Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, February 08, 1870, Image 2

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'CJt■Jgtfj-i/KtitZ’-t* Th.© Gre or grist ~Weekly Telegraph and. Journal <fc IVIessenger. Telegraph and Messenger. MAO OK, FEBRUARY 8, .870. Utenuy. Tm Bubal Carolinian for Tuesday has been on our table for several days. In its table of ooriterits ire note the following: Dignity of Ag riculture, by Wm. Pinckney Starke; Improved Implements for the Farmer, illustrated; Value of Smenoe to the Farmer, by Dr. Daniel See*; Self-manuring Capacities of Soil; How to Grow Tobaooo; Chemical Effects of Ploughing; Pre paring for Cotton; Sorghum and its Culture, by D. Wyatt Aiken; Bice Culture on Biver Rands; Action of lame on Soils and Plants. The de partment of horticulture is very full and hand somely illustrated. Stock and natural history, mining, mechanics, editorial department, corre spondence, literary miscellany, hygiene, and the household are all very industriously repre sented. The Charleston Daily News gives a glowing acoountof the success of the Bural Car olinian. Published by Walker, Evans & Cogs well and D. Wyatt Aiken, No. 3 Broad street, Charleston, S. C., at $2 00 a year. Peterson’s Ti mm’ National Magazine for March has been received and may be bad at J. W. Burke & Co.’s. Good Woans fob February.—This is an illus trated magazine for tho young, edited by Dr. Norman Maeleod, and published by J. B. lap- pincott & Co., Philadelphia. Numbers can be purchased at the Macon bookstores. A Romance op Modebn Egypt.—We have from the author, Edwin De Leon, Esq., late United States Consul for Egypt, advance sheets of “Askaros -Kassis, the Copt, a Bo manes of modem Egypt.” The work is in course of pub lication by d.B. Lippincott & Co., bnt the de tached sheets sent give us no hint of the story. It is very handsomely printed. The Sunday Magazine is a very interesting religions monthly, edited by Dr. Gnthrie and published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., of Phila delphia, at $3.50 a year. The February num ber can be had of the booksellers in Macon, and is handsomely illustrated. TheXTXth Century.—The February number of *’"?» periodical has for its contents: The Storm and the Sunset, by Henry Oleaveland; L’Homme, by Geneneve Ransom; Possible Fnture of the South, by Edward Mayes; Rem iniscences of Public Men—continued, by Ex- Gov. Perry; More Time for Tears; Early Writers of South Carolina, by Wm. Gilmore Simmes; A Plea for Old Maids, by J. A. Dick- 'Son; Recreations of an Invalid, by M. Elizabeth Smith; Eternity in Time, by Sidney Lanier; 'The Bastinado of the Pavfement; Philosophy of 'Laughter; Will versus Power; The Drama; Ex-Gov. Perry’s Beply to Judge Longstreet; Editorial Departments. This is a sprightly number. Published by the 13th Century Com pany, in Charleston, at $3.50. Engineering and Mining Journal.—Wo have from Western & Co., publishers, 37 Park Row, New York, the January part of the Engineering and Mining Journal, a periodical of unrivaled value in the branches of mechanical and physi cal science to which it is devoted. Price $4.00 a year. Louisville—A. V. Du Pont & Co.—One of the leadmg features, as well as direct evidences, of the increasing business enterprise and pros perity of Lonisville, is tho removal of so many of her largest and best firms into finer and more spacious buildings. At least a dozen such changes have recently occurred. Prominent among these is the old and extensively known firm of Messrs. A V. Da Pont & Co., who, to accommodate their in creased business, have just moved into their new quarters, at No. 184 Main Street—one of the largest warehouses in this ciiy. Their mill, near the Falls, like the famous Artesian Well which was bored under their di rection, is one of the institutions of Louisville, and has famished paper for the South and West for over a quarter of a century, and Du Pont <fc Co., are now prepared to make Lonisville the chief market in the country for all qualities and varieties of paper and snch material. North Carolina Cropping.—Tho Raleigh Sentinel says that Capt. W. E. Pierce, of Wake county, with two horses worked by white labor made last year, 21 bales of cotton, averaging 425 pounds to the bale, and which, at 22$ cents a pound, realized $2,008 12, and 700 bushels of corn, which, at $1 25 a bushel brought him $875—making a total of $2,883 12, and an av erage of $1,441 5G to the hand. On another part of his farm with two mules, worked by •negro labor, he made 9 bales of cotton, averag ing 425 pounds per bale, which, at 22$ cents a pound realized $8C0 62, and 500 bushels of com which brought him, at $1 25 per bushel, $625, making a total of $1,485 62 for the two hands, -and a grand total of $4,408 75 for the four ^aands. Who says there is not life, and plenty of it, tin the old land yet? ?Xbz Public Printing.—Senator Anthony, of ■Bhode Island, introduced a bill in the Senate, on Wednesday, to farther regulate the public .printing and discontinue the publication of books for public distribution, which provides that hereafter bnt 1550 copies of the President’s annual message and executive reports shall be printed for distribution; that the publication of laws and treaties in the newspapers shall be dis continued, except certain laws that tho Secre- •t&ry of State shall designate; and that all books .and documents hereafter bound at the Govern ment Printing Office shall be bound in the pining -eat and cheapest maimer consistent with their .convenient use. The Nineteenth Century.—Messrs. Havens Brown send ns this clever magazine for Feb- ■rnary, with an nnusually interesting table of .oontenta. Ex-Govemor Perry continues his ‘ ‘Reminiscences of South Carolina’s Public Men," taking up, this time, George MoDuffie and Henry Middleton. W. Gilmore Simms has an article on the “Early Writers of Sonth •Carolina,” and Mr. Sidney Lanier of this city, .contributes a poem—■“Eternity in Time.” Ex- Govemor Perry also replies to Judge Long, street’s .criticism of Gov. P.’s sketch of Mr. Calhoun, published in a late issne of this maga zine. . ’’Cleansing the Blood,” -upon which charla tans have harped so much, is not a mere catch word and delasion. The mierosoope shows that some diseases exist like parasitic growths upon the globules cd the blood, and it is farther known that some subtle substances destroy or expel them. These substances have been com. bioad to snake Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which does expel the disorders that breed and rank e in the Mood to cot out as it were the mao inery of life.—Mercer, Pa., Whig. We judge from the announcement that Bard, late editor of the Atlanta Era, has been made Governor of Idaho territory, either that the place is not worth having, or that the timber out of which such figure heads are manufac tured by the present Administration, is nearly, if not quite exhausted. We have a notion that if turned looee and forbidden to ask questions,' JJard would be hard put to it to find his way to Idaho. v *> Prosperous.