The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, August 24, 1873, Image 1

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TIE ATLANTA SUM AT: HEIALD. VOL. II—NO. 3. ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 1873. WHOLE NO- 311 WATER-WORKS. the same spot I heard every second or two a i a queer half-stifled sound. Impelled by I cariosity, I rushed out, grasping a ^ stick, and when I came nearer I “ discovered the black, wriggling beast to be a very large specimen of SllDDlVOf Water frOM. Wells* ar ancAne-wa.?fodontea, a spider of enormous * a v rnrrpntlv hpliovpd to wpicrh fivA nonnHs. A Paper Upon the Subject by Col. Jus. A. Stewart. In compliance with a request of the mem- . tionery, 105 Whitehall Street. OPENING- OP THE FALL CAMPAIGN BUSINESS COLLEGES. Ct House. Residence corner McDonough and Rich ardson streets. corner Broad and Alabama streets, Atlanta, Ga. j a standard institution, the largest and best practi cal business school in the South. For circulars, etc., j address B. F. Moore, A.M. President. Betwiler k Ma«ee, Managers. Corner Line and I Peachtree streets. Three hundred Graduates now in ! position. BANKS. B ank of the state of Georgia—f. m. co ker, President; W. W. Bell, Cashier. Paper dis ' Europe, iu sums to suit. Agents for the Inman and Cunard Steamship 4W First class and stoerage tickets at lowest rilHE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 2 Kimball X House. William Gordon, president; Jas. M. Willis, cashier. Jno. T. Grant, president; Perino Brown, cash’r J NO. H. JAMES, Banker, James’ Block. .size, currently believed to weigh five pounds. This is, however, a gross exaggeration; for i the one before me could not have weighed more than three, and it was by far the biggest one I ever beheld, though I have seen a hun- | dred or more. It was very much like a huge land crab, black streaked with yellow, and its mooth was of a brilliant scarlet. Alto gether it was one of the most venomous look ing creatures I ever saw, and for a moment I shuddered to look at it—nevertheless I gave ^ _ . i it a smart blow with my stick, when it don- bers of our Chamber of Commerce, I submit i bj e( j up f quivering with pain. It soon par- I L » ■ i for publication some remarks on supplies ot j tially recovered, however, and would no doubt' (J, N^on* HotS' ! water from shafts or wells, for city water-1 ha*© darted at me, but being still apparently Money to loan , paralyzed, it crawled off slowly at first, but wor s * increasing in speed till it disappeared in the It is clear to the minds of all that lor At- , earth about twenty yards off. lanta an adequate supply of water from one, • I then looked to see what was the victim two or three wells is preferable to pumping of the mammoth spider. To my great sur- water, at a great expense, from the Chatlahoo- j IViZZZ chee or South rivers. I ^ ! theros of Buffon, and pupUlus nationalis of That we have water-beds in many places of Wilson. The little animal was covered all within the city limits is evident from the nu- i over with what seemed tight-fitting white ,, i • .1 satin, with the exception of the left fore-paw, merons common wells now supplying the , whieh the 8pider ha £ not 8ncceeded in eicas- wants of the citizens, whilst larger wells for j n g j n its satin-like web. I immediately took mills and factories have demonstrated the 1 out my penknife, and ran it under the supply iu some localities to be large. threads, and freed the limbs of the poor _ . « . . ... thing. Alas, I was just too late—the spider The quantity of water flowmg into a well is, had s woven it8 web 80 clo8e ] y aroa iid its in proportion to the area of the sides and bot- • mouth and nostrils as to strangle it. The tom below the water level, and also in propor-; faint noises I had heard were the last feeble tion to the perpendicular depth, especially j cries °‘ tb ‘ ani “ al e . re ils breath had stopped . , , , ■ , _ ^ j forever. 