The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, July 20, 1873, Image 8

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The Daily Herald. SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1873. THE NOTICE TO CITY Sl'BSCRlBIR! M» * L Crote.h.w'i* ti» Mte authorized ■goat in th* city for (ewfriug mbooriptkma to the Huuuh end U»*x this **• we ehell recognire only his receipt* m valid. STILL 13 THE FIELD.—Pure Drug* —d NtOSteM ■ wmOOU Bill 1IMI1, Oils and Windsvr tilsss—iw Prescnptios Depsrtnient open sight and dfey, and grrat care taken to satisfy oar customers. R»WINE A FOX. ATLANTA BRANCH UREAT SOUTH ERN OIL WORKS. Headquarters for Oils and Faints. The largest and most com plete stock in the Sonfliern States, at prices to compare with any other mar kets. An immense assortment of Artists’ Materials and Window Glass. Send for Price Lists. CABLET, DUCK A CO, CITY POLICE •• If you’ve weeds in your garden, xny friend, I prsy. Do not stand looking over the fence To your neighbor’s dominions—just over the way— They are sure to do mischief, no pray do not shirk You’ll be amply repaid for your toll. This advice would apply in the garden of life— We pass our follies, our faults we disguise vsstssasttwi. Our neighbor may take a back seat.” This was the advice the Honorable Ten and Costs administered to three or four colored female darkey eout 7 - ME&CfiR INimsm. «Im i 9 A An Appeal to Its Friends for Additional Endowment. IMPORTERS AND DEALEB N *S?S*S t 4»."oSi^S*", 1 , Circular flaws, fltraub’s Queen of the Booth Wills, Howe’s and Babcock’s Celebrated Smut Machinery, and PS ATT'8 8 WINGING LID COT, RELIGIOUS SERVICES TO SAT —t* N &+N8. t t " Vgiwfl Three Hundred and Tifty Thou- Mthll ciartllWW **** *“«* sand Dollars Needed. •on. wh CF Wnof tfless quanti ties than ha had lcene* for.' It was a clear case of •‘malicious prosecution,” as the witnesses for the de fense swore positively that they bad bought the liquor for which Robinson was arraigned for selling. No > case was made out, and the accused was discharged, ; and tb. jroseentot lichttf the tmulli cf the clergy. 8sm Baker, fired with valley tan and a little bitters of the aristocratic jungles of Brooklyn, msde war upon his triend, whose name sounded something like McDougal in the evidence, and knocking him down, incontinently clawed him. The tallowing & molar, fcMWeeed to the friend, of BCerc,i Unlwertety, lu be«n Ratted for circulation. We trust that Baptists everywhere will contribute liberally in this work, and enable tbe committee to raise the money needed: TO THE FRIENDS OF MEBCEB UNIVERSITY IS GEORGIA BUD ELSEWHERE. Thd Beard Hinicr Street Chriattsm < The pastor being ahaegt, there will k Third Baptist Chaich. Services at 10>^ a,k. and 8‘, p.m., by tbs pastor, Rev. Geo. B. Moore. Sabbath school at 9 a.m Prof. J. A. Richardson, superintendent. Makiitd. the resideuce of Mr. J. L. Root, by Rev. D. L. But- tolph, Mr. J. W. Scott and Miss BwniR Lxvibtoh, all of this city. This have fke destinies of two lives been blended. We tender our cqpgmtulations to each, and trust their former day dreamings and love’s sweet anticipations may be folly realized in the golden splen dors of unalloyed bliss. Ip their noble manhood and mess* asssssss fl I 111 (1 u jrsa» Mpin, . IT1 fl 11H T r *P‘ arou# flood of beauty, now adorning the Services at 10% a.m. bid 0% r.x., by Rev. t. T. horizon of their sky, may not, fn the mystic future. B**rd Of Trustees, St *ete lute w.sioo i. Ms. KeT ' Mr *f° lt; •' OBOE '»*«' ■ ^ *" , nsoteod »loersM. tho endowment of ths Intel. JjN";**! P M ’ '* a * v ’ Mt * E,,m; % toll by the additinai of three hnndre<l *r.,l ftAter “»• ‘•Shame! ob, fle! Ham Baker, why Will you thus sky oh Is? Why beat and claw, And gouge and chaw, Tbe unprepared McDougal ? addition of three hundred and aflty thousand dollars ($350,000) to $a funds. ffie undersigned were appointed to devise each < Edens, pastor. Sunday school at 3% r.a Keeser; superintendent. St. Phillip's Church. Services commence at 10% a.m. Morning prayer by HstilL Bveutog; -"-I by Bar, If l ret 11 apt i at Chris*!*• i beat calculated to accomplish the Go to Phillips & Crews’ early this morning for your Sunday reading. Anything in the reading line can be found on their shelves. The Herald Job Office executes .Letter Heads, Note Beads, Bill Heads, Cards, Circulars, etc., in the best style, and at living prices. 8end us your orders. jnne7-tf _ Advance in Sugar.