—The sheriff’s sales of Fulton county, for March, fill two and a half columns at ooe of the Atlanta papers. Mast of these are (tax A fas. for 1863. Shift the Scene. The great drama of the martyred African and the Reconstruction of the Southern Rebels, will shortly be withdrawn for a season from the Congressional boards, after an unprecedented run of five years. A new amendatory tariff bill was reported to the House on the 1st in stant, and upon a motion to print, was pounced upon with such avidity from all quarters, as to show the House was perfectly ravenous for a new subject, and were especially hungry on the matter of the tariff. The bill is said to be, in substance, a pious fraud of the protectionists to reduce duties on all articles which they are compelled to import, and so diminish revenue, and benefit the manu facturers, while no redaction is made upon ar ticles coming in competition with domestic goods. The free trade interests denounced the bill on the threshold, and could hardly be choked down so as to allow the bill to lie on the table and be printed. The correspondents say it will elicit a long and acrimonious discussion. In the coarse of it, some light may be thrown upon the practi cability of carrying Free Trade and Protection upon the same party platform. It may test the strength and elasticity of that great common bond of negro equality which is relied upon to tie tho East and West permanently together, on the basis of ignoring all those great financial interests and all thoso sound principles of trade and national economy which underlie the pros perity oftheWestand the whole country. Does the West prefer negro supremacy to the inter ests of her own agriculture—to the equal rights of labor—to fair trade and free trade ? and will she hold on with the New England sectionalists at the sacrifice of all other interests? That is the question to be settled—for the price of ad hesion to radicalism is so-called protection to manufacturing industry—in other words, dis crimination against agricultural industry. We shall be glad to see some topic in Con gress which shall at least effect a temporary di version in favor of the repose of this section from the assaults of her enemies, let the East and West settle their tariff differences as they may. Cnllom’s Polygamy Bill. Cullom’sbill to squelch tho Mormons, reported from the Committee on Territories, makes incom petent as grand or petit jurors all who believe in, advocate or practice bigamy, concubinage or pol ygamy. The 13th section enacts that any man in Utah who shall live or cohabit with one wo man or more other than Ms lawful wife, as Ms wives, shall be adjudged guilty of the crime of concubinage, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars, and imprisonment in the penitentiary at hard labor not exceeding five years. The 17th section authorizes the United States Mar shal, if resisted or threatened with resistance in the execution of any writ or process, to apply to the commander of any military camp in the Territory for a posse. The 19th section enacts that no alien practicing bygamy, polygamy, or concubinage, shall be admitted to Urnted States citizensMp, nor shall any polygamist hold any office of trust or profit in the Territory, vote therein or be entitled to the benefits of the homestead or pre-emtion laws. The 23d section enacts that marriages in the Territory may be solemnized only by Justices of the Supreme Court, by Justices of the Peace duly appointed and qualified, and by any priest or minister of the gospel regularly ordained and settled. It declares all consanguinous marriages incestuous and void, and punishable by twenty years imprisonment in the penitentiary. Now let tho Committee on Territories report a supplementary bill for the Southern States. There is more polygamy among the negroes in every Southern State ten times over, than there i3 in Utah. We say what most men know to bo true that the grand juries in the South are com pelled to ignore inquiries into the conjugal re lations of the blacks from the mere fact of the universality of disorder among them. Butler Tor President. A Prominent Massachusetts Republican told ns a day or two since, that Butler’s aim was the Presidency, and that he had no fear at all of Grant os an antagonist. He said that Butler ex pected the nomination in 1872, and was now working towards that objective point Butler bases Ms idea that Grant will not be in bis way upon the fact that, heretofore, no successful General that was made President on account of his military glory, has been able to secure a re- election on that ground. One term is all the people have vouchsafed for military success, no matter how splendid. Bader says that General Jackson was re-elected, it is true, but that his second term was the result of popular satisfac tion with Ms administration of civil affairs dur ing his first term. It was the Statesman, and not the General, who was re-elected. Butler holds that Grant will not prove an ex ception to the rule as a military man. Our Massachusetts friend did not say Bntler thought it impossible that Grant should bo as successful as Old Hickory on the score of statesmanship, bnt our decided impression was that he doubted it most japitally, and that ho regards Grant as completely out of the ring for tho succession in 1872. We hope Butler is right, and that be will lead the Radical rapers and raiders at the next elec tion. He is a representative man, and will make the contest a representative one. Wo want to see one more square fight made in this country between moral, social, and political pu rity, truth, and honesty, and moral, social and political corruption, mendacity and rascality, before giving up the sMp. First Rate Notice or tbe Agency. The Boston Post evidently has a very clear perception of how Legislatures, so-calied, are manufactured down South. Referring to tbe manner in which the Atlanta Agency was set agoing, it says: The business of turning out Democrats and filling np with Radicals goes on merrily in the Georgia Legislature, and tho standard of loyal ty in that body will soon become superfine. The charges against the Democratic members, whose seats were wanted for Radicals, were that, hav ing held office under some general law of the Stato, they had since given aid and comfort to the rebellion. About half the Democratio mem bers not being carpet-baggers, bnt generally landed proprietors, had, at some time durini their natural lives, under the old regime, holi the Mgh office of Boad Commissioner. The duties of this officer were very important. He was obliged to see that tho roads in his juris diction were kept free from mud holes,that fallen trees were removed and that gullies were filled up with brush and stones. Those who owned land for long distances on each side of the pub lic road would generally secure tbe office of Boad Commissioner in their district, since tbe whole burden of the business would come upon them .in any case. But now the Attorney General has decided that none of these can without perjury take the oath required, if they have ever at