The Thomasville times. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1873-1889, February 18, 1888, Image 4

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A mad dog bit two persons in Ma con, on Saturday. Land values at Rome have increas ed 1,000 per cent, since 1880. Brooks county is shipping carload after carload of beeves and hogs. Twice as much guano has been sold in Quitman this season as last. Darien leports that the river con tinues to be in good rafting condition. Dr. John T. McFarland, of Savan nah is dead. He was prominent in his profession. The Barnesville Mail outfit was sold at Sheriffs sale in Zebulon last week for $375. The Conyers Oil and Fertilizer Company will make 1,000 tons of guano this season. A Lexington gentleman paid last week the last of a debt he had been owing twenty years. Senator Riddleliergcr, of Virginia, nppcarS'On the floor of the Senate, drunk as a biled owl. They call Blaine “a ripe statesman.” lie will be about ripe enough for pulling next November. f High license has reduoe'tf the whis ky shops in Philadelphia from 6,ooo, to 2,500. Thjs *,s good work. At Cuthbert last Sunday, Rev. G. Yv. Mathews received into the Metho dist church, and baptized, a lady 84 years old. Some one wants to annex Canada. Uncle Sam has a pretty big farm already. But he is cultivating it pretty well. _ James Willingham, of Lincolnton, found a horse shoe imbedded in the trunk of a tree a day or two ago that had been there thirty years. It is said that Mr. Blaine has a presentiment, that he will never be president. A great many other peO' pie have the same presentiment. Yesterday we noticed the fact that Mr. B. F. Jones, Chairman ot the Republican National Commute, had received a letter from Mr. Blaine, who is in Europe, declining to allow his name to go before the next National Republican Convention as candidate for the Presidency. Some doubts may be entertained a whether Mr. Blaine is perfectly cere or not. It may be that he takes this method of strengthening his sup port ; or it may be that he has learned, what a great many think is true, that his personal following is not what it was four years ago. The reader is left to draw his own conclusion. Blaine’s withdrawal, if it is his fixed purpose not to run. will bring Sher man prominently forward, with Fora- ker and Allison as good seconds. We take the following extract from the letter: I wish through you to state to the members of the Republican party that my name will not be preaented to the national convention, called to assemble In Chicago In June next, for the nomi nation of the candidates for President and Vice Pre.iidcntof the United States. I am constrained to this decision by considerations entirely personal to my self, of which you were advised mor< than a year ago. But I cannot make tho announcementwlttlout giving ex pression to my <Wcp sense of gratitude i nmaytnousands of my country- who have sustained me so long, o cordially that their feeling has to go beyond the ordinary polit ical adherence of fellow partisans and partake somewhat of the nature of per sonal attachment. For this most gene rous loyalty of friendship I can make no adequate return, but I shall carry the emory of it while life lasts. He then goes on to congratulate the party on the bright prospects for 1888. This is bosh. It looks very much like the “Plumed Knight” was deserting a sinking ship. His labor ed arguments in favor of protection will not catch any votes. Protection, per se, is a thing of the past. The letter has caused a big sized ripple political circles, democratic as well as republican. 