The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, October 31, 1873, Image 1

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A TIE DULY HERALD. VOL. 11-NO. <>!>. ATLANTA, GA.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1873. WHOLE NO. 363 TH E YK TKR4XS D3 MESTIC NEWS. GEORGIA STATE FAIR 1873 FUNERAL' NOTICE. NEW YORK. Meeting of the Mexican War Veterans. i ^qJ Day is lifcuiArks on th* Osca^on ol tho Kan’oaoo ci Stokes—Theodore Tilt an , ? Expelled —More Suspensions. T1*L«;SUi4 TO TWI4 t „„ , n l NewYoiu:, October 30. IM-J. Macox, Ga., Oetooci JO, ltfio. i ...... ... , . * . | e>.>x.»a* verd.-Is was luinslaughter in Ih© third de- A <k»66-Ung Of the Mexican wtt TCteracs took j Ji;s#*nt2nej IS four years bird labor. Juigr- [ idee a4 (he Brown House «* 10 o'elonk a- w. • | C rendering his verdict: Mr«. Well?, being tho fit two exli ties appear particularly haiidscxue. The ombroMory of Mis© L. Lockett and the pin • t ashion and machine caae of Mrs. K. M. PattersoH | Toe friends and acquaintances of Rev. V». H. Hunt seem to be mo3t admired cf the individual articles In i * Dd family, and Mrs. Eva 8. Campbell, are Invited to GEORGIA REAL ESTATE thia departmont. • At right angles to thia wali appears theexcellent and j elaborate display of Mr*. Anderson’s jellies, preserves, | eta, probably iho largest on the ground. Upon the ; right are placed other handsome displays of this char* acicr by Messrs. Bacon, Gresham A Butts, exhibitions of Bread etc.; an exquisitely beautiful table ornament composed of fruits and flowers by Mies Anna Bulkley, of Kacon, and a handacxna display of confectionaries | by Mr. Rogers, of th© same place. „ Here, too, are the productions of Macon’s looms, WW "’ 'o'* * . 1 Court can diminish the sentence from the highest; } which bore off a prteo at the last Cincinnati exhibition. u^«40ol&W. WytesBawcUry.ol *»«« j br „*.,*,* to Five TllOUSUntl PerSOllS Oil’ A GRAND The Fourth Bay. attend tho funeral of Dr. J. T. Campbell, at 8t. Phil* | lips Church, this (Friday) evening at J o’c’ock. oetSMt Immigration Company. . -A. inusements.i tO-4*y. “Stokss, ths jury hare exhaustec, and mjre than Ool. D. S. JoistoWn was aj.pomtet! chair-1 .rt.M-.ed, »U mwe, to you, caw. s, . r p«l to this temfmatj orsaruiatioo. • penalty a 1 you are ©oaneeied, and that is too light ud apparent* the Grounds. About tweety-fitro members wem jm scut-*, j iy 4rt& ^ compared with the great crime you have io»ge additional Dumber enrolled. j committed.” Slukeswas «,unrounded and embraced A coffimiUee waa Appointed to draft re®<>hi* i **7 male relations. ai _ j . . . . |. Theodore Tiltoa has been expelled from Tlymonth , IM-forpermaacatorganl^Uon. ; ch«<* for nfutog to U«Uy t. th. B«cb.r to»a.!. ; „ , 1 Boapenaiona—WilUamaoo, Schmidt a co.,produce:Fire Bales ol Cotton to an i exporter#, and Iloyt, Bprsgue A Co. Hoyt, Bpra*ve k Co. do not deny their failure, but ’ i decline to give a statement about their condition, j The failure of lloyt, Sprague A Co. caused a heavy decline in values aa stock exchange, and a depression DeGives Opera House. Th.reo Only. Hate the sale of Real Instate in Georgia, and la sncc-Uf- ayc immigration thereto,” tho undersigned prcfcao to firry out the purposes of tbs graui by pr*9CSb££ -o the public prizes in the form of real estate b<<a town or country, to be drawn for ra t*> - ^emt Meeting adjourned to Ti o'clock i . m. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Acre. ‘fha valLoad shape fit Utettard, Conaect'-cu 4 , have |ooW4,. c n |rf fn<1 limn... ILwow •EbeL'W'rrU>, Kjntxi \v. i’h:!. j jf^rioo^y gnir.j. 0 nh»« rKeiv.l.. ch^k bj thU wtod! ; I H 0 op'rllCU llUlNI lWM iS. p«rt, itAai. I ^hlch CM only b, looked upon * public c*?MEily ! Bevy CrasU «»1 dear vtMWav s< Uttia Borf;. kr- j i r . cb. pre«ent condition cf .Cau-c kanna, »llay tbo f«-»r ^port»n»liiaf. ■ Tb« f«inrc of tb« Bank of >:»^;and h.e enuatd tb. CtfttHa Do'idbwty. tJurf pcr.todi js ct-rk at Wu- j D’reclors to .ivaneo tUoir r.t« cf dl.connt to- mingtoa. fci9 teei biUrt foe t&/M for « H.eno j cnnied » dcclin. h«r. in both gold MISCARRIED DISPATCH. MW* t.o-day tn Mabtgomery The hcarteat frast cf the « a»a«. Tbe?e ar^ s few c»ld cases, two of wbi^h are aerioca. Di-vLfi, K. V , sdbvalsg the gra&i jivry, di- •vcteU