Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, March 15, 1870, Image 7

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Hp>ML * .■■ .yffijaLT'*' ,!•.;> > • l yW4AgV( , -*'' , rr i yj Srijj^>. *JS>.«as TOI 1 :,f •;' ’.S^fWil fUSElO >. r * .*v WSSfr The Greox-gia Weekly Telegraph and. Journal & JVIessengei*. — SH Practical Bums Collep, FORMERLY COTTON STATES life hsuum mpm; Authorized Capital, $2,000,000. r.mer Mulberry and Second Streets, MACON, GA. Guaranteed Capital, $500,000. _ wrcTOl. Principal of Penmanship Depart- J. «, f Dojbwr and J. W. alack man’s Cummer- ist, 1 * 1 ®!! >ieir •■rl-ans. La. jsa&.i* **-*•?*• Deposited for the Benefit or Policy Holders, 8100,000. WE ARE STILL ALIVE! AM) SO WILL All BE WnO TAKE r fU: ?iv*T ’llr'ilNTY A. M.. Professor of the Eng- . JOHN »• ■'*’ ^hematics ‘.and Civil engineering. I Un* u * s '’ I r instruction from 9 to 1, 5 to 5, Honrs of »»■ _ to 9) <i Iv ily. .PRINCIPAL OFFICE: TERM* 0 22 0 V ACA-TIONS , rTCI IiOK-PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. (Xian UsuuirSD.) Macon, Georgia. - Coarse, here pursued, embraces: ^flrtSSUt* ITS «* 00 adapt' l to different depart- Ro'k-N'f,Tale) 25 Mercantile Calculation? - i® 00 I Ar , * m \.j pci.aiai.S3it> and Flourishes — 20 00 K£g2kM',a* *5ooo - 00 I I VS. B. JOHNSTON, President. VS. S. HOI/1', Vice-President. C. F. McCAY, Actuary GEO. S. OBEAK, Secretary. JOHN AV. BIBKE, General AR*nt "j-ti I.rreJCKe, embracing Grammar, Composi- VS. J. MAGI1X, Sapcrlntend’t of Agencies I (id Roetoric....,........ -...WO 10 | QelzHu Forat. Business correspondence. 5^,1 loird esn be obtained at Twenty-five Dollars yf^' b - References: v A. Nishet. Georgk S. Obrab. Mayor, | 8« VaSHISOTOS Poa. J. w. Burke. Esq.. SJJ'j ara Jar.KSOs. Joseph ci.isbt.Esq., I Sfj a. Boob. c A. Nuttixg, Esq., jsa’l tf rriHE COTTON STATES is a nOME COMPANY. I AH Rev. D*vio Wills. D. D. UTSTSTUTJS j NEWBURGH li SCHOOL FOR BOVS, j. AH it* accumulations are deposited at the South, and eo to building up our own country, rather than to enriching Forkigh CdvpAXir.s, Its success has been UNPRECEDENTED up to this time, and its business is rapidly increasing. It insures on all THE MOST POPULAR PLANS of Insurance. AMU If you wnnt'to In; ure your life in L fCiTX'V of unequaled beauty and healthful- i roush preparation for .College, busi- ,oVr'ro:c fioi sl school. Instructors able and ox •JK/j ' Hifc.i liue .trict and efficient, address t"' 1 '" IIKNRY W. SIGLAR. A. M„ Newburgh. N.Y. A SOU A1) 001IPASV, febl2-flo*'* 2m " ’ BEDIVIVUS! XSie Sk ©f Q t Dr. JECSON’S Original Sodtoeux Soonroto gretr CaiLtJBEN Teethiko, ia again resuaci- fjtail’ It is a GorrigetU of the Bond disorders (OBiuyent nj>cn thia period; a grateful Carmina- dH;»mtrltions Syrup; and a gentle Anodyne, .aba and refreshing repose, withont the Mticious and distressing reactionary disturbance oliisnervous system that results from the oxbibi- gtol most preparations—expressly made for chil- fat Its use iu the Southern States, as far back i*lxS. established its reputation as a Southern In- ctation, and, as a medicine unrivalled, and es be- i^tlie best and safest preparation for children Igfiwj, ensuring rest to siothebs and mtbses and n!iV/«nil strength to their infants. It is therefore wue medicine, and needs no advertising where it 4 beet known. Every precaution has been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter foils. It is tminnfactnred only at the Laboratory e/Corre, ToBPKJJiS <t Ilciin, members of and suo- nasore to the oid established Southern Drug House or Hasual, ILsua* & Kitchen, 141 Chambers itnet, New York, to whom all orders should be ad- Jree»i, and is for sale by all respectable P-iurgista ind general dealers throughout the Southern Sf ates. oeptl-doodAwtf. Physicians of Georgia* At home, eo that in ease of death y«ur heir* can sot tbe money due at once. For fur' her ri * r'l-ulur^, addr.iT* either OE>>. S. OR EAR. secretary, or . JOHN W. BURKE, Uensral Agem. doeSl dlowiwSia A. WISE & GO.. Olierry Street, MACON, GA. T’HE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY J as the result of a long established and successful business enables us to offer inducements that makes this announcement vrorthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods di rect, controlling many leading styles •>f American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and ‘‘.constant progress", our motto, we claim to lead the mar ket in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large and seasonable. We are the sole manu facturers of the THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER I Complaint are uneasiness and pain iu tbo side. Sometimes the [ pain i» in the shoulder, and is mistaken lor rneumatism. The stomach is affected with less of appetite and sickness, bowels in general I costive, sometimes alternative with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory: accompanied with painful sensation of having ieft undone something which ; might to hare been done. Often complaining of weak- I ness, debility and tow spirit?.— Sometimes some of the above symptoms attend thedisease,and _ at other times few ot them: but toe Livens gi nirally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and all will be i well. dh. siBAivioKrs' LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DEttANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundice. Costivcncss, Sick flead-achef : Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o' J the Bladder, Camp Dysentery, I Atiecnous oi tne Kidneys, Fever. Nervousness, Chills. Diseases of the Skin, Impurity of the: blood, M_elan- choty, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn. Colic, or Pains in tbo Bowels, Pain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy, Boils, Pain in the Back and Limbs, | Asthma, Erysipelas. Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally _ _ . __ J. H. ZETLIN & CO., Druggists. Macon. Georgia. For sale by all druggists. Prico $1 per package. By mail $123. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. ' It has been used by hundreds, and known for tho ! last twenty-five years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If tiken regularly and persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. Tho following highly respectable persons .can fully attest to ihe virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom wo most respectfully refer: „ _ (ten. W. S. Holt. President S. W. R. R. Com I R<v. