The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, January 27, 1874, Image 4

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The Daily Herald. TCESi'A*. JANUARY 27 1814 BEAD BKKKT, has jnst moved dir Hfest Drug More to 28 Whitehall Street. Bert door to Kedwine ft Fox’s where Prescriptions wilt be compounded •t an; horn, da; or night. Open all the jiiill-lai TO FaKMEKS. The DDdersIgned are now receiving a large stock of Chemical Fertfixers nar rated pare and of great benefit to the Farmer. KEDWIJE ft FOX, ATLANTA BRANCH WHEAT SOUTH- EBN OIL WORKS. Headquarters Tor Oils aa4 Paints The largest and most com- lete stock in the Southern Mates, at pri ces to compare with any other markets, in Immense assortment of Artists’ Mate- rials and Window .lass Send tor Price Lists. CARLEY. DUCK & CO. CITY JLitiCORD. S0C1ET? NOTES. The Good Time a’ Coming The Future for the Fashiona bles and the Prospects of Fun. BURNS. I Financial and Commercial. The Celebration of Birth-Day. Burns’ ROUI Round Town Yewtcrday by the fii mid Reporter*. Y'oq may hare noticed that Atlanta always has a good time ! Come what will this bouncing Capital is gay and f» stive still! Probably no city this hid* of Nineveh ever had such a round of plays and pleasures. Fiom the stag party at Pease s up to thedaiL- ty ball at DeOivea; tmm the stately quad rilles and blood-quickening wultzes at the H. IK, to the nimble jig and hilarious reel at our fliemeu’s hops; trom the elegant enter tainments at famous old Concordia Hall, to the hearty trolics of the stou -bolted Turn- Ve reins; from the *'meets" ot the Panic Club, thin of larder but full ol fun, to the rapturous soirees of the well named Jolly Club; trom the splendid concerts of Beethoven or Mozart, to the sedate tilts of the genial Chess Club; from one of these pleasures to another, happy Atlanta goes careering in a penect tempest of enjoyment. We append a skeleton programme of festiv ities ordained for the near future. WEST & EDWARDS, Wholesale grocers, ADDRESS BY REV. DR. WILLS. On 'Change. Recitations of Mr. J. R. Scott. ■ ave moved from thfir old stasd os T* y*ult W. H. Broiherton sells ladies kid gloves 00rt, worth $1. 50 pairs. All wool delane, nil e lon 25c worth 40o. 3^ in mater bleach aomeetk lJ*c. worth 15c 36 in water bleach 15«, worth WO \ One case cnuinric tor family Rat nearly equal to Lansdalt- 15c. worth 20c. 14 white marseillfg quilts $1 25. worth $2. 50 reversible attomsn, all wool, striped shawls, just received, $3 50. former price $0 25. At tom an scarfs 53 50. former price $5, aod all oth«*r goods at correspond’ugly low prices. Call and see them. •tic* of K< movsl. well known wholesale liquor honee, nhtn A Co., late pleasure in announcing eir frien,ds and patrotv. that Vhvy 'cuin be fhnnd at'No. 23 A 1» Luma street, where they •fbr to the trade a larger and better assorted ■loek of foreign >nd domestic liquors, wine* than ever before. THK DEDICATION BALL. First on the programme of social enjoy ment is the graud dedickiion ball of the At lanta Turn Vrrien, t * be given at th6ir new ' hall in James’ B*nk Block on to-night. The services of Meyer’s full orchestra have been secured for tbn occasion. Al. L inton, who won so many laurel.* as a firsL-cla-s caterer at R-x’s party, on the Twelfth Night, at De- Give’s, will tarnish an elegant supper at 12 o’clock. Addre*ses will be delivered in the German and English languages. Ticket* can be had of Beerm*n and Kahrt, Carl Weiu- uiuster, aud al other places. GREETING TO THK "JOLLY CLfB.” On to-morrow evening the "Panic Club” will give a "Bal Masque” to the "Jolly Club, ” *t the residence of Maj. A. Leyden. A NEW SOCIAL CLUB. A goodly number of our young people pro pose meeting at the residence oi Mrs Simms’ on to-morrow evening to organize a social and musical club. ' Suttee. TWELFTH NIOHT BROTHERHOOD. The members of this organization are or- Aared to meet to-night at the Chamber ot Commit ee, at 7} o'clock, to transact business of the ntmoMt importance Be punctual. By order ot the President f>slr of Patent. The right to sell the Seli-Lighring Lamp, In ibis city, has been purchased by one ot oar enterprising townsmen, and t r ie burners applicable to lamps, lanterns and gas-j-ts, in •‘tew will be on sale at several of the stores Don titles* this admirable improve ment will me-t wito general tnvor. Jadgr Duonlng'v nines*. We regre* to learu of the serious illness of Jad je DunD ug, < or efficint po-tm .ster. Me has be* n quite ill for some days p**t, and -till r* ojHi»h n a precarions condition. We |'p« that he will r«c*»ver tr^na th* attack, ’bough bis advanced age srd *nfeebled con- dtiion almost pot-lade the poosibili y ot an satire rsoovery. Felice Record. The police made bui four arrests vester- <Uy. John 8ttwart for disorderly conduct and quarrelling. • Emanuel Gay for discharging fire arms in- lids of • iry limits. M. L Murray for disorderly driving. W. E MoAllister for disorderly driving. Tne ca»* s wi! 1 he tied before th« Itecor ler to-day at 10 o’clc ck. >md the result reported in the Herald to- . >£«ow. ‘•*Tdncy Smith." Elder James S. Lamar, of Yagnsta, G\., will lecture on Thursday night, th- 29:h in- itact, at James’ Hall, for the benefit of the Young Men’s Christian Association. Sub ject: ‘Sydney Smith. ’ Season tickets, ad mitting to three lectures, for sale at Phillips & Crew's Book Store. Mr. Lamar i* w*ll known as a very able and interesting lecturer. «nd none should fail to hear him who desire to * Djoy a rich hoar’s treat- 31 111 Farnlahing. We call at ention to the notice of William Brenner, to be found in this issue. His re moval from Augusta to this point is an evi- THE MEDICAL B.VU, A grand entertainment and hop will be given at James Hall on next Friday evening by the Simpsonian Medical Association of the Atlanta Medical College. Mr. W. S- Kendrick of Chattanooga, has been selected an orator of the occasion. The foil wing is the committee on invira iou: H. F. Scott, L. K. Philpot. and J. G. Hopkins. Committee on Arrangements: L. K. Phil pot, E. A. Cobleigh. J. G. Hopkins, Thos. McIntosh, H. F. Scott, and O. T. Dozier. BALL TO OENEB *L AShEMBLT. The Ball to be given by the citizens to the Legi-lature, at 'he H. I. Kimball House, has oeen p stpoawd trom next Thursday evenin ’ to Wednesday, the 4tn of February. Tick* !