Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 08, 1870, Image 7

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tfiraM6iM* ; " 'is \i (■-- wawnniw :■ The Greorgia ~Weekly Telegraph and Journal & Messenger. ■ V - SEWYORK, £ ADVANTAGES we enjoy .-the result of a long established £ ' . ucce ssful business enables us to ^ Inducements that makes this cement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods di- . controlling many leading styles J American fabrics, employing the * t af tijtic talent m the production nf ourffa <K ^ 5 ’ and " constant Progress" 0 „„ iv<j claim to lead the mar- 0 ur mo~ 0 ' It et# (j£/lDV*MADE clothing, c r „hich we keep full lines of all ides, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK DJf products are unsurpassed for qual- l t , ff orkmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS r stock is constantly large and portable. We are the sole manu facturers of the ma which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have therr azures recorded upon our books System of Self-Measurement, and ctner information promptly furnished when desired. Address P. 0. Box 2256, N. Y. DEVLIN & CO. !2i<cd tr?mcs up Meal Bnsiness College, FORMERLY Corner Mulberry and Second Streets, JUOOM, CUA— I. 3.EFsTi)N. Principal of Penmanship Depifl- 1 fpAlhrar and J. W. Blackman's Commer- ICciiw**. Xtw Orleans. L». lEulitM LEV1S0N, Principal of Basinets De- tm-et, !»•< ot liftman National Business College, ,ur.liem>c NewYnrk. ['JiiXT.Alc rlSTY A. M.. frofessor of theEng- II. iL:Hare.Mathematic* .'and Civil l nginceriug. *r»or Instruction from 0 to 1, 3 to 5, 7 to 9, Unity. jSTO ■VA.CA.’TIOJSTS. !K OFTUITION—PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, (live Unlimited.) .p, ,, __ HENRY W. SIGLAR. A. M.. Newburgh. N. Y. « Commercial Coarse, here pursued, embraces: iins: iVinii.nship $15 00 i-ketpirg adapted to different depart- «u ■: :»ie) 35 00 .mat" .-.Mercantile Calculations _ 25 00 Penmanship and Flourishes .... 20 00 [lurjw.og 20 00 uirriietrinj 100 00 -•1 Ltncusge, embracing Grammar, Composi t'd hhetoric 350 10 r xtJs Forms, Business Correspondence. iSnud can be obtained at Twenty-fire Dollars wma. References: ’•M.Xisbxt, GcorgeS. Obp.«b. Mayor, r fiSHiSGTox Poe. .1. W. Bcrke. Esq., iV» J *e**ox, Joseph llisby. Esq.. •i-R-Boox. o a. Nctiiso, Esq.. ,, Kev. David Wills. D. D. teWBURGH INSTITUTE •*. iam:ly school for boys. of uncqualed beauty and healthful- Jt'Touah preparation for College. bnsi- EJS^womI school. Instructors able and ex- uisciplinc strict and efficient. *orealari. olc .. address Teacher Wanted. plr-uyiH" wifh o employ a good LADY .^"•OfcK for ten months—one that can come ^ amended, put up with old fashioned fare— nil the Enclish branches. Arith- - .‘-J JIu-ic. Parties will a<l-’rc=s the under- “<* *tate terms, etq. JOHN F. MoLEOD. R. C SMITH. _.... Dr. II. WALKER. Pulaski county, Ga. Box 89. LUitSt* A NEW PAPER! COTTON STATES LIFE \mmm COVET! Authorized Capita), $2,000,000. Guaranteed Capital, $500,000. lETEllPEBASCE WATCH8AS1 Impose to issue on the first day of April next, monthly thereafter, a paper of thirty-two 7i?£* l, * T otcd to the advancement of thoTEM- ^CBCAUSE in Georgia. 1 »,Y tr *iW he interspersed with such matter as ihrnlv ? f interest to all our readers. Those i„ ,J|S*ja times of,’yoro knelt around the al- L°Af; 0 3i‘h’KITY AND FIDELIA Y. and onr c^rfrV rrWhtItl ar0 invited to aid us in the new I j® *W lend us n helping hand will please g -a “ ei . JJdeti immediately. Price S3 (JO per STABLE GRIS1 MILLS. —rok— J** -’lEAL, WHEAT FLOLTIIXO AND k h’eed, HoltlMf Apparatus, Smutters 51 «»1 Work Generally. W.E. H. SEARCY. Griffin, Ga. Queen of the pouth Our Mills are built from cnciee Bur Blocks, selected at tan Quar ries in Franco by Is#*; Straub ries m France by lsarre ecrauo himself. Seed for Descriptive Pamphlet containing treatise on Milhnir. sent by Snail free. Address ISAAC SiltAUB £ CO., Cor* Front and John sts., ClXClKXATI, 0. PEESONAL. i%S.&«eyears ago. MILBRY BASS, colored. Slell 'l* v e of Col. N. Bass.) about loyears or iJy-' 00 county for Texas n j«frf >a c ,°nnty for Texas. *kfa'ii'.*■Mlon of her whereabouts would be I “*» received by her brother. ISHAM BASS. — AlarshallvKle. Ga. 0. MILLER & SOUS, ®5x Manufacturers of CLASS CARBIAGES, AJ'jaoxanwAirx. Book °f Styles. JanlWwfAmlwAwSm Deposited for the Benefit of Policy Holden, $100,000. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: Macon, Georgia. WJf. B. JOHNSTON, President. WX. S. HOLT, Vice-President. C. F. MctAf, Actuary. OEO. S. OBEAR, Secretary. JOHN W. BURKE, General Agent. WX. J. XAGIIX, Supcrlntend’t ofAffcnele. T HE COTTON STATES is a HOME COMPANY. All its accumulations arc deposited at the South, and go to building up our own country, rather than to enriching Foreign Companies. Its success has been UNPRECEDENTED np to this time, and its business is rapidly increasing. It insures on aU THE MOST POPULAR PLANS of Insurance. If you want to insure your life in A SOUND COMPANY At home, so that in case of death yonr heirs can get the money due at once. For further particulars, address cither GEO. S. OBEAR. Secretary, or JOHN W. BURKE. General Agent. dec31-dlaw*w3m B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry Street, MACON, GA. OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES, itOO COOKING STOVES, 100 COAE GRATES, 100 PARLOR and BOX STOVES. Wishing to close out our entire stock of Cooking Stoves, wo will offer them at great Bargains. i£S” Planters wishing to purchase can do so by Warehouse acceptances without additional cost. Every cook stove warranted or the money returned tgrOEDERS SOLICITED. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry street, Macon, Ga. nov2C-tf BEAL THE TESTIMONIALS! W E. tie undersigned Ladie* of Macon, have thor- nuarMv tested upon every kind of fabric the Ma chines sold by Mr. FT. W. Boifciiillet. OF THIS CITY, And from cur experience we are prepared to pro nounce them far superior to any other cheapSL'V- IxG MACHINES we have ever befo.e seen, aud for family sewing equal to any high-priced. Machines in the market. Each of ns own and use m our family one of these Machines, bought of him, and wo recom mend them to our lady friends, throughout the city and country. As these Machines have never given us one moment’s trouble, we can always rely upon t h em- „ „ Mrs. J. B. Ross, two: Mrs. Layton Sewell,), Mi*. Wm. Holt, two; Mr?