—An advance of three-quarters Of a cent a pound on all grades of sugar has occurred in New York. This will, of course, affect onr market to that extent. ; measures i work. | It may be thought by some that the | necessarily large. But when it is remembered that * akeB j only the income of an endowment can be used ; that .. ... ... . . „ „ °' er the University is now educating a large number of in- ! him lika butter over a hot roll. He was appointed | digent youog Sam couldn’t answer. Ia Bbort, Mr. Baker’s c are all dough, and the woids of the law melted Preaching at half-past 10 o’clock this morning and a quarter past 8 o’clock p. M., Rev. E- W. Warren, pastor. Sunday School at 9 o’clock a. m , Lewis G. onnt is u*- j Cr *NforU, Superintendent. Second Buptfst. have the tints of changing lights shaded by too deeper colors; but may the sweetness and melody of Nature’s song be reechoed In the corridors of Heaven to the #t music of well-spent lives in fulfilling the purposes of s wise Creator. [The printers were kindly and bountifully remem. bered.j— Marietta Journal. chief cuisine in the pastry department of the Hotel de Barry for one week. Rev. Dr. Jesse Boring will preach at half-past 10 o’clock this morning, Ilev. A. T. Spalding at 8 p. u. free of tuition, and desires still j g un a a y School at 9 o’clo k a. m., T. P. Westmoreland, further to enlarge upon this liberal policy ; that it has j Superintendent. » t \r . . .I retaineJ, and must always retain, a Faculty composed , J. J. Marbury was in a hnrry to reap eome of the 1 , „ . . w , , , . , v _. . . v of the best scholars and educators of the age—whin ae Drouts to be marie nn wAtfrinelnfi* n,.H Lawyers’ Briefs.—The Herald Job Office is pre pared to print lawyers’ briefs in the best style, large, clear type, producing no strain on the eyes to read it. Prices reasonable. We solicit the atronage of our professional friends. june7-tf i Court. fine profits to be made on watermelons, and disre garding the law, purchased from a countrymen a whole wagon load on Friday, and proceeded to sell them out to whoever would buy. His excuse was that some one had told the law prohibiting the tale of this fruit had been repealed, and he believed the ru mor. He does not take a morning paper, and ignor antly fell Into the clutches of the li First Pr«*»l)yterian Cliurcli. Change in Ladies’ Fashion.—Hair dressers predict that coiffuers (what that is) will soon change their po sition and be worn lower down. We suppose this change in hair arrangement ia made to accommodate the new style of ruffled colairs which are becoming all the rage. We notice quite a number of Atlanta la dies wearing them, and, because of 1U novelty, re mind* one of tbe present day of the quaint old pic tures of the time of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Some of them more than half envelope the heads of the wearers. The Melon Ordinance.—An ordinance was intro- .Ktnwmwte Cotton—middling, JOt, ; groan notepte U0 bole,; «. port. coMtwlK Ml; mimyxii Hack fc*T8. Oaitmtok, July 1», 1871 Ootto»-T.M. ordlouy MX: food ordinuy 14«i n«l rectepia 188 bteM; export, oout-tM 6*9; Hie, 200; stock 13.015. Mouu, July 1*. 1873. Cotton dull; lalddli.,, 18X; net receipt, lstMUa; export. oaoMwla* 903; Hie. 100; teoek 11,585. Kxtrran, July w. 1*73. Cotton—middling. Items: roctept.*57 tale,; Alp. menta 1,087; rtock 9.830. AontjvrA, July it. 1873. Cotton-middHmt, M; reeetpte 88 bob.; hIm 183. 1>HIW>*XMLLA. JnJy 18. 1873. Cotton Ann; Hiddllag, at. LOCAL NOTICES. Dbjesb Suits, Business Suit*. Alpscn Coots, and White Duck Suit*, stslsughtcrous prices, julj20-dtf. HiJ. Hiesch's. Lodies' Linen Suits. Ladies' Swiss Suits. Ladies' Lawn Suits. Ladies’ Traveling Dusters, st Mbs. Praxes. considered, the amount is not too those thing! large. The University was founded by our fathers to nice, what they considered to be a necessity of the times; events since have justified the wisdom of tlujir action. As a denomination loving and adhering to the truth as it is in Jesus, we must provide for the defense of that j Cook. . The eight dd- truth by maintaining an institution of learning, in! •«»««..* vnunii. 5 cen s ® V** or not knowing what Vli fvriuch the great principles of Cbristiauity shall be 1 Rev. C. A. Evan*, pastor—Preaching at 10). a. e., going on n own wou d pay for a morning paper near? j k e p t constantly before the minds of our young men. jand8%p. m., by the pastor, bunday bchool at 9 a. j we ve mon s. ^ j Q or( j er f 0 prepare Merc/r University to meet the : ^ w w ■>, n .te.iAo4«.t : emergencies of the present aud of coming genera, j^ions, and fit it to antagonize the varied aud ever- Rev. Virgil Norcross will preach this morning and ! ^ Uceii ant ^ adopted by the City Council, prohibiting to-uiBht, ,t the usn,l hours, in tbe First terinn lbe 8ail of ol any kind. AlderniAn Morris Church, Marietta street. All are invited. First DlrthmlUt Church. Rev. W. P. Harrison, pastor—Preaching at 10% a. ax., by Rev. W. H. Potter; st 8% p. m. by Rev. W. F. Trinity Church. fair. sited Statics Con autloner'i At the Commissioner's couit room, yesterday eve ning, we saw six parties who had just been arrested in Dawson. Pickens and Forsyth counties, on charges of illicit distillation. None of them have been tried aa yet. Died.—Albert H. Porter, well known to the citizens of Atlanta, died on the evening of July 16tb, 1873, at his residence in this city. He was a native of New York, hat had resided in this State for several years, and was respected by all who knew him. Base Ball.