■ ot admission entitling the holder to supper, wine, etc., a will cost only $5.00. The following is the COMMITTEE OF INVITATI'-N: W. B. Lowe, Alton An*ier, Thomas Glenn, Hon: R. T. Mills, Miller Grieve, Dr. Amos Fox, H. L. Edwards. An immense crowd ot people consisting of the beauty and intelligence ot Atlanta assem bled last night at the rooms of the Young Men's Library, to do honur to the memory ol Scotland's greatest poet. It was unfortunate that a larger hall was not selected for the celebration, fuhy a hundred ladies aud gen tlemen being turned off lor want of even sinmiing room. The same cau*e prevented our repoiter from giving but a brief and im perfect report ol the enter til nment. "Scots wba hae wi’ Wallace bled,” l»y the company, was the opening of the ceremony, after which Dr. David Wids addressed the audience, euchaimng it in wrapt attention to the recital of the deeds and writiugs of the poet. Ha said: "In attempting the difficult and delicate task aligned me, I cannot refraiu from breathing forth the ferveut prayer of the great poet himself— •• • Oh were I on Paro***u»’ hill. Or bad I of H'-licon m j till— Thai I m.gbt catch poetic 'kill, To t*lng how dear 1 love the©.’ | "We are here to pay a feeble tribute to * "That might* p>> tot the h*art. Whom nature bleated beyond the reach ef art." ' "We, in common with the countless mil lions of mankind,” he said, ‘owe a debt of gratitude to him who hath sung to us io such celestial stains of ‘ye banks and braes, and streums around the castle of Montgomery,’ "The modest crimnon-tipped flowers,” "A man’s u man 4 for a’ that,” and of "Kne-ling down to Heaven’s Eternal King.” "The golden hours on angels’ wings flew o’er us” while we have listened to the sweet, enchanting melodies of Seodand’s greatest lyrical poet. The speaker then furnished a brief sketch of I he poet’s life, aud stated that though he was a Scotsman in the whole make up of the man, yet he belongs alike to the wuole world of letters. You could as eabily conceal the splendor of the bkirs from the \tftt~crsai gaze | ot m inkinci, as to confinu the lustre of his lofty genius to any country or people Vice President Garrett presided over the meeting on ’change yesterday morning. The followir g changes in prices were made: Cotton 12-*13j cents. Seed wheat waa taken off the board. Molasses—Barrels 35a37£. It was stated by members of the board that telegrams from Chicago quote meats np Me. President Crane moved the adoption of the report of the committee on bankruptcies. This motion prevailed by unanimous consent Mr. J. A. Stewart read a poetic excuse tor his absence from the board for the last few days. On motion the meeting adjourned. exports to the c< , sales 1,533; stock 110,232. Savannah, January 26, 1874, ►t 4,558 bale coastwise 481; Cotton very dull; net receipt'4,558 bales; onlinent2,004; a Prmtare Market. Atlaata Wholesale Market. Hon. 8. B. Spencer Henry Jackson, E F. Hoge, Hon. A O. Bacon, W. F. Peck. W. B B idges, Capt. John A. Fitteo, A. C. Wyly. Rhode Hill, "Tonocooe or creed confined, TfceDelpblnn wen ir»« P»;e*tluo The mecca of the mlod ” Cotton—12al4c. Flour—Fancy $llal2; extra family $9 50 alO 50; family $9 25*9 50; extra $7 50a8 25; superfine $5 50&7 00. Wheat- Red $1 (iOal 70; amber $1 80al 90; white $1 75*2 00. Seed Wheat—$1 50a2 00. Lime—40a50c per bushel. Cement $3 25a 3 50. Corn—White 95a98c; ear, sacked, $1.00. Wheat Bran—$1 25al 50. Meal—95a$l. Lard—Tierce lOalOic; kegs and cans 11c; buckets 12. Meats—Bacon clear sidts 9jc; clear, rib sides 9}c; shoulders 8c. Hams -Sugar cured 12}a15c. Bulk Meats—Clear sides 9}c; bulk hams 11 •111; clear rib sides •}; bulk ehoolders 74. Hay—Timothy $1 50al 65; Tennessee, $1 25a 1 40; el*>vsr $1 40al 50. Oats—Feed 72&a75c; seed oats 80o. Rye—$1 25al 35 per bushel. Barley—$1 50al 60 per bushel. Coal—Lump, per bushel, 35a40o. Cotton ties- 9|. Bagging—2 lbs, 16a1G£c; 24 lbs, 17c; 2^ lbs 174c. Gunny bagging—13£sl4o. Coffee—Rio 32a35; Laguyra 40a45: Java 35; mocha 45. Sugar—A 12al24c; extra C 114al2 cents; de- marara 12al2£o. Pearl Grits—$6 50 per bbl. Candles—184c.. j i_ Gh^s»—!&*io. Cotton Yarns—$1 40al 50; 8-4 sheetings. 8c.; 7-8 shirtings, 10e., 4-4 sheetings, 114. Hogs—6c. Onttie 3a3|c. Nails—$5 2oa6 00 per keg. New Yobk, January 26, 1874. Flour—Southern firmer; common to fnir extra $6 85@7 90; good to choice $7 95@11. Whisky 99. Wheat lc. batter. Corn anil; new western mixed 83@86. Pork steady; now mess $16 25. Lard 9J. Cincinnatti, January 26, 1874. Flour firm and unchanged. Corn dull at 60@62. Provisions held firmly; business small. Pork firm at $15 75. Lard fim; steam 94 asked; 9 bid; kettle 9i@9J. Bacon very firm; shoulders 7J@7§;clear nb 8j@8gj clear sides 9@9|. Whisky firm at 95. St. Louis, January 24, 1874. Flour scarce and wanted. Corn a shade | firmer; No. 2 mixed at East Side on track 59; j in elevator 60@60£; in February 61@61£. j Whisky unsettled at 97. Pork steady. Bacon firm; shoulders 7$; clear rib 8J; clear sides 9. Lard firm at 8$. Louisville, January 26, 1874. Flour quiet but firm. Corn quiei at 68@,71. Pro,isious firm. Pork $15 25(^15 50. Bacon —shoulders 74; clear rib 8*; clear sides 9J. Lard—tierces 94; keg 104; sterm 9. Whisky | 94l®95. New Orleans. January 26, 1874. I Flour dull; XX $6 50; XXX $6 75@7 25; family $8(a 9. Corn quiet; white 77; yellow 1 80. Oats active and easier at 56057. Bran dull at $1 10. Hay dull; ordinary $16018;! choice $24. Pork dull at $16 25016 50. 