The Thomaston herald. (Thomaston, Ga.) 1870-1878, February 02, 1878, Image 3

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grioMAbTOK HERALD TTER Full. 2, -- ' . ivr tmer.t ot interest to t lie read this diPa-tn_ „ dot . s from our T ° n ? the *1 or the county, a.s to real es- S l,t K AUEVI-S, ro Barnasvllle, Ga j. COOR 4 ~ The Rock. Ga \*tS *• 'm'uuEK,.. ...Waynmanvllle, Ga. , Flint ltlver, Ga. - “ *9. *•* . meory Grove. “ vvoODAU Pleasant Hill, “ !; F JORDAN Culloden, - 0 . mKA NS Cross ltoads, “ •• W * A ’*U T Talbotton. “ -SIV.BTOUS TG TUB HERAI.D, ‘ .. ,r ROGERS, Thomaston. yriLU-' ' Ilarnesviile. ; a ggik#ay * wuw* • llickry Grove. Crawtord Cos. Old Upson. <*“• AB „ WOODALL...- Pleasat Hill, Talbot Cos. jrot." ■ rK The Hock. * % JORDAN ' STOUT Talbotton. Ga. TABiVkS CEUTRAL RAIIjHOAI). 1 ' wu ROGERS, General Superentendent. DOtA A MAIL. . . 1:20 p, m. t y t atl an tale 4;<24 m “2“S- I""” 1 "* yareMaeon .•••• t0:57 a. in ' DOWN P.AHSENOKK. teiT Atlanta.--- 2:59 a. m ; t re Baroesvllle *46 p. Arrive Mavon orrASSENOEK. Irate Maeon.---- 12:42 a. m i,eat BarnesvtUe 5:02 a. m Arrive at Atlanta — UPSON COUNTY RAILROAD. RKAiCI-AK PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Thomaston 9: 60 a. in Leave 1 ‘> s • lu:30 a. m Arrive at Barnes - 4;30 1Q teat. BariKSAdle • 6:20 p. in I/avo Th‘ Rock •••••• " 6:00 p-in MASONIC. a.rnin? Star Lodge, No. 27, F. & A. M., regular ***,. r\' I.zsTVT II T. Jen vinos, Secretary’. VS lo wen month. A - uukeill, n. i . j, k. Adams. Secretary. CHl'Kt'H I)IUF.CTUV. riptirtChurch.—K. M. Hooten, Pastor. Service II at.l V '■ lo( ,i j P ji • Young Men’s Travel Meitiag, Tuesday at 7-30 r Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday at 7-30 r. m. m k Cn r ECH —K. it. Johnson f Pastor. Service Seoonil Su'oVaUi at U a.m. and 7-30 r. si.; and 3d S 13 0 r. M. Sabbath -cluxd, 9a. m.; t- sf.MeeUnlr, every Tuesday 7-30 v. Prayer vißßitnff, everv Thursday. 7-30 f. Y cuing Mn s rraj-rr Meeting every Bal>butl) 3 e. M i 0. O. F.— ’ pson Lodge, No. 70, 1.0. O. K.. reg | ular (OiiVix atton on Monday night oteach TCf'r. J. C. Zimmerman. N.G.; Y. Allen Sect, v IVFMVRU"' l. OOK No.icf-o—Knights ot Honor i f voeo, fvst and third Tuesday night in each cionth at Odd Fellow s Hall. R. A. Matthews, D. j. K. Ata*. R. "W-k- 1,-1. that's nil right—us ’civcmy house!” Garden Sf.ed in aba . nc *t Jos. Allen’s. Tnv weather his !>een very cold and dts aiTceahle for the last, few (lays ( A Car Loud of Flour cheap nt Jos. Allen's IJuack birds by the thousand. Wonder why the “city papas” dont let us shoot them. Bn-gains at Gheney* A: Matthews . Many Goo(B below Wholesale cost Lie balance in Georgia s Treasury on lie*, pv of January was, £833,719 87. A good riund sum. An oi l U *b. who oclongcd to the 64th Cm. RF.gment, has just got h ick to his home nTiybr county. Mr Tiros. Andrews received a hick from a mule Tuesday and weard glad to sec hat lie has about recovered. ' ' G vudesinu has already commenced* Wo hear ot several who have planted cnglish mustard, lettuce, &c. We shall see who has the best garden this year. Pendleton beware the tact that lie lias recorded only two marriages during the sea son and that there is no prospect of anoth er. Sad. Tiif, discusiou on the subject of bell wax eth hot. Well, it is a right warm subject We’re out of the discussion and the place too. Mr. Ed. Thompson has sold more than a hundred mules since Jan. Ist , besides other drovers have sold quite a number here. How is Thotnaslon for a stock market? A young lady in describing a waltz to Charley Pendleton, calls it the “quintes cence of poetic motion.” The girls are al ways saying something nice to Charley. A Kross word iz a little thing, but it iz what stirs up the