Georgia weekly telegraph and Georgia journal & messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1869-1880, June 14, 1870, Image 7

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- '-'T--; s . ■ '•-.■WJ... 111. I'll III r^w ' r ' 'J# VWBUwm mri. A C: *' ‘ - ’ ^’, \ . .1 . ' •«-’*' ;, The eoroia, 'Weekly Telegraph, and Journal <Sz: Messeuger. SMITH, WESC0TT& GO. CIB RELIABLE i'HITEWATER WAGONS Reasons "Why. , ^LEnOEn.t^b^lhe^BEST^Plsntatlpn and Freight Wagons told in the Southwest. They arc VXewry <•‘Iw. ljE , ited , greater care is given to the selection of the material used. K& heTeplMed^thonVchajg'i^ 0 that W ° 8r ° rrCrared to warrant 10 «>® B^hpW^^oS^ .*? U ” *’ «*<* ***«*« K*£*i!Jl»iflb« ch nicest selection thoroughly seasoned. No extra charge for Lock Chain* to* .illfsil«" »•?«*• W e °5S* ,, « ,t quality of paint nsed upon them, which is far more durable than El***} Inset on Plantation tlr axons. In short, the whole character of the Wagons is that of necaliar W""^*** ' VaK0DS " re ,ura W* ed » Price less than that of ordinary Wagon*, with body com P le“ P "bund,® FuI1 Line or ABBOTT, DOWNING «£ CO.’S CELEBRATED gjjp WAGONS. Call and see them. ^vte«ai» on ' y _ SMITH, WESCOTT & CO., 102 & 104 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. 3AULSBtrST, BESPESS <fc CO., MACON, GEORGIA. ...iige onr Card as above, wo take occasion to state that wo aro prepared to afford our friends $ , facilities for the purpose> of purchasing supplies for making their growing crons, and will . eason to make advances on Cotton, in store, at e> t, raimu CUlllcB III* 1440 fsaae^owosw V/* F u.wa«o*U5 DU^JHCB 1UI UiaKlBg i "‘•'Svjl'g the coming season to make advances on Cotton, in store, at kite*-* 2 ' GREATLY REDUCED RATES OF INTEREST. , fnr Tivr.oi'0, Tie 3 - etc., will receive our best attention'. { m Vu-LSBIT!V. Macon; JOHN R. RESE iir t r ill T. KESPESS, Upson County; J. P. BIASING WILLIAM j. L SAULSBURY, Jb., Macon. Schley County; Macon; £.wlm "WE-0 ABE JI1LL ALIVE 1 ifl, SO WILL ALL BE WHO TAKE | TIlE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER r~ . .r«iR Complaint aro uneasiness and IlM'li'W R pain ii: the side. Sometimes the fU" iLw-P [,nin i* in tho shoulder, and is 101raeuJittism. The stomach is affected BSS»pStt«S sickness, bowels ingenwd ft-' - .L e , alternative with lax. The head l^r' leith pain, and dall. heavy sensation, con- -of memory: accompanied with painful •i , Jf having left undone something which “ i.v,),e»n done. Often complaining of wcak- ^BSHOra ne ; s. debility nnd low spirits.— [77,. i, B Sometimes some of the above 111 \ L K Q -jmptoms attend the disease, and D* r.n at other times few of them : but PR"' !lv ibe organ most involved. Cure Eteff «Sh Simmons’ Regulator, and all will be dr. sxMno:<32Jins» liver regulator, Ii iruCDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED v/BWA.VdED STATE «>F TUB LIVER Dyfpepsin, llcrtilache, Jaumlice. J Costiveness. Rick Head-achef IKuATOBtg Chr..nia Diarihoca, Affections o _^ KEC g the Bladder. Camp Dysentery, Su,line Sidneys. Fcvbr, Nervousness. Chills, jsasfttiehkin. Impurity of the Blood, Melan- Mir p*bfDrMyiou oi .“I'iriitf, Heartburn. Colic* or IS’ 1 ’ li.eE-.wcK Pain in tLc Head, Fever and El D.-.iPrT. I5ri!.-i. I‘.tin in the Back and Limbs, lasa, SrjfipclM* Female Affections* and Bilious *’ acrilly j. n. ZK1LIN A CO.. J Drugrists. Macon, Georgia. IftTfiiely all.ironists. Pricefl per package. By IfCTfimliou of roots and herbs, warranted to be ISwrtunable, nod can do no injury to any ••• PSiibMr.n‘cd by hundreds, nnd known for the Vtnntj-ti'C year* as cne of the most reliable, BCKoarun! harmless preparations ever offered to fciittrb.’. If taken regularly and lionotSrtta car*. ■IhefoBowinv highly respectable person? can fully lastti the virtues cf this \hIukL'o medicine, and (»lin«eui-.strr>p:.' refer: Ilf V - !! It Prudent S. W. R. R. Company : le'j. I v e [.d cr . ft.-! 