- Robert Ready, Mrs. T. L, Holt, Mrs. John Meldrum, Mrs. Dr. Chas. H. Hall. Mrs. Peter Solomon, four machines, different Mrs. J. H. Otto, parties; _ Mrs, Michael Lon, . Miss GetSineer, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mr. T. N. Vining, " Artope. Dr. Parsons, of banders- Mrs. Thomas Artope. Mrs. Warren, lady of Rev. ville. two; E. W. Warren, Baptist Dr. Wm. Grcea.MilIcdge pastor in charge; ville. two ; Mrs. Lawton, Mrs. Dobimon, Miiledge- Mr*. Sarah Swindleherst. ville. two; Mrs. W. H. bearey, of Mrs. Sarah Gabol, Savan- Grilfin: nah; Mrs. M. W. Powell, Rey- Mrs. J.O. Jacobs.Eorsyth; nolds: C D. Morgan, Crawford; P. B.Shaw. Uawkin3ville; W. M Coleman, Cuthbert; Mrs. M. C. Varner. Sunny- Mrs. W. A. Worth, Hunts- side ; ville, Alabama: Mrs. Mary Shaw, Dykes’ Editor Hawkinsville, Dis- S tat ion; patch,. • ..... Dr. Greer, Midway, four; S. A. Whitaker.MilIedge- Miss Johnson, Americas; ville; b. L. Foster. Wrightsville. And over one hundred others, from different parts of the State. Machines, from 812 to $85. Every Machine Kept in Order, and (guaranteed for Five Years, Free of Cost! H. W. BOXFEUZL&fi'Z?, Macon. Ga., 69 Second street, near Cherry. feb24-w4t Opposite Bnrke’s Book Store NO EXCUSE FOR IDLENESS ! 6100 TO 8360 PER M05TT ^JADB by Minister?. Teasers, intelligent^ young men, ladies, farmers’ sons, etc., selling our >EW IMPROVED COMMON SEXSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. It makes the elnstis loek-stieb, and will hem. fell, tcuk, stitch, bind, braid, and embroider in a most su perior manner. Price only $20. Fully warranted lor tbre: years. For simplicity and durability, it has no equal. Experienced Aeems greatly desired. TRAV ELING and LOCAL AGENTS wanted everywhere. For circulars and terms to agents, address SrCOMB Jr CO., dec-I63m Box 113, West Point, Go. American Combination! BUtTO.V-HOLLN'6, OVEft-SEAMI&'G SEWING MACHINE. TH! :E first and only BUTTON-HOLE and ||WING ir ACHINE that can do all kind* of SEWING X .UAUUAiVA lllftk LUU ““ " , 7* , .i needed in the family, from the coarsest cloth to the fi ItwRlwork beautiful BUTTON HOLES. EYELET HOLES. Embroider over the Edge, do ’'Over-foam ing’’ as by hand. Also, aU kinds of Stitching, Hem ming. Cording. Felling Braiding. Binding, Kuffling, Tucking,Gathering and Sewing on. Thisncertainly far in advance of all others; It certainly has no equal. Machines from $12 to 385, on the most reasonable terms. Examine all other Machines, then call and examine mine before purchasing elsewhere. The greatest novelty of the aye is now ex exhibi tion a'nd for sale by H. W. BOIFEUILLET, feb22-d*w2t Macon. Gn. FKEMIUAl COTTOS SEED. I * OFFKR for fale 200 BliSdJELS SOUTH f^BA UP LAND LONG STAPLE COTTON SEED. This Cotton took the premium at the Stats Pair in November last, a-^l also tho premium offered by Mean*. Hardemoa .t Spark* for the “beft five bales Long Staple Upland Cotton.” It iaurolific. and does not tall out—very hardy. General yv. S. Holt, of this county, raised the present year over 2900 pounds on . —a « j It commands in this market 6 to 8 cents per pound more than common upland cotton ol same clafs. Sold by Hardeman A Sparks, in 1868, at 30 cents per pound, with good middling uplands at 21 to 22 cents per pound. .... . . . , Price, $2 per bushel, racked and delivered at depot in Macon. _ _ _ . Terms—Cash on delivery* Messrs- Hardeman « Sparks will receive orders. „ «*.«»**. feb«-aUiw-»einuw2m«* TV. S. BRANTLY. WHANN’S Hocston Factort, Febrn»ry 12,1870. Musks. SAULSBUl’.Y. CHERRY A BLASIN- GAMJS—Gestlenen: I regard Whann’s haw Bone huperphotphatc equal to any Fertilizer I have ever used. My Colton upon which I used it escaped rust and Stood the drought of last season better than that upon which 1 used o.her Fertilizers. GARRETT SMITH. Messes SAULSBUBY, CHERRY k BLASIN- GAMti— Gentlemen : I can recommend Whann’s Raw Bone Superphosphate as a first-class fertilizer— having used it on my Cotton Iasi season with very satisfactory result.—being fully eque! ;oan7 others I used, and having the advantage of standing the drouth better. ELIUU PRICE. Macon, February 24.1870. We are now receiving a fresh supply of the above. As also. Bower's Complete Manure and Planters’ A, From the Southern Fertilizing Company of Rich mond, prepared under the direction of Professor Gil- hatu. Persons desiring Reliable Fertilizers would do well to furnish us their orders without delay. Sanlsbury, Cherry & Blasingamc. fcb23-d*w3t ISrA.VA.SB^ Ammoniated Soluble PHOS PE AT Manufactured by the Kavassa Guano Co, of Wilmington, N. C., IN BAGS OR BARRELS. T HIS Fertilizer is prepared with the utmost care, and contains every constituent desirable for any cr.p to which it may bo applied. It is especially adapted to the growth of Cotton, Corn, Cereals, Anl all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. It is manufactured of the samo materials from which tho celebrated Patapsco Guano Co.’s Phosphate is prepared, and reference is made to that Company, (65 South st., Baltimore,) for its efficacy, quality and uniformity. R. R. BRIDGES, President. DONALD MACRAE. Treasurer and Secretary, Wilmington, N. C. LAWTON & LAWTON. Agents, Macon, Ga. jan23-w3mosdlt HUNT’S IMPROVED COTTON SEEDS! PRICE POUR DOLLARS PER BOSHEL, T OFFRR FOR SALE a few hundred bushels of‘my i IMPRf ROVED COTTON SEED, (warranted genu ine.) to he delivered in sacks at the Sparta Depot, at Four Dollars per bushel, cash. Orders, accompanied by the cash, (sent by express,) may be sent at my risk, if a receipt is taken ,or the money and sent to mo. Orders will be filled in their turn and the seed promptly shipped, and parties noti- fied by mail* CERTIFICATES: I hereby certify that I have planted largely of Hunt’s Improved Cotton Seed, and am satisfied it will 6 roduco more than any I ever used. Far more can n gathered to the hand. B. G. LOCKETT. Sparta, Ga., December 10,1869. Ihavo seen tho Hunt Cotton growing for several years past, and regard it as one of the very best varie ties of Short Cotton that I have ever seen. I shall plant some of it another year, for the purpose of test ing its valuable qualities. This I would not do if I did not entertain a very favorablo opinion of it. B. T. HARRIS. Sparta. Ga.. December 11.1869. I have used the Hunt Cotton Seed the present year, and am pleased with tho result. It ha* n»>re lint to the quantity of seed, larger bolls, holds fruit better during a dronght and Its cotton during storms, and a hand can pick more in a day. I think every planter should at least plant a part of bis crop with it. s > he can pick out tho Prolific befu-o it drops out and let the Hunt Cotton remain for the last. E. M. PENDLETON. We, the undersigned, fully endorso the clove tiate meats: T. M. Turner, Sparta, Ga.: G. W. Stokes. Yfro’^n, Lee county; John Payne, Wooten, Lee counts; Banks Tompkins. Albany: O. S. Woodward, Monroe county; R. O. Banks, For.