tended a Confederate barbecue or harbored a rebel soldier. The rulings of the Attorney Gen eral and the Military Board have put a premium upon carpet-bagging, which is precisely what is desired, since it operates to oust Democrats from their seats and fill up the B&dical majority with men who were never elected. Ix Ms examination, Prince Pierre Bonaparte was asked how it was that, when he saw M. de Fonville draw a pistol, be had fired upon M. Yietor. Noir, who was unarmed, “Because." he answered, “I felt the outrage before I per. oeived the danger.” • - v ’ - rt, r , \ A clergyman, preaching against marriage in Wisconsin, has been found to Lave nine wires scattered about over tbe country. How elo- qaent he ought to hava been J Fertilizers—More Legislation Needed. The immense trade in fertilizers that has sprung np at the Sonth, makes everything con nected with them of great interest and import ance ; not only to planters, bnt to dealers, also. As there is notMng, next to the prime necoessa- ries of life, more vital to successful agricultural operations, so should there be a thorough know ledge of the constituents of the numerous varie ties that are offered for sale. But the fact is, that very few persons have that knowledge. The best and the worst, if equally endorsed, stand pretty mnch on the same foot ing in the eye, and to the smell of a large ma jority of those who bny them. We do not believe that by these alone, can on intelligent conclusion as to merit he reached by hardly one ont of every fifty planters. Nor do we mean by this assertion to impugn either the judgment or intelligence of the planters. Only a rigid chemical analysis can guarantee such a conclusion. It is only by snch a process that the actual composition of the article can be ar rived at with any certainty. Planters have neither time nor inclination to fit themselves for such duty, and hence their liability to be swindled in making a selection. Now, it seems to ns that all this may be ob viated by judicious legislation. We have legis lation on the subject, bnt it amounts to notMng, particularly so far as the planter is concerned. It only benefits the Inspector. The valuable and the comparatively wortMess fertilizers after they pass Ms hand3, are on the same footing. They havo been branded and the Inspector has handled Ms fee, wMoh is all the whole matter amounts to. It is notorious that many of the Inspectors appointed by Bullock know notMng at all of their duties, and of course there is no difficulty in getting them to pat on the brand. We wouldn’t give a chew of tobacco for the opinion—with a very few exceptions—of any of Bullock's Inspectors. Most of them are after Vargent, and the more barrels and bag3 they brand, why of conrso the more profit there is. We are sure there is no difference of opinion among those who have considered and are in terested in the subject, as to the necessity of additional legislation upon it. Since commencing tMs article we have had onr attention called to some remarks on the subject in the Chronicle and Sentinel, wMch fully confirm onr impressions. Says that paper: We published the statement a few days since of Professor Willet, of Mercer Umversity, to the effect that a fertilizer used extensively in tMs State, and analyzed by him. contained up wards of forty per cent, of sand. In speaking of this statement of Professor Willet a few days since to an eminent chemist of this State, and an “Inspector of Fertilizers” under onr late law, and expressing onr surprise at the extent of the adulteration exposed by Professor W.’s analysis, he surprised us still further by declar ing that fertilizers were sold in this State which contained over sixty per cent, of sand and inso luble matter—thathe had analyzed the articles, and spoke accurately. It is but just to state also that this gentleman remarked further, that a large majority of the fertilizers he had anal yzed were really valuable. But what planter can tell, if the article containing upward of sixty per cent, of sand and one really valuable is put before Mm, which is the inferior and which is the better article ? We want a law upon this subject similar to that enforced in Maine. There each manufac turer is required to stamp upon each sack, bar rel or other package the full analysis of its con tents—how much ammonia, how much phospho- rio acid, how much phosphate of lime—how much soda and potash, and how mnch sand each sack or barrel contains. Then the planter could tell what he was buying. The Maine law pro vides that if any dealer or manufacturer shall make a false publication of the constituent parts of his fertilizer he is liable to a heavy fine, one- half of wMch goes to the party who detects the fraud. A bill containing similar provisions is now before the Maryland Legislature, and we trast that tbe military council now in session at Atlanta may promulgate an order or law con taining the main features of tbe Maine law. It will, perhaps, be too late to do much good the present season, as most of our planters have made their purchases—some of them no doubt of sixty per cent, of sand—but it will be in time for the next season’s operations. A remedy for tMs great evil is imperatively demanded. The real value or cost of the various articles offered in the market at the highest price, range, ac cording the analysis made by the chemist of the Agricultural Bureau, and of Prof. Johnson, of Yale College, from three and a half to fifty dol lars a ton. These sell for abont the same price, that is to say from seventy to eighty dollars a ton. Until suitable legislation can be obtained plan ters must rely entirely upon the character of the manufacturer or his agents, and the experi ence of Ms neighbors who have nsed the differ ent brands. Northern Immigration. Speculating upon tho prospects of emigration South, the Philadelphia Press of Wednesday says: Judging from the expressed affinity of the English and Scotch, especially during the rebel lion, for the Southern people, and their undis guised interest in the success of the Southern States, it is natural to suppose that those na tionalities at least would evinca a preference for their favorite section, and it is highly probable, from present indications, that largo communi ties of English and Scotch people will soon be settled in the Northern belt of Southern States from which the colored hands are now daily mi grating towards the Gulf. But it is undoubted ly true that the main hope of the South in its present condition is the old free North. For eigners did not and could not understand the merits of onr struggle for self-preservation dur ing the war, and it is not probable that they will, in any great nnmbers, appreciate the rea sons wMch ought to deflect their line of emigra tion from the remote West towards the sunny Sonth, now that the war has made Freedom a national heritage. It is only Northern men who, from their own observation or through the eyes of other people, see the great field of agricul tural and manufacturing enterprise wMch the South now presents, that will have the sagacity to step in and possess the tempting prize.