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col- E. K. Spark-, n*- hanr. Go.: W. J. McElroy. E?<i.. Macon, Ga.: George J Lunsford, Esq., Conductor S. W. R. U.: C. Mastor- | son, E-:q., Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. Butts, Bs^n- bridge, ( N. Binswanger, E«q.. Macon, Ga.; Dykes BIBB OOVnST. ^DMINbafKATOKSSaLE —Will he a^ldbefore the Court House (City Hall) door on the first Tues day in April next, b-tween the usual hours of .gale, all tho lands Belonging to the estate of Thomas M. Fambrsugh. Dte of Bibb county deceased, the same being 41S acre?,' situated 3}£ miles from the City of Macon, in said county, aud known as a paid of the Cason p!a*e Sold fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. A. E KoSo, feb23w6w Administrator. Q.Ej)RGI A. BIBB COUNTY.—'Whereas. Henry W. _ Boifeoillct. of said county, applies to be dis charged from the Guardianship of Elizabeth Hall. This is to noufy all persons interested to be and ap jear at tho Court of Ordinary in said c ounty, on the irst Monday in May. l>«7ll, to show cau*e, if any they have, why Letters of Dismission should not be grant ed. Given under my hand officially. , : . C. T. WARD. febz-w3m Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, .Tackson DeLoache, Administrator of the e tate of D. >V. Orr, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be andappear at my office on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why Let ters of Dismission should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. jan5-w3m Ordinary. JASPER oototy. ( > EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas.-amuel C, Shy, Executor, and Caroline C. Shv, hxveu- trix, of the last will and testament of 8. J. Shy. de ceased, have applied to me for a discharge from said Exrcutorchip. All per;ons concerned are hereby re quired, within the lime fixed _by law. to show cause, it any they have, why the said bawuel C. Shy and Caroline C. Sby. should not be diechsrged according to the pray cr of their petition. Given under my hand and official signature, this 2Sd day of January. 1&70. J. W.BURNEY, feb2-w3m Ordinary? f^EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas, Sam- VJ uel C.Shy. Adminis r&toroftbeesrato ofJoreph Jones, decease t. makts application for Letters of Dis mission from aid trust (he having settled up said es- ta»e.) Three aretherefore toci’cand admonish all persons concerned to show cause, if any tcey have, on or be fore the first Monday in May next, why the said let ters shall not i<sue to said applicant. Given under my band and official signature this 2d day of November, 1869. M. H. HUTCHISON. Sov5-wtd Ordinary. / GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. J. J.Amo wson applies to the undersigned for Letters of guar dianship of the person and property of AnnR Hill and t-arah F. Hilt, minor orphans of Chas. T. Hill, deceased. All persons interested are required to be and appear at tbo Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in Aptil next, to show caese.ifi.ny they have, why Letters should not bo granted the applicant. Given under my hand effically. marS-w3M C.T. Ordinary. Q.EORGJA, BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after date hereof, application will be made to tte Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell a portion of tho real property belonging to the estate of iMiilon Ti««(JI, late of said count*, decoa'ea March 8.1870. A. M. RoSS. mn9-w4t Administrator. CRAWFOKD COUNTY. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.: Vitvil Powers, Esq.. Su perintendent S. W. R. Rg Danfel Bullard. Bullard's Station. M. A B. R. R.. Twists co.. Ga.: Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory. Macon. Ga.; Rev. E. F Easterling, P. El Florida Conference: Major A. F. Wooley. Kingston. Ga. i • apr2-dawtf DR. BAGLEY’S . FEMALE RESTORATIVE. PH. BAGLEY’S I NIMITABLE Eve and Pile'Preparation used ex clusively for inflamed ami thronio sore eyes and pilot. It bus been in use for Steen years without a single instance of failure f give relief. UK.. EAGLE'S- OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES, ROO COOKING STOVES, IOO COA¥? GRATES, 100 PARLOR nnti BOX STOVES. which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have therr measures recorded upon our books System of Self-Measurement; and other information promptly furnished when desired. Address P. O. Box 2256, N Y. Wishing to close out our entire stock of Cooking Stoves, we will offer them at great bargains. C3~ Planters wishing to purchase can do so by Warehouse acceptances without additional cost. Every cook stove warranted or the money returned 63-ORDERS SOLICITED. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry street, Macon, Ga. cov26-tf DEVLIN & CO. Has practiced tho Eclectic system of medicine ihe rise of twenty years, and treatsicbronio diseases with success—such as Dropty, Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, I Kidney, etc Female diseases. £uch as Sterility, Lu- chor*>a or Whites, Chlorosis: ate-nco of Menstruation at the proper period. Amenotrbcea: Menstruation obstructed in its course alter baring been established; Dysmenorrhcea: Menstruation attended by pain and spasms of 0c hypogastric viscera, with i afositnal aggravation and difficult menstruation t menstrual colic Menorrhagia: mens'ruatiou too copious—flood ing. Medicine and prtscrip ion furnished by marl to any part of the United States, pns arre pro paid, to treat any chronic case, for five .dollars per month. 1 ho Female Regulator and Inimitable.Eye and Pile , Preparation sent for $1 each.. Symptoms of disea ses must be plainly stated Money sent by registered letter. Board, medicine atidpeisonal attention' furn ished at from $20 to 32n per month, at hi* residence, ten milts ea-t of Ainericu-. Location healthy.^ Post- I office. Americas, Ga. feb3-wtf r* EORGIA—CRAWFORD COUNTY.