The Thomasville times. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1873-1889, February 14, 1874, Image 4

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- IVliat I Know of Fannins—By Horace Greely—H- • W. Carl* ton &COi, New Torlt) Publish er*. This book containing n “series of , < i .brief and plain MpositipnB of pi actical J j I> fajjiidulture," welt wbrti.illiK carottl u V. iijWnnal eniwtodj-oi CTtfy-fciner in tlie land. The writer treats it “as an art lmscd upon sciences,” and op*. . mends the book, to that. part of *tbe . '"rio/ration of f*nh6rs, just coming up- on the stage of responsible action, who have intelligently resolvejj.that the JKOSffe® .eWtMridafi'Sericulture, shall cvinco decided and continuous im provement ui»on- IW past '*' Tbo directions are plain, practical .. and intelligent;: it embodies not only liic. ol servation but the experience of n careful pninstakiag man, whose life In whatever pursuit* be engaged, wa^ a complete tuccess, ami who from "a /Mgibniug, and de fective education, made himself a name and reputation equal • to pay; in land. • ' J j viltliougli tyc Iwve not rcom for any very extended-notice, we cannot for bear quoting the tollowiug sentence from* the preface to the work, in which he is speaking of needed reforms, and • )f fjilei es flirst.m liijportaucc, “The eleva tion of labor from the, drudg ery and scrvilify, to one of self respect self guulaucc, and genuine indepen dency, so as to render the human -w orker no merq cog in a vast>revoiv- V' J . ? * ing wheel, whoiemofior. heenn peitb «er modify nor arrest, but a partner it> *, riic enterprise, which his toil is jfreeh coulributed to promote, a sharer jn th» outlay; the risk, the loss and! gain which it involves. This end can be attained through the training of the generation who arc to succeed'us, t< observe and reflect, to live for'othet hriBj higher ends'; tLfci^tliosc of preset) 9';usual qualiiicat(ons, qnd to feed tha mr achievement r 'Ufyoud the reach of their wisely combined and ably self ^ . -decided olTortt. : l t This f quotaiioi ♦ ’ • shows tlic gren^cnd tirtd de ject of th wilier, ami wc most heartily recoin mewl it to all. but especially to’ tlie young farmers. They are the hope ©*. the country, and upon them'rests measure of responsibility, which th» teachings of this little book will hclc them to meet, with honor to them selves and protii to others. -I ,]!■ —jn-a vU ajtwmx ■i.-u-iT • r '-i - * 1 Thomasville, Georgia. , ~ h! T Cl : f -Ml • '■ *1 •’ j • ' * rpiIE COttEGlATE YEAfi of this ‘nrtitutk* I* dUMkd lito tw* equal Terms of twuuty 1 .ese^-tbq flrat begftm-ug so tha Viral ftylfirr, u4 U» KCHl cyftt | j l.'i - *.:n • m*- nrr:t\TVK ML-- t« ■ ■■ r* i> !ii.» ilmu l J 3«:I • ^ j Jl’-oj .. Va-,;. 8twEssoKs To.