— And yet it is t>. fact almost incredible that there are millions of tMnly-settled or wholly unoccu pied Southern lands, of inexhaustible fertility, within forty-eight hours of Philadelphia, which can be purchased almost if not quite as cheaply as lauds are selling for a thousand miles beyond the Mississippi. These lands, under the potency of Northern agricultural skill, are capable of yielding the most profita ble crops, and adequate facilities for transport ing these crops from every section to the best markets are already in embryo. Then with the curse of slavery removed, the dignity of labor achieved, the stimulus to domestic manufac tures wMch Northern men and Northern capital are certain to impart, and the political homo geneousness of the nation secured by the dis semination of Northern ideas and Northern practicability, the question may reasonably be asked, Why should not tbe lands in Georgia, Alabama or the Carolines be as valuable and sell as high as less productive lands now com mand in our own State? And when that day comes, the average selling price of Southern lands will have advanced upon their present values more than one thousand per cent Emi grants from the Far West can hardly hope to realize a more lucrative return. The “main hope of the Sonth" is in her own people, and there never will be a day when the Southern people (unfettered by Northern tyran ny) will not control the South—morally, intel lectually, politically and financially. But send down your Northern immigrants, Mr. Press, and let them eome and take lock with ns. Let them come and show ns the “potency of North ern agricultural skill]” and then we will show them, what is more to the poipose, howto raise cotton. But it looks to ns too much as if the long-promised Northern immigration wsre mere smoke without any fire. Corporal Punishment in Schools.—Some time since corporeal punishment was abolished in the schools of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Eight of the teachers now report that the abol ishment has been attended with favorable re sults while forty-six of them report unfavor ably. Wherever the experiment has been made it has proved unsuccessful. Spare the rod and you spoil the child is a scriptural injunction wMch applies with as much force to the sohool Mto The Georgia Frees. The lumber sMpdng business has been very brisket Savanna^ during the present month. One house alone lave cleared twelve cargoes in that time. Four thousand eight'hundred and thirty bales of upland, and cae hundred and fifty-two bales of sea-island coton, valued at $568,247,76 were cleared for Liverpool, at Savannah, on Thurs day. The Atlanta Ihtelligenoer says: A Colored Member Invests Per Diem in Beal Estate. f-We saw a colored member of the Legislature yesterday afternoon invest ing his per dien in a lot in tMs city; he is to piy the greater portion in certain installments, probably as thi per diem aocrues and is paid over. He wasalso exhibiting certain admoni- document! from the imaginary Kn-Klux, :h he clains to have received abont two yeas ago. Tlis “cnllud gemman” is now a t of AtUnia but represents a county in \pther portbn of the State. Th* Era says the Atlanta mule trade is very lively* One hundred were sold, on Thursday, at frou $185 to $2 .aoh. The'Constitutiona’jst says: Don’i Pay.—So exceedingly orderly, as a generalRing, (despite tbe efforts of some wMte skins to be contrary) have the colored people of the citr become, that one of Bullock’s chosen magistrate, Mr. John Reynolds, has so far lost Ms judicU “svag,” that he contemplates, we learn, at a* early day, to yield his commission, close Ms jtflical shop in this city, and grace fully retire ri Atlanta, where he can be nearer the throne of Radical grace. He is now dis posing of lis implements of trade, low for cash. Some gmtlexaen of Colambns gave a compli mentary prty on Wednesday evening to CoL Hugh M. ling and his “ charming bride." The Sun says he Colonel won Ms title by “hard blows andrMvalrous fighting in tbe Confederate army, at lensacola, in Tennessee, and on the staff of th gallant Wheeler.” If he is onr old college frind, we beg to offer onr congratula tions, also The Alhny News concludes, from the most reliable daa it has, that there are more laborers iu the toies counties of Lee, Dougherty and Baker tMsysar than last; bnt they are not dis tributed as key were, and many planters have not as manjaa they want. Some have more than they wrked lost year, and new comers have also com in for a share, wMch, of conrse, deprives othes of their full quota; whilst a few have been unble to procure any at alL Peace, hanony, and good will prevail gen erally betweei employer and employes, and ma terial interest are engaging the faithful efforts of both races br mutual prosperity. In a case tied at Columbus on Wednesday where the conideration was $170 in Confeder ate money, tb jury gave the plaintiff $3 in greenbacks. The Bainbrige Sun says the planters of De catur county aiicipate larger crops this season than any year tnce war. The Thomason Herald says small pox has broken out in fiat county. Mr. Ben. Jofian, of Upson county, was shot and mortally wmnded, a few days ago, by a ne gro man namedElbert Denham. The Atlanta Ira of Wednesday has this para graphs We learn tha Mr. Bryant, Mr. Miller, Mr. Caldwell, Dr. Aigier, Mr. Hill and Mr. Osgood, left for WasMnjton on Tuesday evening. It is asserted that thB party have the impudence to claim—usiDg tleir own language—to “repre sent the ablest Xepublicans in Georgia.” Cheap Land.—Last Tuesday there was a large quantity of lanes sold, which brought very low prices. A neatlittle farm of 160 acres, capable of producing a Vale of cotton to two acres with' out the aid of fertilizers, with a good log build ing thereon, sold for $150. A few months ago $700 was refuted for the place. Other lands sold for a mere song.—Bainbridge Sun, 3d. The Covington Enterprise says that Julia Ramsey, colored, was outraged and then mur dered by her step-father, Esquire Ramsey, in Henry county, last week. The murderer con fessed his crime, and was with difficulty saved by the white people of the neighborhood from being lynched bj the negroes. An Aristocratic Wedding in Cincin- I nati. The grand danes, demoiselles and swells of Cincinnati are just recovering from the delight ful flutter of the most aristocratic wedding that ever occurred it that city. That our readers may not be betind hand in the very important matter of knowing all about the bride and groom, what tley wore, eto., we append the fol lowing notice of the affair: The groom Mr- Kenelm T. Digby, belongs to an old fanily of the landed gentry of Eng land, whose pedigree extends away back into the troubloos times of CharleB the First Mr. Digby is row a member of Parliament from Ireland. ?he bride is a daughter of Hon. Wm. S. Groesbeck, a prominent lawyer of Cincinnati. Mr. Digby and Miss Groesbeck met at Newport, and be sod bis friends were, in the conrse of their tnvels, the guests of Mr. Groesbeck, at Ms