-ytb, Monroo county; Joseph Free man, Indian Springs: O. L. Woodward, Indian Springs: T.O. Powell, Milledsevlle, Ga.; J. L. Wood- wood, Ga.: B. Collier, Macon; Wbit Thompson, Lee county; IV. E. Battle, Cnllodec: J. M. White, Forsyth; Jeff Hogan. Forsyth; J. Darkness, Jackson, Butts county: James Bivins Butler, Ga. ' . Be careful to write names of Consignees. Stations and Post-offices plainly, so as to avoid mistakes. Addrcis WM. S. HUNT, dec6-dlaw3m SPARTA. GA* Double Refined Poudrexto ‘Lodi Manufacturing Company, 5 F IR sale in lots to snit customers. This a-ticle is sold for ha(f the price of other fertilizers, and is cheaper for Cotton, Corn, Tobacco and Vegetables, than Buy other in market. It is made entirely from the night-soil, offal, etc., of New York city. Price, delivered on board iu New York city, Twenty-fivo Dollars per Ton. Pamphlet, etc., giving full informa tion sent on application to JAMES T. FOSTER. Box 3139, New York Post-ofiice. Office 66 Courtlandt Street, New York. For sale by ASHER AYRES, Macon, at Thirty Dollars per ton. dec24-w3m BONE FLOUR-BONE FLOUR. C RACKED BONE, Bono Moil, Bone Flour, and Floated Bone.g arantccd >o produce same effect at HALF COST of Peruvian Guano. Send for eircular. AddressL • • ;lister brothers, feh5-w3m Newark, N; J. THE OAZE&BX' AEX&KS FERTILIZER COMPANY, Manufactory oppafiit* new Fair Ground, * We fife A* Be Be, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Offer to tho Plasters cf the South PURE DISSOLVED BONES. PURE FLOUR OF RAW KONES, _ PURE FRESH GROUND LAND PLASTER, flTPU'CnV>« MTVTITPV DICKSON’S MIXTURE. I WatTznted of thenurest ana nest materials. SUPER-PHOSPHATE, ol the very highest grade, warranted equal to any made North or South. The Fertilizer business of tho OAKLEY MILLS MANUFACTURING COMPANY has been removed from Marietta to Atlanta, and will be conducted as above. We offer nothing but PURE ARTICLES, Prepared at our extensive Works by ourselves, and we rely solely upon tbo real merit* of our enterprise for continued success. __ ' I, C. 5IANSFIELD, Sup't. Office at tho warehouse of Glenn & Wright • Address communications to J. F. Nuttiko. Secre tnry and Treasurer. novfidawim y SEELEY’S HARD_RUB- niiRS AND PILE INSTRU MENTS. cure Rupture, Abdominal orU’.erinc Weak nesses and Piles. Different approved patterns. Coul- fort&ble. safe, light, cleanly. u*ed in bathing, inde structible (itoel springs coated.) Elastic Sleeking., Belt?. Braces, Bandages, etc.—Gkiat Vaeiett. Es- mblishmcnts. 1347 Chestnut street. Phila., aad3 Ann street. New York, opposite Herald Building. Send stamp for pamphlet. Sold by all Druggists. Mailed or exprwed- fob2»-w3a WES ARE STILL ALIVE! AND SO WILL AIL BB WHO TAKE THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER jtTMaj’n'rrjj H Complaint are uneasiness and )UI:liUil9 | pain in the side. Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder, and i* mistaken lor raeumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and siekness. bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory; accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which have been done. Often complaining ofweak- “““““““ m ^ mm ness, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of the above symptoms attend the disease, and at ether times few of them: but generally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and all will he well. DU. BIRIMOKTS’ LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. REGULATOR 3 Dyspepsia. Headache. Jaundice. C«>s liven OSS. Sick Head-achcf Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o* the Bladder^.Camp Dysentery, m luv JJIrtUUDl, wauijt souivi j I Attections of we Kidneys, Fever, Nervousne3?, Chills, Diseases of the Skin, Impurity of the Blood. Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn. Colic, or Pains in the Bowels. Pain in tho Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy, Boils, Pain in tho Back and Limbs, Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally J. II. ZEILIN It CO., Drupci3ts. Macon. Georgia. For sale by all druggists. Price $1 per package. By mail 31 £5. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any ono. It has been used by hundreds, and known for tho last twenty-fivo years as one of tho most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If token regularly and is sure to cfiect a cure. The following highly respectable persons can fully attest to tlia virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: Gen. W. S. Holt, Presidents. W. R. R. Company ; Rev. J. R. Felder. Perry. Ga.; Col- E. K. Sparks, Al bany, Ga.: W. J. McEIroy. Esq.. Macon, Gn.; George J Lunsford, Esq., Conductor S. W. K. R.; C. Master- son. Esq., Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. Butts, Bmn- biidge, (la.: N. Binswanger, Esq.. Macon,Ga.; Dykes JrSturhawk, Editors “Floridian.” Tallahassee: Rev. J. w. Burke, Macon. Ga.: Virgil Powers, Esq.. Su perintendent S. W. R. R.; Daniel Bullard, Bullard’s Station. M. A B. R. R.. Twiggs co.. Ga.; Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory, Macon. Ga.; Rev. E. F Lastcriing, P. E. Florida Conference: Major A. F. Wooley. Kingston. Ga. apr2- diwtf B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUG-E! W HY is it that so many children die under the age of five years 7 That a large proportion of children die undor that ago, has long been a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer tained. it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the human system from its earliest infancy: therefore parents, especially mothers, who aro more constantly with their children, cannot bo too observing of the first s-.mptom&of worms; for so surely as they exist, can they bo Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by tho timely use of B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercury, being » Purely Vegetable Composition, And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFE TY TO CHILDREN IF ALL rtGNS. Worm Confections. in?de more for the puri-ose of E leasing the palate than cf ovcrcouii- g the dheasv, ave been manufactured ail over the country, but their short lease <-f life is nearly exhausted, and B. A. Fahuertock’? Vermifuge continues to grew i a favor daily. CAUTION. Should occasion require yon to purchase B A.. Fan nestock’s Vermi'uge, be particularly careful to ave thatthe initials are a, A. This is the article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1329, And purchasers must insist on having it, if they do not wish to have an imitation lorcei upon them. SCHWARTZ & HASLETT, Formerly B. A. Fahskstocc’3 Son & Co., SOLE PROPRIETORS, PITTSBURGH, PA. dec9-de'id*wls' Ayer 7 s For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded, or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where the follicles aro destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can he saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty si di luent, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor cau only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not.soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the liair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PHICE $1.00, Sold by L. W. HUNt & CO.. J. H. Zaiiin & CO and all the Druggists in Macon. Also, all Druggist* and Dsalors in Medicine everywhere. . janl3-eod4w*sw DR. BAULKY’S FEMALE RESTORATIVE. DK. EAGLET’S I NIMITABLE Eye and Pile Preparation esedrex clusively for inflamed and ebronio sore eyes and pile?. It has been in use for fifteen years without a single instance of failure tr give relief. 