The Thomasville times. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1873-1889, February 21, 1874, Image 2

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TftE TIMES JHO. ■ JH0» - f and Proprietors! rOTOMASVILEE.GA. v ISXttmDAY, FERBUAuy.24 >- M874. Agents for the Times. ' . t \ Mr.D. F. ltobinscn is our duly, author ised agent at McDonald Thomas coun ty, anu will receive and receipt for sub* scriptions to the Times. Mr. J. K. Long is our duly author^ . ixed ago^t; at Boston, and will receive and receipt for subscriptions to the Ti*m y > • . - y :y . , THEA&GRR. The friends of this road sUU clings with commendable tenacity, to the original design' of constructing m line to Pollard, v 5W are perfectly sat isfied, that at fiojnetiilioy and not.'far in the futUjre eit^ifer^ this great road will be completed ^and over its length ened route, will roll much oi the vast wealth a^d prodncts of the Mississip pi valley, t<^the Atlantic ocean. Charleston,' Port Boyal, Wilming- , Tl^fiTi^tES is kept regularly ^ sale t tit the Book|8tore,by.Miss'Addie Me ClelianT ' Colquitt and Berrien Superior Courts. As a bill is pending in the Legisla- lure to change the lime of boldin*: ‘ these Courts, Judge Hansell has ad; : jouriied them 10 suit the time fixed hi the bill. Berrien Cou:t will be held -bVnie~lhir<TMonday, and Cdqmtt-oji Wednesday after the fourth Monday in March next. Tho legal session of the present Leg islature closes to-day. What bote th^done?' • • • _ )| ) - Our-popular young friend and com mercial traveler, Mr. , had important business up 'at Smith ville this week. Wonder it acertainyoung lady, who has been turning the heads of so many of our young meu had any thing to do with it. Johnsou of the Bainbridge “Sun," docs up the hal nuisque which come Oif at Aloauy on the 6th In a three quar ter column article, and then says b has not space to do the occasion jus lice. In the account, Coh Styles lli bandit is very properly followed by j becoming “devil,” Mr. Cheeves. “Straws.”—Under this head Pen dleton publishes two chapters fro our columns, and hopes soon to he . able to.iuecrt the third... ,, WeijCJiarley, if you will send us a piece of cake, wo will try up a neat notice when the affair conn ofl‘. The event-will doubtless contain ample material lor the third chapter. Tho County Court bill was laid 0 the table, day before yesterday in tl: Senate, Which iu effect kills the bill It is 8incc)cly rcgicttcd by every one who favors a retrenchment in our county expenses, that Ihis or some otfc or bill did not pass, which would have kept the jail clear of scores ot petty offenders, who are uow fed by ib county for six months to await a trial of some trivial offence. CONSISTENCY A JEWEL. be remembered that sion. a great and important work, and one in which the State was interested very largely, ^ asked that the -State "7 should lend'its aid to ihe extension A NOTARY PUBLIC, p9*?&*4ovifvrJ < l ton,Portsmouth, Brunswick and other- ot4be road toitetrue terminus.. f These. ®PA l Written for the Time.®. “CAPPING THE CLIMAX.” Daybreak! Aurora is in a lit of tli pouts; she has not donned her shining attire this morning. But old ypolu bus been mustering his squadrons for two days, and is now making a grand display. 1 hope he is pleased with . his' success in “raising the wind.” I think it a decidedly magnificent suc cess. How dopircutiagly those tall pines nod and bow to every passing I shall not be surprised it the. top of the house blows off! Bui rain or febinb;l must got up and prepare break fast. Hal, up with *you and build n lire! M., and his hunter friends will ' 10611 {tohere, hungry and wet as— well—%s wet as some of Noah’s ante- dcluvian, unbelieving relatives were; so I'm'Ust get out ail of M’s, wardrobe for ihyn. I hope they will uot bnug h<nnt* any game—not even a sparrow —for we do not need il, and I urn sick \ and tired of it* Hal, what are you do ing? What! not a single match? Earth has some dieary sounds! how