The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, October 02, 1873, Image 2

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Behind the Scenes. MYSTERIES OF OF THE DltESSnfO-ROOM THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDES BEHIND THE SCENES. EXACTLY WHERE HHK STANDS Whe» "making op" ant dressing. The stote- the BUEt*s<lCE AS» s** B*r* | ly l»*y. However, in ft mminer balances the careletauess of the other one by bet extreme punctilionsnes* in all Batters connected with ; her toilet A neat linen dressing cloth is laid on her dressing place. The ronge, the cos- I metic and whitings, each have a place of their Some fair contributor to a New York Bport- own. No stains of liquids soil the purity of iug journal, who apoarently enjoys the entree the dressing cloth, and each pin bos its prop- to the theatre beck door and the sacred pre er place in the cushion. Flora oscillates be- cinc's of the dressing-rooms, gives quite an tween the two extremes, sometimes being interesting account of the performance. The \ neat, even to primness, and again so careless cur'ainhaving fallen, she savs, upon the and slovenly as to elicit a remark from -he u-ual vivacious picture, and to 'the usual tu- i plume little ludy. The habits of the remam- mnltuons applause. Flora FaDsee and the ing lady who dresses in the room it is lmpos- rest at’ the dashing burlesquers make all pos- sible to discover, inasmuch as she never was sibla speed to reach their dressing-rooms. 1 known to possess any materials whatever for Flora, whose hoots preclude the possibility of make-up, and invariably beanlifies herself by rapid movement, when unobserved by an andi-! levying cnce, reaches HEE DRESSISG-BOOM The last of those who occupy it, removing her waist, belt and “ throws a skirt over her head, and, having se Special Notices. W*Y WILL TE DIX—Death or wbafc is worse, is the inevitable result of that continued suffering pecu liar to women. It is a condition which should not be trifled with. Immediate relief is the only safeguard against constitutional ruin. In all esses of auppres- j sion. suspension, or other irregularity, Dr. J. Brad- I field's Female Regulator is the only sure remedy. It j sets by giving tone to the nervous centres, improving tho blood, and determining directly to the organs of I menstruation. It is a legitimate prescription, and the most Intelligent doctors use it. Prepared by J. II. Brad field, Druggist, Atisuts, Ga; $1 50 per bottle, and ( sold by respectable druggists everywhere. Tuskegee, Alabama. Mr. L. H. Bradftelfl—Sir: Please forward us imme- ! diately another supply of Bradfield’s Femalo Regula- ! tor. We find it to be all that is claimed of it, and vre have witnessed the most decided and happy effect j produced by it. Very respectfully, MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Fire & Marine tantm Co. MEMPHI TENNESSEE, Established in 1865—Capital $300,000, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. HIUM>E*T SCHEME EVER KSOWX. ATLANTA MEDICAL COLLEGE. p|)Up||) Gfig Gjfl COllM, ff^HE SIXTEENTH REGULAR COURSE OF LEC JL TURE.3 in this Institution will commence on tho first Monday in November next, and contlcue until the first of March, following. FACULTY W. GRIGGS, M. EOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. FORCED CONTRIBUTIONS sey30-tf from her companions, whose towels, combs, Hurriedly I brushes and uowder-rags sha uses with the tranks," she | utmost freedom. As to water, she would I, having se ; empty every water-jng and wash-bowl in the cared it "round her waist,’she loosens her! room for her own accommodation, if she ••tights" and sils down to remove her shoes, wasn't watched. Several of her room-mates being engaged in j Little remains for Flora to do but put on the same occupation, there is quite a concert | her dress and cloak and hat. This she quiek- oflong-breathed “O’s" of relief in the dress- ! ly accomplishes, bids the other ladies good iao-room, accompanied by the squeaking of | night, and runs out, giving a glance at the trunk-lids, that are raised in order to deposit 1 call-board to make sure there is no rehearsal the shoes in their proper places for the