2BA.GKLiE"S“ lias practiced the Eclectic system of medicine the rise of twenty years, nnd treats chrome diseases with success—such as Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, Kidney, oto. Femsl® diseases, such as Sterility, Lu- chore& oy Whites, Chlorosis; a nce of Menstruation at the prooer period, Amenorrhoea; Monstruation obstructed in its course after having been established; Dysmenorrhcea; Menstruation attended by pain.and spasms of the hypogastric viscera, with paroximul a&cravation and diliicult menstruationmenstrual colic Menorrhagia; menstruation too % copious—flood ing. Medicine and prescrip ion fersished by mail to any part of tho Umtod States, postage pro-paid, to treat any chronic case, for Fivo dollars per month. Tho Female Regulator and Inimitable Lye and Pile Preparation sent far $1 each. Symptoms of diseases must be plainly stated. Money sent by registered letter. Board, medicine and personal attention furn ished at from $20 to $£> per month, at his residence, ten miles east of Americas; Location healthy. Post- office. Axnericus. Gn. feb3-wtf. TDTT'S TBfifiTUbB HfBB HLU Cures diseases of the Liver and Elomaah; SUK’8 EIPKOTOBAKT, A pleasant oaro for Coughs. Colds, etc. f UTT’S BABSAPABILM &, ($UKEh’’B USLISHI Tho groat Alterative and Blood Furifisr ITTIT;:- ISIFBQtBBjboC BT2, * vyi.* Warranted tho be:t dye m use- These ftandsrd jirsparati ntaro )er ' EARRI3. CLAY A CC.. A ’ )'-■'• J.H. KrilLI* A Cl*., :*Art Km A. L avGGiSTt, apr2-d*wl> ¥Uqo*l. Ga. V - • 11 WATT PLOW TRIUMPHANT! T’HIS PLOW is now tho leading PLOW of the Mid- X die and Cotton States. Among the hundreds of testimonials we have from practical Farmers and Planters, we would call attention to tbe following ex tract from a letter reeeived from Coh B. G. LOCK ETT, of the large planting firm of Jordan A Lockett, dated Albany, Ga;, 27th November. 1869. “Before closing this letter. I canoot refrain from expressipg my sincere thanks to you for the invention of the best Plow now in use. It is the delight of the negro. Besides doing the best work that I have ever seen any Plow do, it ruos with more ease to the Plowman and the draught to the animal is lirhter than any Plow I have ever seen. Your Plow nsa already become a necessity tt> me, and I would feel ruined without it. I am satisfied we have saved thousands of dollars an nually m males alone. If is the cheapest Plow 1 have ever nsed of any kind or description.' I tm anxious to bring, if l can, to the notice of my fallow Planters this most vain able Plow;” Col. Lockett commenced using these Plows in the spring of 1868. and now has more than 250 of them on his plantations. We have testimonials as emphatic from leading Farmers in North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, and Texas, but this will suffice for the moet credulous. During the present fall this Plow has taken pre miums at eight Fairs, held in Virginia, North Caro- hr-ft. £outh Carolina and Alabama—and the HIGH- Lsl RATINGS at the great Field Trial in Pennsyl vania. in August last, when more than FIFTY differ ent Plows were tested. Liberal discount to Merchants who buy to sell again, and to Planters who buy at wholesale. WATT A KNIGHT, 1452 Franklin Street, Richmond, Va. Can be bad at Messrs. Carhart 6c Cord’s, Agents, MACON. GEORGIA. dec5-d*w3m BIBB COUNTY; A D1IINISTRATORS 8ALK.—Will bo *"ld before the Court House (City Hall) door on th - SMB. the first Tues day in April next, b-tween the usual hours of sale, all the lands beloegin* to the estate of Thomas M. Fambraugh, late of Bibb county deceased, the same being 413 seres, situated 3% miles from the City of Macon, in said county, and known as a part of the Cason place. Sold forthebenefitofthe heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. A. B ROSS, feb23-w6w Administrator. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whsreas. Henry W. Boileuillet, of said county, applies to be dis charged 1 from the Guardianship or Elizabeth Hall. This is to notify all persons interested to be and ap pear at the Court of Ordinary in said county, on the first Monday in May, 1*70, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Dismission should not bo gTano- ed. Given under my hand officially. „ O. T. WARD. feb2-w3m Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Jackson DeLoache, Administrator of the estate of D. W. Orr, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. Those ore therefore to cite and admonish all, and sin gular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be aud appear at my office on or before tho first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why Let ters of Dismission should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. . , „ C. T. WARD. jan5-v?3m Ordinary. CRAWFORD COUNTY. GEORGIA, CRAWFORD. COUNTY.-Court or V -X Ordinary op said County.—Whereas, Jerry .1. Wilder applies to me for Letters ol Dismission as Ad ministrator upon the estate of William E. Lorv, late of said ccunty, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite end admonish theheira and creditors of said deceased to show cause within the time prescribed by law, if any they have, why said Letters Dismissory should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, De cember f>. 