you shiver when, from out of the deep silenco aud miduight, you bear the discordant boot of the owl; in a mo ment you thiuk of a yelling Indian wiili bloody tomahawk waved aloft, and feel so thankful that they are fifty miles distant. Or when you know, from unerring symptoms, that you are al-out to catch lip with one of your nervous headaches, aud Tommie, seized with an iudustnous lit, comes in with an old saw and tile, and goes to work, That, too, is a dismal sound; but, whqb you are twenty-five railed from any match you kuow anything about; when a mile and a swimming creek lie between you and your near est neighbor, from whom you can bor row a little fiie, wheu the rain is fail ing in torrents, and the wind is blow- f iug, groat guns—this sentence embod ies all dreariness—the lost match is gone! What must we do, Hal? What * can wo do, mother? I gototlielirc- , place—alas! only a sooty puddle meets my eye. Oh! lor one match! Oh! that I could like an Indian, make fire by rubbiug two sticks together! Oh! ^ 1 that I were Prometheus baring the chain, the rock and vulture, f leul would be a comfort to lie down ‘ and have a good cry, but I have tm »• time for that—I must think, so I sit down and watch Hal, who, urged on by a ‘‘forlorn hope,” is casti his bright brown eves into the most unheard of, unlhought of places for matches, over the door, in the photo graphic album, the tea caddy—untic- « • dug' every paper parcel he comes across, (of couise, spilling its contents) and at length in the empty powder ke; Ah! on idea—an inspiration almost; •• '' Hal, -see if you can get .a little powder ahda'guucap? He brought them iu triumph: now a hammer, nail, and a bit oi board. I drove the nail through the board to keep it steady. Hal, a few fat splinters, and a dry lire coal. 1 got some cotton, and to make assur ance doubly sure, from a matrass some cotton as the success of our experiment depended on perfoct freedom from moisture wrapped thecottou around the nailvBprinkled the powder on it, fitted the cap on the nail and gave it. with a beating heart, a little tap with the • -hammer. Puff—puff: yes, it has caugt • - oio ll Qi>p)y u)ore cotton,,the dry coal and i«.; i.. i splinters, then blow—blow, just as you would if you knew your breakfast dc- pended on your blowing. And soon had a roaring fire^ugood breakfast by the . ..Umjbe hunters returned. Tee, they f^ . Arsn wet Who says i was cot equal .0 JL'to the emergencrjft Wbd sicji I did pdt 'Tap the climor’ttol tim'd. seaport citipa; are straining every nerve, to secure a good share 'Of t6ii immense mass of wealth and travel, which must of necessity, soon flow to ward our seaboard. Is Savannah do ing her duty to the pyero ifetffif Is jibe sufllciently aroused and awake to the importance of securing her share of this rich heritage? Is she going to allow a powerful rival corporation, to strangle an artery which might be soon made to pulsate, by a coniinuous line of rails, fronTthe Atlantic to the Crescent City? , The City-of Savan nah is vitally interested iu the early completion of the Gulf Road, jan<l yet It seems |o us, that she is altti6st<erfm- Inally inert in the matter! Th‘4 advan tages which shenow den ves from Ibis coiporation, although in its present unfinished state, are not inconsidera ble According to the showing made at the late stockholders meeting It will be seen that, “of the cotton received at Savannah oVer the Gulf road, that 109,419 bales were consigned to mer chants In Savannah, while only 18,983 bales passed through to other markets —thus demonstrating liow much the Gulf road has contributed, and is doing to invigorate and strength en that city as a great cotton market, and not to make it. merely a shipping port.” The Gulf Hoad has struggled Ion- and hard, under the most adverse oir cumstances. Let Savannah come up generously with her aid, together with the entire line, finish the'road and the vast increase of business the first year, would prove the wisdom of