Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 14, 1870, Image 5

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The :ia "Weekly TToiogi^pIi cinci JonrxiE*,! <Sc JVtessen^ep. j* . - **> |j^grapt and Messenger. UACON. JUNK 14, 1870. B V T KlBl TE OF RESPECT* From Wanhinston. Washington, June C.—Tbe Reconstruction Committee has adopted, ns a rule, not to re move disabilities except upon written applica- Haix Detiance Fire Ocmpa^v, No. 5,V I tion. . o L ■ -commendations oT friends or ofhigh of- I ** 'r ?*» first time are we called to lament f “ a!s are not respected. The petitions most U* For “ wll0 1,» 8 gone to bis long rest. For ba secompained with expressions indicating a r H« <tI “ r * wi) i onr record show that one of our [ proper submission to national authority. ouled, true, and generous brother Ihe authentic contradiction of the Jewish pi* grown weary with “this life’s daily I Massacro in Bomania causes great rejoicing Ifj®^, - 0 ,;c to bis last repose. Yet by the va- throughout the country, p j in our nidit, and by th® absence of that | The compensation of |ct ‘ , tlQ - - , —v, compensation of census marshals shall *, n encouraging v oiceand beaming face, not exceed eight dollars per day with mileage. Rinded that, Wiixie 0. Evans is no more, | all ; s ia an adv , advance on previous compensation nn ^ r which compctent B6rvica “nldnot be earth” respond to “duty’s call,” but ^ |p ^fientlj in tlie l* n d above, for “that great I^Xau^on all firemen to tbe Great I Washington, June 7,-Simon Wolf has dis- ltot ""‘Jount of the deeds done to the I Patches from Europe somewhat confirmatory of ' * ber ° ^faithfully recounted. Although we are It. M. Rogebs, 1 J. E. Murray, Committee. E. H. ) Ipea’-ovels a correct transcript from tho mia- * ittis Company as passed June G, 1870, G. \V. Bean, Foreman. I r.G Ross, Secret try. s Advertiser” copy. - „ fnwiu'v tha outrages upon the Jews in Roumania. •If* 31 f t no blo brother, his sorrow stricken Emory’s majority for Mayor of Washington Is* 1 -' ^ j cserg of their heart’s idol, his friends is over three thousand. The vote reached with- r : " i of the association always eo very agreeablo in one thousand of the registration. Many ne- r triable toevtt.v one, still wo are all comfort- groea voted and electioneered openly for Emery fJI ,nusit'S** w0d0 ’ , thllt 0 “r P n ab r, le ^!* wilhont molestation from their colored fellows. r the ° ity is almost rlslwUo providence, in removing from nmTCIsal - Tbo Bow6n ““ bavo only two o univlranily beloved. members of the upper and four of the lower goiikt ca»j* ^ bis brother firemen of I Board. Three colored men were elected to the 'j most deeply in their hearts that a! Council on the Emery ticket, never to bo tilled, and aro desirous of Dispatches to Bepublicans here concede the • 3 ^jrocfcion to tho feelings entertained, be it I election of a Democratic Governor, but claim (Mf , tto Legislature of Oregon by one majority on ^ , ?t j j st . Tbatia tbedemiseof W. C. Evans, joint ballot, thus securing the next Senator. k’.-'spiw'sroll numbers ene lees of its most Nothing definite through regular channel. ^'tsJ devoted nicnibtre, Ins parents, relatives The discussion in Executive session, to-day, i.^ Mends, bavo lost a t 00 ** dut son, tri and developed much more favorable feelings towards -jtrettcr. and faitW'd compa-riiorv- e commu tbo ratjgcatioQ 0 f the gan Domingo treaty than ■ „i, n f eood citizen, and hia employers, , ° J ?,r T b ?f»iS basinets man in the dia . l> a -toforomamfested. j k* ,Ct . I Red Cloud made a speech at the grand conn- Tb«t our Company hall b® draped I oiI of lhe Indian office to-day. He said he Irt0 ‘ T V l f ' ur ,bo tpaci of thirty day* in com- Wintel1 Fort Fetterman removed and the mili- & M»f the memory of our late brother tar S tal£en of his country. He desired no f or the numberless noble qualifica- people sent there who had no sense and no °j! »t til times evinced. hearts. He also wants his reservation moved , . 3 j i bat a copy of these resolutions,un- away from the Missouri, and protests that it is u. al cf the Secretary, be transmitted to hia the whites, and not the Indians, who have been -',x ptrichf n parents and relatives, as also furn- I unfriendly. He made an earnest demand Ci the Daily Telegraph and Messenger, together against tho whites coming on tho Black Hills jjtto Jlouroo Advertiser with a request to pub- | and Big Horn mountains, which, he said, be longed to him. His people wore melting away like the snow on tbe hill sides when the sun was warm, while the whites aro like blades of grass in SpriDg, and were great and powerful. Ho wants ammnnition. His speech was of great length and delivered while he was sitting on the floor. It is not at all probable that the gov ernment will give them powder at present. The usual speeches weie made by Messrs. Cox and Parker. Mr. Cox said they could not have powder until all the Indians were at peace with the whites. Revenue to-day nearly a half million. The President has nominated Albert M. Bur ner, Collector of Customs at Brazos De Santi ago, Texas. The Republicans have favorable private dis patches from Oregon. Confirmed: Smith, Assessor of Eighth Dis trict Virginia; Greene, P. M., Petersburg, Vir ginia; Slater, Wytheville, Virginia; Rose, Ab- bingdon, Virginia; E. J. McHenry, Macon, Mis sissippi. Thero was considerable opposition to the do nation, arising from the fact that the Southern Pacifiio Road is but another name for the Central Pacifiic Co., which owns all the railroads in the but the tickle, whose stroke we had np I State, end will thus control the Central Pacific to stay, lias removed him hence, and we can route from this coast to the East. itLem ctly bow with sorrowing hearts to the The British ship, Wm. Wilson, sailed for cf Hits who ''duelh all things welL” Be it fur- J Barken’s Island, yesterday.. The vessel was in possession of the U. S. Marshal, pending a suit in the District Court. The Captain forced the Marshal overboard. It is rumored that the revenue cutter will be sent in pursuit. Returns from Oregon are meagre. Indica tion are that the Legislative contest will be very close. Grover, Democratic candidate for Governor, is probably elected by 400 majority. A Portland telegram says the election passed off quietly. The Republicans claim a majority in that city and county, and some gains in other counties, and believe the vote in the State is veiy close. i Washington, June 8.