'j, Ga : Col. E. K. Spark3, Al- lay.oi j V. ,i. M.Kjr, y l ? Macon, Ga.; «eorgo Pp/gJ.EsuC-w-Iar...* >. ft?, b. v .r. Master- k E.1, ShrrliT T'ifilj; J. A. Butts, Ba;n- Ptt.'ia : H. ? r: • TT. K-!, Jjacon. Ga.: Dykes |; cr‘.a»s, Editors -Koridmu, lall:-.has?ee; Rev. Virgil Power . E- - tlb.rd, P. . Ga.: Grenvillo ■' ...K:.. -.: . v.::e«>n. tic.; Kev. E. F •art, i . ... • .. .ton or-: •»: StaioT A. (. •r.i :'..- .G.I apr2- d*wtl Ammoniated Soluble FEOSPH AT E, Manufactured by the Navassa Guano Co., of Wilmington, N. C., IN BAGS OE BARRELS. T IIIS Fertilizer is prepared with the ntmost care, and contains every constituent desirable for any crep to which it may be applied. It is especially adapted to the growth of Cotton, Corn, Cereals, „ An 1 all kinds of Fruits and Vegetables. It is manufactured of the same materials from which the celebrated Patapsco Guano Co.’s Phosphate is prepared, and reference is made to that Company. (65 South st., Baltimore,) for its efficacy, quality and uniformity. R. R. BRIDGES, President. DONALD MACRAE. Treasurer and Secretary, Wilmington, N. C. LAWTON & LAWTON, Agents, Macon, Ga. jan23-w3mosdU mil JAIL! Wilkes & Dillingham, M ANTJFAC TURER’3 Woolen & Cotton Mill Findings DYE STUFFS, COTTON WARPS, BOLTITC CLOTH. HUES BILL ST05E8, Card Clothing, Roll Carding Machines, Portable Com and Wheat Mills, Smnt and Separating Machines Leather and Rubber Belting, Lace Leather, Steam Packing, Hose, &c. Agents for all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Machinery. LOUISVILLE, KY. Send for a Catalogue. fei from my customers for the celebrated •a and Ilirtel & Lctchworth Fruit Jars, will - ri:h prompt at tention. Directions accompany Jsr. Don't fail to have your Jars in time for kny and fruit crop. B. -^7'2SjE2, Importer and Dealer in bins, Glass and Crockery ware, W tod 82, Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. [ ©“ Onlem will be filled at factory prices. Yo E »te f rom 15 to 25 per cent, by ordering of me. IC*'Order the Fruit Jars now, and have them rp t d it any time during tho season. Lowest * PJtranteed. B. A. WISE. l^jU-diwtf (agents wanted TO BELL OUR CELEBRATED iOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN ACKNOWLEDGED by allwho have used them *l* the beet Pen made or sold in this conntiy. Mtlotting! No soiled fingers! Sixty lines writ- B *ithone pen of ink! Will outwear any steel ? tter made- Bankers, merchants, teachers and ^dutes endorse them in the highest terms of 0l w. Put up in neat slide boxes. Prices: Two M cents; fivo boxes, SI. Sent free of post* guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. J**re prepared to give any energetic person the agency of these Pens a commission »ill pay S200 per month. • : r-r:.;.;.. pens will te mailed for ten cents. ■utsg WESTERN PUBLISHING CO., Manufacturer s Agents, Wrtl-d codAw3m Pittsburgh, Pa. HORSxJ AND CATTLE REMEDIES. The Heal and -most lititable ever offered to the Public. Th 1 American Magnetic t*d s- Wew Combination! PS Dl >deraigned, having associated themselves L,wfether for the transaction of a Ge leral Com S?" and Warehouse business, will, under the **ctaie of C 4MPBELL & JONES, Sth.old••Harris" Warehouse . eorncr of Sec- Poplar 8tTceU>* on the first of August nextt s*.^ JJcepUon of Cotton. The house will be put in Xoa“J«ngaged the services of Mr. R. H^HUTCH- a5^°! Jones county, who will be pleased to s*rv* u®y^r. Campbell will, for the present, be found st if®?? C S E. A. Wilcox. Eao. , t . (Tfj® Mr. Jones members nip in the firm of Ad- J'*snesA Reynolds oontinues to the close of th* ^..