night. | in the morning. Before the stalely lady (who I'lora having been relieved of the agony of her■! will not go out in the street until her kid- shoes, proceeds to denude herself of her lights, gloves are bnttoned, and her hat sets "just which she does by unfastening them at the •- *— the dressinsi- top, and ’■skinning” them off—and by "skiD- liiug" I mean pulling them oft' so that when they have been removed, they are turned in side out. There are one or two of the girls who do not • 1 T-l ' . K,< lolrinn nff Hioir so,") has turned off the gis in the dressm> room, Flora is at home, partaking of a light supper, and rehearsing the gossip of the the atre to her mother (whom, good girl, she sup ports), to which tattle that estimable old lady listens with infinite relish and enjoyment. M. Arrest of a Murderer. For rale by a!l druggists. HAMILTON'S PREPARATION OF BUCHU AND DANDELION cures that most distressing mala dy, Piles, by increasing the digestive function of tho stomach, and by securing a proper secretion of bile j for the lubrication of the bowels. This prevents con- stirpation, and constipation is the immediate cause of Piles—common sense in this treatment. Go to lted- wine & Fox’s drug store and tell them you want Ham ilton's Buchn and Dandelion. Bedwlne & Fox can j tell you all about the remedy-^and sell it to you alto. »ugl5 «- THOMAS BROUGHTON. OF CINCINNATI, says: “W. C. Hamilton A Co.—I had had tho ague for two long years, and had tried several remedies of ac knowledged or pretended merit, without any good re sult. I finally tried you preparation—“Kress Fever , Tonic.’ One bottle completely broke up the malady, I and I am now perfectly well. I can testify that your medicine does all you claim fer it; and it is only di*e to you that this acknowledgment should be made, es pecially as so many worthless chill medicines are now offered.’’ This medicine you will find at ltedwine A Fox’s drug store. anglS IT NEVER FAILS; IT8 OPERATION IS QUICK and suro. Dr. J. Bradileld’s Female Regulator—it has been used for over twenty years with unbounded success by maDy of the most distinguished Physicians of the South. It is a legitimate prescription, and pos sesses the three fold power of giving tone to the Capital and Assets, July 1873, $353,835.94. H. GRONAUER, Secretary. W.T. LITTLEJOHN, Ass’t. Secretary. F. S. DAVIS. Presid nt. R.V.VREDENBURGH Vice Pres't. W. H. BRAZIER, Gen. Agent. DAVIS & CLARK Agents, Atlanta, Ga. KS- YOUNG WOMAN. IF YOU AIIE SUFFEBING juated. from continued headache, pa'ns in the back and lower j stomach, palpitation of the heart, difficulty of breath- j ing. constipation of the bowels, loss of appetite, and , the thousand aud one evils resulting from a suppression or irregularities of the “monthly sickness,” buy a bot tle of this medicine. It is "Woman’s Rest Friend.’’ Take it according to directions, and the bloom of health will soon be upon your cheek. For sale by all druggists. augG l'oilow Flora’s example by taking off their fights. That plump little girl, whose dress ing place is next the door, keeps her tights cn. and puts her stockiDgs and shoes on over | their, because she is in a great hurry to get ~ cbime committed seventeen yeabs ago] home to-night—as anybody could have kuown who hail noticed how rapidly she took off her : 1Vo:n th> Topeiis commonwealth, September 21. waist and put on her skirt, and how she had, . „ T . as soon as her wig was off and her own hair On Fnday morning, Alex. H. Irvin, sheriff ar-nged, immediately put her bonnet on-an j of Alexander county, Illinois, arrived in To- ac tion which there is no girl in the room who peka. He soon procured the necessary pa-' j s not | pers from the Governor and was on his way _ i ■ to Leavenworth county. He was after a man prepared to sw ear sa es t I wbo had committed a murder in Dogtooth That tall, stately girl, in the corner of toe | Bend> Alexander county, in 1856, and for room, is never in a hurry like tho plump lit- whom tbe sber iff had been looking for years, tie one. Nevertheless she invariably wears Arrived at Leavenworth, ho proceeded to the her tights home, having, no doubt, reasons j f arm house of William II. Smith, about