—The President leaves to-morrow for the Peninsula and returns Mon- The reported loss of the Dacia is false. The “Mail,” however, prints a telegram from Lon don announcing her loss between Bermudas and Panama. Three were saved and fifty- seven lost. The report of the lo-w of the Dacia was sent from New York, on June Gth. Lloyds, who made it publio in Europe,- and Lloyds’ agent in this country, have inquired at. all points -with out hearing of an arrival which could have The wages are exceedingly-low, and can-be called by no^ means fair. The bill provides that no contracts with the Chinese shall be good longer than six months. Immediate aoticn should be had, as sgi r,ta are now about to in troduce them into South Carolina and in Masaachussetfs. He moved that the'bill be referred to the judiciary committee, and gave notice that he should press it to early action. Indian appropriations were considered. A motion to make the Texas Southern Pacific j brought the news. The course of the Dacia Railroad a special order prevailed, but subsc- j did not lie near the Bermndas. quentlv, Mr. Drake moved a reconsideration. Baltdiobe, June 8.—There were three thou- The Senate is in session to-night sand persons present at the decoration of the In the Senate, to-night, a bill for the settle- Confederate soldiers’ graves at London Park, ment of claims for quartermasters and com-1 to-day. miss ary stores, furnished to or taken by the Philadelphia, June 7.—Forty thousand Ma- United States, within the States in rebellion, EOns irere in line. It was the finest Masonic during the late war, came up in order and was display ever witnessed in America, debated. Motions to pass over tho bill, and to [ Yoek, June 8.—Captain Brunt, wife and recommit it to the committee, were defeated. obiI d, formerly of Riverhead, L. L, left Mobile The debate is now in progress. several months ago for New York, but from Washington, June 7.—In the House, a bill some unknown cause, have not arrived, and authorizing terms of tbe Federal Court at I their friends have now given them up as lost Helena, Arkansas, passed. forever. Their property in Riverhead was sold The bill regulating election contest was on Saturday. tabled. r . ' mu , From Montgomery. Tho currency bill was considered. | Montgonebt, June C.-The so-called meeting A biU authorizing increased mail facilities j of citjzenSj caUed b John C . Keffer and othei between Cedar Keys and Havana, was referred Republicans, to consider the action of Judge to the postoffico committee. > IIHBI'TE OF RESPECT. Company Room, MelUaskV Fibs Company, No. 4, Macon, Ga., June G, 1870. ) I A: d-c regular meeting cf Mechanics’Fire Com- cr y,.held Jane Gth, 1870, tho following pre- c , n j reto'.ntiens were unanimously adopted: r^, r(1 «. Tbe Supreme Ruler ct the Universe iatl-e wire dispensation cf His divine provi- L f «n proper to remove from our ranks our itSicretiiT. Joas BnoroHTOS, who departed this Lit his ictiJencc, on tbe 2otli ultimo; and, [tTaitis, In tlio death of Mr. Broughton Meehan- L' lire Company has lost a worthy and most esti- U;. ci nber. a hose warm and genial manners in tuna with hia fellow-man, and uniform exhi- a if all the qualities of a gentleman, eom- lieJ him to the respect of all who knew him; be l therefore, That wo tender to his grief stricken L- r our heartfelt sympathies, in this their deep I helm). That the ntnrl badgo of mourning be jots t y the Ccmpany for the space of thirty days, |il ilia preamble and resolutions be spread upon uniictu cf the Company, and that a copy of tho b te fenrsnlei to the family of the deceased. > it further IE-t-' ko.l. Hist s copy he furnished the daily press f'is cit; for pnbtieatioii. Tyi.ct. iomiAiL, ) (b o. D. Lawuencs, - Committee. Geo. W. Sims, -. ) postoffico committee. t Basieed, of tho United States District Court, The reconstruction committee added a pro- for incarcerating Auditor Reynolds for dis- viso to the Georgia bill, that nothtng therein obedierice of an iDjnDC . ion of ttl0 C onrt, resnlt- contameasnould mterfore with an election this ed in a g rall d failure. Thompson, a negro Fall cs provided in the Georgia Constitution/ member 0 f the Legislature, wasoleotedPresi- ” S ?| Ted *°. n0 acU011 re S a t d >ng j dent, and announced that Judge Busteed should be sustained. Attorney General Morse said , .. .. T a- - i Beynolds disapproved of tho meeting. Reso- and then the Indian appropriation bill was lntion8 *- erQ iutro a nee d by Keffer against Judge _ _ I Basteed in severe terms, and the meeting voted The Committee on Education report adverse- them down and broke ly to the incorporation of the blind asylum in A warrant was issued against Judge Basteed e District of Columbia. i this morning by Keffer, charging him with Mr. Hams introduced a bill granting the libelling Reynolds, and two negroes were depn- nght of way and lands to the Arkansas Delta | tized to serve the warrant, which Judge Basteed railroad. The business of the Committee on Commerce will he considered on Friday next. Indian appropriations were resumed to ex ecutive session when the Senate adjourned. evaded by being driven to the court room in a close carriage and giving bonds. ■Foreign News. London, J one G —Tha Englishmen c iptnred by Spanish brigands and rescued,have arrived at The House bill as passed, allowing the deputy Gibraltar, census marshals about fifty per cent, increased Havana, June G.