The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, August 18, 1874, Image 1

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The Daily Herald B. A. Autos. H. W. Hun. L W. Am ALSTON A CO.. Proprietors. tin Gov. Saki H.rd'r proclfttn.tiou in to day'« Heralp. It ia a compound of eanatic and brimstone. BEECIIKIt'i DEPBIIIA, Beecher's dofanse, submitted to tha com mittee, is a very elaborate paper that takes nearly two pages of the New York papers. It is a detailed deti.l of his eriminality. We li ivo waded it through carefully and dispas sionately, and wo must avow that it not only fails to vindicate him, but it abeolntaly cor roborates Tilton's chargee. Beecher support! Tilton in the statement that Mrs. Tilton con fesses criminality with him. Beecher's gen- Sfa] denial of the wrong i* utterly unsupport ed by a tittle of evidence, and falsified by tbe facts that he himself admits to bo true, and utterly fails to explain consistently with in- nccence. THE ATLANTA DAILY HERALD VOL. Ill—NO. J. ATLANTA, TUESDAY, AUGUST IS, 1874. WHOLE NO. (i-27. RHEUMATISM ! D octor j. b. russkll, who has for the j-»*| eighteen month* treat* 1 “RhevmatisM” | rith unprecedented snecees in t't'A c mmunitv. l A I r ,.’Sl J „Tu h ." cs !°*"• 51 Bro»d Street, fwr««. M nffering from »bi« terrthn Pa’clo ' nt>dbytUv g jvM-wt’ JUDGE LYNCH! He Does Some Bloody Wobk in Augusta ! a ppot oi him as large as your band that was not torn to peices by the avenging band. His body wss taken up by the proper autholtles and carried to tb* hos pital, where It now lies exposed to the view of all via- itors. Mike, who is now in j ill, tak-s the affair eoolly and indifferently. He is satisfied that hi* brother was right in akooting tbe Captain. Whisky was the foundation of tha whols trouble. I CART. A. F. BUTLER’S MURDER RE- ! The two brothers have a bad reputation in tbe city, YENQED* * '' bein ® ^ mean whisky all the time, and in conse- j quenee impudent and insult ng to every one they came In contact with, black or while. The colored The BEECHERS BORE. Committee Contemplate Whitewash. CRIME AND CASUALTY. WASHINGTON NOTES. New York's Usual Batch of Crime !! The Latest News from tho C *P itn1 ' j r, FACTS. He Attempts to divert tte i*me by e charge I Two Hundred Muskets Levelled on ,h * 1 '• ,h6 m ’- orl,T of ,h,m ' ,to J action of the lynehers, but there are quite a number | of them who think that there was of blackmailing against Tilton and Moaltoa. ! That Tilton would and did blackmail him, we do not doubt. He is none too good. It would be peifectly in harmony with bis estab lished principles to trade on his wife’s dis- j honor. A man who would declare the stow- j ed author ot that shame, a grandly good mas would make money out of his disgrace. As to Moulton, he is rich, and is ia not rea sonable to believe that he has endorsed Tilton fora paltry sum o! money. l>..t blackmail or not, Beecher stands an***, leived of his guilt in the eyes of every think* iog and unprejudiced man. We say again that he had better Quit preach ing sanctity he has defiled and become a Civil Rights editor. TJltTlRED SAHl'II.. One Mulatto Villian [Specie! Correspondence of tbe Hkaalx*.] ACoustx, Ga ., August IS, 1S74. Revenge 1* sweet I And never wee tbe trite old seeing more forcibly suggested than In the ternb> scenes tbst presented themselves last night. It was a n ight long to be re membered In Augusta—a night which points oat a lea son to the impudent negro, and a night thst foreshad ows results of the passage of the lnfamona Civil Rights Bill. Capt. A. ff. Butler, agent of tha South Carolina Railroad at tbla point, with his wife and little nleo*, visited the Cemetery yesterday evening, and in re turning took street car Ho. 15, which they iound crowd ed. The cars ran almost from one end of Broad stxset to the other, and persons residing .on streets That greatness bring, troubl., and that j , ira il«l wlt t Broth »r« compelled to got off on crore there arc hidden thorns in every orown, mast | , UM „. Butler lived on Greene street, ran- become patent to aoy one who gazes upon the melancholy example of Gov. Samuel Bard. This* great man has been standing for several years now, with his head in a perpetual hor net's sist. He bns been whipped naked through .shower* of thistles; staepsd in boil ing brins; tied up by the thumbs; ravaged with stomach pumps; strapped to the bock ef wild hordes; broken on the wheel; and in short carried through all the pleasing phases '•f torture that envy canid invent, or malignity suggest. I* Samuel—who may tha good Lard pre- e?rve—has had one night of ease and quiet in * dozen yearn ve cannot at preaect recall it. A p'.njk v habit of fighting baak has rendered h‘s persecutors all tha more violent, .ml his persecutions all the more frequent It has been a custom for years that when any •nan on the press, wanted a lively little tussle through which the waves of popular sympathy wre hoped to bear him in trinmph, te tackle 'Umael Bard. We are not of those who hope . hat bam is innocent of all the sins that have recn laid at his door. On the contrary ws hope thst he h if drank deep of evary siofal draught that the Devil has placed within hu man purvij w. With a unanimity th&t is crash ing his enemies have decided that be is guilty of all the sins in tho calendar. The oooseqaences of this decision he can neither evade nor Avert. And hence as he bears the previous burdens of alleged sin on his ample shoal Jere, he should fill his stomach with the juices thereof. Bat we digress. The Governor issues a 108 th ® ,hot wheeled quickly and .aw the mulatto run- proclamation this morning. In it he de- ■ ln *- H ® immediately nounces several gentlemen of the quill in a| esvscn&es, manner at ones nuiq ;e and terrible. It is a i P uli ®d oat his pistol snd ordered Murrell to stop, as document so sweeping in its denunciation j the latter paid no heed to this, Mr. Tinley fired. Ths that scarcely any quillest can escape. We 1 ball passed between Murrell’s lips, slightly cutties hardly know ourself whether we are one of j them. Ths mulatto turned, muttered some indistinct tho c e wicked men who must “ writhe under ■ words. and pat his right hand in one of his pocket*, the denunciation, or on. of the pore in ipiritj thinking that he wa« about to draw a platol, Mr. Tin who mart ettnd on it hill Irom e.'ar rff, and approve of the ca.tig.tioa. We decline to -Je-B at the matter at all. We do what iSamuol himsslf advises once ;u a .fail,, on special occasions. We shall “ stand .till end geze upon the glory of God. ’ THE SEVENTH DISTRICT- Cliattooga Conuty