^A.TQMnsi* c<x,;;, .YAO83T>> And Men's Furnishing Goods. BOARD OF INSTRUCTORS: •Arritaat Saram. . Connect bt Live **ak with trulas fipU.P. & M. %hSBattsan3B>rB^ ^*3km eknnecttoiiay Alfbuny WttH^alils on the ^Chaof^lin^Sn^^Lawton with trains for and mrMWMzr ACCpiXMODATION TRAIN Wr.BTKUN Dll gr*Ka _.n.iuasville ‘‘ “ ** «Wpn p;s: •• Qaitnu “ ** “ “ Vshtost* fl * *v»:£ l , Arrive at Lawton “ ** * - H |W * .saBS6tan^sa, , s£w^".2: and 7Tiurrday and arriving at Albany : 140 ,Congress and 139 St Juian Streets, SAVANNAH, 0A '■ i The finest selected Sti MR. JOHN E. BAKER, A; M., PRESIDENT-: examine. No; trouble to Fur. art »rp1»*UUtU»ian-^«riwtLmii^w. *.1t I i’ The finest selected Stock of Hoods in the South. Call and show mods. ius>21-12m CENTRAL - RAILROAD. atmA i an and after Sunday, the 2«l I«»L. JWenfer U rrainBOBthoUeoi branehe* and ronnoctfou* wid rtnraafol TBJUX SO I OOJ.NO XO*TH .. res Savannah — 1 T~*® Auausta. Arrives in AatusU.. ‘inkdr ...... IgwvlUe Macon —. Leaves llacon for Colnmtms.; Arrives at s hi Macotf from Atlanta^ ' • AulsuU TBA1N SO 2—OOUCO NOBTfl Leaves .Savannah - Leaves Mscon for Colurabns • • Eufiu • « Atlanta Colon bos Kntaola Forces uud Losses of the Con federate Army. The forces and losses or the Confed erate Army, were the tirat contribu tion to history from the Southern 7/i*dorical fe'otictv. Iii the November numbers of Land wc l.ove187*1, an interesting am< i n: port nut cortH Spomleiico was pul> lisl c d between I)r, Joseph Jones Sec retijry of the Historical Society a <icn. S. Cooper, ex-Adjutant Gen; the Confederate Slates.—From llint source we glean the following fact! for the ht-nefll «»f those who are not s« loi tiiniUc as to have preserved a till of i hose valuable magazineb. ( .Such fact-* are startling ever to who participated in the South crn struggle: , 1. The avalable force cf the Con federate nrmv did not, iluriug the war. * exceed 000,000 m m! 2, Tin? Contedciatc . States ne’vc hid in their defence more than 2o(), oh*) men in the li-M atone time! .*>. From IjmJI to l8t»o liie Cuuleiler nt« forces activelv'engaged were onl' titiMMfl. 4 Toe total number of deaths du Ving that time acre SJOO.OOO! y* . ^ f* At-fcosses .of-prisoners counted ris ft* Mtlllosses on ftc«-ou®tof uniftlf State: policy of exchange, 200,000! tl. l he loss ot Conf di rate £tat«f. - ~ army. I»v discharge, disability and «!eserti«tu ainounted to 100.000. 7. At i he close of the war, the force ot the Con federate lumy was less than Si'tl.OOU men! . ■V Ootnr (lull,000 men r 000,000 losi to the service!: These facts are taken from calcula lions mado with greiiucarc by l)i Jofwphr Jones, suhniUtcd to ami up proved:by Gen. Si XJooper. 'Adjutujut- of the Confederate arrtiy From them we deduce theso lacU^.At the close of, lint Avar the FVtfc ral forces numbered one tnillion. tlii’TiiblciIeratc forces numbered one hundred thousand.'—//oiv sad and -el oquent a diirerehce!'Klo<|UCnt of tlis4d vantage, detcrminalion, devotion and death!- .Mobile Ktgislcr. The Fire Record. Tim Ftue KF.corq> begins another year of its existence with a still largci lilfrcAsuTo its already great circiija- tioji. It is.uuw, wc believe the odly 2 recognized organ of the lire depart ment ;u this country nr.d is the only journal devoicil exclusively to the in terests of ihe !ire"'<h»: artinents now; puhlislied. Nc fireman should be wit hunt ic and the price onl}' fifty <';.iiis a year, places it within the reach * of every one. It is published