elephant. A baby is a wee little thing, but a con stable waz cnee a baby. A young man sent filty certs to a firm in Michigan who advertised a recipe to pre sent bad dreams. He recei ved a slip of piper on which was written; “Don't go to sleep.” There is a general tearing up of things rn J a strong smell of brimstone pervades nearly** every pulpit in the land. It is in no profane sense that we say the divines are raising bell. A young man took a seat on a stove at an exhibition in Port Valley the other night. *‘ e bought it was cold, but it wasn’t The patch is of & different colored cloth, and he Etai) ds up □o w, Irisa funny sight to see a doctor try to ( ’°' K s °l<min wheh he is told there is a deal / about, Tne only thing that Ll ' * s to hear a lawyer talk of peop! e S°ng to law. Airem! Death gwacisus! Howjstwikin g Heah I’ve a uudrtli gweat bwslia r j 1 duet, turned ovah anew leaf, b<tnd 1H be blest it it hus’t tur id wight ‘ on it s own wolitionl” FAIK NOTES. Green backs are the hate uscrl at the fish poßtl, Ouu hoys are shelling out hansomly con?. sidering the times. Boqukts sell readily at ten cents IIE Fair is a dangerous place tor a ceptiblc young man Ho invariably goes to the bottom ot hie pocket. II jT dont the girls look kilim when they are trying to squeeze a quuitei out of a fel low. We never expect to see them took so facinatng again, bad. I HE post office is doing a lively business. “Cigars sir! three for a quarter!” That is the way they speak ii and out comes the quarter. eating department is admirably con - ducted. Every one is pleased uho patro nizes it. The art gallery is cortarnly the grandest take in in the liall But their hand bill says they will not exhibit an this continent again —'guess Units why. The Boi'ed Custard and cake is real nice and is selling rapidly. The s:ile comes off to day. Many nice aii-i valuable ariicle A’ill go cheap. No bull dozing at the Fair. ‘•I wonder if site is single?” is ilie way our boys looked out of their opticals at lady visitors last night at the Fair. The Fair is now in full blast and we hope to have a glowing account ot it to of ferottr readers in next issue. A list of all contributions will be published then. “Is there a hell?” is the subject of a ser ies of article being published by the press of the country, and we think it a powerful hot one for winter reading. “Is there nnv wav 1 1 get delinquent subscribers to pay up?” is another touch question. John Robinson, Exhibited at, Pleasant Hill yesterday. We are truly glad that, h e has given I pson the go-by this year—there v%i!l he several thousand dollars here next Spring and Summer that would have been very absent if lie had showed in the cotin. tv. Judge Crawford on hell. Judge CitAFOttd’s views on this ns well as on all other subject is very sensible, lie says “that the preachers are getting up a doubt about hell, and its all wrong, for the law gives the accused the benefit of the doubt, and every unregencratc rascal will claim flic benefit ot if, and it’s sound of law to allow it. {So you see what they are bring ing us to.” Wf are pained to learn of the death of Mf. W. F Brown, one of the proprietors of tne Brown House, Macon, Ga. which sad e vent occurred in that city on Thursday last, a per an illness of s*veri! weeks, lie was one ot the noblest and kindest gentlemen we ever met. Ibe city of Macon Sustains a great loss in his death Tii e receipts of cot lor at the warehouse and depot are Severn 1 hundred bales mote this year than Feb. ls‘ last year. And s*i!l i' continues to come in lively. We have re reived more cotton since Jan. the first than jwe received during any Fall month. To I what miisi we attribute Ibis good eh tnge ? to free ferryage. The