Goes for Dab ney for Congress. ning parallel with Bcoad, and. In order to reacn it, at tempted to get off on Marbury street st the up-town market. At the rear snd of the car were TWO MULATTO BBOTBZRS, who were not disposed to allow the Captain end his wife to pass. The negroes remaining in their position, Capt. Bailer asked ths largest of tbe brothers, Gabri el Murrell, who wss sitting on the steps of the car, to "please move out of the wsy to let a lady pass." This request Gabs refused st first, but flcsl’y complied with. Ia jessing oat, Mike, the other brother, push ed Mrs. Butler violently against the railing of the platform, and, aa ha did so, Gaba fired a pistol, tbe ball striking Capt. Butler over the left tampla and penetrating tbe brain. The Csp’eln STAaOZBED Ann FSI.L. with blood streaming from the wound. The psssen - gers in the cor were horrified; end the scene thst en sued baggers description. Mrs. Butler fell upon tha protrate form of her husband, uttering heart-rending shrieks, snd the little Innocent children mingled their cries with ths terrified ejsculations of the older pas sengers. Tbe fiendish assassin, as soon ss he committed the foul deed, jumped from the platform of the car on ths side opposite to thst where he wss first sitting, threw down bis pistol, an Allen k Wheloek six shoot er, snd ran toward ths northwest corner of Broad and Marbury streets, with ths expectation, evidently, of making his escape. But in this he wss disappointed. At ths time the shooting occurred Policeman W. D. Tinlsy was walking dowu the south side of Broad street, a short distance below Marbury, and on hear- WOMCTHIXG BRHI2VD TBE SC and that at a jury trial it could be proven that ths assault wa* not unprovoked. This, however, is all moont-hiue, a* respestabl* wituetaes swear most pos itively that hardly a werd passtd between Captain Butler and the negro—more than the request to "move, please.” Early last nlgkt the etUzma were discussing ths matter in smell knots on the streets, snd although your correspondent knows nothing of the difficulty, it wss evident to to him tbst something remarkable was on the tapis, and he strained his ears. New snd then the fleam of a mnsket in the hands of s citizen would attract attention, and when tbe affair and the determination t# lynch the scoundrel became noised the principal streets, especially the one on which the jsil Is located, were absolutely rAO&BC WITH DETEMfiKED MSN ? bent on avenging the death of one of the best men who ever trod Georgia soil. It would be a herd task to find a man so unanimously loved ss Captain But ler. During tbs civil war he carried the Light In fantry, ©f Savannah, of wlileh gallant company he w«e commander, through the heaviest battbs. Dur ing the entire war he fought with s gallantry end devotisu rarely equalled, and wsa shot through both thighs at Gettysburg, snd in another] battle received s severe wound in the breast. He was s highly hon ored citizen, snd his friends here srs numbered not by hundreds, but by thousands. Tbe subject of bis death and the lynching of his murderer is the all-ab- sniblng talk to-day. Universal regret is expressed that both negroes were not hung to the nearest limb. Peso* loving citizens, however, whilst they condemn, in a measure, the Injustice of the lynch law, tacitly admit that in this instance ths mob i t® Biour- Moulton the Muddler. [BY TBLBGP.AI’H to the herald. J New Yorb, August 10. -A special from Portlaud states that Moulton was there yes terday and declined to say any thing farther in relation to Beecher. He had made his statement to tbe committee, and still consid ered the committee honorable men. He left to spend .Sunday at Gloucester with Bon But ler, but will return to Portland on Monday, whence he goes with a party upon a few dajn’ shark fishing and excursion. The Times says the commitre can make no attempt to conceal the fact that they have determined to report in Beecher s favor, but are willing to givo Moulton another hearing, when, the latter's friends say, he will disprove Beecher’s blackmailing against them. The Sunday Mercury says Moulton’s friends informed him that the publication of his fill! statement would do him no good, but only result in falling down Beecher, when Moal- tou replied that he did not care to publish any statement except what was in the bauds of the committte, provided Beecher dill not make any charges of blackmail. This wss (el l Beecher who replied that his (Boecher’s) statement did have charges of blackmail and when told if such charges were made that Moulton would print the whole ot his statement, Beecher coolly replied: If Mr. Moulton publishes any further statements he (Beecher) would have to go to Washington instead of Peekskdl. Moulton left the city next morning. The Mercury t-ays thalBseober savwd Moul ton from informer Jayne s clutches, and a visit to Washington by Beecher might bring out facti not know n to tho public. The only prospective developments in the scandal it the expected publication ot the reserved statement by Moulton. Tilton on bsing questioned regarding his knowledge of its •ootents, said that all he knew was that Moulton speaks the truth. lie must state that Beecher as well as Elizabeth confessed adultery to him. The summons and complaint in Tilion’s case era ready to be served in the ev«nt of the case going before the courts. Gen. Tracy, W. O. Bartlett, J. L. Hill, and T. G. Sherman will 1)3 Batcher’s counsel. Tilton says that after Moulton’s statement is published he will follow with a supplemen tary document, meeting all points in Beecher’s statement and cross-examination. Although it w>rs announced yesterday at Plymouth Cnurch that cu Friday afternoon the commiltea would present a report of the However lethargic Augusts may seem on other • examining committee to be read in public,yet hi. ce.t.i.iy«d th. fact th.t | >» no means ceilain that it will be i so early, bbculd further documents be pnb- sbe will visit prompt and snromary punishment, do llshed lrom either Moulton or Tilton it will matter how informal, opon those who seek by their | delay the report for some weeks, insslence .ud mur.l.ron. hand I. croir orer ini.oc.ut Moulton’* friends ere bnsy circulating .X- planations of the chuigesof blackmail regard- •ud icofifondlnf White men. im , tu. *2.000 raid by Batcher lor school bill* There were rumors this morning of sn attempt ot the gill in Tilton’s house. It is likely to t»*e Mike Murrell out .ud m.lre .hurt work of i thr.t the charge will be mot by »D explicit dc- , i nial that it tras ever receired, aud as Beecher him »l.c, but