1 Dry salted meats quiet; shoulders 6§; clear , rib 84. Bacon scarce and higher, shoulders ! 8$08l; clear rib 9i; clear sides 10. Hams dull at 11 £ Lard in good demand and scarce; | kegs 10. Sagar dull; inferior 4£05£; com mon 51064; fair to fully lair 6£07j; prime j to choice 8@8 j. Molasses in good demand;! fair 52057; strictly prime 66. Whisky quiet; Louisiana 99; Cincinnatti $1 03. Coffee quiet at 24£@29. Coro meal dull at $3 20. ADAIR d Commission BROS., Merchants, THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY AGAIN IN THE FIELD. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS CLARK & FULLER’S GRAIN. HAY, FLOUR, PROVISIONS. FEATHERS, Etc., I Ambrosial Oil, Xcxt Door lo Corner Alabama and Forsyth Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 2.000 Tons Soluble Pacific Guano. 1.000 Tons Patapsco Guano. 1,000 Tons Chesapeake Guano. 1,000 Tons Zell’s Rone Superphosphate. Fas SAIE BY BSUSeiSTS EVERYWHERE PRICE 50 CTS. and SI. CLARK ft FULLER* AMBROSIAL G«org!* to need any commendation fi Georgia lor theae Guanoa. and are now prepared to offer option, on f>*rt of them, to pay cotton at l&e. per lb. Keapac fahy, .ian‘J7-dtf U ■■■■ ■■" l - RbenmatUm. Neuralgia, Headache, Earache. Tooth ache, Croup, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Colic or Cramp. Inflamed Eyes, Chronic Sore Eyes. Soro Throat, Uarrhma, Cuts, Bums, Brm- Sprains. Chapped Hands, Ulcers, have txclntlT. ag.nci.i In Mlddl. »n*l Nortli.rn ; Coma, Barnan., fro,ted Feet. Hjfcptoater upon r.Moi»bl* term,. Will give th. , Deatnei*, 014 Sorea. Sore Brcaat. Sore N ippiea. £cald Head. Bing CURES ADAIR k. BEOS New Year’s Presents. worm.Tetter.PTes and all 8kiu Diseases. •jT-U also cTires Dog Bites, and all Bites and Stings oi Yt uomous Reptiles. C. S. NEW TON, jan4-tf Wholesale Agent, Atlanta. Ga. TEN CENT COLUMN. Grand Scheme! Ailvrrlitrinrnti of “ Wanted,” j Sale," "To Heist," “^ofit and Foi J 3»c., tvlll be Inserted in this Colon Ten Cents a line, eaeh Insertion. WANTED. fllD-TlOBBOW. $4.0 *0 00 on 12 mouths time. Am- \ p’e security given, by First Mortgage, oo city I feal Naval Mtores# New York, January 26, 1874. Turpentine 48s. Rosin $2 6002 65. Liverpool, January 26, 1874. Common rosin 7s 6d.. 32«. fid The Atlanta Herald Address, K O.. Herald offiLe. jan27-lt ¥.VOIt a suitable and deslrab'.e home, an accone- 1 plished and thoroughly experienced Tsscher offers o,)Dortnnity of instruction as compensation. Address, E W., Atlanta, Ga., caro of Herald office. jac‘.*7. The greatness of Burns appears not so much in what he has done as what he showed the ability to achieve. There were deep mines of mental wealth in his nature which lor lack ol time and culture lay undeveloped. The thoughts be has given us are like crystals in a cave—bright and pure indeed, bnt shining thr ugh au atmosphetu of darkntss. The sp aker here went on to renew th-- trialK, bufferings, persecutions and early death of the poet, but tne lateu as of the hour pre vents a lull report of his address. Tne speaker concluded his sketch of Barns by a touching tribute to his virtues and gen ius and throwing the mantle of charity over Lis faul s. He said he was "an honest man, the noblest work of God,” and “Through all hi^tuufful heart how f troop Tne human feeling gusbee; The very mooi.lignt of hi* eong. In warm with smiled and blURbea.” Governor James Al Smith. FIREMANS BALL. The grand Bill to be g.ven by the Fire men's Beuevoleut As*oci*ti- n. on the Mght ot the 10th of February, at Concordia Hall, will br one of ih- phasauLst entertainments of the 6eascu. Every bo iy is cordially invited. BALL MASQUE. The first annual masquerade of the Young Men's Ma-querade Club of Atlanta will be given at DeGivr’g opera house on Wednes day evening, February 11th. The following are the managers: Senior Col E F Huge, Dr J F Alexauder, Caotain J H Morgan, Marcelius Markham, W B Lowe, Harry Cottingham, Captain J A Fitten, R J Lowry. Junior T D Meador, J B Bridges, D M B-in. B W Briscoe, CS 8olomoo, J K Sim mons, W E Kagan, Jack Johnson. Fioor Managers: John Lowry, Miles Tur pin, W R Big t-rs. Reception at nine o'clock. Dr. Wills address was followed by some of the poet’s lav rite songs and recitations, which we regret not being able to bear on ac count of the dense crowd. Occasionally sweet sounds from "Higdlsud Mary,” or "Bauks and Breas of Bonny Dot in,” would reach our e*r, aud then die away in the hum of human voices However, the countenances and worda of the retiring audience expressed the enjoyment they h«d felt at the entertainment. An entrance to the deserted ball displayed to view two splendid portraits of Burns draped in a Highland plaid, so arranged by- Mr. Herbst, the affable and polite guardian of the Library. Cotton Statement. A TLA XT ft. January 26,1874. The reeeipta of eotton to-day have been ex tremely light The price ia unchanged at lS^slHX* uenm. By Wagon 23 bales. Central Railroad 4 “ Weateru aud Atlantic lUllread 7 " xtr Line Railroad 1® *' Georgia Rftllroad 1 “ Atlanta A West toint...... 8 •• LOCAL NOTICES. to J. M. DCGGtll, this office. The Senate and Honso have agreed lo hold a session at DeGive’s, Wcdnfsday evening, to hear Scott. jan. 27-2t Mr. and Mrs. Scott, in their last Reading, Wednesday evening, at DeGive’s. jan. 27-2t Exquisite Reading, delioions Music—Opera House, Wednesday evening. jan. 27-2t n 47.581 .47,833 Total receipts for the aeaaon SHlFMSim. Shipments ^ 150 bales. Shipments previous 4fl SS4 Total shlpm-nts for season 4^ " Stock ( i hand 3,089 •• Telegraphic M arkets. OPENING «iUOTAT OV4. Monty Market. New Yobk, January 26. 