residence in Cincinnati. Last summer, Mr. Groeabjck and daughters, traveling in England, were joined by Mr. Digby, who accompanied them upon tho Continent The wedding was stricter a private affair, only members of the family of the bride being present As Mr. Digby is a Catholic, the ceremony was perform ed by Bishop Rosecrans. The bride’s ward robe was made by Worth, the celebrated man milliner of Paris. She was dressed in a foil un der dreis of wMte tulle, composed of several skirts, trimmed with wMte satin ribbon, put on lengthwise. Elegant court-train, trimmed around die bottom with three or four narrow- pointed flounces, very full, headed with trim ming. Corsage, cut surplus, coat sleeves, and trimmed over the breast with puffings of tnlle and app'ivue lace. Bonnet Marie Stnart shape, with lovely wreath of orange blossoms setting close to tho head. Magnificent veil of point appUgue lace, very fine, put on very full over the top of the bonnet, forming a high tuft, and fastened in front at the point over the forehead with a brilliant duster of diamonds. Cluster diamond ear-rings and diamond pendant, with gold chain. The bridegroom was dressed in the English style for morning wedding—light drab pantaloons, black frock coat bnttoned over the chest, blue silk cravat tied in sailor knot, and wMte kid gloves. HU winter residence is in London, and he expects to sail from New York homeward bound with bis bride on Wed nesday. Horrible.—The Savannah Bepublican of Thursday says: Mr. Mercer, agent for the contractors on the Bainbridge, Cnthbert and Colambns Railroad, was in the city on Wednesday for the purpose of hiring laborers for that road. He left the city on the afternoon train for Station 1. Be tween nine and ten o’clock on Wednesday night, when the down Brunswick train was near Sta tion 1, the engineer notioed somethingon the traok, wMch he supposed to be a calf. He blew the wMstle, but the object did not move, and he proceeded. On Thursday morning the body of Mercer was found on the track, in a fright fully mangled condition. The remains were gathered np as well as they could be under the circumstances, and deposited at a point near the place where they were found, and at abont two o’clock p. h., yesterday, the Coroner of Chat ham county was notified, bnt for some reason, at a late hour last night, no inquest had been held. The Superintendent of the Atlantio and Gulf railroad, procured a coffin and sent it to Station 1 last night, for the purpose of having the remains decently bnried. There is a rumor, wMch we give for what it is worth, that Meroer was murdered a short dis tance from the railroad, and Ms dead body placed on the track. The reason for tMs sup position is said to be that a pool of blood was found, and tbe inference is that the murderers placed the dead body on the track for the pur pose of concealing the crime. A Bohan wit has discovered the habits of rll the Western bishops at the (Ecumenical. The English are always taking ont something to eat; the American bishops are retiring to smoke; the French bishops are passing abont and talking • tbe Spanish bishops are in little groups, talking their own politics; the Germans are silent am doing nothing. The Italians, if we may con clude from the example of the wit himself axe making their observations. 33Y TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Febmaiy 4.—Nominations to-day: Dr. Sam Bud, late of Atlanta, Ga., Governor of Idaho; Belg&r, Assessor for the Third North Caro lina District; G&bin, District Judge of Florida. Revenue to-day over $1,000,000. The seizure of tho contents, and a large quantity of whisky removed therefrom, of the dietUlery of Bingham & Barton, Hazleton, Indiana, has been ordered. L. J. Durant is again urged for the Supreme Bench. CONGRESSIONAL. Washington, February 4.—Senate—A bill- was passed ordering the Secretary of the Treasury to withhold moniee due defaulting States. A resolution was passed calling on the President for information regarding Georgia. The bill abolishing the franking privilege, was taken up. The Cooper Institute meeting at New York aBks the recognition of Cuba. Several bills affecting the District of Columbia were reported. The Franking bill was resumed. Mr. Sherman moved as an amendment that the bill should not interfere with the free circulation of papers within twenty miles of publication. No action. The Census bill was resumed, and the Senate ad journed to Monday. House.—In the House private bills were under consideration. The Committee on appropriations heud Boutwell —nothing transpired. The Committee on Military Affairs was ordered to nquire what members of Congress had offered for sale the appointments to the military or naval acad emies. The following important action, showing a soft ening in regard to test oaths, was reported folly “Mr. Bingham, from tbe Judiciary Committee, re ported a bill to relieve Francis E. Shober, Repre sentative from the Sixth North Carolina District, of the necessity of taking the iron-clad oath, and that he be admitted to his seat upon taking an oath to support the Constitution,” etc. Mr. Paine made the point of order that this was not a private bill; but it affected the organization of the House. The Speaker overruled tho point of order. Mr. Paine appealed from the decision. On motion of Mr. Cox, the appoalwas laid on the table. Mr. Paine said the matter was now before the Election Committee, and this purposed to relieve Mr. Shober of his disabilities. Mr. Bingham said that the Judiciary Committee had investigated tho matter, and was satisfied that Mr. Shober labored under no disabilities imposed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. He was a member of tbe North Carolina Legisla ture and could not, therefore, take the oath; but his course bad always been that of a friend of the Union. Mr. Dewise said Mr. Shober was not subject to any disabilities under the Fourteenth Amendment. The Chair, in answer to inquiries, stated that the passage of the bill would not prevent the Election Committee from farther examining Mr. Shober’s credentials and reporting upon Ms right to a seat. Mr. Arnold, of Tennessee, moved to lay tho bill upon the table, which was agreed to—ayes 89; nays 78. The bill for the relief of the poor, and authorizing the Secretary of War to issue rations was passed. The House meets to-morrow for debate only. ALABAMA LEGISLATURE. Montgomery, February 4.—The House to-day voted down, by a vote of 55 to 35, the bill for the State Treasurer to issne bonds for three million dollars in aid of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad. The Constitution requires a two-thirds majority for such laws. A motion was made to re consider to-morrow, and there is heavy lobbying to night. The bill passed the Senate some days ago, and was amended by the House by requiring, in ad dition to mortgage on individual security, that the work should be completed in a specified state. The House passed, yesterday, the hill extending the time in wbien Railroads can complete twenty mUes, to get State endorsement of $16,000 per mile. GENERAL NEWS. Augusta, February 4 The Green Lino Excur sion from Cincinnati, Lonisville, and other cities, were entertained to-day by the Board of Trade. They leave for home to-night. Memphis, February 4.