Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 07, 1870, Image 7

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SMITH, WESCOTT& CO. OLD RELIABLE ^Reasons Why. •iFTXIED to be ihe'BEST Plantation and Freight Wagons sc Id in the Eotnhw’est. They are kiriO* 1 , uU »liaStjIe «n«IFii)ii-b. . ” 3i i l7jH»' !,, t „ r y inlhe United States where grcatcrcare ia given to the rejection of the material used. W^i.Tjteiuofitsrpfetion ^stricUy adhered to. 10 that wo are prepared to tv arrant every part to be tiro it one-eighth iach thicker than that used S&^tanftheehoiewtaeleetionthoronBhly seasoned. No extra charco for I.oek Chains. ErW' to obcervo the excellent quality of paint used opon them, which is far more durable than r**«r.ue | on Plantation Wagons. In short, the whole character of the Wagons is that of-pcculiar Wagons are furnished at a price less than that of ordinary Wagons, with body complete. * : a Fall Line of ABBOTT, DOAVXING * CO.’S CELEBRATES WAGONS. Call anil see litem. - - r • ,f SMITH, WESCOTT & CO., V 102 & 104 Clierry St., Macon, Ga. 1 r L .n.l»only •* SAULSBITRY, respess & CO., MACOS, GEORGIA. fc (aline* the cominR e greatly reduced rates of interest. f Ties, etc., will receive our boat attention. “fr StrLSBrRY, Macon; • JOHN TV sU’LSIirRY, Mai Jbj&sit. RESPESS, Upson County; J. L. SAULSBURY, Jb., Macon. R. RESPESS, Schley County t J. P. BLASINGAME, Macon p jjdf.'Mvtm ARE mi ALIVE! 1!(0 so WILL ALL BE WHO TAKE sc=n THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint are unoasines* and Nil lS n rain in thoside. Sometimes the * al i ’tH pain i-i in the shoulder, and is Wrnwaiatisa.. The stomach is affected ■K •/•PKt-teanJ sickness, bowel* in general !*?.,,L alternative with lax. The head SfcT.'ith rain, and dull, heavy sensation.eon- of memory; accompanied with painful !& rf hlviur left undone something wmch .Iot hen done. Often complaining ofweak- aiifan ness, debility and low spirit*.— m l sometimes some of the above | symptoms attend the disease, and — .n iJ «t other times few of them: but iLTtt o rent rally the organ most involved. Cure L-s m* Simmons’ Regulator, and all will bo Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundiee, Costiveness. Sick Head-achef IkUlTUa.H Chronic Diarrhcrs, Affections o —H the Bladder. Camp Dysentery, ... ileKidney?. Fever. Nervousnea*.ChiUs. rftisSkin. Imruiity of the Blood. Melan- uDmnJian of Jipirits. Heartburn. Colic, or aUe Bi.ecls. Pain in the Head, Fever and Wy. L’oiL-. Pain in the Back and Limbs. Kndpelu, Female Affoctions, and Bilious , “ 0lllr J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. Druggists. Macon, Georgia, ■'lb; til druggists. Price *1 per package. By MintisB of mats and herbs, warranted to be ^Ktiub'.e. acd can do no injury to any one. iubeen a-ci by hundreds^ and known for tho x«iy-me years as one of the most reliable, erased harmless preparations ever offered to ■Serine. If taken regularly and 11» elect a care. hllosmt highly respectable persons can fully »ib, virtues of tbis valuable medicine, and «e uenwt respectfully tefer: _ V.S.lMt, President S. \V. E. R. Company : - ~ " k«. Al- iwOnanoCo, of Wilmington, N. C., K bags or barrels. DU. SXIWElVEOUajS’ VER REGULATOR, 1. kFclJer. Perry, (ia.; Col. E. K. Sparl ut ; W.J. McElroy, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; George jhAb.,Conductor £>. W. R. IL: C. Master- fcl, Sheriff bibb county; J. A.Butts, Bajn- 0,8*: X. kinswanger, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dykes ar.ui, Ildiiors "Floridian.” Tallahassee; Rev. Bine, 'licun. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Esq., Su- odeatS. W. H. Ug Daniel Bullard, Bullard’s , II. i ii. K. K„ Twiggs co . Ga.; Grenville . W....', Faeivry. Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F Man !’. K. Florida Conference; Major A. F. YITHY U it that so many children die under the m age of five years? That a large proportion of children die under that age, has long been a subject of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer tained, it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the human system from ita earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who are more constantly witn their children, cannot be too observing of the Erst symptoms of worms; for so surely as they exist, can bey be GAFS3X.TT Am> CERTAINLY Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by the timefty use of - B. A. FAUYESTOK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Merer?, being a Purely Vegetable Composition, And may be administered with tho UTMOST SAFE TY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Worm Confections, unde more for tho purpose of pleasing the palate than of overcoming the disease, have been manufactured all over tho country, but their short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and B. A.Fahnetiock’-t Vermifuge continues to grow in favor d ‘ UT ' CAUTION. ■‘QCALT1AS NON QUANTfTAS.' DR. LAWRENCE’S Weekly./Telegraph and Journal '&D Messenger, Highly Concentrated FI id Extract of THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER. So Medicine—Formal* Around tbe Hot tie. 'jji j At v i 4s b.Si ) silt | -,■■■ Prepared Solely by , Dr. J. J. Lawrence I ORGANIC CHEMIST, igrOKFOLK, - - VA. L<-‘ : oo’“-KC>SKQG^:'-?iLu^ S pto^i E3 f 1 oLdiseastSi by purifying, the tnrinn 0 ^ j e ? tor . ,D RtheLn-erand Kidneys toa healthy invigorating tho Nervous System. This is the secret of of its wonderfulsuccess in curing SCROFPtA, SYPHILIS, DYSPEPSIA, rU Chronic Rhchmatism, Neuralgia, Nervoa V A fle c t i , Jll , i trupriong of the'Sftin. Hamor?, aB b '-Tf s °-C^j^? eya a “d Bladder. aS “’.' ' ithfe*gf&QPSradicatts every kind of thoentire Systciu ^syo been *chstrged by the use of this atronr%SSt we r k i,’ slokl Y»' Buffering creatures,, fo ? jSBfe boal.tby, and happy and women. t* aGtsined such a gre .t rtpatatim mWMe y d?calAuihori“. P0 ^ Appr07e ' 1 by tbe L , KOSKOO : : indorsed end recommended by the President of the Faculty o! the b. Medical C dlege of tho City of New *2*; Professor It.8rNBWTuN, M. D.lprofcsor and ^Profefsor Theory aD r?/ ra f L Cfc ofMedicm*. Cincinnati, ie. -S?°L. of the . mo A t el inynt medical men of H wen, “7-—— —.r— »nmr ronowiDg medical works; Newton’s/Practice of 1 g Standard Diseases of Children." “Newton Symcs Surged” «e., in December number of American Medical Re* Vtow-page£78. says: I, Among the more recent efforts to intiodncc pop- many, some of the new reme-lies, wo notice a new preparation compounded byJ. J. Lawrence. M. D.. 01'Nonoik,yiii which is lurnishcd to the profesHon arut the public m any desired quantity. We recently WPiViVx “ l8 ^.^pratQry.and became fully catisfifd tuat all his work is done in the best manner, by the most arproved processes, and from thebest materials,' gmng as a result a medicine meeting the confidence ol the Physicians and the public.” KosLoo Cures Scrofulnju its Worst Forint mer r ch“njVf%riofe V P ' 0m5ae ' nt anJ Wel ‘ No. If Main Street. Norfolk Vj„ FepL 15. 