the move ment. Second Grand Annual liritli Ball, Albany Ga. This brilliant affair came off on evening of the 17th inst., under the .supervision of a coi$rajttee of geu&e- men, who have certainly, won fading houors, in the successful man ner in which tho affair was planiied and executed. Notwithstanding the threatening aspect of the cveniug, by 9 o’clock, long rows of carriages were drawn up in front of Willinghams hall; and from which, perfect bevys of tho fairest of creation, rapidly alighted and ascended' lhe broad stairway leading to the ladies reception'<room emerging- again, they enter the brib. liantly lighted and handsomely deco rated hall, where a hundred lights Hash upon tho gay happy tbionj ho move so gracefully beneath thei«* steady blaze. , 1 1 he grand march puts in motion, no Jess than one hundred and fprty ( three couples. It was a most brilliaotscene aud one uot cosily forgotten, by those lio witnessed it. Beautiful women, tastefully and elegantly dressed, in the full flush of maturity, gracefhily aud confidingly leaning on the arms of gal lant meu. Girlhood too, the charm ing and fascinating vista of early wo manhood, just opening before their happy flashing eyes, investing with, bright and rosy tints; even com monplace scenes and objects. The ball was beautifully and elabor ately decorated, showing no less the skill of those who executed the exquis ite work, than the taste displayed ■ by those who did the plnuning. The music was unexceptionable, the gentlemen never wearying, never tiring, until the happy daneers quit the hall “at 5 o’clock iu the morning.” W hat can we say of ihe supper? It must have been seen and tasted to be appreciated. Every imaginable deli- acy, prepared and arranged in the most tempting manner, were lairly heaped on tho long rows.of tables, prepared to accommodate three liuu- dred guests. All the details were hap pily attended to, cloak and hat rooms, reception 100ms, etc. Where these details are not overlooked, you may always he assured, that more im portant matters are not neglected.— To ike committee generally, we are undcVobligations for courtesies. We policed quite a number of gen tlemen from Thomasvillc; Messrs. Isaac, Pass, Levy, Love and Loliu- stein; some of whom, were so badly wouuded by copids’ shafts, that they tvero left behind; and iudecd the ter did not escape a fate, which seems to be common to all who come within the charmed circle. of Albany society. Willinghams hall Is certainly one of the finest in the State for a ball.— One hundred couples dancing easily at one tiroo. Albany may tye, an( l doubtless is, proud of this magnificent hall. But they should give it the finish which it deserves. W r c have heard ftiuch of Albany beauties and hospitality. Wo have enjoyed the latter and seen the former. The oue is unbounded, and ihe other, well, the number and force of adjec tives in the English language, alone causes us to drop our pen in despair at the poverty of our . dialect, when treating this subject. The Thomasville delegation, made their headquarters at the Barne® House. What Mvriek Baines, don’t know about making his guests feel at home, is not worth knowing. Polite and attentive servants, and a table spread three times a day, which would tempt an epicure, places the Barnes House among the best kept aud liest patronized hotels in South Georgia* men who made such .a fierce. fight,, against aiding the A. & G, Railroad, now coo as gently as doves, and have no word of protest, against Involving the State»»till .further,in an enterprise^ which, > whatever may have been its Anginal purity, certainly degenerated into a: combination by which the State of Georgia, was most egregiously swindled by a fet of sharpers. Gov ernor Sriiilh, under the pressure from upper and middle Georgia, withheld his signatnie from a bill, which would have insured, thu.completion of our own great thoroughfare; now lets see if he will sign the one fur the exten sion of the M. & B. Railroad. 