I could not tr.c. It to .uy d.fflulte , Myi h# pRi(J it ju greenb#( . Ug an(l b(ls u0 source, and I *® rstiifled that the people will iet the vouchers, it will be uo difficult mutter to matter stand s* it is. overthrow the testimony. sxwsiAVfB bxtkipbi«i. The discussion ovc-r the Btecher-TiKon war _ . . , , , . . . . ! still continues without nny Mgu* of fHagiug. I cannot from* my astonishment j Beechtr - g friends ftro 6ftt istied that ho IS clear, and regret st the lack of repotorisl energy In the re while the opposite party are satisfied tiial he porters of the daily press hexe. In tbe reports of j is not. Public curiosity is now mainly directed r fSpecial to the Herald.1 r.oMB, Ga., August IT. 1ST4. Clisttocga county, st her primary convention on Sat urday, sppoited delegate* Instructed to ge fer Col. Wo. H. Dabney for Congress. Waddell Is said to be the second choice. The do legates are C. C.Colhmn snd Judgs J. B. Hill. Tbe alternates are Jad;e R. 8. Poster snd Juhn A. J • nr a. GEORG! AjGLIMPSES- By Mail and Teiegraph to the Herald. EATOXTCN MXA9ENOBB. Dr. Tho6. Andrews is dead. »AHLr.X£OA BIONAI.. Gen. Harrison Riley is very sick—Mrs, Nancy Geddis and Mm. Polly Dobston is deati^ Lumpkin county has a case ot nriscegoa- tion bo’.ween a white girl eighteen years old aud a black man. W. J Price has struck a valuable vein of gold in the suburbs of Dahlonego. MACON STAB. Macon haa had lour or five bales of new •otten. Mercer University is being renovated. A dozen new buildings are under contract in Macon. RCCKMABT REPORTER. Crops looking well. Showers needed.— Great Baptist revival at Van Wert. Hon. L. N. Trammell.—The putting for- . iid of ibis geutlcm»n lor Congress from the ah District has called down'a wonderful . mount cl abase on nis head. Indeed, the ">nte«t up that way sceme to be one of the :torest between party friends known in the .tory ot tbe SlAta. Mr. Trammell has often en entrusted with public stations, and so . as we Lave ever known, has discharged the duties attendant upon them in a manner high- ~ satisfactory. We know he opposed all she .atragrous measures proposed in the Consti- •ilional Convention of 18f>8, and we farther know that no man pm young aa be is could be called to pr ride over a democratic Senate terms a. hen sojinacy intelligent sons of ‘ ’** members of it, ifhe didnot poo- *ss ability and integrity. Mr. Trammell is ne of the mo*t < fficient and indefatigable \. orkers in the State, aud would make a splen did reprem ntaiive in Congress. He is one of •be young im-n f the State who has the right sort of i revive ideas and is an efficient bjiid io any sUtii n where Le may be placed, tie stands a good chance for tbe nomination, and tho 7tb District would have a faithful public servant in him.—Urtfflm New*. ley eocked kls own weapon and levelled it at the mu latto’s breast Ths scoundrel then threw np both hands ss s sign of sarrsndsr, and wss taken in charge by Mr. |Tinlsy. In tbe meantime Policeman John 8barp bed rushed into ths large crowd of negroes who had gathered from all quarter* and seized Michael Murrell. The fellow seemed disposed to resist, but the officer promptly brought his club down with force upon the head of the mulatto, who then qnletly yield ed. Chief Christian, who bad reached the [spot, or dered ths polleemen to take tbsir prisoners ss rapid ly os possible to ths Guard House. Policemen Tinley, Sharp and Cotter Immediately moved dowu Broad street with the orlsoners and hurried them to the City Hall. At the corner of monument and Broad Gabriel Murrell said to Policeman Tinley, "If I get out of this scrape It will make A CW&X8TXAV OF MB." This was all that he said on the route. These words would seem to amount to a confession of guilt and was so looked upon. At tho Guard House, however, both asserted their Innocence. They were locked up In s cell, but s rumor being^n elrcnlstionthstsmove- meut locking to the lynching of st least one cf the j prisoners was on foot, it was deemed safest to trans fer them to the Jail for safe keeping. They were ac cordingly taken dawn to that bonding and turned over to Deputy Jailer, A. B. Cramp, the Jailer, Mr. Bridges, being absent. 1 he prisoners were placed In separate cells and loeked np. As soon as possible, several gentlemen rushed to the spot with their aeslstsnce, and the unfortunate Ictim of the murderer’s pistol wss carried to his res idence, where, after a few hours of Intense pain, he quietly breathed his lost. At the time of his death, about 11 o’clock, s large number of bis friends gath ered around his residence breathlessly awaiting the result, and ss soon aa his death was announced A MOB WAS FOUMUD te lynsh the Inhuman rllltons who had keen arrested and lodged in Jail. fievaral hundred citizens, among them the very heat men of the city, quietly proceeded to the jail, and, forcing their way through the front door, finally f>nttABDEI> 7HB KBTS. of tho jailor, Mr. Crump, who, teeing the formidable array of maaketa, and other war-like weapons, bad no other alternative than to hand them over. Th* meb ascended the stairs leading to the cells snd aeon brought out Michael Murrell whom they curried to a pise* below Bees ford's brick yard, about a quarter of lie from the Jail. A committee of ten, composed of the eooleet heads snd surest hands, and man who would ssa Justice done in ths premises, was hastily appointed, and an axtempors-iofors si trial was be gun. Ths evidene* adduced wss formidable to Mike, snd he wss carried back to jail, and Aabrlel taken cut, together with his brother. A constable, who hap pened to be on tbe cor when thedeed was so remitted, was sent for, and on his arrival was mads to swear WHO WAS OOILTX! Me swore positively thst Gabriel was the man who fired the fatal shot. Xaeh brother, howevr, solemnly protested tbeir Innooenee, each trying to fix the orlme on the other; but when the committee were satisfied beyond doubt that Gabe was ths murderer, the other wss remanded back to prison. Tbe mob then took Gabe and carried him to the pa this morning both reporters state thst they "learned” so snd so, and give s very indistinct, indefinite ac count of tte lynching. Had It been a Hbbalo re porter, he would h*ve followed th# crowd wntit late next morning aud noted every nssnouvre and action before ho wonld have presented to the public snch a meagre account as appeared in the two papers, "both daily,” of this morning. Perhaps they were other whs enga^edl?,. Yours always, Lok« Pbimbb. [associated pre^s diapatch. ] Augusta, Ga., August 16.