1888. Harper’s Magazine. ILLU8TBATEP. arj-er** Magazine l* nu o «»• «* |*o*res- t .ongbt an.l inoiem-i.' in every depart. __ it of life. r a. traction*, it will contain, durii * tt*«- ©--nd* ir r- ■>, :s»£-ortM»t *rtl-lea, aupevtwly dlaatiafe . -mi the Gien W*»t; article* on Am r-e*» **d f-reigu In- ‘ utrj; l-cautlfnlv tt n-traie-l >»i*er* on Soil- md. Xorwav, Swltz r*i-\ vl.l-re. »«■' <b>- Indit Hies Woo Ison and o»h«-r | Illustrated papers ors;*t«-i — * merest. Th« tdi.o. cie-i by Gecxjze u 11 HARPERS PERIODICALS I>E It TEA It: Harper’s Magazine §4 00 Harper’s Weekly 4 1)0 Harper’s Bazar 4 00 Harper’s Young I‘c. p!c 2 uo Harper’s xquare Libra ry, 1 year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Harper’s Handy Series,one year. 5*2 numbers, 15 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in tne United Stales of Canada. Near Boston. Thomas Conn- tv Georgia. tr-sire to sella dei i «/>n depot, Tb«mns eonnl u!y S00 arres. formerly k i.i - Hardwick p'acc. cd, lying in a g a short dl>tan bout hat forth.: M kdap-ed to the gr>wt* ‘ — - "jOj-ijHu Boston. A bo i •d and well M*— w . . nlre<l It. South West lly be put In gOirl ( endthefs-rn iaabont ot-* mt'e l'epot. i-iicsLowf ir ' norS-tl A Jersey bull call and a three year o’d Guinea bull will be sold at reasonable pri ces or exchanged lor mik cows. The Jersey is thorough blood, eligible to registiy aud from good stock on both sides. Apply to or address J. T. CHASTAIN, Times Office, 7 homusville, (in. The city council of Waycross has cd c appropriated $ioo toward entertain' mg the State Agricultural Conven tion, which meets there this week, Georgia is attracting the attention of capitalists. There is no better, or more inviting field, for investments, than in the F.mpire State of the South At Montezuma, Wednesday morn ing, while the workmen were putting up the beautiful weather vane of the Methodist church, it was accidentally dropped and badly broken. At Cuthbcrt Wednesday an unoc cupied dwelling owned by Charles Taunton was destroyed by fire. It was the old Gccslin residence. The loss is $500. The president hesitates about stop ping at Savannah, if he visits Jack sonville. He Ins probably heard o^ that artillery punch. It layed ou^ president Arthur, on one occasion. Athenians are organizing a party to visit the Jasper Festival at Savan nah next week. President Cleveland's presence in the city will result in ex cursions from all parts of the State. W. G. B. Waddall, living two miles above Jefferson, is only 36 years old and his wife 28, yet they are the parents of fourteen children. The last born were twins, a boy and a girl. There is a strong feeling in Athens in favor of putting down Belgian blocks on the business streets. The city owns an inexhaustible quarry at Lithonia, from which the stone can be secured. Mad dogs have been playing havoc in Mitchell county. Two cows on Mr. E. A. Brook’s place, also two cows on Air. Jackson’s place, were bitten last week. The cows went mad and had to be killed. — -- — A Louisville young man who smoked forty cigaretts per day, has been declared, by the courts, an idiot. We suppose proof of his smoking forty cigarettes a dav was deemed sufficient evidence to convict. Having stolen pretty well every thing else, in and around Washing ton, they have commenced on the cemeteries. Two men were arrested in that city a few nights since, with a dead body which they had stolen. Lucius Williams, a colored boy, was killed at a festival in Quitman last week, by another colored boy. These festivals arc prolific sources of trouble. Good order should be ob served, or the authorities should squelch them. Tom Woolfolk, who was to have been hanged last Friday, gets a breathing spell. The case has gone up to the Supreme court, on a writ of supersedeas, and that court will re view and decide the legal