The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, May 08, 1873, Image 3

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News of the Day. Cal cruft, the Englnsh hangman, after forty years of public serrice. has announced his in tention to resign. His assistant, Evans, a Welshman, will be his successor. The Supreme Conrt of the United States has decided that where a life insurance policy has been assigned to cover a debt, the party to whom it is assigned has no right, in case of death to the insured, to the money de rived from the policy, in excess of the amount necessary to make good the debt it was in tended to cover. Broadway, Now York, is to be widened by twenty-five feet from Thirty-third to Fifty- ninth streets. Houses are to be torn down on both sides of the street This widening will coats millions of dollars; and these mil lions are now to be expended because the city engineer of twenty, or thirty, or forty years ago was not the right man in the right place. Instead of paying for twenty-five feet of land, New York city has to pay for that much land enormously increased in value, and the fine houses on it. The New York Mutual Life Insurance Com pany have been compelled to pay the amount of a policy effected by a man who afterwards committed suieide, though it contained a stip ulation that the company should not pay the same in that very event That company now stipulates in all its policies that if death re- For the Housewife. JENNY LIND PUDDING. One cup sugar, one egg, one sx>oonful but ter, one cup sweet milk, one pint flour, two and one-half tea-spoons baking powder. Bake three quarters of an hour, and serve with sauce. DOUGHNUTS. One quart sifted flour; two teaspoons cream tar ar. sifted into the flour; one egg; one cup sugar; salt; nutmeg or cinnamon to taste, very small piece of butter, or one cup sour cream is better; one teaspoou of soda, dissolved in just enough milk to mix as soft as can be roll ed out DO NOT SCALD POULTRY. The practice of scalding poultry before picking it has very properly been vetoed by market dealers. Fowls may be plucked with equal facility, and with better effect in pre serving the flesh, immediately after death, and before they have had time to cool. TO ALLAY THIRST. Lemons sprinkled with loaf-sugar almost completely allay feverish thirst. They are invaluable in the sickroom. Invalids affected with feverishness can safely consume two or three lemons a day. A lemon or two thus taken at recommended as an entire substitute for the ordinary supper of summer and will often induce a comfortable sleep suit from the act of the policy-holder in any throu-h the night, and give a good appetite loim, it will return the amount of all the p- f or breakfast luinrns which have been paid to it, but ^*11 not be liable to any further claim. This pro vision w'ill probably be generally adopted. When the Duke of Edinburgh and the ♦laughter of the Czar are married, they are to live half the year at least in Russia, and have WASHING MADE EASY. Take 2 pounds of soda ash, 1£ pound stone lime, 2 gallons of soft water; slake the lime separate; dissolve the soda ash in the water, then add the lime; boil twenty minutes; cork one of the new house, on the quay in front of For a washing use one cup in the admiralty at St. Petersburg. The bride’s fortune is to be a million of louhlcs. One of the chief causes of delay in the arrangement of the match has, it is said, been the wish on cither side to stipulate for living the greater part ol the year in England or Russia respect ively. Hence the compromise of dividing the time equally between the two. The official report of Colonel Wheaton of the battle of the Modoc caves has been re- Iceived at Washington, in which that officer [ ^ady boil^g;°dipTho joint in fim’ oncYn'd savs that “ha never before encountered an thet / the other 'then' put in the pot and the three gallons of water; soap the clothes over night in cold water; wring out and boil them twenty minutes in the preparation; raise and blue them, and your washing is done, they require but yory little rubbing. Soap them before boiling. TO BOIL LAMB, MUTTON, OR VEAL. Wrap the joint or quarter of lamb etc., etc., n' pice cloth, wet it, and dust it with flour. Lei it remain so half an hour. Have the pot says that “he never before encountered an enemy, civilized or savage, occupying a posi tion of such great natural strength as the Modoc stronghold, nor ever saw troops en gage a better armed and more skilful foe.” Colonel Wheaton has been an Indian fighter for about twenty years, and his testimony is therefore trustworthy, as to the desperate character of the enemy against which he was engaged. On Wednesday last a consultation of the most eninent lawyers of New York City was held to consider the question of holding the stockholders responsible for the deficits of Taiutor, the defaulting cashier of the Atlantic National Bank, and it was unanimously con ceded that under the fifty third section of the national bank act the directors can be held liable for all damages sustained by depositors or creditors. As all the stockholders are also liable, each to the amount of his stock, it would seem that there is no danger of any body else than the stockholders and directors