1874. Gold opened at 11$. Stocks active. Money 5. Gold 1H . Ex change—long, $4 834; short, $4 87. Govern ment securities strong. State bonds quiet but steady. London, January 26, 1874. C'ensols 92@92j. Eries 43J0431. ADAIR A BB08 This large and deservedly popular firm are doing hq immense l»u.-iuess in grain, provi sion.. and fertilizers, and are prepared t* sup ply planters wiiu everything that is necessary lor snccefcgtul farming operation*. Their wed knuwn bn-inei-sintegrity, promptness and re liability has secured them a trade that ena bles them to keep the business up to the highest standard of success. Their prices are low, and their dispatrh in business transac tions warrants them in selling at such reduced prices as to defy competition We refer our Cotton Market. New York, January 26, 1874. of a S ate Conven»ion on the ground that a man should be imprisoned for debt, is in the city. G*-n. Robf. Toombs arrived GW night and is as much in lavor of caiiir.g a convention as ever. Mr. Ferdinand Phinizy of Athens, is in the Hi-* lo* g experience in the business enables ! 111 interests ol the North Eastern him to furnish a superior quality of Mill Me- ” '* * 4 * 1 About the Hot Mr. John C. Reid, the man who is in favor I farming Iri* nd* to their advertisement, to be terial at prices beyond competition. His manufactures are nil warranted, another sure ty of their excellence. Persons desiring any thing in this line should call ou him aud el- aun.iO his stock. Read what be says else i where in this issue. Theatrical votri. m John E. Owens cAnc« lied his engagement | at DeGive’s Opera House for the 12th prox. on yesterday. The Bergers will show their sweet faces, and ring their mellow belts on Mon day night next The Doly Fifth Avenne Combination will open here on Mondny week night. The trt.ope is said to be the completest that ever traveled South. There are eighteen women la the company, among < there, Soloroe Dnf- field. the big limbed beauty ot the "Ice Witch.” It it hoped that Lawrence Barrett will give Atlanta one night at least ou his return tour. There are at present only nine troupes booked for appearance at DeGive’s during the balanoe of this most disastrous season. The Sen Francisco Minstrels are bided to appear on onr boards on the 14tb and 15th of February. They come highly indorsed by the presA* Railroad. A strong delegation arrived this morning from A-hens to aid him in further ance ot his tfforts to withhold the General Assembly from withdrawing State aid from the afore mentioned road. Col. James Gardner, one of the brightest writers and protonndest thinkers in the news paper profession, is at thb Kimball House. Gus, the cigar vendor at the Kimball House, says he is down on drad heads, but he has a large ntock of cigars on hand that are worthy of being puffed by anybody that will pay for the privilege. A large delegation is expected this morn ing from Aagns a, to take part iu the fight over a bill introduced by Hon. H. Clay Foster of Richmond, relieving the railroads from paying tribute to the street railroad company lor crossing its track. Mr. Daniel Noble of Rome, who is largely inreresU-d in the iron interest of North Geor gia and Alabama, is stopping at the National. Mr. W. Yer Bryck, a portrait painter from Louisville, has some fine specimens of palm ing on exhibition at his room in the National Hotel. . Bkart Cat* Tkrovgti Town, flssn't it been a long time since we had a A number of distinguished members are ex pected at the meeting of Georgia Lodge Good Templars to-night, among others Rev. L. R. Gwaltney, ol Rome, Grand Worthy Chief Templar; Grand Worthy Vice Templar, and Grand Secretary Haigrove, Smith (Bill Arp) and others. All members of the Order in the city are invited. The honesty of a constable wm illustrated yesterday, in the return of a nickel to the owner, who had iuadverently dropped it. It may be well to add, however, that the honest fellow was observed when he picked it njk J Two gentleman, on yesterday, had a little dispote ovsr a balance ot st-v^n dollars and twenty cents in a settlement. They very wisely turned over the ► hiuplanter- of conten tion to the Herald Benevolent Club. 8tmy papers, marked in ed ink and con taining doleful accounts of the ill treatment of Frank Dumont, the minstrel man who was convicted iu our courts o! pick-pocketing, eome to as tram a l quarters of the gh<be. Out friend. Mr Evan F. Howell, (tb»- prose- has, throoga these vivid pnh- lieoti oM, bee *ine as noto ions as L.ura Fair orfd Stokes. W* are anxioosly expecting hie biography, which is soon to appear, with colored inoeerstions, from the New York press, under the allnrng title of "Sleuth Hoond Howell, or the D<*inon Attorney.” There is ao electric battery man on the comer of Wall and Peachtree, who shocks the pabue at Av*- cents a shiver. Mysterious documents, mark’ d confidential, are b'ing circulated among the Twelfth Night fer-'tberhoo<) to mrel at their headquarters m Friday night Mean's Celebrate* Denble Acting Force Pmmp. Stone cylinder stone tnbinp, glazed on the inside, is equal to glam, and much stronger, mo slime or filth collecting on it. Will place them in working order for any person desir ing n pomp in und about the city on trial end if it does not do all that ia claimed for it alter n fair test, we will remove them free of nil contend trouble. ff we e*n make any fairer proposition than the above, let us know and we will make it. We have taken tha*. premium at every State fair where exhibted and took the silver medal nt India us pdis exposition last fall and can •bow with any pimp and guarantee that it Wifi work one-thud easier than any other ptttLp in the mark’, aud stand open fora challenge foiiud elsewhere, and advise them to give them a trial. 