moulbly bv Mr. Fred. J. Miller, 05 Liberty $?. y New York. Mr. Miller is also a riauulacturer of all kind* of Are ap 1 i.itusand publisher of an illustrated tatiiloguo of all Fire Department sup plies which he will semi to firemen f-ve at a;iv time To all iulerestq in the wellfare of the Fire Dej artmeuts. his enterprise deserves encourag- Job work to the Times t work atid low prices. Jacksonville, Pensacola —AND— MOBILE RAIL ROAD CO, t vttte.. Arrive sc s.ivsnnah„... Leave ssvnnnnli • MsdiJ* ___ _ A4.*u»nt'Jla .J. . sAi »w!AiTiv*«tTaUa»UaM»«: .N.U A, *» ve 4»rt»bs>>»«s. - 1 Arrive st Qulury —12,« L&Lf ^ 9*T» .\. nus( Sw jUio ll/o jnvr muRjtst j ;. , REY^GHARLES S. ROCKWELL, ' Uteratore-Venial so l Moral ^Wlaefiihy, NstanJ Srlenee, MR&M.J. BAILEY, / Primary Deptrlssent, with Pemcnnsldp u»J Presch. testimonials, &c., testaij -^o tfyp jpqwsr, So- Twrity, BriUiancy amLxe. ^aeKnC ■S$%E&£Q8 WQBEM&tfStn&i And AVEAR ofjthesc superb instruments. Hum, Gen’l Sept wrg;»C«nlr«i Bsilnwl, I • •0,05 10, r* ■ IU» - Macon - ......0,43 * • Colomlr Eufauls. Qa'iUMT MRS. W. J. YOUNG, In ebarfe of Music Department. Tcruo for Course ot Twenty Weeks: Regular Course its Collegiate Department, * - - "* u« 4- l*rtmary “ » - - * u Music • 44 - •* .*** • French M - No incidental or extra expenses charged. THe Trustees feel JOAtlfled In savin* that the course oTinstrac . the Tescbers ss cfticiet.t ms sre to bn f uitd tn soy v mil r Insttta 1 ■dessast ud healthy lueatlrtn, goo4 society su<t varied church pri< Uie Instlvutlon as well worthy the |-ul4lcsui>tH)h. Forfhrther information to MrlJOIIX E. BAKER, or to A. H. HASSELL. Secretary, or v “W- %T. "’STOTTJJ'Ta-, These Ins^nimcotft ^jnWin tlte woiiderful Vox, and other improvements peculiar tr, and original with the ESTEY ORGANS, a larger number sold thad those'of r anyother make. LnT R^CES^^DEBATEiIfiPTEIUHS ElSf, TOO»1 i" bnts ijgiyen to Ciiurchcsj Sunday Schools and lodges. Good cheap pianos from $250 and tj^w^arcis. A large stock of Sheet 3\l|J^ic and.MuMpLmerchandise. Send for copy of “ Georgia - Musical ‘Eclectic,”,and price-lis of Musical Merchandise to' GUILFOED, WOOD & CO., sept27-Cm ATLANTA or MACON, GA. *25.00 17^0 25.00 10.00 “ Board can be had in good fkmlliesat from #15 to $20 per moath 1873. ; M. BOLEV & CO., 186 & 131, Cornar Jefferson & Brcughton, Opposite St. Andrews Hall ; Savannah Georgia, | Wholesale anti Retail ht . DE.1I.ERS IX FURNITURE. • BEDROOM, PARLOR. LIBRARY* KITCHEN, ,>tr - l 'r- ' Ot- Office Fi’HNITlt.i ol rv.ry ,lm i;.iion, tuilable for Coumrj- or City use 1873. i Hair, Moss and Exceleior Mattresses, I Of nny sire, rc»,ly mR<le or mailo lo Order. Feather Beds, Pillows, Bolsters, Etc. Feather* for sale at Wholesale aud Retail. President Board of 7Yu»tcca r , McKinnon & Co., Have constantly on hand a Full Stock of Dry-Goods; Groceries, ’.v Hardware, > Cutlery, FERTILIZERS, &C. Show C»ses and Childicn’s CarriageB of al! Doscription« < ! Mattress renovatiu" and rorairma t. furuiluro executed proiO].Ur >t rea- r attention paid to niliti«, paeMug and , 0 _:td repairing t Hats and Shoes, “^tXa^t.andpanieu • LOWEXTIIAL, funnerly eonn -. ted with the A. A (}.!