money that our mer ehants invented in niuknig the bridges an l fen vs on Flint River tree List Fall lias I men worth more than ten times that am not in vested in goods, and they are free vet f*r j several months to come. Tnomaston mu-f i never let those avenues of trade close up on ' her any more. Her future prosperity great , ’y depends up in keeping t hose crossings ! tree to those who wish to trade here. Chinese Tea Plant. \\ e have received from the Department oi Agrieulure at Washington, a small pain, phi;! on the Chinese Tea Plant, and tlie practicability of its culture and manufacture in the United States. It contains numer ous letters from parties throughout the South, and taking these letters as a fair sample, we are led to believe that the tea plant can be grown to advantage in this section. One of tlm-c letters states that a gentleman in Georgia obtained 441 pounds of tea from one acre of land, which at 50 cents a pound, would bring 220 50. Sup pose some of our citizens get a few tea plants and cultivate them as an experiment., and see what can lie done. The Boys and Girls of the South. Wc have a number of this excellent pa qer before us, and can heartily commend ,t to every* household in the south. It is one of the most pleasant and interesting juve nile journals we have ever seen; aiming at an improvement of the morals, manners and literature of the young people; and bears instruction and ente.ihGnmenl for the old also. We hope the good people of Thom aston, if notof the State of Georgia, will give Col. Seals a cordial supp >rt in his ef fort to instil into the min is of the youth ful a love of culture, truth and literature, through tne eolums of “The Boys and Girls of the South.” Price $1 per an mini’ Col. J. H. Seals editor and proprie tor, Atlanta, Ga. The Baltimore -Evening Bulletin, pub lishes the following “true canons of advertis ing:” 1. All men in business must advertise in some way. All men in business do adver tise somehow. 2. Newspapers afford the best general medium. 3. The ebject of advertising is simply to bring buyer and seller together—success ful advertising must therefore do three things: A. Be intelligible and explicit as to the things on sale. B It must reach the class lively to buy C. It must persuade them that it will be to their avdantage to come and buy. 4. The interests of seller, buyer and ad vertising medium are mutual. 5. Seller, buyers and newspapers are all three equaly interested in sustaining this mutual relation. 6. The common notion of patronage as regards newspapers is fallacious. As all persons are buyers, all sellers should be ad vertisers. As nearly* all persons are sellers, all buyers should take newspaper—in both cases for their own sake, not the newspa per’ sake. 7. The profits of well-conducted newspa pers arc a measure of the business prosper^ ty of n community. Well thrive to-cl.e !>}■ contributing t„ Uic support of one n„H ~ Tills is truth in n nutshell, nn.i mwlstmt r. ,' nC ° r two to if Perfect, to-wit: Near ly every successful business mm in the country who has made a large fortune in pule, has been a liberal advertiser in the newspapers. M. Frank N. Moore and Miss M< - aennev, of Monroe co.. last •vihlsath morning. Married on Jan. 27th by R C v. R. R. son > Mrs; * s - Haudy to Mias Emma Tv 3INGER. Married on tlie night < { the 314 by Rev •T. V. Allen, Dr. G. W. T. Hannah to Mrs. Vitoria riiursptn, We tender them our wannest congratulations trusting that their h!c may Imj one of connubial bliss, and that as they walk, hand in hand, down file’s highway, the golden bonds of love may fi l' ,ne as br, fe r ht as in the palmiest and most pleasant days of their honeymoon; and when the threads of life shall ne broken, may they be borne, safely by angles of love, b> heaven’s pcaily shore, and timer be unit cd in the holy l>onds of immoriality. 