1 could not avoid reproaching my- where the water-bed is sand, or sand and : se ]f f or no £ having come to its rescue a few pebble. seconds earlier, for I could have saved its Oar wells here in most places find water in I should suppose that it weighed about ... a. jm ■ , t w - i seven or eight pounds, which shows that the wnat is called quicksand; and from my expe- JtxtoZnlea is relatively as strong as rience the quantity of water found increases muscular congeners of the spi- m a compound ratio as we descend. , 6 r Last Spring I directed the labor in staking I ‘ fonnd the place where the an eight feet well At a depth of thirty-eight, mo tarftutala bad disappeared. It was a feet I found water and on.going deeper , h , . the cronnd with a narrow mouth,, through quick sand to the depth of hfty test , md „ walied in , vith the 8ame whi te I found water in such quantities as to require i ,j cove r ing in which the pcediscus had lour strong men with two large tubs to bail it , , T . 1 T l. 1 j out. Nea? by this is another well of the same 1 ZZnA ,Tenth siT fLt in diameter. On trial the J ud g e . of about a bushel. Around the hole BOOK & JOB PRINTING FOR THE MILLION! ILL k CANDLER, Attorneyrt-at Law, No. 14 _ . Kimball Horw. Practice in all the courts. LIVERY AND SALeTSTABLES. C lLINT TAYLOR, Proprietor of the Archer Stables, / keeps always on hand a large supply of Mules and Horses for sale. 1 LUMBER. 8. BELL A CO., Lumber Dealers, corner . Pryor and Lin9 street*. H w V. P. SISSON. W. u. BAILEY. B. F. BENNETT. T D. FRIERSON, Dealer in White Pine, Doon, Lfe"*-.Blinds, Mouldings. Jtc., Broad street. depth, six feet in diameter. On trial, * - . 0 were the remains of former feasts, which the amount of water each well trill furnish m a , , ,. , , , , ,i. , , _• . - - - n master of the underground and dwelling had given time is m proportion to the superficial ont _the feathers leo« ftn d head of a area of each; hence, we may be sure of quan-1 c ?. , ont 1 leathers, legs and head ot a tity (in sim lar localities) in proportion to i chlcken ' BO “ e e «8 abeUs ' tbe h f d ° £ , a fied ' the diameter and depth of the well. This M A’.tCa was our argument in Borne when I officiated Mr ' b P lder " aaat tbe t b ? tto , m °* tbe hole > there as water works commissioner. Asso-, a PP a « ntl y dead: but I knew he was ciated with .ne was Mr. John W. Noble, '‘ W m 8 P 03 ™' 11 , .. L n tberefor f B P ) ‘ t . » whose information and observation in refer! i « out s ‘> ck . P oked . ll dow >}; aud catching ence to cormsh wells and deep mining opera- j tke , ra3 ™ “ “ “ lions were fonnd to be extensive ' stru 88 1 «i hard and snapped b.s huge jaws at and reliable, and whose mechanical > me “ ost J 10 * 0 ^ It . w “ °f no use how- a i ever, fori had secured him firmly. I took ingenuity and executive ability has no rope- bim ’ into the butj put solDe pin / tags and Mr. C. H. Smith also was an efficient com- leav f the . beartb ' and ( . in a few minutes I . smoked the villain to deatn—my object being Agreeing in our views, and having the con- t0 Preserve him, if possible, as an entomolo- fidenee of the Citv Council, we practical],- F ic ?l 8 P? clme “». w . h '° b d could not hu\e done illustrated our th'eory by staking a 8ba n had I mjured b.s body by killing him in any twelve feet in din meter and sixtv feet in deoth 1 otber Wil - y ‘ 1 then went down ,0 tbe s P rm B' 7“ e ®VitAi took another draft of its cool waters, and through a hard hint, tunneling in vanons di- d off keepln „ the 8Un sti n ou my left, rectiODS the distance of twenty feet or more. .. _ J At this depth, with tunnels giving a large sur- 1 81 ^ y e * lace through which lor the water to flow in, • we found a supply for eight or nine Women or Fiends, thousand inhabitants—found pure weU^M miter, having no connection ichatever the river. Iu proof of this, the level in the well is at all times lower th surface of the water in the river. The river j Dickenson street was appealed to sometime