(. 11 |, now . noclod with tha above t irm, and »iU .« pleated to see all hi. Trienda March til-limo.' Lcavov Macon —. ' Milledgevlllc Kstouton Leaves Augi Train No. 2 King a through train on t»»c C«n- -.atl, K optiiug only st whole Muttons, rsfor liiilf stations cannot be taken on V'swk'rgerstorMilletlgeviio snd Estontos will train No. 1 from ravsnnah and • ugimta Ira n No.2 from points «n the SoutewcHeru (tail, etlantanud Macon. WILLIAM AfOIrOEU , : nov29-lf ’ General Ba^erintetKiekit* SOUTHWESTERN!RAILROAD O^i SUPfiKUTTENDRaVra omet, Macon, Ga.,Get. 28.1 -T3. and after Snndnj-, the 28 in,!.. Passenger Ysin* on this/.'oil Will ran as follows: DAV KV»AftA rAASKSatXTBslK. Macmi ., V.M a in s at Kiifanla — fi.Iit v m ' <Cia\t Albany.. .. ”.2il a ? . £iUaula ui rrlvc »t Ojtc e lu lAlcrt.W |k IS. llU»yti»ln « lie id the Fn'r. Gallics TVatn at Cu Inert dAiiy, Allwuy Train emu *■ A ' rains at Albanv, an I will cn Itiakrly extension - Tuesday afl-J Fii- turning Wednesday ainl Saturday. ull: tucs day TA&sscrooi Titxrv. Leave Macon:. '...'8,45 a ta ...,i,wp m Mh .7^0 pm t with Atlantic and Gulf ESTABLISHED FIFTEEN YEARS. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTH. J i tTHo tnly BUSINESS SGUdrllibi ttfc South cnducte.1 bv tleal /IrronutAaL * The ’M*i:%1, CXPfBHs'vuf students r« 4ban It vnn tort fhem tB atten l swmuiI class, or Imp irtc*l experienced Merchant a WENT If per. < SETTLEMENTS, Buaincs Forms, Ac. COMMERCIAL JLAWy rr.NMANSIUP, MATHEMATICS I 7/j Telegraphy, j — iLCStfVS M90T FtLlOOT A>"D ACCOMMOXl Making ciun: connection with li’estcru Kail madjt.- plnmbus lor Montgomery, Mouilc, New Ct'.VCLA NIU11T FRF.IOIIT ASD ACCOMMOpA- eave Macon 9,10 b m rrlvc at KtitauU » m • • Alb «ny., —•“ «» eavo Euftuls....;. k..7,2C p in. rrlvc at /n ’a ,-5r *’v! ^ m Trains leaving Macon and .Kai&iU on this ■liedule' ?nmfsy, Monday, Wednerday And liurstlay nights, connect at SmithvJ.Je With •ams to AllsTnr. V1KGIL POWtttS.! v29*tf Engineer and. St|, erintei.dviit. MACON & BRUNSWICK R. R. () tber notice, nd aft.r Monday. Dec. uni nxruKss, da rrive at BruiiRwick....-....^^..-.. Ij6 < Ve Brtu:swftfJf...~.~......^~^.~... ; rrive at .temp...- Arrive at Mm on -4.W*a eight and Accommodatitm, Ita ly. i and Brunswick Depot-...-. 8,0t» p >»V icon A Brunswick Depot, le -ccomtn datii.n T (Suudays excepted.) t h awkin.vuiev:i;v::::::::: (M5»l In, Daily, //an ST M.u The day passenger and exnr« with the Atlantic and Gu-t ltailroad >r all |h iuts in HorM*. The night f eight and accommodation connects t .1 Chill* with accomDpitation train f*r Savan id Brunswick t ci»ot is the Macui ‘ ° JAN. UOBKRXSON, General ~ W. J. JArvis Master 9Y»us| ininal |*oin General Superintend.*! WE STEEN & ATLANTIC B. E. COME AM i. OFFICE OE-V. IMSSENfirit AltrST, ^^N and art f - T' Btmiy i» conducted on ji : OT'' BHSiJirEss principles. Supplied with linking and other ofilces. combining evsry known facility for imparting a THOROUGH PRACTICAL 3USINESS EDUCATION. In the shortest poisit le time an*! at the least expense. Gra*lusteS ot this insti*ution, as practical sc- untants stand pree minent over those nr*n any other Bufiness School In Uie country The establisiieil reputation of this institution, tlie th, rough PltA CTICdL course of study, and the rufecs? of Its Graduates, ranks it THE LEADING BUSINESS SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Onr course of actual business training is tliehertntid most practical of the agp. No vacations.