losing anything. It is rumored in New York that the Harpers are about starting a daily illustrated sheet, to compete with the Graphic, which is a thorn in the side both of the Weekly and Leslie's Il lustrated. For a long time those papers have teemed with engravings transferred from the foreign pictorials. Now the Graphic comes out every afternoon, and by the time the oth ers have their plates engraved and are waiting their weekly publication, that aggravating daily issus its transcripts of the same scenes, making them stale for future use. Prince Napoleon is a most restless person age. When he was in France he waa never content until he was out of it. To compare small things with great, he very much re sembles a nervous pet dog, which, when it is in the house, is incessantly whining at the dcor to get outside, and when it is outside, is just as persistently scratching to enter again. Prince Napoleon is endeavoring to keep alive the Napoleonic traditions. He is a politician who knows how easily the people are fooled by words. Bat the spell is lost. The resources of Egypt, especially its pro duction of cotton, have been generally but little understood, and consequently the natu ral wealth of the country has not been appre ciated. The crop for the past year is estimated at 200,000,000 pounds. The Egyptian gov ernment, fully impressed with the importance of the cotton crop to Egypt’s prosperity, is turning its attention to the improvement of the cotton lands, every year opening new channels to facilitate irrigation, employing steam pumps tor that purpose, and doing all in its power to make the cotton crop a source of continual prosperity. Britannia's latest born water baby, the turret vessel Devastation, recently took her first public airing in the English channel, greatly to the delight of the Lords of the Ad miralty, who do not hesitate to pronounce her the strongest man-of-war in the world. With no mast except a bit of a stick for signalling purposes, with enormous twin-crews, massive turrets hiding four thirty-five ton guns, and a huge tower weighing in itself one handred and ten tons, she is like nothing that ever before carried the flag of England, and, with her fashion of burying her forecastle under a sheet cf gr<ien water, she is said to look more like a marine monster than a ship of war as she steams ont into the channel. She could race off to any coast, it is said, sink a dozen vessels of almost any existing pattern, and be back again in Portland or Portsmouth with no more consideration for the wind which happened to be blowing than for the spots on the sun. To pierce her sides, an enemy must come close enough to her thirty-five ton guns to send his shot and shell through twelve inches of rolled iron. If, again, he seeks to “ram” her, she is equipped to play also at that game, and, taking her actual bulk of ten thousand tons, as she sits upon the seas, one touch of her stem will be enough for the hardiest antagonist She costs so much in material and equipments, and is so completely a product of expensive manufacturing gear and the highest metallur gy skill, that oaly the wealthiest nations, it is said, can afford to imitate the type. The metal in her would make a railway, and the coals which she will born would pay for a squadron of wooden ships. This huge float ing mountain of iron is so controlled by clever engineering devices that she cen be managed by three hundred men, of whom ouly two handred are bine jackets. The Italian Ministerial crisis is not very creditable to the parliamentary majority whose votes unexpectedly bronght it about. The Government had wisely opposed the es tablishment at a vast expense of an arsenal at Taranto. Such an arsenal is not only unnec essary, but at the present moment, when Italy is unable to overcome her annual de ficit, its establishment would be a gross waste of public funds. Nevertheless, Parliament voted the establishment of the arsenal, and the defeated Ministry of course resigned. Every one understands that the majority cared nothing for the arsenal, but only for a pretext to np36t the Ministry. The Italian opposition is therefoie to be credited with a willingness to tax the country a vast sum in order to bring itself into power. It is not by reckless political chicanery like this that Italy can prove her fitness for parliamentary rule. Judging from the late telegraphic dis patches, there must be as many of Cochise as there was of Richmond at the famous Bos- worth fight. It has been repeatedly stated that that celebrated chief was on the war path, sometimes in one locality and sometimes in another. Hardly a murderous raid was re ported but Cochise was said to be the leader, and if he had been shot at sight everybody would have rejoiced at the deed, and believed that he deserved it. Blit now comes Army Burgeon Orr, who baa been stationed at Apache Pass, on the Cochise Indian reserva tion, who testifies that the chieftain in ques tion has never been off the reservation, and that in every respect he has observed his pledges faithfully. The Philadelphia Failure.