Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, May 24, 1870, Image 7

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Tine Greorgia, 'Weekily ~ffea Ws& 9 ■••--V’ ‘aph and Journal <fc Messenger. , T(>br»* ion ** Bowdon. ** *w*», Ga , May 16, 1870. ^4* and Mestenser * **» • y ECO _ He scale t. hlt lawyers go to Heavep- (" 0 . if , rce8) ” tbongh it is almost f b L pivot, waving back and forth. ^‘nerbap*. ttt overy evoIation > M> *7 t0 t he heat of summer. These a passage I remember read- .for on Man: l*** joet returns engage, PtSjbaditeyouth, this, on to age. „ .he days of winter, when r't bsolnte need of fire wero wtf";". - re vividly recalled to mem- tender, in my distress, if July’s u on linen-piercing rays, j die* 'hither here, but it may not , fries? n! l and I’ll hush the theme, ijriowrro > onr o e i e bration in ‘•CteUycn upon what day it von editors are ever too K^UnwJv® 9 wi,h ,ho of ** B&lZ , 0 this place, at, however, IMS'*' . it mav be drawn, and wonld BS'^.d’youCwn the day. Shall and others who have taken rfS T j2S S oTfomtellinShe a^ day dawned,’ if not, fc Siful,” as the phrase goes, stiU JLpjbeauui > clouds to quiet E# free e a g disagrce „blo day. The W^bere^consisting of about a hun- fim meets in the W pSty ten 'o’clock, Friday morn- VfrflSa dre hundred people young "^.ivtbeformcr,had assembled there Beebes delivered; the young men ^irnes more than one eye at the t^of the ladies, and they to re- , 1 cM ',“ ceS and recognize them with a liiSy’spaintiDft that served to make fl^Vore dazzling still. There was E?L the choirs then a song sang by girl; then music ogam by the k 5«.dcboir, and a speech, upon “Kind ?Vi«teYby Mr. A. W. Powers, a 1 file BiMe Class and a student of the ,b“n music, then a dialogue, in 7®' „ tao young ladies—Bowdons l feTa sp«ch by Mr. H. M. Evans, ^“suber of the Bible Class and a fvjv'iitendent and beloved President, s.Wsod. then introduced to the au- iKTol’the day, Col W. O. Tuggle, Onsce who in a speech of an hour s (Htot suffer the attention of any one *lL crowd to flag for an instant, but CT in their seals pleased listeners until Tjfljirelv concluded his remarks. He cer- r c j fr .ir.t«t: 1 a management of a sabbath j yu*r tba/i any person I know. He in- -sijtis lecture with funny sayings, that, Ljjfsiernins the older portion of his nu- * It introducing original ideas clothed in _jt' bcintifol language, secure the atten- p-ie little ones as well. His imagination amid rod fruitful, and by the aid of "fine Mjn powers he transporls his hearers up- kritioM of fanev, to the most magnificent lilbiblical interest But “all things must -jihceatly and in order,” he remembered, l&bn; it would be out of order to detain 1 ifrou the table leaded with a profuse _« of the good things to eat, of the yiwad, he closed at tho expiration of Its mentioned, rather to my disappoint- t u I could have listened unwearied a jbger time. Both the other speakers ne ed titmselves well under the circumstac- fifrr the benediction, dinner was partaken ui more polite and well behaved crowd I War seen at such a place, pile (teeing, the yonng people had a most 'del time, talking, promenading, taking pelt, rod at night there was a conversa- 1 paityia the hall, at which everything doff in the highest manner, pleasantly, ha that came from a distance have not I gw borne yet, and the students, that they l tbefair ones may mutually enjoy them- k. have got up another party for to-night idtlxT all “comprehend’\(a word recent- leele equivalent to “anticipate”) having a kb time. |ap«eirc Bcsden is, occasionally at least, 7brely place; and iudeed it needs only a ■dto it, to render it “all right ” Already in « ippreciation in the value of town fin anticipation of the approach of the nth, Griflia and North Alabama” Kail- Ihereia considerable-trade carried on lusn.'h as I ever sawdn an inland town Bhrnre. Crops are progressing well; t specially looks fine. 'Fruit, notwith- ^ my conjecture, is means all kill- aril be plentiful. | **t respettf oily, Student. i floustoii County—Crimes, Cas ualties, etc. Pzaar, Ga., May 18, 1870. -in Tdyraph <£• Messenger : Night be- Ur. Janies Boone, a young man of l* vajlaid and shot by -some person Three shots were fired at him piaad a fence, a few yards from where Shading, the first of which took effect piiigband gave him a painful, though it not necessarily a dangerous flesh tjjstmissing the femoral artery. Hav- t'fihcl with him he returned the fire, when Itnld-be assassin ran away. Barefooted Pwre afterwards found leading to and pS* place from which the shots came.— ^ tests on a negro with whom Mr. B. difficulty a short time since, bntbad i begged his pardon and Mr. B. sup 'll matter was at on end. It has since peeertained that the negro threatened to I' 2 ® six months. The tracks were lOf Hong, i Snsan Bateman, a widow lady of this 1 ltd dead from a stroke of appoplexy this P*8*hile sitting in her chair sewing. She •estisi&ble lady and leaves four children her loss. 1 in Houston are suffering very much 7 wather. It being too hot and dry to h? I° aD 8 larks are mdcJging in pic-nics ing parties. Claudo Stjbahescexs. J P. O., Houston County, May 20, 1370. fkfrfryrffpA and Messenger ; J-.aen—My bed room wa3 entered last -«ad robbed of ©47 80, a brown cloth coat, ['•<*« given by myself forgiOO, bnt which C^paid. The thief is supposed to be a '“f negro mac, who was soen about here bare-footed and bare-headed. Ho bouse through a window and come P 1 "* wdroom where tho family were sleep- * wpa th e Legislature will bo able to give the principles of the white man as political rights, and then it may I *dl have peace. Kespectfully, O. H. Biceaedson. Dry Times In Jones. Bloc.ntsviixk, Jones Co., Ga.,) May 14, 1670. ( ****■TdegrapJt and Messenger; I hear, “■ A your excellent paper, from many oona- ' seldom see anything from Jones J® I conld writo yon that our crop pros- encouraging, bnt, alas! I cannot. ,^‘not had good rain in six weeks. I 7»* °ld experienced farmers say they k'w Been snch a spring of cool, dry weath- ground is so hard wo can with difficul- jT “i poor stands of corn and cotton; cot- op well, and will not until we have / ^deed, the pastures are so parched onr Ed a living out. bnt ouo thing that is encouraging. i iL? nTet *«d with many of my country- l they all seem tired of having their kdin f 80 ^* r Irom home, and are deter- l ? ‘Qtnro to try to raise their own provis- 8 ? Te heard of some ploughing np cot- ts,_ D-octinpf corn. I am experimenting (CJ** 1 kinds of fertilizers. I am also try- b an ^ Grosses. Until recently my olo- ij^gil. and would still do well if we ’gating very impatient to see the Ma- ■7; -'SGosta ad completed. It seems to If ij 1 ; along very slowly, tlof ata ver y iuJ'6 nftn t atthere- itud 00 / Ordinary, and the appointing in II??