The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, October 29, 1873, Image 1

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HEEALD. VOL. II—NO. 67. ATLANTA, QA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1873. WHOLE NO. 361 THE PESTILENCE. FIRE IN americus. The Fever on the Increase. Business almost totally Sus pended- (SPECIAL telegram to the herald.] Bainrbidgk, October 28, 1873. Mrs. Spear, wife of H. H. Spear, died last night. I have iast left the bedside of ex-Senator Bmton, and he is sinking rapidly. Two new cases have been developed since yesterday: Mrs. Ras Dickinson, and Bnrrell Crawford, a negro. In iny report of yesterday, the seven cases of yesterday should have been reported as recovered, thus leaving only fifteen cases under treatment at that time in town. There are now seventeen cases in the city, eight of which are dangerous. Gokmel Jas. Wilson died ceven miles below town to-day, it is thought of yellow fever. The country people give Bainbridge a wide birih and business is being almost totally suspended. Tho majority of her people are out of town. The number of deaths up to date from the first is twelve. The weather is cold with indications of frost to-night on which event prominent physicians say the disease will be checked. The funds yesterday in the city did not leach one hundred dollars, and to-day tho falling off is greater. Very few stores pretend to keep open. I may add that there are several cases in town, the disease of which has not yet beeu dieided. Decrease in the Number of Deaths in Mem phis and Shreveport. Memphis, October 28, 1873. Eighteen yellow ftrcr deaths occurred to-day, and six deaths frem clLt-r causes. Cold no• ihwe3t winds pieTiiL SucKvcroirr, October 58, 1873. Three fever deaths were reported Sunday, and five Monday. iloKXGOMEaY, October 28,1873. There art- no new cases or new deaths from yellow fever to-day. Moiulk, October 23, 1873. No new cases of yellow fever rfportol for the past fro days. No deaths since Friday. WASHINGTON. The Secretary',! O/tler in regard to the Pay ment of Silver Coin—The Second Au ditor'a Keport. LOSS OF $150,000! THE FAIR. Herald Telegraphic Reports. [SPECIAL TO THE HERALD.] Amebicps, October 28.1873. The fire fiend was at work last night at Americas. The loss in bmldtogs and goods ! amonnts to $120,000; insurance $50,000. Ten Tll6 R&C6S business houses were destioyed, among which are Maj. T. M. Fnrlow !c B o., J. J. Hudson, ! Felder & Son, and Rev. Samuel Anthony: '■ The loss in buildings falls chiefly on J. B. A Stroll Over the Grounds. Little Darling” The Winner. Hanging in Brazil. A GHASTLY TRIUMPH OF SEMI-BARBARISM. A correspondent writes to tho Liverpool Albino us to how they formerly executed crim inals in Biazil. Tho writer says: Tho day the execution took place was one of great excite- raenlin the city. Political parties were fiercely in opposition. The elections were pending; the candidates, from their rostrums in the churches, wore addressing throngs of excited electors. Political leeling ran high, and in tho height of the excitement the sheen of the knife glittered over the Leads of the swaying multitudes; when tho city authorities, equal to tho occasion, out of the condemned stock of prisoners in hand, announced an ex ecution. A scene so sensational takes in tho j tropics as it would have done here years ago. IIYMEN1AL. Roaai CO.. Macon, Judge Boon, Jaa Stewart! A Magnificent Poultry ShOW. I ^£d^U°bJd JS a body of soldiery, followed by some priests. and C. W. Felder A Son. The loss of the lat ter is $34,000; insured for $18,000. The oth er sufferers are A. B. Swell, T. IL Tinsley, Estate of A. B. Addison, Charles E. Co«ker, John E. Sullivan, L. B. Frank.; in the remo val of goods: R. C. Black, Miss King, J. Greenwood, Granberry A Barlow, both Ma sonic Lodges in furniture, books, seals and jewelry; Mrs. Bachatian uni A. J. Parely. The Georgia Slate Fair. All the trains arriving this morniDg are crowded with lasaengers who are coining to witness tbe great State Feir. Many additional articles fur exhibition reached tbe city last nigb t