them to investigate ta complaint« against lottery and policy dcateee. It is aeeartainod that six y-V x t t-y ih» bn'.Kaj of (ha For rati do F,i CateUrD. tfpacie increjHfd tn Bu^*k of Fraoce j>,&$0,0;j* franca, advices from B:-*gia ^bo*v falling <-ror^>. i Uni ice ioefttebte. ^ The Rasprtk »■ i.i‘ u.ssr^ii} Is aiat naice.'r *i k. The text spaa of the great bridge, at I -* Kite, OnU. rlo, wa* piace-i to-da^’. Thte complete* the atiuoiure. Advioea from the south west indicate abatement cf 9View fever. Weather cod, with fred. 9b. hi. Lloyd A Co., bantam, *u*pr»de»l, in ceute* <gwoee of thcsvi^peailnn of TAeyJ, Hvoii.trn A Go., of Stew S« t- Tho D€^po who kiiied * tv-svltr io Lf« cdlott field, sea Cairo, was puraurU t « tv rCrer, wbv* fHx r*^ro •leownefl tvtnvaHf. - WASUIXGTOS. WsfiSZhOTGa. Coteber b-J, Jbe iVcaSdent has iceapfid fin 1ariialioa t < ii* the corner atone of the New York Mureuxu. fltvllle, chief clerk of the Treasury, £>.* Id 2*ur. pe ou bueinesss conneded with the syndicate. Secretary Bichardaou says if the forthcoming debt amftmnent does not show ever *%0QQ.h*f> tre raao be ’.vift n*it *y* fliappointed. • GEOatilU sava' jcaii, October JJ, jue R>xi uvry rv.xart a bows Eavaanah to b» more hoaieby tLxa at any previous season, then; being only < «>»teea deaths this week from sii causes. Brporte from Bjiabridge state that there aro tiro new case#. Riinbvldje is 2.T2 miles so*UVrest of ?avar.nati. and foreign exekats^a; no ehanga in the monetary , situation, cai! loans still being done at 7 per cent, to one-thirty second. Associated, banks to-day gained j 78J.OOO legal tenders. Fair actlrii j in railioad bonds at lower prices. Sleek market opened steady, but soon beams weak and coutlnued to decline unti’ the one o’clocY beard, wkea an upward reaction art In. The decline jangeJ from 2 to 4 per csr.t. through- cat the livt. and Iks recovery to 2 o'clock I F tol.V per eer.t. Binoe then tts ms»ket bss weakened again. Lloyd, Hamilton A Ca. U%: .u per ded. !bey fcavr J a lar^s interest in Panr.sylvania. The suit cf Win. K. Britton against Bsi j. k'. Butler ' to recover I1D.030 out cf ivro dtafU soiled by Genera! j Butler ic 16t2, while L« wu Military Governor of New J Orleans, c o in the felted t tales Circuit Court to-day. Generali Butler was present sod atlvised the Tnited States ' riofcBrcre, Tcscher* nhd Principals of imdi- taiioiisof LcarnicG Invited to Attend the Pair, with thci-e under their charge, tree - The Fair to he Continnetl till uc xt Wt-Jnes- dav. ! terpance, etc, mads by the ladies of Bibb. A remark able feature of this exhibition is a large cheeso made by Mrs. Martha Bowmao, which is entitled to notice j aa bring tho only sue cn exhibition that we have j seen. TSE COBB COtJXn DWFUI. Next in order came the exhibition ot Cobb county, I wkich is well classidedand whose various departments are superintended by uier. well qualified for their pc- • slUons. First comes their finest display under tho supervis ion cf Mr. Harden. This gentleman is the proprietor ! of * h»rge uaraary garden iu his county, is a most ! courteous individual, and if wo judge his skill by his j exhibition, is in his line unsurpassed in the Rate. | One of the priuclpal fea»nrea o? his I display is an exhibition of jellies, preserve#, etc, by Miss Harden, an accomplished housekeeper of tbir- ; teen years. There is a pear shown here which w< iglte 12VT roi*a^*» njsuy excellett fruit trees. The : committee data that tb«Ir wine aiul traudy was er- j celled. : — TWO NICHTS ONLY! ! It«toWc:oi« lie rjliibUcd>j iLt an.Ui J:. M. j TIIIDAY and SATURDAY", Oct. 31, Nov. 1.'I. This is „xoci,l’y Pxcelient ia its s-re.t po^ , tito-e. turnip., cnii-'n., (ro.prct ,11 bnt fmelj},! mclita Oonuuencing t Wednesday, November 5th, 1873, i in, “'“ry.»:». The Violets of the American Stage—The Parties desiring cf selling Ilea; ilaule x\s , OHAPMATJ8I8TER8 jeddreastho Company, describing the p: • —, . I Supported by a powerful Rurloaque and j the price they are willing to tale Iherefo--. j Corafo Opera Company, WEDNESDAY EVENING. -. v , , , j NOV. 5th, will bo presented the Chapman fcbstera’ ! The xo.l^wjig extract from the av t\T,. ei;»» : i j Burlesque Extravaganza enliUed j plaa and pumoaes of the Companr: jL I T T L E D ©_M r O