®* o negro; bnt it was not my inten- 0 ‘Peak of these things. «ora, etc., T. SMITH, WESCOTT & CO. OLD RELIABLE WHITEWATER WAGONS Reasons Why. A C wUh° 0 ut L au D eauainStyleKmhbf ,antaUcn8Cd FreishtWasics scId!n,hcSoDtha “ t * Thcyare There is no factory in the Doited States where greater care is given to the .-election of the material used. perf«t°.™7d e 7e^ th#t *° 8re r:cp!ltcd t0 warr “‘ t ran to be by^.^r^Sn^tu/ci-s? 11 ^ S lh<! U ° Ee ' eiglllh ^ ,hick " lhaa that “ S ‘ d The Timber is of the choicest selection thoroughly seasoned. No extra charge for Lock Chains. No one will fail to observe the excellent quality of paint used upon tbeto. which is far more durable than that generally used on Plantation U aeons. In short, the whole character of the Wagons is that of peculiar excellence. J beso \\ agons aro lumished at a price less*than tkat of ordinary Wagons, with body complete. Also Oil liontl, a Full Line ol* ABBOTT, DOWNING & CO.’S CELEBRATES CONCORD WAGONS. Call and see them. SMITH, WESCOTT & CO., 102 & 104 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. may20-wAsemivron’y tf COTTON GINS REPAIRED! P. C. SAWYER. AT I'lXIE WORKS. MACON, - - - GEORGIA. C OTTON QINS made as good as new. at from one- tbird to one half tho cost of a new Gin, and made equal to tho best Gius manufactured in the United States. Large Gins reduced to any required size. None but the best and most experienced workmen, from the shop of the late Sau’J Griswold, are em ployed, and all work guaranteed to give sati-faetion nr money refunded. I keep a large supply of the different kinds oi Ribs used by the several Gin- makers. Refer to hundreds of planters in the counties ot Wilkinson. Laurens,, Pulaski. Houston, Bibb, Crawford, Monroe and Upson, among whom are the following; Wilkinson. M. J. Carswell; Lar.rrns, Joel Coney; Pulaski, James Bohannon, M. F. Graco; Houston, C. N. Rountree, Rev. B. F. Tharp; Bibb, Pulaski Ilolt: Monroe, James Tripp; Upson. Rev. James Lyon; Crawford. David McGoo: and to Harde- man A Sparks, of Maoon. Bend in your Gins early, in order to give me time to x them upright. P. C. SAWYEB, n mar20-eod-sw-w-4m Dixie Works. Macon. Ga. ~\KTANTED—AGENTS—$75 to SiOO per month, ev il erywhere, male and female, to introduce the GRNUINK IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAM ILY SLU ING MACHINE. Ih 8 machine will stitch, hem. fell, tock, quilt, cord, bind, braid and emproider in a most superior manner Price only Sin. Fully warranted for five years. Wo will pay $1COO for any machine that will sew a stronger, moro beautiful, or more elastioeeam than ours. It makes tho “Elastic Lock stitch.'' Every second ititch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. Wo pay agents from $75 to $200 pcrmonih and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB & CO., PITISBUKG. PA.: BOSTON, Mass., or ST. LOUIS. MO. CAUTION.—Beware of all Agents sellicg Machines nnder the same name os ours, unless they can show a Certificate of agency signed by ns. We shall not bold ourselves responsible for worthless Machines sold by other parties, and sball prosecute all parties either selling or using Machines under this name to the full estentofthc law, unless such Machines were obtained from ns or our Agents. Do not bo imposed upon by parties who copy our advertisement and circulars and offer worthless Machines at a less price. april27-dlw3m. Notice to Planters. r P HK undersigned will open a shop in Meeos, for X the purpose of Repairing Cotton Gins, Being one of the oldest Gin makers In tho State, and for many years master mechanic for Samuel Griswold, and nt.w having some of tbe very best of his workmen, dooa not hesitate to warrant all work done to give entire sati-faeiion. Old Gins made as good as new- Will furnish new saws, new boxes, new saw ribs, new brushes and new Gins of the most approved pattern-. Send in your orders to roe, in eoro of any warehouse in tho city, a-d they will meet with prompt atten- t on Write to me on any subject regarding Gins, s id I wilt answer with pleasure, as above. Mark your r amo in full, with station or county, and address, and you may20-deod*weow4m Macon, Ga. r.AnnETT’s TTAIR RESTORATIVE. ab,o k V, FIRST PREMIUM . A OF A SILVER a-EDIIL’ M BARRETtFfTrESTORATIVE yK By the V. n. Suu AsrlcuUurtLlSxietT. Ults *0 * Fair, Golden in Xashui, sept, 20 r 190G, BARRETT’S Vegetable Hair Restora.tive Restores Grar Hair to it* Datturxl coIap. p™. This Preparation surpasses mil others of its class os a Hair Rcnewer. _ _ _ It is thorough in its action upcn-CrnyorFpuca Hair and its effect permanent. It produces bet one distinct slindc. while others leave tho hair in many varied colors. It promotes growth when others fail to re produce a single hair. It does not crisp or dry tho hair, hut leaves it moist and glossy.. „ _ . Ladies find it superior io any -other as a Toilet Dressing. *- The ingredients used in this Preparation aro the very best that can he found,- oad are as harm less as water. . LORD & SMITH, Proprietors,^ 'Chicago, Inns. I~ W. HUNT A CO., • GENERAL AGENTS. MACON. GA. For sale by all Druggists. apr5-d*w . . Removal! Removal! GROTEIl & BASER Sewin'* Machine j’o. H AVE remov«w store of L U. WING. Jeweler,4S Seeaud street, where they propose to sell their MACHINES on the came terms as in other large cities, visa $20 CASH, And 810 per month until the Machine is paid for. Or 10 per cent, cash and noto for tcrosorsix months. Puretnsere of Marhiccs will reeeivo full and thor ough instructions in tho uso of the same at their res i- de Speeial attention given to country orders. Jlr. L. H. WING will transact any business in-the absence of the Agent. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry Street, MACON, GA. OFFER AT REDUCED PRICES, 300 COOKING STOVES, 100 COAL GRATES, 100 PARLOR and BOX STOVES ■Wishing to close ont onr entiro stock of Cooking Stoves, wo will offer them at great bargains. IS* Planters wishing to purchaso can do so by Warehouse acceptances without additional cost. Every cook stove warranted or tho money returned BORDERS SOLICITED. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry street, Macon, Ga. nov2G-tf Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, purposes of a Laxative Perhaps no one medi cine is so universally re quired by everybody a3 a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal ly adopted into use, in every country and among all classes, as this mild hut efficient purgative Fill. The obvious rea son is, that it is a more re liable and far more effec tual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that wlmt it docs once it docs always —that it never fails through any fault or neglectof its composition.