questions involved in his trial and conviction. A Dakota Farmer Relates His Sad Experience With Confidence Men. San Francisco Evening Post. I suppose you fellers ain’t got no paper you want me to sign an’ beat me out o' some money ?” said a Dako ta farmer near whose house weeamp- ght. Miss Barnes’ Kindergarten or Pri mary School FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver derange* th« «bol« system and produce* Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheuma tism, Sallow Skin and Piles. thou i* no better reined/ for the#« common disease* than Tatt’a Lives fills* ss a trial will prove. Price, 25c Sold Everywhere. mchM-ly newspaper of iu ki*4 published in the world. The advantages of euch a notice every peteatee understands. ... i.SSBareBSasS admitted to be the be»t paper devoted to sdeaes. mechanic*. invention.. engineering worka. and other departments of industrial progress. pair liehed in any country, it contains the names of all patentee* and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for on* dollar. Bold by * ~ C£OIZ6M-f*f«MMf Const/j. In Ibe Superior Court. Present, the Bja. Aug. H. Hattacl', Judge Handbook about- pa patent* mailed its. The Augusta Chronicle AUGCSTA, OA. Vtekly new.paper la tr.e S reive page eighty-four coin- nt ains all ibe important new the largest e It D a Will open Sept. 19th, i street. Ibe latest methods be taught in * way to Special care i* taki k»y sister. Mist Lai arrived from Chlcagi P ^L’he*f" her homo object leachiui flllcd -•adlng tott 5>iofe‘*icr *1 D *' r » n i"j t r i farmer, mechanic, bus ness and Its Washington, A ^ ita (all Teli Columbia Letter*, with il i of the II me . assist n . Miss Laura names, who 1 didn’t hardly look sharp enough to be in that style o’ business,” replied the observing agriculturist. “Have you been troubled much by that kind of sharpers?” I asked. “Well. I ’pear to be doin’ my share o’ s’portiu’ them. There’s a churn over in the corner that cost me $50— they got me to order a dozen of ’em when I thought I was signin’ a ’gree* inent to tell the neighbors what a good churn they was. I got a $100 hay rake out to the barn on the same plan. Then I had to pay for eight liglitniii’ rods on my house, when I thought I only signed for one.— ’Nother man ct dinner here, gave nic a quarter for it, an’ I signed a receipt that turned out to be a check for $20 my bank account. ’Nother good- looking* feller said he was collecting autographs o’ proin’nent men, and I shoved mine on lo a blank niece o’ paper, which lie went and filled out as a bill o* sale for my best boss, and led the critter off. “Then 1 made a three boss cv that I thought up all myself night, an’ ’about a month after had to give a feller $15 cause he said he got a patent on it ten years I got a drive well in the back j that I’ve been paying’ $25 on’bout twice a year. There arc two note at the bank for me to pay now Ilia I signed when 1 slapped my mini onto some reckcrmcndations of mowin’ machine, an’ which the fef/er cut in two and made notes of. Then yesterday another cuss coinc’long with a partition to the Legislatin'' agin high taxes, an’ 1 socked my name onto it, on’ now I’m waitin' to see whether it’ll turn out a mort gage on the farm or only a common note. I'm mighty glad* you feller ain’t got no scheme, ’cause I’d he sure to go into it.*’ Wlint Is Electricity? From the Sew York Star. The science of electricity, which is becom- A CAPITA _H* V There is blood on the moon. 1-rice and sonic Brooks county bovs slipped over to Valdosta with a “tied out horse’’ last week and cleaned out the place. It was an old fashioned f l uarter racc » and excited great inter- !