—The recent failure of Harrison Grambo. the Philadel phia banker, with alleged liabilities amount ing to $700,000, and assets only $100,000, followed by bis arrest, charged with the em bezzlement of the funds entrusted to him, is attributed to an ambition to bo considered the “ financier of the period.” He had purobaeed a residence at $120,000, and but lately rented a splendid marble establishment on Chestnut, between Eighth and Ninth streets, w which to make a grand show as a banker. Just *■ ;i>is tiitle rumors touching his solvency were mooted, and in a few days the catastrophe came. Grambo commenced life at the foot of the ladder, but splurging forward as a mer chant he was soon wrecked, and next went into banking, with a similar rush, and this is the result of it. When an Indianapolis collector gets kicked down stairs, he increases the dobt by ten dol lars more on account. cover closely. Let it boil gently but steadily, an hour and a half for lamb, and two hours for vsal and mutton. Sauce: Drawn butter, with chopped parsley, asd sliced carrots, and pickled cucumbers. Boil carrots for a dish to eat with the lamb, etc. Slice into into it some potatoes, parsley and onions, and with a little thickening, you have a good soup. BREAKFAST ROLLS. One pint new milk, boiled and cooled;cup of nice yeast; £ cup of sugar: 2 quarts of flour; 1 teaspoon of butter or lard; 1 teaspoon ol salt. Stir all into the flour, making a batter in the center, leaving some of the flour dry around the batter. Let this rise until morn ing, if they are to be used for tea the next day; then stir in the flour which you left out side the batter, and mould it well. Let it stand until 4 p. m. Then mould again, roll thin, and cut with a pint pail cover or large cake cutter; butter the upper surface; fold them over. Let them rise again until light. Bake in a quick oven. BRINE FOB THE PRESERVATION OF BUTTER. To three gallons of brine strong enough to bear an egg, and a quarter of a pound ot nice white sugar and one teaspoonfu! of saltpetre. Boil the brine, and when it is cold strain carefully. Make yonr butter into rolls, and wrap each roll separately,’in a clean white muslin cloth, tying up with a string. Pack a large jar full, weight the butter down, and pour over the brine until all is submerged. This brine will keep really good butter per fectly fresh and sweet'for a whole year. Be careful that you do not put upon ice, butter that you wish to keep any length or time. In summer, when the heat will not admit of the batter being made into rolls, pack closely in small jars, and, using the same brine, allow it to cover the butter to the depth of at least four inches. This excludes the air, and an swers very near as well as the first method suggested. The temperance-loving citizens of Boston, invited by the open defiance of law manifest ed by the liquor dealers, have buckled on their armor for another fight. As a preliminary to the intended struggle, they have prepared a petition for signature to the following effect: “To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: We, the undersigned citizens, respectfully call your attention to the fact tfiat the manu facture and sale of intoxicating liquors is a crime under the laws of this State; that the enforcement of the laws is the sworn duty of your honorable body, and of the police force under your control, and that the law which we have mentioned is openly violated in this city. Believing that Boston should maintain a reputation as a law-abiding community, and that you will not knowingly permit the laws to be violatod with impunity, wo respectfully ask that you shall take such steps as shall secure the enforcement of the law prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquor. ” Forest Grove PLANTATION. mills MAGNIFICENT PLANTATION. LYING ON JL the river, live mile, from Kiugetou, is Offorod for Solo at a very low price. It contains 33S Acres of Fins Land! One hnndred and fifty acres open, and more than Half of this first-class BOTTOM LAND, much of which produced last year SIXTY BUSHELS OF CORN PElt ACRE. The Rome Railroad paspoa through the place, and there ia a Depot within a few hundred yards of the dwelling. There are fine improvements, including and outbuildings—Gin House, Barn aud Stables, Blacksmith 8bop and Tools, and all necessary agri cultural implements. The place is now renting for One Thousand Dollars in cash, payable November 1st. For terms, apply to R. A. ALSTON, »p20 tf Herald Office. SI Louis, MoipliisJaslTillo — AND — CHATTANOOGA 11 LINE. SPRING SCHEDULE, 1873, Nashville 12:45 a.m. and 1:05 P.: ** McKensie 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p m " Memphis 2:10 p.m. and 2:25 a.m " Little Rock 6:30 P.M Leave Atlanta 8:30 a.m. and 8:10 p.m Arrive at Chattanooga 4:28 a.m. aud 3:44 a.m “ Nashville 12:45 a.m. aud 1:05 p.m •• Union City 10:30 a.m. aud 10:30 p.m “ Columbus, Ky 12:00noon, 12:00 night “ St. Louis, via Cairo Short Line 9:05 p.m. and 11:20 a.m " St. Louis, via Iron Mountain Railroad.. 11:00 p. m. and 12:50 p.m ALBERT B. WRENN. Southeastern Agent, Post-office Box 253. OlllceNo. 4. Kimball House, Atlanta Georgia. GEORGIA State Lottery FOR APRIL. FOR THE BENEFIT OF TIIE ATLANTA DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN LIFE Insurance Company. ASSETS JANUARY 1*1, 1*73 $1,331,183 97 THE LEADING Life Insurance Company OF THE SOUTH. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON PRESIDENT ANNUAL INCOME ABOUT ?1/H)0,000 Tie Oldest Smltei Compy. ECONOMY Is the Watchword of the Company. PROMPT In adjusting and paying losses. NO RESTRICTIONS On Travel or Residence. The Southern Life Offers advantages that cannot l>o surpassed. DRAWINGS DAILY, AT 4 P. M. Capital Prize $7,000.00 30,31 cs, Amounting to $53,253.20. Ticke; 00, Shares in Proportion I N THE II) E SCHEME, FORMED BY THE ternary • •• nation of 78 numbers, making 76,076 tickets ie drawing of 12 ballots, there will bo 220 prizes .-ach having three of the drawn num bers on it; 4,356, each haviog two of them cn; 25,740, eioh having one only of them on; and also 45,760 tickets, witb neither of the drawn numbers on them, being blanks. To determine the fate of these prizes and blanks, 78 numbers, from 1 to 78 inclusive, will be severally placed in a wheel on the day of the drawing, and 12 of them drawn out at random; and that ticket having for its combination the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd drawn numbers, will be entitled to the capital prize of $7,000 00 That ticket having on it the 4th, 5th, and Gth drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 7th, 8th, and 9th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 10th, 11th, aud 12th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 2nd, 3rd, aud 4th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 5th, Gth, and 7th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having oq it the 6th, 7 th, and 8th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 8th, 9th, and 10th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 9th, 10th, and 11th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 1st, 2nd, and 4lh drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 1st, 2nd, and 5th drawn numbers, to 217 CO That ticket having on it the 1st, 2d, aud Gth drawn numbers, to 217 60 All other tickets (being 207, with three of the drawn numbers on, each 20 GO Those 66 tickets having on them the 1st and 2nd drawn numbers, each 10 00 Those 66 tickets having on them the 3r d and 4th drawn humbers, each 5 00 All other tickets (being 4,224) with two of the drawn numbers on, each 2 00 And all those tickets (being 25,740) with one only of the drawn numbers, each 1 00 CAPITAL POIZE On Mondays capital will he $7,000 00 On Tuesdays and Fridays capital will be 4.500 00 On Wednesdays capital will be 6.500 (X) On Thursdays and Saturdays 5,000 00 For further particulars send for schemes. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a supe- or denomination can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty (40) days after the drawing, and subject to the usual deduction of 15 per -nt. All prizes of $20.00 and under will be paid immedi ately after the drawing. M&- Prizes cashed at this office. HOWARD & CO., Managers, febaimjp- ATLANTA. GA. Clayton Sheriff’s Sale. door at Jonesboro, Clayton county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, the following property, to-wit: ^One undivided half interest in a HOU3E AND LOT in the town of Jonesboro—same known as the Hudson Hotel formerly, now occupied by Mrs. Julia A. Tur- rr: :AlBO, one undivided half interest in a HOUSE AND LOT, known as the Hudson Livery Stable, in said town of Jonesboro, now occupied by Thus. T. Tucker. Said property, including both of said Lots, which are adjoining, containing one acre, more or less. Said property levied on to satisfy nine Justices Court ... fas., issued from the Justices Court of the 491st Dis trict, G. M., Henry county, In favor of W. B. Lee, ad ministrator, Ac., vs. N. G. Hudson. Levied on as the properly of N. G. Hudson. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Levy made and returned to me by James E. Hudson, L. C. R. S. OSBURN, May 1, 1873. [may4-td] Deputy Sheriff. Gw. A. n. COLQUITT... ...VICE PRESIDENT J. A. MORRIS, Assistant Secrotary. finance committee: UBTlfLL. E. W. HOLLAND MEDICAL BOARD: H. Y. MILLER. M. D. J. M. JOHNSON, M. D L. E. BLECKLEY, Counsellor. THE SOUTHERN LIFE Renka u one of the FIRST Companies of llie Continent SUCCESSFUL AGENTS WANTED. KOGEItS A LEMAN, General Agent*, Macon, Ga. MILLER k LAWTON, General Agents, Augusta, Ga. BLACK A WARING, General Agents, Columbia, H. C. ncvll-dtf rifier of the Blood. It thoroughly neutralizes aud eliminates from the system the specific virus which causes such a long liat of suffering. In every form of scrofulous, mercurial and const!. tutional blood complaints, It stands without a compeer rapidly curing ulcers, pustules, carbuncles, sca*d head salt rheum, and the 88 different varieties of skin affec tions. It is a positive curative for scrofula, and tho deadly enemy of mercury, lead and arsenic, quickly eliminating them from the system. The Fluid Extract of Queen’s Delight, prepared by Dr. J. 8. Pemberton, has made the meet wonderful and astonishing cures. Its purifying, vivifying and tonic properties exercise the quickest and most wonderful effects in restoring health. It is harmless to the most delicate, and can never be used amiss. It is the true beautifier of the complexion. If you want pure, rich blood, clear skin and beautiful complexion, use the Compound Extract of Stilllngia or Quean’a Delight. Read our treatise on diseases