1869 ^* P: Ynnr Koskoo has workca wonders in my family.. My. daughter%hafl been a sufferer from ScroluTa since childhood. She lost thirty-one pieces of bone from her ankle, several from her air* — ' ofthet ■ having ul ers in several parts J body. _n hilstin this condition she commenced taking your Koskoo—it acted lik.'; a charm on harp t SSS,« u ft the a,ce . r * gra Inally healed, and her general health greatly unproved, ft certainly saved her much suffering, and perhaps her life. I regard Koskoo a speciflc for all scrofulous affections. Your Koskoo also cured my wife of dyspepsia, from which she suffered greatly, the is now in bettor health than she has been in fivoyears.^Hilft^^gi^^H^^^M T -- ——-7.--— ■ - * -ars. With the highest regards, I am gratefully yours. Ac., A. W. MILLS, doned ‘ ■Koskoo is endorsed by'thebest physicians ovety-l W ° , I*- Read the following from llr. Tillery, a suc- mdSoitffi“ c: of E " iny years Blaadioe ia tba • ■ “ Rocky Mount, Edgccombs Co., 1 no t t t September 10,1869. J Da. J. J. LiWRsxcE—Dear Sir; I have used your Concentrated Fluid Extract of Koskoo in tty practice with tbe happiest results. I find it to be a powxrlul Liver Invigorator, .Blood Puri'tier. and Nervous Tonic. In all dueases of the Liver. Scrofulous Syph- llitie. and Nervous Affections it is a remedy of im* tnenso value; in fact in almost every variety of Chronio Diseases its use is indicated. Hoping you may meet with the success winch you deserve as a manufacturer of reliable medicines. I am sir. with much respect, your obedient servant, R. C. TILLERY, AI. D. Should occasion require you to purchase B. A. Fan! nestock’s Vermimge, be particularly careful to see that tbe initials ore B. A. This is the article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829, And purchasers must insist on having it. if they do not wish to have an imitation toreed upon them. SCHWARTZ & HASLETT, Formerly B. A. Fxhkestock’* Sos & Co., Jq.Kir.atia. Ga. anr2- dawtf KAVA88A Ammoniated Soluble EOSPHATE, Manufactured by tbs “'ntiTiinii prepared with the utmost care, “iUf«»;iin4 every constituent desirable for any '• viwh it may be appliod. It is especially “lithegrowth of Itou, €orn, Cereals, An l all kinds ef nits and Vegetables. oiMlictnred of the materials from 8 k* celebrated mo Guano Co.'s Phospliate !?J. reference is made to that Company, lidtimorc.) for its efficacy, quality and (IU> MACRAR • R - BRIDQES ’ President. Ireasurer'and Secretary, _ _ Wilmington, N.C. WON & LAWTON. Macon, G-a. Agents, ♦baosdli A. WISE & OO., fberry Street, MACON, GA. 0pp ER AT REDUCED PRICES, Joking stoves, c °al grates, ' parlor and box stoves. close t our entire stock of Cooking ? t# off er them at great bargains. wishing to purchase can do bo by J. Je ^eeptances without additional cost, -etovo warranted ortho money returned SOLICITED. B. A. WISE & CO., Cherry street, Macon, Ga. 'lADAME FOY’S Combined Corset, Skirt Supporter AND BUSTLE FIs ju*t tho article needed by every lady who consult* Health, Comfort and Style. Testimonials in It* favor arc con stantly being reoeived from all part* 01 the country. - l -ji'T'. ■- LADY AGENTS wanted in every n._founty of the TInited State*. UARMON, BALDWIN A FO.Y, Bole Manufacturers 5 New Haven. Conn. f u $sian Bagatelle. Georgia no.i SOLE PROPRIETORS. qec9-d«odawlv ~ PITTSBURGH. PA. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, purposes of a Laxativo Pcrhatia no ona medi cine is so universally re quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal ly adopted into use, in every country and among all «:!«. a9 this mild but cilicicnt purgative 1UU. The obvious rea son is, Unit It Is a more re liable ami far more effec tual remedy than any other. Those who liavo tried it, know that it cured them: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what ft doc3 once it does always —that It never fails through any fault or neglcctot its composition. We have thousands upon thou sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, hut snch cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates, containing neither calomel or any deleterious d™?. they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their f utnir co.itinz preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while bcinjj purely vegetable no iiarm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerfttUnfluence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate1 it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the lKulv, restoring their irrcgt.lar action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange- nienls as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in tho wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which thc.e rill* rapidly cure:— • For l>y*pepai» or ffnillgestion, Ebtlesa. new. I.ongiiop and Low of Appetite, tliey should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach and restore its healthy tone and action. Kor W.iver Complaint and its various syrup toms, liilious Meailaclse, Sick Ueaitache, J.iiindice or Green Nlcbness, Billons Colic and Bilions Fevers, they should be Ju- di. iousl v Liken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild do.-e is generally required. , '' For BliPiimatlsni, Gont, Gravel. Palpi tation of tlio Heart, Pain in the Kiile, Duck and ILoins, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. ^ ‘ . .. For Droirar and »rop«lcal Swelling^ they should be taken >» largo and frequent doses to pro duce the effect of a drastic purge. ‘..i . For bupprcKslon a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Dill, take ono or two Pills to pro mote digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional doso stimulates the stomach ana bowels into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds thatadose of these PUls makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the diges tive apparatus. DJI. J. C. ATJSJl 11 CO., Practical Chemists, IOIFJEDD. MASS., U. S. A. Sold by L. W. HUNt k CO.. J. D. Zeilin A CO and all tne Druargiata in Macon. Also* all Drnfffats and Dsalors in Medicine everywhere. janl3-eod*w**w & Wilkes & Dillingham, MANUFAOTUREB’S < MI DEPOT! Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DYE STUFFS, COTTON WARPS, B0LT1X6 CLOTH, BURR KILL BIOSES, Card Clothing, Roll Carding Machines, Portable Com and Wbeat Mills, Smut and Separating Machines Leather and Rubber Belting;, Lace Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, Ac. Agents for all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Machinery. LOUISVILLE, IT. Send for a Catalogue. mar22-3mo OUR FATHER’S HOUSE; O R “Tbe Unwritten Word." by tbe popular authOT of Night Scenes in the Bible. The Unwritten Word. ills last work’s immense sale make* d^rtaln^thi* ene’V success. All who have one.want tbeoUier, Rose-tinted paper. 