may be muddy aod overflowing, and yet the ago by a pale, thin girl, who related an effect- water ill the well rtftsrains clear and tmdis- ing but doubtful story of suffering, and be- turbed. _ sought protection. She said her name was Some of Home's best citizens,and best edu- Mary E. Rowland; that her father when a cated men, had no confidence iu our judgment, widower with three small children had mar- and thereupon predicted failure in everything, ried a Mrs. Josephine Baptist, who now re but the sequel shows that we succeeded in 1 sides at 704 Dickenson street with her daneh- everything. The well was a success—the ter, Sarah Jane Baptist. The stepmother beautiful walking beem.engine pumped water I treated the little Howland children so cruelly through a ten-inch main pipe 1C5 feet per- that Margaret, the eldest, ran away pendicular into a sheet-iron tank. The tank from home years ago, and though didn’t buret, as predicted, and the water pipes now married and living in the in the dwellings didn't '*explode and kill, city had not been permitted to see her younger V Tfc C T C MS. "IMF JStrn f ArJER BEER BREWERY. City Brewery, comer ■ Mr* SliddUXi Ot vUi . ; Building, Atlanta, Ga, S HEPARD, BALDWIN & CO., Wholesale dealers in Wines, Liquor* and Cigars, No. 11 Decatur street, oppoaite the Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. ( 'ILAYTON k WEBB, W Whitehall atreet, Atlanta. j Ga., Wholesale dealer* in Foreign and Domestic Whiskies, Wine*, Brandie*. Rum*, Gin*, etc., and Pbopriktobb or thjc Mountain Gap Whiskies. NO. M. HILL, Marietta street, Whoieaiale Dealer m Liquor* and Cigars. Residence corner Cain and No. 26 Broad Street—Near the Bridge, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I Janies M. Ball, President, W. W. Clayton, Cash A tlanta national bank, capital $iou,ooo United States Depository. A. Austell, President W. H. Tuller. Cashier. NURSERYS. _ proprietors, Propagators and Dealers in Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Ornamental Shrubbery, Hot House Plants, etc. bag manufactory. Paper and Cotton P,aga, Twine, Rope, Old Metals, etc., corner Pryor and Mitchell streets. Atlanta, Ga. BOOTS AND SHOES. H ENRY BANKS & 80N, wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings, Sign of the Golden Boot, 39 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Georgia. ARKHAM ft HOLDER NESS, Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes, Republic Block C ^OX A HILL, Wholesale dealers in Fongn and Do mestic Liquors, Peacbtre* street. M EADOR BROS., Wholesale Tobbacco and Liquors 85 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Chi. MARBLE YARDS. WILLIAM GRAY, Dealer in Foreign and American ’ ' Marhle. Kfatmrv .ml Vacua MEDICAL. CARPETS. MATTINGS, ETC. S b. K KN1)UI(’KS .M H()>S. Tbe largest eupr . Carpets, Oilcloths and Matting to be found ii city. Marietta street. CABR1AGE 31 ASl’FACTORY. Wagons and Baggies, Decatur street. i and Pryor streets. Carriages j E beg to announce to the Public that it is our intention to open the Printing Campaign for the ensuing business season with a VIM and ENERGY hitherto unknown to Atlanta ! With splendid power-presses, fine stationery and exprienced workmen, we are fully prepared to execute everything in the line of Printing NEATLY ! CHEAPLY ! and QUICKLY ! Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Address V. P. SISSON &. CO., Atlanta, Ga., /*■ O. Ho.r 2SJ- “ Proprietor* Economical Book &. Job Printing House.’ D R. W. T. PARK, office No. 35j>i Whitehall Street, P. O. Box No. 15S, Atlanta, Ga. Treatment of Chronic Diseases, Impurities of the Blood, Obstetric* and Diseases of Women and Children mads a spec ialty. MUSIC AND MUSICAL IHSTRUMEMTS. C 1UILFOKD, W OOD & CO„ Dealers in Music, Or- JT gans, Pianos, Musical Merchandize, and Impor ter* of Small IuBtrumenta and Strings, 68 Whitehall Street. O L. BitAUMULLER, Dealer in Mtmcai lnstru- • ments, Stationery, and sole agents for Steinwav k Sons’ and other oelebrated pianos, 15 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. S MITH k MOTES, Photographic Gallery, oyer Pope’s Drug Store, on Whitehall street. First class | photographs, etc., executed promptly, at reasonable ! rates Call and aee specimen a. COMMISSION MERCHANTS w. reference glvi H. KEESE CO., Commission Merchants, ^56 Peachtree and d9 Broad street. Best city We print as follows: I BOOKS, ! BAPTIST MINUTES and Hunter Streets, acceptance, made on goods i ding accompany Drafts. kinds of Produce, No. 83 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Orders and consignments solicited. Re turns made promptly. * mission Merchant, corner Forsyth and Mitchell streets. Commission Mer- Bartow Street and Street Grain, Hay, , Hams {sugar-cured and plain) Lime, Cement, Plaster, Domestics and Yarns. , 33 Pryor street, Produce, Lime and Cement. Forsyth street, Atlanta, anybody,” and the jets of water under the great pressure didn’t ‘‘knock the bottom out of tin cups,” and, better than al], the water works has not ruined Home, but, on the con trary, the expenditure for water works is the best investment Home ever made. In this brief essay, the object ia most respectfully to suggest to our City Council and water works commissioners the propriety of trying the ex brother and sister since. After the father’ death, some time ago, the ill treatment of the little ones grew worse, and the poor girl’s ap pearance so strongly confirmed her piteous story that Mrs. Wilson offered her a home. Sarah Jane .baptist came, however, and took Mary away, threatening Mrs. Wilson with a prosecution if she harbored her again. Noth ing more was seen of tbe poor child till last periment of testing the underground water | Sunday morning about daylight, when Mrs. supply by sinking one well sufficiently deep Wilson heard a rattling at her back gate, and, and large lor that purpose before deciding to opening it, beheld a trembling skeleton, bring water at great expense from a distance, clothed in rags and scarcely alive, who said: J. A. Stbwabt. ; “They have almost killed me, but I got away P. S. Since pentag the above an eeeay on ! at laat -” Her was tba <? afte / ber . fathe 1 , i' 8 water supply bP’PMUps” in the Herald death, ahewaa beaten and abased and finally has appeared, eVtaeing much geologic lore, i confined for month after month in a room He differs, however, with Mr. Mnrphy, wb “ b » h ® was taken twice a day to be as to “onr information," Mr. MnJpby fed ’ and that since Easter last she had been claiming it to be freestone/whilst Mr. Phil- selected to a new and horrible torture, lips declares it is not; bnt admits if it was Lo f, ed - U P ' na room with her hands tied, freestone we conld “probably have an abnnd- and deu ‘ eda » common decencies of con- ance of water." Now since our scientific 1 figment, sbe was forced to live m a poison- men disagree as to “onr formation,” and : ° n9 atmosphere, and to subsist on one meal a since actual teste have found much water be- day ’ of br< * dao ? Tu® aa k -*xsfai I ;her . tKetl1 “•“* -M-J f^tened down th. J 4 S windows, and effected her escape to Mrs. Wilson. There was great excitement in Phil- adelphia, and thousands visited the horrible prison in which she had been confined. Her I inhuman jailors are now in the hands of the law, but it is not certain that their poor little victim will ever recover strength enough to PaUtta, (Fiat Correspondence Chenango Reporter, j te3lif y ‘ h ® m : . Her sist ? r '» te ? dell y nursing her, but she is in a very low and dan- As the train was approaching the station, I gerous condition, asked the conductor if he would stop at that point long enough to allow me to run down j Partie , who haye rec8nt lv been nrosoectinu off de Srro e sW«rf°ffiatT I w<^d’have y Dteta!? *“ tbe “«g k t>° ri K>od of Beatrice!Nebraska! of\m H e e to“d^T d r!Sn W ^^; e .M , , to be an inexhaust- cars stopped, I jumped off, and following a I lb ^ a tatae of cement 0 . path, I