—Captain A. F. Butler, who was shot bjr a[negro man, died at 11 o’clock last night. Tho citizens were so exnspeiated atfthe unprovoked murder, that several hundred of them armed themselves and marched to the jail whero the Murrell brothers were confined. Both of them were taken out and carried to the parade grounds The jury was improvised. Both Gabriel and Mike Murreli asserted tbeir innocence. Alter three hours’ investigation, on the sworn testi mony of an eye-witness of tbe murder, Gabriel was taken back to jail and Mike shot to death at three o’clock this morning. BATTLE OF THE BLACKS. THE WAR OF COFFEES AT KINGS MOUN TAIN, N, C. Herald Special, Telling How a Char lotte Excursion Raised a Rumpus. Ei.nch Mountain, Angus: 17, 1874. Yesterday evening, at 6 o’clock, while the excursion from Charlotte was standing on the aide-track at this place, an affray took place in one of the box cars, where the Charlotte darkies had liquor to cell, be tween the Charlotte darkles snd the darkies of this place. In s few seconds they relied out on ths toward - that much sought for and never to be found individual, Moulton, eud speculation ia , rile n« to his future course. Moulton declares that his course lias been honorablo and that it shall contiuuc so. His ' attention bad been called to a portion of Beecher’s cross-examination in which ho bad been represented ns a lover of intrigues, and one who would not carve a cabbage unless h# could steal on it from behind. In closing the inierview he stated that he would have nothing more to say on the subject. The Brooklju Argvs discussing the situa tion eajs it is sale to predict teat Moulton will speak and Beu. Butler will engineer the documents which he has characterized as a crasher. It is said that Moulton will produce other letters from Bjecher which will bo damaging against him. It is surmised tha! some of these letters relate to tbe Bow. n difficulty, and that strange revelations will be made. THE LATEST. A gentleman who saw Moulton at Ipswich, Mass., this morning, sends the following dis patch to the Brooklyn papers:— Ipswich, Mass., Angus: 17.—Frank Moul ton boarded the train at Sxleui this morning. Had a long conversation with him* S.iyn lie came to this section to tiil some business en gagements, but that he will combine pleasure with commercial traD^ctions. He will re turn to Brooklyn when his mission is com plete and not before. He can give no definite time for his return, lie still declares his course has been honorable aud proposes that it shall be so to the end. He acidjd that he bad decided on bis luture course and would adhere strictly to the plan he had adopted. FIRE IN CANTON, MISSISSIPPI AND BOHTON- 8UNSTROKE IN MEMPHIS -A FATHF.K AND SON DROWNED, *T8., ETC., JAPANESE NEV.S — THE M.8M-8IPPT MISSION BrB-C('MMDHIf'N TO TO kURCPE. I [HI TELEGRAPH TO 7Hli HERALD ] _ ^ , Washington, Aug. 17, 1874 —Major A. D. n 1 Tel “* r *Pb to th* Hbbai b.] Bank, oi Mississippi, appointed by the Mis- Nev York, August 15.—Antonio Lopez, an | sissippi Levee < on.mission to collecl statistics Italian music teacher is dying in Brooklyn, of j of past ante-belluiu productions of all a*ail- a blow received from Edward Hanger. Lo- ; able lands proposed to be protected by Feder- pez was walking at the time he received the 1 hid* and colliding lads. The couiruib- injnries, with a woman, to whom Hanger was ! aion to report ou the improvuneuts of tho also paying attention, and the latter’s tealousy was aroused. Thomas Donahue was arretted in Brook lyn to-day on suspicion of being OLe of the murderers of the Italian Torino. Torino whh a nutiv# of Palermo, and commanded a regi ment in tbe last italinu revolution. Tbe body of a man found at tbe Ashland noose, fifteen was identified at the morgue, as that of Henry Scott Prichaid, aud that he was in the drug business in Winchester, Va. While doing business at the latter place he \va& living in Baltimore. Canton. Mika , August 10.—The north side of the public ^qunre v*as burned last night. The fir originated in It. Carps’ store, and Is t-.upposed lo have been caused by tb«* explosion of coal oil. The loss is estimated At $100,000. IuHaranee about $25,000. Haruisrurg, Pa , August 10.—Col.. 8 8. Fisher and son, of Cincinnati, who were en route to Havre de Grace by water: having embarked in a small iron boat at Elmiia, New Yoik, while pasriug through Couewago rapids, about fourteen mi Its below Harris burg, wre drowned Friday afternoon. Toe body of the lather was found below the rapids to-day, aud i s in charge of a relative at York, Pa., The body ef the sou has not been recov ered. Mem this, August 16.—Tho excessive hot weather during the past week has produced more case.-* of sunstroke than ever oeloie known in this latitude. The board of health reports 14 deaths from this cause. Reports from the surrounding country state that the crops are Buffering very much from drougtb. Boston, August 17.—Isaac Floyd's shoe foctory, at Obingdon, Main , was burned on iSaturiiy last. Loss $25,000. Philadelphia, August 17.—Gosltheit Kutz, proprietor of a drinking saloon, was found dead this morning fiom a pistolshot wound. A pistol was found on the mantelpiece, where the wife of the deceased slid he placed it after fiiiug it. Hue is held to await the result of the coroner’s inquest. Long Branch, August 17. — President Graut and some friends went to New York to-day. They will return to-night. Chablbsox, 8. C., August 17. —A young moulh of the Missibsippi river are in New York. It 1ns bteu decided to g*md a sub committee to examine the mouths ol various European rivets tlm’ have been opened. Ren Admiral Pcunock, commanding the Asiatic station, in a communication to the Secretary cf the Navy, nys that at k-t uc counts, the 7th July, the Jap inch expe :; i u force still occupied a portion of i* rui"S». The Chinese Government had ordered the in vaders to leave, otherwise the entiic milPa*y fi»ee of the empire would, it necessary, be used to expel them. At the date of Admira Peuuock’s letter it was l.ot known what course the Japanese Government Lad decided to pursue. A letter from Pekin states ’hit the Chinese Government i? making prepara tions for war, and would be ready by fall to expel the Japanese. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Sounding Across The Cable. FEF.NCH Arums to 'rue ash or i hUAL U\V\ M )VI.Mi:STH The HOWE is the Parent MACHINE to which all others owe tlieir origin. Tlie magnitude of their business is to well known to require a pa rade of figures. They boast of their class of Patrons and Salesmen, and the established reputation of their Machine. may26w»dfHwi1< BUG - - BOOS. th. Comcny r. p-o-ont th.t th. rnwhlne. nat from (Mr factor; t) branch o®:-« ar.aalM, .nil on that '.'roand imrado aomo prett, tat S^o-ra lo Indue, tho pnbUc to holler, boalDMa . ho larg. , tho "Empire" machine hr. changed it, nemo to . Remington.” becauee tinder the former cam, t played o-it ,n completely where it ie known that it can t «rer rerir- ; the Wilaon Company of Clerelmd -la' n thatthe Wheeler A- Wileon owemttch of their at: r«e. to the •Wilaon.'’ on account cf tho one bein* contended noth the Lth r; tlie Weed, Florence and Vict*>.- love "gone where tbe woodbine twineth;" but THE O W’E I Invented oy ELIAS HOWE. t IIC MTEdTIWraOTED. Iff" lOlT MHFhK. THE M.^r DUBtRLK, coaae^aentlr Pint tobur. s:\F.U Hvt. NEVER WIU’. nar • ocoaeion to ch.n;- ita no-nvilwav, 1 defies competition. th# 8BLT-GUIDIN3 HEM VIE R operate. It ia coo- rHFFIR’-l MAD ibs BEST and CUBA snccQMful, alw-.vrt i.-* dera »invent) ye*, prodacttl. L»v Ti.LI.trUAl'U l.» THE IlhKAI.D ] Faria, August 17.—President Mac Mahon left Pans list night oil a tour through Brit tany. Complete leltirns from (Wlvados show th; t the Boudpatti»*t candidate lor tin* Assembly wab elected, having received 2G,00» volts. The republican candidate pOdicu 1 “» OJU, aud the legitimista,(HM. London, August 17. The Drily News says that Marshal Buz line Lax arrived at Spa, aud M. Kouher has gone to Onto iu de Aruim- bnrg to esnsuit with Emprc k E>;genic. SCHUTZEn" FESTIVAL. INTERN ATI NAL SCHUTZENFEAT AT KaI.TIMOKE A M /NbTEB PRCCESSICX AND IMMENSE ENTHChlABM. Baltimore, August 17. -The grand I»t*-r- If. over a I miles w j ners and tvergn sidewalks. Tl * ance of a ger.eni 1 In dec j rat-'d with fligs. 5. aud thousands lined the •ity pre.ienled the appear- A.3 T 1ST O XT JXT C7 JK 3VI712 iSJ 'JT/E4 . FOP, THE LfGISLATUKE. A KILLKENNY FICHT IlATins ;il by a f«*T psr'iil frirnrts •ject to [By Telegraph to the Herald.] Abbeville, 8. C., August 16. —Georgetown, ground, .od . K.nor.1 tight took, in which thei. i >“ «>» * Ute - | s tte FCel > 9 « f “ d “ n g ero “ 8 ««»- test between tho negro factiou led by Bowiey and Jones, nogro membcru of the legislature, each of whom seekB to control the county, in which the negroes have a large majority. A Bowiey meeting ou Wednesday was broken np by the Jonas faction, and one colored by stander dangerously wounded. Runners were sent oat and armed JonGH negroes uonrt d in to town during the night. S'une ot them the mext morning attempted to kill Bowiey, and at midnight Thorsdiy there was heavy firing, which was found to bean attack on the house of Jones, who was slightly wounded. Bow- ley’s home was attacked, and Bowiey to save his life surrendered to the sheriff, and is ia jail. On Saturday at noon the excitement was still intense, and tho town filled with armed negroes. Nolo but Radicals are in the riot, but the white citizens are alarmed, least some careless word or act should cause an attack on them, which they have not the means of meeting. later. man named W. J. Oxner, aged 19 years, ot j national Hchatzeu Festival "t the Fast] Winnsboro, 8. V , committed suicide in this : Sharpshooters’ Association of tbe United city Saturday r»i'glxt, by Ukiug laudanum. J States, was inuugir.ated to-day by an iiurn Cause, disappointment in love and inability j procession. Societies from Newark. J r*»v to abstain lioin the use of liquor. City, Brooklyn, Chicago, and a Lumber ot BurrALO, August 17.—A freight train on | other citie*. with Society babucis*, w< re iu the Like Shore road was passing cattle guards ! *he line, and tm G:h M«»m : u 1 r* tin i nt, and at Eist Btiffolo at noon to-day, when an un- I O >1. Harry Gilmoiv, tli Hint P ilailion of known, we 11-dress©I man attempted to jump | Cavalry, tae Marine baud from Wa irgton on the traiD, but fell under the wh?«*lH, aud | and military l»\uds also tr a » nnuib-r < l was 60 badly millilatedthat it was impossible , other piac»-H. 'nn^^im^iu»^driinvcl^orl to identify him. Baltimore, August 17. The two upper stories of J. Krauss A Co.’s pork packing house, on B:irre street, wan destroyed by tire rnd the stock on the ground floor damaged by water. Insured for Sio.COO in Baltimore companies, which, it ib supposed, will cover tho loss. ruiLADELAHiA, August 17. Yesterday Mr. Franklin Simpson, aged 22 shot himselt through the heart. Grief at the death of his mother is supposed to have r{T < ted his rniud. John Mcllberry, aged 30, b::i -idod yen ter- i Re t^r witb my own day by taking laudanum. Busii ess troubles | and a loveaffiir are supposed to have bei'u j the cause. Geougetown, Del , August 17.— Considor* j able excitement was caused here this morn- | iug by two hundred men, employe*! in build j ing the breakwater on tho Frank ford R*il- I road, whi h runs lrom Georgetown to the j Maryland line, Htriking. The cnino iroin Franklin, ft distance of fourteen miles, and ! marched to Edgar’s hotel, where A. Y. Smith, of PiLUton, Pa., who is chief contractor, boarded, uad threatened to bang him unless they were paid eft’, producing a rope with a hangman's knot on tho end. Smith explained by saying he did not employ them, and that they must look to Crumshaw, the bub-con tractor, for their money. The citizens then interfiled and procured lot them promises that money would be piid iu two days. They will return iu that time aud hang somebody if money is not paid. Augusta, Ga., August 17.—At about three o’clock til's morning a fire was discovered in the southern part of the city, destroying two frame dwellings. Origin of ihe fire un known. Pgttsville, Pa., August 17.—It is general ly believed that there will be a suspension of the principal collieries through this neighbor hood to-morrow nutil the 1st of September, the f-upply of coal iu the markets already be ing in » xcessof t'ue demand. But few empty cars were distributed to the mines to-day. Indications of a suspension very soon have become general. Jack OBrien and Levy Speer, prisoners in the county jail, made their escape this morn ing by means of knives, and a cord used to le the high walls surrounding the prison EV E AND EAR INSTITUTE, 87 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. J. W. CURLEY. M. D., Surgeon !n Charge. YV^i '.re r .?\ f 'j ” ,r "* l V .V" 1 '' *lt.O,tji«tmo.3op. for the Ere, LwwoKop. for.*h» Thro, th. yT, #necru*folly, troubles tbat h»r« tioretofot-** beau cou*iJ«r* 1 incarabie. a i to bit succeu in tbo treatmeut of h/e di e ihs invitee attention to tbe following certificates: Akdersox, 8.C., Aufuat lat, 1871. This is to certify that I have boon b’Jad for the ’a*l brf* years, during which time I Laye sp.oit heccral itndrcd dollars in Dying t>obtain xc-liof, wlihout luccesa. Ih:d aluioitt despaired of evar betns ab!