Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, April 12, 1870, Image 5

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rj^Japb and Messenger. Use Conservative Bcpcbkcan delegation, here ear the purpose. Amendments were adopted, iacreae- tbat the amendment will be earned by Colfax'* vete mg the uaoent far the construction of tbe Sew Took on a dirtied Senate. ‘ . pctfoffirafrom5mCC0to?*50.900:xcpropriariciiaof Among matter introduced under regular call 525,080 tar repairs oe the ChartatanCwtomhoase, a bE granting lands to Kansas City and Memphis and *25. COG for the Sew Orleans Customhouse. After tbs passage of the hill. Shermaa moved to A- resolution to. amend the Constitution of tbe suspend poor orders for tK* purpose of np> United States: secrioa 1st. The right of citizens of the Income Tax MU. Sot agreed to—yea* 29, nays the United States to rcte shall not be denied or S7. The Getngialifl then coming up it was made ahdJged by the United States or by any State on the special cider for Tuesday neat, in order to af- ftcccxxat of sex. Scctioc 2nd. Tbe Congress shall fieri tfr* S€citars Appointed, to attend gw fnneral hare power to enforce this ardde by appropriate leg- of Gen. Thomas, an opportunity to be present. Mlation. Referred to the Ja&iary Commitree. After executive seseicn. the Senate adjourned. Tbe following passed under the suspension of the H. CL Hunt has been confirmed as Assessor of nde: Elections shall be heid in ail the States an the the loath District of Texas. Sficocii ^issdiiT after tfio in: VnmkT m Sarsszber. am 1572. for Representatives to the Forty-third Coo. CESER.IL SEWS. jrea; *r*A **** »hin be VM on Srv Toss* April 4.—-The ATeFiH&r.d trial has 2S£*££2-i.2X2£5SliZ SitZSS ttatathmByoirthBSsrmal States. to April L-Hxyor Conway and M^^azSV^S^up SC i^tS o^<«^^«ty oSnals bare been maKngstren- ■» efforts, far the past few days, to dapeseof .^darf a taxed 2 cents p« ponnd. the air's sioekia the Sew Orleans and Jachson Mouse adjourned. Bagrusd. J E. Beckwith, dtv attorner. *Atr*«~d Was^ox.ApraS.-The a^epa*edsm . Eote * J* iStSrtta city's certificate, SSSSSSSSi atoek, itt which he says: -If you deaths stock bflld*2S£fex- »f?}?.* 1 ** ■*"?* tke ftoofth.ftosamSS^tML _ ?T!y,r rr r -*^f Tbs Reconstruction Committee referred Sbober, ci.trsen mam bettree— Jc_n Ftankim, of irinlig »Wc fmr. Vyth ftafa, to the Election* Louisiana. and X. J. Olieal, of locisrCe, 21 on a Committee. side, for 5250, 55,000 on the odd. commenced ves- ^Scnter, Governor of Tennessee, is detained by El terUj Score—Kentucky, 5; Louisiana, 9. •p.. Beasts tv. pann-d by tbs The Republican ponlishea the preamble andreao- Eouee relative to the Oneida disaster, and it goes to iatiaa of the Tnnwiara Prees CocTgntibn, denand- the President. ing the tmcocdirinnal removal of Collector Casev. Tennessee The Southern bound train on the Mississippi Cen- pfiri/w. for the reconstruction of that State. 11x1 Eadrosd went through the trestle South of Georgia resumed. Sumner denounced the Bing- Pickets station Friday evening, demoiahingths en- HSMGIAL ASP 'COMMERCIAL, j Weekly Seriev of tbe Market. OFFICE TELEGRAPH AXC' MESSENGER. 1 Ann. S-Iitnm*. Udo. | Ccrrrox—Beceipts to-day 81 teles : sales SB; shipped 188. Beceipts for the week ending this evening, ibe shore included. 191; miss for same time 952, shipments 1163—showing a falling off in receipts of last week from those of the week before of ITS bales, and an increase of sales of 412 bales. Ths market closed firm on the date of ocr last weekly review at 20 emits; on the day following prices advanced a half cent, at which it stood steady and firm until Monday noon, when a still further advance of a half cent was declared, and on Tues day the market was firm, with a good demand all day, &t 21 cents for middlings. It opened firm, with a good demand, at these figures this morning, but tbe usual noon telegrams from XewToak threw a damper upon the ardor of bey era, and the market dosed weak this evening at 21 cents, nominal. Flaoegau introduced a bin incorporating tbs DQthezn Pacific Bail