—A match game of base ball was played near the Medical College, yesterday evening, between the Stonewall and Eckford clubs; both of this city. It resulted in a victory for the 8tonewalls by a score of 23 to 18. Good batting was made by Tey and Connally, of the Stonewall Cinb, and by Wooding and Bell, of the Eck-- ford. The drunkard sat in his rustic chair. Beside his lonely hearth. Where once were mingled the proud Whose hearts were full of mirth; But slow decay had set its seal Upon this home so fair— For the demon, drink, to its balls did steal. And reigned a monster there. A. L..Nash got drunk on Friday, and went around snapping and gnashing his teeth at every one he saw. Nash can draw ac many inches of red-eye ae asr man and brother in the land. A curb-stone, or some other impertinent geogrsphlcs! offspring, had presumed upon its position in the scientific world, ana hit A. L* across the title page. The Court was sorry that Nath appeared to be going down the declivity of an inebri ate’s life. He was an old friend of Nash, and was sor ry that his services would be required at the rocko- iogical dispensary for a whole week, unless he could furnish the currency. Mr. Nash was in that state of ease and comfort which arises from having “nary red,” and the last we saw of him the odicer had his passport and was about to ship him to the Bt^ect gang. Gus Homing and Lizzie Jones had a little flirtation Justices* Courts. W. R. Hammond, superintendent. s’ Chapel. Re\. J. M. Dickey,pastor—Pieachiug at 10'_. . Johx Keeey is closiog out his stock of Dress Goods, Laces, Silk Ties and Fichus, Ribbons, Parasols, Paota Goods in Linen and Cassimere, Hosiery and Gloves, etc., at prices which cannot be equalled. Call and examine I goods and prices at * Jc-nx K belt's. jnly20-2t. moved the repeal of the ordinance, except so far as to I « o . „ 7 *.'* ^ „ prevent the aale of stale melon.. HU resolution wu ! * 0R A. first-class Bar Room and fix- referred to a committee who reported adverse, but the 1 in the l est location in the city. W ill resolution ae offered by Mr. Morris was finally adopted and now fresh melons may be sold and consumed according to taste and surplus funds. Financial and Commercial. increasing forms of infidelity—by sending forth annu-j and f. m. Sunday School at 3'. ally a company of wise, scholarly and godl7 young ^men, who shall wield successfully the Sword of the Spirit against ah error, from whatever source it may come,—an endowment sufficiently large to meet all the expenses of the University must be raised. The growth of the denomination in the State for the last thirty years is, in a groat measure, due to the influ ence of ourCollegt; and tha increasing liberality of our brethren manitests an appreciation of tbe value of the University. A contribution from every Baptist and friend of education in the State will be asked by our agents, I who are appointed in every association, whose names i will be given in the Index an soon as they can be heard j from, and with whom tbe churches are requested to [ earnestly co-operate. The following is the plan of operations proposed for | raising the new oudowment for Mercer University. I Judge 1 Collier, superintendent. Paynes’ Chapel. Rev. P. M. Rjburn, pastor—Preaching at 10% a. m. and 8% p. m. St. Paul's Church. Rev. G. H. Pattillo, pastor—Preaching at 10 % a. m. and 8 % p. M. by the pastor. Sc. .Tolln*s Church. Rev. Wm. H. LaPrade, Pastor. Preaching at 8:15 p. bc. 1 good attendance ■ be sold cheap, the party wishing to engage in another business. Enquire at this office. jaly!9-3t Famished rooms, by the week or month, on Marietta street, near Phillips & Crew. By O. L. Pease. jyl7-10t Jackson’s Magic Balsam has never failed to ’Change yesterday | cure the worst colic ia horses and males. j 2 02. in half pint of water will cure the most There wa morning. Mr. Dunn suggested that the,CUamber have a sign ' doubtful case. the front aoor. Mr. W. J. Garrett moved the appointment of a com mittee to select a suitable hall for the Chamber, be tween now and the first of September. Withdrawn for the present. Mr. A. C. Wyly suggested the propriety of getting Sold by all Druggists. P. Van aVlstine, Proprietor, B&me8ville, Ga. chtree. Preaching at 10:30 1 Edgewood Church. . H. LaPrade, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 li is no trouble for graduates of the dispatch from Louisville dmily, at 12 o’clock, giving j Eastman Business College to get good situa- quotations of produce and provisions, to be placed on tbe blackboard. On motion of W. J. Garrett, Mr. Wyly was author ized to effect that arrangement. tions. Such men are in demand. jun20. Classes in book-keeping, writing, banking and commercial calculations every evening On motiou of Mr. Dimo, the secretary was instruct- | except Saturdays and Sandays. *t ths East- Central Presbyterian. Services at the usual hours, morning and 1 WjHe Josea(col), charged with committing a rape on th6 person of Lou Jenkins (col.), had an investiga tion before Justice Hammond. Ihe evidence being insufficient the warrant was dismissed. H. Spray- berry for the State; W. H. Buls-ey tor defendant. Justices Butt, Sasseen and Munday did no criminal business yesterday. There are, however, some little cases brewing for the early part of the week. Consolidation.