6teel EngraTinn. Cl*rt^«^ Teachers, energetic men and lsdies wsmtyd•J®’? township to act as agents, A l>»yi2JL^?A ln ^*Jlc“ en “ for Circular. marl9-w3m* ,0 act as agents, A psyij* De[: r. ZKWLkR. MoCURDY * COjj 16 S. Sixth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Ifoskoo Cares Clironic Rlicnmatisin. t, T v • Not folk. Va.. Sept. 7.1869. Dr. J. J. Lxwrrxci—Dear tir: My son has re- c 5 IV t i0 mne h benefit from your wonderful Koskoo that X cannot refrain from expressing my gratitude, f. bad tried almost everything without benefit. X be lieve, in all sincerity, that yourKoskoo ia an infalli- ble remcdy for the ditcaso from whichhe has suffered, ana. so far as I can learn, hssr never failed. If you only know the immense amonnt ef suffering that he has undergone, then you could conceive the valuo of such a remedy as Koskoo—that surely curc3. Tho great amount of good it is now doing among us is in estimable. With much gratitude. I am. respectfully yours. Ac.. Mrs. M. E. A. Nelson. ..Bead the following from Mr. Womble. a prominent Hardware Merchant of this city No. 13 Market Square, Norfolk. V„ 1 _ v _ October 13,1869. J Dr. LAWSBXCR—DearSir; To the large number of testimonials which you offer of the great efficacy of your Knskoo. 1 take pleasure in adding my own. I suffered greatly with Nervous Debility. Headache. Loss of Appetite, so. Two botties of Koskoo re3torod me to health. Yours truly. J. G. WOMBLE. From Her. \Y. H. Christian, Pastor Dinwiddle Street Methodist Church. . Portsmouth. Va., October 25.1869. This ls to certt'y that I know Dr. Lawrence well. Ho >s a gentleman of cultivation, and worthy ot the fullest confidence. I have used his Koskoo with ad vantage to myself, and have adopted its use in my family in cases of nervous debility and depression, W. H. CHRISTIA.-J. From Dr, Lloyd, a Physician of large practice: _ Great Bridge. Va., October 8,1869- J. J. Liwbexce, M. D.—Dear Sir: I cheerfully endorse yourKoskoo ns being a most valuable prepa ration. Upon examination of the formula, I find each ingredient highly extolled by our best and most progressive clini -al investigators. I have teited its effects in my own practice, and have no hesitation in recommending it. In my opinion, it is tho bcstcom- ’ br THE Six Great iscuiedies. OF“ TSE AG-E- r,1 l tin, <4 bSl ell rim os aid o v ionnd of its class ever put before tho public-ox ceed ng by nr all the various comjionds of. sarsaparilla. Ac., everinvented. It is a decided Nervo Tonic, and Invigorator of the animal forces, aiding digestion and- assimilation, and thereby producing healthy blood, which should be tho basis of treatment in all chronic diseases. Hoping you will reap tho reward you dcservafrom tbe public as a benefactor, I am sir, yours truly, CHAltLK.S LLOYD, M. A. After reading the above high recommendations. In valids cannot reasonably hesitate to give the KOS KOO a trial. For additional testimonials from Physicians. Emi nent Divines. Editors, Druggists, Merchants, Ac., see KOSKOO ALMANAC for this year - PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. For sale by the Principal Druggists in tbe United States and Dritith America. May-i-dAwtf New Combination! T HE undersigned, baring associated themselves together for the transaction of a General Com mission and Warehouse business, will, under tbe firm name of CAMPBELL & JONES, eopen the old " Harris’* Warehouse, corner of Sec ond and Poplar streets, on tbe first of August next, for the reception of Cotton. The house will be put in thorough repair before that date. We have engaged tbeservices of Mr. R H. HUTCH INGS. of Jones county, who will be pleased to serve his many friends. Our_Mr. Campbell will, for the present, be found at the office of E. A. Wilcox, Esq. ■Mr. Jones’ membership As our Mr. Jones’ membership In tbe firm of Ad ams, Jones A Reynolds continues to the close of tho season, he may-be found at their Warehouse until we occupy our new quarters. We are prepared to extend the usual accommoda tions to our Planting friends. W0 refer to the business men of Macon generally CHAS. E. CAMPBELL. late of E. A. Wilcox A Co., DONALD B. JONES, of firm of Adams, Jones A Reynolds. fohl3-dAw-6m* COTTON GINS REPAIRED! P. C. SAWYER, , AT DIXIE WORKS. MACON, - - - GEORGIA. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, For Debit;:v, lost of Appetite, Weakness, t ‘ l . : f Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want “ Of Action of the Liver, cr- Disordered Stomach. There are no Bitters that compare with these in re moving these distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store in the United States, or from the Proprietors, JAMES RUDDLE A CO., - £.:•<! .;;a . Louisville,Ky. d ii.1--.fs bsi jdlilM To Jos. Buddie <& Co,, Louisville, 1ty:: {i Gkktlkmkx ; Thi* is to certify that I have becD for years a sunerer, and have tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen advertised, with littlp or no relief from any of them. I heard your Hurley Bitters high ly spoken ot and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and, to my surprise and joy, be- forol finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, ana nrmly believe that on ono or two occasions it was the means ot saving and prolonging my life. I coa- scimitiously recommend them to all sufferers as the bts. Bitters known, and advise them always to ask for Jgr. ±. A. ilurley s, and have no other. You can use this as you thir\- proper, if it will benefit others. ■ Yourj truly, etc.^ ^ ' LouisviLLi. Ky.. December 10.1868. ™ - Notice to Mothers. SXL BEABR.OOK’2 INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. GINS made as good as new, at from one- _ third to one half the cost of a new Gin, and made equal to the best Gins manufactured in the United States. „ ... Large Gins reduced to any required sise. None bnt the best and most experienced workmen, from the shop of the late Sam’l Griswold, are em ployed. and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. I keep a large supply of the different kind* 01 Rib* used by the several Gin- makers. Refer to hundreds of planter* In the counties ot Wilkinson, Laurens, Twiggs, Pulaski, Honston, Bibb. Crawford, Monroe and Upson, among whom are the followiut Wilkinson, M. J. CarswoU; Laurens, Joel Coney: Pulaski, James Bohannon, M. F. Grace; Hoaston. C. N. Rountree. Rev. B.F.Tharp; Bibb, Pulaski Holt: Monroe, Jamrs Tripp; Upson. Rev. James Lyon; Crawford. David McGee; and to Harde man A Sparks, of Macon. Send in your Gins early, in order to give me time to fix them up right. _ P. 0. SAWYEB, mar20-eod-<w-w-4m f. V. BAXItB, Dixie Works. Macon. Ga FOR SALE. i PORTABLE LEVER HORSE POWERS, for field threshing. $100 each, I RAILROAD HORSE POWER, Emory’s make, price $75. All New. mayl7-6tw T.C.NISBET. FOR THE INDIAN SPRINGS! y ISITORS to these well known Springs ean now on any day get conveyance to that point from Forsyth. We are newly fitted up. Coach and Teams, to accommodate all who desire it. A regular line canning daily from Forsyth to the Springs, conneet- with the train from Macon, leaving Forsyth at ing with the train from Macon, leaving Forsytb at lOo’olock, a. h., will be established on the 1st June next. Call on GREKR A BRO.. At their Livery Stable Forsyth, da. maylS-dAwlm* GENTS WANTED everywhere to sell the AMER ICAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only prse- Machine ever invented. Prii \ ticaJ Family Knitting $25. Will knit 20.000 stitches per inmate. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE 00.. Boston. Mam., or 8L Louis, Mo. apl27-dlaw3m PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Use in iho future, only SE ABROOK’S. a combina tion quite up with the advancement of the ago.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluable in the following dis eases: SUMMER COMPLAINTS. IRREGULARITIES Give3 health to the child and rest to the mother. Nashville, Tsxk., February 12, 63, James Ruddle <£ Co., LouisviUe, Ky.: When living in your city I used several bottles of Dr. beabroqk's Infant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good, and it would rest better after using it, than any other remedy I over tried. I can say with confidencejtis thebest medicine forchildren at present known. I wish you would get tho Drugghts hcrctokeepit. If n ny on e does, please let mo know; if not, send mo one doren by express, and I will pay for it at tho office here. Write mo when yon send it, and oblige MRS. SARAH A. RANDOLPH. HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC! NO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY BEUAHLB, The only remedy for Chills and Fever, or Ague and Fever, that is or can be depended upon, is HUR LEY’S AGUE TONIC. There have been thousands enred by using it who have tried the usual remedies without benefit. . it. Tho following certificate from a reliable citizen ot Mississippi speaks for itself: Mebidiax, Miss., October 16,1868. Mr. It. Y. R. Chadwick; Dear Sir: This i9 to certify that I bought from r recommendation, a bottle of xinrleys* you, by your Ague Tonic, and it cured two cases of fever and ague of fifteen months’ standing. I cheerfully recommend Hurley’s Tonie to the public generally. Respectfully,yours, JOHN B. WRIGHT. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! USE HURLEY’S SARSAPARILLA, IODIDE POTASH This is the pure and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, be found to effect a certain and per fect cure of tho following complaints and diseases: Affections of tbe Bones, Habitual Positive- ness, Debility, Diseases of tbe Kidneys. Dlspep.ta, Kryslpelas, Female Irreg ularities, Fistula, all Sirin Diseases, Iilver Complaint, Indigestion, Plies, Pul monary Diseases, ScrotUla, or King’s JSvtl, Syphilis, ; ; TWIGGS COUNTY. G LOROIA.T VVIGG3 COUNTY.-Mm. B. B.K»h* dy_yb. K W. Kesedy—Libel for Divorce In 1 wiggs Superior Court. March Term. 1870.—it ap pearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff ot saii county in the above stated ca?e, that the defend ant, L. W. Kenedy, ia sot to be found is said State, it is ordered by the Court that service be perfected on said defendant by publication in the Telegraph sad Messenger, a gazette published in Bibb eounty.Geor- gia, once a month for ioar monlte. By the Court. CROCK KR A GOODE.: or. . , , . . , „ Plaintiff's Attorneys. ' ;A. true eztr.aet from the n.inuie* of th.Superior Court. March Term, 1870. apr!5 wlam-fm'o J. M. BURKETT, Clerk WILKINSON COUNTY. STATE 01 GEORGIA. 1 burreme Couit.Arril t-*rn>, -uWra 1870.' Present, his Hon- Wilkinsox County,. 6 £ or, Philip, B.. Robinson, J Judge. ._ . " Carry M.' Ric'nARbsox.") ‘ LiboJ'forDivorci. ve. (■ Rule to Perfect Service. P.ICSARO KlCHARD^OT, JL »vL-aoa*i» br- 1 T eppeerirg to the Court by the return of tho Sheriff that tho defendant does not reside in this county, anl it further appeariiw that he dors not re side in this State; it is on motion of counsel ordered that said defendant appear «nd answer at the next term of this Court. Else that the ease be coreidered in.default and plaintiff be'allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered that tbis rule be published in the Jonrnsl- and Messenger, weekly, once a month, for four mouths. J. D. JONES, __ _ Plaintiff a Attorney. . f^EORGIA. WILKINSON COUNTY-Clkek’s « Oifiob Scpkbior Court—I do hereby certify that, the above is a true extract from the minutes of said Court. Given under my hand and effieial signa ture, this 2d day of May. lSK:f^ , J til*.-: IVERSON H. FLEETWOOD, may5 lamfmw Detraty Clerk. Stop the Thief $50 Howard. QTOLEN from tho subscriber, on Sunday, tbe 16th O inst., by a colored man calling himself t-ilas Easley, a Dark Brown (almost black) Horse Mu’e, about ten years old, above medium height, slender buip, and of nervous quick action: no special marks remembered except the flight rubbing of tbe hames, during the past few weeks. TheThiat is 50 or 60 years of age, about 5 f-ct ten inches hi,-h, ( f dark complex ion. weighs about ISO pounds, and ean usually be re cognized by bis noisy conversation and braggadocio style of talking, making allusions to bis travels, me chanical skill, oto. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of the Mule and Thief, or S25 for the Male, or information that will lead to his recovery. J. K. WALKER, 1 t P.cynolds, Taylor County, Ga„ on S. W. R. R. ' mayZS-dltlwZt T - YOUR ATTENTION ia CORDIALLY IN VITED to tha “IXcn<lorson County (Ky.) Land Sale’’ H Prize Regularly CHARTERED by the’ Legislature ef Kentucky, endorsed and recommended by every lead- in? official in tho State, and over 5‘j0 of her most prominent citizens. This'splendid schemo embraces 511 Prizes, - Comprising the richest river bottom tobacco farms in tho wealthy county of Henderson, Ky., with all their appurtenances. . ; ' CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000! SMif. LEST FRIZS, SS0! Also about€20,(C0 in GREENBACKS.tberent money of tho property for tho years lSt9and 1870, to be dis tributed to the winners of tho first Sf.TKX prizes re spectively. Kent for 1809, was S12 per acre. Tickets, Five Dollars! The Drawing will positively take place JULY 4th, 1870. at MAnONIC TEMPLE, LOUISVILLE. KY. Hundreds of the best citizens bavo given ur.qualifiS.t certificates and endorsements of thU magnificent en terprise. .....' , Every dollar invested by ticket holders, is held in tiust by tho commissioners appointed by the Legisla ture, until tho drawing takes plaee and prizes arc de live red. Income of the property for last 15 years has averaged $30,000 A. TEAK! V: j In order to have your tickets properly registerel. buy at once of your club agent, or remit to Ithcr of tho following financial agents, who will fur- either ol tbe following bnancial nish full descriptive circulars: L. II. LYNE. Cash’r Farmers’ Bank, Henderson, Ky. R.B. ALEXANDER,CommercialBa’k.Louisville.Ky JOHN C. LATHAM, Pres’t Bank Hopkinsville, Ky. JAS. L. DALLAM, Commercial Bank, Paducah,Ky. B. G. THOMAS, Cash.Obs. and Rept’r Lexisgton.Ky W. B. TYLER. Cashier Deposit B'k. Owensboro, Ky. SEMONIN. DIXON A CO.. Evansville, Ind. Good Club A gents wanted everywhere, junel-deodiwlm "ICTANTED—AGENTS—575 to SX0 per month, ov- Vv erywliere. male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAM ILY SEWING MACHINE. Th smachinewill stitch, hem. fell, teck. quilt, cord, bind, braid and emprnider in a most superior manner. Price only $18. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay $U00 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, cr more elastic ream than ours, It makes the ” Elastio Lockstitch.” Every second Etitchcsn be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. W e pay agents from $75 • o $200 per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twico that amount can be made. Address SKCOMB Sc CO., PITTSBURG, PA.: BOSTON, Mass., or ST. LOUIS. MO. CAUTION.—Beware of ail Agents selling Machines under the same name as ours, unless they can show a Certificate of agency signed by us. We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worthless Machines sold by other rartits, aril shall prosecute all pertics either selling or using Machines under this name to tbe full extent of the law. unless such Machines were obtained from us or our Agents. Do not be imposed upon by parties who copy our advertisement and circulars and offer worthless Machines at a lees price- apri!27-dlw3m. To all whom It may Concern. Dayton. Ohio, April 14,1870. A LL persons are warned not to buy any right to make, sell or use Best & Kelly's Portable Gas Henerator from Mr. B. A. Walkor, of Gleonvillc, Alabama, or from any agent be may nta ke, ss his power of attorney is revoked, and has been since No vember. I860. BENJAMIN BEST. apr20-w3c DR. BAGLEY'S FEMALE RESTORATIVE. To Dr. Thos. A. Ilurley. Sir : I deem it an act of justice to you to state that in tho month of February last I had a severe attack ol inflammatory rheumatism, which completely pros trated me. At the came time my lungs were much affiicted. I was co reduced thatitwas with the great est difficulty that I could walk. I procured come of your Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, and com menced taking it. I found that I began to improve— my cough became less severe—the soreness of my lungs and breast gradually subsided—my rheumatic pains less acute. I attribute this mainly to your Sar- - saparilla. I have now been taking it for over two months; have taken in all five bottles. Its effects have been most satisfactory to me, and I advise others similarly afflicted to give you a trial. . , JOS. CLEMENT. Tho gentleman whose name is appended to the above certificate has long resided here, and at the present timo is one of the magistrates of thecity of Louisville, HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. As this is really a specific for Worms, and the beet and most palatable form to give to children, it is not surprising that it is fast taking the place of all other preparations for worms—it being perfectlyJasteleaa, and any child will take it. Messrs. James Raddle Sc Co.—Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to soy, after using all the other worm remedies Known to me, with bat partial success to my ehildren, I was advised to try Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and since using it, my children have become well and h ealthy; the ehildren would eat it aU the time, it is so pleasant, if we would let them. I believe it is one of the best and safest remedies known, and as such, reeommend it to ono one and all. JAMES W. TRAVIS. LotJlSVTLLX, Kr., July S. 1868. 2>K. SSAB&OOS'B Elirir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and CMsaya. This elegant combination possesses all the tonio properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the disagreeable taste and bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicines: It should be taken in all cases when a gentle tonio im pression is required after convalesence from Fevers or debilitating diseases, or in those distressing lreegular- ities peculiar to females. No female should be with out it, if liable to such diseases, for nothing can well take its place. JAMES HUDDLE ft CO.* PROPRIETORS. LABORATORY 41 BULLITT STREET, Louisville, Ey. All the above Goods for sale by L. W. BUNS SL OO., Macon, Ga VBBSOM 4l SUNT, E afoul a. Ala., and all Drufegists. DR. BAOUtrS I NIMITABLE Eye and Pile Preparation used ex clusively for inflamed and chronic sore eyes and piles. It has been in use for fifteen years without a single Instance of failure tc give relief. 23R- BAGLE-ST Has practiced the Eclectic system of medicine the rise of twenty years, and treats ebronie diseases with success—such ns Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liven Affect ion. Kidney, etc. Female diseases, such as Sterility, Lu- ohorea or Whites, Chlorosis; absence of Menstruation a', tho proper period, Amenorrhoea; Menstruation obstructed in its course after having been established; Dysmenorrtoei; Menstruation attended by pain and spasms of tbe hypogastrio viscera, with paroximal aggravation and difficult menstruation: menstrual colic Menorrhagia; menstruation too copious—flood ing. Medicine and prescription famished by mail to any part of the United States. pos‘age pre paid, to treat any chronic case, for five dollars per month. Tho'Female Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent for $1 each. Symptoms of diseases most be plainly stated. Money cent by registered letter. Board, medicine and personal attention fam ished at from $20 to $25 per month, at hi. r -sidenoe, ten miles east of Americas; Location heaiU y. Post- “ '' :nbRwtf< office. Americu*. Ga. THE GRISWOLD GIN, - Manufactured by O. "W. MA.BtoxLlTir, Macon, Ga. H AVING made valuable Improvements to the GRISWOLD GIN within the last year, I again offar them to planters as tbe best and most reliable GIN manufactured either North or Soath. Iam prepared to furnish GIBS at short notice with any number of saws, from forty (40) to one hundred (ICO). I also famish gm gear of eight, nine or tan feet, suitable for my Gins. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to repairs of old gins. No charge for drayage on gins sent by railroad. With an experieecc of over thirty yean as a m*n- factnrer of gins, and having a shop well supplied with machinery and employing tho best of workmen. I am enabled to warrant all my work, and to offer to planters as good inducements as to quality and price, as any establishment North or Sonth. O. W. MASSEY. ayl4-d3Uw3m Macon, Gm., K. X. BAZXMORK ADAMS ft BAZEMORE, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants- MACON, GEORGIA. ’yy ILL earry on the Warehouse, and Commission ment of the establishment- „ „ ... The friends of Jndge Peyton Reynolds will find him on hand at all times to wetoome them. We bespeak for our firm a share of the patrons*® extended to tho old firm, pledging ourselves to leave nothing undone on our part to merit their favors, etc- P. 8.