way, and granting the right of ay from the Bio Grande to Saa Diego. DISEASE OF THE BLOOD, “ Th« life of tie S«a in ifc« B ij-i.” » a Scnyunwi maxiatiAt Kieaeei.:«vM to b* tree. Tbs psofte talk of bad biuo-i. as the cum es man j diseaaoa, and !i?e zzziij Mur opiski&i of bioed it focaded in truth. The sj Diploma ef bad brood are uuaily ««ita stem —bad Dicntiaen risen inpcricct xstritioe. and «s>- sequentlj the eireuI»>tm_B icebte: the reft CnraM loose tasir tone aed elasticity, aad tha tocr» • bccoaees pa’e. broad, and frequeally rovertd with a puty, white coat, this condition mow show* itulf to roni'antse oftheiaia.theaia araniTs and alceraare disease*, and when four entreuei resalo in sariesi lesions ot tke Eraia. Liver. Longa, ae urinary appa- rata-. Maeb. very mac a. suienny is caused byjaa- pure blood. It is estimated by some that on«-fifth st ths human family are afteted with scro.uia in imi form. " Wren tie Blood u pure, you are act re liable yt any disease. Many innahw of the Blood arm trout impure dL,caseso! Ur*c cities. Eradicate every impurity from the fountain cf life, and rood spirits,- fair skia, an! vital atxesath will return to yes. KOSKOO, As a Liver Invisorator. stands unrivalled—beisr the only ico wn medicine toat efficiently etimulatae asd corrects th e h er it:c iec-e-.i: ns ani ran tt.onsi ierac***- msatsoftheldver. without debilitating tbe system. oue acts iret'.y up.a tie L ~n. in3te».i of ropieus pwryiny. it gradually chan res the discharges to a per fectly natural irate. Symptom* of Liver Cemplaial tad o€ 8MM of those Diseases Produced by It: A sallow or yeflyw color of the skin, or yeUowhft- brewm spots oe the face and other parts of the body: dsliness and imnsM. sometimes headache; better or bad taste in the month: interrai heat: in snap eases a dry. teasin?cough; unsteady appetite; trer- timeJ sonr stomach, wifit a raising cf the foods a bioatid or fall feeling ahcct ths *tomaeh aad ‘ides: azgravatiBc pains in the sides, back or brtafft aad ah ut tbe shoulders: eon*tipatioacfthe bowels; pita. ran sixty miles in one tour over the ult<l Chattanooga Railroad, lass Sun- . j^uy good for a sew road. Stanton i .f* greased the wheels with the same .- v Le tied on the palms of the Radicals ' ‘^aati Legialawro. j^.irox telegram to the Cincinnati , arsul »j» that **a statement ia made by . *friend of Antes, to the effect that' . £. c —* expiration of his term, March . qualifications or kept out until the Government ! could trust her. Tbe House Committee on Tariffs fixed the rate , on clarified senar at two and a half cents per pound: : refined sugar five cents: moiasees remains as re- j ported from committee. Duty on brandy and other t distilled spirits fixed at three dollars. Committee ' rose. Butler introduced a resolution annexing San Do- : Bingo. Wood objected. Adjourned. peals all laws presenting duties for otfieen of tbe Freedman's Bureau, so far as said duties have not yet been folly executed, and transfers all money sod property hitherto entrusted to the Freedman's Bureau, to the account of tbe Bureau cf Education, to be expended exdssiveiy for edncatirvnal pur poses among freed men and refugees, having spe cial reference to aiding the establishment and use fulness of Common Schools among them. The Bureau of Education is to exercise tbe eame pow ers as those hitherto exercised by the Freedman's Bureau in reference to education, especially in co operating with Benevolent and Educational Socie ties and corporations: acd the same co-operation may be extended to State, Territorial, county, or municipal authorities for similar purposes. _ AH underdvectasoof the Freedman's Boreaaandnow held by municipal or corporative bodies or trustees for executaoa, or funds arming from their sale, ehall be forever used for such purpoees. The Commissioner of tbe Freedman's Bureau is allowed three months to fulfill all legal obligations and contracts, and settle his accounts with the gov ernment. All other employees are discharged, ex cept such as the Secretary may retain for the care of hospitals and collection and payment of bounties \ and pay of colored soldiers, cf which business he is ! hereafter to take charge. Wacsrxnur, April 6.