— dents admitted at any time. No Classes. Business Advocate, containing rollpartieh’.nr*, niallod "ress. .Wbf . • ''kuT/resident. N \ %^ > JtfiieT-iy. anj address. Edward Eowe^rf No. 5, II oil in gw or lb Block, ty'->, MACON, - - CiA. Pinter &GasFitter, Gas ant! Steam Fitving promptly attended to, Pumps and Hydraulic ltsms s specially * Hi0 ~i General Southern Agent for the “ Gauster Complete Gas-works.” Suitable For fine lot «f Prints,' Oeuihurgs. Shirtings. | Wheelings, Be*ltlcki age, for sale low forcaab by **AWA ., J st rtNuyeii suii «torc and to srriv haeTTaw^ay, J/cKINNON & CO. A fine aud very *ui*erior lot of English and American Hosiery for file bv . -HA EDA WAY, J/clClNADN Jt CO. A g.*od stock of 3/en's J/edium an-1 Common Clothing on hand and for sale l.y llAUD.fWA V J/cKINNOX A CO. A fine lot of Chewing and .-mowing Tobacco always kept on hand by //AltDA IVA J, A/cK IN.VON & CO. A One stock of Tin Ware, consi-ting o’ Pans. 1 sixes, Bucke a. Cu|*s, Cottoe-Pot* ctcr.fur sale y . . HARDAWAY, J/cKl.VNoN & CO. A largo lot of Glass Ware and Oro<-kery ju»t icelved and for sale ' y HARDAWAY. J/cKIN>ON ft GO. A fin# lot Axes and Hoes fur -lie hv hbln St. f^mis Flour, different grades. In —J to arrive, for Kile low h* - JIA/.D.fWAV, .VcKINNON & CO. Flour In 23, B0 and 100 lb Sacks different radts, for sale bv HAUDAWA F, A/cKINNO.V & CO. feesh lot of B-xon. Cheese and Butter, Just m*l lor sale bv 1I.VUD.IWAY, .1/cKlX.VO.V ft: CO. Crushed Sugar and Country Sugar for »als by JIAItn.lWA I',- MCKlXXUX f <’0. Fine lotof Tire. Flow and Band Iron ’ aud all (her sorts us-?d for plantation or wagon pur- oses for sale br JIAUDA V/A V, .VCA7.V.VO.V f CO. Also a large lot of Cast Steel and Plow-Steel Hardaway, J/lKi.nnox & Co. for sale by Si*adcs, SboreD, J/auure Forks am Rakes for i acd ■ale by HARDAWAY, .1/c h 1 NXt )N ft: CO. 5000 lbs New Orleans Sugar, very best quality * *- *- 1 for sale by HaiidawaY, .WcKi: 4 Tons ofgcuuine Peruvian Guano on hand Hardaway, .UiKinnos ft Co. . HARDAWAY, J/cKLVNON Jt CO. HIGHEST TRICES paid for COTTON or ctliei COUNTRY PRODUCE. A. I. MILLER, C. I*. MILLER. Savannah. Advertisements. _ CARPENTERS, BUI LDF.RS, ami others in need of ; DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. MOULDINGS, 'iiJt.iir Railing, Blind Trimmings. SASH vvElUlilS, HEAD OK SIDE LIGHTS GOTO BLAIR & BICKFORD’S, 171 Bay tit. Savannah, (ia. BOEHM, BENDHEINI1 GO’S jmmfF&cTzmfm tqs&gcqs. -1GENTS FUR BLACKWELL'S Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco, Manufacturers of the Olebratetl Braude of Fine Scgare, corTOJf Bom postilliox, eapaqexa, pandora, lamer- VEil.I.E. LUPIN, DESSERT. OOLDEN BUU. .LISMINE, MUBNING CALL, LA MVRRtlA, GRENADIER, - V ETC., E7V.. ETC, ETC. . All kinds of PIPES and