—Where- VX as, John N. Powell, Administrator on the estate of Joseph Powell, deceased, late of Crawford County, having applied for dismission from said administration: These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be andappear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if any exists, why said letters dismissory shonldnot be granted. Given under my hand at Knoxville, October 18,1861). JAMES J. RAY, tlDoc m6m Ordinary. J ASPER • OUNTY SHERIFF SALES.-Will be sold, on the First Tuesday in April next, before the Court-houso the town ot Monticeilo, Jas per county. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: seven hut dred acre,-, more or less, of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Jasper, adjoining lands ot Lewis W. pow. and others, and known as the Lynn place. Also fonr hundred acres, more or less, of land, situite, lving and being in said county, and known as the Ware place, adjedning lands of W. C. Leverett. and others. Both nieces of land being levied on as the property of Martha Whitfield, deceased, to satisfy an exeeutlon issuing from Ja*per Superior Court, in favor of Charlie Smith and Reid -milb vgjohn F. Patterson. Leroy (II. Willson and Pleasant Willson, Executors of Mathew Whitfield, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Will be sold at tho same time and place, a small house iu the village of Hillsboro, in said county, known as tho Shoe Shop, now occupied by Fisher, jo satisfy an execution from Jasper Superior Court, in favor of P. W. Dorset vs. Marshall Hrdsenback, E S. Wynens and Wesley Goolsbv. Levied on as the prop erty • f Wesley Goolsby Property pointed out by Plaintiff. BERRY T. DIOBYt feb27-wSOd Deputy Sheriff Jasper co. MACON COUNTY. ■VTOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS—No 1> tico is hereby given to all persona having de^ mands against Hiram Q. Gainos. late of Macon coon- ty, deceased: to present them to me, proper) v attested, within the timo prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said deceased areherebyrequiredto make immediate payment. H. C. GATLIN, feb25-w40u ■ . Administrator of H. I. Gaines. DOOL’ST COUKTY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will bo sold be fore the Court-houso door of Dooly county (Vi enna) on the first Tuesday in April next. Lot of Land No. 74. in the second District of Dooly county. Sold by authority ot the Ordinary of Houston eountv, tor tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of Enoeb W. Gaddcy, deceased. Terms one-half cash, remainder on credit of twcl vo months. EDWIN Gf<EEN. febll-w6t Administrator. /GEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas Richard VJT Linse; applies to me for letters of Administra tion upon the estate of Jarrett J. Lonsey. deceased, these are therefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to he and appear at my office on or before the first Morrdav in April next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letter? should not bet rant ed- Given under my hand and official signature, this March 1st 187P. WM. H. DAVIES, maroh4-w3od Ordinary. foW21ood w3mos WH ANN’S DR. I A. CLGPTON, of Huntsville, R!s., BEAD TIE TESTIMONIALS! Hocstos Factory, February 12,1870. M .4r be fen-altcd ot tho Brown House, in Macon, .lirreb !th and 10th. n rv »’ c undersigned Ladies of Macon, have thor- V> . ’ *r»al sore»=P. PILES. FISTU- hTKItiiURES. TUMORS. UL- t th/ Kidneys, bladder. .. oughly te-tod upon every kind of fabric tho Ma chines sold by Messrs. SAULSBURY, CHERRY A BLASIN- | die ^ ^ aw - . T .... .J Wkonn’a HoW Tlr.tlP I - * —^ „ | ,, age of five years? That a largo proportion of GAME—Gextlkues: I regard WhannsiRaw Bone die under that age. has long oeen a subject Superphosphate equal to any Fertilizer I nave ever l ,,f re uiark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer- r iven to diseases peculiar to Fe- Hatmt*. n\ h •• LA. HSsUKh^, Ct.RS, i’i-fn- s vmiju wit.. >pfcfa! a't'.Liii aaifi. CttrM wjrhonuhe knife. . Dx C *\\\ Utke irf »urc in refem®* tno«©wno iua> hrerhin wish a call tot* uny of tha uiosm expect able i'oy i*uo« ot Kin s; jq, vjUu h*vo o«co h:^ patients. No o«tt«revidence <»t his s»o^;e.H caa Re eftered to an | I poopl-*. cti <0 ■ your.*elf. _ _ , , l)r.C.wiil*r<>jn ' A wericu?, on the 7th ana 8A m- »UM ( «tthe Buriow Um\s?. Mr. H. W. Boifeuillet, My. Cotton upon which I used it escaped ru*t aud ] stood the drought of last season better than thatni>on I whlca 1 cse<1 ° i6er Fertil,ICra GARRErr SMITH. OF THIS CITY. tamed, it is certain. . _ .. , Also, it is known that worms exi't m the huwan sjstem from it* earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who are more conr.t*intIy with, their children, cannot be too observing of the first symptoms of worms; for to surelj-_as they exist, can they be And from our expe-ienco we are^prepar^to nro; non» cc them r>»r m t >tTior x:» any uiucr cu 1>G MACil INE?> we have ever befo.e seen, and for family sewing equal to any high-priced^ Machines m Kach of us own and use in our family mum coitos seed. T UFFKR f .r ale 2>X) BUSHELS SOUTH ‘ EA UP- 1 J AN;i 1.0 STAPLE COTTON SEED. . This Potfon took the premium at the State Fair in aoTemlicr h^t, and also the premium offered by Me5*:». liarienuin jr spark 4 for the "best five bales li;g, Upland C-tton ” It is prolific, and does one ot theio Machines, bouaht of him, and w© recom mend them to oar i;*dy friends throughout the city and country. As these Machines have nover given us clo moment’s trouble, we can always rely upon Mr™i. B.Ross, two: Mrs. Layton Sewell, Mrs. Wm. Holt, two: Mrs Robert Beady. Mrs T. L. «olt, Mrs. John Meldrum, Mrs’. Dr. Chas. II. Hall. Mrs. Peter Solomon, four machines, different Mrs. J. H. Otto, parties; Mrs. Michael Loh. Mrs. Joseph Seymour, Muss Gfts r ccr. ^ Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mr. T. N. Viniug,. Messrs SAULSBURY. CHERRY & BLASIN- GAMb—Gentlkue.v: I can recommend Whanns Raw Bone Superphosphate as a first-class fertilizer— | the timely use of having used it on my Cotton last season with very satisfactory results—being fully equal to any others i used, and having the advantage^of ^tanding^ho drouth better. Macon, February 24; 1870. sAZ’sx.'sr csKTikin'iTr Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by G EORGIA, D f OLY COUNTY.