40 hogsheads and 100 barrels Molasses, iow at drpot ready for delivery to the trade. jan27-2t A. K. Seago £ Cotton dull a-d irregular; uplands 15J; Or leans 16-3; sales 638 bales. Ootton sales for future delivery opened as follows: Jaunary 145015; February 145014 15 16; March 15i@15|; April 15 15-16016. Mav 16 5-16016|; June 16 11-1601613-16; July 17k. Liverpool, January 26, 1674. Cotton heavy; uplands 7|@8d; Orleans 8| @id; sales 10,000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation ai d export. Sales of uplands, nothing below good ordi nary, shipped in January and February, 7 1-16; ditto, shipped in February and March, 75; ditto, deliverable in January, 7 13-16. Later—Sales to-day include 7,600 Ameri can bales; sales of 0«leans, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in December and Jan uary, 8 1-16; di»te, shipped in January and February, 8 1-16. •GUKUOI, OF GKtlRGl «UN THK FINANCIAL QUESTION. Gallant Cenrtact of a Policeman. On Friday evening last, as one ot the West End street cars was enroute lor the city, lull freighted with passengers, it made a narrow escape from destruction, and probably the death ot several, if not all the passengers. Ah the car ne*red the crossing of the Macun and Western Railroad, the incoming freight was Ke*u to be rapidly Approaching, the driv er from some cane**, either fnght or careless ness-stopped the rnuies and car on the track, when Mr. J. W. Smith, a policeman, who was on duty there, rushed to the mules and turned them around just in time to avoid the engine and train as they tbnndered past. The- pastengj'rs were considerably fiighteni-d but through the self-possessioa of Mr. 8mith were saved from s horrible death. We pre sume that hia heroic conduet in this matter ill be handsomely rewarded by the company, and we are certain that his timely aid will be remembered by those whose lives he saved. Also have pomps for railroad stations, fac- vevtao, warehouses, plantations, etc. Pumps at wholesale »ud retail. "Little Giant en- gtWw*” tor MseaJieT towns and suburbs of large titles, will thiow two Oi.e-nslt inch atrt* ■ over an*, ordinary building. Call or address, f jU&BBAfiK k, TbSADWSLL, Valton «nd Brood Streets, AUants, da. Meeting of the Water Commlsiloners. The Board of Water Commissioners met last Dipht, at the Recorder's Conrtrooin, Pres ident Murphy in the chair. A quorum being present, they proceeded to Appoint an engi neer, who is required to make a thorough feurvey, for the purpose of erecting Mutable works for bringing water into the city as soon as practicable. Mr. John A. Grant, surveyor, waa appointed for this duty, and instructed to employ suitable assistants and report as soon as possible. Msjor Cox, one of the Board, was nnani moasly elected Treasurer. The different systems of Water Works were discussed by the Board, a feelin„ of nnanimi ty prevailed and the action of the body was harmonious. The Bonds having been issued and signed it is the intention of the Board to posh the work to an early completion, and ere long the vexed qnectlon of Water Works will be deci ded by an ample supply of good water being famished to all who desire it. Delegates to the Temperance Convention arriving to-day, am requested to visit Geor gia Lodge Meeting to-night at 71 o’clock, at Good Templar's Hall, corner Broad and Ma rietta Streets. The New York Herald’s Washington repre sentative sends that paper, of Wednesday, the following notice of Gen. Gordon's speech ou the Finances, delivered in the Senate the day previous. The speech itself, has not yet appeared, being withheld for reason: It was refreshing to Dehold Gordon, of GeO’gia, to-day, when he rose on the finan cial question Gifted with native eloquence and a confidence in the mastery of his sabject, eschewing manuscript, he gal lantly grappled the difficulties of his tieme. Gordon, who was Jate v ajur General in the Confederate army, aud present at th ^ surrender of Appomattox, is a fine, soldierly appearing man, of erect mein and bristling with intelligence. He spoke schol arly and argumentatively, and at times reached somewhat the ideal of the grand advocate of his stricken and impoverished section. While some doubt had arisen of his recon- struct^dnehs, he gave expression to such na tional loyalty and deep ieeliug for the honor and dignity of the whole country as would warrant the o. inion that the stern school in which be had served during the rebellion brought him ont only the purer for it, like refined gold. He tempered the discussion with such beau tiful sentiment that one might have said it was not a case of "hard cash,” but sympa thetic fealty. In the coarse of Gord >n’s ar guments, which were very good and master ly io figurative allusions, he drew a painful yet prnctical view of the present condition of the South. It hid become unprofitable to plant cotton, and during the coming year not more than one-third of a crop would be planted. The South was suffering for banking facili ties snd currency. He ably reviewed the case hs presented by those who preceded him, and said the panic was produced by the rigid ity, non-elasticity and insufficiency ot the cur rency, the system of which hid made us a na tion of speculators and gamblers. He indors ed tbo views of Logan and Morton, showing hat the ill effects of a return to specie pay ments would be, and what the benefits of is suing more currency, which would largely flow to th) South and relieve fr£m the heavy interest, amounting twenty-five per cent., which it has to pay to borrow money. lie scouted the idea of specie