one of her own for 60 doing. Th j other girls say m jj 0 from tbe depo t. He met the man in the that if you could follow her home, aud Into . fle j^ ca n ed him Isaiah B. Dilts, and took her room, yon would see a pair of two of, biin p r j soner . At first Dilts declared that ankle-tights made of cotton or merino, and ! wafl not b j s nftmef hut he soon after admitted with a strop on the bottom that goes under ! tbat and a j s0 t hat he killed Geo. Dennie. the foot, resting in the hollow thereof, to hold Hig wi f e a j so betrayed herself into making the tights in position. Those girls further ^ be same admission. say that, if you were to «amine these ankle-! Denn i e was a young man whom Dilts twice H 1 VTftTI 1 VIQ f\f\ tights, you would find that they were lined a8saultedwithacloK The second time Den- D tr 11 ri|Dl{l\LV Sr |]|l with lamb’s wool, and more thickly in some j nie took the club from DiltSi w hen the latter 1» I Jilt III 1111113 VV 1/Vh places than others. And, finally, those same drewa pistol, shot and killed him. Dilts had girls assert that these ankle-tights, with pj 8 tol on his person when arrested lamb’s wool stitched to the inside, are called j on p^day by Sheriff Irvin. Dilts was taken pads, and that the stately girl wears them, j in a wa „ on> driven to Leavenworth, and there but wonjt admit it, therefore she won t take put , n j ai i a i, out dark that evening. On tbe I journey he became commnnieative and said APPROVED RISKS TAKEN IN THIS STRONG AND POPULAR COMPANY Emeritus Professor of Principle* and Practice of Med JOHN T. BANKS, M. D.. Emeritus Professor of Obstetric*. W. n. GOODWIN, M. D.. Proferaor of General anti Medical Chemistry. W3C. ABRAM. LOVE, M. D. t Professor of Physiology. JNO. THtD. JOHNSON. M. D.. Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy. J. G. WE8TMORELAND. M. D., i Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. J. P. LOGAN, M. D.. Proftfhor of Clinical Medicine. ROBT. BATTKY, M. D , Professor of Obstetrics. A. W. CALHOUN, M. D\ Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. W. F. WESTMORELAND, M. D., Professor of Principles aud Practice of Surgery. J, B. BAIRD, M. D., Lecturer ou Minor Surgery. V. U. TALIAFERRO, M. D.. Professor of Diseases of Women. G. W. HOLMES, M. D., j Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine. N. D’ALVIGXY, M. D., Prosector to Professor of Surgery, and Curator, j Practical Anatomy conducted by Professor of Anato- | my. I The following fees f jr the Regular Course wiil be j required: Matriculation (paid once omy) $ 5 00 Tickets for the Full Course 50 00 Practical Anatomy (required once only) 10 00 Graduation 25 00 Good board and lodging can be hid at $4 00 to $5 00 per week. Any further Information will be furnished promptly by addressing . 12,000 CASH GIFTS. $1,500,000 Every Fifth Ticket Draws a Gilt. *9- All loss., PROMPTLY and EQUITABLY »J- Xs“Messrs. DAVIS A CLARK are authorized to underwrite on COTTON CINS. 8230.000 for 830! WEDNESDAY. DEC. 3, 1873. Only sixty thousand Tickets will l>e sold, and one- half of these are intended for the European market, thus leaving only 30.000 for ea’.e in the United State*, where 100,000 wt-ro disposed of for the Third Concert. The ticket* are divided into ten coupons or parts, and have on their back the Scheme, with a full explanation of the mode ol drawing. At thi* Concert, which will be the grandest musical display ever witnessed in this conutry, the unprece dented sum of $1,300,000. | divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be distributed 1 y • lot amoDg the ticket-holders—the number* of tbe I tickets to be drawn from one -;Lecl by blind children, and the gifts from another. LIST OF CIFTS. ; One Gtand Cash Gift $250 GOO I One Grand Cash Gift 100 Cuu ; One Grand Cash Gift 50 000 .u n i One Grand Cash Gift 25 000 tho Co.lrge j 0nc Qiaud Ca*h Gift 17 fiOO 10 Cash Gifts, $10 «HX» each 100 ©Oo 30 Cash Gifts, 5 000 each 150 00j J. G. WESTMORELAND. Dean of Faculty. CHARLESTON CARDS. CAUTION. . MARSHALL. JOS. T. WELLS. BUT ONLY ’ E. W. MARSHALL & GO., GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MAN U FAC TUBED BY Wholesale Dealers in College of American