—Whereas .Tames Young apidie- to me for letters of Administra tion uron the estate of JilizobetU Woodard, deceased, these aretherefore to cite and admonish all concern ed to be and appear at my office ou or bofore tho first Monday in April next, then atsd there to show cause, if any they have, why >aid leUcrsahuuld not he era-, t- ed. Given under my hand and official signature, this WM. H. DAVIES, G EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—Whereas James Meeks. Guardian of J. H. Smith, applies for a discharge from bis trust, he having settled up with ht: ward ia full s this i- ther. fore to cite all persoris con erroed to appear at my office on or bett ro the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant frim said guardianship. Given under lay hand and official signature- jno.l. Parker, febll-wCt Ordinary. QUiSMAir cotmrvr. ship ot said ward, this is. theretore, to die nllt concerned to show cause, by filing objections ib i _ office, why raid guardian should not be dismissed «■ the first Monday in Mny ne*L Given andec wm official signature, this Janunry II, 1870. W.P. JORDAN. janl4-w3mos* OrdiUBdb TELFAIR COUNTY. i X KORGIA, TELFAIR COUNTY .-Whereas, Je l J ttawlina applies for Lettrr ut Adminietratm the estate of J. IV Bawlins. d-cca-ed, ol iaiuoo«i These are to cite and admonish all persons ia_ ested to be aud appear at the Oourt ol Ordin#y. be held in and for said county on the first M or day April next, to show canto, it'any. wby wwl «■ thould nut he granted. W. 1- CAMPBELL^ feb28-»30d TWIGGS COUNTY. XECLTOR’S SALK.—Under and by virtue off I order irom the ^ui»<*rior Court of in tbe case ot James T. Glover, -fixeeutor Shine vs. C. L. Redwino et *1.. will be offerediar wlfc to tho highest bidder, on the first Tnesday in 4)gl next, helore the Court-House door, in Hawkinevwfc Pulaski county, a quitclaim deed to Lot of Laud MS Jl. in tbo Slsc district of origiLally Wilkinson w«*v i'ulaski county. Terms cash ' „ JAJlhb X. GLOv ibA, feb20-w6w Executor. /~r EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—Enoch J. Oj*- vT line. Administrator on the estate, of Jamca ■- TV are, dooensed, having petitioned to be drecha**** from said administration,_ all j ersons who arc con cerned arc required, within tne time fixed by law.fin show cause, itany they have, why the said EeeekK- C -Bins should not be discharged according bo M l-raycrof his petition. Given under my hand, cially. this January tho 16th, 18*).^ y jan!9-w3m Odicarg. G eorgia—twiggs county.—wtsurwg, John R. Andrews and William A. Andrew^ Administrators of Abisht Andrews, late of tom. county, deceased, fiavue fully diseltarpQd tfcwir trust, applv to me for letters of dismission ftnm their said’trust: This is, therefore, ta citeaaN admonish all parties interested to be aud appeeg* my office within the time prescribed by law am*, show cause, if anv they can, why such should not be granted to said applicants. • Ghl under mv hand and official alenaturo, this Novom- ber A 1869. JOHN F. SHINE, nora rnbm Ordinary. QE RGIA, TWIGGS ^COUNTY.—Whereas. >Ca Coly, having full? adminisiered thecdat««f George W. Lamb, do-ca-ei.nnd made her finalretsWR thereon, petitions fora discharge from sard admr*^- tration: These are, therefore, to erto and admonlfc all rers-ns concerned to be and appear at my ofiM*. E ^BNECfTTOR’S SALE —By virtue of an order from the Court of fudtnars of SlaUph county: AVili be sold on the first Tuesday in Arril next, within the legal houts of sale, before tho Court Hon*e door in Oglethorp tho ^allowing property belonging to the estate of John McMillan, lato of said county, need, to wit: Lots and parts of lots of land. Nos. 1S4.161 and 176, lying in the 15th district ol originally Hous ton, now Macon county. Sold for the pur: ose of pay ing the purchase money and tor closing up tho e:t»te. Terms t - us!> j, T jp vD0CK McCASKILL, Exeaufor of feb!2-w6w , JNO. Mo.rtlLLANtdee.'d. . ail rtll* UO euuwuiuvu VW , »»---• ^ within thetimepres.-ttbed by law, and show eaas^K any they have, why said ppi-licaui should not. M »■ —issed. in accordance with the prayer or her njtrtxjjj. Given under my hand officially Diirinareb Ordiowiy. G eorgia... twiubs. :ooui>t-. »» alter date, application wil: bom .tie tothcCoc of Ordinary of Twicer county. Ge.cgtR, tnt. regular term after the expiration oSt.noaWMng thD notice, for leave to sell all the load K tho estsm ofWiliiatn f Hammock- lite ofs»td coautr. lor the benefit ol the heiEofsaid deceased. M ACON SHERIFF’S:SAL>-S-Will b-.sola .before the Court house door, in tho town of 0g. ettyqrpe. said county, within tho legal hour? of sale, on the, first Tuesday f * ” ‘ ’ '* in wit: Lot of Lana No. 62. in the Second District of onxrn- . DMINISTRA’POR’S SALK.—WH1 bjsoMhefcj* i\ the Court House door, rn the town of AWrcngfc Wilcox corinty. within tho usual hour.- ofsale, ou«» first Tuesday in April next. 260 acres, more or rtf i.nntl Nn. first district ot originaHy March 1st, 1870. majeh i-w3od Or lin :r;--. D OOLY SHERIFF'S SALKS-Will be so!d be- foro the Coort House door in the town of Vienna, sai i county, on tho fitBt Tuesday in April next, the following property* to-wit: Lot ot Lan-i number 1S»7, Jo the Seventh District of Dooly county : sold as th« property of Jrscph Rridges, to satisfy a Superior Court C. ... f. i<A« nf 11 1> yiinnerinrrnr Ttt JMWj'CI 1 ' • '-"I ‘ •'-•J — Z. ' * ------ fi. ta. in favor of 0. P. Swcannger. Aemtmstrator, vs. Jo?. Bridges, containing, in all, 2214 acres, more or ess. Prn ertv r ointed out by plrintitf. ■ ■ This February 4, 1870. W. L. GRAHAM. mai8 lawawtOd Sheriff. HOUSTON COUNTY. G eorgia, Houston 1 county.—whereas, c. O. Duncan. Administrator do nonis cum testa- inenta annexq on the estate of J J. Dumas, late of Houston county, deee.ised. respectfully showoth that he has fully administered on taid estate aud now asks to be discharged: • „ . . , , These are. therefore, to cite all persons lntorss’ed to be and appear at my office on. or be’ore the fir-t Monday in Juno next to show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. • Givon under my hand and sealoi office, tins Urn of February. 