—Mr. Crosland will be pleased to fee hi friends et any time and reader them all the emistane G hofgi*. '* bell .Vletiai io*.*:,«*f t. a a. AI.Y- ui... deeces»>. late of sai l eeu-ty. uie.t ;, lt . . ic- connts with me. and aSki lone .i-mused (roth -all executorihip These ore.t'i Cite au.t aam.mifh all persons interested to be end rpi car ut. my office on the firet Monday in September next, then nnd there to show causa, if eny they hare, why said Lctte.-sot Dismifsion should not be granted Given aider my hand and official signature, this April 12.1870. WILEY WbITLEY,« aprl2-3mo ° Ordinary. JASPER, COUNTY. RPIS-RV’S 0tr uss. May. 19th, . —-—- , Admini-tratoron lthe estate ef Edward A‘. Broddus. deceased, applies to me tordisinissien fromra d eatqte. ,> vrsri' These ate therefofo tdcife' and edmotish alL'per sons concerned to .-how cause a' this office; on or by the first.Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witnees my handoffir-mliy. • ■ BURN Efovoot .. Ordinary. ~hikyttj&y rjtORGtX; JASPER.CQUNT.Yt0rd':.\-.iire's' 0r- vick, Said Cousty-Ih Cbzubbsb, Mat I9th, 1870—Whereas Thomas L'. Broddus, tzcctutor on this estateof Thomas Brodtfns, dereseed. apolios to me for letters of clomission from sa d estate These ate therefore to cite and admonish ail par sons concerned to stow caure at this office, on or hr the first Monday in -epteinher nest, ifany they have to the comary. Witness my hand officially." . • J. W. BURNEY. •' maj22-3tnw ~ " 'Qrdinary.. G EOBGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Office May 24,1870.—Whereas, Samuel T. Reid hav ing made application to me for pet manent letters of administration on tho estate of Mr*. E. W. Reid* late of said county, deceased.,' .' „ “ T , These ara to cite and admonish all pereonia con cerned to bo and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they have, why eaid letters should not be granted. Given under my haird and'official signature this ■” J. W. BURNEY, may31-w30d Ordinary. TONB8 COUNTY, G eorgia, jones county—Obdisary’s of- ficb, tism County. At CHASiBKKS, A!a.y 9,1870, Whereas, Bryant Balkcom, Administrator in tbe estate of Ephraim Moore, deceased, applies to tne for Dismission from slid estate; Thess arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first'Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. ’ > ' Witness my hand officially. . . ., • — ? r7IB T r - • R. T. ROSS.' • mayl1-dLv3m •' - Ordinary, o ft EORGI A. JONES COUNTY.—Ormnary’s OrnCs VX said, cocntt, At Chambers, May 9,1879. Wheresi>. Wm. A: Chambers, Administrator on the t state of Joh.-, W . Finney, deceased, applies to me for Di-mission from said estate: These am, therefore, to oire and admonish ail per sons concerted to show this office, on or by tho first Mrndiy in September next, if any they have to the cont'ar.v. Given under my hand officially. - : R.T. BOSS, -'■>■; mayll-w3tn ■ . Ordinary. Q.EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordisary’s Ov- __ I ICS SAID CJUNTY, AT CHAMBKR3,' May 9.1870 — Whereas, Wm. Little and Orrie Tans. Administra tors on ewate of Benjamin M. Tufts, deceased, ap plies to mo io.- di;mission from said estate: There art), therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show canse, on cr by the first Mon day in September next, at this office, if any they'have to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. V B. T. ROSS, mayll-w3m Ordinary. /^tEORGIA, J0NE3 0OUNTY.—ORniNARv’a 0f- LJ pick, said C-'USTY. Msy9.1870—Whereas, Mem- brance Wil iams applies to'.n 'rom ad minis'ration on cstuto of Margery T. CarmichacJ. de ceased, these are co notify all persArs concerned to show cause, if any they have, to the contrary, oa or by tbe first .Monday ia September next. Witness ray hand officially, majll w3mos K'iLAN'D T. KO>S, .Ordinary. 3MCAXt.iozar county, G EORGIA. M Ah ION COUNTY.—Whereas. Wm J. Reete has applied for the Administration of - app the estate of Wm. M, Brown, late of said ceased ; All persons interested in the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to filo their objections to. above application within the time prescribed by law. itne-s my hand. miv ness my 22wi<0d JAS. M. LOWE, Ordinary. G EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Whereas. Jas. W. Wiggin. has applied for Letters on the estate of William Wells,dece-sed : . . A11 persons interested aro notified to file their ob- iactions to the eamo cn or before the first Monday in July next. Witne;s my official signature. JAS. M. LOWE. :-w30d Ordinary. may22-' G eorgia. Marion county.—wherea?. Thos. L. Rogers. T. J. McMichael. and S. W. Me Michael, Exccators of Seaborn McMichael, deceased, have petitioned the Conrt of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dirmissoryr All parties interested in said e-tu'c aro notified to tile their objections, if any. to th<> same within the the time prescribed by statute. Witness my hand, June 3d, 1S70. JAS. M. LOWE. junoVwkm Ordinary. Q.EpRGIA,_MARION COUNTY.—Whereas. Mrs. _ Jane K. Bullock applies for the administration of the estate of J H. Bullock, deceased: Parties ia- ercsted in tho estate are notified to file their objec tions, if any, to the above application within tho time prescribed by law. • Witness ray hand, June 3d, 1870. ' JAS. M. LOWE. junc5-wltn . Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. Commissioner’s Sale of Valuable Bands in Sibb County. B Y virtue of an order o! the Superior Court of Eibb County, I will offer for sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, in front of tbe Conrt-honsa, in said county, the following lands, lying on the west side oi the Ocmulgee River, in said connty, being part of the Macon Reserve, to wit: Lots Nos. 115,114 and SS, each containing one hun dred seres, more or less, and the sonth half of Lot number $9, and 40 acres of the south part of Lot num ber 89; the whole containing about399 acres. Terms Cash. A. B.RtiSS, maylO-dlt-wtds Commissioner. M acon county postponed sheriff’s SALE—Will be sold before tho Court House door, in the town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, uuurj hi luo tunu va vi(isiuuiyo t iuucuu vuuutj, within tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, the following property, to wit: Lot of la* d number tbiity-two (32), in the Second (2d) District of originally Muscogee, now Maoon connty. (except fifty acres on the north side of said lot.)