2 ► 000 lbs., C. R. SIDE>? 100 Bbls , FLOUR. For sale at low prices by G. A. Weaver The Coin mbits Enquirer says: A ne ro toweling with John Robinson’s circus pars ed away without a struggle a day or tw > ago \\ bile the circus was tented at Bruu dridge, Ala., this aforesaid negro went to sleep on the tear of the tramping ground, or little bed of the elephant, which is known to be a very small and harmless an imal. This negro, as we said b fore, was smiling in the land of dreams, a very un usual thing tor the colored race, when ths little pet elephant took straw between bis toes and tried to tickle him out of Morphues us lap. rite African diden’t budge, so this diminutive creature, with Ids graceful foot, about the size of a wash-tub. “played on” tue negro s head just like a cotton compress would on a bale ot cotton. The black man lias not neen heard of since—we mean after he lilted the pet elephant’s foot from his head, rather from a little greasy spot that was discovered afterward at the inquest. The verdict ot the juty was that the man came to his death from exposure ■ ninw • Mr. Editor’ Will you please give this piece of writing a space in v< ur cohutts if you think it wor thy of publication? What is tlie? cure for gossip? Simply culture. There is a great deal of gossip •hat lias no malignity in it. Good people talk about their neighbors because they have nothing else t<> talk about. There comes to us the picture of a family of In dus. We have seen them at home, we hove met them at the galleries of art; \vc have caught gliinpes of going fV.nn a, book store ora library with a lresli volume in their hands. When we meet they are full of what they have seen and read, They are brimming with ques ion. One topic ol conversation is dropped only to give place to another, in which they are interested. We have left them after a delighiSul hour, stemuiati-d and refreshed; and during the whole hour not a neighbor's garment was soiied by so much as a touch. They had i something to talk about. They knew something and wanted to know more.— They coaid listen as well as they could talk. T j speak freely ot a neighbor’s do ings an 1 belongings would have seemed an impertinence to them, and, of course, an impropriety. They bad no temtalion to gossip, because tiie doings of th ir neighbors formed a subject much less interesting than those which grew out of their know ledge and their culture. And this tells the wholestory. The confirmed ’gossip is al ways either malicious or ignorant. The one variety needs a change ot heart and the other a change ot pastime. Gossip is al ways a personal profession either of malice or imbecilty, and the young should not on ly shun it but by the most thorough culture relieve themselves front all temptation to in dulge in it. It is a low, frivolous, and too often a dirty pastime. There are country neighborhoods where it rages like a pest Churches are split in pieces by it. By it neighbors are made enemies for file. In many persons it degenerates into a chronic disease which is practically incurable, Let the young cure it while they may. Now ts tin* time to have Photographs taken while Van Riper remains in Thomaston, which will be tor a short, time. Old Pictures copied to any size, and satisfaction rowan teed. Van lli’ i per. Artist. Give up a call it you wanfto'savc money sep2o-tf Gibson & Adams. gear Send in your Orders for Job i Work ! All kinds done Neat, Cheap AND AT HERALD OFFICE. ... New' Goods of all kinds at bottom juices, sepStf-U Gibson *fc Adams. ' ~ i Full line genuine Sewing Machine Nee | dies at Gibson &■ Adams . Worked to Death.