1S70. W. T. SWIFT.' ally Mu'cogee, now Macon county, levied ontO ratU fyjhe following fi. fas . issued.from a Justice s'-curt of said county, to-wit: One in tuvorof (homa? J. Winn, oue ia favor of Jas C. Loyd, and two in favor of A. U. Greer vs. U-L, Shcaly. Property pointed rut by do? fendmt, and levied on and returned to mo by acon- bt Also*. Lots of Land ifos 33 and, 34, in tho District ai d county afore 5 aid t*« satisfy tho toltowrng fi. fas., issued from a Justice’s Court if said - bounty.,to-wit: Two fi. fas. in favor of James Gilber^adtuiniftratio-, ono in favor of Greer fr Adams, bne Irl favor of F. T. >uead, ono in fir- or of Wm. M. Threskold. ono m fa vor of Win.F. White vs.M. L. Sheaiy. andi<in® in la- uor of Samuel Whito vs. R. B. Partin and M. L. hhea- ly, levied the property of said M. L,,Sheaiy, and returne t to ino by a constable. Property pointed out by .aidSheaiy. P.K.RUS?, mari-3Cd Deputy Sheriff. lot of band No. 157; first district of originally now Wilcox county. Sold as I ho prorerty Ci J. Brown, d* cease J. for tho hem fit of the heirs < creditors of said deceased. Terms made knoem the day of sale. mAULZCN COVKT'ST. tor of A. J. Butt, decoased, applies lor dismusioti* All persons-interested are notified to tile tbrir ob jections to the same within the time prescribed by law, l4th^ of TcbrnM^ /'i EORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY—Whereas. Wm. vT p. Simmous. Administrator Boling G. Morris, ELI HU PRICE. B. Mi FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercury, being & Purdy Vegetable Composition, Wc are now receiving a fresh supply of tbe above, j And may be administered with the UTMOST SAFE- As also. **• Wi out—very hardy. General W. S. Holt, of this | ..i, ‘7, aa ^ r;op e. Dr. I’arsonf, of Sanders- Writl. raised the present year over 2500 pounds on I jj.j Warren, lady of Rev. vitle, two; j w. WnrreD, Baptist Dr. W m. Green,Milledge- pastor in charge; Mrs Lawton, Mrs. Dobrnron, Milledge- .MrsIStrahSwindleherst. vil.e.two: Mrs.. W. H- Searcy, of Mr-.^Sarah Gabol, Savan- MiTm? W. Powell. Rey- Mra.j’.0 Jacobs,Eorsyth; ro Id?: C D. Morgan, Crawtord: P. U. Sbaw. Hawkinsville; W. M Coleman. Cuthbert: Mrs M. C. Varner.bunny- Mrs. W. A. Worth, Hunts- side - villa, Alabama; Mrs. Mary Shaw. Dykes’ Editor Hawkinsville, Drs- D^Gre-T,"Midway, four; S. A... Whitaker, Milledge- Bower’s Complete Manure ani Planters’ | .fttommiads in this market 5 to 8 cents per pound -vr tr*n common ui-Lnd cotton of same class. I by llirdeiaao A .'■perks, in 1868, at SOeenU per Ntaj. with good middling uplands at 21 to 22 cents Wround. r-'-oe. !2 per bushel, racked and delivered at depot | aXieon. ,leww—Cash on delivery. Messrs- Hardeman A I "W**!!! tcceive orders. „*w2mos W. 8. BRANTLY TY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. , Worm Confections, m do more for tpo .purpose of pleasing the palate than of overeomi' g the di-case, have been manufactured all over the country, but their short lease->f life is nearly exhausted, add B. A. Fahnestock’.? Vermifuge continues to grow in tavor d!,Uy ' CAUTION. ALEX. DELANEY *.£TA.N.NtK. SETROPOIilTAN WORK S | _ And over one hundred others, from different parts of the itate. ha p m ^on. desiring Reliable Ft rtilizers .would do well that the initials are B. A. Thia is the article that k* to furnish us their orders without delay. I been so _ _ _ _ f FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829. SaulsUury, Cherry <fc Blaslngaine. . .. , . .... „ . , 0 - a._o t I And pnrehasers must insist ou having it, if tl-oy do fCD2o-d*wot | no t wish to have an imitation lorced upon tbei i. represents to this Court that h» has fully settled up tbe said estate, and asks to bodischarged: Now these are. the: etc re, to cite all persons inter ested-o bo and appear at my office on, or before the first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any.why be should not be dismissed. . Given under my hand and official sicnaturo, this 5lh January, 1870. W. T. hWlPr, febl8-w3m Ordinary. G eorgia,Houston county—whereas,Philip Scoffill, Administrator of Mary Busbee. late ol Houston county, deceased, b 'S applied to me for Let ters of Dismission. These arc. therefore, to cite all persons interested to bo and ai-pear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any, why the application should not bo grantod. Given under my band and official signature, this 4th day of January, 1870 W. T. 8WIFX, jan7-3m Ordinary. G EORGIA. UGDSTON COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Of fice forsaid cunty. Whereas, Robert Holmes and Needham T, Johnson, executors ot Isaac llojmes, late of said county, dec’d, petition tho undersigned for letters of dismission from said tru-t, ‘ Thedo arc, therefore, to erto and aamor.i?h all poisons interested to be and appear at my office on or ■tfore the 1st Monday in Juno next, to show cause ■f any they have, why said Letters should not bo : anted. Given under my official signature, this 9th, February. 1870. W. T. SWIFT, fet.!2-w3m r Ordinary. ISTA-VA-SSA. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, ^'nier ef Baventh and Canal Streets. Ammoniated Soluble SCHWARTZ & HASLE TT, Formerly B. A. Fxhsestcck’3 Son & Co., PITTSBURGH. PA. POLE PROPRIETORS. dcc9-deod*wlr Machines, from 812 to 885. P PHAIE, i Every Macliine Kept in Order, and Guaranteed for Five Years, Free of Cost! Manufactured by tbo 2EL W. BOZFSUZ&ljZT, Navassa Guano Co., of Wilmington, xi. C-, IN BAGS OB BARRELS. T HIS Fertilizer is prepared with the utmost care, j contains cverv constituent denrable for any Macon. Ga., 69 Second street, near Cherry, feb24-w4t Opposite Burke’s Book Store X and contains every constituent desirable for any crep to which it may be applied. It is especially adapted to the growth of Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair (o its natural Vitality and Color. Cotton, Corn, Cereals, And all kinds of Wm. e. tanker & CO., [ Stationary & Portable Engines, | &&.XW 7VfTT.Tia, | boilers, bridge bolts and castings, ikon and brass work. I BLASTER, grist and bark mills. R°A«d WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM- I . Will MACHINERY of all kinds built and Agent sin the Southern 6tates for Blate’s Patent Stene & Ore Breaker I Vb? ? n *'i>es took tho FIRST PREMIUMS at the t )»ibUe£ nd Ueorcii State Fairs, and wherever else H. K. SROWWT, Ag’t, J«i»t4-dawly Ko. 35 Third at.. Macon.Ga. DI2. GKALLEHBERCER’S