1 . 1 — The following touchingly beautiful lines, we extract from the pages of the “Southern Music Journal,” They were traced by the tender hand of ^f? fection; thoy breathe the purest aud gentlest love; and will bo read with, moistened eye, by the many friends jof the' lovely young. lady, who has been mysteriously called away to.theskies, from among thS Companions of her girl hood; one of whom lays these Vweel stanzas on the bier of her departed friend. AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OP TITIA ROSE BUB, Who Died November 18th 1873. ’nre iu a HHy bud. bun-tin^ iu bloom, lirljrln as a Har in tbe crown of nigbt; -idaut •-* Sltarklin; Qucwly yet tbe crown •lew in the bright sunlight. inUc aa a little cliibl; yet gentle as a little cliil... . jul full of ill nsic, her heart full of loye ; Taken from earth in the noonday of life, Culled to a home with angle* above. Icr brown ey«* cloned gentlv, her smile lin gering yet. ; : j As if dreaming of'all that in brightest and .’cnderly, sadly, one list look we take, Then Silently, gently they lay her to rest Iitrth was so taautlfnl, the future so bright, Why. wa*. she .taken when life#emm*d c Gently, Faith whispers, with‘her low'street Question not, doubt not, sorely ’Us God help us all, to trust and believe, Th-‘ — *- * —* Oft ci o centre our hopes on the bright Wor above. . b . v St. Ekmoxds. n mercy and loto ; New ^Injcrtiscmmts, GREAT FBEtSHT ---AND Passenger Line VIA SAVANNAH, GA-, 8*&a lime. First Gloss Passage Rates, ug Statei-ooms & Meals, on Steamships 3XTE-W ■2'OBK Jfcm iT^erttscnxeiits. READ and SAVE 5.00! W jr|_ i- $ -mKg&OBBHCK ^ewIng "machine co, Ition givem to the collection of om* " - '' f / r r A • i ochloceoneC~ > Proposals to repair the bridge on the Oeh- lockonce RiVcr,’ on the Albany (stage line' toad, stating what is necessarry to make it a safe.bride, may be made t<t the,County Com missioners at their next meeting on the first Tnoadayi in March next. WJ. YOUNG, Cbm’n Board Commissioners. W. P t lfCBEKT, Clerk, : feb 14-St. PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTICE! Teachers who wish to be examined will please remcmlurr that the Board meets on the first Saturday in each month at 10 A. M. Those having business with the Commission er iHll find him in his office, ill the Saturday, and at other times, when not olfiiaUy engaged in visiting the schools. HENRY ACABB, , ' (Jointr of Education, Caxs. S. Rockwell, r: : Pros’l' Co. Bokrd of Education, feb. 11-tf ^BE YOU INSURED ? IF NOT . i, INSURE IN WOE Equitable Fire Ius, Co. .' f “ ' i-Tebslaville, Terxn. CAPITAL,—$1,000,000 A Reliable, Sound, Substantial, Southern Company. • P. TTcGLASHAN, Agent. Lessons in Dancing ! MR. JAS. L. WOLCOTT Respectfully invites tbe attention of parent* to the advantages of hi* weekly lesson*, in the graceful art of dancing. Proper deportment, GEA0E AND EASE OF MANKEB Arc of the highest importance to those wli move in R^flnoci Sooiety, and they are to be acquired ONLY BY PRACTICE. Classes are exercisedRVERY SATURDAY t Half-past 2 O’clock, P. M, John mcdonough. . BALJXTYNE. , per oent‘ j The • Florence “A Complete Pictorial History of tho Timea.''-‘TJie beet, cheapest, and in the. Union.” WEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. ' r ’ y f^' ’ ”T Z'r Foncs* op ran Pum. ‘"TltflhluMj !■ Iks Makari most powerful illostnued period cal published lu this eonntrv. ItoTiauuuwr n omr b» 000, the Weekly is read by at least half o nttUioc persona, and its influence as is simoly tremendous positive poskitMS, and political and social p Its editorUiaam scholarly and coavinctna and carry much vr ight. Its i lustrations of current its a e fall and fresh, and are prepared b\ be*t_desiuaors. With a ulafion of 150, expresses decLeii problems.