-» to ee. when !>r. J. W. Gur'ey infirrc-A 1 un that my c***; . tas Ci-tara-t, and by an op* r atiOD. h»- veil taat he ■ >uH restore xry si. lr. Ion •••'tf.l and un tb" 17.h t February !at.t, h» operate,! u»>o my <-soa. on th* & nth day alter, I was able to dirtu.^ui<b ot jeriiat following certificate*: VlLUAUFTON, 8. C. Dr. Guriev operated on my grandson r or eroa> and I can testify to his : k !i as an Eye Surgeon by’t: a happy results obtained iu this coc? The ho-rible d . i« completely removed, aud tbe young man • rendered bspny. Will’s Alun. Hkadli.t’k Mills, Abbeville 0. H , 8. C. I was oper<tt:d on i sr Cataract by a skille-j anrgeo t of Augusta, Ga., and after being under his care U • alniut four weeks. w»« disobargcd in a worse cond ban when I went to him, icflimraation having deprived me of thea'uo iut of vision I hal before tlei mice, an*l I ope-ation. In thlaccndnion I cuuaulted Dr. J.W. >• ulasses, I . Gurley, who took my cast* I«i baud, and on tbe 4n »‘-e as wtll as nnv pc.ooA of my a,c*. 7. an i *;n day after, I wa* a-’- - ab.e to aAtecd to ad my btiMTi^s— which ren ter* me a eyi siyht restored i:h. h.n (August 1-m •• It hat, m wtH as any pc 80a of my a^c. [^' an i am i * av after. I wa* at>lc to retain to my family wiib th t . ...— Dr. Go~lt*>’a method of otxT'En.' .“•I py laan, oetug brought trout da Lnoe« to liaht. : and after treatment are d fl'.-ient »nd .eas pamfol thu-i Matt tew 8mpas , any I have undergone, J. b. Koriksov. O'her rcft'renco* can bo fnrniMlie«l as to pa’.icuta already cur<d under bi* trail meat. ArtpapemiLte huvo b.en mode by which ratiente cm obtain board and roc-m* at from f JO to fi*T per nontn, wfc; re they mil lo audtr the yeracuai anretv.son of the Mtrzcon *n cuirge. ang!6 ly a candidate lor a seat in the Leaislah ih* T»emocratic nomination, which ccms* «IT oo first lursday Iu beptetuber. Rea|>ectfolly. JOHN TlbM A8. E F. HOGE is s candidate for !b* Democratic i ora- • nation fwr Representative of Fulton co .nty. Appreciating the valuable m -vices reiuLre l by Mm K. C. You5r. to tho city and county, h's many friend* e .pcctfully ask him to conavut to b? a candidate for the Legislature. MANY CILIZLNS, Wc aie authorized to announce tbe name of Uoi^ Twos. W. Hojpeb as a ca; didate for the L'gislaturc, subject to the Democratic no.i nation. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT. Capt T. B. CAMP is a candidate for tho office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton county, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party. GEO. H. HAMMOND is a cvndiJatc for Clerk of the Superior Court of Fmton county, Georgia, subject to the Democratic nomination. aug4 James E. Williams Is a cand.dato for Clerk of Supe rior Oc art of Fulton county, subject to tho Demo cratic nomination 1 FOR TAX RECEIVER. CAUTION. BEWARE. B'-como, and no Eioeltant OOUN1CUFJI Yd arc now off-red t»the t- The im !io is C'aPTIOSED to huv Nu BOTTOM 07 TH*' BOX. It they find my It Hill oe to the uiV r.-st o! 80 r4MOP* HATE MT BRAND OF KL FLUTO” CIGARS t U*:*utxtio : liav »’a-y Onn iisae ir 8raok*r* throughout rh# South, t ^ l~, irfcr.ui- Cigars l>eing put and b:ar. ’.•'i with their name. JjI i?.l uto Ci{K'*i*s they have eiamincd thi nam- burnt there the Cigars toau:ae;it i.ot they are Countering HBTA.II. DBAIjXIHS, lit,a. Erep«Mfr.:'.T P. H. ENCELBfcRT. H. F. 3IAHDOX. .1. \\ r . RUCKER. L\;c- of firm oi Chapman, Backer A: Co., Maddox & Rucker, XVfHoLEoALE DEALERS IU TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND SNUFFS. »«va-l»r OOSNKB IKiCHTREE A5D RAH.SOAD AVKXt’R. New Advertisements. were twenty or twenty-fire engaged. They bad j u«e of fiat*, recks, atick*, fence roll*, knives and pistol*. Home twelve or fifteen shot* were fired; only four took effect. The Charlotte darkle* did all the shoot ing. One Princ* Bryant, of Xinga Mountain gold mine, wa* shot In the month, (thigh and leg; non* fatal. On* Man Horn received a slight shot below the knee. One or two more of the King’s Mountain negroes, were struck with rock* and stick*—none fa tal . Havers! of the Charlotte negre e* are supposed to be pretty badly hurt by rocks, stick* snd kulve*. If tbe train had not left ja*t a* It did there 1* no donbt a great many would have been killed, aa the darkles of the place followed up the train, throwing rocks, while those on the train *hot back at them. Whisky wa* the whole cause, a* tbe principal ones were all drunk. FOUND DEAD. A Nobth Caroms* Hom.wom.*. —A North Carolina young lady, according to a local journal, recently started for a horseback rid. Horgantotrc, in that State. She vu riding rapidly with a gentleman down a dope. 71*“ gantiemao's bora. «nmbled and | ttU d -JutalB , th.j.ll and th. fall. The lady a bora, cleared both him and rider at ouo leap, and then became quit* on-! •*"*• *“ 4 »»«•«»« •» «“<> •*•• '•)»'•<> »»> <• manageable. Two hundred yard, farther on a narrow Un. waa blockaded by a negro, rooie, and cart square acroaa it. Her bore, wan oareeriug at full speed. To pM. round was impossible, to atop equally so; but th. agile animal at on. fearful bound cleared negro, male, and Mrt. The charming eques trienne never for n moment lost her baleno., and waa laughing gayly when har here, waa urasaut bwulso wnm mum .bMked two mile* farther no. It i. aaU by (kw. wW.t w kirn (h*« thn. wm Body of a Negro Boy Fonnd on Air Line Railroad—No Clue to His Death. [SPECIAL TO KKIULS.j KlVECA CiTT, August 17th, 1S74 At five o'clock this morning a usgro boy, about 14 j negroes, years of a^e was, found lying on Ihe track of the Air Line Katlrosd, about a half mile south of ths depot. His skull waa badly broken, aud an arm and Eg badly mashed. No r'.ue ran be found to who he is or how he came to h!s auddae and horrible d*ata. li«- bad a dollar in xnouey aud a gold locket on his person. It la supposed thst be attempted to j amp on tha np i>aa. ■enger train, which passes hero at twelve o'clock r. M., and, missing hU footing, fell under the cars. P. Charleston, August 17.