and to-day. but events crowd upon us so rapidly that it is impossible to catch them tip and fashion tnem properly to fit the readers of your paper. A long line of distinguished men and women of _ , Georgia and other States are in the city to-day. NEW YORK. Among others, eminent members in attendance upon r j the Grand Lodge of the brothers of the “Mystic Tie," Mechanics Dismissed and Work Standing members of the State Grangers, veterans of tbo war Still. J with Mexico. PoroRKEKi^iK, October 28,1873. Extra trains Brick layers discharged. Carpenter work at a stand the railways, still; many carpenters discharged. Seme factories are running thre3-quarters llm?. Ten thousand hands employed at the print works at Woopingen’s Falls, Little Falls, Oohoes, Rochester, Pleasant Valley, New- burg, and H*veratraw, all of which were thrown out by the closing of tbe works by Garner k Co. New Yobk, October 28, 1873. Bankruptcy pro cot-dings have b the Union Trust Company. are running upon all and no doubt before the close of this r-port they will aid Ithonrands to tbe already large number in the city. OX TOE OaOTTXDS. This morning almost perfect order was observed in every department of each building. Exhibitors were ready, everything la position, and th8 display ac knowledged throughout as one of the best ever writ- instituted against ■ nessed in tbe South. Bat the writer hopes to be able • 1 to prepare an elaborate description to-day for the New York, October 28, 1873. j Herald of Thursday. The associated bank* have gone one million in l**nnl \ Thrilling Incident t the Fair Grounds, tenders to-day. Eighty-one thousand pounds sterling j Yesterday an incident occurred on the race track at in specie wero received at ihe assay rifles to day, j the Fair Grounds which few understood, and yet it Total, $1,028,000. ! was thrilling. It was a trotbng race for a pnrse of The Board ot Fore’ga Missions set apart the 3rd of j fioo. Four horses passed under the siring and in an December as a special day of intercession for missions, j j EB tant were upon their mettlo. The sub-Treasurer says applications for silver to-day j if we remember the name right, one of these was have been comparatively few. No unusual amount of i “Stonowall Jackson, driven by a pale and consanp- silver has boen received at tho sub-treasury recently. Tbo Board of Aldermen appropriated f 33,000 for Memphis, in answer to an appeal from the Memphis municipal amhorities. It is generally believed that Judge Davis will make a short charge to tbe jury in Stokes’ case, and that it will be given to the Jury beforo dark to-morrow. A large crowd was at the trial to-day, including ladies, tive locking young mau, who evidently had no more strength in bis body than a child. When coming out, tbe white flag below tbe stand was dashed down before his borse p issed it, He was then in a ful Igaiiop, and when ho passed the audience they all laughed and told him to “take that horse oat." lie turned to Cue crowd, raised his hat and remarked with a “I have lost control of him.*' So be had, but they all thought FORBES—CANNON—Married at the re^ideuce of the bride’s mother, at four o’clock on Tuesday evening, 23th October, by the Bev. Mr. Warren, pastor of tho First Biptist Church, Mr. WALTER T. FORBLS, former’y of LaGrang*, now of Sherman, Texas, to Miss LILLIAN CANNON, of this city. They left on the six o'clock, p. m., train, for Sher man, Texas, where the groom has been merchandizing for a short time, and informs us is doing well. Well may we compliment the happy bride in captur ing Mr. Forbes, for he is certainly a model young man, full of energy, Industry and enterprise; also, the people of Sherman, in having such citizens to settle in their midst, as ho is an ornament to any community. May tbe happy pair Jive a long and happy life of con tinued and unalloyed happiness, and all their c.res be small ones. Dry Goods LODIS ie SAOLLBS CO., COR. WHITEHALL A HUNTER STS. — bracing all the latest novelties, and particularly c*ll attemi >ti to the following class of Goods in whlcli great inducements will be offered: Amusements, mack Miks, I Fine Silk Velvets, DeGive’s Opera House. THREE NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING Monday, October 27. Cal Wagner’s Minstrels. J. H Under the Management of H AVEIlXiY. A largo number of talented Artists. USUAL PRICE LIST. Reserved seats now on sale at Phillips k Crew’s Book 8tore. oct23-lw DeGIVE’S OPERA HOUSE. and then the culprit with his arms pinioned and halter round his neck. He was a mau of color, as was also tho hangman who followed next. The procession moved past the churches and the noisy excited electors in creased in numbers at every turn till it thronged into tho op-n square of the Praca. The British steam frigates Ar dent and Growier were upon tho coast, and I with some ot their officers got into the upper room of a ship-store dealer which overlooked the square, upen tho opposite side of which, lacing the guard-house at the foot of the Rue d’Es- trelia, was erected the simple triangle which was to serve as a gallows, of about the height and form of those which support a swing- beat at an English canntry fair. One of its three legs firmed a ladder, up which the cuipnt cheered, and the top step being broad enough to form a seat, on this he sat with his back to the executioner who stood upon the steps below, and after fastening the end otthe rope to tho seat the culprit sat upon, and then either pushed him off or hud tho power of turning the upper 6eat, lor the criminal, filling forward, head first, turning over, and being brought up sharp by the rope, swung his shoulders on a level with the body of the executioner, who getting hold of the rope above the head of tho swinging form, lifted himself upon its shoulders, w ith his legs down upon the wretch’s breast, and then lilt ed himself once more, by means of his hands, to tho rope, allowed his wtigbt to cotne thus upon the shoulders of the mau; leaving go of the rope, with the man’s h*-ad between hUjDrei. knots, he then placed the palm of one hand ! Feraily Circle and G*i:ery over the mouth, and with the lingers of the j wii 8 fri!t*at; bd h * d al Pmll, I** k other pinched tightly the nose, so ns effectu ally to prevent all respiration. Camel H«ir Cloth, Cashmere Sail us, Rodin got e’s Cloths, Fluids for Children, Black Alpacas. TWO NIGHTS ONLY! I 'RIDA 4 and SATURDAY, Oct. 31, & Nov. 1. (ior sale at short profits at The world-renowned DAVENPORT BROTHERS, AND PAY’S SPA^TCPS, | ALSO ROBERT HARGOURT. SHAWLS! and (he oelebrated CALIFORNIA BLANKETS. LOUIS DeSATLLES <V CO., Corner Whitehall and Hunter sis. tueeAthur Dry Goods I ADMISSION: Circle and Parquet |l ..50 op ocl2G- Sat Specialties in colored and black Silks, Diamond, Diagonal and Double W.dth French Cashmeres, Neck Ribbons, and Sxeh Ribbons. Also, large line of Bach ing, just received at oci26-3t CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON k CO.'S. PATiENT TURBINE WATER WHEEL, GRAND BALL! t of Mr. BiiQce, residing on Amity ! this noon, seized Mrs. poared some liquid W AsarsGiON', October £9, j <j owa j, er throat, which rendered nor insensible, ran- SecreUrj Richardson's erder to Treasurer Spanner, j the house, took the ear-riog3 from the stupe- ihreoting tho payment of silver, is as follows: You v.iil l fled woiaan xrh^m they had tried to poison, and were please, on and after tbe rf dipt of this letter and until , lbmll dcp , r , wilh a trunk full ot plunder, when who remained during rr«H, nearly .11 having lunch j hlol j M|lngi thongh it aa earnc.t fact. The with j .cc .Tni tho aery little steed, though distanced, Three tuffians entered (he residence j full ^ wca , at , f(lU ^p. rassiDg again the Judges’ stand all continued to laugh, but wo no ticed that tho younqj man on tho gig was palo motionless, and scarcely able to hold the lines and bad no more control of tho horse than a tabo. When coming up the list stretch for the third time orderes Otherwise ordered, pay Ihs public creditors, should they desire itoa account of currency obligation, but not in exchange for currency, a sum not to exceed five doilarj, in any one payment, in silver coin. The Second Auditor's