— Wc ptty that much aoused organ, the liver. It is held rcsjionsi I ble for every little ache and pain. It is made | to kaddy nearly all diseases, and is worked : to death. This is detrimental, unwise and unsafe. | Let it alone. Unload the bowels by the use i of the mildest purgatives known. Isc those 'which do not sicken nor give pain. “Bai ley’s Saline Aperient,” costing only oOcts., per bottle, is all you need, It is a cooling and refreshing effervescent purgative, at one half the regular price. July H.-ly f Here 1 want a Book printed, , It you want a Pamphlet printed, ■ Tt you want a Poster printed, If you want a Handbill printed, It you want a Circular printed, J If jou want a Letter Head printed. If you want a Bill Head printed. If you want a Note Head printed, i Jf you want Cards printed, If you want a Programme printed. It you want a Lablc printed. It you want election Tickets printed, If you want a newspantr printed, If you want By-Laws printed, If you want Receipt printed. In fact il you want anything in the print ing line done, call at this office, and we nil! insure to give sali-faction. New material, fast presses and cxirerienced and skillfu workmen. UK A.. V US CARDS. BRIEFS, POSTERS, TICKETS, ENVELOPES, CIRCULARS, NOTE HEADS. O STATEMENTS. LETTER HEADS j LEGALBLANKS BILL HEADS, 'wj INVITATION'S, PAMPHLETS, W HAND BILLS, DODGERS.! PLACARD, ETC., Ac. TJ ETC., Ac. ’ PRINTED AT THE He / 'aid >J o b OJp ce, THOMASTON, G E(tRGIA. :\ UcOaVuqns* x io v^s-l Good News.— No more Chills and Ague in tin’s section. Our Druggist is selling an article called “Ague CoNquEßon.” It U about the only satisfactory preparation sold tor the cure ofFevei and Ague, Dumb Chills, Intermittant or Bilious Fevers. The Proprietor of the Ague CoxquKitou lies used but little energy to make this medicine ; known, and yet 'O sub s is immense in Ague : Districts. It purities tlie blood, Liver, and i other Secretory organs so effectually that the Chills do not return even when persons have had them tor years. Entirely vegoa j hie preparation. Price, 50 cents and SI.OO 1 per Bottle. Two doses will stop fiillsf j uly 1 icow 1 v j r —,TAr • ~-~ How tt is Done, —The first object It: lif with the American people is to “get rich”; the second, how to regain good health, The first can be obtained by energy, honesty and saving; the second, (good health.) by using Green’s August Fj.oweu. Should you be a despondent sufferer from any ot the' ellccts ot Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Ac., such as Siek Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Costive ness, Dizziness of the Head, Nervous Pros tration, Low Spirits, Ac , you need not suff er another day. Two doses of August Fi.O we ii will relieve you at once. Sample Bottles 10 cents, Ilegmar size 75 cents.— Positively sold by all first-class Druggists in tlie U. S. July 22,-eouly Recommended by the Flacuuty. A leu’s Strengthening Cordial and Liver Pills —They have cured thousands of hopeless cases where all other known remedies have failed, this, too, w ithout any ot the horrors that attend Surgery, or the heroic medical treatment. They arc worth a whole aim}- of Doctor.s Try them and lie convinced For sale by all Druggists. ja lo ly UR. J. M. BLALOCK, RE SID Z U T D E Ti T i S T TIIOM VST ON, GEORGIA. \r IIEN you visit Thom-i B*** 8 *** n, call. t lit, office M and h.:v*e your Dent il Woncdoui Blt should be. Teeth i isoriod. L-ei ii fUlrd, teetli extracte<l. terth attended to hi the best stylo of (lie Dcntai Art. call once and you uriU not only en.ll ag*atu, but will bring aU your friends, ineludlns : >**.. sweethearts and mother in-law. Z ff~ A Li, \V > • VV VUR WTED. at Office, on same lot ami n. ‘ his Dwelbmr. ~ ii aj *1 JOHIT MAYER, MERCHANT TAILOR, BAKSESVILLE , GEORGIA, m i .... - *~ *.i V N.