Medicine & Surgery. AT MACON, GA., NTH ANNUAL SESSION, < X Fierit Monday in November, 1873, aud cojtinu- ; iug four months thereafter. P«.c\ilty z C. B. CrAI.ENTINE, M. D.. of Cleveland, Ohio, 1 Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. JOS. ADOLPHUS. M. D.. of St. Louis, Mo., j Professor of Surgery and Diseases of the Eje aud 50 Cash Gifts, HO Cash Gifts, 100 Cash Gifts, 150 Cash Gilts, 250 Cash U.fte, 325 Cash Gifts, 11,000 Cash Gifts, 1 000 each 60 000 6oo each 40 000 400 each 40 00.; 300 each 45 000 200 each 60,000 100 each 32 000 50 each 660 600 Ear. Foreip and Domestic Dry Goods AND NOTIONS, off her tights before her companions. also say that they are strengthened in their ( t £ at wan( j e red through Kentucky, Missou ri, Kansas and Colorado after he broke jail and escaped from Illinois. He said he had lived in Kansas since 1857. He has lived in Leavenworth connty many years, and is known by his neighbors as “Hooked-nosed Smith.” He is very abusive, profane and quarrelsome, and has lately shot three horses belonging to Joseph Cbeatwood. The people there are greatly rejoiced over his arrest, bat none of them knew his real name, or that he had been guilty ol the crime of murder. ENOCH MORGANS SONS S A P O L I O is a substitute for Soap for all Household poses, except washing clothes. 8 A P o LTo belief bv tbe fact that ibe stately girl will never wear slippers on tbe stage although her loot an.i ankle are perfection. They declare that WHEN A GIRL PADS who wears slippers, the end of tbe pads can be seen resting on the instep, as can also the shape of the straps that holds the pad in place; and that—to quote the phraseology of tbe plnmp girl who has a wicked black eye and talks slang—to betray snch facts to the world "would give heraway dead." Flora having divested herself, as stated, of her tights, carefully rolls them up and pats them in her trunk. She might, perhaps, like to hang them up, but mayhap there are strange supernumeraries in the theatre, and tights cost from fourteen to twenty dollars n pair. The rolling np of the tights is abso lutely necessary to prevent the flossy strands of which thay are made catching in anything that might puli one of those satire strands out, and so leave a long bare mark on that : side of tho tights. This is called "having a ; ladder in yonr tights,” and is considered , quite objectionable. After putting away her j tights, aud putting on ber shoes and stock-1 ings. Flora enrobes herself in one or two gar- j meats, the names of which it is ueedles3 to 1 mention, and then stands in front of her glass, \ and taking off her wig, proceeds to WASH OFF HER “MAKE-Cr." It the weather be cold. Flora merely mbs some cold cream on the end of a towel, and, rubbing it on her face, removes all traces of: make-up entirely. The reason for doing this ; is that if the fair-skinned Flora were to use ; soap and water to take off her make-up, and ; were to go out in tho cold air shortly after, her beautitul face would all be chopped;! whereas tbe cold cream removes the chalk, I rouge, and cosmetic, equally as well as soap aud water, and, in addition, prevents the skin from chopping, be the wind ever so keen and cold. The make-up taken off, Flora commences to fix her hair, and as most of the other girls arc doing the same thing, conversa tion for a brief interval reigns. To judge by the dialogue, there has never been the same number of girls in the profession who have dot. ! so well under such adverse circumstan ce.,, ,.s they have that night. Flora asserts that the leader of the orchestra is a muff, and it is only through ber own talent that her! solo - went off even passably well The state ly lady complains that not a single person gave beta cue, and two or three times her lines | There is no one article known that will do so were spoiled because others refused to take ] many kinds of work and do it as well as Sapo- their cues from her, thns making her look as lio, Try it. j „ • So. 113 alerting Street, Charleston, S. C., J £1X1 to call the attention of the trade to their ex tensive stock, consisting of full lines of Dry Goods and Notions, which is now open for the inspection of Orders