A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of yoilth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald- Patapsco Guano t’o.’s Phosphate ness often, though not always, cured ’ by its use. Nothing Fruits and Vegetables. It is manufactured of the same materials from which the celebrated Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops tDo Chills. This Uedieino lias been bofore tho Public fifteen years, and is BtHl r.hoad oi all other known remedies. It docs not purge, does not sicken tho stomach, is perfectly safo in any doso end under all circumstances, and is tho only ?Iedicino that will CUSE I Ni MEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Antidote to malaria. Sold by ell Druroriats. is prepared, and reference is made to that Company. (65 South st., Baltimore, j for its efficacy, quality and uniformity. R- R BRIDGES, President. DONALD MACRAE, , „ Treasurer and Secretary^ Wilmington, N. C. can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can ho saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it _ clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair LAWTON & LAWTON. I Agents, Macon» Ga. 5an23-w3mosdU Double Refined Poudrette Madame foy’s Combined Corset, Skirt Snorter AND BUM LB t Is ju:t tho article needed by every lady who consults Health, Comfort and Style. Testimonials in its fever are con st :ntly bring received from all parts ot tho country. LADY AGENTS wanted in every county of tbo United State?. HARMON. BALDWIN & FOY. Sole Manufacturers, Lew Haven, Conn, QUEEN OF THE POUTH PORTABLE GRIS! MILLS. ‘Lodi Manufacturing Company,’ i to suit customers. This article is , u .»...Iptal . sold for half the jirice of other fertilizers, and is | CORN MEAL, WHEAT FLOURING AND Stocle Feed, Bolting Apparatus, Smutters and Mill WuA Generally. Our Mills aro built from choice bur Blocks, selocted atthoQcar- ries in France by Isaac Straub himself. Send for Descriptive F OR sale in sold for Ac.-. — —,... i cheaper for Cotton. Corn, Tobacco and Vegetables, than any other in market. It is made entirely .rom the night-sou. offal, etc., of Now York city. Price, delivered od board in New York city, Twenty-five Dollars per Ton. Pamphlet, etc., giving full informa tion sent on application to jAMEf} T _ F0STER> Box 3139. New York Post-office. Office 66 Conrtlandt Street, New York. For sale by ASHER AYREs, Macon, at Thirty Dollars per ton. ‘ dec24-w3m BONE FL0D&—BONE FLOOR. baldness. Free from tho3e deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit hut not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be fouud so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J> C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELIr, MASS. **ril-n£ta Pamphlet containing treatise Millinv, sent frec - PRICE $1.00. SpW by L. W. HUN t A CO.. J. H. Zeilin A CO , THE FREEMASON. lb# timo to jubscribe for the FREFMA- Wi eSLr? Ur 1*' »t Miu-oiiic Monthly in the world. I *‘64 ° taullD * tidings from every quarter of tho I of In’’"”' ■•*—«■• 150 each I S^ofEo'"" - 155 6ach iStJS.k'riber? . ‘.d l.1 0 ^•H.'Obear, JAq., jlucoii. (ia •&H6V GKO. t RANK GOULET, scptl7-w6m Address ISAAC STRAUB & CO., Cor- Front and John sts.. Cincixnati, O, ’ * • i~1RACKED BONE, Bone Mesl, Bone Flour, and and a n t b* Dro-gists in Moeon. Also, *U DruggDts \jy Floated Bone, g aranteed ’O produce same effect D aa iers io Medicine everywhere. at HALF COST of Peruvian Guano Send for circular. Addre.?^ brothct8i feEfi-w’m Newark. N. J. janl3-eodawasw GEO. C. MILLER & SONS, ...125 ach ..2 0b each Eli! or It Pr t. Louis, Mo, NOTICE. Will be given to any one who wiH Manufacturers of Will be given to any one who wi Anon a Child three months old. D-’ .aomnwri anVdlatlA WlthfitlL flfil&Y. FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES, "Enclose swmped envelope^witbont^d^ley. Iebl5-w2ff. 27 Jlarsaa £t. S Y. OZ3NTOZ»rSraA.TX. &c&d lot Soofcci StyiMi uaiA-Iwieu«iwAw3« eaniin fflirrr « SEELEY’S HARD RUB H BKRTHUSSR8.SUPP0RT- B IlUwW&W "ERH AND PILE INSTRU MENTS. cure Ruptnre. Abdominal orUterine Weak nesses and Piles. Dlfferentapproyed patterns. Com fortable. safe, light, cleanly. u>ed to bathing, mde- stractiblo (bteel springs coated.) KI&Rtio otoeKingrs. Belts, Braces, Bandages, etc.-GRBAT Varikty. *s- tablishments, 1347 Chestnut streei. Pailft-. and 3 Ann street. New York, opposite Herald Building. Send ; stamp for pamphlet. Sold hy all Druggist*. Mailed OSfcXprMMd. Mite-waiu i m&mii rs KORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY. —Nathan B. OT Head having thi? day applied to ino for Guard ianship of Sarah Joaes. a minor under fourteen years of ago of Efford U. Jones, late of laid C °Th e is is. therefore, to eito all whom it mnycosoern to fhow cause, if any they h ive, on or before the first Monday in April next, why such Guardianship should not be granted to him accordingly ^ BWTrj . m»rI-w40J " " Ordinary. G FORGrA. MARION COUNTY.-Whcreas. John ?d -Mieh«o!. gurrdian and ex-officio adminirtra- 1870. febl6-vr40d. JAS. M. MMf I>, f • Ordinary.' ( \ EORGIA. MAKION COUNTY —Wbereav. Mor VjT gau Kemp, Administrator ot John Kemp.applies, fcrdismlseibh, ' . All interested in said estate are hereoy notified to filo their objections to the same, if any, within the time prescribed by lawv Witness ruy hand, this February 10,1870. . JA8. M. LOWE, fcbi3.-nfi0d Ordinary. /GEORGIA, M -RION COUNTY—Whereas, ^arab \JT J. Kemp applies for tbo Guardianship cf the minors of John Kemp, deceased, ' All p-.rson? iateiested are hereby notified t6 file their objections, if nny. to tho same, on or before the first Monday in April next., Witne.-s my hand, this Febroary 10,1870. ’- JAMES M. LOWE. feblS -w30d Ordinary. G EOROrA. MARION CritiNTY.—Whereas. Ferry It. Jones. Administrator de_ bonis non of John B. T haggard, has applied for ulsmissi n:. These ure to eiro all interested to file their ohjec- tions, if any, to the same within the timo prescribed bylaw. Witness my.hand, January 15,1870. _ , JA£}. Al. A»tiWh.,i an!9 w5m Ordina- A DMINISTRATRIX’S SALE.