report say a the cflice is on the qul vivo for fraudulent claims. The Auditor is determined that prosecution shall follow every detec tion, whether for forgery or for withholding money by claim agents. Five hundred and twenty such cases were disposed cf during the current year, and $74,000 recovered, wherein $41,000 were in caeca of colored soldiers. Tho number of accounts adjusted, 4->jOOO; amrunt involved, $49,000,000. Wamoxotox, October 28,1873. The Secretary of the Navy lia* returned. There is a full Cabinet with tho exception of Delano. The German government has taken an additional three million of American five per cent, bonds, making in ail ten millions. her husband came home and the robbers fled. On Sunday evening Giles Taylor, John Don ahue, Thomas Maguire, Michael Capers, drank what they supposed cherry wine, but proved to ba lation for rheumatism. Taylor and Donahue died to-day, but it is supposed that Capers and Magnln will recover. were issued from tbe judges stand to stop him. Tho orders were more intended for the driver than tbe borsp, but when nearing the point the few persona allowed on the track sprang be fore him. The horse was finally seized by the bridle by an athletic negro who pinned him to tho ground and arrested him io hi* mad career. The young mau just had strength enough ta get out Seventeen ca*cs of books Lava been seized by the j of the gig. custom officers, for under valuation, and were con- j After the rain yesterday, this morning opened with demned to-day. ) Napoleon’s Aaatcrlitz sun upon the Park—not a cloud The $20,000 of jewelry and money seized by tho j j n t he zenith or horizon. The central city of Georgia, Spanish Consul from tho woman who accampinied ■ Macon, is filled with strangers, and in upon her best the Havana Bank robbers here, was to-day adjudged j behavior. rightly, held by tbe Consul. j Tbe first entrance made in tha Roman Hippodrome was like unto that of a circus company—a grand entre* for which no vromium had been offered. Of tho twenty horses entered, ten were from Cobb county. THE WEATHER. MISSOURI. Banks Resume Business— Arrangements lot ft Fight Between Allen uni Ben Hogan. St. Louis, October 28,1973. Aiitho bittks have resumed currency payments. No unusual ex ■.temoat. The deposits exceed the drafts. Arrangements for a fight between Tom Alien sad Bin Hogan, to come off to-day, are completed. Albert Pearce, of New Yor», and Warner J. Hicox, of Syracuse, wore arrested here yesterday ou a requi sition from tho Governor of Tennessee, charged with fraudulent breach of trusts. The arrest grew out of solton suits by Waddy Thompson, cf Memphis, and H cox agonia, who wore members of the i firm of Btrier k Co., In 1334, and who are charged ) with disposing of cotton consigned to tnem by i plaintiff at a great loss to him, for which he claims I d images. Oa account of the yellow fever at Mem- [ phis, defendants will not be taken there for trial. j The Contlnenlal lef* the wharf with insufficient steam and was blown to th9 Illinois shore where the officers and severs! others were arrested. The crowd on the Continental wa3 fifteen hundred of the rough est ever collected. Tho bu’k U still at the Esst St. Loaia where a deaperatr- row is apprehended beforo they disperse. Wa^iixgtox, October 28, 1873. Probabilities—For Wednesday in tbo Gulf and South ern States rising barometer with northwesterly winds and clear weather. For the Middle and Eastern States, southwest to northwest winds, cloudy and clearing weath .r. For Lake Erie, northerly winds increasing to brisk during Tuesday night and diminish’ng oa Wednes day. For the upper lakes, the Ohio Valley and the North west diminishing northwesterly winds, backing to West and Southwest, with partly cloudy and clearing weather. Cautionary signals continue at Buffalo, Erie, Cleve land, Toledo, Grand Haven, Chicago, Milwaukee, and ordered for Norfolk, Cape May, Rochester and Os wego. In the halls to-day c\cry thing is lu order, and j are agreed that it is the greatest exhibition ever se< in the South. Three more car loads of chickens arrived this mor