•*wweij^kttown^’’ s sa »d that more than $i,- S»vJ»unciu. Thohouihj*«L ’ cban S e <* hands on the race. aatT^oui-houscs^incimUnB^aeri'’ ^ cnr >' K- Coleman, Supreme iino^uore aoiv' buu,,c ' 8Ulb,e * *l!or of the Oriental order of Grand Chaplain of th?piD«-« , *u4coit5? a Kentucky, Au- S2S!±?SSa,SS Kai e ht ” Mason - ***,»**, *. & htlro ” lhe Eiu C ‘ C - -t re.ra 1 . n-«| >•»» oUc. field . r ee Masonry in the,.tor., HIM HeOelUn-a book .. . , „ Masonic, hall on ;t 7 o'clock, will attend, extends an ghboring order to » 'lmg store. His* McClellan’• book inp r iscful -omptished the solution of th< baffling problem of what electricity is General O. E. Madden, of boston, foraiel; assistant general manager of the Hell Tele phone company, observes: “The electrical world is still looking tor a man who ca what is electricity. The chemist can you what is lard and what is butter, lie can analyze their component parts and make his results clear to you, but this snblli force of electrify is still baffling us all Experiments in electricity go on for a year with each day's deductions proving tin work and deductions of the previous day ■ the ' be and deductions of the whole year ma upset and knocked over by somethin; cannot control and do not nndeni The general laws of electricity are beco fairly well known, but what it is rema theory, an undemonstrablc problem. A Cargo oCStooI Rails. A letter from Carrabelle. written on the 6th, informs us that a cargo of steel rails, about four hundred tons, has arrived at that point for the Thomasville, Tallahassee and Gult Rairoad, and that another cargo is due this week, and a locomative and flat cars, also. The road-bed is about ready for track laying to the Ochlock- onee river, thirteen miles (jom Carra belle. the rails will be laid immediate ly, and, our correspondent is told, the grading will then be continued this side of the riyer in Wakulla county The prospect is that the capitalists who began work so quietly and push ed it so steadily will continue it. Mr Blake, the President of the company, is expected in Tallahassee to-day, on his way to Carrabelle.—Floridian Wintry at Lynchbars;. Lynchburg, Va.. Feb. 11.—-The weather was terrible to-day, with a heavy storm of sleet and snow. Ow ing to the situation of the city, busi ness was almost paralized, it beinj im]>osdblc to get vehicles up am down the hills. The rooster would be a much more popular bird if he could only be in duced to feel that there is no real, vital necessity for his reporting his whereabouts between midnight and 3 a. m. We know that he is at home in the bosom of his family. So are we, but we don’t get up in the night to brag about it.—Puck. Lithonia is to besieged by the Salvation Army. TERMS MODERATE. Further information will be given on itionto MAUY F. UAUN1 sep3- tf Dm* ton St JVotice o IIui.ting and Bailing, except by perm! r (.lie uodcrcigneJ, on the land* known » »pp plac- 1 , in the lbfh district of Th . IIOI'KINS. Age: OH other Popular Ballads, ia book fc 0*0 of Sheet Music. Sent, post-paid, fo; ONLY FOUR CENTS* Stamp* taken. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO. 0600 Fainnount Ave., Philadelphia Pa. Revoke, e of the h Aca if The acocstA Chronicle > elc^rsph- ao*t readable n the South, in be read In ■pi-ear i A *1 _ o the Court by t Note and! Murtrar*- tbat the defendant Will lebted U» A I* W right StdTC L I* Wrijht A Ci».. It. (be sut with tritere-t at 8 per cent from Jr to her, 1X35. until pa d, and |1 el tee- and all coals; and that to rue red that ad-1 Willi said debt and tuierc.t an 8 1st day of the next ten r show cause to ihe <: CUPTURED PERSONS [ —“■**”** IaI this it ion and nrJc j offiaUl sign a idge S C. 8. b T om , L ° AUG 0 1I . HANSKLL 1 C Presiding. A McIntyre, Plaintiff-J A tty*. GLOltiJIA Golqulti. County. 