—{louisTille Cou- BUBSORIPTIOHS-1874. been greatly improrecd and simplified in the lost six months ana now defies competition for »im i-licity and duruUliiy. It is the only sewing machine that feeds the o k iu more than one direction or makes more ! ian oue stitch. Don’t Chill to tee the FLORENCE before pur- , FLORENCE SEWHfB MACHINE 00.; 15, Cotton avenue, Macon, Ga. Terms: —*»» I For tbe third Uracst ditto, *4MmdoJ.,pr. 1 »ymc»tori-. b> ! , PREMIUM LIST . ON FIELD CROPS, •i’1| H OFFERED BY THE . SOUTH GEORGIA A. & E Association, Uao Fair of 1S74. ‘ ' CLASS 1. For the largest crop of cotton pro duced upon onq acre of up land, with a statement ot tho mode ot cultivation, the amount act! kind of manures > used,' the ptriod of. planting, the number .o| times ploughed and hoed, the kind of seed used, aud giving coat ot pro duction, For the Second largest ditto, TOTHE $•20 Subscriptions to Harper’s Magazine, Weeklj, , Scriber »t the .fficc where An Extra opv of either the Magazine. Week ly.t-r Bazar will besuppUedgratisforevervClal^ of Five Snb«enbcnt at (4 OO each, in ot.e remit tance; or, Six Copies for *30 00, withont cooyj.poetagepayable b~ - v —* oflb es where received. , For largest crop of cotilon grown on 5 acres of land m one body same requirements as above, . ~r the second Ura>st ditto, For largest crop of field peas rais ed ou 1 acre. For largest aud best crop of na tive grass bay raised on one 10 BRESSUTAXV’S European House, SAVANNAH, GA. THE CHEAPEST HOTEL THE CITY: m Board and Lodcingrpordny, Only $1.50. The Proprietors Is determined tliat tho Atten tion and Bdl of Fare given t<> gutats SHALL NOT liE SURPASSED by any of the high-priced hotels in this section beat el 1 ofexpc , prisir.g Seventeen Volumes, sent j of $5 25 |*er vol., freight The'podtage on Harper’s Weekly is 20 cent* vr, which be paid at the subscriber st-office. Address— i/AKPEB Jt BROTHKRS. jan31-tf -Vew York. The Building, having been recently Enlarged idTui -* - — — ----- 290. gUC: and Tui proved, now affords accommodation: J. B RES .VAN, Prop. oct25-6m G. NOBLES, Madison *Squ tre } BULL ST. (Cor. Drayton & Macou sts.} DEALER IN Plants, Flowers, Bulbs & Flow er beeds, Hanging Baskets OF ALL KINDS. -.BOUQUETS, .etc., made to Order. j j F. M, FAIKCLOT11. *r. ISAAC CROWELL, Comiqacder, Leaves New York every ’Saturday, from Pi< 13, X. 1L. foot of Cedar st,!at 8 iu.. au Savannah, Ga. T ever>-Saturday. Through Rales trad Bills of Lhdlng to' a_. iioints South and,Southwest, G< orgin, Eloiido, Alabama, M’lsUfeippi and East Xcnnessce, in id Uulf Ronds. connection with .GeorgiaCentral aud Atlantic LOW DEN, Agent, 93 West St. • “■ Agents, Sav’b, GaJ I Geo. YojtOK. Agent , t;a. C. JL R.. . Y. | 409 Broadway, N. Y. 1S , 7'-1. McDOXOlGH, BALLtXTlNE. Iron RRfl Brass FOUNDERS Machinists and Pattern Makers. Iron’Fronts for stores and dwellings Fcrandas and Cemetery Railings of various designs as low as can be pirf-* chased in the North. SUGAR MILLS AND BOILERS, GIN GEAH AND HORSE POWERS, ETC. First Premrum .for best Sugar Machinery ana. Iron Castings at South Qeorgia Agricultural aud Mechanide As sociation Fair, 1872; also at Savannah Agricultural Association 1872. Cor. East Broad and Liberty Sts., SAVANNAH, GA. PLANTS, &c.. Ad, AT TSTE'W YORK COST, At NOBLRS’ Greenhouae and Ice cream Gul den. Chtakigdoa freeoiul.can be had at tho TImlo y; postage payable by the sulMcrii«rs at tki where received. i . , , Bn k Nnmben.t«ii besumi'icd at any tirre. For largest and best crop of grass -Sum?SmS’Ciu 21 >'“- °‘ h « lhan ofexiiense,for ooeach on ono acre,onc balelorsatu- «... receipt of j pie; with manner of making * j ^qd saving, a For largest crop of corn grown on '* j oue acre of upland, period of . I planting, mode of cultivation, j kiiul of coru, times ploughed - ! aud hoed, amount aud kind I of manure applied, giving I cost of production, | For the second largest ditto, ; For tho third largest ditto! For largest crop oi coru grown on I 5 acres of upland, iu ♦ *ne body, ; same requirements us above For secput\.hirgcst ditto, For third largest ditto, j For largest crop of wheat grown on one acre, (dot less than 25 bu) same requirements, ' For largest crop ot rice