lOVANNI.i ...u.x^mn d^nunlo «a„ 4!c „,, , UKR3LI.B AND THE (TONE STATUE. i 01 ,bt!r * slat< “>* ™ 1J -' ^=4 The Burlesque will be replete with new specialties, i Lottery, or otherwise, shall Ik fort doing tc F.y s- operatic selection#, songs and dancpe, banjo solos, ‘ . _ • * • -• •• • ■ *! cribe eame as to the number cl acr-.a, 1 th*! French j the number of feet, its bounde-iir* il Rest* j improvements and county _ and danci duets, trios, skatin^, etc., etc. Denham’s Burlesque Bell King*) s » Treupe of Clodocho Dancers. General Admission 73:; Gallery S9c; R>8 RESERVED MEATS for Boek Bto-e. oct81-dlw i if a zzif ’M chacavt t ;< th*^ located, <j ;i cat. j be fully identified; sbati then place* a j therton, which valoatloQ shall be certified t: ty two j diainteissted citi,»ni cf the county or n-r’g' ,eri » d DeGIVE’S 0PER1 HOUSE. lather J ts of thin MASSACHUSETTS. FaJX.3 Octeber i>), Ii?<>. A mcriing of icpr^eHiUviivea Horn tho dlflerent cotton maanfariuring corporationi of the city, was hekl at the Board of Trade rooms laet evening, for Ihe purpose of con si dering tho question of reducing the worklBf time in tho mills. The various mills were represented- After hearing reports from different • stablifihmen*.#, and discmulon on the subject, it was voted that, on and after Tuesday, Ncvenabar the fourth. to run ifiilhsrft on half llmo four days of each weak, and eight hour a a day. All of the mills, thirty-nine in number, came into the arrasjement, except Mechanic cr Border City, which La-vo contracts for the month oi Notfenfeer, and the.Bokoson A Fall Elver Print Works MUM. These mills employ fourteen thousand opera- livoa, and wb?n In full operation, their roH* tn-onot to abo*.l*. f 431.000 doUacs. ■ Are under the ebarge of Mr. E. T. P*y:;e, make a I’i-MJ ae CuilitlCHj U.i«W,do«- U, gerill01r ihin mv o:b--r tn IU i-toao?,. Hi. r ^ Jn ,„ «•»>»* “W.« ««J. W»»w. Avt .h 6UMO a ^ 0?g r . )ot , Md encacxer. .re itmuk.blj up for bear*sg before Ta«ige 3S oouiufi , p® 0 j.le his preceded its. An aiabomto and complete 1 r00l ^ H.J.. rq-.n.t r-™,^ ri.n.r.' , d , Kr jp(; on r f (J,, n rou n J. lilting l-I'ft.uV tppc.tcd ' * THE K01IF. ISBCITW LLI iSl M::7T ... . „ : Inthe<»!m» a .oflinHK!UED,iU. liotnew in p!«<> i ahott. wa,fln«ballnr,iexnoJtant l«d, . lr.ndwms Attorney whadefanis the ...ton on beh.lf of Iho . , 0 ilt ^,.,,,,,0 , 0 oUltr , b?0 , h , .rlrtu,:, .l,d the ,r- 1M0 i me n, o' femrl. hind',irk aoternnient. The conoMl for Mr. Brition .feted lh»i „ , 0 ^ hiMUi „. I „ ’ , P (, “ i “ en ’ ^ l * J ' ! in ISC-.' . rein be.,to- two dnftn dr.wn by »h. fi.m of I XT,7b”udton w. ecu,, to i. u. ! lh * a»o««tori» of thl. county rroduced which Britten ... . pirtoer. doing bn.ine., ini ' ^ ® ”1. “* T hi’l , «». Ur .pecito.a. ot .U«tto g ., whirh. with y.rn., I *<». «• «r»ted while .llwapting io crce. j taUriBg , h9 8p5B . dterU, ^ " 0W,# * k * d ^ W ' W i fre ”= tb * »»»> linM ta Sow Orie.hi. Th. dmfte ».t. ! of tw(nly bagg ; eI „ a tw , B „ cut-in. entered by | ,heB b “ l Omet^ Batter compelled Ml’Js, j Me(vt . Collin. & Little, of Macon; though not mana- |Jav»on A Co., who were the ,-ente Iu | facturo^by thein^Ivee, still of the finest mahe of the [ Vtw Orteau. l;-r Britton A Co., to icdorae j Northern State.. Two of llie«e buggiee end one of ; them etd .then got them ce«hed. H, claim, that ,j 0 , c t a,riegr. were made eaMdally for tbi. i Britton wa. not an enemy ot the rolled Stale. Got- Flll . lh , y , pp(iri , 0f4r a , human shill j eminent and that bit property could not, therefore, i iml Lam4B integnly can go, to be j be confismicd Ijt eu a^ent of that forrin'rt The perfect. One is whet 1. called a circular hack top, and i tte” i3 s ' “ 03 trial- , another without top bugsy. Beeutiei in themselves, Gen. Butler teebned that he eei/.ed Ute a* , they are only overshadowed by the magnificent phte- i Be’oel properrr.end that ho made the proper return of | , on et an ding near and alongaide. They alto hava ex- the facte of the seizure to tho Government through ■ ion-tops and victoria, .altogether to far as dleplay the Troeoat M.rshal. The Ganerale of the Depart-1 eoeBi , t j eMt the baudsom-.! ou exhibition in thi. de- : j ncent had devoted the amount, obtained on the draft. 