solicited from prompt parties. the trade, se pc dm I Geo. W. Williams, 1 William Bibnik, | Joe. It. Robebtsos, Jab. Bbidge, Jb„ Bokt. 8. Cathcabt Flank E. Tatlob, Standard Scales S A P O L 1 O Scales Repaired Promptly & Reasonably* 8 A P O L I O cleans Psint and Wood, tD fret (be entire house, better then Sosp. No slopping. Saves labor. You esn’t affbrd to be without it. 8 A POL TO S A P O L I O is better than Soap and Sand for polishing Tin* ware. Brightens without scratching. S A~ POLIO Polishes Brass and Copper utentils better than Acid or Oil and Rotten Stone. S A P O LIO for Washing Diahee and Glassware, is invaluable. Cheaper than Soap. 8 A P O L I 6 remove* Soap from M Statuary, from hard China aod Porcelain. SA PO LIO THE MOST PERFECT ALARM Miles MERCHANT CASH DRAWER. Alarm Till Co.’s. A. . 0. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors and Bankers, HAYNE ST.. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAMS,llIRNIE & CO. Commission Merchants, Ho Beaver Street, Yew York. may25-6m U. C. FRENCH, M. D , of Chicago, 111 The Chair of Theory and Practice. J. T. COXE, M. D., Macon, Ga., Professor of Physiology and Pathology. W. C. JONES, M. D.. of Macon, Ga , Professor of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Botany. J. A. BROWN, M. D.. Indiacapolis, Ini.. Profengor of Materia Medica and Tbereputics. WASHINGTON DESSAU, A. M. B. L., of Macon, Ga., Attorney at Law, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. A. L CUNKSCALES. M. D.. ot Macon, Ga., Professor of Anatomy. R. F. LESTER, It. D , of ReWsville, Oa., Demouscrator of Anatomy. T. J. BAINE, Janitor. I* o o m : For a full course of Lectures, including all the chairs, payable in advauce $100 00 Matriculation Ticket (first term) 5 00 Graduation Fee... 25 00 The D*ao sill be elected on the assembling of the Faculty. All Co ideations should be addressed to A. L. CLINK 8 M. D., Macon, Ga.. who will take pleasui *-minquiry. J. T. COX, M. D., President Board Trustees. A. L. CL1 Secretary Board Trustees. j proportion to the Tickts sold—all uuaohl Tickets Lein* PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets $50 00; Halves $25 00; Tenths, or each coupon, £3 00; eleven Whole Tickets for $500 00; 22‘j Tiekets for $1,000; 113 Whole Ticket* for $6,00<.'; 227 Whole Tickets for $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. The r.nparalled success of the Third Gift Concert, a* well as the satisfaction given by the First and Second make* it only necessary to announce tw Fourth to in sure the prompt salo of every Ticket. The Fourth I Gift Concert will be conducted iu all its details like ! the Third, and full particular* may be learned from j circular*, which will be sent free from this office to all . who may apply for them. I Tickets now rea^y for sale, and all orders afoompa- THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent Pub. Lib. Ky., and Manager Gift Concert. Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. I augl9-dWed&3un&wtd j THE CHRISTIAN INDEX ^.tlaritA, Georgia. Organ of the Baptist Denomination J. E. ADCER & CO. IMPORTEHS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SUNS, BAR IRON, STEEL AND AGRICULTU RAL IMPLEMENTS. 130 Meeting Street and G2 East Bay Street, Charleston, S. C. msy 25-d6m HENRY BISCHOFF & CO WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IS Carolina Hice, 197 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. may23-3m-eod handSAPOLIO as an article for the Bath, “reaches the | foundation” of all dirt, opens tho pores ! and gives a healthy action and brilliant I tint to the skin. j HANDS APOLIO from b >th hards and fat though she were stuck. Another lady mar-. mars ever the fact that the comedian, by the j ^ pj D 8 JL () \j 1 O (levtn uon of SOME STUPID GAG, That didn't get a laugh from anybody, ent her out of her best speech, in which she was sure ol a round. The black-eyed, plump little girl is not heard, for the reason that she has long since got dressed and gone home. The ladies having arranged their hair, each to her own satisfaction, they all proceed to arrange the clothes in their respective trunks, preparatory to locking them np for the night. Their