—DeRodas telegraphs that a pay, goes to the President. hundred Spaniards and two gunboats dispersed The currency bill elicited a long debate. the fillibustera from New York who landed near The House is in session to-night discussing Neuvitas, killing ten including Capt. Harrison, the subject. two were wounded and three captured, with all Washington, June 8.—In the House, Mr. their stores. Several of the prisoners were ex- Fitch, of Nevada, made a personal explanation, | ecutod immediately. The steamer Geo. P denying that he was in Cuban pay-. A long debate followed on the currency bill. A movement to table failed—G'G to 05. A motion was made to adjourn. The Speaker modified the statement previ ously made as to the effect of adjournment on the bill, and said that “should the House now adjourn, the pending question being, ‘shall the bill be engrossed and read a third time ?’ the bill would go to the bottom of all tho bilk on the Speaker’s table.” Several members—“And that would he the last of it.” Mr. Eldridge: “That is the reason why I moved to adjourn.” Mr. Garfield called for the yeas and nays on the motion to adjourn. The question was taken, and tho House agreed to adjourn—yeas 19, nays 75; thus vir tually killing the bill. In the Senate, Mr. Ferry presented tbe peti tion of Mr. Hatch, imprisoned in San Domingo —Hatch accuses General Babcock of having prolonged his imprisonment in tho interest of the San Domingo treaty. Ferry said Babcock was an unworthy officer. Mr. Sumner said Babcock ought to be cash iered. Mr. Chandler said Hatch was a worthless, troublesome scoundrel. Mr. Ferry said Hatch was a man of honor and integrity, whose word he would take as soon as Chandler’s. Upton which landed tho expedition escaped. London, June G.—The weather is delightful. The Irish telegraph is working badly. The yacht Egeria defeated the Cambria yes terday. It is reported that the police are discovering ramifications of the Fenian plot in every direc tion—not only in London, but also in Wales and elsewhere. War materials have been seized at several places and persons in charge of the stores ar rested. The public excitement is unabated. Londondebby, June G.—Tlio Walletta, from New York, and Frankfort, from Orleans and Havana, have arrived. Havana, June 6.—At Vera Cruz, the First Mexican Congress will probably hold an extra session to discuss constitutional reforms. A stage between Vera Cruz and Jalapa was robbed, and one passenger killed. Six bandits were recently captured at Zacate cas. The new Permisillo mines are yielding enor mously. Citizens of Guatemala have invaded Mexican territory. It is generally believed that Felix Diaz, Governor of Oaxatez,' is prime mover of this invasion, and intends establishing a separ ate republic. Tho national treasury is bank rupt. The Guaymas revolution has ended, Lozada refusing to participate. Constantinople, June G.—There has been Diligent inquiries here and os tbe Continent fail to discover any foundation for the terrible stories whioh have been published in the United States. There is still an uneasiness over Fenianism. The Pall Mall Gazette thinks the Fenian leadeis will be forced to some action to sustain their sinking reputations. A pleasure yatch was capsized off Hastings, and twelve lives lost. From the various agricultural papers of Eng land are gleaned the following details relative to the growing crop3: Wheat looks finely every where, and a crop larger than the average may be expected. Grass is unusually thin, and hay prospects are discouraging. Oats,' barley and beans look poorly. Farmers count on abonl a half crop of potatoes; and the yield of other root crops will be about the same as usual. Pabis, Jure 8.—Prince De Auvergne, ex- Minister of Foreigu Affairs, is slowly recover ing from the small-pox. Havana, June 8.—The steamship Morocastle, from Now York, has arrived. Yesterday tho gendarmes captured a wooden cannon near Santa Espiritn. Pabjs, Juno 8.—Advices from Rome state that tbe Ecumenical Council is now engaged in discussing the Schema deprimatia et infaUibili- tate by sections. The debate on the preamble has cloEC-d. There have been one or two excit ing passages between the supporters of the pro posed dogma, but at present the majority are silent and passive. Great demonstration was made yesterday in favor of papal infallibility. The Jesuites were the prime movers in tho af fair. A large procession passed throngh the streets, bearing banners inscribed: Vice papa infaUibile. London, June 8.—Ashbury, the owner of the yacht Cambria, gave a-banquet at Richmond to his fellow-yachtmen. Mr. Douglas, of the American yacht Sappho, was present. Mr. Bennett, of the Dauntless, who had received an invitation, was unavoidably absent. Sbnckins Accident in a Theatre. London, June 8.—A distressing accident oc curred at Alhambra Concert Hall, last night, while a ballet dance was in progress, and the scene was crowded with dancers. One of the largo trap-doors in the centre of the stage gave way, and a number of danseuses who were grouped on the spot, were violently precipi tated into tho space under the stage, which was unusually deep, and was filled with machinery and theatrical lumber. Eleven unfortunate girls were badly injured—some, it is feared, fatally. The catastrophe caused a panic in the audience, which, however, had no serious re- susts. LNA^IUJAL AND UOHMEEUJAL, Weekly Review of the Market. TKIBLTE OF RESPECT- Council Hall, * Iona Amuuca Fibe Company, No. 8, Macon, June Ctb, 1870. , ) Ibisjahr meeting of Young America Fire Com- O’ N* S ls!J June Ctb, 1870, tho following pre- ~ii!.