1 pa-lment. ' for public purpoto., ruch as feeding the rick in New j 0n t!llJ uft Ucd side of thi. hall we i Orleans, strengthning the river fortifications and ^ ^ several handsome buggies aud one i defraying the expense, of hi. secret service furor, curriug,, entered by Vm. Woourua', of! | The c«e wa, heard by Judge Woodruff, without a sucon. of Griffin, and of world-renowned fame a. a | h „ thi , aispUy , )arRe coUectioa ot Maale ,, builder cf pleasure vehicle#. i kames, etc. Especially praissworthy is an elegant set On t*ue rear of Jtbeso we find a ^plendkl exhibition i of Ur: , <B8 ma3# by IIansel Williams, a young man ot io of the hanlflomest | jury, and he U ta decide on the law points involved. A dispatch from Pittsburg, Peon., says the blast t IKS FIS* Afils’ DrrAHTMKNr, Under the management o! J. 8. Nichols, meagre,#a.l is decided!y oue of the weal: i»o! exhibition. vice coc-sxr t:-.piAY. The display of Tike county is pretty fair, but so confused is its arrangements that it is difficult to describe. Conceive a very fair display of female handicraft, a tolerable 'collectson of paintings, some fine harness, a few quilts, ct:., soiuo good samples of field crop*, an 1 you hive a very f»ir Uea of this county’* exhibitions. I T &TA1KS. Up stairs Bibb ha-, somo hand«ouie hpeciincus of ! wood aud iron work, a large and excellent display of j field crops and specimens of blacksmithing and car- ’ penieri’ work on exhibition. Mr. Bunch, of Macon, j W. J. lU.iek; New Orb in which the ’j-i la V . a led, and when these yesr.-*:- os are cor. wr.U and th* property i -r **1? or k*tteiy by the said taoJ agency. Tu-; party t partivs having tbe control of said land and i raeiits shall b-Iivl theuisclv^s la a gcxnl %&1 . ’dl- W-* bo>i t j »U laud agents, ot their rjceesaor* ‘.5 tv:- -ahd tiSo theiet^ to whc<eT<.r may be the iir;r :r bat no obligation uaht givea to R-aid partita «lpui be o; any force ct i,-rt f. r a longer period thia aix m'NUt-L nalcss the vlnatten affixed to tire property shall b! rlthia ti^c aaid term of six months from the dale cf «l>& whenever the said Lind Ageata or their tender to the owner or coctroOr thereof, ir. Ute Ta’uatioa agreed opo* for said property = >» , Laww, ISCd,pag*- 70, for fall act. SI conro*\ro*b: ! WfiL SCHLEY, Savannah. L. 11. WALLACE, Vjyj, j ROUT. bCHLEY, Augusta, J. D WADDELL,Mark-::*. ' 1 > ~ 1 ! J AS. GARDNER, Augusta. H. L. WILSON, Alias*. IS ©W A.dvertiscments. ! ***** deli ng to dispose ru real eatite sr>>r .- : plan will address The world-reaow on the .talk and wheat. Of thfe fetter 2! hart- j D \V ENPORT BROTHERS !««*.»« fx.'W >1. have hern railed to the acie,ar.d of corn aa high 1 - * VI11 ” I,F * fillJIin, a* 1C4 buihels. Rico and Weal ludia sugar cax e : exhfljlteil, are remarkable productions for to h?ph a latitrul#. '.ailden Ftonrci#. AND FAV’«I SEAINTCKS, ALST ROBERT HARCOURTs ADMISSION: Brass Circis and Tarquat Family Circle and Gallery Reserved seats, sold, to be bad at I’hillSps . oct2$- sun .wed.friASat MASONIC NOTICE. - I JAMES GARDNER. will meet at the Lodge Room this (Friday) eve ning, at iy A o’clock, fo- the ptirno#? oi attend-ug the funeral cf our late B !*er, J. T. Campbell. oct 31-11 SPECIAL. • « , | * i ut uaritcsK liisd* vj j furnaces cf Merohe&d A Co., on Monongaba.a river, 0 j |j ie p^son Factory in the shspo of a perfectly ; on j y j<, .£.. lC ^ ara , ; have suspended; and raid suspension fort shadows ; mtfla i Ittle buggy. It is not too extravagant, the as- j Mlj We eTer nxf the closing up of the remainder of such furnaces in ; g^jtion that in the way of Georgia home products, this city ar.d the Monocgahala and 8heuando valley. , tbi* may not win a premium, but it does more, it dc- There are eight of these furnaces, employing about ten it—deservos it for the reason that it was first au article of excellence, and second, one of virtue. thousand men. Donaldson. Ike airenaut, made an ?5cer.tfrom New- j ark yeaterday in the balloon Magenta. The ballcon j came down in Brooklyn on the Central A Jamacia rail- , road on Long Island. The basket was dashod violently ' wound on hiejr ing train. Tire balloon nearly struck a pass THE COTOON CIS:*. Daniel Trait has only one gin on the ground#, and like all others are imita*.or3 of Whitney—the father, the inventor of them all. This Factory