manner of doing this is different. Two \ of the ladies, of who Flora is ono, are con tent as long as their dresses are pat into the j -— trunk. It don't matter to them how they are put in; it is sufficient if the lid will close. Tho stately lady, on the contrary, will not he satisfied if each separate article is not laid just in its proper place and position; and she folds her things and places them as carefully | aud neatly in her trunk as though she were u « u r)S A |-* 4 | I. I I I packing up for a voyage to Europe. The lit- T tie black-eyed, plump lady scorns the nse of '• a trunk, despite the fact that she has the larg est one in the room. She merely kicks her i things under her dressing place, or lets them ! T.TF WHEHE THEY DROP. Tbe idea of carrying home dirty towels or clothes never enters her bead; and some day, after paying a visit to her washerwoman, and almost accusing that bard working female of having stolen her clothes, she finds the things she thought were stolen all in a heap in the FairtianKs’ Scale Vareboases, i FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 16C Baltimore street, Ba timore, j 53 Camp street. New Orleans, j FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk street, Boston. For Sile by Leading Hardware Dealers. sep28-2mdcod&w 1873. FALL TRADE. 1873 COTTON WANTED. handSAPOLIO is without a rival in the world for cur ing or preventing roughness and chap- pine of either hands or face. Jremoves Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Stains and Grease; for workers in Machine Shops, Mines, be., is invaluable. For making the Skin White and Soft, and giving it a “bloom of beauty.” it is un surpassed by any cosmetic known. handS AP O L I () £10TTON will be received and held for account of those indebted to me, in lieu of money, until it cau be sold. Shipments may be made by Merchant* or Farm ers who wish to avail themselvos of this offer to the subs( r.ber or to either of the Warehousemen in At lanta; to J. W. Lathrop, Savannah, G bee, Roberts & Co., New York city. Send me W house or Railroad Receipts, aud your indebted will be made easy. Customers to Fris- shing to store at arrange with mo by correspondence. A. K. 8EAGO. Wholesale Merchant, favorsblo terms a large stock of Corn. Flour, Bbcoh. SUer, Shoulder*, cinvaurd Hama. Bulk Uou ' 0 ' long and short Sides, Ltrd. barrels, k?gs and Sugar, Tobacco, Groceries, Bagging, Ties, Ac. other places cat Respectfully, I still offer c M. N. ROGERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND JOBtERS OF Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ CLOTHING 440 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. W E offer to SOUTHERN MERCHANTS for the ensuing Fall and Winter Trade, a very large and attractive stock of CLOTHING, specially adapted to the wants of the Southern people. Sparing no ex pense to secure the best talent, ws invite an examina tion of our stock. Our goods aro manufactured exclu sively for the SOUTHERN STATES. Southern Merchants are more certain to find with us a etyle of garment, and a line of sizes adapted to their wants than Js posrible in s stock of Clothing manufac tured for a Northern or Western market. Order* solicited, to which we give special attention. Mr. W. T. Burge, late Marshall K Burge, Charleston, connected with us, and represents Georgia. Fatnples of our Goods sent on application. angG-dtf H. PARKINS. S, WAUNU ALLIN PARKI NS & ALLEN, Architects and Superintendents, Will furnish Flaus aud Sveciflcatiou. for CHURCHES. BANKS. STORE BUILDINGS, AND DWELLINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. OFFICE. Corner of Pryor and Decatur Street*, op jsite the Kirr K - M u decS-dfcwly. REV. D. SHAVER, D.D. ASSOCIATE EDITORS : TTXTXR SXT7 OF GEORGIA. T HE 73D ANNUAL SESSION OF THIS INSTITU TION will commence on WEDNESDAY. October 1st. 1873, and continue, without intermissioi.. until August 5th, 1874. The State COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE j And Mechanic Arts, founded upon the United States Land Grant, is a tegralpartof the University, and will hold the . — „ .. Term, Everr .dv.n,*g„ which thy conutry Ml .. “I S REV. S. HENDERSON. D.D.. BIT. F ;J. TEAGUE. D.D., REV. 