-l rtcolntions were unanimously adopted: I font*. It has pleased an All Wise Providence |t!Ktta from onr midst cur lamented brother !. Captain J. H. Timeit, who departed this day. Two resolutions will he reported regarding Gaba—one declaring complete neutrality and allowing both or neither to purchase supplies ^ftVrTjiDse^ I ** the Other insisting that the contest utt» ci pain and enffeiing; and in paying this J shall be carried on in accordance with the rules trlatecf rcepcct to the memory of our deceased j of war, and that assassination of prisoners shall fier, tie sensibly fed how inadequate aro words | cease. The House is discussing the currency bill Revenuo $883,000. Senator Wilson has retamed. There are nineteen amendments to the cur rency bill pending. The Secretary of State has no official informa- emm, he was zealous in thTdllchargroflta I Uon regarding tho reported Jewish massacre. ?• nd ever felt a deep interest in the welfare of I An illicit distillery has been seized m Alas- kpWment. Charitably inclined towards all, k*. tilling malice towards none, ho has passed A. Carson, Pine Bluff, Arkansas; John Mo (irotiglithedaikvaleyof the shadow of death; Lino, Corpus Christi, Texas; have been nomin- ndieiieh the hopo thal he may there find that ted postmasters, ltd pesceful repose unknown this side the I — Therefore, bo it Congressional ’toil. That in the death of Captain Pickett, Washington, June G.—The House has adopt- fotpiny has sustained the loes of a good fire- ed a resolution directing the Committee of Ways «d a tree and liberal friend, ana we will ever | and Meang {o report a bul abo li8hiDg the duty Iqrf.f the deep emotions of sorrow in parting flctt to long identified with ns to tbs discharge J I - irdscns duties' As an old citizen of Macon, I f !j hi Pickett was well known, having been iden- I • with tho city for a third of a century; and as cl tad generous friend, and a liberal hearted -- he wig respected by all who knew him; and After some sharp words denunciatory of the I a fire in the.richest part of this city, on the Foreign Relations Committee for sluggishness north side of the Golden Horn. A high wind regarding the rights of American citizens I was blowing. The residences of the English, abroad, the matter was referred to a special American and Portuguese Ambassadors and committee. Consuls, the theatre, and many churches and The Judiciary Committee reported a bill to mosques, and the richest stores and shops were prevent the enforcement of contracts for ser- burned. Tho loon of life by failing walls was vile labor. The committee on tbe Hatch affair are Messrs. Nye, Ferry, Howard, Williams, Warner, Schurz, and Vickers. Executive session adjourned. The fire at this General Nctvs. Omaha, June G.—Geo. Thomas, city editor of I fearful. Loss incalculable. ur, noon, is still raging. Madbid, June G.—There was a great demon stration in favor of Espartero for King, yester day. Livebpool, June G.—Robert Rankin is dead. Pabis, June 6.—The children of Prince Na poleon aro very ill of scarlet fever. Constantinople, June 7.—The conflagration the Republican, is dead. Ee was formerly con- j bas been checked. Thongh it is still raging, nected with the New York Herald. j jt cannot spread, the houses having been blown Tkoy, June G.—The railroad bridge here was I n p ) leaving the burning district isolated. The set fire to and narrowly escaped destruction. I burned district includes one of tho wealthiest The same bridge was burned in 18G2, involving and best bnilt portions of the city, the destruction of tho business portion of the Pabis, Jane 7.—Owing to the drought Bite town. A high wind this morning would proba- woods are burning in many parts of Europe, i l- bly have repeated that calamity. • I yolving loss of life. One hundred acres of the Philadelphia, June G.—Seven ships with pe- | Fontatnbleau forest has been destroyed. i onr hearts, the memory of our late com- f tod although he has gone from ns, yet we i the hope that his loss to us on earth, may L* tut the transmission from a lifo of trouble, •Mof eternal joy. on coal. Senate—Bills have been introduced granting landg to the State of Alabama to aid in the con struction of the Savannah and Memphis Rail- *dred, That our heartfelt sympathies be ten-1 road, and to prohibit contracts for the importa, bereaved family, and earnestly invoke onr tion of Chinese coolies. ilr Father to support them in this, their try- por of e*d affliction. Bred, That a page of onr minute book bo ded- Ci l to the memory of deceased, and these reeolu- 1 icscribel thereon; also published in one of f ri papers, and a copy bo furnished family of It. A. Moebis, Foreman. Chas. E. Damouk, Secretary. Committee. p'ojbody uses Eqaino Bemcdiec. |t P-tvou-rioN in Cookeby.—Since the Introdno- 1 1 cf the patent Sea Moss Farine, a complete rev- 1 bts taken place in that department of cook- f to which we owe tho luxuries of the dessert, ractt delicious blanc mange, Jelly, custard, fbiette linsse, light puddings, etc., are produced r a tlia palatable nutriment, at about one-third l>U fonner cost. A great economy of time, as r money, is effected hy its use. The prepara* F-iarie from it are pronounced by physicians to retest possible diet for consumptives, dyspep- ftti persona suffering from bifiionsness and pG debility. Convalescents fatten on them, rapidly in muscular strength, as well as in * Tbe Sea Moss Farine Co., 53 Park Place, * T" c *k, a ho are manufacturing this article from '* kit Irish Mosa, in enormous, quantities, pro- irtny of medical and general testimony in P**» which is perfectly overwhelming, and must doubts of its superiority as an alimentary sta- 1 w tty exist) entirely at rest. LjUba Equine Remedies, I 3 ”* 1 Otrr of the Jaws of Death.—Throw off spirit, crush that feeling of de- cheerful, happy and well. Take Sim ' ***** Regulator, it is no humbug, its virtues proved by hundreds right hero at home. Ex- * ib* certificates. It has cured tbe wore s « dropsy, dyep apsis and prevent chills, foyer oediea never disappoint. 