being a preventive aguiDst panicH, and instanced the cases of England and France in the past. He referred to what England bad done through inflation in the cultivation ot cotton in her eastern colonies. He closed with a fine peroration, saying tnat it was time the agricultural interes s of the South should receive speci il consideration in the legislation of the country. Concentrated capital was hammering at .he doors of both ings of ihe Capitol for a hard money system but he, speaking for the South, was for more money with an elasticity, convertible and interconvertible, and hoped the dav would soon come wheu we would issue such a cur rency, tonnded on the credit of the whole country. In conclUMon he said that the day the Government issues such a currency in dollars, not prorates to pay, that day We would have another Independence Day in enjoyiutf an independence from our own aud foteign speculators iu gold. The effort was a very fine oneou the whole, and significant in the extreme as showing overtly that the South joins hRnds with the West, and that, the granger influence is quietly but steadily as serting itn strength, aud may be said now to hold the balance of power. Dr. J. Lindotnan«*Harg«on Chiropodist, baa arrived, and takas rooms at the National Hotel, where he will remain a few days. If Lost.—On Saturday, a gold ear ring. It 6 made of Etruscan gold, with gold chain, and gold ball attached to chain. The finder will be liberally rewarded, by leaving it with Low*, Douglass & Dallas, jnn24tf 42 Whitehall street. DAILY WEEKLY FOR SALE. SUNDRIES. THE INTERNATIONAL. If you are hungry you can be rational; And rejoice to think that you’ro free. To go down to the International, And eat something with Billy Ferree. TO BE GIVEN AWAY! S7-, 000 TO BE GIVEN AWAY! O. j*r:23 2* retired, some of the auc old O. E. B. M. BOSE k OO., No. 2 or&nlte Block. BOARDING. C E ' AQiUble for email families, together with Batrc. may be had in a private meideoce. eligibly ait matt * j arid convenient to brumes*, by early application st IN ORDER TO ENABLE us to carry into effect certain imprvements | im.nffi.- i»ntiiw to the HERALD, we propose to offer'as an induement to subscribers 1 * *”* This is what a man said to his friend. He | a ]j s t of presents, to be awarded by an equal distribution went, and now he stops there nil the time. ^ T . 1 on the 29th day of Jamiary, 1S74. Remember that it's jnst below the corner ot Alabama and Whitehall. Jackson's Msgio Balsam will positively enre any out, wonnd, brnise and sprain on man or animal. jan23 d2taw<tw Iw The Atlanta Daily Herald ccvimmodatod At Mr*. _Bl2Tpijor street, oa very reasonable teriLF Two raicute.H walk from the car «hed. Con venient to the buiinef* of the city. jao20-6t Something New.—The “Satin Finish” PUo- j best ill the South, tographs are msde by Smith ft Motes No. 32 Whitehall street. Is the Livest and most Enterprising Paper in Georgia, aud one of the WEEKLY HERALD Smith A Motes’ Premium Photograph Gal- sry is Headqnarters for the best Photographs in the city. Members of the Legislature and strangers visiting the city, sre respectfully invited to call and examine their display of Photo graphs. No. 32, Whitehall street. jan22 THE Is made up of the cream of the Daily and a large Forty-Eight column paper. It is Tlao Choapost and. Host. Family Journal ever published in Georgia. The past course of the HER- JOHN BOYLE, No. 30 Peachtree St. AUCTION | COMMISSION. Liist Call! Proflare Market. New Yoex, January 20, 1874. Floor firm. Wheat quiet but firm. Corn dull and unchanged. Fork firm; mess $16. Lard firm; steam 9 11-1C. Lives pool, uannary 20, 1874. Breadstuff* quiet. Bacoa 40s for long clear middles; 41s tor short clear middles. It is strange language, yet nevertheless true, that Jackson's Magic Balsam actually absorbs pain. Sufferers do not fail to use it. ! of ffjo South. ALD is a guarantee that it will ever be found fighting against BOND RINGS AND SWINDLERS, And that it will be always found battling for the people and institutions Us TIIL UNPAID UTY TAXES FOR 1878 are levied. »nd xrili Lc advcrtiMd for the Mtrch Mlet Sold by Redwine & Fox, Pnllom & Low, Henry Pope, George J. Howard and all drag- gists and dealers in medicine everywhere. jnn23 d2tawctw lw Fifteen Thousand of the fiuest Florida Oranges evtr seen in Georgia is now offered to Dealers, at Hngh Simpson’s, 21, Alabama street. jan22-lt NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Last Day cf this Month. J. C. KARBI3, Congress and the Legislature will shortly meet, and as very important Legislation on the vital interests of the State, will be had, every man, wo man aud child ought to be posted on its results. The questions that will form the most prominent subjects of discussion and Legislation will be ATLANTA AND PORT ROYAL DIXIECT THA.DX:! W. J. STOKES. l the lowest rates. N*v»l Morel. New Yobk, January 56, 1874. Turpentine quiet a* 48}. Bosin firm at $2 G0@2 65 for strained. Freights firm. London, January 26, 1873. Tallow 38a. Cd. CLoaiao quotations. Money Market. New York, January 26, 1874. Money easier at 5@6. Exchange doll. Gold 11 g@l 1 £. Government securities strong. State bonds qniet bnt strong. latest. Government Securities.—81s, 18j; 62s, 14$; 64s, 16}; 65s 17}; new, 16$; 67s, 175; 68s, 17j; new 6s, 125; 10-40s, 14}. State Bonds.