- We have thousands upon thou sands.or certificates of their remarkable cures of tlie following complaints, bnt such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugr.r coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use In any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimnlate it r.ito healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given la the wrapper oil the box, for the following complaints, which these 1’ill* rapidly cure:— For DyxpppsiA or Indigestion, Kfstless- ness. languor and X-oss of Appetite, they should lie taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. For liver Comjilaint and its various symp buns, liliiou* Headache, Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, JBilioua Colic and Bilious fever*, they should be ju- liicionsl v taken for each case, to correct tho diseased ration or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Uiarrhsea, but one mild do c is generally required. For IShcumatlsm, Goat, Gravel, Palpi tation of the Heart, Pain in the Side, Hack and Xoins, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disaiqiear. For Bropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in largo and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression a large doso should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. Asa Dinner Fill, take one or tiro Fills to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds thatadoso of these Fills makes lnm feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. Z>£.«T. C. AYER £ CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. HASS., V. S. A. Sold by L. W. DUNt & CO., J. H; Zeilin * CO and al) the Drurgists in Mason. Also, all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. ianl3-oodaw*sw WE ARE STILL ALIVE! AND SO WHL ALL BE WHO TAKE THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint are uneasiness and pain in tho side. Sometimes the .. pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken lor rneumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax. The head is troubled, with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory: accompanied with painful Twiggs County. sensation of having left undone something which onghftn have been done. Often complaining ofireak- ness, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of the above symptoms attendthedisease,and at other times few of them: but IHVER i : tbe Liver is gen trail; Wilkes & Dillingham, M ANUFAO TURER’S aprlO d*w2m W. J. PEARSON, Agent. Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DYE STUFFS* COTTON WARPS, BOLTING OOIfl, 5CRR MILL SI05ES, Card Clothing, Roll Carding Machines, Portable Com and Wiieat MIHs, Smut and Separating Machines Ecatbcr and Robber Belting, Laco Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, &c. Agents for all kinds-of Woolen and Cotton Machinery. LOUISVILLE, KT. Send for a Catalogue. xnar22-2mo DR. EAGLET'S female restorative. dr. BAGLEY’S TNIMITABLB Eyo and Pile Preparation used ex- I clusively for inflamed and chrome »ore eyes and pile', it has been in use for fifteen years without a single instance of failure to giro relief. XDR- BA-Q-XsB'S’ Has practiced the Eclectic system of medicine the rise of twenty years, and treats chromc diseases wjth success—such as Dronsy. Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, Kidney, cte. Femal s diseases, such as Sterility, Lu- choreaor Whites, Chlorosis; ntsence of Menstrual on at the proper period. Auenorrhoca; Menstruation obstructed in its cauise after having been established, Dysnenorrhoea: Menclruation attended by pam and spasms of the hypogastric visccrttt vltn paroximsl aggravation and difficult menstruation;, menstrual colic Menorrhagia; menstruation too.copious-flood- inv. Medicine and prescrip ion furnished by mail to any part of the United States, postage treat any chronic case, for five dollars per month. Tho Feroaie Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent far 81 each. Symptoms'of dseases mu«t be plainly stated. Money sent by registered letter & Boird.tnfcdicine and personal attention furn- i-h-d «fc from #20 to #25 per month, at his residence, renmfies e “t ofAmericik Location healthy Post- office, Americas. Ga. febi wtf FOR THE I5DIAN SPRINGS ! THSIIORS to these well known SpriM® Y on any day get conveyance tothat Forsyth. We are newly fi“ e<1 . n Pt, Co A h T !„ll! l^e to accommodate all who desire It. A regniar lmo runniEK daily from Forsyth to thy in “with the train, from Macon Jo wth at next Cl °C k all A on - ^ “^’“oRSBR A BRO^ next. Call on ^ Foreyti}f (J*, m»yl5-dAwlm* MADAME FOY’S Combined Corset, Sfcirt Soprter AND BUSTLE Is juit tho article needed by every lady who consults Health, Comfort; and Style. Testimonials in Us favor are con stantly being received from all parts of the country. LADY AGENTS wanted in every county of the United States. HARMON, BALDWIN k FO.Y, marll-wCm Solo Manufacturers New Haven, Conn. To all whom it may Concern. Darios, Ohio, April 14,1870. A LL persons aro warned not to buy any right to make, sell or use Best A Kelly’s Portable Gas Generator from Mr. 8. A. Walker, of Glennville, Alabama, or Irom any agent be may ma ke, as his power of attorney is revoked, and has been since No vember, 1859. BENJAMIN BEnT. apr20-w3t IBE6UUT0B. the Liver is generally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and all will be well. nn. sxivriwroisrs' LIVER REGULATOR, „„ A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. Dyspepsia. Headache. Jaundice. Costiveness, Sick Head-achef Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o’ j the Bladder. Camp Dysentery, j-tlections oi me Kidneys, Fever, Nervousness, Chills, Diseases of tho Skin. Impurity of tho Blood, Melan choly. or Depression of Spirits. Heartburn. Colic, or Pains in the Bowels. Pain in tho Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy. Boils, Pain in the Back and Limbs. Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. _ Druggists, Macon, Georgia. For sale by all druggists. Price #1 per package. By mail 8125. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be stric'Iy vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-five years as one of tho most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently, it is sure to cScct a cure. The following highly respectable persons can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom wo most respectfully refer: Gen. W. S. Holt, President S. W. R. R. Company : K ev. J. R. Felder, Perry. Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Al bany, Ga.; W. J. McElroy, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; George J Lunsford, Esq.. Conductor S. W. It. R.; C.. Master- son, Esq., Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. Butts, Bajn- bridge, Ga.; N. Binswanger, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dykes & Spirhawk, Editors “Floridian,” Tallahnssco; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Esq., Su perintendent S. W. R. R.; Daniel Bullard, Bullard’s Station, M. & B. R. R., Twiggs co.. Ga.: Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F Easterling. P. E. Florida Conference; Major A. F. Wooley, Kingston, Ga. apr2- dawtf ISTA.'V^SBA. Ammoniated Soluble PHOSPHATE, Manufactured by the Navassa Guano Co., of Wilmington, N. C-, IN BAGS OR BARRELS. T HIS Fertilizer is prepared with tho utmost care, and contains every constituent desirable for any crep to which it may be applied. It is especially adapted to the growth of Cotton, Corn, Cereals, And all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. It is manufactured of tho same materials from which the celebrated Patapsco Guano Co.’s Phosphate is prepared, and reference is made to that Company, (65 South st., Baltimore,) for its efficacy, quality and uniformity. R. R. BRIDGES, President. DONALD MACRAE. Treasurer and Secretary, Wilmington, N. C. LAWTON & LAWTON. Agents, Macon. Ga. jan23-w3inosdlt COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE. O NE ef tho moEt delightful RESIDENCES In Mid- dlo Georgia, on a commanding eminence, half a mile from Griffin; large, six room house, eight years old, built in modern style. All necessary out-build- ings. conveniently arranged, Twenty-Eeven and a half acres of land, subdivided into Gardens, Orch ards, Lots. Pastures, etc. A constant stream of water running through. A well of the coolest water. Ap ply to Speer A Beck, Griffin: pf.Cruger, Albany, or piy w w BUTIS A BROTHER, ■ apr!5 dSawtf Maoon, Ga. mtia V SEELEY’S HARD RUB * SSiI^^pK 1 BKRTKL’SSES.SUPFOKT- B RUvwbv ■ KRS AND PILE INSTRU MENTS. core Rupture, Abdominal or Uterine Weak nesses and Piles. Different approved patterns. Com fortable. safe, light, cleanly, used in bathing, inde structible (steel springs coated,) Elastic blockings. Belts. Braces, Bandages, ete.-Gsf at Vigwrn Es tablishments. 1347 Chestnut street. Phila., and3 Ann street. New York, opposite Herald Building, Send stamp for pamphlet, Cold by all Druggifts. Mailed or expressed. , » f*W5-w3m THE GREATEST WORK OF THE AGE A BOOK INVALUABLE To Every Grocer, Every Produce Dealer, Every Dairyman, Every Parmer, Every Manufacturer, Everybody. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT I TT contains the surest and only certain method to X keep Eggs Fresh and Sweet for at least one year. The cost i.i less than half a cent per dozen, and by this method Eggs bought at eight and ten cents per dozen during the Bammer can be kept and sold in the winter for from thirty to fifty ceats. When once known, this method will take the place of all others. It does not tarnish the egg or give it the appearance of age. When offered for sale, it cannot bo told either by appearance or quality from a fresh laid egg. It contains the best receipt ever published of ren dering sour and rancid buttor perfectly sweet, and also how to give a uniform and natural color to White and Streaked Butter, and the best maimer of mixing and repacking butter for market. Tnese two receipts alone are worth hundreds of d0 Itt r eils the cheapest and best mode of manufactur ingWashing Compounds. Howto make Hard and Soft Soap, Inks, Candles, paints. Varnishes. Cements and Baking Powders. , It tells how to Clarify Honey, so as to sell for near!} twice tho common sort. It tells tho latest and best modes of salting En coring Hams and all kinds of meat. It tells haw to dyo clothes of all shades and in fast calors. It gives valuable receipts for curing burns, sores, cuts, felons, frost bites, cancer, ear ache, tooth ache, ing worm, with hundreds of othor new and valuable methods, withfull directions, so that any one can nse them. It tells how to take out fruit stains, ink stains, iron stains and paint stains from cloth and silk dres<c?. It toils how to counteract frost upon trees, a valua ble receipt. It tells how to tan furs either with or without the hair or wool on, and how to imitate these of superior grades. It tells how to make tho best curling fluid for mak in r the hair grow in beautiful flowing ringlets. It tells how to feed hens so as to make them lay all the year round. , , It gives over fivo hundred raro and valuablo re ceipts, and a completo guido to tho manufacture of hundreds of useful and saleable articles, including patent medicines, perfumery, toilet and dental arti cles, and many ethers cosily made, at trifling cost, and soiling readily at large profits, with many manu facturer-’ secrets, etc. It is valuable to every one. Be sure fo get it. Sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar. Tub fished and for sale by FRANKLIN & WILLIAMS. Book Publishers, St. Louis, Mo. mayl3-d*w3mos [Established in New York City, 1859.] SIM. D.KEHOE, BOLE MANUFACTURER OF Moe’s ImjroTei Man CMs. F OR muscular development. Dumb bells, croquet bats and balls, base ball bats, ten pin balls and pins, heel padded boxing gloves, improved striking bag. Metropolitan policemen's clubs. (These clubs are used by the Met. Police of N. Y.City). Kehoe’s Illustrated Book on the “Os') of the Club,” S2.E0. Listof Prices of Indian Clubs; 6,7 & 8 lbs. each, per pair 85.50 10 lbs. each, pr. pair... 6.50 12 “ 700 15 •* " “ "...10.00 20 “...1400 25 -.18.00 „ „ . mayl4-d-wlm £09 Broadway, Now York City. Sizes for Ladies k Children 2 lbs. each, pr. pair—Si00 3 3.00 4 " " "■ ....4 03 5 *' “ “ —5.50 MANNING’S Antidote for Intemperance!! TS an Infallible Care for this fearful vice. Its use X will at once remove tho taste or desirefor stim ulants, and will soon create an actual dislike for them. It can be administered in tea, coffee or oven water, wi hout exciting suspicion, as it is free from taste or smell, If you have a husband, brother or friend, addicted to this terrible habit, it is your duty toenrebim. _ , _ . pcr*box[ ee by ’“'"a 0B w*H?MANNING e *’C0M* Ce ^ msyll-d-wtf fit- Louis, Mo. Administrator's Hale. \\TILL be sold ia the town of Mohticelio. Jasper TT county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, between tbe usual hoars of sale, two thirds inrerest in the storehouse and lot. situated on the east corner ofsputbern side of the square of said town—known as Swanson’s store. Also, at the same time and piece, one House and Lot at the Indian Spring, Butts county, Ga, ne»r Eiders Hotel, on the Covington road, containing two acres, more or lass: dwelling house, two stories, with necessary outbuildings, etc. Sold as the property ot John W. Burney, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to satisfy certain claims agreed upon between the creditors of said estate and the legatees. Terms on day of sals. Y. M. SWANSON. may!8-wtd Administrator. Administrators'll Sale. TJ Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of X) Twiggs county, will be sold, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tue'day in July next, the followicg land, to wit; One hundred and twenty acres; part of Lot No. 15. in tho 7(h District of Bauld- win, now Twiggs county; as the property of W. J. Uamino-k, late of said county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of.the heirs of said deceased. Terms of sale cash. JEREMIAH BANDERS. may!2-w6w Adm’r do bonis non. G eorgia, t wiggs county.