3 *e. H. Dadd's certificate. Bills have been passed to carry into effect the decrees of the United Slates District Court of Louisiana, in the case of the British vessels Volant and Science, the Brig Dashing Wave and cargo, and schooner Flying Scud and car- 8 °Tho House joint resolution granting right of way to the Memphis, El Passo and Pacific Rail road from El Passo to tho Pacific Ocean, was in definitely postponed. In the House Mr. Bowen introduced a bill for the sale of certain Sea Islands. Referred to the committee on reconstruction. Mr. Newsham introduced a bill to repair the levees of the Red River, from Shreveport to the month. . Foreign affairs were made the special order for Tuesday next, when Mr. Bank’s Cuban bill comes up. The river and harbor appropriation bill was made the special order for Tuesday. Mr. Schenek’s tariff amendments to tho tax bill were adopted. Also, the amendmentrelieving coasting and fishing vessels from tonnage duties. The bill finally passed—150 to 35. Its features have been already published. The i'ostoffice appropriation bill was taken °P* Mr. Sargent introduced a bill preventing ser vile labor on oontracls. In tho Senate New York merchants and im porters petitioned for tho abolition of the tax on sales. Mr. Stewart introduced a bill to prohibit con tracts for servile labor, which he said was in* tended to break np tbe system of Coolie con tracts, by which the Chinese laborers were im ported to this country and held to labor for four years. The contract is to return the Chinese to hia own country, dead or alive, at the end of four years, and the religious feelings of the Qhinese prevents them from breaking the con- ■racks. This is really a system of servile labor. troleum departed for Europe this week with over a million gallons. The shipments from this port are five million gallons in excess of the same time last year. Buffalo, June G.—The propellers Wabash I and Wabash (?) collided on Lake Huron to-day. The latter foundered. A deck hand was lost. Habtfobd, June 7.—Tho citizens’ ticket, com posed of men of both parties, has been elected over the regular Republican ticket San Fbancisco, June 7—A special election The small-pox is decreasing, both in the number of cases and virulence. The journals are attacking Olliv^er for his course toward the party of the left Tho breach in the party of the left, in the Corps Legialatif, is complete. Differences of opinion a3 to the attitude to bo maintained to wards Ollivicr’s Ministry led to a separation. Gen. Walliut has been re-elected Grand Mas ter of the Masonic Order in France by 1 GO votes. Cornat, formerly a Republican deputy to the OFFICE TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER,! June 8—Evening, 1870. J Cotton— Receipts to-day, 15 baleB; sales 35 ’ shipped 57. Receipts for the week ending this evening, the above included, 113 bales; sales of the week 439; shipments 532. The market during the whole week has been quiet and dull, with only a light demand for the best grade, and on the operations of the week, we have to note a decline of fully 1 cent in tho price of mid dlings, which we quote at the close this evening 19>$ cents, and but little offering. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on band Sept. 1,1869—bales.. 179 Receipts to-day. 15 Received previously 78,757—78,772 16„¥ fo» oteAxn Turpentine dull at 88 Rustn lower at 2 10- for atr-ined. Nvr*la quiet and steady r rpl^tits nnTPr «■' Freights qUit-L New Yoke, Juno 8, evening.—Cotton dal! and heavy; sales 1300 bales; mMdJieg up’ands 215c Flour active, tteady: State 5 10 U.5 25; Western 5 0Q&6 50; Southern common 6l(i<?6 85 Wheat Shelter. Corn, now mixed Western 1 01 to 108. Pork 30 765130 85. Lard dull; kettle 16>*@lG>f. Whisky 1 OSgl 09. Rice firm; Cat- olina 8)J(a83ri- Sugar firm. Coffee quiet Molas ses firm” Naval stores dull. Freights firmer. Money 835. Sterling dull at ^§3^, Gold 13%. Governments eteady but dull. Southerns closed steady. Money easy; prime di-comits 0 n 7. Gold opened heavy and lower, declining from 13% to 13%, recor- ering to 13% after the -treasury bids were opened. During the afternoon it was firm at 13%fql3%, cloeing eteady at 13%. Governments opened Eteady During the afternoon it was quiet and firm, closing steady. 186Ga 81; coupons 1SV£; 62s 12%; 4s 11%; 5s 11%; new 13%; 7s 14; 8s 13%; 10 40 8%. South- em securities opened firm with an advance in Ten- nessees; closed quiet. Tennesseea old 62; now 68%. Virginias old 69; new 68. Louiaianas old 76; new 72; levees 6s 72: 8s 92%. Alabama 8s 101%; 5s 75; Georgia 6s 87; 7s 95; North Carolina old 43- new 24. South.Carolians old 93; new 82. Wool dull. Tallow quiet at 9%<§9%. Beef steady; new plain mess 11315; new extra 16@18. Baltimokh, Juno 8 Cotton, no report. Flour firm and steadier. Howard street superfine from 5 CO to 5 25. Wheat firm and unchanged; Maryland 140@155; Pennsylvania 187@140. Com white 118: yellow 1 09@110. Pork 30 00. Bacon boulders 14. Lard 17%. Whisky 1 00. New Obleans, June 8.—Cotton dull; middlings 21@21%; sales 2150; net receipts 453. coastwise 47; total 500; exports to Liverpool 399; to Bremen 452; to Havre-3200; stock 93,513. Flour, superfine extra, firm at 4 755Z-5 00; XX 5 50; XXX G 00. Com dull; mixed 110; white 117. Oats GO. Bran 17(520. Hay 25 00. Whisky 00@1 10. Mess Pork 31 25. Bacon, shoulders 14%; clear rib sides 17%; clear sides 18%; hams 2lyr21%. Lard, fierce 16%@16%; keg 18%@19. Sugar easy at 11%@11%. Moiaeses firm; reboiled G5i#70. Coffee, prime 18; fair !G%<gl6%. 8 teiling 24%. New York Bight % premium. Gold 13%. Louisville, June 8—Com 1 15. Provisions, firmer. Pork 30 00. Bacon shoulders 13%; clear sides 17%. Lard 17%. Whisky 1 03. APOSTROPHE—BY A GRATEFUL WOMAN. What gave me r«lisb for my food ? And m do my appetite so good, When nothing else that I tried, could But Solomons’ Bitters! One week, I had 7tc Ooloreaux, And tried Tonics twenty-two; r The only one cuted me, I knew Was Solomons’ Bitters What raised me up from my sick bed ? J And toon the plie out of my head, Made my two .