has now abso lute ly more orders than it can fill. W© also find upon the floor the American Needle j dono Gin, with Condenser—entered by Wilson k Co , of j some COBB COCN1Y Has here some specimens of leather, a little woed work, a few pictures and some spt< i hits of hand ! wearing. The entire exhibition of CL.VYION COUNTY I# placed here. Thia county does not make a display as cither Bibb or Cobb, but in real, mb. btantial articles is not much behind them. They ha7e some excellent specimens of ladies' work, all hanl, come homemade caipets and owmeudablfl picture frames done Honti.omkby, October Hj, ISTd. , General P-seenger Agent Atlanta A us and AJIanbc .'c Texas Short Lines, nag j aided today. Be lli points West of Selma. S. D. HUBBARD, i’l. Ticket Agt- Western R. 1*. of Alabaia. PENNSYLVANIA. Tuiiodllphia, October • «, The cewspapar Age is advertised for sale. Mwgan. Young, Altemus k Co., dry good Atlanta, adopted for the purpose it is named, j entirely by hand. Their display of field and The inventor cliima that it makes a better sample and garden crops is very goed indeed. It s/ems io be docs mere work (ban any other similar invention. j the general opinion that the premium will lij between P. C. ^Sawyer tnteis Lis peerless cotton gin, the ; Bibb and Cobb, i Eclipse. W hen we passed it was in full operation j Garden couaty has lately ailed its epa.i in this ball THE WEATHER. lhl> P * J i oenued Liabilities «G0d Crt). They will °be able to I and ih * rMult scemed » U tUfct tbe r CoU,d rrlsh * l ' h 1 raiber into the particolars of oflice ’ , „ 73 t'o (to mute on Ihe (tetter. The home told *3,. ; 11 “ 8»W !«*•»* »»>* . »*“*'* « >» neveswiy to enter, „ they would j ^ITUATIOX-, ’ ;. .. Isaac T. Hurd k Co., of Augusta, have upon this , be but a petty rehcra»l of what has been already de- h"? hc ^ floor GoodUtl's Light Wiug Draft Magnolia Gin made gcribsd. it Amitt City, Lou‘eiana. 8. Z. Hall, of bing Sing, New York, enters They have, however, *ome pretty fair tobacco and - j some knotty looking cigars, said to have been raise, old lady of the county. 009,000 annually. Wm. M. Lloyd, a banker of Allsutovn, appended. fbe pru4xU»liiti#s for Friday iu the Uuli Htatts are ; Lloyd bas a halt do/.en efticers tbrovghont tbe Stale, j ** r that there will be •oatUeaatariy wind#, veering to the i A meeting of the stockholders of tbe California and * /' , 0 , Dg °‘ . . , . _ ,«».•. , , , u«vlh and northeast, with lower temperature aud | Texas Railroad Construction Company have just unaxs j v °* on » in » ^P* 1 n en e * ' an IUA e ^ .-tonfi/ weuUier. Bor ttto South Atouitie St^ee, Muth- imor,.’y »dopled • rejolntion {(roTiiltn* for tbe ,xle cl tasteflf wlnde, wUh partly cloudy and hazy weather, the company’s bond#, first mortgage, et l?o» tbe Middle States, south and aoutheaet winds and . company’s own shareholders at low rates to secure j c . , .teod» Wtothto. P0«u,ty with rxto. for tie Sew ' the proper remptettol of the Texx. ud Pxc : ft- red. , ; mxguiaceut dte^xy which h, KBftead States, eas’.eriy winds and threatening and j Colonel Thoe. A. Scott presided at the meeting, rainy vsatber.|For the lower lakes, winds veer to the [ For the part ten days there have been rumor# of northwest, with cloud#and enow. Oq the west hand side of tbi# hall, we And a little ■ Tho oft’ering of the pren t0 lhe i stationary engine, called "W. A. Huff,” and j display has been of infinit- ■manufactured throughout by a fifteen year i State, but to its exhibition < S. S Heckle made thia in after bouis, that U alter tbe bell | grounds, had rang fer him to go home. But at home this J It will b f.v ,8. . P ptotek. u™ >»«>»—»*—• »•«»•!!?*" winds and i RaUrcad received rezteas, rising barometer, with westerly winds and! Railroad Company, and tJ-iay a report waa . wor fiP 00 ra an w is an . eoM and clearing weather. CaoUonary signals cvnllou* at G#vre^k* Krte, Gtewstend, Toledo, Detroit, Aipeora,. and aee ordered for Grand Haven, Chi- *,*« KBrwnerte. sad Marquette. — ■ ! generally are acting iu eatire accord and l •rmony, . .. , ~ 0 r*X*K i ud h»v. b».» J.Vc* to without an, Intenupt. .n wh.t «e And the xrticte. of B. l.ndte, . Sow. 1. Craig’s Horse Power, of wsrld renowned fame. ***««._ t*UW,-{**11', ctoettn, of ihtdtjL-onacil tola t.m. tb«tot>J«ct | 4- *clir« Cottoa .ud ...» b, hxwd. Vlasre waa 4o# and troat here thw morning j rftgard to the In realisation cf the ad^oants of the j w ** €r » °* « or,|t j Bo oew esset of ye^lrr fever. Oaa leath l * day. | Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company waa iL^.. ri Tbe clck ors doing well, and the stores have re- nitety postponed. This ends the ab ject which ha iifOnsd. Maov country propt- are eg»tn to n »*-n j been hanging firs for nine mouths, on fh« j a common Council X.