on 1 acie, I For largest crop of oats zaised ou 5 acres. For largest crop of rye raised on 5 acres, For largest crop ot sweet potatoes raised on oim acre, the crop ■ to be arrived ui by digging aud measuring au average Bakery CONFECTIONERY, A. HOMEISTEE, AT ms OLD STAND, Ke«p« constantly on hand a full supply Candies, Boltins, Nuts, jellies, m Pickles, »ult*. a’f kiuds, And everything in thpi line of merchandise. TOYS : Choioo selection embracing everything «alcubi- tedtopleaso the little folki>. Fiue Liquors, I For lai gt'i of a r piuiler i of grcuud peas used per aere.tho icertaiued by Uig- 1 For the liest acre oi » ale: & lags: is ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. WEDDING Or other Parties supplied upon short uot hj the 15th Dec. atulemenl to bu rendered to what has been used ; • what sold. Competitors for tho above premium i are required to have tho land tueus tired and the articles to be weighed o measured iu the presence of three db interested and reliable witnesses an- ' ccrt'.lieate produced lroiu them with . J sample of crop. j The requirements above must b furnished in writing V Thomas, » Decatur, Brooks, And Neighboring COUNTIES. I adopt this medium of j bringing to your notice the j value of u.y &- j | ii! Chemical Preparation i l For Fertilizing ;< KNOWN AS li j SOLOMON'S ’ROWLAND COMPOUND,’ And state *uoh liict* an will lisabusc tho minds «f any who inight have been unfortmi'ito in tho past soason’s appliimco ■ >1 it, us well as to counteract certain misrepresentations which have been m :do detri mental i<> tho introduction of an urticle which (and the slan- lerers know) is dostinod lo the Fanners .... ll»e time ot making the entry. . {' All parties exhibiting aru requgste to cuter by the 15th of September. I . L-b-tf ECONOMY! STRENGTH! SECURITY! STATEMENT SHOWING Dividends—Surplus—Returned to Policy Holders BY THE KEARNEY’S FLUID EXTRACT The only known remedy for BM DISEASE, Ami a positivcreinedv for GOVT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES x DIABETES; DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY DROPSY, Non-rotention or Incontinence of Urine, Irri tation. lutiamaliou or I'lceratiou of the Bkdeter and Kidneys, Spennatorrhiea, I.turorrho-aor Whiles, Dis eases <.f tbe Prostrate Gland, Stone in tin* Bladder, Colruluc Gravel or . Brickditat Depoi-it and Mucus or Milky Discharge*. • KEARNEY’S EXTRACT BUCHU rcrmantntly Cittts all Disearesof' tbe Blad der, Kidney*, and DroMkal Swt-Jlinic*. exist ing in men, women and children, MATXKK what the age! • "• •ProfStoel* *a> »: "One -bottle vf K« arueVa Umd extract Burba is mirth more than all other cumhincd. 1 ' Price, Oca Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for live Dollars. Dejxit, 104 Duanfi Sfli New York • A Physician in attendance to answer tdi pondeaoe amt give advice gratis . Send stamp for Pamphlet*, free. ^ Sold by all druggist*. TO THE NERVOUS ANDOEBILiTATEd ,i OF BOTH HEXES. No Charge, for Advice d? Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyott. graduate of Jeffem ienlCollege. Philadelphia, author of valuable works, can be consulted oo ease* of the Sexual or Urraary Organa, (which heha^mado an tunccial ^tady) either In male “*—*’ atier from whatcan^eorigfna female; tu>r .. years enables hi bow long standing. A practir«foir 30 We Challenge the State.—Our esteemed old friend Parson Tucker, of Colquitt, was last week made the happy fajtor of _hia. .thirty-second, twenty-five of whom arts livio?.. :Xo danger of Colquitt ever going Radical if this kind of thing is kept up. The.Pareon has been a regular sub scriber to the Times ever since ita first issue. Heads of familiea^foU B3j(8»'!»»