•nemay be found at their Warehouse until we uew quarters. . , ;>■ ,7 e I'fyared to extend the usual aecommodar Planting friends. "‘tier to the business men of Macon generally CBAS. E. CAMPBELL. late of R.A. W iloox A Co., DONALD B. JONES, haw,, of firm of Adams, Jones A Reynolds. COIiBITIGS FGWBERS CEHTI FICATE. err 1 lie-eliy certify tlm' 1 l»ie canmined, and (boronglaly tented in my practice the nbuTo onides. *in*l rr^arl tbetn na prrparattoDi ci merit and would cordially rpo n metd tbem as being nrepnro k with ip cclal core from re liable !ORr<Hl(rnls f rnd mor** c W* »cioi» for Ine treatment of tlie varione (JUwfw 1fi alikh they are designed, than any remedies of uliicb I hero knowledge. GEORGE H. DADD, Veterinary Surgeon. Aotbor of * f sicloQy r>f Vvr Horse u Modern H<r,e Doctor” 4c. Purchaser? will pl'«e sxk for a copy of "Horseand Cattle' Owner's Guide, gratis. #» LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, ^ Cmcioo, Itts. L. TV. HUNT * CO., GENERAL AGENTS. MACON. GA. For sale by all Druggists. apr5-d*w OUR FATHER’S HOUSE ; i"VR “The Unwritten Word.” by the popular author L! of Night Scenes in tho Bible. . . .... His last work’s immense sale makes certain this anc’s success. AI1 who have one,, want the other. Rose-tinted paper. Stool Engravings. Clergymen marl9-w3m* MADAME FOY’S ZJ , . Combined o Corset, Skirt Snpporter . AND BUSTLE I Is just tho article needed by every f lady who consults Health, comfort and Style. Testimonials in its favor are con stantly being roooived from all parts ° r iADYAG&NTS wanted in every * eounty of the United State*. HARMON, BALDWIN A FO.Y, mtt.l1.w6m Solo Manufacturers _ • marll worn MowHaven.CoM. FOR THE INDUS SPRINGS if 'c l ^ at ®° P a 5, y children die under the rhii l?.%?.!> ® ve j rc ^ s That a large vroportiou of J.i,„ n i d ^*c under that age. has long i-cpn a subject oi remark, and without a taiisfaelory-cause ascer tained, it i? certain. . ,. Also, it is known that worms exist in the human system from its earliest infancy; therefore parents, especially mothers, who are more constantly witn their children, cannot be too observing of the first they be" 1 " °* worm3! ^ or t0 surely as they exist, can SArULYT AKD CERTAIWIV Removed from the most DELICATE INFANT, by tne t!me:y u-»o of B. A. FAHSESTOK’S VERMIFUGE. It is perfectly harmless, contains no Mercry, being a Purely Vegetable Composition, ^\ m o a7 C^»EN e 6 e F d ll!£ ,h , e Ggs TM0 ® T SAPE - Worm Confections, made more for tho purpose of pleasiog the palate than of overcoming the aisea^t, have been manufactured ell over the country, but their short lease of life ia nearly exhausted, and B- A. i? anuestock s Vermifuge continues to grow in favor daily. CAUTION. Should occasion require you to purchase B. A. Fan: ncstoek’s Vermifuge, bo particularly careful to s*e that tho initials are B. A. This is tho article that has been so FAVORABLY KNOWN SINCE 1829, And purchasers must insist on haviog it, if they do not wish to have an imitation forced upon them. SCHWARTZ & HASLETT, Formerly B. A. Faekkstock’b Sen 4 Co.. ' SOLE PROPRIETORS. PITTSBURGH. PA. aec9-deod*wl-v Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history of medicine, nas anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long scries of years, -and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in their estima tion, as it lias become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a re liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it 13 at the same time the most effectual remedy that can he given for incipient consumption, and the dan gerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a pro vision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as all arc sometimes subject to colds and coughs, ail should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in* curable, still great numbers of cases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of tho Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec toral they subside and disappear. Singers and Public Speakers find great pro- tection from it. Asthma is always relieved and oilen wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking tho Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the jniblic that its qualities aro lUlly maintained. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., and indeed nil the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. As its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth,' Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The number and importance ofits cures in the ague dis tricts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by tho acknowledgments wo receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly foiled. Unaeclimatcd persons, either resident in, or For I.ivcr Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating *,'ie Liver into healthy activity. . For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, where other medicines had foiled. Prepared, bv Du. -T. C. Aver & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTIiE. Sold by L. W. HUNt & CO.. J. H. Zoilia & CO aad all the Drucgiste in Macon. Also, all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. ianlS-eodtwXsw BAltllBTT’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. o . tub r F1.7ST PREMIUM OP A SXX.VJSU MEDAL BARRETT’S HAIR RESTORATIVE 3B AK.Xi.lCa X’S Vegetable Hair Restorative Restore* Grmy H*Ir Co Iti natural rotor, pro. Ik mute* the growth of the Hair. Chases t»^ Chi* root* to their original ©rrauic ac’Jou. Kradi- * VP cate* Dandruff aoff Humors Prevent»- /i*. tdkb!« artlcl- tlri-a«Loui the Ease.West. Xcrth ■lJ South. V This Preparation surpasses all odn-r? of its class as a Hair Rcnrwcr. It is thorough in its action upon Gray or lrti.erl - Ilnir and its effect permanent. . ... It produces but one distinct sliaelc. while others leave the hair in many varied cnb.». It promotes growth when others fail to re produce a single hair. . , It does not crisp or dry the hair, hut leav es it moist and glossy. . rr„:i„. Ladies find it superior to any other as a Toilet Dressing. _ , ,, The ingredients used in this Preparation are the very Lost that can be found, and are os harm less as water. rr, LORD & SMITH, Proprietors, -- fair mo. Tl.I.8. THE GRISWOLD GIN, Manufactured by O. W. MASSEY, Macon, Ga. H AVING mado valuable improvements to th* GRISWOLD GIN within the last year, I again off.r them to planters as the b*st and moBt reliable OIN manufactured either North or South. I am prepared to furnish GINS at short noiice with any number of saws, from forty (40j to one hundred (ICO). I also furnish nn gear of eight, nine or ten feet, tui'able for my Gins. SPECIAL ATTENTION Gir#n to rep&irs of old gini. No charge for dray ago ongios sent by railroad. .... With an experience of over thirty years as aman- facturerofgins. and having a shop well supplied with machinery and employing the best of workmen. I am enabled to warrant all my work, and to offer to planters ai good inducements as to quality and price, as any establishment North or Sooth. THE GREATEST WORK OF THE AGE A BOOK INVALUABLE To Every Grocer, Every Produce Dealer, Every Dairyman, Every Farmer, Every Manufacturer, Everybody. YOU .CANNOT AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT! r ' contains the surest and only certain method to keep Kggs Fresh and Sweet for at least one year. ,Thecostis less than half a cent per doien, and by this method Eggs bought at eight and ten cents per dozen during the summer can be kept and sold in the winter for irom thirty to fifty 'cents. When once known, this method will take the place of all others. It does not tarnish the egg or give it the appearance of age. When offered foreale, it cannot be told either by appearance or quality from a fresh laid egg. It contains the best receipt over published of ren dering sour and rancid butter perfectly sweet, and also how to give a u-.iform and natural color to Whitoond 'Jreaked Butter, and the best manner of mixing and repacking b itter for market. These two receipts alone aro worth hundreds of dollars. — . It tells tho cheapest and best mode of manufactur ing Washing Compounds. Howto make Hard and bo ft Soap, Inks, Candles, paints. Varnishes. Cements and Baking