of the Blood. The genuine has the signature of the proprietor upon each label. J. S. PEMBERTON k CO., »pll-yl-eod Atlanta. Ga. S B m of Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lum bago, Sciatica, Kidney and Nervous Diseases, after years of suffering, by the taking Dr. PI tier’s Veg etable ttheumatic Syrup—the scientific discov ery of J. P. Fitler, M. D., a regular graduate physi cian, with whom wo are personally acquainted, who has for 39 years treated these diseases exclusively with astonishing results We believe it our Christian duty, after deliberation, to conscientiously request sufferers to use it, especially persons in moderate circnmstan- ces, who cannot afford to waste money and time on worthless mixtures. As clergymen, we seriously feel the deep responsibility resting on us in publicly in dorsing this medicine. But our knowledge and expe rience of its remarkable merit fnlly justifies our ac tion. Rev. C. H. Ewing, Media, Pennsylvania, suffer ed siEtecn years, became hopeless. Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D., Frankford, Philadelphia; Rev. J. B. Davis, Highstown, Now Jersey; Rev. J. S. Buchanan, Clarence. Iowa; Rev. G. G. Smith, Pittsford, N. York; Rev. Joseph Bcggs, Falls Church, Philadelphia. Oth er testimonials from Senators, Governors, Judges, Con gressmen, Physicians, Ac., lorwarded gratis, with pamphlet explaining these diseases. One thousand dollars will be presented to any medicine for same diseases showing equal merit tinder test, or that can produce one-fourth as many living cures. Any per son sending by letter description of affliction, will re ceive gratis a legally signed guarantee, naming the number of bottles to cure, agreeing to refund the money upon sworn statement of its failure to cure. REDWINE & FOX, fehg Wholesale and retail Agents Atlanta. Ga. /"ID I M’CUTCHEN’S G. I. B. "1IIEROKEE INDIAN BITTERS POSSESSES AN energy which seems to communicate new life to the system, and renovate the feeble, fainting powers of nature. Its operation upon the tissues of the body does not consist in affecting the irritability of the liv ing fibre, but in imparting a sound and healthy stim ulus to the Vital Organs. It strengthens substantially and durably the living powers of the animal machine; is entirely innocent and harmless; may be administered with impunity to both sexes, and ail conditions of life. There is no disease of any name or nature, whether of old or young, male or female, but that it is proper to administer it, and if it be done seasonably *nd pre- servingly, it will have a good effect. It is perfectly in credible to those unacquainted with the Bitters, the facility with which a healthy action is often in the worst cases restored to the exhausted organs of the system ; with a degree of animation and desire for food which is perfectly astonishing to all who perceive it. This Medicine purifies the blood, restores the tonic power of the fibres and of the stomach and digestive jorgans; rouses the animal spirits, and re-animates the broken down constitutions of mankind. feb!2-d2m ANTHONY MORPHY, Apt. SEND FOR CIRCULARS & PRICE LIST. Also, Agent for R. Ball & Co.’s, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, PLANER, MOULDERS, And everything in this line. Consult me Before Buying Elsewhere. aprll-dAwlm THE‘*UGIiT R : Jil*;!8S”sL ut HOUSE, Needs no Praise--lts Merits are Known. mh22-tf Unscctional School-Books ? { LIBRARY GIFT $ The (Jairersily Scries of Sebooi-Boots. Ur*cly In In ovarjr Honlbern State I Heed lu Man, Northern state*; The Cheapest. Beet, nut meet Beautiful Book.. Th« •• Utilvonuty S«riM” Miibrt«w: Haury’n Geographical Series* By On nidi odor* If P. Maury. ot th« Virginia Military La ■iitut*. Hiiuj.le, aMrikctir*. and philoNophlotU ia truUnus, Um« book* n-nont fteogruphy «a % study full of laUroot. lioliiitfs’k Uritilen mid Speller* By <4oot«» r HuiiiiM L.L.D., Frofe**or of Hioiory asd GfnoraJ Litonttnro In tho OsiTormity of Virginia. A oorioo of Roodor* ntMHjnallod In cbeapooot, Interest, mod excellence of oolectioM. ud tjrpocrapblaaJ bottuty Venable’* Arithmetical Series. St Cbertee 8. Venable, LLD., Professor of Mathematics !• tho Unirornity of Virrinia. Tbooo book* are clear, di»- tloot, logic*!, and eoeiprebeaeWe. Holmes’s History of the United State*. By Ooonco r. Holmoo, LL D.. of tho University of Vir ata- Tho only History of tho Unitod BUtos which la It comes down to the protest date. DB TEHE'S FJMCMOH UR AM MAE, READERS, ETC. OILDBRBLEKVE’B LATIN SERIES, CARTER’S ELEMENTS OP GENERAL HISTORY. HOLMES’S ENGLISH GRAMMARS, LB CONTE’S SCIENTIFIC SERIES, WINSTON’S ELEMENTARY PHILOSOPHY AND ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY, DUN TONI AN WRITING-BOORS. AVERY’S NEW DRAWING-BOOK. BTC. Bend for our new ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CAT ALOGUE. which will he Matted free te any ’T-rfirr or acfeeet UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING CO., New York and Baltimore. SOUTHERN RA COTTA WORKS tor all all kinds of TERRA COTTA WORKS. Such as Window Caps, Enrichments of Cornice such as Bracketts, Medallion, and everything in lhe Architectual line. Also Chimney Tops, Vases, Flower Pots, Statuary, etc, Also, manufacturers of SEWER PIPE, From 3 to 30 inches in.diameter. Also, interior deco rations, such as Centre Pieces. Cornice, etc. We will guarantee all the work that we undertake to execute to give entire satisfaction. PELLEGRINI k GIORGI. jan5-dt. Rracctrack Street, near U. S. Barracks. FREEDMAN’S SAVINBS A TRUST CO., (Charterod by Government of United States.) Office Broad Street, corner Walton, R ECEIVES Deposits of Five Cents upwards. De posits payable on demand with interest. Jntc- est compounded twice per annum. Send for clrular. nov26-ly PHILIP D. GOBY Cashier. NINETY DAYS’ POSTPONEMENT! A Full Drawing Certain $500,000 IN BANK TO PAY GIFTS. 