—Mbs. e. b. k*k*- dy vs. E. W. Kenedy—Libep for Divorce In T wiggs Superior Court, March Term. 1S70.—I r ap pearing to tho Court, by the return of the Sheriff of said county in the above stated cate, that the defend ant, E. W. Kenedy, is not to be found in said State, it is ordered by the Court that service be perfected on said defendant by publication in the Telegraph and Messenger, a gazette pnblished in Bibb county, Geor gia, once a month for tonr months. By the Court. CROCKER & GOODE. . Plaintiff’s Attorneys. A trno extract from tho minutes of the Superior Court, March Term, 1870. apr!5 wlam4mo J. M. BURKETT, Clerk. rt EORGIA. TWIGGS COUNTY.—James T. Glover. VJT administrator, with tho will annexed, upon the estate of Jes30 Hearn, deceased, having petitioned for a final discharge from his said administration, all persons concerned are required, within the legal time, to bo and appear at my office, to show cause, if any they have, why said applicant should not be dis missed, in accordance with the prayer of his petition. Given under my hand officially, this May 9th. 1870. mayll-w3m l officially, this Way 9tii. 1870. JOHN F. SHINE, Ordinary. QUXTBXAXV COUNTY. BOVIXON COUNTY. TTQCSTONr COUNIY MORTGAGE SALE-WiI XI he gold before the Court-house door in the town ef Perry on the lit Tuesday in Jugo the following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 22 in the 10th dis trict of Houston county* to satisfy a mortgaso fl. ia. in favor of Harvey W. Lathrop vs. John ¥L. King. apl-w60d ** JOHN R. COJKe Sheriff. BIBB COUNTY. IRWIN COUNTY. T^XECUTOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Xli Court-House door, in the town of Greensboro, Georgia, under an order lrom the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, on the first Tuesday in June, 1870, one Tract of Land, containing four hundred and nfnety acres (490) in the 10th district of Irwin county. State of Georgia t-aid land sold for the purpose of distribution among the devisees c-f James Findley, deceased. Terms cash. JAMES FINDLEY. aprS-w40d Executor. G EORGIA. IRWIN COUNTY.—H'hereas. Camp bell MeDaniol, executor, etc., of Isaac M. Young, deceased, iate of said counry. has filed his final ac counts with me. and asks to be cismiseed from said executorship. These are to cite and admonish all per.-or.s intcrestid to be and appear at m; office on the first Monday in September next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this April 12.1870. WILEY WHITLEY. aprl2-3n>o Ordinary. JASZEB. COUNTY, G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-Whoreas. it has been represented to me that the estate of John bimpson, lata of said county, deceased, is without legal representative, these are. therefore, to cite and admonish all perrons concerned to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in June next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why adminis tration upon saiii estate should not vest in the Olerk of the Superior Court, or other fit and propor person, as provided by law. Witness my hand and official signature, this 13:h of April. 1S70. apri7-w30d J. W. BURNEY. Ordinary. G EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY—Whereas Hen ry L. Balkcom, Administrator of Ichabod Balk- corn, represents to too Court, in his written petition, that ho ha3 fully adminestered Ichabod Balkcom’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should rot be discharged from said administration and receive letters of dis mission dn the first Monday in July. 1870. W.P. JORDAN. apr.3-w3m* - Ordinary. WILKINSON COUNTS'. STATE OF GEORGIA,] Supreme Comt.April term, I 1870. Present, his Hon- Wilkiksos Coukty. f or, Philip B. Robinson, J Judge. Carry M. Richardsoh,] Libel for Divorce. vs. }■ Rule to Perfect Service. Richard Richardsos. J I T appearing to tbe Conrt by tbe return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that he does not re side in this State: it is on motion of counsel ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. Else that the case be considered in default and plaintifi be allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in the Journal and Messenger, weekly, once a month, for four months. J. D. JONES, Plaintiff's Attorney. EORGIA, WILKINSON COUNTY-Clkrk’s vX Office Superior Court—I do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from tho minutes of said Court. Given nnder my hand and official signa ture, this 2d day of May, 1870. IVERSON H. FLEETWOOD, may5 lam4mw Deputy Clerk. "POSTPONED ASSIGNEES' SALE.—By vittue of _t an .order from the Honorable District Court of the United-States, wo will sell, within the legal hours of sate, before tho Court House door, in Eatonton, Put nam county. Ga., to the highest bidder, for cash, on tho FIRST TUESDAY.IN J UNK, 1870, thefollowing property, to wit: TIjo residence of Benj. F. Adams, and now occu pied by him, together with the land thereto attached, containing one hundred acres, more or less, all of which is in the corporate limits of the town of Eaton ton. We will also sell, at the same time and plaee, the insolvent notes and acconnts belonging to the estate (in bankruptcy) of B. F. Adams. AH the above sold as the property of Benjamin F. Adams, for the benefit of his creditors. ROBERT A. NISBET. JOSEPH E. MURRAY, may3-1aw-3t Aisignees. M Y mode of treating horse* is guaranteed to in crease the speed otany horse, good or poor. Or dinary fatm horses have had their speed increased go as to sell for 8m A gentleman with mr method bought a pair of horses for 8300 and sold them, after four days training, for 82000. Thejr trotted in 2-48in harnrs?. Another bought an ordinary saddle horse for {9) acd in one wecksola him for$800. I will tend my method to any address on ree ript of 81. JESSE 0. M ANFELDER, Cue of Box 2701, St. Louis, Mo. osyJi-<JAw3m WALTHAM WATCHES. rpHE extensive use of these Watches for the last fif- X teen years by Railway Conductors, Engineers, and Expressmen, tbe most exacting of watcu wear ers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength, stead iness, durability, and accaracy of tho Waltham Watch. To satisfy that clars in all those respects, is to decide the question as to the rool value oi these time-keepers. More than 450,000 of these watches are now speak ing for themselves in the pockets of the people—a proof and a guarantee of their superiority over all others. The superior organization and great extent of the Company’s Works at Waltham, enablo them to pro duce Watches at a prico which renders competition futile, and those who buy any other Watch merely ray from 25 to 50 per cent, more for their Watches than is necessary. We are in greenl Tlimii —MW United States of which this can he said. These timo-pieces combine every improvement that a long experience ho3 proved of real practical nse. Having had the refusal of nearly overy invention in watchmaking originating in this country or in Eu rope, only those were finally adopted which severe testing by the most skillful artisans in onr works, and long use on tbe part of the public, demonstrated to be cssontial to correct and enduring time-keeping. Among the many improvements we would particu- larizo: The invention and use of a centre-pinion of pecu liar construction, to prevent damage to the train by the breakage of main springs, is original with the American Watch Company, who, having had the re fusal of all other contrivances, adopted Fogg’s Patent pinion a3 being the best and faultless. J ASPER COUNTY POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALES.—Will be so’d before the Court-House door, in the town of Monticelto, Jasper county, with in the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following property, to-wit: Seven hundred acres of land, moro or less, known as the Lynn Flace. adjoining lands of Lewis W. l’on and others. Also, four hundred acres of land, more or lesa, known as the Ware Pisco, adjoining landsof W. C. Leverett and others. All in Jaspercounty. Levied on as the property of Matthew Whitfield, deceased, to satisfy a fi la. issued from Jasper Superior Court in favor of Reid Smith and Charlie Smith, vs. John F. Patterson. Leroy M. Wilson and Pleasant Wi son. Executors of Matthew Whitfield, deceased. Prop erly pointed ont by plaintiff’s attorney. Also at the same time and place, will be gold one rmall house in Hillsboro, Jasper county, known as tho Shoe-shop ef Henry Fisher. Levied on a3 the properiy of Wesley Goolsby to satisljr a fi. fa. issued from Jasper County Court, in.favor of P. W. Dorsett. Property pointed out by plaintiff. B. T. DIGBY, Jnayl-wSOd Deputy Sheriff. /GEORGIA. JASPER COUNTY—Obdix,rt’s Of- \J ficb, Said Couhty—Ix Chambers. May 19th, 1870—Whereas Thomas O. Broddus, Administrator on the estate of Edward A. Broddus, deceased, applies to me for dismission'from sa<d estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by tho first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. J. W. BURNEY. may22-3mw Ordinaiy. c1 EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY-Ordisary’s 0f- VT ficb. 8aid County—Ik Chambers, May I9th, 1870—Whereas Thomas U. Bioddus, Kxectutor on tho estate of Thomas Broddus, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from sa : d estate These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office;- on or by tho first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. J. W. BURNEY, may22-3mw Ordinary. JONES COUNTY. /■'t EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.-Ordikary’s Of- 8Jf ficb. Said County. At Chambers, May 9,1870, Whereas. Bryant Balkcom, Administrator on tho estate of Ephraim Moore, deceased, applies to me for Dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. _ R. T. ROSS. mayll-d*w3m Ordinary. estate of John W. Finney,deceased, applies tomefor Dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, tfeite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, mayll-w3m Ordinary. fi EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Of- \J ficb said county, at Chambers, May 9.1870.— Whereas, Wm. Little and Orrie Tufts, Administra tors on estate of Benjamin M. Tufts, deceased, ap- plirs to me for dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, on or by the first Mon day in September next, at this office, if any they hare to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS. mayll-w3m Ordinary. /^.EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.-Ordinary’s 0f- U fick. said County, May 9,1870—Whereas, Mem branes Williams applies to mefordismissim Tom ad ministration on estate of Margery T. Carmichael, de ceased, these are to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, to the contrary, on or by the first Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially. ROLAND T. ROSS, mayll w3mos . Ordinary. MARION COUNTY. All Waltham Watches have dust-proof caps, pro tecting the movement from dust and lessening the necessity cf the frequent cleaning necessary in other Watches. Oar new patent stem-winder, or keyless Watch, is already a decided success and a great improvement on any item-winding watch in the American market, and by far the cheapest watch of it* quality now of- tered to tho public. To these living in portions of the United States where watchmakersdo n^t abound, watches with the above mentioned improvements which tend to insure accuracy, cleanliness, durability and convenience, must prove invaluable. Every Watch guaranteed by the Compuay. To prevent imposition, buyers should cee that every Watch Bhould bear o.ther of the folfowl. g trade marks: American Watch Co- American Watch Co- American Watch Co- Crescent St Appleton, Tracy & Co Waltham Watcn Co...— P. S. Bartlett Wm. Kliery - —- Homo Watoh Co - -Wsl ham. Mass. _Wc lib. «u, .Mass. .. A I Mats, ..<• ' ass. aati, .Mass. W.i ihau, Mass. Waltham, Ma s. .—.—Boston, Mass. For sale at retail by all respectable dealers. A descriptive circular, giving much useful informa tion, sent to any address on application. No Watches retailed by the Company. Address, ROBBINS & APPLETON, GENERAL AGENTS, 182 Broadway, New York. ASK TO SEE THE NEW FULL-PLATE WATCH bearing the trada mark “AMERICAN WATCH C0., Crescent Ft, Waltham, Mass.” It is by far THE BEST FULL-PLATE WATCH made in the United SLOW HORSESJUDE FASTI! Fast Horses made Faster. s ““' ,al “ 4 ’ to fi EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.-Whereas, Mor- \JC gan Kemp, Administrator of John Kemp, applies for dismission. All interested in said estate are hereby notified to file their objections to the same, if any, within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand, this February 10,1870. JAS. k. LOWE, feb!3-w90d Ordinary. G EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.—E. S. Parker, administrator of James Parker, has applied for letters of dismissory. All peisons interested aro no tified to file their objections to the same within the time proscribed by law. Witness my hand, March 17.1870. mar24-w90d JAS. M. LOWE. Ordinary. G eorgia—marion .SALE,—WIT " ■ ■ COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE,—Will bo sold before the Court houEe door in the town of Buena Vista, on tbo 1st Tuesday in June n»xt. town lot No, 9, in block B. in tho town of Buena Vista, contain ing three and a half acres, more or less. Said lot levied on as the property of David Golden, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Marion Superior Court, in favor of Wm. M. Brown, vs, Da vid Golden. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. RUBIN HAMILTON. . may4-w30d Deputy Sheriff. /^EORGIA, .MARIONCOUNTY;—Whereas,. Wm. VJT J. Reese has applied for the Administration of the estate of Wm. M. Brown, late of said county,de ceased: All persons interested in the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to file their objections to above application within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand. JAS. M. LOWE, may22w30,l Ordinary. fi EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Whereas, Jas. VT W. Wiggins has applied for Letters on the estate of William Wells, deceased: „ .. , , All persons interested sro notified to file their ob- ieouons to the same on or before the first Monday in July next. Witness my officiil signature. JAS. M. LOWE. may22-w30d Ordinary. G EORGIA. MARION COUNTY. - Frances R. French applies for exemption of personalty and sotting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same, at my office, on Tuesday, the £lh day of June next, at 10 o’clock a. m. JAS. M. LOWE. may22-d2t Ordinary. MAOON COUNTY. Commissioner’s Sale of Valuable Lands in Sibb County. B Y virtue ofan order of the Superior Court of Bibb County, I will offer for sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, in front of tbe Court-house, in said county, the following lands, lying on the west side of the Oemnlgee River, in said county, being part of the Macon Reserve, to wit: Lots Nos. 115,114 and 93, each containing one hun dred acres, more or less, ar.d the south half of Lot number 99, and 40 acres of theaonth part of Lot num ber 89; the wholo containing about £90 acres. Terms Cash. A. B.ROSS, maylO-dlt-wtd* Commissioner. G EORGIA-MACON COUNTY-Whereas James D. Frederick; applies for letters of administra tionon the estate of Mrs. Clara F. Walker, .’ate of s&id county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or before tbe 1st Monday in Jane next and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to sni applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, May 2, 1870. „ ' JNO.L. PARKER, . may3-w30d , OB i Ordinary. Notice of Sale for Partition. AATR will sell at publie ontcry, to the highest bidder FT before the Court-house of Bibb county, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Juno, 1*70, between the legal hours of ( ije, the following property to-wit: The iron front store building, with tbe ground upon which it stands, now occupied by J. H. Cherry, situated upon the northern side of Cotton fo Te S?. e ' ln .*ho city tf Macon, and said county, and |4o. 24m said Avenue, and fronting on said Avenue 33Ieet more or less, and situated between tboetore- houso3now owned by \V.E. Taylor and W. A. Huffito- gether with the lot in the rear of said building, bounded by the laid building; the said storehouses owned by W. E. Taylor, Dr. W G. Little, the alley running from Cotton Avenue to First s reet, and the premises of W. A. Huff This sale is made by virue of an order from the Superior Court of Bibb county, at the November,1863, adjourned term. April 2,1870. lor the purpose of par tition between J. Dickson Smith, Trustee for Mrs, J. D. Smith, and J W. Schofield, administrator of es tate Of G. W. Ross, and Mrs. M. J. Hamilton, distrib utee of said estate. E.F. BEST. . ) A. w PERSONS, ^Commissioners, K.W. STUBBS. J may7 wtds A DMINSTBATOR’S SALE—By virtue of an or- Jljl. der from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb County, will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in Jnne next, at the Court-house (City lisll) in said county, duringth« legal hours of sale, a fractional p&rtot Lot No. 235, situated and lying in tho Warrior District, containing fifty acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Mil- len Tidwell, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash. A. B. R^SS, apr£0-wtd Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue ofan or- der from the Conrt of Ordinary of Bibb County, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in June next, at the Court-house (City Hall) in said county, during tbe legal hours of sale, a part of Lots Nos. 7 and 8, in Square 5S. situated on Fourth street, near Brown’s Hotel. There is on each lot a dwelling bouse and kitchen. Sold as the property of Elizabeth Smith, late of said county deceased- One fourth cash, bal ance January 1,1870. aprtO-wti A. J. SMITH, Administrator. ’ G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. John Rutherford applies to the undeisigned for Let ters of bonis non. with the will annexed, upon the estate of Charles Thompson, late of said county, deceased, AH persons interested are required to be and ap pear at tho Court Conrt of Ordinary, on the first Mon day in Juno next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters shonli not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD, may3 w30d Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Whereas. C. A. .Tharpe applies to the undesigned for Letters of Administration upon the estate of of Mary Van- valkinburph, late of raid county, deceased. All persons interested are required to boandappear at the Court of Ordinary, on tho first Monday in Jnno next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. 0. T. WARD, may3-w30d Ordinary,-. ■. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, John Campbell, administrator, de bonisnon, of the es tate ol Dominiq Crabic, late of said county deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cito and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Auguit next, to show cause, if any they havo, why letters should not bo granted theappii- cant. Given under my hand officially. . ■ • C.T. WARD, may3-vsS9m Ordinary. DOOLY COUNTY. fi EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-Whereas, Jamc* VJT M. Fenny applies tome for Letters of Guardian ship of the persons and property of Iscbella and Missouri Hightower, orphans of Eason G. Hiahtower, deceased: These are, therefore, to cito all concerned to be aud appear at my office on or before the first Monday in June next, to show cauio. if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Givon under my hand and official signature, this April 9,1870. WM. H. DA VIES, aprl2-td‘Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By virtue of an or der from the Ordinary of Dcoly.county, will be sold before tbe Court-house door, m the town of Vienna, on the first Tuesday in Juno next, between the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 170. in the 14th District of Dooly county, containing £02}£ acres, Said Land belonging to tho estate of Daniel Smith, deceased. Terms cash. WILLIAM GAFF, apr!2 wtd Administrator. 87* EORGIA. DOOLY COUNTF—Whereas. James VJl Young applies to me for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Elizabeth Woodard, deceased. Those aro therefore to cite all concerned to be and ap pear at my ofifre, on or before the fin t Monday in June uext. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature. gftjShs. may6 w3m Ordinary. 'i EORGIA. DOOLT COUNTY—Whereas Pleasant JC Ray, administrator upon the estate of William J. Lowe, deceased, applies to me fur letters of dis- mi sion from his said trust. Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and ap pear at my office on or before the first Monday in Au gust next, there and then to show cause, if any they Have, why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this 2d day of May. 1670. WILLIAM H. DAVIES, may6 wSOl Ordinaiy. HOUSTON COUNTY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Geosoia.Houstok Coukty.—By virtue cf an order from the Hon. Ordinary of said county, will be sold, before the Court-house door in Ferry, on tho first Tuesday in June next, botween the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing Lands, to-wit: 106 acres of Lot No. 199; 202J-5 acres of Lot No. £00: 100 acres of Lot No. 216. and lwt acres of Lot No. 218, Lot No. 217, containing 150 arces making in the aggregate 658% acres, more or less, all in the Eleventh District of said county. Sold as tho property of James A. Roquemore. late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and oreditors or said estate. Terms of sale one-half cash, tho other half payable by the first or January next, with notes and approved security. , EDWARD JACKSON, '• Adm’r de bonis non, etc., of Jas. A, Roquemore, dec’d. m»r£4-wl0t . . . H OUSTON SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold be fore tbe Court House door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, thefollowing property, to wit: One undivided half interest in tho following lots of land, to wit.: Nos. fourty-three (43) and fifty-four (54) in the fourteenth (14) district of said county, and No. one hundred (HO) in the ninth (9)district of said esuntr, containing in all five hundred and filty-five (555) acres, more or ltss, as the property of Jas. B. Bairett, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Houston ccuDty, in favor of John A. Howard. Admin istrator J. te. Barrett, deceased. May 3d. 1870. may5-w30d JOHN R. COOK. Sheriff fi EORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas, C. VT C. Dnncan, Administrator de bonis cum testa- menta annexo on the estate of J. J. Dumas, late of Houston county, deceased, respectfully showeth that he has fully administered on said estate and now ask* to be discharged: „• These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appthr at my office on, or before the first -Monday in Jnne next, to show cans*, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of office. tbisHihof February. 1S70. W. T. SWIFT. feb!6 w3m O. H. C.' /7*E0RGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.—Whereas. Wm. ’ V_4 F. Simmons, Administrator Boling G. Morris, represents to this Court that he has fully settled up the said estate, and asks to bedischarged: Now theso are. therefore, to cite all persons inter ested so bo and appear at my office on, or beforothe first Monday in June next, to ahow cause, if any,Why he should no: be dismissed. Given under ray hand and official eicnatnre; this 5th January, 1870. W. T. SWIFT,- - - feblS-w3ui Ordinary. 5 * fi EORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.-Ordinary’s 0f- VJT fiee for said county. Whereas, Robert Holmes and Needham T. Johnson, executors ot Isaac Holmes, lateof said county, dec’ll, petition tho undersigned, for letters of dismission from said trust - . - These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all. persons interested to he and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in Jnne next, toBhow eaaM. if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my official signature, this 9th, February. 1870. W.T, SWIFT. feb!2-w3m Ordinary.;- G eorgia, Houston county—whereas, j«. J. Daniel has petitioned for letters of adminis tration. with the will annexed, on the estate cf. R. Y. V. Daniel, late cf this county, deceased. -These are, thoreiore, to cite all perebns interested to be and ap-. ear at my office, on or before the first Mqnday in June next, to show cause," if any. why tho petition should not he granted- him. Given under my hand and official signature, this26th day of April. i»i0. . W.T.UWIPT, apr28w-30d t . . .- : Prdinary GEORGIA, HOUSTON .COUNIYz-Whereas^Joha vDT H. Woodward, Guardian or.L, A. andT. W.. Stubbs, minor-children of A. P.'Stubbs, deceased,' has applied for dismission as Guardian. Three are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and ap pear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Jnne next, to show cause^if ap'y. why ‘ be discharged.. Given nnder ray Sat signature, this 18th day of-April, 1870.^ SWIpi , . apr21-w30d Ordjcary. iy he should not. and ahd official M acon county postponed sheriff’s SALE—Will be sold bofore the Court House door, in the town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, within the legal hours of nale, on the first .Tuesday in June next, the following property, to wit: Lot of laid number thirty-two (32), in the Second (2d) «T ~ this eounby for Railway Engineers, Conductors, etc, apr20-d eod*weow3m Burdon Iron Works. M anufacturers of pumping engines tor Water Works, High and Low Pressure En gines, Portable Engine* of alt kinds. Sugar Mill*; Screw, Lever. Drop and Hyoraulio Presses; Machin ery in general. HTnjBAED 4 WHITTAKER, 102 Front street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MMnly satisfy five fi fits issued from a Justice's Court of said county, to nit: One in favor of Kelsoe A Hill: one in favor of C. H. A D. Kelsor; one in fisvor ofE. A. Leggitt, for use, Ac.; one in Ihvorof J. RobertsenJfes use. Ac., and one in favor of Rilty Clark ys. said M. L. Sbealy. Property pointed out by said defendant, and levied on and returned to me by a constable. April 4th. 1870. H. L. HILl, Sheriff. mayll-wSOd jyjACON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES hereafter will be published in Macon, Georgia Tkle OR4FH AKD MxBSEKCRB. mayll-d$t-w30d H, L. HILL, Sheriff. fi EORGIA. HOUSTON 'COUNTY. — Whereas., IjT K'ndwttKemp. Ex.cutor of Wm; H. Smith, late of Hottrion'^opaty, deceased, hat applied for Ditmit- sinu as such. Executory - - - ........ . -These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested and appear at my office on. or before the first Monday in Augutt next, to thow cause, if any, why his petition should not be granted him. Given under my hand and official signature - 25tb April, 1870. W. T. SWIFT,>r2i-w3m - Ordinary. , OEORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY. — James D. VA McDonald having applied to bo appointed Guar dian of tho rersona and piofiortv '-of John T. and J nomas A., miconorphans under fourteen ycars of age., of James A. Roquemore, deceased, end resi dents of said county: This is to cite all persona concerned to be and ap pear at the Term of tho Couit of Ordinary, to be held on the flrst Monday in Jnne next aid show cause. If any they have, why said James D. MeDonaiA SOOWH': not be entrusted with the Gudrdtanshigi the vm*■?. sons and property cf said John Witness my official signature. »pr24 w30d W.T. Russian Bagatelle- AT GEORGIA V|.l MIHH •-•""Sir'll