1869. JAMES J. RAY, dccll-w3m* Ordinary, CBAWFOKDSIT PF.KIOK COVET, SEPTEM- XEK TERM, 186U. FRANCIS M. TAYLOR,} vs. J- Libel for Divorce. WILLIS W. TAYLOR, j I T appearing to tho Court, by tho return of the Sheriff, Willis W. Taylor is not in the limits of the county of Crawford; and it further appearing that the defendant is without the limits of the State. Therefore, ordered by the Court, that the service be perfected by publication in a public gazette publish ed iu the city ol Macon in said State, in terms of the law. By tho Court. CULVERH0USE & AVANT. . - ’ S. HALL. Libelant’s attorneys. A true oztract from tho minutes of Crawford Supe rior Court, this September Sib, 1869. cov.30-la«n4m JAMES J. RAY. Clerk. pi EORGIA—CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where- VDT as, John N. Powell, Administrator on the estate of Joseph Powell, deceased, late of Crawford County, having applied for dismission from said administration: These nre to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be andappear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any exists, why said letter? dismissory should not be granted. Given under my hand at Knoxville, October 18, I860, JAMES J. RAY, tl9oc inlim Ordinary. SOOTS' CGTrBTEY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold be fore tho Court-house door of Dooly county (Vi enna! on the first Tuesday in April next. Lot of Lend Ho. 74, in the becond Di-trict of Dooly county. Sold by authority oi the Ordinary of Houston county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Enoch W, Gaddey, deceased. Terms one-half cash, remainder on ereditof twelvemonths. EDWIN GREEN. febll-wot Administrator. 0.EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-WhereasRichard V_JT applies to mo for letters of Administra tion upon the estate of Jarrett J. Linsey. deceased, those are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in April next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said lettersshould not be want ed* .Given under my hand nnd official siennture, this March 1st. 1870. WM. H. DAVIES, march4-w3od Ordinary, G EORGIA, DOQLV C0UNTY.-Whereas James Young applies to mo for letters of A uministra- tion upon the estate of Elizabeth Woodard, deceased, these are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to be and appear at my office ou or before the first Monday in April next, then and there to show canse, if any they have, why said lettersshould not be grant ed. Given under my hand and official signa'ure, this March 1st, 1870. WM. H. DAVIE^. march i-w3od Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY. G eorgia, Houston couNTY.-wherees. c. C. Duncan, Administrator de bonis cum testa- menfa snncxo on tho estate of J. J. Dumas, late of Houston ciunty, deceased, respectfully showeth that hu has lully administered on said estate and newasks to he discharged: These are. therefore, t*> cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office on, or before the fir.-t Monday in June next, to show cause, if any, why the petition should not bo granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, thisllthof February. 1870. W. T. SWIFT, fcbie w3m O. H. O. n< EOROIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas. Wm. *—T P. Simmons, Administrator Boling G. Morris, represents to this Court that he has fully settled up the said rs'ate, and asks to be discharged: Now these aro. therefore, to cite all persons inter ested <o bo and appear at my office on, or before the first Monday in Juno next, to show cause, if any, why he should not be dismissed. Given under tny hand and official signature, this 5th January, 1870. W. T. SWIFT, febl8-w3m Ordinary. H ouston sheriff’s sales.—wm be sow. on the first Tuesday in M; rch next, before the ( onrt-heuso door in Perry.lho nor , f> hilt of Lot of Land No. 81, in the Tipper Fibh D’strij- of Houston county. Ga., to satisfy an execution f-oa Houston buperior Court, in favor of Dome' Gupn vs. Martha Hammock. Administratrix of James M. Hammock. Sold as the property ■ f said Martha Hammock, as administratrix, for tho parch use money. Also, at the same time and -place. La i of Land Nos. 43and 54,in the Fourte rth Ptr; ...and No. 109. in the Ninth District of Ifo - —>-ufy, contain ingfoo acies. Levied on as th- ' •* • ; oi t-unes E. Harrotf, to satisfy a fi. fa. irut- n,usti>* uperior C.iurt, in favor of James A. Ho-mr ’.^jinistrator. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, at tho, samo time and place, one Grey Horse and one Bugiy. Levied on as the property of T. M. Butner, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Alexander Riley vs. Butner & Rice. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney* Also, at the same time and place. Lots of Land No. 200. and 106 acres of Lot No. 199, in the Tenth District of Houston county. Levied on as the property of the estate of James A. Roauemore, to satisfy two'fl. faa.; one in favor of Jessup R. Hill, the_ other in favor of Dempsy Taylor. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. JOHN R. COOK. feiri-wSOd Sheriff. G EORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY-Whereas, Philip Scoffill, Administrator of Mary Busbee. late of Houston county, deceased, hag applied to me for Let ters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cans*, if any, wby tbe application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this (th day of January, 1870. W. X. SWiFT, jan7-3m Ordinary. /GEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.-OrdinaryVOf- *jr lice fir said county. Whereas, Robert Holmes and Needham T. Johnson, exeoetorgot Isaac Holmes, late of said county, d«Yd, petition the undersigned for letters of dismission from said trust, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all personr interested to be and appear at my office on or before tbe 1st Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters shonld not be granted. Given under my official signature, this 9th. February. 1870. W»T. SWIFT, febl2-w3m Ordinary. G eorgia, Houston county.—Thirty days af ter date application witf be made to tbe Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the west half of lot No. 63, let No. 69, and lot No. 58, in the 12th district ol said county; said property belonging to the estate of James G. Davis, late of sala county, dec’d. ISAAC WOODARD. . febl2-w30d. Administrator. Q EOBGI A, HOUSTON COUNTY. - Nathan B. Head having this day applied to me for Guard ianship of Sarah Joaes, a minor under fourteen years of age of Efford H. Jones, late of said ceased: . This is, therefore, to cite all whom it may concern to show cause, if any they here; on or before the first Monday in April next, why such Guardianship should not bo granted to him ac mar2-w40d . r. t. swift, BOUSVOir OOUMST. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALS—Georgia, Houston county.—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in .April next, between the usual hours of sale, before tbe Court House door, in the town of Perry, the following property belonging to the estate ofKlhha Etheridge, deceased; that tract of land lying in Houston countv, known as lot No. 113, and fifty acres of lot No. 94. lying in the 5th district of said eounty, the same being 250 acres more or lee*. Term* cash. J-.LISHA El HKRIDGE, , MITCHEL ETH c RIDGE. feb!2-w6w Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR’S bALE.