— Levied on as the property of Martin L. Shealy, to satisfy five fi fas issued from a Justice's Court of said county, to wit: One in favor of Kelsoe A Hill: one in tavur of C. H. A D. Kefros; one in favor ofE. A. Leggiit, for nse, So.: one in favorof J. Robertson, for nse. Ac., and one in favor of Riley Clark vs. said M. L. Shealy. Property pointed out by said defendant, and levied on and returned to me by a constable. April 4th, 1879. - H. L. HILL. Sheriff. mayll-wiSOd* a EORQIA. MACON COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern; Na'haa J. Fulford having filed his petition in proper fjrin to me, praying for Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the es tate of Stephen Fulfurd. deceased: This is to cite all parties interested, kindred, creditors, or legatees to bo ar.d appear at the next July term of the Court of Ordinary of said countv, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Administration, with will annexed, should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. June 4th. 1870. JNO. L. PARKER. iune5-w30d. Ordinary. G eorgia, macon county.-to an whom it may concern: William K.Hall having in pro per form applied to me for permjnsnt Letters of Administration oa the estate of Wm. K. Hall, Sr., late ot ea d county, deoeaaed ; This is to eite all and singular the' next of kin and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they haye, why permanent administration should not IUCJ UUIC, 71 u j puiuauuuiiiH bo granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, June 4th, 1870.. JNO. L. PARSER, june5-w30d Ordinary. M ACON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES hereafter will be published in Macon, Georgia Tklx- QBAPH AND MkSSZKQKK. mayll-d6t-w30d H, L. HILL, Sheriff. QUITMAN COUNIY. G EORGIA, QUITMAN COUNTY.—Whereas Hen ry L. Balkeom, Administrator of Ichobod Balk- com, represents to the Court, in his written petition, that he has fully adminestered Ichabod Balkeom’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show eaase, if any they eon. why said Administrator should rot be discharged from said administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in July, 1870. W.P. JORDAN, apr.3 w3mV . : - Ordinary. Twiggs County. Administrator's Stale. W ILL be sold in the town of Montioello, Jasper county, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual bourn of sale, twb thirds interest in the storehouse and lot, situated on the east corner of southern side of the sqnare of eaid town—known as Swanson’s store. •_ Also, at tbe same time and place, -one House and Lot at the Indian Spring, Butts county, Ga, near Elder’s Hotel, on the Covington road, containing two acres, more or lees: dwelling house, two stories, with necessary outbuildings, etc. bold os tho property ot John W. Barney, Sr., late of said connty, deceased, to satisfy certain claims agreed upon between tne creditors of said estate and the legatees. Terms on day of sale. F. M. SWANSON. mayl8-wtd Administrator. Administrators'* Sale. _ ' . B Y virtue of an order of tho J!i th« benefit of the heirs of tAid the benefit of the sale cash. deceased. Terms of , . business after the eloie oi the present Cotton season, at the Planters’ Warehouse, on Fourth street, near Passenper Depot, and opposite tho Brown ana Spotswood Hotels, where they will be pleased to see all their friends. We are prepared to extend the usual accommodations to planters. We haye secured will’take'eharge ft S^ftGIA. TWIGGS (JOUNTY.-JamesT. Glover. • ““ {jr administrator, with the will annexed, upon the mayl2-w6w JEREMIAH SANDERS. Adm’r de bonis non. Mtate ef Jesse Hearn, deceased, having petitioned for a final discharge from his said administration, all persons concerned .ore required, within the lcsal time, to be end appear at my offiee, to show eaase. if any they have, why eaid applicant should not be dis- misstd. in accordance with the prayer of his petition. Given under my hand officially, this May 9th. 1870. in his power. teb4-d*wm may 11 Given under my hand officially, thU May 9th. 1870. mEu-w3m JOHN F. SHINS. Ordinary. giBN coyjryg. Notiee of Sale for Partition. W JJ wilhaei! at pubHBTOutery, to the highest! before the Court-bom* of R'bb count; tuesd&y, the ith day ofJdne. D70, betwset mf county, efcr. . v , between the • legal bourH ot sol*., the jb)towing pronerty to-wit: The iron front store butiddn*. with tbv groundUP< 11 which it stanu, now occupied by J. E. Lhwry, Sitcetod upon the northern tide of Cottarr \o St in 1^4*1 Meeon, and said county,sad Auemc, £Ziu non*.ing on cxld Avnftuc oSfeet tnorerrlesi md situated between thestore- bonso.nowewMd by W. ». Taylor and W A Hnfflto- gether witii’ the lot in the rear of s»id building, bounded by the said building- the owned by W. E. TaylSf, 1 running from Cotton Avenur to First s reel, and th5 preu^»*j of VV.A.Huff This Sale isuiaio by virue of an order from the Superior L'curt of Bibb county, at the Novtmbcr 1809 adjournrl term. April 2,1870. for the purpose of par tition between J. Dickson-fimith, Trustee for Mrs, J D. Smith, and J W. Schofield, administrator ci rt- tattfof G. 'ML Ross, uni Mrs. M. J. Hamilton, distrib utee of said estate F,. F. BEST. ) : A w PKi.SONS, ,-Comuiiseioners, R. W. STUBBS, * l fosy7 y A DMINSTRAZOR’3 SALE.—By virtue of an or- ■rij der from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb County, will be sold, on the fir-'t Tuesday in June next, at the Cout t-house i C ty Hall) ia said eonnty. during tire legal hours of sole, a fractional part ot Lot No, 235, situated and lying in the Warrier District, containing fifty acres, more or less. Sold as toe pro M rty of Mil- len Tidwell, late of eaid county, deccared Terms cash; A. B. ROSS, aprti) wto Administrator. G E0 t RGI4. BIBB COUNIY.-r-Whereas, John FUtaerlord applies to the undersigned for Let- bonis non. with thewiil annexed, upon the eeute of. Charles Thompson, late ol eaid county., deneMbo;^ ^ All i-ersor.s interested are required to heandan- why letters should not be granted the applieant. Given under ny band officially. C. T. WARD, inaio w30d Ordinary. /hEOKGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Whoreas, C. A. VT Tharpe applies to the undersigned for Letters of Administration upon the estate of of Mary Vaa- vulkiohureh, late of said county, deceased. should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. 2T ns - - nn -'— C.T. WARD. may3-w30d Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIRR COUNTY.—Whereas. John Campbell, administrator, de bonisnen, of the es tate ot Dominic CrabicUatapf.said county deceased, npidie= to u.e for Letters of Diimiftion. I j'i hese are, therefoi'c, to cite and admonish all and smguiar, tho kindred and creditors of Said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or before the first MondSj in A&ttfVt next, to show cr.use, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the appli cant Given under my hand officially. I JT C.T.WABD. .. r may3-wS0nf A- - ' ' ~ - < Ordinary. . BAKER COUNTY. Baker Connty Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the town of Ncwttn, Baker county. Ga .on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hoursof sale, the following property, to wit: ■ ; T'. One lot oi land. No. 224, in tho 7th Distri-t of said county. Levied on as the property of Jerry Durham, to sa*i;fy a tax fi. fa. from tho Tax Collector of said county, in favor of said State and county vs. Jerry Durham. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold before tho Court-House door, in the town of Newton, Baker county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, be tween the legal hours of sale, one two-horse wagon. Levied on as tho property of J. J. Murgrove to satis fy a fi. fa. from Baker Superior Court, in favor of John Atkinson vs. J. J. Muserovc. WILLIAM JACKSON. june2-wS0d Sheriff. Macon Connty Sheriff Sale. ■yy ILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the town ot Oglethorpe, county of Macon, within tho toral hours of sale, on tbo 1st Tuesday in July next, the following property to wit: - 1 o s it land No-. 33 and 02, in 2d Liatrict of origi nally Mnscozeo, now Macon county, to satisfy twelve - fi fas.,issued from Justice’s Court, 1070th Distiiot, G. M. Four ia favorof J. T. Kelsoe, for tho uso, etc; va. M. L. Fhcalcy ; ono in favor of J. Winn, fn the uso. etc., v*. M. L. Shealcy: ona in favor of J. As- btiry. for tbe use, etc., vs. M. L. Shealy; One in favor ofPhitin Cook ts. M. L. Shealy: one in favor of W. II. Willis A Sen vs. M. L Shealy; one in favor of G. C. Carmichael vs. M. L. Shealy; ono in favor of Mr*. E Partonvs. M. L. Shealy; one in favor of A. A. Watts, vs. M. L- Shefcly, and ono in favor of W. Holsonbako vs. M. L. trhealy. Levied on as tho prop • erty of said M. L. shealy. and return made to meby a constablo. Property pointed ont by defendant. II. L. HILL, Sheriff june3-w4t t {■ ' • Macon Connty. Baker County Sheriff’s Sale. W ILL be sold on thefirstTuesday inAugu3tnext, ■ before the Court-House door, in the town of Newton. Baker connty, Ga, between the legal hours of sale, the following properly, to-wit; Lots of Land, Nos. 16.17.18,19. in the eighth district of said county; and the east half cf lot No. 4. in the seventh distriet of said county. Levied on as the property of Wm. C. Bray, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa (for the purchase money of the same) from Baker Superior Court. May - Term, 1870, in favor of O. G. Holland va. Wm. C. Bray. . WILLIAM JACKSON. june2-w60d Sheriff. Administrator’s Stale. B Y virtue of an order of the Honorable the Supe rior Court, will be sold oa the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours of sale, before the Court-House door in the town of Newton. Baker connty. Gs., Lot of Land. No. (271) two hundred and seventy-one. in the 7th distriet of Baker county, be longing to the estate cf Thomas J. Cox. deceased. Stid lot of land sold by order of Superior Court for payment cf widow’s dower. Terms cash. THOMAS ALLEN, Adm’r. de bonis non of T. J. Cox, deceased. juae2*wS0d SOO&U COUNTY. G EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—-Whereas, Jamos M. Penny applies tome for Letters of Guardian ship of the persons and property of Isabella and ntoamfitfr~^ *■ * Missouri Hightower, orphans of Eason G. Hightower, t These are, the deceased : These are, therefore, to cite all concerned to be and sppear at my offioe on or before the first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they hive, why said letters should not be granted. Giron under my hand and official signature, this April 9,1870. WM. H. DAVIES. aprl2-td Ordinary. A DMINISIRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or- L\. der from the Ordinary of Dooly county, will be sold before tbe Court-house door, in the town of Vienna, on the first Tuesdayin June next, between Uetosal hours of sole, Lot of Laud No. 176. in the 14th District of Dooly county, containing 202>£ acres. Said Land belonging to the. Mtate of Daniel Smith, deceased. Terms cash. WILLIAM GAFF, aprl2-wtd Administrator. /GEORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY-Wheress James y. Young applies to me for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Elisabeth Woodard, deoeased. These aro therefore tc oite all concerned to be and ap pear at my office, on or before the fir,t Monday fa June next, to show cause, if any they have, wby said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 2.1 day of May,1870. WILLIAM H. DAVIES. may6 w3m Ordinary f1EORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY—Whereas Pleasant VT Ray, administrator upon the estate of William H. Lowe, deceived, applies to me for letters of dis mission from his said trust. These are therefore to oite and admonish all persons interested to be and ap pear at my offiee on or before the first Monday in Au gust next, tbs-e and then to show caoae, if any they nave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, tbis 2d day of May. 1370. WILLIAM H. DAVIES, mas 6 n301 Ordinary* HOUSTON COUNTY. H ouston sheriff’s sale.—wm be .sold be- T tore the Court House door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, thefollewing property, te wit.: One undivided half interest in the following lota of land, to wit.: Nos. fourty-tbree (43) and fifty-four (51) in the fourteenth (14) distriot of said county, and No. one hundred (100) in the ninth (9) distriet of said ounty, containing in all five honored and fifty-five (555) acres, more or less, os the property of Jas. B. Barrett, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Houston county, in favor of John A. Howard. Admin istrator J. F. Barrett, deceased. May 3d. 1870. may5-w30d JOHN R. COOK, Sheriff. G eorgia, Houston couNTY.-Whereos, c. O. Duncan, Administrator de bonis «um testa ments annexo on the estate of J. J, Dumas, late of Houston county, deceased, respectfully ehoweth that he has fully administered on said estate and now asks to be discharged: These are, therefore, to eite aU persons interested to be and appear at my office on, or before the first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 14th of February. 1870. W. T. SWIFT. feb!6-w3m O. H. C. JJOUSTON COUNTY. MORTGAGE SALE-WiI be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Perry on the 1st Tuesday in Juoe_ the following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 22 in the 10th di«- triet of Houston county, to satisfy a mortgage ft. fa in favor of Harvey W. Latbrop ve John R. Ktam apl-w69d JOHN R. COOK. Sheriff. ^EORGJA. HOUSTON COUNTY.-Whereas, Lar- kin W. Stewart has applied for Letters of Ad ministration on tho estate of Thomas 0. Whitehurst late of Houston county, deceased: ’ These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested tobe and appear at my office on or before the fint Monday m July next, to show cause, if any. why the application should not bo granted. 30&o U fMW870“ d ‘ ad 0ttCW ***“• ttb> . „ W.T. SWIFT. jone2-w30d Ordinary. IRWIN COUNTY. E X Cfourt-‘Hoia“e d™7.~in thofown of C Georgia, under an order from toe Court of Ordinary of Greene county, on the first Tueoday in June, 1879, one Tract of Land, tontiuiting four hundred and nfoety acre* (490) in the 10th district of Irwin eonnty. State of Georgia. B»»d land (Old foe the purpose of distribution among the deriaoeo at .Tomes Findlay, deoeased. Terms cash. J AMES FINDLEY, - ' aprS w40d Exoeutor.