10,000 Gash Gifts Paid in Full $100,000 FOR ONLY $10 ! Fitzgibbon, Curtis & Co.; SHOP OX BROAD STREET, NEAR ALABAMA, MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES AND WAGONS OF ALL KINDS. ’SB- REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. 'S-Y, All Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. E NOUGH of the lOO.OOO tickets issued for the Third Grand Gift Concert, in aid of the Public Library of Kentucky, having been sold to insure a full drawing, and the wish having been universally ex pressed that the 10,000 taah gifts offered should be drawn in full and paid in full without any scaling down, as heretofore, the management, with the con currence of the trustees, have determined to allow ninety days more for the sale of the remnant ef tick ets left on hand. The concert and distribution ad vertised for April 8 is, therefore, postponed to Tues day, July 8, 1873, on which dav, and no other, they will positively and unequivocally take place in Public Library Hall, Louisville, Ky. At this grand concert the following cash gifts will be distributed by lot and paid in full to the ticket- holders who draw them: LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift $100,000 One Grand Caah Gift. One Grand Caah Gift. 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift. £*,000 One Grand Cash Gift. 10.000 One Grand Cash Gift. MOO 24 Cash Gifts of $1,000 each 24,000 60 Cash GifU of 600 each 25,000 80 Cash Gifts of 400 each 32.000 100'jash GifU of 300 each 30,000 150 c.-ah Gifts of 200 each 30.000 590 Cash GifU of 100 each 69 '£9? 9,000 Cash GifU of 10 each 90,000 Total 10,000 GifU, all cash $500,000 The money to pay all these gilts in full is now upon deposit in the Farmers' and Drovers’ Bank of Louis ville, and set aside for that purpose, and can only be used for that purpose, as will be seen by the following certificate of the Cashier: Office of Fabmebs’ k Drovers’ Bank. Louisville, Ky., April 7, 1873. This is to certify that there is in the Farmers’ and Drovers’ Bank, to the Credit of the Third Grand Gift Concert, for the benefit of the Public Library of Ken tucky, five hundred thousand dollars, which has been set apart by the managers to pay the gifU in full, and will be held by the bank and paid ont for this purpose, aud this purpose only. _ . B. 8. VEECH, Cashier. The party, therefore, who bolds the ticket drawing the capital gift will get $100,000 in greenbacks, and so of the $50,000 gift, the $25,000, the $20,000, the $10.- 000, the $5,000, and all the other gifts, 10,000 in num ber, amounting to $500,000. The remnant of unsold tickets will be furnished to those who first apply (orders accompanied by the mon ey always having preferences over agenU) at the fol lowing prices; Whole tickeU, $10; halves, $5: and quarters, $2 60; 11 whole tickeU for $100. 56 for $500, 113 for 1,000, and 575 for $5,000. No discount on less than $100 worth at a time. The concert and distribution of gifU will begin at C o’clock on Tuesday morning, July 8, in Public Library hall and, the following will bo the order of proceedings: 1st Music by orchestral band. 2nd. Placing of Ugs j (one for each ticket sold) in large wheel. 3rd. Placing I of gifts in small wheeL 4th. Music by orchestral band. | 5th. Explanatory remarks by President. 6th. Draw ing of first half of gifts. 7th. Music by orchestral | band. 8th. Drawing of last half of gifts. 9th. Pla- | ring of large wheel with tags in the hands of s com- , mittee appointed by audience. 10th. Grand orches- j tral concert. The music on this grand occasion will be the best i that can be piocured.and the gentlemen who count j and place ihe tags and gifU in the wheels and super- j intenc the drawing and keep the record of the drawu j numbers will be chosen from the best known and ( most trustworthy citizens of the State. All will be so conducted aa to be a perfect guaranty against com plaint from any just source. Tho payment of gifts will begin on Saturday, July 12, at 9 o’clock, a. m. Tickets drawing giiU must be presented at room No. 4 Public Library Building, where cash checks upon the Farmers' and Drawers’ . Bank of Louisville, or sight drafU upon the Fourth [ National Bank of New York, at the option of the hold- j or, will be given for the tickeU. All gifU not called ] for in six months from the drawing will be turned : over to the Public Library Fund. For full particulars send for circulars. THOS. E. BRANILETTE, Agent Public Library of Kentucky, ! aprl8-2taw Louisville, Ky I GREENE & ROSSICNOL. Successors to W. H. TUTT, "Wltolesalo ^Dealers in Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, ETC. KTo- 264;, 331’oad