-By virtue of a Xjl a der of the Court of Ordinary of Honrton < an or- ■ coun ty, will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, be tween the usual hours of sale, before the Court-house door, iathetown of Perry.the following property be- lonaing to tbe estate of M.H.Tajlor. deceased: That tract or parcel of land 1- ing in Hcuston county known as t he south part of lot N». 46. and tbe sou'hwsvt part of lot No. 51, lying in the Tenth District of said coun ty, the same being 250 acre*, more or less. Term* eash. JAS. F. TAYLOR. febll-w6t Administrator. IRWIN COUNTY. G EORGIA. IRWIN COUNTY.—Whereas. James Fanlk. Administrator on the estate of George Paulk, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before tbe first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters should not be greeted tbe appli cant. Given under my hand ana official signature, this January 3d. 1870. WILEY WHITLEY. janll-w3mo» Ordinary. N OTICE —Sixty days after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Irwin county, for leave to sell 360 acres of I.-ot of Land No. 154, in tbe First District of originally Irwin, now Wil cox eonnty, as tbe property of James Brown, deceas- J. K. A W. H. BROWN. f»\ 8-w60d Administrator*. JAS7X2B. COUNTY. G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas,Samnel C. Shy, Executor, and Caroline C.Sby. Execu trix, of the last will and testament of S. J. Shy, de ceased, have applied to me for a discharge from said Executorship. All persons concerned are hereby re quired, within the time fixed bylaw, to show cause, if any they have, wby the said bamuel C. Shy and Caroline C. bby. should not be discharged according to the prayer of their petition. Given under my hand and official signature, this 23d day of January. 1870. J. W. BURNEY, feb2-w3m Ordinary. GEORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.-Wherew. Sam- VJ uel C. Shy. Adminisrator of the estate of Joseph Jones, deceased, makes application for Letters of Dis mission from aid trust (he having fettled np said es tate.) These are therefore to cite aud admonish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in May next, why the said let ters shall not i°eue to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 2d day of November, 1869. M.H. HUTCHISON, nov5-wtd Ordinary. J ASPER ' OUNTY SHERIFF SALES.—Will be sold, on the First Tuesday in April next fc before the Court-honso door, in the town of Monticeno, Jas per county. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, the following proper^, to-wit; seven hur dred acre?, more or less, ofland.situate, lying and being in the county of Jasper, adjoining lands ot Lewis W.Pow. and others, and known as tbe Lynn place. Also four hundred acres, more or less, of land, situate, Ivins and being in said county, and known as tbe Ware plane, adjoining fonds of IV. C. I.everett, and others. Both pieoes of land being levied on as the property of Martha Whitfield, deceased, to satisfy an execution issuing from Jasper Superior Court, in favorof Charlie Smith and Reid smith vs John F. Patterson, Leroy M. Willson and Pleasant Willson, Executors of Mfithew Whitfield, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. WillbeEcld at the same time and place, a small house iu the viiUge of Hillsboro, in said county, known as the Shot v hop, cow occupied by Fisher, to satisfy an execution from Jasper Superior Court, in favor of P. \V. Dorset vs. Marshall Uolsonback, E. S. IVynens and Wesley Goolsbv. Levied on as the prop erty i f Wesley Goolsby Property pointed out by plaintiff; BERRY T. DIGBY. feb27-w?0d < Deputy Sheriff Jasper co. JGISB8 COUTffTV. G eorgia, j ones county.—ordinabv ’j office said cocsty. At Chajibebs, January 8,1870.— Whereas, D* If* Blount and Thomas H* Stallworth, Executors ofBeauford Stallworth, deceased, apply to me for dismission: These are; therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cau-e. on or by the first Mon day in May next, if any they have, why the same shall not be granted. Given under my hand officially. R. T. BOSS. janI2-w3m ordinury. G I E'jRGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Of- T fiob, at Chamber**, January 13.1870.—Whereas, James 11. Blount. Administrator de bonis non of the estate of P..ui. deceased; and also Adminis trator of the estate of Mary Paul, deceased, applies to me for dismission from tho administration of said estates. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, at this office, if any they have to the contrary, on or by the first Monday in May next. Given under my hand officially. . ,, „ R. T. ROSS. _ j anl4-w3m Ordinary. G eorgia, jon Es county.—Ordisary’s office said cou.nty—At Chambers. December 15,1869.— Whereas, John P. Hunt and M. H. Morton. Adminis trators on estate of James Godard, deceased, apply to me for dismission thereform. Tr esc aro to cite aud admonish all persons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by the fir3t Monday in April next, if any they have, why the same shall not bo granted. Given under my hand officially. . R.T. ROSS. decl<-w3m Ordinary. /GEORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordinart’sOffici VA said ctiUXTY—At Chambers. December 15,1869.— Whereas. William Brooks, Administrator or. estate of Francis M. Adams, deceased, applies for dismission therefrom There are to cite and admonish all per- sons concerned to show cause at their office, on cr by tho first Monday iu April next, if any^tfcey have, why said application shall not bn granted. Given under my hand officially. S. T. ROSS. deel7w3m Ordinary. G eorgia, jones county.-ordi.vart’s 0f- ficr said CunjiTT. At Chavibkbs. February 23,1870.—Wherea*. Edmund T. Morton, Guardian of the minor children cf Be> jamin F. Moore, deceased, apnlies to mo for Dismission from said GuArdianship; These are to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to fire their oi jections in this office, if any they have, on or by the first Monday in April next, why I'lktc, Ull VI like U19v iUUUH^ IU said discharge shall not he granted. Witness my hand officially, February 23,1870. ROLAND T 1(0*3. mnr2-w30d Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. •vro IICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS —No- ll tico is hereby given to *11 persons having de mands against Hiram Q. Gainc*. l<to of Macon coun ty, deceased; to present thew to me, properlvattested, within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required t o rnaae immediate payment. H. C- GATLIN, feb25-w40d Administrator oi U. I. Gaines. G EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—Whereas James Meeks. Guardian of J. H. bmith. applies for a discharge from his trust, he having settled up with his ward in full; this is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at my office on or before the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, wby