—^The gFC*t Atlanta batters, John ' M. and Jesse C. Holbrook, have consolidated their slocks of hats, canes, umbrellas, etc., at ths old stand ! And let him hold my baud upon the stairway, of J. M. Holbrook. : « 1 wers Here they are better prepared than ever to offer .pocMtefeoeae nta to those needing goods in their j 1. The Chairman of the Central Committee (Rev. E. at a balls few nights since, which aided considerably W. Warren), with the agents of the Board of Trustees in getting them before the bar. Tbe (freen-eyed mon- ; (Revs. H. C. Hornady and B. F. Tharp), are to take [ Rev - J * T * Left witch, Pastor, ater had taken up his abode in each of their gizzards, I general supervision of tbe work in the State. 2. They are to appoint agents in every association. 3. These agents are to appoint sub-agents in every church. which was sufficient to produce a first claes row. It was all made up, however, before the evening’s per formances were over, but not before an officer over heard the fuss and made the arrests. Says LIZZIE TO GUS. ••If I were you I wouldn't give such glances, And flirt with other girls the evening through; I would, at least, come back betweeu the dances, If I were yon!” ous. Rev. James Dixon, D.D. The above distinguished divine of Augusta and his | i estimable lady have taken rooms at the Kimball j An »PP< »! « to b« made to ovary Baptist ,nd | House, where they will remain for a We .re | gratified to have the Doctor with us even temporarily, i and as the change of air and scene is with a view to j the promotion of Mrs. Dixon' been quite feeble for some time past. We trust and doubt not that she will be in a short time entirly restor ed to have a suitable sign erected over the front room. Mr. Garrett moved tbe abolition of the resolution imposing fines on absentees. Seconded by Mr. J. A. Stewart. Lost. Mr. Stewart report* wheat not so good a* last year— yield not nigh an average one. No changes in quotations. On motion, the Chamber adjourned. man Atlanta Business College. every friend of education in tbe 8tate for I bntion. 5. Bonds bearing interest are to be prepared, with 1 coupons, and furnished to every agent, j 6. These bonds may be made payable in from one to ! five years, but the interest will be payable on the first day of January annually, Atlanta Wholesale Market. Tbe following is the wholesale price-cwnvat in health, she having J dorsed by the Chamber of Commerce: Atlanta, Oa„ July 19. 1873. Cotton—Middling 17, 1 a ; low middling 16*17; good ed. Dr. Dixon is among tbe ablest ministers of the Bap- ! ordinary 15)£; ordinary 15>£; interior Hall Night classes in Penmanship are now taught in the Atlanta Eastman Business College. The first question a merchant asks when a young man applies for a situation is, “Let me see your handwriting.” Take t I hint, young men ! The most approved style of penmanship taught at the Atlanta East man Business College. jun20-lm. Cor. Peachtree and Line streets. tUt denomination, an Englishman by birth, and about ; Ths ha s and genial W. R. Shropshire is still with them, and will be glad to st»e any of his numer ous friends, particularly those who need hats. W. B. Brotmerton sells Ladies’and Gents’White Black and Colored Kid Gloves, superior quality, a 50c.; Bishop and Victoria Lawns 20.; striped and figuredOambrica 12,I3C.; 4-4 bleached Domestic 12c. 16 bone French woven Corsets 65c.; best Prints 11 white satin-striped Pique at out-half its value; 11-4 white Marseilles Quilts, $1 25, and all other goods at corresponding reduced rates. 1. you want bsrgaius do not fail to call, as he is determ;ued to quit retailirg goods by the 1st of September: consequently must close out his entire stock by that ume. jojy-tf Now is the Time.—McBride k Co. will offer for the j next few days, at remarkable low figures, all their open stock of crockery ware, preparatory to tbeir re moval to their ne w stand across the street. This is the best chance ever offered in Atlanta tc secure fine crockery at a merely nominal figure. In a few days this old and substantial house will be in their new quarters, where they will have more elbow room for their increased custom. The ladies are especially in vited to avail themselves of this opportunity to secure good bargains. Habeas Corpus.—Judge Cowart yesterday evening issued a writ of habeas corpus, commanding M. R. Mitchell to produce the body of Mell Wellborn, al leged to be illegally detained by said Mitchell as guard for Grant, Alexander A Co., at tbe convict camps on tbe Georgia Western R. R. Wellborn was fined five dollars and costa a day or two ago. by the Recorder, for diunkennees. After be was sent out to Grant, Alexander & Co., some of his friend* paid th* fine and procured an order for his release. This order Mr. Mitchell refused to comply with, hence the necessity for the habeas corpus. The case is set for trial at 10 o’clock on Monday morning. Colonel W. H. Hulsey represent* the p<- titioner. A Rising Young Lawyer. “If I were you I'd dance with stylish ladies; I wouldn't dance and waltz with only two; I And these us ugly as the two Miss Cadys, If I were you!” GUS. “II I were you. I wouldn’t hurt one’s feelings. And ssy sarcastic things; I would not say ot you—” lizzie. 