SMOKER’S ARTICLES. t48 SiNtl. .: . : : Savannah, 6eo, •lo olo JtMiiter Sf Coo FURNITUHE WAREHOUSE) ISO UROU(;IIT<-N STREET, kSavBiiiiiilt, (at orgia. New Work Pui Up To Order. Repairing - , Mattress-jinking Upholstering AT SHORT NOTICE. Orders prumjiily filled. Ai. geods sold al the lowest market prices, mid strict attention git v di to all oidcrs from the country. Country Merchants when in he city tvouid do well to call and examine our stock ' -re pure using elsewhere. I*. O. Hox 77.1 Tnr |, *»|.j v Palmer & Beppish, H'fiolcsule Dealers hi HARDWARE & CUTLERY, 148 and 150 Ccnjfrces, and JII* and 151 St Julian HtreeU, Havnnnnh, ... Georgia. KEEP A FU LL ST0CE Villacff. Hotels. Churches, Store aud Private Dwellings. augO-Cm , + i, Gs., duly 10,1*73. Lightn ug /■• xpre; 'iBSSEt:d)S*4»»t? r . T . . - ■ ,i»i4iS»iik^i"Ii:ZA'.fi3nB?St- .Xe«cr s> Latest FaiuJioss, Atkmts..X_.J— - .fiJuO p m “* (WITn LATEST IMTOVEMENTS.) FOB 20 YEARS THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE THBOUOHOUT THE WORLD. OVEE 750,000 IN USE If yoa think of buying » Sewing Msehine It will pay von in examine the records of tl*o#e now iir- u«e*nd prolit bv exoertonre 2'ui: WatKUB Wild!*** STAXD - * ALnSE AS THIS ONLY LfOBT \ IttJSfiKtfMACitlxB. cni5o tbs Rotakv Hook I makino a lock stitch, alike on both *ides«>f . - | the fabric Mwed. All shattit ms hine* waste ln ™„ , | power In drawing the shuttle lock after the TO TUE LADIES ! «itch Is forme.;, bringing doohI« wear ami strain • j upon b th ntu'-htoe and operat r, hence while { oriervsebines rapidly wear ont.ths JFhXsxx* 0 , j ft; Witsox lasts A IwrcTTHK, arid proves ail | economical investment. Do not believe all that _____ m, npwenff Upr-ims«i by so-called "Cfaesp"machines,vea MRS. SARAH A. PETERS,; order or received in exchange. nrKLTBft Wilson Mr‘o Gi.'»Orntt: Sava-nalu Angus's. Macon AGcIarabb*. Ga. W. B. ClevcsjGen. -gt.. Savannah, Ga. . r , , T u»y3I ton. / . # . • BcMTctfuliy informs the Ladle* of Thontas* i r Scnl*roena» , -vQiuaad suit.umiing country, tliut she has just tann*. or mint ■ •pened a complete and well selected stock of fuit io wwfcrwr •peticd a complete and « Spring Hillinrj Goods, .ic —of tmr-L 1 - - ...pi^span rriv-csat Chattanooga 1,10 a in /’allmao /'alare Drawlne-Itocm ami S c*n*ir»g- srs by tiiis train J > ru Atlanta l*> I, r.c. >>urg -in*l ail inten.u**liate i^.ints aitto-ut char ge. Passe- eels to *vii*g by th ■ traiu arr.vw In Vew York tlie secoud afternoon, p»t. v«r thirteen h*itirs earlier than px»*vt!gtrs bv ny other route .-an wi li safety reac h Ne w York, oavlng the Kime evening Day Western Express. j Such sa Hats snd Bonnets trimmed and vt lehsa ..... —— —— . jwe.t, Trimmings. Plume.*, French Fh>urera. I • Aid Gl res, Co-sets, La-*es aud even thing usu-' aUrtort in a Orst-cUesxayUiisry estaCaUunr - CalTsnJ'examine my go.*Is. My priGuaara. town us tow 0m hr any market. URESS-MARCYG and F1TTOG! ^wyll pnj i IHtot Btarslal -ondei- i» Palace Cars r-wlGi- For further larticuiars a*i*lre s. rv* __ . of foditigftstieC«<i hat 1 tun please all. spvS ly. - TLUTlxd. in all tlw L.u»t mUi , ui*-**- im^rovtnt.s-jl,*, <13T.t? on abort L8SSSfc.