-By order ifrom the Ord nary Court of Marion couBty.will besold on the first Tuesday iu April next, in the town of Buena Vi«tB, an nn-m^pied Hou*o aril Lot in said town, belonging t" tbe.e?tate ot Wm. M. llutt, do- ccased. said lot adjoins the lot. of T. 5\ . Harvey, on the south and a vacant lot on the cash Terms cash. M. A. BUTT. Administratrix. fub2iw'01 (Printex’sfec, S6.) G UARDIAN’S SAT E—Will bo fold on tbo first Tuesday in April next, before the Court-house door in Hucni Vista, Marion county, two fifths in tcrest in lotoflaDd No. 8. in tho fourth district o said county—the same being the pirn e whereon the af f nrn «a V Cfavtr 7ivne—viIrntod Iwn TlHlrR widow of jssner N. Story lives—situated two miles from Buena Vista, on the Columbus road. ■ R. E. SHIPP. feb20-w40d Guardian Minors of J. N. Story. (Printer's fee 36 t4)J : { A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE-Georvin, Honfton county.—By virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of Houston county, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in April next, between the usual hours of sale, before tbo Court House door, in the town ot Perry, the following property belonging to the estate of l-Tnha Etheridge, deceased; that tract of land lying in Houston county, known as lot No. 113. and fifty acres of lot No. 9i, lyirg in the 5th district of said c-.uuty. the same being acres more or less. Terms cash. ELISHA EIHKRIDGE, MITCHEL ETHERIDGE, t febl2-wGw Administrators. ty^AKIoN SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will behold on DMINISTRATOR’S SAL J.—B? virtue of an ?r- ty, will be sold on the first Tucsdi.y in April next, be- tween the usual honrs of sals, betm** • nc Court-house tho town of Perry, the folio v.ii.T property be longing to tho estate of M. II. deceased: That tract or parcel of land 1 ing in Ho* t* on county known as tho routh part of lot No. 46. and i be ren*hwen ra-t of lot No, 61, ]yl*ur in the Ten-h T)i*ni.o f said coun ty, tho same bring 250 acrt> »»• -9 ’ i«^s. Terms cash. •* r : ^ • LOR, feblt-w6t '• .♦-•Orator. IRWIN COUNTY. G EORGIA, IRWIN COUNTY.—Whereas, James JPaulk. Administrator on the estate of Ueorgo Paulk, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission* These are, therefore, to cilo and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of saidde ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters should not bo grafted tbo appli cant. Given under my hand ami official signature, this January 3d. 1870. WILEY WHITLEY, j anll-w3mos Ordinary. N OTICE.—Sixty day? after date application will be made to tbe Court of Ordinary, of Irwin county, for leave to sell 360 acres of Lot of Land No. 154, in tbe First District of originally Irwin, now Wil cox county, as tho property of James Brown, deceas- ed ‘ J.K.AW. H. BROWN. feb8-w£0d Admini-trators. JOKES COUNTS’. EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—ORDlHant’a Offick vX said couitTY, At Chambers, January 8,1870.— ■Whereas, D* E* Blount and Thomas U* Stallworth, Executors of Beauford Stallworth, deceased, apply to me for dismission: . , , . . „ These are, therefore, to eito and admonish all per sons concerned to showcau-e. on or by tho fir.-tu.o i day ia May next, if any they have, why tho same shall not So granted. . , Given under my hand officially. ___ It. J.• At). b| jan!2-w3m Ordinary. r\ EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—Obmnabt’s Op tJT pice, -*t Chambebs, January 13.1870.—Whereas, James H. Blount, Administrator de bonis non of tho estate of William Paul, deceased; and also Adminis trator of tbe estate of Mary Paul, deceased, applies to me for dismission from the administration of said estates. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, at this office, if any they have to tbe contrary, on or by tbe first Monday iu May next. Given under my hand officially. jan!4-w3m R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. rt E0RQIA, JONES COUNTY.-Ormnap.t’s Or- VT pics said CotiRTY, At Chambzks. February 23.1870.—Whereas. Edmund T. Morton.Guardian of the minor children of Ber jamin F. Moore, deceased applies to me for Dismission from said Gurrdianshtp Thtsenreto cite and admonish all persons con cerned to file their objections in thisoffiee.ifany they have, on or by tho first Monday, in April next, why said discharge shall n»>t be granted. Witness my hand officlallyJFebru«t_23,1870. wu»*vate the first Tuesaay in April next, bolorc tbe Court House door, in the town of Buora Vista, the follow ing lots ef land: Lot No. 161. and66 acres of lot No. 165. Levied upon to satisfy a fi. la. is*usd from Ma rion Superior Court in favor of J. T. snd Hollis Belk executor** of Joseph Iieik, deceased, ya»- John L‘ Smith. Said lands situate in tho fourth district /)! Mnrion county. On the laid land- is » fine Grist Mill JOHN HANKS. febll-w30d Sheriff. QUIT WY AN COUNTY. G EORGIA, tiuiIMAN COUNTY. — Thomas . Bryan. Executor of the last will and testament of James Cooper, deceased, represent* to the Court in his petition that be has lully administered James Cooper'* estate according to the provisions of said will. This is therefore to cite all pctsous concerned teshowcau-e, if any they can. why said executor ahouidntt bo discharged and receive lettersofdis- murinn on the first Monday in /roil. 187«». Becem ber 1869. W. P. JORDAN. jan4-W3mos* Ordinary. G EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY- — Delaware Morris, Administrator, with the. will annexed, of Lucy M. Tennillo. deceased, having applied by written petition for a discharge from bis said ndmir. istration: This D. therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindrrd and creditors, to »how cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dia- ehargid and receive letters of dismission on tnofirst Monday in May, 1870. W. P. JORDAN, janlfewim* Ordinary roarS 6w merlS-sffino? *JERKMfAH AANDKR8. Adm’r do bonis asa WSTaCOX COUKTir. W JAMES K. BRDWK. f WILLIAM. H*. BROWN,' . Aoinioietiatuva* NOTICE. ^/LTj perrons indebted to tho^ ^ J. Leonard, deciased. aie requested to makei ment. All persons having demands aro required.» present them the law directs.. ^ BRANHAM, feb5-w6w .j', , Admiutetroam. CUSHINGS & BAIUST, BOOKSELLERS asiSTAmm 262 Baltimore street, BALTIMORE. MBu IJH1E largest and best assortel stock in the eity* School, law, Denial, Medical, Classical* Mtscellanoons Kook?, General Bankipff.and Couatiug-Houae Starinaezy^I J BLANK BOOKS. Mads to ordor in anv stria of Binding and Itulina. lnarahl-eodim Price Euiiscribers, either singly, or in clubs, with th* Leading Magazines and Weeklies At -lublisb-r?’ lowest club rates—either of tbefolta*?