*. Doobty presented rs#« t at a recent meeting of j Kennedy h»d insiaueted ! tokeowleds-d tellur j here la of the best. RHODE ISLAND. Fa jvmEsct, CK ober t;*!-; lutlons setting forth that at {tbe railroad company that there bad been an attempt to blackmail the c:m- pany, and a-k«d for the Committee ef Investigation, * 41 «*do.loou <hrf 4. 4. W. 8pi»siif. In tht, elty. I whVi ws , , f „,i *o «to» waited to-4»y, cotwttkrtxodlcs the fttlure cf — toe Sew Tofk Heme. Cpos .ppllcxtiou uk tto office of I * IN'DIAN'A. u6p»gw. toe iDtomtotles U luruitoed thxt I I f r.rn Mill. 3. Donaldson’# Cotton aud Grain Plauter. 6. Ornamental and plain chair#, caetirga n 1 for law ns, private and public gardens. The display of ruachluea and machinery is th-- i upou the grounds, lint whs ail t One of tbe rnoet iutejeallng attractions nren th« grounds it that or the miniatnie engine and train. * made by Master Willie Northern, of Atlanta. It con sists of an engine, four feet in length, tender, ex press, baggage, freight, passenger and pleasure cars, j Harding, beating Jim Hint aud , All are complete in their every detail, and exhibits in j second; time rt.4«- and 3:S> the Committee of Investigation into the affairs of the | Eictuc»i>. October S»L—A tight firm of A. k W. Sprague Manufacturing Company, ap-! a eix-pound cannon is progTeaalog tn this county over j the youth that a master hand has been st work. ytsinlsC by the representatives of the city banks, will j the location of th** county seat and pos.e«»ion cf the Master Northern has stlao a newly invented twitch bs;prepsasl at the meeting to be held to-morrow j county records. Eoorslaf to m»ks their report, which It is thought will be highly satisfactory to tbs creditors of A. k W. ; was offered lor th© best result in cotton on a: ■ acre. Mr. J. C. Warthen, a gentlcmau of unimpeach : able Integrity and- ths attempt at five acres, sad ha ; succeeded. He came tn Iasi night with teatimon that none dare gainsay or deny. Besides LU own affi t’arit, which those who know him would not heeitat to belivve, he is armed with the written and verbi ot ocUon. L?t no on© laugh thi© to acorn. It h; beeu dons, beyond all question. The entire coet < manure and labor waa |Ht and he ha* %c acre i laud rich for years. 'Iho*. G. Bi«o t »'3 Browu hoi*#©, Frank liampt.i won mile heat race, beatiog a field of four. Mariposa leion^lngto Gen. Harding, eecond; time 1:4SS an 1 :lfi. Iu the two mile race, Moselle, belonging to Gel Hinton and two otbera Hintoi Hotly contested and H. A. A. TEN CENT COLUMN. Advertisements of “Wanted,” “For S*le,” “To Rent,” “Lost ami Found,** | &c., will be inserted in tills Coin in u at Ten Cents a line, eatli Insertion. WANTED. fT^WO or tbre© rooms, or part of a house, with a 1 respectable private family, bv two ladies, (moth er aud daughter.) Address “IRVING,” Hfjuld office. octSO-lt. Lrt ITUAT10N—By a yotuig zuan, *o do anything at i to which he can earn his board. Address “Work/* ; this office. ■^iiFANrED—Agents to s**U one of the most rapidly ! ▼▼ selling Books ovor issued. A; t>ly to E. NEB- ; HUT. Madison, Ga. MMTANTED—An Errand^Joy; will pay 12 6o or [ ; If f 3 03 per mouth, and board and lodging. Must: | come well recommended, and can’t “go to meeting i with hi* mother evert uiaht.” Apply at 10 West Ba ker street. ! MJKTANTED-—Two or three bushels of “scaiytwrk'* i ▼ ▼ Hickory Nuts. A goodpri:*© will be paid. Ad-i drees or call ou II. G , at Herald Office. i \MTANTED—I would like to buy a pair or two of I I* good Pigeon*; would want Pigeons that are i paired. Q. T., Hc-raid Office. ! LOST. d \N the tli inst., between John Ryan’# store, on 1 j Whitehall rtreeL and the comer of Gilmer and I 1 Ivy, a goid Badge. It bad the name Martha Washing* j ton inscribed on