7.^All sum, of five doll.r. aud under to be in forlJ ., flve yelr , of i ge , ln the Tjgor of ' health ' , nd mind, j ^‘‘onYuil ”‘ r * *'* ° U ** 2 °* *“ lU * At the age of twenty-three he had graduated at Cam bridge University—that renowned seat of learning. Since his arrive 1 in America he has made seven voyages across tbe Atlantic. His literary attainments are cf the highest order, and as a public orator, he enjoys au enviable reputation. Be- cash 8. Reports from agents to be published from time j to Ume, showing the progress of the work. E. W. Warren, ‘•Really! you would? Why, dear! the tears are coining. Don’t let her s»*e them—my arm—dear, take it, do! If I were yon!” lizzie. A Drill in nl Triu B. F. Tharp, J. G. Ryalh, J. U. James, J. H. DeVotik, D. E. Butler, J. L. Warren, Committee. iph of Genius. “The best heritage” is a business educa tion. Send for a circular from tfjAAUanta Flour—Fancy $10 $9aii; extra family $9 25at0 25;! Eastman Business College. Detwh-ie A Magee, corner Peachtree and Line streets. sides, he is tbe editor of the Pulpit and Pen, published 9**a9>4C. Meal—85c. Wheat nominal—Red $1 60; white $1 70. Corn—Yellow 83s85c by oar load, cash, and white 85a 87 He. Oats—55. Hay—limothv $1 75; clover $1 55al 66. Hams—Plain 13al3'ic; sugsr cured 16> 2 . Bacon—Clear sides ll^c; clear rib ll>,c; shoulders I in Augusta by the First Baptist Church of that city. | | The paper is a monthly, and every issue contains a j * sermon preached by the Doctor to his congregation. , j The typography is excellent, and the matter, admira- | ble selections. He is also an owner of stock in th • | It will be seen from the following extract from the i Christian Index ' ‘ One docs not like c •One docs not like c “If I confess that I a ’a feeliDgs to 1>® doubted—” ’a love to xaUconstruc—” lizzie. ree-bit pouted?” Grand ituiltonri Celebration •Then I'd admit that I was hasty, too.” LIZZIE. I'd say no more about 1*, Ten, with a lesson in court etiquette. Tbe next introduction was that of Dr. D. B. French» about whom tbe vaguest possible suspicions were en tertained of his being the author of “Betsey and I are Out” in disguise. At all events, D. B. was pretty welj disguised in liquor when the police found and made a note of him, and his initials were suggestive of as pal pable a “dead beat” as ever fell within the precincts of this august tribunal. Tbe advance sheets of “Bet sey snd I” sold for $5 a volume. W. C. Cummings, who, as a general thing, is not re markable lor his short comings, was “cornin’ through- the-rye” at tbe rate of three drinks a minute, w Le stumbled up against a policeman. When we last saw Cummings he was coming away from the court a poor er but a wiser man. Stephen Miller was employed by Dr. SpinDey topos t his medical bills around town at so mnch a bill. His instructions were to post them up In tbe most coc Telegraph and Messenger, of the report of the com- t mencement exercises of Wesleyan Femile College at | Macon for the last day, that the beautiful and amiable j atlant. Miss Lillie Alexander, of Atlanta, who read the vale dictory address to the undergraduate s, won for her self tbe crowning triumph of the day: “Mias (Lillie''Alexander, of Atlanta, read ‘The Valedictory Address to the Undergraduates.’ It was such an address as was never before heard in that chapel. It was as a comet, soaring above the stars. emitting a perfect tlood of radiance, and illuminating everything within *t* sweep. It was the production of a genius, and tbe genius which produced it bad the genius to give it a magnificent reading, which was heard all over the house, arousiDg fresh bursts of laughter with every sentence. No description can do justice to this essay. To be properly appreciated. It must be road by its fair young author. A score of times the had to pause for the laughter and applause to subside, and eveu those solemn-faced divines, including tbe Bishop who sat in the trustees’ corner, lost all their gravity and tbeir reverend sides laxly shook with tbe mirth that tbeir white neckcloths could not choke down.” j Something New.—Solomon said there was “nothing This young lady is the youDgest daughter of our j new under the Sun,” but if sweet potatoes laised esteemed citizen, Dr. Joseph M. Alexander, of West ! within five miles of Atlanta, and offered for sale lu the End. Shewn, one of three from a cl»»» or forly Brad- i mar x e i on the 10th d»y of July, is not a new thing u.te, who received tho firnt honor, having been a ,tu- | then OTlr experience deceives in. Mr. J. F. A. Tuft j We have just ascertained that prominent men of At- | lanta are now discussing the propriety of inaugurating j a grand railroad celebration to take place in this city ou the occaaiou of the completion of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railway. The idea of a programme suggested is that on a day to be designated all the en gines—" iron