letters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant from said guardianship. Given undor my hand and official signature. JNO.L. PARKER. febll-w6t Ordinary. T?XECUTOR’S SALE —By virtue of an order from III the Court of Ordinary of Macon county: W county: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court Home door in Oglethorp. the following property belonging to the estate of John McMiilac, late of said county, dec’d, to wit: Lots and parts of lots of land. Nos. 134.161 and 176, lying in the 15tb district of originally Hous ton, now Macon county- Soldforthe puroose of pay ing the purchase money aud for closing up the estate. Terms Cash. MURDOCK McCAS KILL. Executor of fehl2-w6w JNO. McMILLAN: dec’d. TYf ACON SHERIFF’SISALFS -Will b- sol i before lvA the Court-house door, in thetown ofOglethorpe, said county, within the legal hours of sale.oa thefiist Tuesday in Lot of Land No. 62. in the Second District of origin ally Mu*cogee, now Macon county, levied on to i.a:is fyithe following fi. fas., issued from a Justice’s Court cf said county, to-wit: One in favorof Thomas J, Winn, oueln favorof Jas C. Loyd, and two in favor of A. H. Greer vs. U. L, Shealy. Property pointed >ut by de fendant, and levied on and returned to me by a con stable. Also, Lots of Land Nos. 33 arid 34, in theDietriet and county aforesaid, to satisfy tho following fi. f»s„ issued from a Justice's Court of said county, to-wit: Two fi. fas. in favor of Junes Gilber. administrator, one in favor of Greer A- Adams, one in favor of F. T. Snead, one in favorof Wro. M. Tbresketd, one in fa vor ef Wm. F. White ve. M. L. 8hes5y, and one in fa- uor of Samuel. White vs. U. B. Partin end M. L. bhea- ly; levied on »3 the property of s*;d M. L. Shealy. and returned to me by a constable. Property pointed out by said Shealy. • . P. K. RUSS, mar4-30d ....Deputy Sheriff. xaARionr oousuTir. G EORGIA, MARION COUNTF.-Whereas. John McMicbael, guardian and ex-officio administra tor of A. J. Butt, deceased, applies for dismission: AH persons interested are notified to file their ob jections to the same withituhe time prescribed by law. Witness my baud and sAi this J4th of February 1870- JAS.M.LOWE, feb!6-w40d. Ordinary. GEORGIA. MARION COUNTY-Whereas. Mor- VX gan Kemp, Aamiuistratorof John Kemp,applies for dismission, A11 interested in said estate are hereby notified to file their objections to the same, if any. within the time prescribed by law. Witness my band, this February 10,1870. JAS. M. LOWE, fobl3-w90d -o 1 - Ordinary. p EOROIA, MARION COUNTY—Whereas, Sarah vJT J. Kemp applies for the Guardianship of the minors of John Kemp, deceased. All persona interested are hereby notified to file their objections, if any, to the same, on or before the first Monday in April next. Witness my band, this February 10,1870. JAMES M. LOWE. feH3-w30d ~ “ Ordinary. /'I EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas. Perry Vi B. Jongs. Administrator de bonis non of John li. Thaggard, has applied for Dismission: Th*se nre to cite all interested to file their r>bj-c- tions, if any, to the same within the time prescribed by law. Wltaem my.bapd, Jjmjwrj IjkWTO. - an!9-w8a ' 9SA&xo8r oouimr. s A DMINISTRVTBIX’S FALK. - By order fmf TV the Ord nary Court of Marion eonnty, will beeold on the first Tuesday in April next, in th* town wf Buena Vista, an un< ecupiod Ho*«e asd Lot in said town, belonging to the estate o' Wm. M. Butt, dt- oeaaed. Said lot adjoins the lot of T* W. Barnt, on the south and a vacant lot on the east. Terms cash. « A. BUTT. f«b20w40d (PrWs W & > miPtoU » Ui *- G UARDIAN’S SALE-W51! be sold on tbe fint Tuesday in April nest, before the Ourt-hacso door in Buena \ ista. Marion county, two-fiftbsin- terestin lot of land No. 8. In the fourth distriet of said county—the same being the place wlureoa tho widow of Jssner N. Story lives—situated two miles from Buena Vista, on tbe (dumb** road. K.E.8BTPP. feb20-w40d Guardian Minors of J. N. Story. (Printer’s foe Kid) M Atii.liN SHERIFF’S FALKS.—Will be the first Tuesday m March next, between the lawful hours of sale, before tbe Court-house door, <n the town of Buena Vista, in raid eounty, thirty acres of Land, number not known, but known ms the John F. Simmons piaee, at Kedbone. in said county, whore the said Simmons now resides. Sold as the property of John F. Simmons, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Joseph Caswell, transferred in fi. fa. against said Inm- inons; A. W. J, Carson, plaintiff in fi- fa. Property pointed oat by defendant. J. W. H ARDAGt, feM-wS0d Deputy 8berm. J^ARION SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be.sold on the first Tuesu ay in A pill nex t before the Oaort House door, in the town of Boena Vista, the follow ing lots of land: Lot No-164, and 66 acres of lot No. 16>. Levied upon to satisfy a (. (a. It>eed from Ma rion Superior Court in favor or J. T.and Hollis Balk, executors of Joseph Belk, deceased, vs. John L* Smith. Said lands situate in tbe fourth district of Marion county. On the laid land-* it a fine Grist Mill. JOHN HANKS. feb!3-w30d Sheriff. QTTXTjMCAXr COUNTY, G EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY. — Thomai o. Bryan, Executor of the ltst will and testament of James Cooper, deceased, represents to tbe Court in his petition that he has fully administered James Coopcr’ii estate according to tbe provisions of said will. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should net be discharged and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in Anril. 1870. Decem ber 1869. W. P. JORDAN. jan*-W3mos* Ordinary. /"jj.EOROIA, QUITMAN COUNTY. — Delaware vJ Morris, Administrator, with the will annexed. of Lacy M. Tennille. deceased, having applied by written petition for a discharge from his said admin istration : This is. therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show aause. if any they coo. why said udminislrator should pot be dis charged and receive letters of dismission on the first Mond-.y in May, 1870. W. P. JORDAN, j anl6-w3m* Ordinary. G E»RGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY.-Jackson PMt- Lps, Guardian of Parah June Williamson, hav ing applied to me lor a discharge from his guardianr* ship o t said ward, this is, therefore, to cite all persona concerned to show can-e. by filing objections in my office, why said guardian should net be dismissed on the first Monday in May next. Given under my official signature, this January 11.1870. Z W.P. JORDAN. ivnlLieHinse* OvdinaVy. & EOKG1A, QUITMAN COUNTY.