St., Augusta, Georgia. AGENTS FOR W1L H. TUTT'S STANDARD PREPARATIONS. Drugs, O. C. CARROLL, WHOLESALE DEALER IN LIQUORS. Agent for the Nashville, St. Louis, Chicago and Atlanta ALB &o LAXGi-IEIR, BTUTHT?.. Also, for the celebrated “Russell” and “Old Wickliffe” Whiskies. No. 9 South Pryor Street, Atlanta. Ga, W. M. FEITDLETOIT <& CO., Whitehall Street. RECEIVING AND OPENING DAILY -V FINE ASSORTMENT OF april 20-d3m Blank Books, Writing Paper. Wtapping Paper, Slab s. Chalk Crayons, Bill Files, Letter piles, Invoice Files, Envelops, Pencils, Ink, Steel Pens. Gold IV AND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT As we make : guarantee to do Orders for Job Printin as any bouse South. aprilH-dly specially of Sin*' .i-ry of <*oi •y description l’Jayiug Cards, Back Gammon Boards, Copying Books. Copying Presses, Copying Ink, Bill Heads, Letter Heads Printers* Cards, Flat Papers, FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY HOUSE. we are prepared to sell as cheap as any house South, and it. J, guaranteeing work to be as good and prices as low W. M. PENDLETON k CO. 68 Whitehall Street. Atlanta. Ga. Ifj 5 * A PETER LYNCH, BOOT, SHOE, AND HAT 73 JUST OPENED AT WhlteliaU 92 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA., WHOLESALE A5VD RETAIL GROCER, /ud Wholesale Liquor Dealer, and Dealer in GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, PROVISIONS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &C. Gibson’s Fine Whiskies made a specialty in the Liquor line. Just receiving now a large lot of STORE: Seed Irish Potatoes. Landreth’s Carden Seeds, Onion Sets, Gardenin Tools, &c. Terns CASH. Street, COKER & CO., beg to announce to the citizens ot Atlanta, that we have opened, at the location above named, an exclu BARRETT, I W. E. HOLMES, W. CALDER, W. F. RAKER sively BOOT, W. B. HOPE. SHOE and HAT STORE. 9 shall sell aa LOW as any house in the city. Give us a B ARRETT, COKEB k CO. JOHN W. LEIGH. WM. McCLUB HOPE, LEIGH & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO YARNELL, LEIGH A CO.) Commission. Merchants, FOOT CF MARKET STREET. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. £3- PBOMrr ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS, AND CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS. -£3 HOLMES, CALDER & Co., pnorniETons, Zinc ani Color Worts Special Reference—To Banks of Chattanooga. may3-eoJ3m NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE PROVED N. F. BURNHAM’S NEW TURBINE WATER WHEEL, TO BE THE BEST EVER INVENTED. PAMPHLET FREE. ADDRESS A. LEYDEN, aprilC-dlm Executive Department, STATE OF GEORGIA, Atlanta, March 21, 1873. ORDERED: That JAMES A. R. HANKS, of the county of Whit field county, be, and ho is hereby appointed (under authority of a resolution of he General Assembly, ap- prov. d February 22d, 1873,) Auditor, to examine tho Change Bills issued by the Western k Atlantic Rail road, and report tho facts connected therewith as re quired by said resolution. Bt toe Goveenob: JAMES M. SMITH, Governor. By authority of the foregoing order of His Excellen cy the Governor, I will enter upon tho duty assigned me on the 1st day of May next, at Room No. 26, in the Capitol at Atlanta. Persons holding the bills men tioned must present them to me for examination by the 1st of June next. In the moan time those holding bills should advise me by letter at Dalton, Georgia, of the number ol each denomination of bills held by them. J. A. It. HANKS, Mabch 29,1873. Auditor m n r30-d2taw till j one 1 EXPERIENCED MERCHANT Practical Accountant. Tho course of study includes Book-Keeping in all its branches, Penmanship, Mathematic*, Commercial Law, Business Corres pondence, Business Fcrms,Part- norship Settlements, Bank ing, Telegraphy, Pho nography, Etc. THE TRANSACTIONS AND OPERATIONS IN THE Actual business Department, are the moat complete and practical of the age JttT Students instructed separately and received at any time. Business Advocate mailed fuek on appli cation. Addross B. F. MOORE, President. GOULD, BARTON & €©. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN, MEATS and General Proiice. CORN. We are uow proparoj to supply merchant, with CORN in any quantity at LOWEST MARKET RATES. ATIlANTA.GA. ap27-d.1,n iMPOiriTisna o? OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES. E 17 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. 203 EAST BAY STREET, CA1IULESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. A ENTS FOR LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING, STEAM PACKING, RA1LWA STEAMBOAT AND ENGINEERS* SUPPLIES, AT MANUFACTURB^S’ PRICES marl-dti T71TXTED STATES BRANCH OF THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION ! OFFICE CASTLE BOCK COAL ) COMPANY OP GEORGIA. Atlanta, Oa., April 20, im. ) A N ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKIIOLD- A .r. of the CASTLE BOCK COAL COMPANY OF GKORG1A will be held at the Green Line Office, No. 4 Grant Building, up-ataira, on May 27, 1873, By order Board of Directors. R. F. MADDOX, WHOLESALE I.EALEIl 1M TOBACCO, CIGARS AND LIQUORS. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR SALE CHEAT TO THE TRADE, EVERY VAIU. ETY OF TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND LIQUORS. STULTZ’8 A.VAA, GRAVELLY'S HUl’EUIOR, LONE JACK. HIGHLANDER, MAYFLOW- ET. FINE CUT. AND CKLlnRATED BRANDS MADE SPECIALTIES. S3, ORDER* PROMPTLY FILLED. J» -V» JanOT-3m KEEP YVliR VEGETABLES, MILK, &c„ €00L. I HAVE a (splendid sto.k of Beif-ventilating REFRIGERATORS, that I am te'Alng at eery low prior.. They give pf rfect satisfaction. Ten pounds of ice will run you a day, and give you plenty for your table. GOOCH'S PATENT ICE CREAM FREEZER will make more and better Cream, from the same amount, than any other Freeaera known. It ia taking the plane of the other Freezers in the market. Has taken Premimna at all the SUte Fairs „ A splendid assortment of BIRD CAGES of every description. Finest stock of SLATE MANTLES e\er brought South. Manufacturer of and wholesale dealer in STOVES, GRATES, TINWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, 81 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. pa- Splendid Stock of Wood-Waro at wholesale always on hand. apI20-SunATn-3t Hi. 33. T. ATVO-FORP. 1854.) ~ W E PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING EXTBAC agora of this Compauy: FROM THE STATEMENT OF THE AMERICAN' MAN The London Assnranco Corporation of London wai incorporated by Royal charter n tbs year 1720, with subscribed capital of $4,482,750 (gold), of which $2,241,*375 (gold) has been paid in cash. The fund* of the Company on the 1st January, 1872, wero $13,234,420, m gold.” The Agency of this Corporation was assigned to ut> t u the 8th April last. We commend it to the solid busi- i men aud property holders of Atiauta. WALKER Sc BOYD, Agents. No. 2. Wall street, Kimball House. COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY US: LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE, THE HOME. OF OHIO, NEW YORK LIFE, .... sp'i.Veod-lWd $13,224,420 gold 29.000,000 gold. 800.006 22,0t >0,000 (ESTABLISHED IN Wholesale Confectioner, STB AM M; and Cracker Mawfaclvj, AND DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts and Preserves. TO CASH BUYERS. WU NOW OFFER TO THE TRADE. FOR CASH, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS. INCLUDING BACON AND BULK MEATS, CLEAR, CLEAR RIB SIDES AND SHOULDERS. Alto, 50 Tierces Superior Sugar-cured Smoked Hams. PLAIN AND CANVASSED, LARD IN TIERCES. BARRELS, KEGS AND CANS. Eight Car Loads Molasses, in Hogsheads and Barrels; New Orleans Choice and Prime Syrup, in barrels and kegs; Florida Syrup. 15,000 (Bushels White and Yellow Corn, 3,000 Sushels Oats. 500 Bales Hay. 1.000 Barrels Flour. A FULL LINE OF SUCARS, ALL ERAOES. ALSO, COFFEE, FISH, TWO HUNDRED BOXES TOBACCO, Various trade* tnd pries, Just from tho m.nufsclnrrrs. and many othor coeds usually kept in a Whohva! tiroeorv ami Produce House. AVo otter real iuduoemcnta to cash buyers. A. K. SEAGO & W. H. C. MICKELBERRY. OFFICE AND SALE-ROOM—Corner Forsyth and MiU'hell Streets. TIME SALES,—ADVANCES TO PLANTERS. Our crop lieu*, with approved security, will be made as heretofore. Also credit tales to merchants ou approved paper and collate* ala.1 Wo have a limited supply of Chesapeake Guano and Baugh s R\vr Bone on sale. A. K. SEAGO A W. H. C. MICKELBERRY. march 25-dAw3m. Corner of Forsyth and Mitchell streeta. — ALSO — Toys, Willow Ware, dec., Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. NOTICE. H aving commenced business again near MY OLD STAND, at No. 158 on Marietta street, opposite tho Tremont House, I respectfully call the at tention of the public to my assorted stock of Family and Fancy Orooorles, and Family Drugs; all of which I offer at the lowest caah prices, my terms being strictly cash. Respectfully, fab24-dtm R. P. TATUM. ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK, of tho City of Atlanta. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORT OFJHE UNITED STATES DiASOTons—Alfred Austell, R. H. Richards, K. W. Holland, John Neal, 8. M. Inman, W, J. Garrctv, W. B. Special attention ia made to collections, for which we remit promptly at lowest rate of exchange. Alfred Auateii, President; W. U. Tailor. Ouhleri P. Romero, Asst. Cashier. nort*. E* NOTICE. ARK W. ARNOLD, Administrator of the estate of P F. M. Arnold, late of Clayton oonnty. Georgia, •caaaad, applies to me for leave to aril a portion of the real estate belonging to said deceased— This ia, thereforo. to cite and admonish all persons interested to file their objections, if any exist, within Use time prescribed by law. or else arid leave will be granted. Done at April Term, 1873. of City ton Court of Ordinary. Witness my official signature, tha 7th day of April 1873. JOSEPH A. McCONNELL, Ordinary. FOR RENT. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED DWELLING. ir tho village of Marietta, Georgia. There ia a fine VEGETABLE GARDEN A GOOD ORCHARD on tho plaoe. The water is excellent, and it is one ol tho healthiest localities In the South. The place wib bo rented on reasonable terms to a good tenant. Apply to J- B- GLOVIB, raayS-d2w Arietta. A COOD HOME. W anted-a woman to cook, milk and Do th. houM-work. for > uooii frail*, t, » TUteg. mu Rome. G*. Tho women mum be without ehUe- ren. Liboral wegee, kiml troetmont ud . good homo for enyc wUHnf! to do the work. A white women preferred. For further information, epply to Henry Winter, et Hkkald Olh.'e. epHLlw