horses ’’—from all the rail roads entering into this city bo brought into requisition for the purpose of producing a united and harxnonieus whistle or belching forth, that in a loud manner shall proclaim and demonstrate the im portant railroad facilities which Atlanta CDjoys. On such an occasion half fare rates would bring to the city an immense concourse of people, and as a simi lar anniversary of the completion of the West Point Railrotd, aa we understand, accomplished great aud lasting benefit to the city and country, we are inclined to favor tbe proposition as a policy dictated by sagaci- who is conducting a dent of the college but one year. Not only should she be tbe pride of her parents and immediate friends, j peKulb county, brought to our office spicuotit place. Arriving In front of the National j Atlanta should be gratified that she has a daughter J Dalf bushel of what ho denominates “Tuft's early pro lific.” They are fully as large as potatoes '8sf ill market garden in yesterday of tb« Hon. Eli Shorter, of \ “court. The Judge could grind nothing out of Mil- J ler in tbe way of a bad case, and let him off without ay toll. Then the Court, turn inf *oui d, discovered Dr The following from the Louisville Ledger is very complimentary to our young friend Mr. William A. Shorter. He if Eufaula, Alabama^ Shorter to settle in Atlanta, feeling assured that | although the profession of the law was as much crowded here as anywhere, that there was always room in the upper story: The argument in the case of William Porter, charged with killing Charles Bache at the municipal election, was commenced this morning ln the Circuit Court. Mr. W. A.. Shorter, a young gentleman of rase nWttty • within his bosom for his years, opened for the defense in a splendid ' speech, for which he was highly complimented by tbe « bar. Col. Gill followed Mr, Shorter, and. had not fin ished his speech at the time of our going to press. dabbed one into It. This brought tears and screams j from tbe owner iff the eye, which brought * policeman > to see what was the matter, snd who brought Miller Hotel, the largest space he discovered unoccupied was ; in ^ er shown herself ablo to sway Uie white of the eje cf » ten->-e»-.old lugger, and he | ,he mo,t cultivated and enlightened aeaemblj aa effec " ' ‘ tually as could Adalina Patti. Nils-on La ca or Carlot. ti Patti. Water Wwrits. We heard on yesterday that Atlanta was certainly to have a supply of waler, and that veiy soon. Rejoiced at the intelligence, a Herald reporter called on Dr. BarTy, who has beeu absent all the Weak, trying to oc J Redwine, one of ihe commissioners, who confirmed sick. This so overpowered bis Honor that be told wbat we bad heard. H« says that Mr. A. R. Ketchum. Jonsen to close tbe book. Ba*ry and the Court are J an experienced hydraulic engineer, who for twenty fast friends, and since the latter dignitary heard of bis J years has had the charge of the water works at Buffalo, friend’s ilmeea, he has been nursing a secret sorrow j New York, has been engaged with tbe commissioners He took a lotig gate at the Dr., j daring the past ten days in making surveys, and that apd then turning to Jonsen, said: Poraologiewl Society. THE MEETING YESTERDAY. Ths Atlanta Pomologies! flodety mat at 10 a. m. yes terday, President Wallace in the chair. The following gentlemen were on motion elected members of the society: A. B. Lath ram, Tho*. E. Walker. W. L. Wads worth, N. R. Fowler, E. P. Howell. Hermann Bokuni, 8. M. Inman, and John N. Fain. The committees on fruit and exhibition submitted tbeir reports which were received and adopted. The following members contributed fruit to the table at this meeting: Mr. Bom, aho exhibited Hartford’s prolific and Arioudi grapes; Dr. Hspe, also, Hartford’s prolific, Ives, and wbite foreign grapes. President Wallace exhibited a variety of fruits including Clapp’s favorite, jitertletts early, and early Tllloteon peas : Cole’s early, Hale’s early and late Admiral peach. The following resolution, offered by Mr. J. J. Toon, was unanimously adopted : Beeolved, That thia society return thanks to the contributors to onr exhibition on tbe evening of the 17th instant; and to Mrs. G. W. D. Cook lor vaae of flowers, Mrs. A. B. Culberson, Mrs. R. J. Young and Mrs. R. H. Goodman, also, for contribution* of flow ers ; and tc Mr. Van Goltsoovea (or a collection of plants “ He’s not very handsome | Nor painfally good, Bat I love bhu so well, I could cwtblm I could. And the name of the feller, So precious to me, —Are you anxious to know it ?— Begins with aB. Six feet in his stockings. And two in his boots— With tallest of beavers. And neatest of suits; And the earns by which he was Presented to me. Do yon think you will like it ?— Begins with a B.” I Jonsen was uncertain about it, and the matter stood j that way when the levee adjourned. % Dangerous Nuisance.