quickly reached the spot. It was the i A Cincinnati policeman shot two boys and largest spring I had ever aeen, gushing out of j * horse in trying to kill a dog, and they don’t the level soil, about twenty yards in diameter, .want him on the force anymore unless he and running off in quite a little river. As 11 g« u his eyes straightened, was looking down through tbe crystal waters j to an immense depth, beholding the fish sport-! ATLANTA PAPE# MILLS. The Great Florida Spider. A VENOMOUS INHABITANT OF THE EVEBGLADES. back to the station. I was too late, however, I ot thi. pap*r. ■for the rascally conductor had forgotten that I ' _ _t.- - . ... m I was not aboard, or didn’t care if I was or APOTHKCAItlE*. ?°S^ nd ! h ? a8 . h 1 Bbo , ated “ d ., w ? red “I! *v«>. wiTo^a7rn.-^5iri handkerchief, it waa of no avail—I waa left U tlMta Pre«rlpUonUta, com.r Puchtrs. Mid behind in an apparently boundless forest I! Dectar «tmu. need not tell you that I cursed some, if not loudly, at least deeply. What I should do, I knew not; so I deter mined to keep the snn on my left hand, and hoped that by thus going in a southerly di rection I might possibly come up with some human habitation where I might get food; for H street, Atlanta, Ga. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSES. » vi*ion Dealers, Alabama street. _ _ Merchants in Grain and Produce. Handles pro duce by car load without expense, Yellow Front, Ken- nesaw Block, Forsyth street, Atlanta, Ga. CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. near the National. slv" JONES, Fashionable Tailoring Establishment within fifty yards of National Hotel and Kimbal Fall Line of good* always on hand. W B. • JB street. CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. P H.ENGELBE • Tobacco. Fin< street, near Bridge. J MA • In Retail. Kimball Honae Cigar stand. B Whitehall atreet. near railroad. CONTRACTORS J. Contract* faith- CATALOGUES, DIPLOMAS, WEDDING AND BALL INVITATIONS HAND - BILLS, CIRCULARS, PR06RAMMES. Letter-Heads, BILL-HE AD, O A R D 3 , EN VELOPES, TAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF PRINTING. aug21-tf PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSES. M RS. R. E. WILSON, South Pryor Street, between Hunter and Mitchell. Large front room, with board. Day boarders wanted. M RS. A. E. SMITH’S, centrally located, nicely fur nished, carpeted room*, walnut furniture,* neat J house, a table provided with the best fare the market j affords. Call and examine. No. 7A£ Whitehall Street. A FEW ladies ana gentlemen can be accommodated xV. with good board at Mrs. Overby’s, on Broad treet, just across the bridge. M iSS GuEEN, at the “Larendon House,” on Peachtree street, can furnish pleasant rooms to families or single persona. Day boarders also re ceived. PICTURES AND FRAMES. COPPER. BRAS8 AND IRON. M- Work, All work done promptly. UNNICUT k BELLINGRATH8. H treat, Atlanta. GANDY AND CRACKERS. /T v. i VT» torr. Whitehall itmt. Attest,. IT U .n.” Forsyth street. CROCKERY ARD GLASSWARE. cBKIDE * CO.;' Wboieiiaie dealere lii brocket Ok— and Earthanware, Kimball Hem—. L AW k CO., Wholeaala Crockery, Marietta atn near Br I waa beginning to feel quite hungry, having i T Wilson a oo.. Broad atreet, next door to \._j y 1 ;.. Wf ■ .f 4 ^ 3 ® « the bridge, make* advance* to plantar*. A full DJW DO DnirtMl i line of Agricultural Implement#. Publiahar* of the I had not gone on more than a mile before Rural Southerner. I descried a Tittle clearing, and In the middle mwesk W. jOHWhOMrDMter in AroicultenCta- of the same an old tumble-down shanty, but ^VJL plemenU, Seeda, Guano, etc. Advancea made to I could see no human being. There were, pkot#ni Marietta street, however a few chunks almost burnt out on tbe clay hearth, and by this alone, and by AUCTIONEERS. one or two tattered blankets hanging on a ■ N. WILLIAMS, Acutioneer and Commisaic rope, could any one have divined that the hut 1 • Merchlllit ' Marietta ■ IV and Dealer in Furniture, Marietta street. was inhabited. There I stood tor the doorway, when I saw io the grass a strange | looking Animal busily working about in one BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. place now I could get a view of it above ; wwhiLLIPS a CREW, No. i Marietta *tivet, Book- the grass, and now it would disappear. From j teller*, Fiationer* and Piano Dealer*. DYE-WORKS. CROCERS. TUMLIN, No. C04 MARIETTA 8TREET—FAM- xVu ILY GROCERIES, Staple Dry Goods. Coun try Produce at the lowest rates. Also, a fine WAGON YARD. flOn CAHN k CAMP, Wholesale Grocer* and S * X/ !