—The House passed a biB by two thirds majority removing Sbober s political itrnihiTfrirn Mr. Wood, of Sew Fork, made sixteen charges cf corruption in office against Gen. Howard, Superin tendent of the Freedmen's Bureau, which were re ferred to the Freedman’s Committee with power to send for persons and papers and power to report. Ths following is Wood's arraignment of General Howard: 1st. That he took from appropriations made for. and receipts of that Bureau, more than five hundred thousand dollars improperly and with* out authority of law. for the Howard University Hospital and lands. &L That portions of the lands alleged have been sold for the benefit of tbe Howard University acd the funds were disposed of improperly to members of his own family and to officers of his staff. 3d. That boods issued in aid of the First Congre gational Church of the City of Washington were taken fcr a portion of this land, which has not yet been redeemed or paid, nor have they been returned on bis official account as ench. 4th. That the University building and hoepital were built of patent brick furnished by the Ameri can terming ar*v Brick Company, in which Gen. Howard, rharfea Howard, Gen. E. WtitiLy acd C. W. Alverd. all attached to ths Bureau, were inter ested as stockholders. 5th. That the specification for constructing those brnklings provided that the material used in them ahrarTA be takes from tbe Brick made by this com pany, tens preventing competition, acd securing the use of that brick acd no other for that purpose. Kih That tbe brick eo used was unfit and nearly worthless. Parts of tbe bniMirg have fallen down in consequence, aral other parts have since been re paired rebuilt at an expense of 513.G00l 7th. That by bis consent acd with his knowledge, lambs to the Government was used by Hire company mrf appropriated to its own benefit, bring resold to its emptoyees. 8th. That be pays rent to Howard University from the funds of the Bureau for the privilege of head quarters. I jm—'anas.—'We hare jnst received IrsMetazs. Coe. Wetherl & Cot, Philadelphia, |c a"- •-'•*; tie past two years, obtained ■ •-hid ***** imoagvt our advertising houses. I*j» trjtlieariou entitled "The Advertisers’ l‘re--~" I- 3 ready gotten np in duodecimo I—ud metrics not only a complete record ItieNivscater Press cf the Southern States, Isricnaeca interesting and important to all L-ense.-v tsd business men. Tins house, on css: cf their large contracts, are prepared to f- peat*st inducements to business men [c dvRttse. sscedaHy in the best journals cf a tech. Musts- Coe. We the rill Sc Co., fum- U is-Index' on application, gratuitously, ai v? id use tbs business public to embrace it xpertunity. txvoa sees no prospect for maple sugar stroyed. Tbe following came via Pittsburg. Revenue to-day 5271.CCO. Boutweil remains absent until Tuesday Bailey's defalcation is about 5200,000:" Michael Waddel. of Xew Ortons, has been, con firmed Cociu! to Tripoli. The Colored Phiioscp tin! Society of Virginia has petitioned Congress to call this country the United States of Columbia instead of America. Tbe report of the Secretary of the Sivy to the House regarlxg the Oneida disaster concludes that the Oneiia was steering the proper course; that the bad seamanship of the officers of tbe Bombay caused the disaster, and that the Latter exhibited a reckless disregard of human life and the common obligations of'humanity. Latvs—U-.» v. jl—Tbe President. Tice Presi dent. the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the Foreign Legation*, the Marine Band, and many celebrities, were at the H< -ise of Representatives in honor of Thomas. By acme means, the negroes were sot present cn the floor or the galleries. Stated tickets were required. Tbe colored population were dis contented. They crowded tbe corridors of the Cap itol. Representatives cf the 35th and 32d parallel BACOX—dear Sides (sacked)... Clear Rib hida (smoked).. Shoulders BAGGING- Grover & Baker’s HIGHEST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWBG SACftim I Vi leg :o return our «h*nk« far an invitation : cai lb* anniversary celebration of the Uwstt society of Roanoke College, Vir- ha. xis* ittb ir*s Among the debaters Kws* name of i. H. Smith, of Georgia. *zxs Kobodt ca* Dxsr.”