- ing §4 00 Periodicals at *3 00 per annum, viz.: Har per’s Magazines, Harper’s Weekly. Harper s »,aab Atlantic Monthly. The Galaxy. Putnam’s Magastajt Appleton’s Journal, Uppincotfs Magar-ioo. wood’s, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Montblj, "nmK. Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, Old and New, Chimney Corner, Hearth and Heme. Eithareof Hj* lollowiiig 83 00 Periodicals at $2 25, viz.: Godjrt Lsdicg’ B-ipk, Madame Uemorest’s Monthly. Too Phrenological Journal. The following Si EQ Perzejt- ioate «t SI < P, viz.*- The Riverside, Packard sMont*- ly. The Ladies’ Friend. The following 85 60 Port*A- icalsat St 00. viz: Tho Eclectic Magazine, Kvanv Saturdav, The Nation The following publish,** 82 00 at $1 50 vizr The Y oung Folk;, T. b, Artaort Home Magazine, Peterson’s Magazine. Address, • S. W. PRINTING & PUBLISHING ASSOCIATES. marl2»dlm Caro Box 419. Cincinnati, Oh**. PRATT’S ASTRAL OU- STOLEN. Bloomington, Illinois, Nursery. 19th Tear! 500 Acres 1 10 Oreeal -*, U FEC fLY WRKtod free from ail aduKeratiiaw or mixtures of any kind. It emits no offensive f*l while burning, gives A €0!t and brilliant ligqt, MR can be used with the sume assurance of safety ae Chemists pronounce it the best and safest tin*rOi| ever offered to the public;-and Ittffureagj Oompuhft endorse end urge upon con?auxerers tv» use of the M Astral ,, OU in preference to any other- » is now burned by thousands of families. And m do ■■ stance has any accident,occurred from its use: aimD filled with it, if upset and broken,-will not;cxpM*. 7 o prevent adulteration, the * Astral ’ Oil is paetoiM only in the Guaranty Patent Cans, ot -one gallon Ml five gallons each, and each Can is sealed in a mtmfttf that ecnnot bo conntorfeUed. Every packatn omm. uncut seal we warrant. Be sure and get non, pattM genuine arti.'Ie—Pratt's “Astral Oil—for ?ale JO dealers everwhere, and at wholesale and retail byOM proprietors Oil House of ^ ^ 103 Fulton »treet. New York. P. O. Box 3,061 Send for circulars, with testimonials and price iatT Enclose stamps for copy of the “Astral Light. decl4-eodti' ' l «' . on the night of tbe 15tb, from th, „ ofMrs. Mnrv Clark, I" H oa*ton county, a medsm sized IRON GUAY MARE, with a wart on tba to* side ofiha left ear. bh«is between three and war years • Id; heal tolerably long, and walks, trot* at canters v*ry briskly. . * *6 A reward of £75 v,i 1 be paid for tbe capture, of tka thief and tho return of the Mare. orSSOfot^tha Mom. 1‘AN i hu T. UaiiKai feb20 sem4w Toworsville, Houston co., too. Q.E0RGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY.—Wi[l bo sold. — before the Court-houso door, in Georgetown, in said county, within the nsual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April next, the bsst halt of Lot of Land No. 56. in tbe tisbtb District’of said county.— Levied on as tho property of Lewi? h Holloman, de ceased, to satisfy one fi. fa. i;i-ued from the Sui.ernr Court of said county, in favor of John N. iVobbv;. John Atwell. Executor of the said Lewi?i RHolloman, deceased. DAVID JOHNSON, jan29 w3fld* Bhenff. Q uitman county sheriff sale.—wni be sold before tho Court house door in Georgetown, in said County, cntho first Tuesday inArnl next, within ti e legal hours of sale. Town lot. No. 9, in the said town of Georgetown, and store-house there on, fronting on Broad street. Levied onto satisfy a fi. la. from tbo Superior Court of said county in favor of Atkins Ogltsby vs. Samuel E. Wallace. Ilay?Gr»d- dy. and Jas. C. Christian. Levy mado by Larkin Armstrong, former Deputy Sheriff of said county as tbo propeity ol Samuel E. Wallace. feb28 w4t DAVID JOHNSTON. Sheriff. Q sofd, before the Court-house door, in George town, in said county, on the first Tuesday nil April rown, in sum vuuui,. T - . next, ■within the usual hours of sale, ona iAd ot Lana No.: 81, and parts of lota 280, 265 and 2« theEighih District Of said county. Also, one one Buggy and harness, one Sow end five P?|s! M^head'nfnw'Hwi, sevtn bead of Cattle and hcwissholJ and kitchen Furniture; levied on as thmwnnertv of P. N. Casey, to satisfy ohe fi. fa. from the Superior Court of said county, iu favor of M. A. Smith. Property pointed Zos™ 7 ' m«r4-w30d* Sheriff. Q uitman postponed sheriff’s sale— Will be sold,before the Courthouse Goorgc- town, in latdeounty, within tbe usual hours of sale, on the fir?r Tuesday in April next, the following lends, to wit: Lo*s Nos. 9L 94, 99: 13$?a acres of No. 100: 30 acres of No. 98: ICO acres of No. 67; 86 acres of No. 95. in the Eighth District of said c;unty. Also, Lot No. 112. and 150 acres of No. ill in the Twenty-first DUtriot of said county. Levied on as the property of Jam's Suggs, to eauriy one nJe Cram ihe >upenor Court of Hiid county, in favor of ThMwB. Ram* vs, T ARGEST, be?t stock snd shipping % factlitl«. Apples 1,2, 3 years. 1000 fine 1 year, $25. Apt Aw Root Grafts. Nureerv Stocks. Seeds, Osage, Applj, Peach, Wild Goose. Plum, Osags Hedge, IO.OOOl (5. Evergreen;. Boses. 1.0PO. $100. Dahlias, Gladtolufc Greenhouse. Bedding Plants. Send 10c. for Catw- Jogues. F. K. PHCENIK. jan'21-w2m A New Volume of Music for Yoang r.A 111 pm) THE BOLDEN ROBIN! cosTaisino: r. Musical Notation II. Round? and Exerej— adapted to Physical Action. Ill. Souga for tUOw- casions. IV. Sacred Pieces. By W. 0. PERKINS, Author of “The Nighfenfcnle.” “Sabbath SeOrntH Trumpe ete. Tbe whole forming a most attractive Music Bowk for Juvenile Ciaes'e, Schools and Seminaries, awA one that cannot fail to be admired by all XeacAwW Soholars. Price 50 cents. Sent poet paid. OLIVER DITSON Sc CO„ PubUiben, 277 W ashington Street, Bertaa. chas. ii. orrsox * co., 711 Broadway, New Yeefc. marl-law2w ' Sty a IGAN AV. A 8. % AT*af* Believing the ftreWi — try will support “• 1 7- - . ... , , grade of apices than have heretofore been K«reA outside 0 f European marketa, we hare nrrangemenUfcr giviugeuch goods te the lie. We shall keep constantly in Hock, aeOe- tione from tbe choicest goods In onr line tc ee found in any foreign market, which, Wwmi , shall be sasotstxi.1 rxjM. ' r'Js ,s ■ i--ft' ground,*