■ Provision Dealer*. 25 Eant Alabama U, Ui street, Atlanta, Georgia. rTl J. HIGHTOWER, Wholesale Grocer and Pro- M- • vision Dealer, Corner Broad and Whitehall St*., Atlanta. 11T T. LAJLNK, Family Groceries. Also has ▼ T • Bakery attached. Furninhe* bridal cake* etc.. Marietta street, west of Spring’s first store. Wf S G. T. DODD & CO., Wholesale Gl ocers and JL • Provision Dealers, Corner Whitehall and Mitch- ell Streets, Atlanta. ■ 8. 6LiVER A CO., Wholesale Grocer, Alabama O atreet, Atlanta, Ga. IMMONS k HUNT, Groceries of every description Country Produce at low rates, at Junction of Marietta and Walton streets. A DAIR k BRO., Wholesale Grocer, Alabama street. Atlanta. Ga. TAMES B. WYLIE k CO., Who*—ala Grocer, 9J 32 and 34 North Broad street OCHS. PISTOLS, Etc. jMHaB. HEINZ, dealer in Guns, Rlfit*. Pistols and Fishing Tackle. Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Am munition, etc., Whitehall street, near Depot. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. f| VjMMEY, STEWART & BECK. Hardware Mer- JL chant*, corner Decatur and Pryor streets, op poaite the Kimball House. T M. ALEXANDER A CO., Importers and Dealers O • in Hardware, Carriage Material and Mill Stones, 45 Whitehall street. W L- WADSWORTH, Hardware, OuUery, Guns. TT • Belting, and Carriage Material. rruios. M. CLARKE k CO., Importers and Whole- JL >ale dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Harness and Iron Goods of all descriptions, Peschtree street. Largest stock in the city. j hats. TNO. M. HOLBROOkr Dealer in Hat*, Caps, Furi, O And all the latest novelties iu his line, White* hall street, Atlanta, Ga. T EWIS H. CLARKE, Dealer in Mens’ and Boy*’ 1 J Hats, Caps, Fur*, etc. No. 1 James Bank Block, Whitehall street. ICC HOUSES. IT F. EMERY, Atlanta Ice Houee. m JameH’ Bank X'JL# Block, next to Railroad. Pure Lake loe kept in quantity. PANTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. H U OLMES, CALDER A CO., No. 17 Marietta street Dealers in Paint*, Oils and Glass; also Railroad supplies. ( PARLEY, DUCK CO., Manufacturers’Agents for j Oils, Paints, Window Glass, Lamps, Etc., 35 Error street, Atlanta, Ga. ~ SEWING MACHIEE A«KKC1ES.~ T he improved home shuttle sewing MACHINE. Cheapest and most Durable. Also. THE HOME—finest machine made. Prices low. D. G. Maxwell, Gen’l Agent, corner Broad and Marietta streets, Atlanta, Ga. ' SEWING MACHINE Office, Corner Broad and Marietta Sts. 0ME8TI0 SEWING MACHINE COMPAN^ No. 4 DeGive’s Opera House. The “ Fast Gain ing” Machine. OWARDA SOULE, Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine Sales Room, No. 35 Marietta street. Latest style patterns constantly on hand. T he singer drop-leaf sewing machine; Best Sewing Machine made. R. T. Smilie Agent, corner Broad and Alabama streets. A tlanta department life association of America. Officers—T. L. Langston, Presi dent; C. L. Redwine, Vice-President; J. H. Morgan, Secretary; General L. J. Gartrell, Attorney; Wi am G. Drake, Medical Examiner. Broad street, corner Alabama. P. O. Box 276. __ J W. THOMAS. General Agent of Life Association • of America. Office Broad street, near Alabama, H OWS SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, ccrne Broad and Alabama streets. As good among machines aa old Elisa Howe waa among men. real estate a«ekts. i EO. W. AD AIK, Will street, Kimb*U House w ALLACE A FOWLER, Alabama street, opposite