ing. The lumber and gravel trains collided eleven miles this side of Columbus this morning. No casualties except a sprained arm of ono of the employees. A re-union of Gen. Thomas and Capt. Jacobs, of tho 4.3th Georgia, was witnessed by yo Local to-night. A re-union of Thomas’ brigade will be had to-morrow in this city. The “Two Year Old-*'* Take a Pali. Afternoon—The races, three year olds—first race for $150, best two in three; the winner to receive $100 and the second-best $50. Little Darling, driven by j J J Clay, won both heats, her time being 3:17, the dc- ENGLAND. feated drivers protesting her age. The second race was by two year olds, best two in throe, for $100. Loxdos, October 28,1873. Entries made were Juo Lottery, Jr, by dent occurred to tho Metropolitan Under-1 Pounds, Brown Hiwk, by Standard, and (jus Mayo 5 *, Time 3:11. Great Men—New Thoughts About Them. We alvT.ays think of great men as ?n the not of pel forming the deeds which give them re nown. or else in stately repose, grand, gloomy and majestic. And yet this is hardly fair, be cause even tbo most gorgeous and magnifi cent of human beings have to boiher them selves with the little things of life which en gage the attention of ns smaller people. No doubt Mokcs snuffed and got angry when he had a severe cold in his head; and if a fly bit bis leg while ho was sitting in the desert, why should we suppose he did not jump and use violent language and rub tbe soro place? And C.xsar, isn’t it tolerably certain he Used to be come lutious when he went up-stairs to get his slippers in the dark and lound thatCal- purnia had shoved them back under the bed so that ho had to sweep around wildly for them with the broom-handle? And when Solomon cracked his crazy bone, is it unreasonable to suppose tha he hopped round the room, and looked mad, and felt as if he wauted to cry? Imagine George Wash ington sitting on the edgo of tho bed putting on a clo m shirt, and growling at Martha be cause the buttons were off; or 6k Augustine with an apron around his neck, having bis hair cut; or Joan of Aic holding her front hair iu her mouth, as women do, while 6he fixed np her back hair; or Napoleon jumping out of bed in a frenzy to chase a mu^quito around the room with a pillow; or Martin Luther in his night shirt, trying to put the baby to sleep at 2 o’clock in tbe morning: or Thomas Jefferson getting suddenly over a Concordia for the purpose of raising snffu part the expenses incurred iu Hall, “CASTLE HALL.” TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. i lost. | lb« schooner Witch Wave, of Bitb, Ms. The Cate of the crew Is unknown. The Gettysburg, bound for Wilmiugtoi, with cox!, is ashore inside the breakers. A*fci*ti£C0 his been sent to her. , , . ^ of Albany, tbe catlilei- of ihe , >»»•’• “»»• Maion. attempted to .tab Kingtwell State Trewurr. m .otnmiitM to j«i! in default of | Toong MtloM was secured after deaperate re.i.!aoce ground Railroad in which threo parsons wera killed. Horno mercantile failures are announced. London, October 29, 1873. A Epeclal dispatch to the Daily Telegraph from Ver sailles says: A letter from Regnler to the Duks Aumal, for writing which, the arrest of the former is said to have been made; and ordered to St. Pulatus, that three questions, one of which he, Begnier, may be allowed to designate, shall be asked him on his examination before the Bazaine Court Martial. Begnier further informs the Duke that if his request is not grant* d Le will leave. Street rate one fourth below bauk rate of discount. PENNSYLVANIA. PHii~\DEL?aiA, October 54.1873. During the trial of Kingawell for the murder of M«- The citizens of Atlanta arc cordially invited to attend, aud assist tin m in the: enterprise, with tbo assurances i that every effort will be made to insure them a pieu6- : a aareesble evening. A fine Band has been eng*, WHEN you go to the State Fair at Macon, ask for ar.d look at the J T Case PAT ENT TURBINE WATER WHEEL, manufactured by the National Water Wheel Company, of Bristol. Conn., and exhibited by IL Find- 'ay’s Sons, agents at Macon. Th9 strongest, simplest \rd best Wheel In use, great- ; y superior to all otLe s vrii’u 1 iast gate, as it uses tho water m nnb r oken columns, with ’j. y*» cr fhll gat*, giviu; the* famenseinlt-ff'»ctlnprc- I portion to amount of water used. Fully guaranteed. ( anted .