—Tlie Intcndant of Georgetown yestorJay called on Geo. Vogddft, coLQinandmg here for troops, which request was telegraphed to Gen. McDowell, who answered to-day that it was a matter for the action of the State authorities, and ho could not interfere. No news lrom the Rev enue Cutter which went to Georgetown last night ou requisition of tho Collector of tbe Fort. Jonis the loader of one of tuo tac tions, arrived here from Georgetown to-night, and reports that tho j ail where his rival Bowiey, is confined, is still guarded by armed negroes. He b.t>s that Uuiled States troops mint be sent them to restore order, and brings with him papers necessary to sustain his de mand for such help. Thompson, tho colored Phdadtdpbiun, who was wounded Wednes day, came with him. CHURCH DECISION. PF.CISION IX 1XI' PA MOTT, CHEXRT-WHITR- H0r9E t"A9*. CANADA NEWS. At .boat three o’eiock be wt. mtde to k.rel .boat thirty pioM from » formed Un, of firmly rewired moo, and oftor • Wort preyer, nsorly two hundred th. drunken, Moxtreat., August 17.'-French Canadians in the United btatm nr. to a certain extent eeeking repatriation, and a petition ban al ready been prepared with this end for pree.u- tation to the I.ient.-Gorernor of this prov ince, and in aigned by 287 persona. Quanxo, Anguat 17. — Tradell'a lirery atablw and driving abada, together witb a dwelling hone, ocoupied by lb. Provincial Secretary, snd seven Uoraea, ware bunwd Inst night. Low >40,000. CUBA LIBHE. Havana, Augttaf 17.—T’ho innurgenU made a midnight raid on tbe town of Suuto Ee- piritu last Friday, and ecizcd tbe armory of tbe After remaining in town half an hour they made off with thirty riflea. The Captain General ban termed a decree requiring that alter September lot, all cna- i tonia due to be paid in gold, or at the option ef the tax-payer, iu bank or treasury billn, witb an increase of 1U0 per cent. Toe only exorptiou made is ou tbe proceed, of onn- truete and mortgagee, tbe termeof which atip- nlata that all,payments thereon ehall be made in paper. Preaton Powers, the artist, baa bton \lilt ing at Woodstock, Vermont, where bis fatber, Hiram Power*, the eculptor, wae born. He ie now the gaefit of Senator Morrill at Staf ford. [By Telcyrapk to the Herald.] Cbicauo, August J8.— In tbe Circmt Court this eveuiu^, Judge Williams rendered a de cision iu the famous Cheney Whitehouaecase. Application was made to Judge Williams last spring by counsel by the Whitehouee side of tbe controversy for an injunction restraining the Kov. Charles E. Cheuey lrom preaching in the Christ chnrcb and the organization from any further use of the church propet ty. The case wae argued for several days aud was taken under advisement by the -fudge. Tbe court decides that the objeetiou to the form of the original bill were not properly made, aud he therefore overrnlled them. This de cision embodies the following points: that the properly, though originally taken iu the name ot the trustees, was iu fact taken for the benefit of all who should be attached to the discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church. That tho property was held for the benefit of the Protestant Episco pal Church, not for the low church party. That all ohnrches iu the United S'ates are re garded in la# only a* voluntary societies, nud rules of tho church organizations are regarded ss the stipulations existing between the par ties; that tho existing cauous were the stipu lations by which Cheney agreed to he tried; that tho church court more nearly resembles au arbitration Ilian a civil tribunal, nud by the law govering similar arbitrations all arbi trators mu,the present at the hearings; that the court for the first trial of Mr. C. consisted of five as«cs-ors, aud four only being present at the trial and final decision, it was not cor rect within the meaning of tbe church cauon nud its action was void; that upon the second tri tl tho court had uo jurisdiction over the subject matter, aud its decision waa also void; that tho Bi.-hop had uo power to s.nteucc, except iu tbe pursuance of the finding of the church courl; und such liudiug being invalid, his sentences were also void, aud Cheney was novor logilly deposed from the ministry. The bill is therefore dismissed for want ot eqnity. Blufford House, the Duke of Honlliorlaud's London p.laoe, boasts among it* treasures a unique collection ol original Frenuh portraits whose historical value and Interest can hardly bo overated. Among them are three portrait* of Francis L, two of Charles V., liabelait, three of Diana do Pettier., two of Henry IV., Bully, Louis XIII., Anne of Austria, Maxarin, Madame d. Main tenon, Ninon de l’Enolo., Colbert, Moliw., Racine. La Brayere, Watteau Marie, Antoinette, As., Piease annouoco Milks Tcrci.n as a can didate lor the office oi Tax Receiver of Ful ton county, subject to the Democratic nom ination. .Many Dkmocsats. L. C. Wills is a candidate f^rTax Receiver cf Ful ton county, subject to iU.‘ Dour cratlc nomination. We rttpocttuily annonuoe tho name of F. A. Cran ford, aa a candidate lor Tax Receiver t*f t ulton coun ty, subject to ihe Democratic Eouilustion. Manx 7itizk5s. EorrOR* UROALD: Fiesse annonnee th* naan of .T. C. Ilolbrook as a candidate for Tax Receiver—subject to tlie Democratic nomination. Editors or the Herald: We respectfully auaouuco tho name ot Wm. A Bonier, as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Fulton County, subject to the Democratic i* v 1 nation. Mint cinzKN*. FOR TAX COLLL-GTOR. We ate authorized to announce tho n me of Don. W. 8. Walkzb an a candidate for Tax Col octor of Ful ton couuly, subject to the Democratic DGUiinatiou. We are authorized to aum-unce tho name of M. T. Castleberry, as a caudldat* f'T Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic Rumination. Kditoos Hbkald: Fleas* announce tli* name of Robert M. Farrar as a candidate for Tax Collector of Fulton couuty, subject to the nomination of the Democratic party. Attention, Georgia Zouaves! 1 ()•’ are hereby cciumarded app?* at your Ar mory Weaueiday. Aujiuftt ilhb. at 8 o’clock a. u . in ini; uniform. By order i f J. i\ M ah i u JOHN L. CONLEY. Orderly Sergeant. v apt. Ci miuandinr. aug18 2t Notice iu iiankruptcy. i s tlie District Court of a* r>» ted 8.a>e—for the Northern Distric; ot (Georgia— In Bankruptcy, in tuc matter of Jarnet* M ShrparJ,.bankrupt—No. bit. Al! perrons interested are n< tifli d to ahow canoe, i; any they have, bpfore Remitter Biack, at hit office, in Atlanta, on the 4th day ot Septrmbsr, 1874. ot 10 a. or . why the said bankroft oherM i.o: be d:tch*r2»d Iren* a'i debts. 1’he nfcond anti third meet.: u* of creditor* will b* he'.d a: the ttiue time ana pia \ *.U8 It A. K. BUCK. Cistk. -Notice in Bankruptcy. IBTRICT Court of the Unite! SUtes—Northern Dade Coal. CHEAP C O A. I, PEOPLE OF ATLANTA, AND ALL COIlar Milt*. D Im ol J-mre .1. B«' ' Alt peroons nt-'r.