—The fast freight lines aro again in trouble. The rates now on cotton to New Yoik is 90 cents; to Philadelphia 85 cents; to Bos ton $1* Fortress Monroe, February 4.—It has been blowing a northeast gale all day. Tallahassee, Fla., February 4.—In the Legisla ture, to-day, the committee appointed to investigate the official acts and charges against Gov. Reed, re ported for impeachment—4 to 1. The minority re port is said to be weak. The evidence was read to tho House in secret session this forenoon and to open session this afternoon. The vote on impeach ment will be taken to-morrow, perhaps to-night. FOREIGN NEWS. Parts. February 4.—Hugo’s Lucretia Borgia was heard by a disorderly audience. Paul de C&sagnac, the author, was hissed. Dispatches from Rome state that the death of the Archbishop of Lyons is momentarily appre hended. Alexandrta, February 4.—Vessels drawing over seventeen and a half feet cannot safely pass the Suez Canal. t Southampton, February 4.—The steamship Bre men arrived yesterday from New Orleans. London, February 4.—The recent delays in the telegraph service is attributable to the change from private to public control. It is reported that the Viceroy of Egypt leaves out Greece in the alliance. Rome, February 4.—The Pope announces that ho will decline participation in the controversy respecti ng Ms personal infallibility. New Castle, February 4.—Two negroes named Jones and Carpenter, were hung to-day, for rape. fromTcuba. Havana, February 4.—Two men were killed here on Wednesday night. Romantic Story of a Remarkable Piece or Hair. A magnificent piece of human hair—the larg est, finest and most valuable in America—is now hanging in toe window of Thompson & Oo., in Canal street, near Broadway. It is of a dark brown hne, soft as silk, weighs seven ounces, and is sixty-four inches in length—5 feet 4 inches. On a medium sized woman, this would sweep toe floor. The longest piece of Mur on record, exhibited at the London Exposition in 1851, be longed to Leon Fellery, of Paris, and was 72 inches in length. The story of this one that measured 64 inohes is rather romantio. It came from toe head of a Swabian peasant girl, who^ had two suitors for her hand, one a poor farm hand, who earned six kreutzers a day, and the other a rich miller. The miller owned the oot- tage in wMch the 8wabian girl and her widowed mother lived, and being as selfish and unscru pulous as he was wealthy, threatened to drive Ms tenants ont of their home unless he was suc cessful, although they had already paid part of tho price demanded for the cottage, and were saving and working to pay toe remainder. In tola emergency a traveling hair merchant ap peared in the village, and sooner than marry the wealthy miller, or on the other hand have her aged mother driven from house and home, she determined upon the sacrifice of her beau tiful hair. It was taken to the Liepsio annual fair, sold there for $175 to an American dealer, and from his hands found its way to its present owner. It is valued at between $250 and $300. Don Piatt thus describes the personal appear ance of Jas. Fisk, Jr., while before toe “gold oomer” investigation committee at Washing ton : “Fisk, Jr., rolled into toe oommittee with the life and uproar of a steamtng. His short, fat person was set off in the londest of clothes. A diamond gleamed,from his cascade of white linen, like a head-light from a locomotive, while a huge cable gold chain fell in festoons from his neck, as far down as that part of Ms person where the leg ends and his body begins. His plaid pantaloons, of the most pronounoed pat tern, and the bleok velvet jacket were of toe sort, in the way of ooetume, one sees in low comedy upon toe stage.” LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. Tlae BUI Abolishing- tbe Franking privil ege— Retrenchment Qnarkerjr—Contested kieettons—Stokes, of Tennessee—Gossip, Etc. Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Washington, February 2,1870. The speeches of Mr. Dawes in the House, in which he exposed the extravagance of the fiscal estimates, have not been without their effect The administration was surprised, astounded, dismayed. Something must be done to delude toe publio with toe belief that there was to be reform and retrenchment somewhere; and so Mr. Cresswell came forward with his scheme for abolishing toe franking privilege. A bill for this purpose has passed the Honse, which forbids toe carrying of any free matter whatever through toe mails. It is not probable that the bill will pass the Senate in tMs shape; bnt if it does pass, toe departments, members of Con gress, and all government officials must be furnished with a greater or less quantities of postage stamps, and it will soon be found that tois privilege will be abused to an even greater extent than toe franking privilege. Another economy is proposed by Gen. An thony, who introduced a bill in the Senate yes terday wMch provides that 1550 copies only of the President’s message and reports of heads of departments, and 500 copies additional for toe head of a department, on his own requisition only, for the proper service of toe department, and not for distribution, be printed. The pub lication of the “Biennial Register,” “Abridge ment of toe President’s Message and Accompa- ing Documents,” “Laws and Joint Resolu tions,” shall be discontinued. Also, toe publi cation of laws of the United States, and of toe treaties with foreign powers in toe newspapers; though toe Secretary of State is authorized to publish in toe newspapers snoh laws as in his judgment should be published for public inform ation. All binding at the Government Office must be of a plain, substantial character, and no extra binding executed, except on the order of the President of toe Senate, Speaker of the House, or head of a department. The bill was referred to the Committee on Printing. It is a step in toe right direction, and if passed will save many thousands of dollars yearly. Mr. Anthony will speak at length on toe subject shortly, and will present some interesting facts connected with toe public printing and toe gra tuitous distribution of doenments. A bill will soon be introduced in toe Senate for catting down toe naval orgamzation to toe basis of 1862, whereby a saving of a million and a half of dollars per annum will be effect ed ; and Gen. Logan is said to be preparing a bill for presentation in toe House, which will cut down toe army to a peace footing, and save a few millions more per annum. Mr. Wells, of the House, is preparing a bill, wMch he will shortly introduce, with a view to prevent some of toe innumerable contested election cases wMch occupy so mnch of toe time of toe Honse, and put the country to great ex pense. The billwUl make it obligatory upon the contestant to give bond in toe penal snm of six thousand dollars—that, in toe event of Ms not being