}, and strict order will | F a J^» bo enforced. Price of Tickets $2 00. Ft r sate by Phillips k Crew, Redwine k Fox. Bean Berry, V* cable A Collier, Pul- lum k Low, Theo. Schuman, II. O. Pope, Kimball House. go 20-mi u, wed A»un New .Advertisements. Special Masonic Notice. n^HERE will be a called meeting of Atlanta Lodge, X No. f9, P k A. M , to-morrow night, Thursday, at 7 o’clock, for the purpose of conferring the Third I wifi be stored Degree. All Masons in good standing are respectfully invited ! paid and goods removed to attend. By orcer of W. M. ocl29-lt C. fl. WOOTTEN, 8e Attention, Governor’s Guards. J^VERY member is expected to be at the Armory j A° n * or to-night iu full uniform, for drill, from 8 _ _ iock. No one must fail to attend, as allarraoge- fecce to avoid ft dog: or tbe Duke Ot Welling- ! meats for coin* to Macon wil be made then. Bring ton lying in bed with mumps; or Dauiel j sm* straps. By erder of tho Csptftin. Webster abusing Bis wife because she hadn’t tucked tbe covers in at the foot of the bed; or Benjamin Franklin paring his corns with a razor; or Jonathan Edwards at the dinner table wanting to sneeze just as he gets his mouth lull of hot beef; or Noah standing at a window at night throwing bricks u f . a eat.— f Mn.x AWcr. AOEINTS 1 all parts of the South. »nd f»ir comij.Micas Dercription ir. 1 price l:et, with references, free. Add ret * E. E. Cl ARK. Griffin, Ga., • oct2d-4t General Agt. for Southern States. Notice to Consignees, — ! 31 ESC HANTS sad Coastsaccs. whore shipments of freight have remained in the company’:? depot j three days or longer, are hereby notified that the same Wednesday next, unless charges are Thosa Interested are re spectfully invited to come forward and relieve thi? embarrassment, as warthousa loom is really neces sary to the dally work required, end ro accommodu - ED. A. WERNER, oct2G-3t Agent. ♦ Madison House. The ievocation of tho character of the Bos ton Grange oi the Patrons of Husbandry is byMiggle. Gas Mayes won both h?at?. Time 3:ll. justified by the Massachusetts Ploughman Brown Hawk was second best. I which claims that it made a clear statement A great crowd of people have arrived by tbo even- i of the purposes of the order more than two ing trains. Tc-morrow and Thursday will bo tho years ago, and that the objects of tho Boston the exhibition. Cobb county and Bibb will run a j tablisbed in that section, care be taken that close race for the $l,0X» premium. Both have done i they a^based upon^ membership that can splendidly. The '.Veallitr ami PitIt pocket*. There is a change in the weather. At eight o'clc .-k j this evening a cool wind w *e blowing. t An Atlanta lady was robbed last night on the Macon and Western railroad down train of a gold watch; the chain was cat, and the lady knew not of her loss till i her arrival here this morning. | Pickpockets and swindlers are a* numerous ! swarming and as busy. $15,000 bail. Tha prize fight excursion boat, Contioental, was | captured at St. Louis. None of the pugilisis wore j aboard. Jack Looney, one of the managers, was ar- * rested. Reports of cit'./.'ns fr&ai Bainbridge to -lay are no | favorable. FRANCE. j Gmtest confusion in court. Kingswell was acquitted. • ITALY. Literary Chit-Chat. I honestly claim a living interest in the agrienl- ! tural occupation, and it describes the repudi ated organization thus: “The Boston Grange was partially composed of a few respectable grain merchants, who were attracted to it with the legitimate purpose of facilitating the cause of cheap transportation, bat whose vocation certainly could not be strictly classed under the head of agriculture; and • bsss their inclinations iailed to lead them to ‘ work for tbe organization in a manner to se cure the result it proposed. Thus tho busi- ' ness was chaily begun at the w rong end from 2lone, October 38,1673. The order for the reorganization of the Italian arm; vas promulgated to-day. The strength cf the amv m s peace footing is fixed at 254,090 men. Car'et^ iS ( Bbor t lv to Usuo ..Bill Arp s j »Z, S , . reace Fapei . ... | ment be gathered into a reputable organiza- The History of the Second North German j tion, but whose interest in the cauao of agrl- iGnn rn k.. iUa . . .