« if any they htv., b> t office in Atlanta. G i, 187i, at 10 o'clock be diecharpiMi fr Tho aecond aud third nieetu held at the earne time and i aul8 D n, nankcupt—Nt d » r < ’notifiotl to eboir 'cause, c Register i.:w*on black, at hu ,, ou the 4:h day of September, M . why aa-.d bankrupt ahon; t net all ht* debt*. of creditora will ba A. E. BUCK. Clerk. Notice in Bankruptcy. flret-rate Lump Goal from the "DADE MINES," the only GEORGIA COAL in the market, which I will sell at Twenty Cents per Bushel Five Cents per Bushel .u less fneght, than the Coal Cre<k Coal, on account of the distance from respective mine*. It i> thiw advent*#* (and “not the lsritiuoamr,’* of tbe Coal, as view of the coal will show* that enable* me to cell it AT SO LOW A RATE. I will guarante* the "Dade Cooi" to be oe good os any in tbe market, and have no doubt that loan give my o!d customers, and ah new one* »atinaction W. 8. OKittKAM, ADlwuna Kiwi, Cor Shed. Ailanta. Ga.. August ift, 187*. dtt ACENTS WANTED. T ins *• to give notice that on llie ITUi 'day of A a £Ud. A. D., 187». a warrant In bankruptcy wa* inaued a*stoat the e«tate of benjamin L. Uard.ti. i of KnU«.l««t count) ol Morgan, v.o Sure of im«i. *300 prr month will prov. It. or forfrit who hu tkeu wfJud.Ml a B.,:krui>s oil I.i, own p»tl- to rell BL.YKK'S SHIT TLI SKWINC. MkCHINI. »rd that tU f ayiurnt ■ t ar> it»l-U. »n.l .loli'rrr | p,i c r only »») Th. Dart uk. ohrepret Lort-thitck. Machine to the United States or Canada*. A FR •> GOOD REASONS 1. A new inventioo. thoroughly tested. 2. It mokes the Lock-Stitch alike on both aides, amt cannot be rave led. t any property t»eloii|ttni‘t") rant bankrupt, to him, >r for ho u>e. a id the trail fer of any p operty by him. are iorbui«*>.i b> li* . i- a 1 a meetu g ot the ere- ( iitora of th* and bankrupt, to p.-oae their debt*, and to chooaeou* or more Ai«;iip"n cf hi* estate, w.ll b* held at a Court. t I>3nkmptc>, to be bolder, at Atlan- tat Ga., at the t ffice of Lawtou Black, E^q., ou tbe td day of 8epteiui>cr, A. I)., 1874, at l^oVlock, a w. ourIS It Notice iu Bankruptcy. rpllis Is to give notice that on the 14;h day of An- |_ gust, A. D. 1S74. a warrant in bankruptcy w;a ibHiied against the estat* i f Peter A. Wilkins, of cea* BarueaviUe- corrity of l'-ko. and State of Georgia, who haa been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition,and .1. Kuna fo*year* withetit repairs. t. Construction most careful and finished. It Ur manufactured by the moat ektUful Macbiuiat*. Foe Orouiar* and terms aldrees 8. BURKE. SON 1 CO.. aulfi Sm l*fi Warren 8*.re-t, Jersey City. N. J. LAND AGENCY. r. it. Williams. TAX PAYERS, ATTENTION I It is a hesvy burden to pay annually from eight to ten thousand dollars for collecting the stato and coun ty tax of Fulton county, besides iarg** amounts for in terest on money borrowed t » meet couuty obligations. The relief from this iu having the Commission tor ooliocliug the tax, now 5 per cent., reduced to 2hi per cent.; aud the taxes, when collected, promptly paid over to the proper authorities, thus Having at leant J from six to teu thousand dollar* auunally. I am a candidate for tue offl * of Tax Collector foi Fulton couuty, subject to tho nomiuaUou of the Dem- | of tha m ,, r .\ beln^ ocrattc Party, upon the ab.ive platform, obligating my* ( ^urccs;" but, unfortunately, self, if elected, to pay over all money collected lor | based upon a (alee o.* taxes every week, and oue-half tbo pres nt amount 1 ERRONEOUS THtOR * , allowed as coaamitialon tor collecting. Hope my Uvw j { . «>That In disease, fever, and lufiammsttan par- friend* and all interested will come up and support ] uculorly, ;tberv i« Incn sand that tho payment ot *nv deb.*, and de’ivery of any ! rpHE nodaraignedhav* formal a c 'partnership for Ty belonging to o»id bankrupt, to him. or for j £ th<* jnirpowot ) >oktag up a ' rroperTy , _ .... r ~_. and rwikjrttwx the dsd- ant the trauofer of any proper *ra and otter* intrreet^ in LlNt* lying ia tha ty by him. are forbidden by law: thd a meet - counties of Lumpkin. Daws-ui. GUuier. Foaniu. iug of the end tora if the said bankrupt, J Ui ion. Town*, Rabun and White, th* condition of to prove tl»*ir d-bu, aud to choo*.« out or mere Aa- 1 inich lands, the value and character of adverse claims, signers of his c-*t to. will be held at a Court ot Rank- f ,i there bo such. rnptey, to be holdeti at tGriffln. G;.,at tbe office cf AU person* loud* in any of th* coonLea AUxsnder G. Murrsv. Eq.. H- .Ht r, ou the Sist day above nanitd, deoiriug .u tor motion :u regard to them. of August, A D. 1874. at 1«» oV: *, n. r>asi in, auglS n UnitMl States M ,:*hal. as MessTng'T. OLD SCHOOL DOCTORS ■VIVPISO th. «*mi\ ti^ Linu populir ‘ - 8 ... tb. ittmi ‘reboot. IU .11 r chooae a treatment ■ dersigned at tneir offi'e in D VHLOXKGA. GA . a oorrect autement «*f tbe num ber, uittnct sod section in which their U^da are situ- iictl, wuh v M of s»x dollars, for each lot, shall hava a true report ol the ci^ndiuon of such land*, its value. Ac. An«i <f such persons daatre to mil. are ari!l self them, if practicable, at a reasonable price, retaiaiuc 1T.N I'EK GENT, toe the oxnouat of such sale*. U ou\ Utigstiou t« ceoeosary to enforce the right of the o»car. r aaousbie attoruey’s fee* will be charged in a Mition to the foregoing. Extensive ocoaaiwtanc* with th* country aud people gives u* greet faoUmea Hcorm'tly reporting in regard to such la * persona livtu*. BOYD k WILLIAMS. tone*. f Iw.nB excited vitality.” J an!4tj%nl depletive treatmint—bleed- •— un ol tfuaui. *r>«etiic, blue- j ■ aau*or mercury, cs'omel, snd »ueh—while tha true Kelectio, or Medic v-fUformora', theory 1« r gist to the rtjvercc, vnd, ct com rye,* wide dlffi*ro ice in our #e lection of rrmulli >. They, the old lik* tbe hypoch *nd; »*c who imoginaahcutelt a goote sluing about, quav and toting, generally, like a goose, reason w* 11 Iron* their atonapoiut; but. a as . the quel. W. T. FALKS. M.D Office and Ditrer»s*'y oor. broad and Mitchell sts. •nlfi 2t Land Agents. ri88t AN^IVBRSARY SEWANEE COAL! 1 AM KOW KECtIVINtt MV WINTKU'8 SDPrLV j of Goal at the o!d established yard, near the 8tat Head Depot, and will be pleased to furnish all In want 1 Now is the /Time. of a superior trttole, either by the car load or tmalier i ««▼ _ I \\ v .m for our Fall block and will close quautity. Office for the preaant at Chamberlin. Boyn- . \ %%% u»au coat. BeautKuUy ton k Oo.’i, oorosr WhltehMl »na Hunter .treetfc | bgjyg 1 X ut^othM Jytn JNO. T. KBWHDti, full | goad, iu proportion. “RED M S3 NT, ** ACOrdI *nu. 1874. AT PONCE DeLEON SPRING. f T TON Which oocwiou s til tre perforate the reloe bntwt "GREEN CORN DANCE," In th. (tk firm of loth Bun StuifiMU Umi. Th. proceretsu vtlt fora it tho W%wm. ottMert- Mts ttrwt. ud proceed through the prl.d,,' atre.i. to Pouco deLreu Iprlog. afiM U