able to make out a case against the sitting member, he will reimburse him the amount expended in procuring testimony, etc., to prove his right to the seat which he occupies. Such a bill as tMs will, if passed, tend to put a stop to many contests wMch are instigated by penniless politicians with a view to obtaining toe bonus usually awarded by Congress to nn- ■iccessful candidates. How many of these reforms will be carried ont, it is impossible to say. The saving they will effect is afier all very small, compared to toe amounts wastefully expended in other ways. But if these bills do pass, it is Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts, a tax-burdened people have to thank for the slight relief afforded them. Congressman Stokes, of Tennessee, has had printed in pampMet form Ms “personal expla nation,” in reply to the tirade Senator Brown- low had read in the Senate on tho 13th of De- comlwr laot. WMle not using oa » h violent and abusive language as tne Senator, Mr. Stokes is personal and severe. He recites the facts con cerning the late election, or rather gives Ms version of them, ana says: “In voting for Governor Senter under the circumstances stated, Mr. Brownlow i3 justly subject to one of two charges: either want of political sagacity ov a desire to secure toe de feat of Ms party. He disclaims toe benefit of as charitable a judgment as the former, and we are therefore warranted in holding Mm respon sible for toe latter.” And again he says: “It was well known and understood that if I was elected Governor I was elected to expose and punish toe gigantio railroad frauds and peculations by means of wMch some of the Senator’s particular friends were enabled to buy np by the wholesale the leading Republican newspapers of the State andnse them to defeat me and break down our party. Every one of the newspapers bought np by such means and used to support Messrs. Brownlow and Senter havo either suspended publication or gone over, like toe Knoxville WMg, to toe extreme rebel wing of the Democratio party. Under toe pa tronage and peculiar Republican triumph of the Senter party every Republican daily paper in toe State has either been forced to suspend or advocate Democratio principles for support. These are better tests by which to judge the character and temper of Senter Republicanism than toe cheap praise and indorsement of the few crippled and weak-kneed Bepnblicans who survived the contest.” Mr. Stokes concludes as follows: Now, Mr. Speaker, bnt a word more. The other Senator from Tennessee (Mr. Fowler) makes the following statement in a speech afew days since in the Senate. He says that the “Republican party of Tennessee stinks in the nostrils of every honest man in toe State.” TMs I will not trouble the Honse with at this time, but will at some future day take occasion to defend the fifty-five thousand true Union men and Federal soldiers who stood trne to Re publican principles last August If, sir, this House will but go into an investi gation of the frauds in the late August election they will find, to use too language of the honor able Senator in conversation, “that it was car ried by wholesale perjury,” toe term fraud be- too mild. >ucb quarrels as tMs among leading Radicals make interesting reading matter, as it is a mat ter of utter indifference wMch side wins. There was a sound of revelry by night on Oapitol Hill last evening, at the residence of Downing, the colored caterer. Colored Senator Bevels, of Mississippi, was entertained by his host, the aforesaid Downing; and some forty arsons were assembled, Senators Wilson and arris, Congressman Kelly, toe entire Missis sippi delegation, Mayor Bowen and various of ficials and others to toe number of forty. The negro worshippers hung upon the lips of Revels in social converse, filled their bellies with toe good things Downing provided and then depart ed. Bevels is soon to be torch-lighted and sere naded. Madame Bevels was in toe Senate gal lery to-day. Mr. Sanlsbury presented, in toe Senate yes terday, a memorial from a Mr. Patton, of Penn sylvania, against negro suffrage. The memo rial says : “The amendments to the Constitu tion wMch have given equality to the black with the wMte race, were adopted under dures», and by forcing upon the Southern States, illegally, an unqualified voting element, and those States are not pound to abide by such forced adop tion.” The Senate passed toe currency bill to-day, with numerous amendments. The bill, as passed, provides for banking on a coin basis, increases the amount of national bank notes to be issued to forty-five millions, iu lieu of the same amount of three per cent, in oertifioates to be redeemed, (this increase to go to toe South and West,) and also takeB twenty millions of banknote currenoy from theNew England banks and transfers it to the South and West The bill now goes to the House. The House to-day discussed toe oases of the Fenian prisoners in Great Britain and toe Ca ban question, and afterwards took up the bill to provide an electioneering fund for the City Hall wing. It rails for an appropriation of $30,- 000 for the poor of the District, and has passed toe Senate. The revenne blanks for the annual inoome of 1870 are now ready for circulation, and will be forwarded to the revenue officers throughout the country without delay. The answers will be re- ? [aired this year in writing, and the details are ar more explioit than heretofore. Hon. James G. Blaine, Speaker of the House of Representatives, entertains the members of toe press in this city on Thursday evening next. Dalton. A Talk With (‘areals. I know thousands of parents who have re. oeived from God a cMld, and then they turn the young immortal into a dressmaker's doll! if God had not made the little creature beauti. ful enough, they must overload it with uphob storings of silk and laces, and then torture it* graceful freedom into the tongs and screws of arbitrary fashion. On a certain Sabbath these parents brought their cMldren to chnroh, and formally devoted them to the Lord in baptists. Bnt all toe rest of toe time they .are conseert! ting their offspring to that other trinity—fashion finery, and folly! I tell you that this overdress ing of toe body strikes through into toe heart It poisons the mind with affections and most unchild-like greed of admiration and vain glory How can a stop ever be put to the crop of foi and fasMons, if cMldren are to be trained into foppery and ooxcombery from their cradles? How can onr cMldren be taught self-deniaL frugality, humility, and spiritual-mindedness, while their graceful forms are smothered under the artificial trappings of pride and extrava- gance ? I am quite sure that when tbe sensible Hebrew mother “made a little coat” for her lovely boy, she remembered that he was “lent unto the Lord,” and not the “lusts of the pride of life.” But there is another meaning wMch I wig]* ^ give to this “little coat” In the Bible, dress is an emblem of character. Christianity y spoken of as a raiment; we are exhorted to “put on Christ," to be “clothed with humility ” and