-hacks as cherries, red ? Why Solomons’ letters! Charleston, June 8.—Cotton dull; middlings 20%(fi21; sales 100; receipts 296; stock 9098. Augusta, June 8.—Cotton a shade firmer; sales 325; receipts 10; middlings 19%. Mobile, June 8—Cotton quiet; middlings 20%; sales 600; receipts 4; exports to New York 102; to New Orleans 171; stock 35,836. Norfolk, June 8—Colton dull; low middlings 20; receipts GO; exports coastwise 208; stock 1883. Galveston, June 8.—Cotton, good ordinary 17% ©17%; sales 210; receipts 270; stock 27,505. My breast was weak, j did employ A wet-nurse, for my little boy, What makes me uu'se him note, with joy? ’Tis Solomons’ Bitters 1 Then let me tell you ’tis iu vain, To reason with a man insane, But to the wise, I will proclaim Use Solomons’ Bitteisl Younger by twenty years ia the appearance of the man of fifty, or the lady of—never mind bow many summero—after he or she has charmed away tho gray hairs with Phalon’s Yitalia. Pleas ant, clear, and transparent. No sediment. Sold by ail druggists and fancy goods dealers. FRUIT JARS! FRUIi JARS I! Uoretgn Marcels. London, June 8, noon Consols 92%. Bonds 89%. Tallow firmer at 45s9d. Liverpool, June 8, noon.—Com 30e3d. Paris. June 8, noon.—Borneo opened quiet; Rentes 74f60c. London, June 8, evening.—Coneols 92%. Bonds 89%. Tallow firm. Sugar on spot quiet; afloat firm. Turpentine 31. Liverpool, June 8, evening.—Cotton quiet and eteady; uplands 10%; Orleans 10%@11; sales 10,000 bales. Breadstuff's firm. Bed Western wheat 11s. Com Tallow 44s. 80s. ift HALL’S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR jRenewer* It is the best article cveFSown to RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. Shipped to-day Shipped pievioualy. 57 .....72,221- 78,951 Stock on hand this evening. Financial—The money market is still very tight and the banks aro discounting only to a limited ex tent tho veiy beet of paper. There is not enough doing in stocks' and bonds to establish quotations, but the following list of prices are as nearly correct aB it is possible to get them in the present lifeless state of themarket exchange on new yore. _ , v - .vr.r*. Selling par. EXCHANGE ON SAVANNAH. Baying .....par. Selling % prem. UNITED STATES CURRENCY—LOANS. Per month 1%@2 percent GOLD Aim SILVER. Buying rates for Gold . .$1 12 Soiling 1 15 r rates for Silver., 1 05 1 10 RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Railroad Stock 122 Central Railroad Bonds 100 Macon & Western Railroad Stock 115 Southwestern Railroad Stock.31% Southwestern Railroad Bonds........ 9V Macon & Brunswick Stock 31 Macon & Brunswick Railroad Endorsed Bonds.,. 85 Georgia Railroad Stock 103 Georgia Railroad Bonds 97 Muscogee Railroad Bonds 94 Atlantic & Gulf Railroad Stock 38 Augusta & Waynesboro Railroad Stock 87 South Carolina RailroadStock ,48(g50 Cotton States Life Insurance Stock...,. 95 will be held to-morrow to determine whether Corps Legialatif, was also a cmdidate, and ra the city shall donate one million dollars towards ceived 125 votes. the construction of the Southern Pacific Rail- a man has been arrested at , who is road. | supposed to have made a murderous assault on New York, June 7.—There is a rumor on the the Austrian Gen. Greensville at Rome in 18G8. street which cannot be traced, that tho steamer Bobday, June 7, via. London, 7.—Tho pros- Docia, belonging to tho Central American Tele- pectsof the cotton crop aro improving. Heavy graph Corps, has been lost near Bermuda. rains have fallen in the planting districts, and Cleveland, June 7.—The annual convention I apprehensions of a short crop have been ro of photographers is in session here. Four hun- m0 ved. dred artists aro in attendance with the best | Frankfort, June 7.—What is known as the specimens of their art. Williamsport, Pa., Juno 7.—The President | has directed the marine band to accompany ■Washington Commandery, Knights Templar, to tho conclave hero on tho 14 th of June. dead season has fairly set in here. Bat few transactions in bonds or other securities. Rome, June 7.—The Augsburg Gazette says: “The American delegates in the Ecumenical Council show a growing disinclination to the Twenty-seven commandories will be represent- p a p ft i infallibility dogma, and are disgusted ed; fifteen bring bands of music. Doubtless w j[ b the sophistry and sycophancy of its advo- it will be the greatest gathering of .Sir-Knights C ates." - ever witnessed in the Middle States. London, June 7.—The' Irish telegraphs are San Francisco, June 8.—The city voted a s mj deranged, million dollars to the Socthem Pacific Rail-j Madrid, June 7.—The debate on the question road. The negroes voted for the first time. | f or electing a King commenced ■ in Cortes yes- Ono hundred. and fifty Chinamen were ship- terday. It opened with animation and bids fair ped yesterday to work on Louisiana planta- to become exciting. The most prominent among tj ons _ the speakers yesterday was Senator Rivere. He Returns from Oregon show that the Demo- I cre ated a marked sensation, by declaring that crats have elected their entire State ticket, and J the restoration of a Bourhoun in Spain wonld have from five to eight majority on joint bal- J asver b e permitted by the majority. He then lot, thus securing a Senator. The Republicans j proceeded to denounce a monarchy in general. /.tdm the member of Congress. j t bad produced all the evils from which Spain Omaha City, June 8.—Tho election yesterday j suffered. His speech was received with frequent resulted in the election of three Democrats and cheers, and had an undeniable effect upon mem- three Republicans to the Council. The parties here. Replies were made by the supporters of aro united on the rest of the ticket. The ne- I royalty. The discussion lasted until a late hour, gro candidate in the third ward was defeated. I when, without taking action on the question, A terrible tornado struck the Santee Indian j the Cortes adjourned. Mission, demolishing a building connected with To-day, tho Cortes is engaged in the consid- the Episcopal Mission, and killing two persons, erntion of various railroad schemes. Fonda, N. Y., June 8.