'i. G. JONES. D.D.. - - - Altikk, Ala - • Skuca, Alv Nakhvill*. Tesn STEADFASTLY devoted to the tenets and great in- | terests of tbe Baptist Denomination, this paper, which i for nearly a half century has been the organ and fav- . uuujnu m tuw v(itw „ „„ i n . j orite of the Baptists of Georgia, and for the past seven Wgrel son of thy UmTM«iri7'ind wUl”hSu'th.^oie ‘ afforded for procuring', liberal education,' both iu a j CwoUm, Florid, and Mi.rte.lppl, will in the future General Conran and in Bnecdal Denartmente. Decree, merit, by the excellency of its character, their highest Peering and Medidne-the last through the Georgia ; u fK« * tor, *“ d »«Hgiou. Truth with Medical College at Auguata, now embodied with the which it 1. freighted weekly, a, charts relecUon of mue -- ■ " * cellaneous reading and a complete summary of reliable University, THE LAW SCHOOL remains in session throughout the entire year, ral provision is made for the beneficiaries and for dents of limited means. , For Catalogues, conuioing full information, apply to * nc 7 of Libe- ^* r *°t Reports cf the principal cities will make the ! paper invaluable to all classes of our people. A* an advertising medinm, possessing as it doe* s eonstitr- aug20-tf WM. HENRY WADDELL. Secretary of the Faculty, Athens, Ga. SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE 250,000 intelligent, substantial Christian people. It is uneqnsllel by any other publication in the South. The Index clubs with all the leading pa per* and periodical* in the United States. The inter ests of friends remitting us will be carefully pro tected. Price in auranee, $2 60 a year ; Miniate*s, $2 00. JAS. P. HARRISON A CO., Proprietors, To whom all communications mnstt* * ddreesed. Send for specimen copies, circulars, etc. CSm Teachers, will re.ume exercise, the laet Wedues- | Jw day in August. Four premiums for excel ence in ' Office iu tbe South, known as the Music aud Painting were awarded Pupils of this College at the la*t State Fair. For Catslouges. ad dress L F. COX. President. T XiAO-rAiigO! Oa. HIS INSTITUTION, with a corps of Nine First FRANKLIN Steam Printing* House, At which every style of Book, Mercantile, Legal and Railway Printing i* executed. In excellency of man ner, promptness and cheapness, we defy competition. Our Blank Book Manufactory is likewise well ap pointed. Orders solicited for every grade of wot k in this department. County officials will fiud it to their tntereet to consult us as to Legal Form Books, Rec- oids, Minutes, Blanks, etc. Books, Newspapers, Sheet Music, and Periodicals, bound and rebound to order. Remember to make your ordera on the Franklin Steam Print*ng House. and German taught by experienced native maatere. JAMES P. HAKRISO. A CO., K,3.”S V .“ri^'B^ 0 E‘n.v Wi £ j 2 / W •«-. Atlanta, Oa. B. Elliott, Gen. A. R. Lawton, R. J. Davant, Savannah; 1 Jniyz * Samuel Lawrence, Marietta; John Martin. August*. jy2»-2m ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN RICHLAND BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 145 Lauvale street, near Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. ELECTION NOTICE. and little Girl*, 91 Cathedral street, Baltimore, Md., Miss Chaffee and Mis* Hamersloy, Principal*, as sisted by able Professor* Next session open* Sep tember 18th. C >ur*e of Study extensive, comprising the 4th day of Octobo all branches of s polite education. French is the Inn guage of tbe School. Clara honors swarded at the close of the year. Circulars on application. aug20-l:v Superior Court of Fulton county be hrld at the several election precincts in raid cannty. on Saturday, to fill tbe vacancy occa- <ued by the death of Wr ep9-dJt&wtd i. R. Venable, E«q. DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary Fulton county mil It amiMilct. “ All ah 111 he malic;! free. ENOCH sugS-dA w3m MORGAN’S SONS, 20 PARK PLACE. N. V. DON’T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Buy II of your ITlerchant If he Ims It oi corner of”tlic dressing room. Hastily doing it tor yn„. ir„„«, th» , v ,n. them ap in an awkward bundle, she dispatches , the bootjack with it to ber laundress, and im-1 mediately commences