—Tennessee 6s 79i; new 79i. Virginia 6s 41; new 49. Consuls 63; deferred 11. Louisiana 6s 30; new 40. Levee 6s 45}; 8s 58. Georgia 6s 70; 7s 84. North Caro lina's 285; new 16. Special tax 8}. South Carolina's 25; new 12. April and October 15. New Orleans, Jannary 26, 1874. Gold 11}. Exchange—New York sight 4 per cent, discount. Sterling $5 34}@5 35}, Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain. How can they be removed ? How removed, ' the directions around every bottle of Jackson’s Magic Balsam will tell you just how pains of all kinds, in any part of the body, can be re moved. jan23 d2tawAw lw The Repeal of the Lien Law. The Calling of a State Convention to adopt a New , fil ed. Address ° . j .1*n24 <U Constitution. Greene County, Ali orders promptly V. J. STOKES. Port Royal, R. C. Great Inducement to Grangers.—We de sire to see each of yon in persou in onr es tablishment. We have an enormous stock of dry goods that we arc now offering at a great sacrifice. We will make a deduction of five per cent, on any bill yon bay at any other house where they propose to charge you ten per cent, on cost. Lowe, Douglas A Dallas, jan22-3t. 42 Whitehall street. JANUARY IS, 1874. The Moving of the Capitol to Milledgeville, and The Re-enactment of the Usury Laws. The HERALD will bo represented iu the Senate by Mr. J. B. Goodwiu. and in the House by Mr. W. S. Grady, both excellent reporters, aud will nm S t>: command the services of a first-class stenographer (Mr. Maddox i, when it jhree THOUSAND ACRES OF THE BEST is necessary. Its reports will be full, original and reliable. LAND IN THE COUNTY, List of Presents for the Daily and Weekly Herald, taming o.OLO Spindle*. UK) Loom*, ft Griftt Mill, of 8tonr«, a Siw Mm and a Cotton Gin, all ran- lars For the Daily Herald. For the Weekly Herald, f ir sale on long tim*. to «nit pur chasers, or will lease the Mice cr any part. It hn« a covered Toll Bridge, and a 8tore House, an excel- leut stind for rucrcusodising. Jen 14 uwim. Gen. N. I'. B»nk», who w»h to have lectured •t BarnettTille, Ohio, tut Friday night, felled to come to time. The nuxioue member* of the literary *a<>ci»tinu ibore telegmpbud for hiui iu vein. The American Lecture Bu-eeu in New Yurk. under whoee auepioee be >M •float, telegraphed that he eould not be found in the country—that they had apart two day. | yon h.T« oorno, bonion, or bed naila, ha will in the couatry-that they had apart two dayi I eon them without pain or drawing blood, trying to find nin. and hnd lo giro it up, I Hia chargar art moderate. }an27-2t | IrMHgtrutr. Cotton Market. New Yobk, January 26, 1874. Cotton dull; Bales 934 bales, at 162@16}. Cotton sales for future delivery closed steady; sales 37,200bales, as follows: Januaiy 15@15 1-32; February 15 3-32@15j; March 15£@15 21-32; April 16 3-32® 16J; May 16 15-32@16J; June 16 13-16(31161; July 17 3-16 @16}. Cotton—net receipts721 bales; gross 8,717. LrvKBPoor, Jannary 26, 1874. Cotton- aales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, abipped in December and Jan uary, 71; do. do., shipped in January and February, 7}; do. do., deliverable in Febru ary and March, 7 13-16. Memphis, Jannary 26, 1874. Cotton—receipts 3,695 bAles; shipments 3,- 308; stock 10,679. Norfolk, Jannary 26, 1874. Cotton easy; net receipts 5,531 bales; ex ports coastwise 3,338; sales 450; stock 25,180. Wii.minoton, January 26, 1874. Cotton dull hut nominal; net receipts 213 bales; stock 3,362. fUi.TiMoaE, January 26, 1874. Cotton dull aud lower; net receipts 335 bales; gross 674; exports to France 2,030; coastwise 205; sales g91; stock 14,116. Galveston, Jannary 26, 1874. Cotton dull and in limited demand; n*t re ceipts 3,369 bales; exports coastwise 2,124; sales 400; stock 114,902. Nxw Orleans, January 26. 1874. Cotton irregular; middlings 15}; low mid dlings 14}; siriot good ordinary 13}; net re ceipts 11,620 bales; gross 12,165; eexporta to Great Britain 4,768; to France 1,417; Bales 3,300; last evening 2,700; stock 292,885. Mobile, January 26, 1874. Cotton weak and quiet; net receipt# 4.695 bales; groaa 4,696; exports coaatwise 988; sales 1,000; slock 70,656. Crxblmton, January 26, 1874. Cotton dull t but nominal; net reoeipta 3,423 bales; export* coastwise 2,795; sales 800; stock 58,826. Boston, January 26, 1874. Cotton dnll but steady; net receipts 1 bale; gross 1,061; shies 300; stock 5,000. Philadelphia. January £6, 1874. Cotton dull; net raonipu 920 bales; gross 1,713. I Augusta, Jannsy 26, 1874. Cotton dnll; middling 14}; nrfc receipts 1,408; sal as 517. Dbi-goists say they never saw a medicine sell so well end give each general satisfaction as Jackson's Magic Balsam. jan23 d2twaftw lw Fine dress and business suits mad# to order at M. ft J. Hirsch's, Merchant Tailor, janl8 Whitehall st. MoPheo ft Williams have a foil stock of tbo latest groceries. If you want something to make the cook happy and tickle the appetite, go to their house, corner of Oak and Ivy streets. KVEKY MERCHANT SHOULD TAKE IT. EVERY MECHANIC SHOULD TAKE IT. EVERY PROFESSIONAL SHOULD TAKE 1 T. EVERYBODY SHOULD TAKE IT. Tonsorial.—Those who desire a close shave, with witty rorors, in the most improved style of modern art. and their hair dressed in the most comfortable aud fashionable man ner, should not fail to call at M. H. Beotly's celebrated aland on Marietta street, next door to Cannon House. Hot and cold baths ca i be obtained, also. Givo him a trial, as he is worthy of patronage. jun22-tf AH subscribers Mho pay us tS for six months' sub scription to the Daily HERALD, above All Arrearages, from thta date to 2ttth of January will have an equal chance of obtaining one of the following Presents, to be awarded on that day: Ail subscribers who shall pay us $2 00 for one year's subscription to tho WEEKLY HERALD will have an equal share in the following Presents, to be awarded ; that day: fash Present 9300 00 40-Saw Gullntt Gtn, of any tie* ■tresl make 200 OO t Cotton Screw 130 OO ‘40 One-horse Turn Plows CM) OO ‘ IO Two-horsc Turn Plows 400 00 10 Sets Cottage Furniture 400 OO j 30 Toilet Sets 300 OO 400 Handsome Engravings, vain est nt from S3 to 9r> each 700 OO MERCHANTS' ft PLANTERS' BANK (Of Wftshin^ton, Wilkes Coantr, Ox.; W. W. SIMPSON, President | k. W. HILL, Cksblex Capital Stock - - - - $112,000 Special Attention paid to Collectionb,fox which prompt remittance* ore mid*, it lowMt r»W» cf *xchang«. jy3-Cia J. B. GOODWIN. J. k. ANDF.RSON. COODWIN & ANDERSON. Attorneys «t U»w. 94.300 oo | 1 rath PrcNcnt 9 900 OO 1 Plano, worth i»00 OO 4 Gold Watches 400 OO Nrwlng Machines ... 