to keep our garments unspotted from the world. Nor is it a mere pun—a playing sacred words to remind you that habit both tip Miles dress and signifies disposition of the mind and its tendency to good or evil. The habit of doing right is the essenoo of godliness. Now, we parents not only clothe onr little ones; we also provide, in no small degree the habits of their souls. We help to clothe them in garments of light and loveliness, or else in garments of sin and sorrow and shame. W e make for them coats wMch no moth can con- same—coats which they shall bo wearing after we have mouldered into cas!! Our childre- put on toe example we set, and wear it. Hg only what we say, bnt what we do, will be re. peated in their opinions and their conduct. On; character streams into our cMldren. It enter; into their eyes and through their ears every moment. How quick they are to copy trs! No photograpMo plate is more exquisitively seal sitive to toe images wMch lodge there. Our & simulations make them tricky and deceit. fuL If a boy is handled harsMv, ati jerked into obedience, he will likely turn out ] a sulky, obstinate nature; he will be jnat whs: our impatient rudeness makes him. If maii.j cions tattle sour our conversation at the table.' our children’s “teeth will be set on edge.” ^ we talk only “money, money, mensy,” the: will be greedy for sharp bargains. If we ts5i ‘•horses," and “base-ball,” and “race-courses,-3 etc., they will be on fire with a rage for sport? ing. If we give our boys a dollar for the to-, shop or place of amusement, and only a dr, for toe contribution-box, we shall teach the: that self-indulgence is of ten times more imper. tance than charity. If we live for the woriiH they will die for the world, and be lost forever r The mind-garmenis which we weave they wear. Long after we are dead, our childrsj will be clothed in habits we helped to fasMctj My fellow-parents, we are weaving our ciij dren’s habits every boor. "We do it as clothe; are made, stitch by stitch. We do it byliiii things and through unconscious influences. M are making the “little coats” which shall n; worn not only in this world, but in the world i come! Oh, how much it depends on us whelk they shall “walk in wMte” among the glorife. in Heaven! The property we can leave os children may be small indeed. We mays: afford them an expensive education. Bati by day we can be prayerfully, patiently wean8 for them that garment of goodness which shf grow brighter and still brighter until they^ 3 on the shining raiment like unto those thatet^ before the Throne!—Rev. T. L. Cuyler. Exchange of Civilities Between Jndr Underwood and Governor Wise, Something out of the ordinary routine court scenes was witnessed in the TJuiitiSt* Circuit Court yesterday. Judge Underwood delivering the judgment of the court in case of Nelms vs the John Sylvester, tooko sion to compliment in toe highest terms fit gument of ex-Govemor Henry A. Wise, com for the plaintiff, characterizing the effort one of the ablest he had ever heard in s cause before Mm for trial. From this he passed to eulogy upon the character of emor Wise in terms wMch struck nearly e auditor with surprise, when it was recoil:.; that the speaker was John C. Underwood, c that the subject of the eulogy was none a' than he who has been immortalized in 6ong history as toe signer of the deato-warmtj that old sinner Ossawattomie Brown. ThcJ: said that when he came to Virginia, twenty- years ago, as a school-teacher, Governor ' was then a young and prominent politi about to enter Congress, and that ever sine had watched his career with interest; aude they had differed to some extent in politics,: might be due to difference of training. As himself, he had been brought up in the t& of William Penn, and, indeed, his ideas c! be called Puritanical. This, however, dill affect Ms personal relations with his Si guished friend, and he was prond to hav:J opportunity to say so. These remarks called np their subject] venerable Governor, who was one of the taj ished listeners. He very gracefully, audit] style peculiar to himself, acknowledged tie pi intent paid him from toe bench, and said J on his part, he could not complain that 1:1 ever seen anything but a disposition to 4 fairly and justly in Judge Underwood's 4j ions, in cases in wMch he was counsel. He branched off and made what many vt: present say was one of the happiest effc Ms life, reviewing at length the grounds d ference between Mmself and Judge Und and illustrating his position with well-tii ecdotes. In conclusion, referring to the Ji antecedents as a life-long and avowed opp of human slavery in form, he called upfil to redeem Ms promises and make good his ly known professions by using his iuflnt: strike from hia (Governor Wise’s) wrist bonds of servitnde worse than the slavery f African. He alluded, of course, to the disabilities imposed upon Mm by Con| enactment. Judge Underwood bowed, and the case the court was then disposed of; end f= ; J were present were less pleased than astc: at an incident which, if rare in a court certainly afforded an amusing and unob;! : able entertainment—Richmond DispatA The Probable Error in the Sun'i] tance. In order to give an idea of toe extrao: interest that is attached to toe next traj give toe results of the two last in regard 1 sun’s distance. In Ferguson’s Astronocll ten about the middle of tne last cenMr earth’s distance from the sun is given as :■] 000 miles. The transit of 1763 gave a r 95,000,000 miles. The same result waso| by the transit of 17G9. We are now de| alone upon the transit of Venus. The 1 system has been applied to Mars, and H velocity of light has been made to bear] problem. 1 The result of modem investigation «j error of 4,000,000 miles. This might »!T be a great fault in astronomical calct4 but even tois error in the sun’s angukjj ter, if it be an error, is no greater breadth of a human hair seen at the dis* 125 feet. Moreover, a Mr. Stone, of tb<J wich Observatory, has discovered a toe calculations of toe transit of brings the son’s distance down to 9-I miles. For his research a gold medal ^ awarded to Mm by the Royal Geogr*? ciety. . The next transit of Venus will tbe?] anticipated and observed in every J quarter of toe globe, with an intensity] est wMoh no natural phenomenon bai j cited. Distant stations have aM'i chosen; the best accurate instrumetq ing constructed; the arrangements fit of expeditions have been oonuaecT nearly time for those designed for regions to commence their long jotfji The English astromers have selected] tions, and have petitioned Parlis®*! grant of $30,000; the French Acadc®:! ously at work; the German “ Bub* ously in the field, and the other Eu^r ties will contribute their share to 1 ject. The wonderful sgenoies of scope and photograph as indicate** J be brought into requisition, and 1 main to perfect toe arrangements^ ing made for toe purpose.—-T~ Tub Paris executioner is over® 5 ] with the proportions of a Hercu arid strong hand, well formed •‘" A formed. He is always ill for ] performing his duty at the guillo* 15 ' ] l -‘--—-