«{tllil. :. ~- v ,_ 'iL-vaees with Cum. guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Ttune at dLtaare ran forward lifter des< ing symptom* ai.d enrio^ieg stamp to pn ur«U«e. Send for the Gnnx to llmi Price 10c. .T. B. DYOTT, M. D. Physician and SargOoa. lOl Di ’ fel'21-ly 4 Duane St-, N. Y, JOHN M. COOPER &. CO., Cor. Wbitakef & St. Julian Streets, Savannah, Ga. Wboleriale and Retail Dealer* in Books and Stationery of all Kind. CopyiAg and Seal Presses,' Sutvcyong Com- pasces, News and Buok Printiug Pa|>er and Ink, Gold Pens, Pen aud /’epcil Cases Desk and Pocket Knives. * Ledger, Writing and Colored Papers, Playing, Visiting and Printers’ Cards, Portmonaies, Ac. School Purui- tare and V. ' • . (■ School. Reqnbdtim at Sehertnrrhom & Co’s Prices, for whom Wo aro Agent*. Boole* •rdered or Imported at New York rates. We fell confident tliat we can sell as low as tbe lowest, either in Charleston. Augusta, Atlanta, Macon, or any other sonteern City. Write or caU and learn our Prices. AT CHAMBERS. Jaxtabt 20, 19:4. ORDERED, that a apeeial-Tennof the Su- I periorCouTt for.tbe county of TJsfmaa, for the trial of criminals, bo bclg, commencing at ten o’clock, A. it, on Monday, the setotefd day of March next. Parties and witoaaee* in all criminal caaes, an requested to attend. AUGUSTIN H. HANSELL, janSl-td . Judges CB.C. “Unquestionably the .best sustained work of the kind in the World.” Harper’s Ad Jk C3-JA. Z13ST El rh»4112^66 stss 113.583 114,136 114273 lmue 110.013 117,858 '118.445 118.702 118.703 118.704 118.750 118,788 110,138 1104* 110453 119.155 119,388 119.721 119^34 120474 12i13Sl 120,515 12U1578 120,779 121.087 121404 121489 Biinsjoor Job w»,-k totheXoies omi iht vwMtifr ua4 tor jtiua. Nonces or Pgzss. Tbe ever-increasing circulation of ;hte ex- ‘ ' * ■“ ** contiaucl adapta- , id nct-d.8. Indeed, think into how many tnrac* it pene- v-crv month, we mn»t < it at the etjucatora an well as entertainers cf the public mind., lor its vmr popularity b beya won by no ai^eal to stupid prejudices 1 dennrred UMrs^JBtttoii Globe. : . lha character which this Vagazina roioeM for'va lety. enterprise; artistic w*eltb, and I eranrefltareUwthaakeptp «* «JUi, if it b u >t1e»J »be time-, ihoald cause its condormrs regard It with j ostifiaMa eo*mi4ac«i cy. It si.. entitles them to a great claim nj«m the puMic gr-titnde The < agazine has don,' ».«•! aa not evil all the days of it* life.—{Br.xily 1^ Eagl. STIESCEIPTIOltS—1374. Terms: . Harper;*- Vsg* rine..» ne year. ... || 00 ti 0* includes prepayment of C S. poffage be tkwpdhUsaenk.. . ^abscripriucs to Harper’s Magazine, Weekly, and Bazkr. tqesm adit— far one year. $10 uj; or, t*o of JIa-per’s Pwiodkals^ to address for one ycar, f T *0: filings payaMe by tne sub scriber at the office <rLer» rsreimed. ^in Extr« Copy of either tho Masszlne. Week- ly,er Bazar will be sappBed gnui • lab of J|tr« Sabscr bers a» $2A », w traeejiy: postage payable by the the offices where reorivsd. . ' 'BaffitNaaterscmbvbarpHedi at-aaytJ com nrlring 47 Vt will ns m> by % express, freight at expeass vrm « Ik. ntwriktfk i of ‘r HAKTFO]ELX>, CCDTVrrST. This Statement Shows a few -policies issued in different years, and the dividends as here stated during the present year. THIS COMPANY WAS ORGANIZED IN 184<>/ (TWENTY-EIGHT YEAIiS OLD.) Assets now nearly $37,©00,000. Ratio cf Expense to Income, 8,12 No. of | Policy - j Year wheu Insured. | llesulcnct: ef Person | j Whose i.ife U luaured j Ajje of PcrijOL Amount o Insuraoci*. 1 total amount ( ' l* Premium. T" How Paid' I By Ca*li. I Bv divi l. n. 56,068 18<>0 Ailairto, Gh, 40 .fi 10,006 8320 U) ei7i dt 1868 Marietta, Ga, 28 2.5i)0 .10 !M 25 10 91.7<i0 1869 Atlanta, Ga, 33 10,000 305 00 171 SO 133 20 92.208 1869 Thomastou. Ga - - to 10.000 3-JO 00 ltu, IAf 154 40 1869 Perrv, Ga, - - 48 5.000 225 H> 334 SO 90 60 1*5 700 1869 Savannah, Ga, - 23 5.003 !H 50 65 25 2!» 25 !W,(i24 1869 Savannah, Ga, - 44 5,000 182 20 128 65 art .v. 97.G73 ' 1869 ' Coleparchec, Ga, 52 10,000 515 30 365 10 150 JO 99.842 1870 Atlanta, Ga, 20 4/00 65 46 99,876 lSTO • Savannah, Ga, - 40 am 1WJ 48 121 56 11 \rl I0t»,072 1870 Savannah, Ga, - 43 2.000 irj 81 69 52 100,212 1870 Jacksonville, Fla, 35 4.0')0 109 24 WJM 28 40 100.421 1870 llaltimore, M«l, - 38 3.000 77 oj 54 Kf •hi *►» 100 70-) 1870 Jacksonville. Fla, 27 2 000 41 74 11 76 100.867 1870 Monliccllo, Fla, • S3 4.000 1X1 88 66 S6 2tm 101.128 . 