-/: si: *'-**<//: •> •' * ’•*;'■ - -***•'* H 6 a.*t **r.i -j ! ••* . Ksl ’3 dit.-r. :ii\ n* f.r * \. i A* 1 ? 20 Vrrt " rrr’ VJ :.-s f- p,-' 19 liMk-AA-Bt. !•■*• fl- U t-.fins.t--r *:.•> &£•! w| IS Geranium?. I <' .-"i- t. r :.m -r * • • K.I ' 12 Tabert ses. nil 3cwsn: ~ V,i. e, f t ' ;15. . ••*3* to tilaric'luo. ad i-weri-.,* ..cliH. foe - ?.’.••*• Jii 8 r-iniiti. ■ 8 f-Mta, Ur - *• ••• ; Ihi 6 lljniv Ti t ;-r s*rni -• '• ris.f-r U :1 m •P A hundred vther things cheap, M 5 /ye ' r n mea Stock of Frultll & Ornomon.d , raoe. ..vsr, <y:r.T- . c'tC. Aft ; r .. . . , Qi' ?8 , , ii ; .0 b* fr- a. £4th £?& •s*9 yoar. 13 greenhouses. 400 A eras. to TAHFHi iNTFRNAU.y> ASD POSITIVELY CUStS Lupiimatism! 1 sour. Neuralgia and lumbago. SOLO BY reJGGiSTS EVERYWHERE SEND FOR CIS BENTLEY. , ncTS^ ? ; USG ;sTE VIASHINGTONi D. Fillip 6G MD 63 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. BUY GOODS STORE. *•* " K HI.KA-Tue largest -!.k V of illvK > *' ' s l! * Atlanta, lliat we wiU sell j| p. ie< s nevei before seen tu tuis market. Casluneres, Alapacits, Basket <*L>ihs lustres. Caimd, !! Ur ;i'.m Knlck>“rs <-ker Shifters. Wafer Pr.Hifs in everp style and quiii;y. t OLORKD Slf.K.S.—All the n w shades in Plum, Nary Blue. Seal Brown, Medium 1-n. vn v . rth Green, Prune. Parti Colors etc. w nu\ > four different grades of them- g>H <P and eon sat jsfy the most fastidious in price and quality. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called in . large pur ; Of Black and Colored >r,k iN.n.ul at auction in addition to our regular stock of the- jooda. HOSIERY.—No less than sr> different stylos Gents'. 1..-•dies*, Misses'ami children's 11 eatery. In this department will in* found every thing from a ten cent quality to t he finest LACES.- dil kin Is. prices and widths. ooitSE IVS.—Our “Bon Ton*’— the t est in Am—| •a everv pair •• anuiu.d Misses’ Skirt-Vupport :ng Corsets on hand.- KID gi.ovfs.—We have Invested twice as much as usual In Kid Cloves, in a variety of qualities and can furnish any style and price nee led. < 'l/0A KN. -Will open this week all the novelties in Cloaks. GENTA" AND T.AIME.V CNDEKWEAIL—A very large assortment of liost makes. CASiIMKRKS, Jeans. Blankets, Pleached and Brown Sheetings, and Shirtings, and Flannels in large quantities low. r titan e\er before offered. BLACK CASHMERES AND COLORED i'AMI Ml RES— We have bought in large quantities and must sell them, heme have made prices astoi h,h lngly low. DREss GOODS’In styles and qualities oo num erous to mention. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP AT MU. ,T. ,] HfSSEY, formerly rOrifTin. is with us, and will le glad to serve his hoo the mmim jjrmm company ta] flash}! Mains'ilSiistiSrciialijpiljifi Jjfil|arl iiu I ai uuwiiUi* With Instraciijuß Dow t > liuoonui Ageeitc, cur wlJLvs Ai U i.I ti;. i __l ' / ->' C s ' f■: ' j ,•' • Y r . ', \. • .Our T?/>yrl Or**., at, oort-iipw enr pvr Tyvty’'! *: Chain wi'J Tyx*lwt. .•> h >* *■'* i \f t T ' 1 • '•••,* i Set Bar-] . .1 . ••••...)' j ! ;:r on* erjboFS'xi ColL** 1 * li.itt< n ail of which 7 ilif-plat**'!, wirraijivd to btand ibe t. on* !i tf<i ], f.tJ < tu raprosentel ly the exit r<%\.ngn in this ujnoun* omnt. ih rereiptof onedoilar, v wtii ? * -1 ti:is fraud 1 •> ' pa •. a bgautiful cai’km, poNptid, U> an/ .v - * u \ iiludtratol Catalogue FiUiVKLiN oisU ‘’FT* ii 0., lOil* llnett Street, rbiiaaclpbliu Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral For Diseases of the Throat and Bungs, jg ifk'Vf / v such as Coughs, Colds, fcf " Whooping Ccugh, | *•' v Bronchitis, Asthma, j and Consumption. The reputation it lias attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced during the last half century, is a sufficient assurance to the public lint it will continue to realize the happiet results that can lie desired. In almost even section of country there are persons, publicly known,who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use All who have tried it, acknowledge its superiority, and where iis virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what medicine to employ to relieve the dis tress and sufficing peculiar to pulmonary affec tions. CiiKKUY Pkctokai. always affords in stant relief, and ixjrforms rapid cures of the milder varieties of bronchial disorder, as well as tiie more formidable diseases of the lungs. Asa safeguard to children, amid the distress ing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable: for, by its timely use, multitudes are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains fiends at every trial, as the cures it is constantly producing are too re markable to be forgotten. No family should be without it, and those who have once used it never will. Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend it from their knowledge of its effects. FREFAREP ET Dr. j, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. £_OLL> 111' ALL DUL'riGiSl'S EVERYWHERE. PVTf EFsO N nV) . W m u DSc wes r, GENERAL commission .mams, 77 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. ~7f~ TViii pay special attention to Consignments of Cotton and other Produce 5 Bagging and Ties For Sale. sept 15-3 in us CARPETS. CARPELS. body Hiu ss-Ki.s, tapestry phi sm:i s Till? K K PLY. Best Ingrafns medium ..nd|kov jHUvd.c. i . Tills sea son n \s furnished ilf muc r.-aui ful designs in carpets we have seen. We ha • prepared for Ue curpct t rade a much largei st k than usual, and of entirely new designs. FLOOR OIL CLOTIIN, all widths and qualities for h&llVund dining rooms. Table oil cloths, all colors and w ldths. \VINIHW SHADES, cornice, lait 1 curt-ii, r -pps and broi atell© for kunbrogrlns, iade !. a bregiins, etc., etc. WALL PAPER, several hundred of tiie pattens in wall paper and ixirdi i digs. REMEMBER this tsa seperate slot • fi.ii * car dry grssis and Ivhjl and '-!<••• sfor*>, under sunp roof, and handling large qnanttt its of lituse „ sis, cannot be undersold. An exainluation t>f this stock will im\ you. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair tc iis natural Vitality and Color. A <1 ro sp in g whi and ii s at mi re .agreeable, bealth}', and rf p<•r v in g the gray hair is soon jjPKyi restored to its * rfSpf' original color, irith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed, hut such as remain can be saved f>r usefulness by this application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediin nt, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling oil - , and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dan gerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Ifractival and Analytical CheuniaU, LOWELL, MASS. GEORGIA'S KEXO’.VNED INN Ea . .. K. M. B KOOKS. o* .TF.NKIN.SVILLE, has discovered the true prin ciple oi evaporating cane ) nor I; t* syrup. and thereby inventedt best ohm f- r tael purpose that bis ever been before ur ( .fclie. The in*.rVet in every locality can t>o gurpilru :; once by apply ing in Cue lnventer aug< tl ATTENTION ! ATTENTION ! ! TAKE this method of Informing the cttlrmiß A of PpHonan .v?J*’in ; n counties, that Ia n non pn-jr red to KEi’Ain your n;>.'lfc> and <’AB- Hi m.K with Neatr.r-* o il Di.-pei- h and at Prices to nut *h • tine**. New B'*g'pe3of a'l kinds raaue to< rder and H’rrriinLed Tv-‘*e Months. Bring will wait tjnti; the First at Novcnti or. anri!2l -6me>s. JOHN BLAND. BOOTS AND SHOES. 'a >.