—Will he sold, I before the Court-house door, in Georgetown, in said county, within the usual hours of tale, the East half of Lot of Land No. 56. in the hisbtb District of said eonnty. Levied on ns the prore.ty of Lewis E. Holloman, deceased, to satisfy one fi. la. issued from the Superior Court of said eounty, in favor of John n. Webb vs. John Atwell, Executor of tbe *»id Lewis E. Holloman, deceased. DAVID JOHNSON. jan29 w3M* Sheriff. Q uitman county tHERiFF sale.—whlbe sold before the Court house door tt< Georgetown, in said Cocnty. on the first 'luesday in April next, within the legal hours of sale. Town lot. No. 9. in the said town of Georgetown, and store-house there on, fronting on Broad street. Levied onto satisfy a fi. la. from tbe Superior Court of said county in favor of Atkins Oglesby vs. Samuel E. Wallace. Hays Gr»d- dy, and Jas. C. Christian. Levy made by Larkin Armstrong, former Deputy Sheriff of said county as theproperty oi Samuel E. Wallace.' feB28-w4s - DAVID JOHNSTON. Ehtrlff. Q uitman postponed sheriff’s salb- Will hesoid.before tho Courthouse dour,in George town, in said county, within the usual hour.* of s tie. on thefirstTuesday in April next, the following lands, to wit: Lota Nos. 93. H, 99: 133% acres of No. 100; SO acres of No. 98: 100 acres of Xto. 67 : 86 acres of No. 95. in the Eighth Di-trict of ssid c >uniy. Alt°* Lot No. 112. ana 160 acres of No. Ill in tho Twenty-first District o.f said crunty. Levied on as the property of James Suggs, to satisfy one fi fa from tho Superior Court of siid county, in favor of Thomas B. Rains va. James Suggs. DAVID JOHNSON. mar4-w30d Sheriff. Q uitman county sheriff sale—wm be sold, before the Court-house door.; in Georgfo town, in said county, na the fmt ’* uctaay in April next, within the usual hours of sale, one Lot of Land No. *81, and partsof lots 2S0, £65 and 2:8. in the Eighth District O’said county. AUo. one Two horse Wagon, two bay Horsas, one Buggy and harness, ono Sow and five Pigs, six head cf mate Hoi s, tevrn ficad of Cattle and household and kitchen Furniture ; levied on as the property of P. N. Casey, to satisfy obo fi. fa. from tbe SuperlorCourt of said county, in iavnr of Ni.A. Smith. Property pointed cm by plainliffs attorney. tiivrn mur:ui» nwr4-w30d* DAVID JOHNSON. Sheriff. TELFAIR COUNTY. G eorgia, telfair couNTY-wwa.-. wm. Harrell, Sr., Administrator on the estate of Tho#. Burnam.deceased, has fully administered said estate, and now applies for letters of dismission Crcm said administration. Now these are to cite .-ill those'In terested to appear at my office, in terms of tho law, and give reasons why said, letters should not be granted. • W. P. CAMPBELL. - • desl6-r?3m Ordinary. G EORGIA. TELFA1R COUNTY.-Whcrees. Job* Rawlins applies for Letter of Administration on the estate of J. RcwHtis. deceased, o: saidronnty: These are to cite and admonish all persons inter- esieu to be and appear at the Court of (.rdiaary, to be held in and for said county on the firs: Hoi day in - nril next, to show cause, if any, why said Letters should not bo granted. W. P, CAMPBELL. feb22-wS0d Ordinary. TWIGGS COUNTY. TpXECOTOR’S SALE.—Under and by virtue of an n order Irom the buperior Court of Twiggs county. m tbe case ot James T.,Glover. Executor of D. W. phine va. C. L. Kcdwine et al.. will bo cficrcdfor sale, to the highest bidder. On the first Tue.-day in April nex:, helore tbe Court-House aoor, in Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, aqnit claim deed to Lntof Land Ns, 11, in tho £lst district of originally .Wilkin,ou now Pulaski county. Terms cash » JAMES T. GLOVER. feb20-w6w Executor. G eorgia, twiggs county-Enoch j. c©i- lin». Administrator on the estate of Jaa'ea M.. Ware, deceased, having petitioned to be discharged from said administration, all persen? who are con cerned are required, within the time fixed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, wby tho said Enoch-!*? C Bins should not be.discharged according to tbe prayerof his petition. Given under my hand, offi cially, this January the 16th, 1870. JOHN F. SHINE, janl9-w3m Ordinary. G eorgia—twiggs county—Whcreae, John R Andrews and William A. Andrews, Administrators of Abislia Andrews, lute of said county, deceased, having fully discharged their trust,"apply to me for letters of dismission from their said "trust: This is, therefore, to-cite and admonish all parties interested to he aaa appear at my office within the time prescribed by Iuw and show cause, if any they can, why such , letters should not be granted to said applicants. Given under my hand and official signature, this Novem ber 2,' 1869. JOHN F. SHINE, novo mbm Ordinary. WXX.CGZ COVXffSY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALR.-Wili bo sold before tho Court House door, in the town of Abbeville, Wilcox county, within the usual hours ol rale, ou the first Tuesday in April next. 369 acres, more or lets, of lot of Land No. 157, first district of originally Irwin now Wilcox county. Sold as the property of James Brown, dr ceased, for the. benefit cf tbe heirs aud creditors of gai& deceased. Terms made know* e« the day Of sale JAMES K. BROWN, WILLIAM U. BROWN. feb23-wfiw Acimim.-tratoin. WILKINSON OOUW*Y. STATE OF GEORGIA,} Superior Court. November Wilkinson county. / Adjourned Terra, U60. FRtSXMT HIS KOKOg PHILIP U. HOBINSUX, JJJnaH. SUSAN DKNARD.) vs. >- Libel for Divorce. RuA eto pep- WM. N. DENARD. j fset serviee. X T npj.earingto the Court by the return o: the Sher iff. that the defendant does not resideinthih coun ty, and it farther appearing that he docs not reside in this State; it is ordered, on mot< <1 -of counsel, that the said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court, else that the ease be considered in default and tbe plaintiff allowed to proceed. Audit >» further ordered that this Rule be published in the Telegraph A Messenger once a eintrth lor fourmonths. By the Court. JONES A HALL, for plaintiff. Georgia. ViiVcinton Con it ■/— Clerk'. Cfo*. thperior Court. . I certify that D’e above is a true extract from toe MiDutes of Wilkinson Superior Court. November ad journed Term, U6). Given ander-mruand this 18th November, 1869. GLO. W. XaRPLEY. nov21-latr,4m Clerk NOTICE* A LL persons Indebted to tbe estate of Mary Leonard, deceased, are requested to make pay ment. All persons having demands aro required te present them os the law directs. I. H. BRANHAM. Administrator. fcb5-w6w THE FREEMASON, N OW is the time to subscribe for the HJUS8MA- SON, the largest MasonioMonthly in the world, and containing tidings from every quarter of tho world. Clubs otlP Clubs of*0 v-|3d| Clubs of 50 , :..... r m Single subscribers™ l..-~ -' .........Ji 08 esc Refers to G.8. Obear. Esq., MaeeB. ba- r- Address . GKO. FRANK JxOCLI febl5-w5w* EditorJc Proprietor,.^;. Louis, NOTICE. tjgPv f' T \r\i'VWin be given to arTy - ' Anovr * C’Hru> three fo EpoR*a etawpedeovsfop- ; • v . *v ' X rf^.-v * t ‘Mi. < W-