1870 Atlanta, Ga, 42 5.000 l'it 15. 123 15 4a in 101,214 1870 Savannali, Ga, - 6,000 137 40 i<k» an :j6 kj 101.604 1870 Qnincv, Fla, 40 2.000 73 02 a* (to 21 02 101,743 1870 AOauia. Ga. 50 140 6-2 103 59 103 J 23 , 1870 Jackuonvile. Ga, - S4 lO.OttO 2H0 76 200 «3i 69 ()8 103.15$. 1870 Savannah. Ga, 27 5,000 104 35 74 05 29 40 103,230 1870 Savannah. Ga, - 35 5,000 145 15 1(6 15 89 103,752 1870 Stone Moun;aiu, 33. 2,590 61 73 44 ss 16 85 104.815 1870 Savauuah. Ga, 22 am Iff k| 71 10 Si 74 100^56 1670 Madi»<jn,'Fla, - 26 am 117 so 04 28 76 106,496 1870 Jack&onville, Fla, .- 50 io.<xri 469 40 333 13 liVi 27 lUt,(Ar2 1870 Macon. Ga, 59 am :«>8 35 175 61 195 34 108,522 1870 Savanoah, Ga, - - 30 am 117 72 86 38 81 31 109,TW 1871 Savannah, Ga, a tjo) 1*> .72 83 62 24 99 110,613 ita Savanoah, Ga, .- - 25 2I/>) 51. 58 :r.i 34 12 21 111,049 1871 Savaaoah.Ga, - 29 45 60 35 38 10 42 111,239 1871 Atlanta. Gu, - 49 5000 42 203 08 30 34 1871 1871 1871 1871 1871 1871 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872. 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 .1872 1872 . 1872 1872 • Gainesville. Fla, &avar«uab T Ga, Savanoah, Ga, ' Jacksonville, Fla, Jacksonville. Fla, Savannah, Ga, Savannah. Ga. - Jackson villi', Fla,' Savannah, Ga, Sararnah, Ga, -• Savannahy Ga, Savannah, Ga, - Savaunahy Ga,. - Savannah, G a,' - Saraunzh, '»a, ' - Savannah, (»a, Savannah, Ga, Savannah, go, Savannah, Ga, Savannah, Ga, - Perrj- Milia. Ga, Savannah, Ga, - Savannah, Ga, - Savannah, Ga, - Savannah, Ga, Savannah; Ga, Savannah, G* ; SaVanuah, Ga, * Savannah, G a, - Savao anthD*. 28 10,099 5000 10000 SJjOO 5X00 2JOOO 10L00 SJUQ0 4/Xj0 2m 4.000 10.000 SfJbO am 10m am am 2m ttm am am am am %m O/JQO 249 -JS 182 20 £f\ ti2 310 90 147 45 1V» 45 224 45 124 v< 2tr2 *V) 1*5H 45 145 V> 254 l 182 20 , 20Jt2 122 88 174 15 ' 140 SO 214 90 54 24 159 00 209 8| 193 58 140 75 227 72 241 49 VA 15 116 03 10414 109 00 92 25 81 12 118 29 > 120 15 leO 35 99 84 •AU «0 17*4 *>> 216 03 292*0 152 00 145 85 . 164 m 198 58 k7.*> 04 140 15 -112 OB 172 66 43 32 * 41 45 * A 90 69 50 40 i/j 29 10 •28 OI 45:» 24 29 6- 2* 10 30 20 44 10 25 04 53 00 :o 80 29 10 .11 70 37B :io :ia 44 94 24 30 21 16 35 00 2814 42 24 10 92 4225 Tho urn mis o f Dollars. MflWf - BSt/IRKE cwrrrnw on mam wtrrvmm mmwMMMJrcL. ^ . t Before intartng yumx lift plea** riTi oaeahtr cftba—darrfg—dnadnxigl— r.YuuMj tbeteato, and mthf/ynuncl/of f ct*. ROBT. R. BREAJi General Agent Georgia and Florida, T is«. 21, iiuil etrt-er, ciAVANNAU, QA ( . ffi SvttV bn in fife Statk feb7-lia j &u,.im If my Compound is Worked properly it can't, fail. I am not this year de|ieii<l- ent on supplies from uncertain sourcos and thereby have pass- od on me [as was the c:im: last year] ai tides not up to tho standard required, such being llie ease, 1 regret to say, with a great deal of di solved hone. There is not an urtielo in my preparation this season which is not Fully Tested by au cchu ati d Chemist em ployed for tho purpose. All the materials are thoroughly mix d by machinery and me valuable element can eseajiu until absorbed by the plant. Preparation to iiutlcu one Ton of Fertilizer is put up in lour bags weighing 7(H) powitls and $25 for a one Ton Preparation. I have heard some (o:n- p'uints about my advance of price. It is title, till! figures ue higher, hut 1 give vulftc eecived for every dollar of it. fiie quality is increased 501 Its in weight, and 1 kuow the val ue of its being mixed, as I send it out, is equivalent to all the advance on !a-t year's prices. AU I ask. is a fair trial to con vince you that my compound will act as well on your crops as any of the Standard Fer tilizers at near ly three times its cost. SEND FOB CIB60LAB ASM »EK A Li, TUK FACTS SET FOBTII. MtJ. Sozomojts* Sole aasefarturer of Solomon’s Row- toufi ^anpoond, aod dealer in cheo;- 14© Bajr street, Sawr&oh, Ga, -t L'.vU