—A school-house was I London, June 8.—Wolff’s continental, tele- struck by lightning"to-day, killing the teacher grahio company, of Berlm, with sub-agencies S"i2i4 s.v.,1 pupil AocMuglr. to to. priuclpul Cille. of toppft New 3 York June 8.—C. F. Seitz, an exten- of any recent disturbance in Booman a. The idv^tubiwob failed and disappeared manager of that company declarea UmLelegram H, ^2" w».d Mb 1 arvmdled other of Adolph C,.mi.., io b. au oud tobacco tom t° toe exteul oi two hundred «J» *U report, to.ching; to. .‘■“sK*' or bon- Groceries and Provisions.—Tho market has manifested no ckaDgo worth reporting since the date of our last weekly review. Prices are steady and firm at quoted rates for bacon and corn, but in other articles they are a little weak. Wo should state that trade not only in this line, but in all branches is now very quiet and dull. We quote : BACON—Cloar Bides (smoked)... .$ Clear Rib Bides (emoked)... Shoulders Hams (sugar-cured) BULK MEATS—Clear Sides... Clear Rib Sides... 19 @ 18%@ 25 18 17%© 19% 18% 16% Shoulders 14%(gl 2 0 45 L*f> 18 COFFEE—Rio. Laguayra Java DRIED FRUIT, per pound....... BICE per pound TEA—Black...;.. Green.... BUTTER—Goshen Tennessee Yellow Country CHEESE—According to quality.. EGGS LARD— SUGAR—According to grade 15 MOLASSES—According to grade.. 50 FISH—Mackerel, bbls, No. 1, 2,3. 15 00 Kits 2 75 Codfish per pound 10 SALT—Liverpool per sack WHISKY—Common Byo 1 20 Fine Com Bourbon . Virginia AT/E—Per dozen... IOBACCO—Low grades per pound Medium ....... Good Bright Virginia.. .7........ Fancy FLOUR Superfine per bbl Extra Family Fancy Family Brands.... @ 18% 18 15 2G 33 S5 11 . x- .10 1 *0 <9 2 00 @ 2 50 CP B0 ■4 ■!# 22 SO @ 12 @ 10 & ® 2 00 1 35 2-50 2 50 8 00 @24 00 @ 5 00 @ 12 @2 60 & 1 50 @ 6 00 & 1 B0 & B 00 © 3 50 @ 4 00 GO @ 55 60 70 75,.® 80 85 J @ 1 00 1 25 @ 1 00 7 00 @ 7 50 8 00 @ 8 50 9 60 @10 00 11 00 • @12 00 GRAIN A«I) MAY. CORN—Yellow, Mixed and White. 1 50 0 1 55 MEAL 1 65 GBITS................ 175 OMT3.... 83 WHEAT—Per bushel... 1 40 FIELD PEAS 3 00 HAY—Northern 1 90 Tennesse Timothy * Herds Grass 2 00 Tennessee 2 00 0 2 00 @ 1 25 0 1 70 @ 3 25 @ 2 00 2 00 LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New York, June 8, noon. — Stocks heavy.— Money. 5(56. Exchange long 9%; short 10%. Gold 13%. • Bonds 12. Tennessee ex-coupons 62; new 59%. Virginia ex-coupon, 69; new, 68. Louisian as old, 75%; now, 73. Levee 6’s 72; 8’a, 92. Ala bama 8’s 101; 5’s, 74. Georgia Gs 88; 7’s, 95. North Carolina old, 48%; new 24%. South Carolinaa old, 95; new 62%. Cotton dml and lower: middlng upland* 21%; Orleans 22%; sales 300 bales. „ . Flour 15 better. Wheat 1@2 better. Com shade firmer. Porkquiet, at 39 87@3l 00. Lard dull 16@ It wil prevent tho hair from falling out. Makes tbe hair smooth and glossy, and doos not stain the skin as others. OUR TREATISE OX THE HAIR SENT FREE BY MAIL. FCr sale by all druggists. R. P. HALL & CO., Kashau, N. H., Proprietors, junel-codlm " THREE REQUISITES OF HEALTH. If all the Bickly people in tho world were to take to their beds, and demand medical treatment, there would not be doctors enough to attend them, nor a sufficient number of the robust to nurse them. Three conditions are absolutely essential to health viz: a good appetite, easy digestion, and the ability to sleep sonndly. Seven-eighths of the many thou sand who suffer* from indisposition, yet do not la bor under serious disease, complain that they “can’t eat,” that their stomachs are “out of order,”or that they “don’t sleep welL” For this class of ailments few persons think of calling in a physician. Nor is it necessary, inasmuch as a course of Hostetter’a Bitters will certainly relieve the derangements of the stomach, tbe liver and the nervous system, from which want of appetite, indigestion and sleep lessness arise. This excellent vegetable tonic and corrective is also a delightful anodyne. Insomania (or incapacity to sleep) which has resisted all the ordinary remedies, will yield readily to a dose of this pleasant sedative taken just before retiring to rest. In ordinaiy medical practice it i3 usual to give a stomachic, an aperient, an invigorant, a so porific, or antiseptic, as tho case for the time being may seem more particularly to require; but in this gTand restorative all these medicinal properties and many others aro blended in due ptoportion. Thus, tho digestion is stimulated, while the bowels aro regulatod, tho liver toned, the strength recruited, the nerves calmed, tho fluids purified and the cir culation equalized. It is believed that no other re storative and regulating medicine in the world wbica acts*so benficially and agreeably upon all tbe assimilating and socretive organs at the same time; and to all who lack the three fundamental reqttl- eite3 of health and enjoyment, a vigorous appetite, sound digestion and refreshing sleep, it is confident ly recommended as a specific. , , ■ Orders from my customers for tho celebrated Mason and Hartel & Lelchworth Fruit Jars, will meet with prompt attention. Directions accompany each Jar. Don’t fail to have your Jars in time for the berry and fruit crop. 33. S7%rXfSi^3 s Importer and Dealer in China. Glass and Cruckeryware, 80 and 82, Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. 63* Orders will bo filled at factory- prices. Yo can savo from 15 to 25 per cent, by ordering of me. 63“ Order tho Fruit Jars now, and have them Bhipped at any time daring tho season. Lowest prices guaranteed. mayl2-d&wtf B. A. WISE. ANTIDOTE Always Stops lha Chills, * This Medicino lias been, t ifaro tho Public fifteen years, and is still of all other known remedies. It dots not purgo, does not sicken Ike stomach, ii perfectly safe in any do e and under till cireumotaaoes, and is the only Medicine will !