—“To State’ fileilack of TrAisw in the House of Rep- psasres, 'that these twenty-eight States ** ^letted tue Fifteenth Amendment is a is cause for removal. Tbe President has signed the btH bridging ths Delaware from Philadelphia to Camdem. Canby's headquarters are about being changed from Richmond to Washington. It is stated that Canby will be nominated Major General, vice Thcm- FROS RICHllOm Rtcaxovn. April 5.—The city troubles wd at last go to the United Sates Supreme Court. A mo tion bv Eiiwrai and others to dissolve the injunction will be beard on Thursday in Washington, by Chief Justice Chase. Tbe morion ia made—1st. Want of junadicrioo. £1- That there is no equity in tbe bill. 3d. That the facta show that the injunction was unprecedentedly awarded. In the meantime, affaire will be peacefully conducted here. The writ of ejectment against Mayor BSmb. a doubt ahont tbe legality of which caused Gen. Canby to decline tendering military aid to tbe Marshal. wiQ be re ferred to AltorneT-Oeneral Hoar for tie decision. The two Mayors go on as usual holding their courts, with their police peacefully on the streets. The State Court has enjoined tbe city officially from paying or otherwise recognising Mayer Cafaoon. his police, or any of the old dry government. ELECTIOX SEWS. Hasctcsd, April 4 Half of tbe State gives Eng lish, democrat, s gain of 459, on Jewell's majority last vear of 41L Hartford gives Jewell 2S59, Eng lish 3307. The Democrats have carried the munici pal officers by six hundred majority. TheDemocraU have four majority in the Conner Council Eng lish is no doubt elected. The Legislature will be democratic, though the Republicans still claim a majority in each House. Toledo, Ohio, April 5.—The complete returns from the district indicate the election of Peck, re publican. to Congress. The Republicans also elect LAMPS! LAMPS! sales LQ0 bales; net receipts 2JM: coastwae 104: total 310; exports coastwise ICO: stock 85S0. Bostox. April 6.—Cotton quiet but firm: mid dlings 23V; sales SCO: net receipts 7; coaetviie 1765: total 1772; stock 12,000. Basamms, April 6 —Cotton in gcod demand: mid dlings 22; sales TOCO bake; receipts 464; exports coastwise 35: stock 47,081. Chaxustos, April 4.—Cotton quiet but firm; middlings 22; sake 150 bales: receipts 719; exports coastwise 346; stock 1440. Xxw Ctattiaxa, April 6.—Holders of Cotton are asking higher prices; middlings 22Jf@22Jsales 3£50: net receipts 1101; coastwise 148; total 1249; exports to Queeuetcwn MB; Barcelona 203: Havre 6361; stock 173,589, Lcmsvniz. April 6.—Com 95. Pock27 50. Bacon ihiican Ptttth I—niTJWBM—i—One of these machines baa been in operation for tbs last day or two ai tke well in the centre of Mulberry street, immediately in front of the Lanier House. After a careful examination of it yesterday and witness ing its operations, we think we kazzard nothing in pronouncing it the cheapest and best method for drawing water from a well that has ever beat intro duced to tbe public. Far safety to children, or the person at the windlass, it is an admirable arrange ment And, then, it is so convenient and nice to handle, as you never have to take hold of the tuck et to hft it from the mouth of the weR, or to empty ths water, audit leaves the water in ths well free from the taste of iron and in a perfectly pore state. It is plain and simple in construction and any one with a grain of sense can'understand it in a mo ment. If properly managed it will last fifteen or twenty yean constant use. Call and examine k. ye -hewers of wood and drawees of water,” and yon will no longer wish that yon were swept front ths face of tiie earth, that the nek might know what the world would be withowt job. Ii wul gresiiy re- fieve you of the Hqmd hranrfa of vocr lahcc. ;