—Our attention has been j frequently called to ihe dangerous practice of allowing ; bulls to roam through the streets at will. Ou Friday | evening an animal of this kind passed up and (loa n j Washington atreet, bellowing and making such a bid- j eoua noise aa to alarm pedestrians even of the sterner sex. Between Jonesand Raw non streets the infuriated ; brute gave ebaae to a • umber of small children aocoru- ; panle.d 1 y a lady, and were it not for the int< rferenre I of a geutiemau passing at the time, the consequences | might have bean very serious indeed. These brutes i can be of no possible service to any one, they are too j this city, will clo D*tneir^H j mean in every respect to to perpetuate their kind, and ! cept ou ^atuiday evenings, fro; as a favor to tbeir isce, ought to be shot. They are I ber ftr*t. it has Anally been decided upon recommending a sys j tem to the Council which will meet with their appro- I 1 val. Dr. Redwine thinks that sn abundant supply of pure water can be furnished for less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This will be glorious news to the majority of our people, who have waited long | sod anxiously for some definite action on this most j important question. The Courts. I * Judge Hopkins yesterday heard argument in an in junction case between France** M. Smith, next friend, Ac., vs. W. P. Chisolm, administrator on the estate of ! B. D. Smith, deceased. It seems that the estate of B. D. Smith owes Chis olm aoiue money, and he, as administrator, is trying to make lit* money out of property which the com plainant alleges belongs to her, and not to the estate. Thia bill prayed that he tie enjoined from selling tbe properry. After bearing argument, a permanent injunction was granted, as prayed for. Judge W. F. Wright aud A. B. Culberson, for complainant; Sidney DelL for is apoadrnc. The 8ix meut. Me* ris. Owen* A Co.. Bobiuson A Brice, G. H. A A. W. , on tbe 20th of August, and we would like to purchase ! some of hie seed. Wo advised Mr. Tuft to quit selling I them aud keep all he had for seed, as we felt that he } would be doing a public benefit by distributing them. i Fox and the Gophers.—Having received the mous tache soup muzzle, of which mention was msde early in the Spriog, on y esterday Major Robinson sent by express t<> Dr. Amos Fox a box of gophers, from off tbe line of tbe Macon A Brunswick ladroad. There were two sizes—an old fellow upon which was a label which read. “Born B. C. 12J " Oa the other the label reads, ‘‘Born Anno Domini, 1872.” This refers in no way to John Domini, as he and Anno are not related. Fox will get together his “clique” to-day for the pur pose of testing the efficiency of his muzzle on gopher soup. Those who subscribed and have received tbeir muzzles, are specially invited to be present. Marriage at Fort Valley.—Wheeler—Byington At Fort Valley, on the evening of July 15th, Mr. Bil lings Wheeler, of Brooklyn, N. Y„ to Miss Emma By ington, of the former place. A quiet but select party was present. To both we extend congratulations and wish them s pleasant voyage through life, undisturbed by storms or tempests. Bulk Meats—Clear sides 10?^c; clear rib 10He. Lard—Tierce I0 l ,allc; keg ll)*c; bucket 11 ***12- Lime—43a50c per bushel. Coal—Lump, by car load, at 26c; blacksmith 22 qc Telegraphic Markets. New York. July 19. 13W. Cottou quiet aud irregular; naies 578 bales; mid dlings 21. Cotton—net receipts to-day 223bales; gross 810. Cotton sales for future delivery to-day 5,900 bales, as follows: July 20 9-l£a20q; August 29 1-I6a20^; September 13 7-16; October 1713-16. Flour less active; common to fair extra $6 40a8; Southern $8 05*10 75: good to choice $8 05*10 75. Wheat less active at 65 for white western. Corn is buyers favor with moderate export at M\5$; steam western mixed 5Ca61; red 56a01. Pork weak at $17 12 1 , for new mess. Lard steadier; western steam ft?». Na val stores quiet. Groceries firm. Freights steady. Money easy at 3a4 on call. Sterling quiet *t 9?,. Gold steady at 15Jt*16. Government bonds dull but steady aud nominal. State bonds very quiet and little or no change. Later.—Government bonds—81s 19);; 62s 16&;$4s 17*; 65s 18*;- new 17!»'; 67s 18*A; 68s 18; new 5s 15*-,'; 10-10* H 1 ,'. State bonds—Tennessee issues firm; Tennessee 6s 81; new 80. Virginia 6a 42; new 6a Consols 53>;; deferred 10).. Louisians 6s 50; new 43. Levee 6s 40; 8s 50. Alabama 8« 80; 6f 55. Georgia 6s TO; 7s 88)*'. North Carolinas 27; new 15; special tax 13. South Carolinas 27; new 15. April and October 20. New Orleans, July 19,1873. Cotton irregular and nominal; ordinary ll^all: good ordinary 14 , 4 'al4' , l ; low middlings 17\*18; mid dlings lS^alS 7 ;; net receipt# 159 bales; gross 159; exports coastwise 1,163; sales 300; last evening 1.400; stock on hand 33,406. Flour dull; treble extra $7 00; fhmlly |8 00a9 60. Corn advanced; yellow 60; wbite mixed 73; white 75. Oats 42),*44. Bran scarce at 75. Hay dull; prime 3une‘20-dlm West E»(! Mineral Spring!. Bo sure and take a nde to West End Min* eral Spring to-day. Refresh menu, soda water, ice cream, etc., always on hand. You can take a ride on the Whitehall Street Cars for two and a quarter miles for only five cents fare. Everybody should avail themselves of this opportunity of spending a pleasant time. Mr. L. Z. Stemheimer will deliver the min eral water at any house in the city every morning. Leave your orders at his store No. J)0, Whitehall street, or at the office of the Springs. june29-3m The Atlanta Eastman Business College is the only actual Business College in the South. june20-dlm Go to Knox’s to get a pair of tbe celebrated “.Joseph” Kid Gloves, or one of those cool Linen Hats for the children. Also, Linen Belts, and all tbe latest novelties in Ladies : *nd Misses’ Hats. The Best Investment.