-».j os iimr.-i *; - _ t*“WW» Itr thisl'ne I am wrfl pry-are.! to p!e tnortfkabbsus. In bah prifeAartA w.-A, ‘ i 4*owf -ti-Tour WffM Lirtr clicitai is die Le*t noeciriae 1 ever Med tor. headache. Fours, truly, J. W. H»b>. • r. E. C- Hood ; l»ear • ir—I. hare triol Eureka Liver Mwliciue. and beUeveittobe beft.ta thfiworyil Jte|i*X» - -A itXX.! n.rsM!iL Ga.. June Iff, 1*jti IJSS^tisSltfUB SSWEVBS’ SSS@S a s»aS t- r, vinegar Kitvera. and other*. I now have 5iS5f*wa?eE« lAJtWIrAJ*. HA601 ft AUGUSTA R. *$$$£$$%& . suPtti3nKj?i»Kvrs Office, ' AU4U*L-i, Ua., UcL 10. 1U.3. gjSaga#t»?w.w4i Day Tralti,Daliy, «qqdaya cxc-ptod.) J ov e Ms'-otC.A. g_30 am . WT* Ye rtjf-oioisi..'. ^SJt £ to Train* oi, th* Macon and Augns'a iu'ir il - m ’w£*ta8kk*,*rf • ci | OMNIBUSES meet ail train* sad stcameif, 117.L SMI «^xr.x^ - o^. • _~iajBBSBSBgWSSEt T.J. DUNBAR &GC., Importers and Dealers —IN— BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, Gins, Segars, Etc., VqU t^ropnetors ’ of the Celebrated Indian Vegetable Bitiers. 131 Bay Street) SA.VAJsriTAX3C. - GA. j Common Plows, Briuly'h Plo ih, Avery’* Plow* f Dickeou'a Lovell & Lattimore, Sweeps, Harrows, Fan .'!ills and Every Article required by PLANTERS. 155 & 157 Congreu Street, i The Labokst Stock oi Docbl and Sinou. GUNS in the City. SATARRAB, - GA: Whole«ak and Retail Dealers In American, English and German Powder*, tihot, Capa, Ac., li. Di ntton a Circular tim n. Jt. Hot A Co « ditto. liubbtr and Leather HELTIXG. House Furnishing Goods, Cooking, Parlor, and Healioz S’or Ciur t. Pistols and Sportiug Ciisrln, Ke»la!c'8 Cek-brat«-d \Xul»-.r Filien XaiU an*] Hollow Ware. Tin Plate ami SLeet Iron. • Mr.W. A.I.cDBrriKU is *MU wlfkfai bu pleased b “ when vtsifls 1 to have ktovhl iriendscsOand* j.«ii Parties orderin', cnod. will hare ,u *: them tar.fu.lj nd profnptlj Bllcu. j mtb 22 lj THE ALBANY HOUSE, 'f*j*8** 5-.IETT -.73-/. • l* _ t proprietor, McIntosh Homes WwKr0£<fklrl^ I j nviianitA. .JJ j - *■ BDM0SS05, Proprietor. W^Gacpidlen with A; l>c*i the country- 1 • rmip. MFKTi Xi . 4 iw. ua'ftnA, cqMW* auaatotetPi^^^ Agents Por Fire Proof Safes, FairUnnk-T Scal<-■*. Hope and Twine*. A!! for Sale at Lowen MAR SET HATKS. , !P* r Mh /i A ffe&pisa, xuar21-ly Piedmont * Arlington LIFE INSUKAFC’E COMPANY. Office, at Richmond, Va. Policies Issued, 19,500., Annual Income, 1,500,000. W. C. CARRINGTON. I'reii.lcut. ]>. i. HaUTsOOK. Seerrlarr, It. C. lIAKTtSOOK, Cuhkr. J. E. EDW.t BUS. Vice PreUJrat. J. J. HOP KIN*. A**Uu,oi 8«CT - t». ITU EDIVU It. SMITH, -detnarj. Ho Utelez* Bejtrictiona on Bsidenre, Travel or Occupation. LIbeal Xen-foiiriubla Ptaton* a;Sigttr of Putia Oleorl, Dcft&od. pmoenasAJirio rno..»*aiTr. rwnaf. rrnoo ujun- 1 \ «*_>» i. — * «f——f—ii: •ratntoxMuU u^iI^kfawUWral.M4foL fiv u rack %tm* mSXZ tSSSaimmSitM ircsersl Agency Office for SobIIm -i Georgia sad Florida, 1831-2 BIT STREET, SiViKNiH, GR0BGIA, HENRY a ELLIOTT, Agent at Esvaimah. T. a PAH 1 'S, Agent st Ibnntdlh Cox. ROBER7 BL’LLO Tt, Ocolo. Mabxox COCOTT, ‘ Kf** - jI AijnK for Ecu •■dOoetli Florida. E&nora: OSMIOdC dQOmiOSMf i- I' ) t A ri \tfidv*