to apply herself to tho accumulation of just such another heap. The different ideas of neatneR* entertained ' by tho girls is displayed at their dressing , places ns noticeably as within their box#8. ' The little plump beauty disdains to hide the fact that she and neatness are strangers, and displayed the same by tho carelefihuess that' rules aroand her. Vermilion and Hike white are mixed together in the same box. Hair pins, old combs and cosmetic stains orna ment the old newspaper laid on the .shelf un derneath her looking glass. Powdf r puffs are j glued on to the cosmestiqne noir, while! groundup chalk, burned dropped from her dresses, aud a dozen oihe like objects, point ont rapt25w40<J * ' s J. LEE, Ain A. K. BE AGO. Forayth A Mitchell street*, Atlanta, Oa. Georgia State Granges. Ga., Sept. 2fi, 1873 SOUTHERN NURSERY. AX.S: S UBORDINATE GRANGES nee.liug i f* « ” ‘ ~ i tire** B. Z. Dufton, Atlanta. Ga E. TAYLOR, Sec’y. IRWIN & THURMOND. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY, September 22, m.l. ILL l»e sold before the court bouse doos m T f Locough, Henry co inty, Georgia, on Tbe First Tuesday in November, next, one half undivided iutcrrtl iu lot of laud. No. 180) I ork spangles j »lality. In the luih District of Carrol county, Gaorgii ; *’ ** ” *iio property of W. Lie, deceased, for the , •fie heir* and creditor*. • w r - off. I v;.’ lap' Apples. I’oachea, JVara. Plums, Cherried. Qui; j Grapes, etc. Our Floral uml Ornamental Shrubbery Department Is complete. Wo iiave everything mtually I found in u will conducted Nursery, and of varieties | we have tested ami kuow to l»o suited to the Southern I climate. We are Uctoimined to make good atock aud j Geor^i j sell at reasonable price-. All onlci * by uni! attended j j^b e ‘ to with promptne»■ and care. Wo have reliable agent*. McL-i: ! either local or trar el tig. in many localities in this mi l pro:* r er State* South, at.d we prefer, where co».vcnie purp.** our enstemera, to do orir bstainen* through the v.’idi. will, ujk n application, furiiinb gi irti* our < atalo^ 1 price 11*t, Addr. KS I». (). li .\ 585. Atlanta. Ga. •il>21-dly IRWIN A: THUBBTOM 0t >l21 Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA. PUTNAM COUNTY. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE, ATHENS, CA. Mrs. A. E. WRIGHT, Principal, riTIIK FOUIiTtKNTH ANNUAL SESSION WILL JL commence ou tbe 10th day b'ptsiu .er. <3, | with a full corps of Ttacher*. TERMS PER YEAR: Primary Department $20 00 , Academic Department, Latin included 40 0*' j Collegiate Department, “ “ 60 00 Board per month 20 00 For further Information apply to the Frincirat or to JOHN H. NEWTON, i Pre*’t, Board ot Trustees. j Macon T«*logr»ph Me*8«*nger please copy :d Sunday an<l Weduead*}’* j'ap<*r for four weeks, i j v 31 -Sun.k Wed I w I |Patapseo Female Institute. Near Baltimore, Md., KING’S CURE Chicken Cholera. THOUSANDS OF DOLLAliS MAY BE ANNUALLY SAVED BY THE USE OF THIS LIMPLY AND CHEAP REMEDY-ONE BOTTLE WORTH FIFTY CENTS, MAKES TWO GALLONS OF MEDICINE. IT IS certain AND PROMPT. USED TWICE A WEEK IT W1I.L PREVENT THE DISEASE. Prepared by Da. WILLIAM KING. Athena. Ms. For tale at wholesale by 1IALI.MT, SHAVER A: BURBANK. New York. C. 8. NEWTON, Atlanta. Ga. BARRETT. L-ND A Co. Angnata, Ga w, D. IttEABI.K i •*r from the Court of Ordi- 'iituani county, will bo sold before tiro •r in Katonton, Putnam county, State of k. uuedfiir of lot No. 232, in )5th Dl*trict. De- 'unty, in rai.i State—tho other half owned by don-eighty acre*, morn or leas. Sold n* tho • .,i All drew lh-id, deceased. Sold for tho • <*i distribution among tho heir*. Term* WM. A. REID, m.l ALEXANDER S. REID, Admiui-tra* >r* Andrew Reid, dec’d. IT LI l M. J. II. LOW. T'K! PULLUM & LOW, With tli representative* ptily Soutii and nently hetlthful nun: i.ks bekn in operation oar*, and enjow a natiunal reputation. b 7^W M !£ , 5 d ,h;.«taK?-^ “r.n h “ WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUCCISTS. .uVv r»!t- Shccossoi tr» Hi ukI, ( raU r «v Co., At^the old »Un ol P. mb. rt..n T-ylor \ Co.. 13 Kin.- * ldr *t. It* I. and easily reached by Washington City. MRS. R. il. ARCHER P. O. Elliott Ci»y. >1 Job*. Daniel i . b pi