< . , . ,. . i people study astronomy. PaKI*, October 29, 1873. hi.*re, managing editor of the Rappel, was tried yesterday on tho charge of participating in the acts of | progressionists havo been successful in tho Common®, and acquitted. Tho government hag ! Tlu> xjberals have carried Malgtburg. piohibitfcd the circulation in France of tho Vienna I Free Press, because of its attacks on President Me- j CUBA. Mabon. HiViXi, Oc tobe r 28, 3673. • LTMLICO RACEJS. A telegram Lorn tho central department reports i encounter of Spanish troops with FniLioo, O^totxv z**, 19, ;. • t 3 under Sangullt. The fo**ni Asteroid colt won tbe mile race for two year olds- j p^oner* and some cattle. time, l.CG.q. Chickabiddy won the first; Bessie Lee : the second and third of toe two mile bests—iiaie,4,’05, l j, 4:0C L j. Bix started—Meradem won the first, Artist won tho second and third heats of consolation race — time, 1:57, 1:55, 1:66. Steeple chose-six started— Duffy led off and won tbe race si the four*h leap; Vic- ♦oi bolted Mta If ft flsld; Oeorg, W«t, after clear-!»<» N«v»a«. Sunpa Mutined and KVer»l other. fog. tho third; .tumbled .nd threw hi. rider | wore killed before tho subordination «■ roatored. alaffner, who immodi»tcdy remonnted,coming in third | Eugine'. vewcl is in bad condition, ot score. PRUSSIA. g C t 0 fr erj but he can’t hope to reach the an- ! misfortune to bo beset with wrong influences, ] r , . portative: while the man who gets on, we I anti as the result, men were ndmittcJ to the | Beblis, cx-iobor 2d, lSl.-B j ftre f 0 t.3, may cet honor, and, by possibility, I control of the grange who w ere as ninch in r r.l nlir.nB f o. II.* thn I. wO X • ( ..... .1 -1 i .i SPAIN. i Though Sliakspcaro posi(i>o!y dofli affirm it, And to dispute it may not be discreet, Yet I connot believe that which we call flour By any other name would smell as wheat. A sketch of the life of the painter Copley, j who was born in Boston in 1737, an«l went to j England permanently in 1771, lias been writ- band of insur- ten by Mr. Aug. T. l’erkimi. The book con- • rapture l two I lain^ a list of over 200 pictures, mostly por- i traits painted in this country, with minute descriptions of each, and will be published by Osgood & Co. Madhii* October 28 187* i Ladies in delicate health should go to Col- ! Ireport'd tint tho Cxruw'n. ln.urg.ot. 'arc de- I ->«Ml<>. The case of Airs. Prather, of Golden j •rali/.cd. Xiio leaders dlMgrec with Crews. Telnva C “y. sb °™ thc woudcrfal restorative t fleets ' of tho climate, blie could not even sweep | her room when they lived in Ohio, bat in leas jmpathy with it ns the thc-wselrea." Wash pok Funr Trees.—The benrfi- cial influence of a weak alkali wr.f.h upon the bark of fruit trees in of long-standing ac know lodgement, its action is in expansion of the pores, w hile at tho Fame time it i- destructive of a’l animal life, sporadic oi otherwise. Waters or theorists differ as t*: tho best time to apply it, but we have nlwnvs And now for the preparntto GEORGIA. Havavsah. Ovtober 28, 1873. ttm Circuit Court for tbo Bouthern District of Gcor. Las adjournod to tbe 17th of November, the Judges beteg detained in Ihe Northern circuit of At- u .:soU by a number of new cases, one of those of the -A fcfaly B«s4es* Marshal, charg'd with blsckmalllcg. FRANCE. Pakih, October 2>», I 8TJ. Delegations from sevnral depart rnantrf, whom Me- Mahon refused to rcrcire, ha1 an Interview with Thiers. Frequent met ting* of the Republicans are held. (Thn McMihcu Royellsts are causing great agita tion. with a pitchfork. A western editor complacently observes: “A persevering contributor to this journal, who properly writeB only on one side of his paper, has furnished material for the