lrom j <*->OO. §375. and $423 to SIOOO. Every Piano and Orgau. and Sewing Machine UAK RANTt.D to give entire Satisfaction. For particulars address GUiLFORD & HILL. july2o-tf 84 Mulberry street, MACON, GA. IJ N R\RROW is Agent for the above Machine and Instruments in the Counties of Upson, Talbot, Crawford and Taylor, Georgia. It Leads to Happiness! A Boon to the Whole Race of Woman DR. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR ! |T Vtt TANARUS, RRTNG ov THE MFV«T9: RFLIKVB ALL PAIN AT THE MONTHLY 3 ‘•Period " c -ire llhemr.ntlsm and NtMinltrU of unit tTterup; Lfticmrhavi nr ‘ Whltri,” idi] partUl !*ro 1- p«U' I T t**'T: cnei-fc exn.nvlvr tt w >»»■<! current nil ijr«*£iil rlllcß pnrall ir tn Imllfj. It « i'i remove nil irrl*H'i<>n »f Kiilnem ntul lipid W; rell**\« I'nutir* i«m-; jiaiiiy thr Binod ; give tone t« *} t wh"l k\bu*.ii: c't* r tl<e skin. lin|iii' tiit' h r>n,v h .** t<» th.- rheeW and ch* »*r''u , ne«# to tbo mlod. It i> ms "-urf, m ctr *> i>» nil th* abbim diseases ms Q dnine is In t hili* an l FVv.r l.n'h s r:rt>’ cur.* t h**m«elv«*s <i r all »h* «h*vt* <tU«*:i*cs without rvvtfjtiio£ their compluiute to any werj n, »L b I Is iilw n s m't tis) intt »•• th' ii pUrie nn.l m«idest». Jt ia re<.<rn.»uendfd by the iKst physicians und the clergy. s I.A f i*i>dr. (• a.. Msrrb CB. Mid. P.U V nyi KT.r* Ac CO.. A Inntn. Oa—n*:ir!*i'rt: I t ike pl. nsnrc In sCiMn'p th it t l svc t»«tl h»r thi tH't Iwenly ve-irs t?> *- m. Hi erst ■ ion n- n«w |»ut»inir up. Jn'Vwn :is Or. J Kia IJV>-1 I's 's’i. >i A I.K UKOtJL \T>>K. und con.-,,*!, t it thi-bu-t t-otn inai'Ot e e eati-n t.-p. thfr for th** 'iionM'* Tor which U (*’ n coutmrfi'i.'d, Ihuvi-btcn Intmiur ui h t hr [>r<-acrii>ti»ii b ••i, tn .-is *pr irti'ion- r«' rn"ii«in,* and Horn. ana<»a J.on«» ly buy that I , ci.nsiHer it hn -n tn miH« i , r t,-m 1. s iinH enn but Imp.- i vory luti.v in nur 1* hole l:inu, who may ha siitT'-rfin g i In tiv wtiy peculi ir t« thc.r -t-x. m y tn* t-> ppM-ure nh "1 . tnat thtir * ift may ni4 only bo r^iiosad, 1-ut they may be restored to h> aith ami streng.h. V\ uh m> lwn<’.eai I an> respwctlwliy, v W. fJ. FEKHFLL, M. t>. , Xr.AU Marietta, Oj., March V>, TM4 w\f poor A SfT?r _ c,ra: t'orne months rp.. I bought u b< ttle ..f HitAUKIKI.U’h FKM ALIC l.'K.nri. vroi: frum you. :iit«l liitvi* tl>i- it in ti tun>ily with ihe titnma iitisfaoiion and have reron bonded tt t.> thr« e mh-r f imili. s. and fhei ha' e Pund it jus' what it it ri'C"ttmn nded. I h** few.'.les who have used your I* Ft* I I- ' toil- in et n pei stet h*- Mh. ami are he to aUemt to lh< ir houVefloM duties, and we c»r>tiuUt r**r<.i#- m uljitoih public. Yours respectlully, i; fc v <1 li JOli^bON. We eould add a thousand other rertiflent* s; hut wc c**c>tder the shore amply sufficient proof of it* virtue All u#• »sk is a trial huru.ii particulars, history of>, and ceiiiticuus of its wonuerlul rures. the reader is re- I*)' red to th wrapper nr.-u and the h ttlo AlandUctun dm 1 u >t<{ by »*kADFIfcLN A CO.. Price $1.50 ,**old by all Oiuggl-ts tj,.u2\y- ly] Atlanta, da SvT. WLLD JJ.It A SON , FORSYTH, GtEORGH-A. rl Aft C F ACT fJ HFRS OF | CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGE MATERIAL. I Keep constantly on hand a full supply of o3r own and the bc&t NortLcru makes of BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. We wou’d call special attention to the BUGGIES of our make, which are the Latot Styles, and which we warrant to the fullest extent, and are now offering at REDUCED TRICES to suit the times and that will not fail to satisfy in Prire Thd Quality. Always on hand HARNESS, WHIPS, BRIDLES, &c., Ti We have recently made arrangements to sell the well known and estab lished SINGER SEWING MACHINE, payable in Installments from one to six months, these Machines are fully warranted, and can be returned if they far] to give perfect satisfaction. We respectfully a.-k one and all who desire to purchase anything in o3f line to call and see ns, as we are determined to please in Style, Quality and and Trie* , S. F. WILDER & EON oetlf.t