“**•' CURE I fjlKfEb LATELY and pshnanentdy iwxry form of Fever and Ague, bssiitfw '1 a perfect AuUflot® «• JHalarim fJoM :: V ail Druggists. Without a Parallel.—The demand for Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator is beyond precedent in tho annals of popular remedies. Orders come in so thick and fast that the proprietor has, hereto fore, been unable to fill them all. He is happy to state that arrangements are now complete by which he is prepared to manufacture Female Regulator on a scale equal to the emergency, and tho public may feel aesuied that their wantB can now be sup plied. Physicians, of high repute, are using this great remedy, in daily practice, all over Georgia.— Hereafter no woman need need suffer from sup pressed, suspended or irregular menstruation.— This valuable medicine is prepared by L. H. Brad- field, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at §1 50 per bottle by respectable Druggists throughout America. ■^7’flY isjt that so mvny obildren dio under h. , . ase' of five years ? That a large children dio under that age, has Jong been a snhjeet of remark, and without a satisfactory cause ascer tained, it is certain. Also, it is known that worms exist in the hnman system from its earliest infantry: therefore parents, (special)? mothers, who are ntore constantly witn their children, cannot be too observing of the first symptoms of worms: Torso surely as they exist, can they be Removed from tho most DELICATE INFANT, by the time'y u : o of B. A. FAHXESTOK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercrr. being a Purely Vegetable Composition, And may be administered with.the UTMOST SAFE TY TO CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. Worm Confections, made more for the purpose of phasing the palate than cf overcomirg the cSMae, havo been manufactured-all ovor tbe country, but thrir short lease of life is nearly exhausted, and B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifugo continues to grow in favor daily. CAUTION. Should occasion require you to purohaso B. A. FadJ nestock’s Vcrmi’uge, bo particularly careful to see that the initials are L>. A. This is the article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1S29, And purchasers must insist on having it. if they do not wish to have an imitation forced upon them. SCHWARTZ & HASLETT, Formerly B. A. Fahnestock’s Son & Co., PITTSBURGH. PA. Lxfpman’s Great German Bitters are simply a medicinal cordial, in which aro the concentrated ex tracts and juices of some of the rarest and best herbs and barks known iff tbe medical kingd ->m, and are expressly imported by the proprietors of these bitters, put up carefully by German chemists, and impregnated with choice spirits to prevent them from souring. They are daily winning golden opin ions from our leadiog men, and ladies will find them the best strengchener and invigorator known, bring health to tho sick, and despondent will be made heerful by a timely use of them. May27d,a-wAw tf J. B. Ross & Son, agents. A Wonderful Microscope.—Rev. Daniel Wise D. D., editor of tho New York Sunday School Advo-, cate, thus speaks or the celebrated Craig Micro scope : “Its simplicity, cheapness and great magnifying power struck me with surprise. Then I was exam ining a fly’s eye by its aid, and was struck with wonder at the skill and power of the Creator which is displayed in its structure. When I saw a state ment in an advertisement that the Craig Microscope magnified one hundred diameters, and could be bought for 52.60, I thought it was one of the hum bugs of the hour, for I had paid 520 for a micro scope not long before. But now I find it to be a really valuable instrument which I should like to see introduced into tho families of our readers in place of the manifold.uBcIeE8 toys whidi please for an hour and is then destroyed. This Microscope would both amuse and instruct them, and I advise every boy and girl who wishes to know the wonders Which lie in little things to save his money until he has 52.75, which will pay for the Microscope and the postige when sent by mail.” Aa a holiday gift this Microscope is unsurpassed, being ornamental, instructive, amusing and cheap, and never loses its Interest. Agents and dealers supplied on liberal terms. A sample will be mailed, post paid, to any address for 52.75, by E. H. Boss, 313 Locust street, Bt. Louis, Mo. Bead the advertisement m another column; ju7-8m Mb - k V.“ ; ; -v -'A ■ SOLE PROPRIETORS. oec9-<?eod*wj» CATTLE BEMEDIES.' l^y ' Th-e Best aiul most Itciiable ever offered to the Public. TIji American Magnetic fiK gs h-3 P=3 E&IIU3 GGliBITIOft F6Y/C2ES - . CERTIFICATE. ££?* I hereby certify ..iltat.I examined, and tk«rougiiW tcvtfki hi my 5>r«clice the above article*, -\nd repirt Ifiem aa preparations of great merit andvonW cordially r>’<vmnjeud them :is being prepare-1 v.' ? th tp rnre from re- c-t.i _ 1 * • a— n rt« (‘tnciirtont for (1m liable Inzreffionts, *r I n ere effleactoa. for tbe treatment of the varied <i-sen*es foi• which they ue designed, than r.vy t*cmc«lfea Of which I here knowledge, -i r*vtT- - GEORGE H. DADD, Veterinary Surgeon- Author of '-Ana'r.x'y ar.d Phy. tbSfflflm. Horst” “ Modem B-rst Hodrr,” de. Parchr.sers will rWse ask for a copy of “Horseand /i’T'YTor'c ilniffG.' ^ Oattis Owner’s Guide LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, CniCJioo, Jus; L. W. HUNT * Cd., GENERAL AGENT8,:MAC0N. GA. For sale by all Druggists. aprS-danr Burdon Iron Works.? PUj LOW IT font _ U«t ■\TANUFACTURERS of . . ItJl for Water Works, High and Low . gines, Portable Engines of all kinds, Sni s of all kinds, Sugar'Kilii; Screw, Lever. Drop and Hydraolio Prcsacs; Mashin- ery in general. feb6-d«fcw2y -Ul - ----- ■ A \ ■ * *«■. . •* tv , i«H m