editor to write bis editorials on for the last six months—on tbe blank side of said paper, furnished postage prepaid. If economy be a virtue, we will certainly be bhssed.” that time it next year. ADAMS HOUSE, or*EIjIIIA, Alnloama. ! South Railroad street, over F. M. Dunbar. MRS. S. E. ADAMS & SON, PRQP’TRS, Formerly Proprietors Alabama Hons?. Mu Tortcr® at every Train to receive aud check bag- j gene. oc2d-tf MADISON, GEORGIA. rnmVELFES, invalids Slid families will find this or.9 1, of tho beet hotels in tt.e South. Porters at all the trains who will take care of baggage. Terms reasonable. P. B. WOODARD. MaigW ilf. CAMP HOUSE, WTTraiN ONE IR'NDRED YARDS OV l ASSEX- >T Bvrdcvot. Meals, 50c. 1 Lodging 50c. •T. F. CAMP, Proj vietor. sp4-tf Griff .Georgia TEN CSNT COLUMN. Advertisements of “ Wanted,” “For J Sale,** 44 To Kent,” ‘-Lost and Fomni,” ' Ac., will be inserted in tbls Column at Ten Cents a line, each Insertion. RUDD HOUSE Daiton ----- Georgia, J. K. Rl'DD & OK, ritinelcrj. FX^HIS House (formerly Georgia Hotel) is within ten X eteps of the Passenger Depot, and will * ive firat- claas accommodations in every respect. Board PerlDay • - * - $2 OO* Twenty Minutes lor Kupper. When yon arrive on the Car#, be rare to call for tbs Rudd House Porter; give him yoar checks; walk ove. and make yourself at heme. The Poiter will con vs your Baggage free of charge. cctl* WANTED. Lx ITUaTiGN—By a youuH maa.~ to do anything at ^ which he can earn his board. Address “Work,” this office. WjffTANTED—Agent* to tell one cl the most rapidly ff selling Books ever issued. A* t>ly to E. NEB - HUT. Madison. Ga. WANTED—An Boy; trill pay $2 50 or |f $3 02 per month, aud board and lodging. Must come well recommended, and can’t “go to meeting with his mother every night.” Apply nt 10 West Ba ker street WTET’ANTED—Two or three bushels of “scalybark” vY Hickory Nuts. A cood price will be paid. Ad dress or call on H. G., at Herald Office. h. rAuisa #. v&srn uu> PARKINS & ALLEN, and £ttgupt*Rd$nts, WTfTANTED—I would like to buy a pair or two of ff good Pigeons; would want Pigeons that ar© paired. G. T., Herald Otli'*. 1 WANT to boy a (toed COW with » yoong coif; will 1 not pay a fancy price. J. A. ANDER80N, ™ MU Office. furnish Plans an l f i erifications for CHURCHES. BANKS. STORE BUILDINOS. “ AND DWELLINGS LOST. ! / \N the 24th inet., between John Ryan's store, on j ^ f Whitehall street, acd the corner of Gilmer and ' Ivy, a gold Badge. It Lad tbo name Mu-tba Washmg- | ton inscribed ou the ffleo of It. Tbe finder will be Suitably rewarded by leaving tbe same nt thts^offlee^ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. OFFICE, Comer of Pryor aud Peoasur Street* op posit© the Kimball House docS-dAwly. FOR SALE. S C II E U LTIaE. 1 TOR KALI:-A good lot of second-hand Furniture. Eold on account of giving up house keeping. I Gocd assortment. Will bo sold cncap. X , core oi j Herald. Atlanta Rictimond Air-Line Railway, A NUMBER of pure-blooded l’riucc Albert Boik- \ shSe HOGS; several Sows; one cf them with nv«> Pigs. Apply to 11. A A , ll**rald Office. DAILY J‘.V8br.NGKR. UUVX. AK8JVK. •MtaaU * x !it<psi j d j mu br nm»tn~i /\ with board at reduced rati s, at Mrs. l’ishor’s, | No. 13 Mitchell street. ocl24 N. C. B. XI. J motion 8:24 r m 7:43 a m A C COM MODATION PASSENGER. N IRISH LADY at No. *2 Decatur street, is .A preiiared to iurnlsh Board fora limited number of cash paying boarders. Apply at No. ST Decatur street. Atlanta. Ga. oci34-lw ^ uure. .VRB1VK AtluU ... SMxx G*»am ta«A» N. C. K. B. Jouctloti <*tl FD LL line uf all grades ol Caipeting at the Carpet Store or CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON k CO. Piicca low | or lower than the lowest, uad tbe quality guuanlcad 0 ' represented. Corner Whitehall and F/unter streets. ^ rictt.i< rail anfl examuie. rcitt 31 i . Strayed or Stolen TNfioM th© subscriber, a RE1' SORREL MAKE. J/ sbont rix years ohlUaVont 15S hands high, one ; fore foot white and two bind legs white, with a blaze in the face. Any tntormaUou concerning her will be j suitably rewarded. . J. DC/.'EB. Pontur, Ga. | oet2^iU