Herald Office. SIGN AND FRESCO PAINTING. W M. MACKIE can be fonnd at hia old stand, where order* will be attended to. Krueger k Bro. can be fonnd at the office of the above. G. W. Jacks, Whitehall street. Atlanta. No. 2 Wall street, Kimball House. Oldest Insurance Agency in the city. ture. Burglar and Fire-proof Safes, Broad street. A TLANTA DEPARTMENT Southern Life. Jno. B. Gordon President, A. H. Colquitt Vice Preai- eut, J. A. Morris Secretary. EK SMITH'S Saloon, Marietta stnM, tka vea best I ot liquors mixed In the best style. STOVE AND NOUSEFURNISHIM S TEWAKT S WOOD, dealer, ia Slores, Hollow- | ware, HonserurnlBhing Goods and Children's Car- rtepes, Ko. 7S Whitehall street. UNDERTAKERS. LAWYERS. J OHN A. WIMPY, Attorney -at* Law, Atlanta, Georgia /'IHAS. R. GROOMS, rnderteker Ha Practice* in ail tbe court*. Special attention given ■ * * to the collection ot claims, and all business promptly attended to. J AMES BANES, Attorney at Law. Atlanta. Georgia. Special att—tioo given to the Collection of Claims. All business attended to promptly. Lai Court*. J. GLENN k SON, Attorney* at Law, practice all the State Court# and in the United States Office over James’ Bank. S D. McCONNELL, Attorney at Law, offloe corner • Whitehall and Hunter street*. Practice* in all the Court* in Atlanta Circuit. • rletta street, up stairs, practice* in all the IOHN MILLEDGE, JEWELRY. SILVER WARE. J AMES LOCHREY, Atlanta Dye Work*. Dyeing j /n voinic hHahpk j H Aunnt l)t*»inr in Kin* Ji«» jFSxs&rxzr* 8 *^ au ^ i w. HOOPER, Attorney-at-law, No. 2 Wall ~ kin— of legal btiHinea*. IZARD HEYWARD, Attorney-at-Law, No. 1 Marietta street. i and Alabama streets (up stairs), Atlanta, Ga. DENTISTS. ball and Hunter street*, Atlanta, Ga. 1 D CARPENTER. Dentiat, No. 47 Whitehall Jj* atreet, Atlanta, Ga. » D. BADGER, Surgeon Dentist. Paachtree atreeL Work protnptly and neatly fin l*bed. FRUITS, VEGETABLES. ETC. A * tsol. p. O. U ix No. Iu7 WU udieU street, Atlanta. G». Tjl R Law sue, Watch**, Clock. JCi Ware. Agent for the Arundel Pebble Spectacles. 60 Whitehall street. INSURANCE AGENTS. J l. ^ • Mutual Life Ins Fire. Office 54 Wblteha; — Slate of Georgia and United States Offioe No. 1 Au* Jewelry ami Silver i tel!’* llullding. up atalra. 1 EEEPLE8 A HOWELL. Attorney* at Law, No. 20 f and 22 Kimball House. I £. BLECKLEY. Attorney-at-Law, Office and re*- I Jm ideuce corner Peachtree and Harrie atreet*. , | ^ovai. A NUNN ALLY, Attorney# at Law, Griffin I EC, H. V/ ly ssnt when reqnsated. WHITE COOPS. MOTIOaS, ETC. 1>HIIJ.ira, PLANDRR3 fc oo., Debars in Staple XT and Fukey Dry Hoods, Boots. Shoes. Hosiery. Ribbone, Notions, Hie., No. 88 Whitehall Street, At- tents. Georgia. ■ypM.RIOH A CO., Wholesale Notions. White Goods. " Mtninery and Fancy Goods, 18 Decatur street. Atlanta, Ga. W T. PECK A CO., Wholeaala White Goods, Motions, '' Hosiery end Glewea, Kimball Honee. WOOD KNOJLAVIlfQ. i Wood, oocner Pssehtees and Marietta, np stairs. MISCELLANEOUS. H tut >U> Pl'BUSHiXU COaiPAHY. atreet, near Broait. All hinds of dob Work neatly sod promptly executed. T ” HE WEEKLY HKRALD. in Xdgkt Bm Paper. containing M columns, the largest and moat in. terestiDg paper in the State. w. H. TURNER. Dealer in Human Hair, and Man- • nfacturer* of Human Hair Good# and Hair Jew- elry, lt Whttahan atreet, Atlanta, Ga. A ERGEN ZINGER, Mannfacturer at all kinds of <£\.m Bedding, Maftre*—. Plillowa, Bolsters, Etc. Awuing and Tent Maker, No. T Hunter street, near Whitehall. Atlanta, Ga. J A H. LEDUO. Manufacturer of Tin Ware, Agent 1 • for Kero—na Stove*. Pratt'# Astral Oil, Triumph ashing Machine, doth— Wringer, etc., Beige—i Sheet Iron and Enameled Ware. Whitehall atreet. \\r A. SLAY MAKER, Manufacturer of School Fursi ” a tore, Offioe corner of Peachtree and Marietta. H itchcock a oo-u.soapF—tory^Afullffi—ot Laundry and Toilet Soap* constantly on hand. > 27 Alabama atreet. Atlanta, Ga. I ^HE ATLANTA DAILY HERALD contain* more . reading matter than any other paper In Georgia