the face cf it. The linder will be i ! suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office. ! j Vf. A. 8. { FOR SALE. 1 “ " 1 liV^R SaLK—A good lot of second han d l umiturs. ♦ 1 X 1 m.dd on account of giving up ht-usr-keeping. , Good asset Uncut. Wlii b© sold ebesp. X . csre of I { Herald. A NUMBER of pure - blooded Prince Albert l^nk- ; »hiro HOGS; sov.'ial Sow#; o»e of them with I n*e Pigs. Apply to R. A. A-, Hersld Office. : - ■ - ■ - — -- ■ “> - A NUMBER of Bc-axd er* can be sccc-in mods ted j • TjL with board at reduced rate#, at Mrs. lTsher’s, j No. 13 Mitchell street. octal Dry Goods LODIS ie SADLLES CO, COR. WHITEHALL & HUNTER STS. of DRESS Gv jDj?. _ ivelties, and f arlivUl , call attention to tbe following class of Goc * • . ; gTeat inducements mill be offered: Fine Silk Velvets, Camel Hair Clot It. Cashmere Satins. Redlngolc's Cloth' Haiti' for CbiMrtiu Blaek Alpdva'. In oar 1LAKNKL BEPABIMESToiu Si. - <- dots'. A handsome line of SH-A-WLSi .nu the celebrated C ALI FOR\ IA BL ANK KTS. at shv»rt profits at LOUIS DeSAILLKk A 4 0.. Corner Whitehall and H'i’rt jc^aAthur Libel or Divorce. GEORGIA- Fulton Count.' - . lie*E. Welch. ) Fulton Superior Cc-m t, Q : ’.>er vs. haei J. Welch.) Term IS70—Bute to i -r-.^iSuIt. T aproarieg to the Court by there tun- A :b© bbex- iff. that the defendant In th© abo'o «rated ca#»- does not reside in this county, and it j .rther anp«ar allowed to proceed; Rule b© published nvo:.-!h fov f nd it Is further ordered that tbi* irth*. This October fiOth, LST3. TNG. MlLLEDOi:. Viomry for Iwbrilaat. troia lh- Minutes of ths Puperroi unty. W. H. YKNABLC D.C. A Unvv Fxtr* ! r: .:- n ih Court cf l'altv u county. OvtffD temltu Pe*pr Orii'.rh and w«:> i vs Anna Rohm»*.u, tte- ’ v v beeva H anson, it al. i Term, 1ST A | It appearing to the Court that Anna Hub'i^uu and Rebecca Uaneon. detendante to the above stated canw. are non-residents, residing in Germany, iu Europe, and are over the a ye of twenty-one years, and ar* •ecsesary parties def#cd»nt to raid Bill and cannot be eerTed pornonallv with process. It is ordered tba* beautiful t 2\. prepared to furnish Board for of caah paying beard- street. Atlanta, Oa. Apy), MNo. « JWMtorj ,iV c-sirt. n to you last night, but i th© part of th© earlier, : ^prMPtet Bod Hoii, Sprague k Co. The surplua of miteU* »TM»rt/. ct tow vriuMioa, la ortr Ml out- ! ricoAto* McbUltlM upon the acceptances of Holt, 1 Bpnt** k Co- 3b,ir UcbUItte*, it I, will t, 1 »M MU Ihw HOM j.M. A phi Will he presented et the meeting to-morrow. ’ aeccmpgaled wkhm detailed repott oi the eiluaiion tl ‘ the firm, which fffl, it u believed, if tarrl -d ou*. render «* mb^aamuent of A. A W. Kpra. Htr.»,«pTi?rn© R- fin. of temporary duration. FOREIGN NEWS. FRANCK MISSOCRJ. Vrixf- light,i Sliot. '1 , r. Lon*. CeicAvr rjttj tetoreji who wu to licv, U4 a Bill in tit- j deliver *» Ifez.lne nme line with «Utn U3 Hogco, w», in IVont of ! — ' pf Aojnxt by th. Umpr MnQoot'c utoo*. McCoei >» tmtlhl. tTzieuld ' mothpr.v.iIcxUoo, lUithe »■»« . urw troOeoi tooot Metro,. Bo- ,rx’ oih.r. w,ro »r i dl«|>.toh to BourOaki Tt- AU.i’ Ho,., fi^bt i« adjourned 1o Ci»nii wa- ;$ ENOLANJ TKMNESriKK. XEMtHtn, Oc tober &u# the twenty-four bonre ending ateix < night there were niat yellow freer d« ;aii Sram other owe*. Tfee Board of Health ftc *1’i ct they may safely return. The Trial of Baxaiue. October "■>», JiJTo. In ;!i« tr;ai ot BiZaine to-day, M. Felcbanl » uits- 1 1 aunge.-, tea tilled that under fear or capture by Coin ©my. he ^wallowed a dispatch which h« wjs carrying 1 liom Thronvilieto Metz. The dispatch wa# recover ed and delivered to lhe officers at heaiq'tarteis in Met-/ on the Sffih of August, but w»s by them thr»wn Into the fire unread. ; for the display of their refreahint; handiwotk. i,ugi | Lieut. Nogus awore that he fruitt-«ly attempted to . of ice aro here placed with fruits and flower dispatch ©ntrart•.