1. K II Ilrran, C.era ot Superior Coot. . and fir raid county, do hereby certify that ibe above and foregoing la a true and cprrect cc— of Hole Nisi appear* upon the minutes of a nd'.r my haud acd i Cl< i il Mgnati I. 11HY AN, srk S. C. C. t te,18S7. 1888 Harper's Bazar ILLUSTRATED ial and short says, bright Its ^iattern- •• is ad-nltfe I To i ut Lake Fa gratia if i KKVOKE is by King Rene, MITC Harper’s Perio licals. JLJ.ST«XEB,II.D., Oocstur, III. PRICE. 81.00. Bold by Druggists. , 1. CASS ELS. iisnH-lJ Irj Rl c’< SrrecK E, . iVo kiy RULE NISI. xeon, ) To foredoa. Son real nroj.* J April It appeariu to foret' tortgage at the Thomas e mortgage In appear- :riff that ■ limits of pUlntiB's I on motion o . c of sai l Kale Is perfected term of this court, by pul r» the Thoruasvlllo Times !hls county, onc-s a rnonl Till- lice. 7, 1887. A ndgi , CUirk uf ... - _.t:fy that the above U 3 of»aid court. * “'.GROOVER, A NS ELL. Supen fieri TO HUNTERS* J Orer 3,im},'X!0 worn daring tho psst sir ptars. This inarvHout wzeess is doe— q 13L—To ths superiority of Coraline over all other matcriuls, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2ai.—To tho mporior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, contblaed with their low prices. Aroii eh 'sp icitatics« zsadc ot wipoa kinds of cord. Kcne aro genuine •‘DR. WARMER’S CORALINE” fa printed on indit of steel cover. FOB SALE BY ALL LEA3IXG NECCKAkTS WABIfEB. BROTHEBS, 330 Broadwgy, How York Cl^f. To Tie Late! A.Cai8aa ansssaew to the ladies ef rbomaevUlo asd vk-ia ty that ak#ia rceparsd is4o«BUNiofteiai*ku|«4inaata8 Maaata>aimlftMrca’t.8cart rbttgj Ntrubirr. I’o-tauc Frwt t !i:- Iftiii* d fsla 1 '' y \ oo 4 00 4 00 2 00 10 00 •ii. 52 15 OC wUhes to coiiimenre w after the receipt «-f order, sqb-icrtb 3ound Volumes of Ilarpci ‘ ck. In neat doth i-.n-i il, postage paid, or by tpense (piovided the frei, lit me dollar per volume.) for three yeaia B«;ai Clot by snlui Ilf 0“ ; m o c!Jg “TJ fn ps g|f P&H. 'SS w w TS H ** * O f" • 1 PS a P4 ~ GraTBStIBS; llron Fencing. _ _ debt ha> dvjme gsave- f W For uerx dollars i — --— • j, Lrcs#l ha line. 1 to*e ('eairinx ■> l®t*.»bw!<l p-# diilni of B'r.u-.oi -a!l r|ipn*i!>- p.> t Other. »•. ► . tOl.f J/AN 2ko0a*v<l> DR. HENLEY'S . „ UH UTBACT ^AGENTS V/ATITED SHAHfii'lliTTER^IlLLFILE fTic, Sit;, the promt Lmj,- ' Om-ilh -.It inv., THE COSMOPOLITAN rsxs _ 1 * -i. sas-gruzsr zsk ■■ .. gtttsmrmlltmtm acf gmt W— c"'*4 u* " A WT, to » « ^^*Wrtsa*rKrs*lsj|lt** rr •- - E^sssa 1 klaa U i mehtsj U*. *t ilmtuf. at rai^v 1 Knrnm ul >.-Xr,*>.»! t».« • ** *- ■Mnu. U. Call*4 Back. . 1 “’AAri*,; 4 (fitlfi! !»• (mm FARMS OR TOWN PROPERTY u*n|SSkf rTc%r * l * * rJ >ca ISM ,b * **»*'•*-■«• •kirk Ik a enata** kStn u rm....... ■* t a a State 1 ananas •f KvA* f ** *' * ‘trainsaa vusg. caly as smify, •k -Imm5* ** “* vr% •*««»» y It Will »l aw you l I ay task t>«e hll 11 JONES & FRANKLIN American Pub. Co.. Philad’a. Pa. 'Tfia^FOR S. I .llayve.F-e- A.T. tl.*!i*>yie,Jr. V- r# J •*. a . Uras to i. t'a«M*r. THE TH >MASV ! LIE NATIONAL BANK <’• > : fioo.coo Li nrmt C.| i-.l J.'CO.OOO Is Now Open for Business. ii'i.uli cli’at.‘ M« nban'.a ssaasaaaacaasaaaiatti’ msntan.-tMiims.a.tniiixtennt.n HARRIS REMKOY CO., *pgCmcsra CM SfiXfi Trtal ot our T. Sarannah, Florida & Western 1888. Harpers Weekly ILLUSTRATED /JMW Railway dnson thia road are ran by O* Standard Tima l J CARD IS EFFECT NOVEL . 