5 Sets Ksrnitnrr IS Sets China Wait 4 Sets Dickens* Works, green a ml gold Kditton 4 Sets Wtverljr Novels 4 Nets nulwer’s Works, Library ■edition ‘4.1 Copies Shakspeare's Complete Works ‘400 Superb Chromos, worth from $3 to $10 each .100 OO 500 OO 500 OO I A. a GAKLISOTOS. T. W. HOOPS* PLAN OF AWARDING PRESENTS, carlincton & HOOPER, i Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, On receipt of the money, cr of the name, with the OFFICE—Rspctllc Block, Corner Decfttnr And Pry money, from oor Agents, we will send to each subsen her s printed snd numbered ticket, entitling the or streets, up stair*, rear room. decll-1* holder to whAtever present msy be awarded the number. I On th« 29th of .I*nu»ry tte numbered coupons from which e»cb ticket is tom will be placed lu ft large whi el, find ft numbered list of tickets representing pr«*eeuts will be placed in another and a emallsr wheel. In the presence of s committee cf prominent ano well known gentlemen, a blindfolded boy will draw a number from tho Urge wheel. Another hoy will draw i ticket from ths prize wheel, representing the pres- DR. BATTEY, Atlanta. OFFICE No. 2 > Liue street, ne\r tho Kimball House, adjoining T. M. Clarke A Cc.*» HardwareSJtore. doclO-lm ent the holder of the dr*t drawn ticket M. M. GREEN, entitled. Look at It. Oue hundred pieces 4-4, 6-4, 10-4 and 11-1 Bleached and Brown Sheetings jnst opened at the New York Store, No 48 Whitehall street. | {ow certificates jadIH lw Steinhkimer Buon. As to the Remarks and Certificates. s qnality of the presents which we have purchased, wo append j iieates. As to the Piano, Messrs. Guilford, Wood & Co., say : The piano purchased by Messrs. Alston it Grady from us is a 7,1 oc- > Rosewood, Chickering Piano. Front round corners, Beveled Rose- top, fancy fret desk, curved legs and lyre, with patent agraffe treble S!n®SS£ti» 0 i?i'c rung bass, for which they paid $500. Guilford, \\ oop St Co. Attorney at Atlanta. Georgia- S. A. DARNELL, Attorney SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF CLAMM ■ corner Brood and Alabama at. Court* of Atlanta and Blue Ride* Call and tee the new and beautiful deeign? , t&ve . in Tapettry, Bruiwels, Ingrain* and cheap j / Oarpata jast arrived at the Carpet 8tore of . " ou Chamberlin. Boynton Jr. Oo. overstrung . „ „ jan24-4t The ladies can rely upon this statement, and induce their husbands to Winter Clothing.-We invite attention to J subscribe. With moderate luck, any of them can get it. onr Rpeeial sale of Overcontn, Bnninens Suita, ] MeS8T8* J. Ben. Wilson ifc Co., SftJ OI the Gullett Cotton Gm and sure- ENGlNKER and (M7ft*KttiNTENDKNT*to PORT ROYAL RAILROAD FFKma Or Poll Kotal Hailroao Oomf*nx. J Auulbta, Ga., June 28, 1875.) Fancy Caasimere Pants, and Black Goods, j ly the testimony of this stoiliughouse is sutheient for ftnj farmer which wo are now selling at aneb a Ur K o ra- j , ATLANTA, November ASD after Monday. JONBia TBAINR of dactioQ in prico that wo promiao greater iu- Messrs. Alston a Grad^ lia>o purchased from us a forty-sa^ Gullett Giu j tin* Koadwui run a* follow*; dneements than over before offered. for distribution on the hrst day of January, 1874, which Giu may be in DOWN DAY PASSENOE jan 18 M. ftv J., 50 Whitehall Street If yon want the "Best" Stove in the mar ket, call on L. B. Langford, sign of the big dog, 69 Whitehall street. If yon wan* a flue suit made to order, go o M. ft J. Hirecb, merchant tailor. PASSENGER TRAIN. 6 >41 A.M. 2:16 r.ML 4:48 r.M, 8:00 rJI. Overcoat*, bnainesa and dro«* unit* at Notice. il wf i I axonau. Oleytae Oonntr, Ordinary*. Offlo*. I January ISth, 1874. | H aRKIYT WILBS.N, wtfs of W.lbern, her hnabeud rof'.nn* to ep,ly. eppilas to m. lor .umptioe of p-reonellty. and a.Uio« apart and valuation of s boaMtaad. sad I will pare upon tbs same at 10 o'oloob a. K., on tbo Mtb day of Jannary, 1074, nt ay nOo*. la Jonesboro. J. A. MeOOHXELL. Ordinary. UP DAY PASSENBER TRAIN. Will l**vc Port Royal »t 9:45 a m. L*ftve Charletton at 9:10 ft.ll. L*ftv« Savannah at 9:9k) a.u. • :» an DOWN NIGHT PASSENRER TRAIN. spected at our warehouse. J. Ren. Wilson Jc Co. rrm^*”ivrt P K!. < \i“'t Dealers in Agricultural Implements, aud Soedmen, Broad street, Atlanta, Arrive at Charleston at.. Georgia. Antv.ats.vuu-b a In regard to tho gold watches offered, they are on exhibition at the Her ald office, aad can be seen at any time. Mr. D. B. Loveman, the gentleman from whom we purchased the four i hundred chromos, for our subscribers says; DOWN NIGHT PASSENBER l I oertify that the chromos bought, through me, for the HERALD’S dis- j wmjrav.^Awwta^t.^ tribution of presents, are elegant and beautiful pictures, being such as £££?£ oE«u.*5i 12. retail from the stores at from seven to ten dollars D. B. Loveman. * JTtT *** a *™*°*^*li.nin,nnw rm*«** r '"~ Mr. Miller of the Howe Sewing Machine Company, and Mr. Smillie ™a***”" ^ ibis of the Singer, will certify that we have purchased their best $80 machine, for the distribution. These Machines will satisfy any one. We *1*0 of-1 fi - IS ** fer a Weed Machine, which is also a first-class Machine. J auuh. by u« s o oiora r.«. Mr. L. B. Langford hands us the following certificate: Js j -l g|^^B c tioB P* The Toilet aets purchased from me for the New Year’s Distribution b; Messrs. Alston ft Grady, are first-class goods in every respect.