*»! to him on the ; frozen into them, presenting to Maoou’ which dees sw»y with the frog—whatever that i#—iu totting Into *r,d out of depots. THE rn>M!UM HA1X. This beautiful aud exteosiv© hail it donated to tb* exhibition of these counties comp©ting for the munifi cent premium offered for the test county display A, w, ,ntor th, hMl th. U»t*M »4 atopl.y j j;r»btetTprVloi* th. d» of Bibb county is first presented to one s view, li^is ! department is under tho Iruni-dute snpervteiou of Mr. J. P. Fvrt, who has jerfomud his tabke in a manner acceptable to all and with a z^al which can only be fully appreciated by the do.nuttco who will exauiino all the mtnutial of the ft tbitioi. As we enter we ara alirflcteu «»y one rf the niost Mujov and Ihesidvnt *o'eoxe, as they agreeable fca’.ures of the fair, a bandvom© rtend erect- ; : unify of wUaesaiog the gran tost di-play of ed by the Bibb County Ico Manufacturing Company, • product# an 1 nsources : » Georgia < ver ♦saemti’cd I aeut the following Glee by sow© misunderstanding it waa taken to the Tvtegm&h and Messenger in stead of the telegraph office: I’BOLOSUAVION OF 1MV. FA1H. In consequence of tl»© un-xamplsd variety »i »1 mber of th© articles ou exhibition, it ha# been 2 Monday* j Tuesday and Wedn* stay of next week, and the Pie • ident and Executive Committee litv« *) ort ered. i All the Professors, Ttx hers and Principals cf every j Khool, college an 1 insiilulitU) of learning in Georgia art* c.rdially invited to attend tha exhibition, free of charge at the gib s They aio earnestly invited by tho PATiBNT TURBINE WATER WHEEL. thia Slate, once a month for four m^uth* O;tuber is»73. M. A. DZU solicit.-r lor Complainant^. Tine extract fron; the Miuutee of this Ootirt. W. H. VENABLE, Deputy Clerk Superior Courc. The 11-11 a«ek» to have -i miatako iu a Deed com r > Noil hi i limit; J. ur Grounds. Thou tiu couUuuej t > cor l, principal of the fain ,-iili hi* entire school UdH h ad. - Kirks already h r.- a .Mr. NV. Mo - - TheUdu.eof thehoux otklust i Erie Railway ^haroc is Erie DieAvU-i**. L0NIK>V, Oclol ha-* tn-e «<Ml. *11 * at.d niue j Gazette, ailudiog to the oc«-urren**e arlio!#. #»y# the heiue rerectly it«©i\ uti -» that j Jay OusV) to ae'.l Df») thon»an-l ■ a-< ! stork ]*v ©anally #i* t nj«». friends the extraordir.ary phenomenon ir-o -i > 1 flowers growing in tc -. Ii is #>» arranged that ] of ics aro bandy to ati weary and beat d spectators. ^ Altmphis riisputch ».i) s About filx feet from the entiuuio is an ile. aut display lurt i,.,j there ftVfi How i»( t\vi**n oi l-reserve* cut into a variety of portrait# of diatlu- and i\ thoiteftml poor rhi’ol guikbed men by Joe Clayton, co’.o cd. To the left J phads ami hoiuckss by th appear, artistically arranged upon tho walls, pictures, ; diHcasc, uml much anxiety leva. . sketchings, crayon drawings, etc., by tho roautents of ‘ ’ ’ t • !;»•;: in jjibb. Cofispicttous among Uisse appear th© drawings Ball Mail 1 oi Mr. A. K. Hoard mm, a gifted young engineer of finsut ial tills p’sc.i. Below th©*© *•&<> e mhos, containing ©i>cc:l »id. r from mf nsot fcoi-l© handle.aft, as© placed coraprl/lng Pff- , and t<v k 1 hsps ihe mos. ©tepan* • xhibitlou In the iiall t»,i. ) su4tera‘t c-f M b. Edgwr Ro©». ar.d j^erso naity ’click * is . sti-1 n Imn-1 left or- nva^*s «'t tn*- ’ kit lor them. The orphan nsyluxns iuc aln.nily crowded, uml the Belief (U-mmiasionoi’H a to doing nil in (he ir power to piovido home.-? for lh< m. Did iho inv» who W.ole 4 he on " i h rr s luiihie in th * tnidn’ffH breeze * r< o in p- rt'c>n In nroonnt of wate A033NTS i w»»t< d in aU parts ot th- south, ar.d sir. r»*J- Description and price hat, with v- ictcie ! cit oC-laartm WHLN you go to the State Fair at Macon, auk tor and look at the J. T. Cass PAT ENT TURBINE WATER WHEIL, manufactured by the National Water Wheel Company, ol Bristol, Conn., and * xbibited ly R. l'ind- Bona, ajente at Macon. The strongest, sim]dost and best Wheel in use, great- j 1 ly superior to all others with ' t;x*j fast gate, as it uses tho water ' in unbroken columns, with i or full gate. :<lving i tbe S'aiu** uselul * fleet la pro- j , rus»d. Fully gnauir.te-,t. (iEOISIxIA—Fulton Iffunly. OnDiMABX*# Otrici, October teT k 1 c^SEPH M. HILL has applied for exemption OCt-k) -.Unit Olilil.V VuUou Cuunl.v, n\’s Omct:, October eruption THE ’’ VICTOR wr ami i. f ▼ S- nth to Tbe •• Victor” i>« "jiiiWflj.'.” ft*i».A If elite Iu every State is lh« r Hewing Ala* bine. »n it# merits, and require# th* ADAMS HOUSE, OPEIjIKA, ALlnlxnmaJ Sou.h Hrihv^d street, r F. M. D-io'ar I MRS. S. E. ADAMS A SON, PROP'TRS, Korir oily ITopriotor-* AUtbutm Hmp-.