• < elup In o-itnrvtiou wtth eur dry I- 1 1 isl s* n\ a rh<oi oC eciwu !>*• t* we Uav- o'teiHNl one of tho Urgent k.ENrs*. . EAI>iEB , M 1-SivS, ami CHn,I>KKH 1* ots. alhs-s and Ouiicpi in tiie Xiate. Thes g.Nkls are every jvdr made loonier, aad fresh from the hands of Um> tuMnufaeturer. WKWARHASI EVERY PAIR, and guarantee prim-. l over than Hvalwn*. as wc have bouftht in large quantities for cash exclUHively. Tills is strictly a slhn* store, not a few atyiaa mixed up with dry g.mfs. full VKPAKAT* Miul STtHiE. ud Hi it can la' found everything from a hrvoin to th ■ finest *.cuts', ladles . Misses and Cliddrrn's >;o4*s :ui i Boots made, wiihoui ahod oy or t'uii material. ■tuok Fimu\ \ full supply .g Mum Fiadlnga, lA'iitlier, etc , on hand. ils in jH ison or By order. The Peoples Drug Stor, It VRNMVILI.K, (U. I\lC MM \ WllidllT ts now In Ills naw afore, 1 ' door.-, from his old <an 1. on Un went aied of Main si re*- 1 . where you can flnt Drugs,: tVledicfnes, fotlef \rilclcg Books, I’ajier, Pens. ink. Tobaccn I’lgars. Soaps. Paints. Varnlahes, (Haas Put i\, s}Huq.' s. i nmlies. Dye ATuffs. Snuff. Flelii athl (tardea .seed And oilier articles u -ual In hts line. He li is the pie .sure of returning thanks for past favors, aud solicits a conUiiuam e of Uiesamr. and will do all in Ills (siwor to sat Inly those who p|- eoiq/e him, in price and quality of kmmls. IP HESCRI P T I O K P FILLED A I* ALL llOI'RS. Julius E. f. Matthews, ATTOWNKY AT LAW, THOM ASTON, OEORUJA. ryoniei —Fpstalrs Cheney BalMtn;. JOHN KUNNIIT, JOHN L. JOHHPOM Managing [lartner lute ilrm U J, ouiim&rtln tt Cos., imv. to Is;;. JOHN FLANNERY 4 CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 3. Kelly’s Dhrck. Raj SLrewt. SAY ANN AH. - - UKOIIGU, — n — * OKNTS for Jewell’S Mills Yarni and Puma 1 \ ties, etc., etc. ISA'.OIMi ANDIHON TlKsfor Kale at lowest iiwuel rules. Prompt attention gi\*-u to at it business cm rusted to us. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. • *'' our Ml: FI.ANNKKY having purchased the <■l tiie..-.-■- ■tv, an d nsgumed the liabilities of the bri. tlin of L J til ILMA/fl IN A CO., we wllkat bi.t i rail outstanding business of that (Inn. ** septU-tf milt L. Ufiflfi, AIiEKT, b 4 Mulberry Street, MACON - - - GEORGIA. {(°)} PIANOS, From s‘>so to $ CiU. ORGAN s. From $.lO to $4.10. VIOLINS. From 5-2 to s7*. Sanies, Guitars, Flutes. Fifes AND DUI/MN, TEi E BEST STH.I3STGFS In the Market. .SJ# BOPOPK.% and everything kept in a FIRST - CASS MtTS TORE j*r ( AU. AS O SEE ME. JU seplS'llm 11. S. RIVIERE, BARNESVILLE, GA., f j v; now a lar-fr t took of I.l|Uor= #f all klada, ii iui-iuJimr y<.iae of the best brands of Brandies. Whiskies and Wines. 11 ai"o keejs Con feci ioneriep, Cigars and Tobacco, in qualities and prices to suit the tinae§ In connectfoii l.c In;s a Bar and Billiard Saloon^’ At.-’ . alwy-s ready and willing to wait en his c Hfuwrs. vpam pro l with him and win be flatt lose* hfc. and "fUftsuf.ers. Mpft-tf J:~ l OHL SAL . |""OKTY acres of land, drawn from fhe estate of i” Wm. Worthy deceased, of I'pson county, bv Mr'-, h. fl, I :-scicr. Alabfma. an heir of sai l ea Mi • •< and lard—a f art • f the old horn* ft* erf Vf .Worthy. 1 hUS r-crftrt. For patieulara i;!ro of * V*. T. KFSt’Ef ovlo-2m Ca. Cv KORt.TA—t'p; oif CorteTr.—Whereas. Mrs. u. i E. Cnardlansblpof it; er*- ns r.nd fr' pent of Aen jiunln 0.. L'ata, ‘oLllaai 11. and Mtasie rpban children of O. P. Van’s, deceased, late of Franklin county Arkansas. Ibese are therefore to cite and rdmonlah *ll pep-ons i once:Fed to be er.d arpear : t m> cfT re within the time prc-erU cd by law to show cacse, If any they can. why sold letters sFoa and tel 0 s'ted. (ilverjunrtfi l > 1 erd. <*cl*Hy this b 577. d-ILQ AMriJ WoßA*LHoi4lna7.