—An idle young man has $60. He puts it where it will do the most good; that is in a scholarship of the Atlanta Eastman Business College, and it pays him an income of $1,300 per annum for the next five years. That beats a gold mine. jun20. ^ Jackson's Magic Balsam is a Southern preparation, and it should be patronised by the Southern people. It will cure the worst cases of Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache and Rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. P. Van Alstine, proprietor,* Bamesville. June 27-tf That’a what they all say! That Knox’s Millinery and Variety store is tbe best and cheapest place to buy Hats, Bonnets, Sash Ribbons, Real Hair Switches, Ruffling far tbe neck, Thread Braids, Zephyr Worsteds. Old $22. Pork dull at $17 25. Dry salted meats dull aud Hats. Bleached and Pressed. Watermelons —By sun-up yesterday morning tbe whole city was rolling with watermelons. They sold rapid y, and at biglur prices than they commanded when the season opened. What will be the result is yet undeveloped. For Rent. A new and comfortable ten room brick house, with lowere; shoulders 8. Bacon, quiet*, shoulders sides W.'iatPV* Hamsl5k;al€)». Lard scarce; tierces 8?£ i kegs SP 4 alflS- 8u£*r—fair to fuTTy fair 8*9. Mo lasses no movament. Whisky firmer; Louisiana 94; Cincinclnuftt 97. Coffee quiet at 18*20. Sterling 27. Rightpremium- Gold $115 V Wilmington, July 19, 1873. Cotton—middlings 18 If; aet receipts 28.balse; sale# 19; stock 1,212. 9 ° M Spirits turpentine lower at 39. Rosin quist; no sales. Crnda turpentine steady st $2 tor hard: $3 16 for yel low dip aud virgin. Tar higher at $3 60. Cincinnati. July 19, 1873, Flour firm at $6 73a7 15. Corn dull at 44*45. Pro visions quiet early in the day; increased activity at the close. Po,k quiet and nominal atl $16 25*16 60. Lard inactive; steam sold at 8* 4 ; kettle 8 S ,*8‘«. Bacon in fair demand; shoulders ; clear rib sides 8k(*8.V Whisky steady at 91. Looumu-E, July 19,1878. Floar in lair demand; extra fanfily $5 76. Corn j firm and fairly active at 58*62 for sacked. Pork $16 50 *17. Bacon ln fair demand; shoulder* a8#; clear rib sides lOalOX; clear aides lO^alOV packed. Lard —tierces 8\'; kegs 9^; choice leaf 10; steam 8* 4 ; small orders ‘»*.U higher. W’hiaky 91. 8t. Loud*. July 19.1873. Flour—small tmrineep. unchanged. Corn dull; No. ixml38a38)*; In wwehpuse 43 for sacked. Whla- Coen, Hat. Oats. Bacon, Floue. ±c.. «fce., in store on consignment, and tor sale at In side prices to dealers, at june(>-d2tf Dunn, Oolmteek & Co’a. r ORCE’tl TOTE SHOE •l*t" roof, »ud good w.t«r, on Ivj. between Houeton ky flrm „ ^ p ork >t , ls jo, quiet; end Elite etreete— five minute, walk from the C‘~ abed.' Apply to H. Mno-XNiuuN*. ‘ Ctpreiw.—Those wbo are in want or good cj pres* clock Movement.—By a mutual agree- ( shingles are referred to the advertisement of Mr. G W. Price, Henry Banks & Son, Har- | John Phinlxy of Augusta. H* i* prepared to sell and ” ' ** * deliver them at short notics on the cars at the depot of . and I. T Bank*, all boot aud shoe dealers of cither railroad in Augusta. i lock until Septern- Thk -xftrclscti of tho Southern Female College at shoulders 8) a aS s «; clear sides 10. Lard nominal. Savannah, July 19,1873. ; Cotton firm; middlings 18>«el8* t ; net receipts 201 ; bains; .-ales 40; stock 6.074. CHAnUuvrtft*, July 19 U»T3. | Cottou—good grades flrm; middlings 19; net receipts ; 729 bales; exports coastwise3Ug; salee2»K): stock 4.756. Boston, July 19,1873. We Imre j»*t opened m rerj l»r*e *"d elegant assortment «r Went*’, Isdieo’ BojV, .Hisses’and Children’s Fine BOOTS. SHOES and Ml.IPPEKS, In new and pop- ttlar styles. • lADltl’ FINE SUFFERS FOR OREM WEAR. LADIES’ 10W-HEU SUFFERS FOR HOME WEAR. WGeNTo' HAND-WORK IN GA1TKR8—OKNT8 HAND-WORK IN LOW OUABTER 8HOES-A OPH- Alter award ins wm. tin, fruit tod.lftre.l m.mb.r. , “ * f * TOr “" ir <u * ht “ • hot - and canting th. .apply on th. Uhl. to -grow h..ntl- K 00 ' ,or no “■» «>• Voile, author!- tifully less.” taic meeting wa* decUreflndy urned until i j tie* shoaid Fee to it in t me t »at they ar • kept off o i streets before tome p.nson Is gored to death. F« a Kent.—Apply t rent of a uic * lint k re. closets, car,leu. Ac. 8 e, Douglass A Dal'a . w th nine roojjs, t I LaOrange will ho resume 1 on the last Wednesday in ! J AU*i«r. net receipts 14 bale*, a vote ClALTY. (JopHKU Sour—At Posse’s 1 until 2 oclock. i Monday, from 10 j Norfolk. July 19.1873. ■ Cotton—low middlings *8V: net receipt# 452 bales; exports ennatwisc 558 . **!#• T5; G. H.&A. W. FORGE, Whitehall Street.