1887, Passenger Train* t u lUU q dally as follow*: WEST INDIA FAST MAH- in Lv ^ivaocaU . .Ar IS J a rsi* jWcd and iWe-l and Harper’s Weakly bi» « lace as th* Uadms* nuBtion carnal f-olilies bs respect and confidence of al and the variety and exceiU-t contents, which include ssri lea by the best aud m-xt | NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS . ..Vahfoetv . yultmau tan buffet sU-episg ears Ho and fr< artllvmn l New York, and to and tn tvs and New Orleans via Peueaoola, EAST FLJR1DA EXPUE-8. us Lv Savauuah Ar 1X.23 a LIVERY Sale Stables. :,.l- HARPEK'S I'EUIODU.A.L" Per V« nr’: llarper’ii Weekly Larper'a Magizin< Harper’s Bazir Harper's Youu^ I*< Ilitrpcr'e Franklin jvpiurc , ry one year (52 uuiul.era i<uipel's llaody Serit*. on. 52 numbers, l , «»atai»e free to all suf lliu Unifed .Males ami Can m of^ tb# Weekly f S I IK) 4 IK) 1 «K 2 DO ' 10 DO 15 <J0 b* r* In nd ihioigU c a be* >ugn tickets sold t * ctiou.. aud Ifascga*- o S|e*pin< < ar lieith. FLEMING, Sai-t C00KST0YES AT,WAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES ARP KINDS ILL PPBCHASEBS CM BE SUITED tuycrjcmtii rr Isaac LSheppard & Co. .Baltioore,!! A>T> FOR ts\LE BY JAMES WATT & BEO., THOMASVILLE, GA. ADMINISTRATRIX SAlE. EN6INE3 IIKATVD I taiamiou of l oin* -vills.iis. Tfc« lot !••*. Terms assn. a&3in S Cilad dtrsble. < taspest i* »IH» 6A‘l lt»*iJ Tbs tkl.R. rilfUlUK 1\W MILL# a*. A Most Effectnre Combfoation. lias wv8 kassra Tonic and KrrvtwispaUi FricMLW par Bottl* sf M mbcu. io»iamTMi.38Dfliam For Sale or Bent. Robert 3 earden MOULTEIE, GEOHOIA, ISMIBii U aVkNO tUD lUPl.KHfcMS A a FARQUHAR ewrI a-.** W.-v a York. Fa aocr.-tn. Quickest Time Throock Pullman Buffet Car. Atlanta to New York \ I A Etit Tert^eikte asd LLtzizA'jti Yklkv Ko-*e#. B Rt>SWI€|/ t WESTERN K RAILROAD. 11 Ty Ty Route. 60 Miles Shorter than any Oth er Route Between Way- cross h Albany- V’Jii TOE WZ>T. ' Itrunawh k. via II A I ■x Ca>*a.b«.* sr Macao, vI. C It It *« 4Uuta.vut'Rb ar Marmtfa.v a W k A ar (LatUnoogs, v a W * Aar ^ » LAN .ar I'-l.Tl THK (Udartii, r.a CU Ix^maiiw, vi* L A Ct(»r*»i»/ga. va V General Merchandise, i i':S l.v Xaooo i Ar Kama r IMki E TV A « 4*1 y : Dr) Goods, Grooorica, Llaid ware, Cutler)', Tobacco, Cigan» and MiulF. 21« »-4»* at fair pfiuw b«0 eel weight and cmatuie Gouatry Product Of kind* UJun ui (xc(.en Soodiud Ihf ht|bmt | -icu *1.0..4, WlMUroififiMKIiaku a Iron hm, rkUuriuirtki. Give him s. eaH wbea yog want anythi ng-. oct 6-ly llWMhr xrka-fc l -cc As ksaugui, Ax Ar F8tta4*«f4 Mr Sow York - •»» • »»- isr: liUti - I»M _ _ ba re Ar rk&oAsi+so Foaki ‘r Sow York... Virjjaa-^Har. alt •*-:»- Wxmoksm t«t*s lowwr Ma 1H rtaftat, 1 #tTat*;eva* S Kt#ki AUaas*. B.W.WMKSS* oww raw mahlanTalA Tfi^. For Sale. IM cmupmiwjs mvt m Ait**,, na BA W lv 11 An a a* ta.t* y to MUDb«L*m Jv it.tints -•mast I* IHI»a'I.P>ha I'isUk* "s l ly, * " y !•...«• >• ‘Mu* kaicrsaa ar tfiyu «:»••* NTMMl. TU 8 » * W M tSTp* hissa «-Url*i« W liitfia ssi.o LaOakaa. vi*B f AW ar j a. «**•;; > Sf£* I f r. * nm«.s -J* ixkyto in*** r>k-' Marak . If iJ* y m* 2*i p * Crtatvi!! u > Xya lliyi E*.>timss'iaksiaat Ik* dsfisi, a-4 »*ss »x U» fart a»flial*4 mpw Us <r*a TVs as. uMs a*;-* a* a I b A * osi. as Uassdka* svu a* Wsycr-«s v as>> no* a* Amwmtoo, rv«M« ud »'*<*» fo'Jmmo ro ws* l«. sat M.t . k '-i* Ckt ty* »*cktoo.C* a*. t'i«ea-1 . As pst- PVw «kraa.k la TMmtygss ruanf »'« *k<)**maa4C(u*si Mm r. w. asu i. a ucvvrwtm, u. r. t A. A. UAl/lif*. V. i F. FLIPPEB, Practical Boot and Shoe Maker- f lM«iaiNiMliN«4arw< (k(tar- r. w. an-.icc. a o. r. a. w'WlS. O. Y. A A.UAH-n. v.r.aii w I-I. 13. AINSWORTH. WHEELWBIGH1 BLACKSMITH. 'je±. Mo33ov.igo.lci Anv and all Kinds of Work First Class Wheelwright. Delays me Dangerous Clark’s Gallery, Qcoct Work. 00 NOT PUT IT OFF, BLACKSMITHINB. WOOD WOEX Com pelcnt Workmen COLQUITT 8HERIFF SALES- tOk MARCH. r/3 u — TO - BUI DERS LUIIBEB Moulding*, Tr.rwd&ritroU Work TVs amt aiikmalt Adra. o-Oko UkfWy a*4<un>**0r «*4*wM*« w * 0*0 00 (-..—■- ty . ai«<« Hr/. sail; >1 **#->»*> Notice. |Akf m M*W M *f*s Nj