Powders. It tells how to Clarify Honey, so as to sell fop nearly twice the common sort. . It tells the latest and best modes of salting and curing Hams and all kinds of meat. It toils haw to dye clothes of all shades and in fast colon. It gives valuable receipts lor enriug burns, sores, cute, felons, frost bites, cancer, ear ache, tooth ache, ing worm, with hundreds of other new and valuable methods, with full directions, so that any one can use them. It tells how to tako out fruit stains, ink stains, iron stains and paint stains from cloth and silk dresses. It tells how to counteract frost upon trees, a valua ble receipt. . It tells how to tan furs either with or without tho hair or wool od, and now to imitate tnose of superior grades. It toils bow to make tl*e best curling flaid for mak ing the hair grow in beautiful flowing ringlets. It tells bow to feed hens so as to make them lay all the year round. It gives over five hundred rare and vaiuabl»re- eeipts, and a complete guide to the manufacture of hundreds of useful and saleable articles, including patent medicines, perfumery, toilet and dental arti cles, and many others easily made, at trifling cost, and selling readily at large profits, with many manu facturer.’ secrets, etc. , It is valuable to every ono. Be sure to get it. Sent by mail, free of postige, for oao dollar. Pub lished and for sale by WILLIAM H. BISHOP. Agent for tho Publishers, St. Louis, Mo. maylS-d&wSmos [Established in New York City, 1839.] SI3I. D.KEHOE, SOLE MANUFACTURER OF Keta’s Improved Mian Ms. TJiOR muscular development Dumb bells, croquet JC bats and balls, bass ball bats, ten pin balls and pins, heel padded boxing glOTes. improved striking bag. Metropolitan policemen's clubs. (Thcso clubs are used by the Met. Police of N. Y. City). Kehoo's Illustrated Book on tho "Use of the Club,” 52.30. Listof Prices of Indian Clnbai 6,7 & 8 lbs. each, per arK-d3Uw3m 0. W." MASSEY. Macon. Ga.. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-House door, in the town of Greensboro, Georgia, under an order from the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, on the'fiirt Tuesday one Tract of Land, containing four hundred sai nfnety acres (490) in the 10th district of Irwin county. State of Georgia. Said land sold for the purpose of dislribution among the devisee* of James Findley, deceased. Terms cash. JAMKS fINDIlET , a pr8-w40d Ex*«Ptor, COAL CREEK COAL. noted Coal Creek Coal, and will furnish supplies during the Summer at the following reduced mint: By car load at my Yard *.?“ Less than “ ••••••«— ^ LAY IN YOUR SUPPLIES at once, and get befer coal for lessmoney. a*fr®Jghtj SuBWbJ »a- rtti. iffiV" pair $5.50 10 lbs. each, pr. pair... 6.50 — TOO ...10.00 mayl4-d-wlm Sizes for Ladies & Children i lbs. each, pr. pair—SiOO 3 .... 3.00 4 .... 4 00 5 5.50 ' ...HOO ' ...16.00 309 Broadway, New York City. SXAKXIXG’S Antidote for Intemperance!! I S an l'nfellible Cure for this fearful vice. Its use will at once remove tho taste or desire for stim ulant 9 . and will soon create an actual dislike for them. It can be adminittoied ia tea, coffee or even water, wi hout exciting suspision, as it is free from taste or smell* If you have a husband, biotheror friend, addicted to this terrible habit, it is your duty to cure him. „ ^ . Scut free by mail on receipt of tho money. Price S2 per box. W. U. MANNING it. CO., may!4-d-wtf St. Louis. Mo. SLOW E0RSESJ1ADE FAST!! Fast Horses made Faster. M Y molo of troating horses is guaranteed to in crease the speed otany horse* good or poor. Or dinary iarm hor?es have had their speed increased so as to sell for $500. A gentleman with my method bought a pair of horses for $300 and sold them* after four days training* for $2000. They trotted in 2-48in harness. Another bought an ordinal saddle horse for $9J and in one week sold him for$S00. I will send my method to any address on receipt of $1. JESSE C. MANFELDdSR.^ may!4-d&w3m ** OLD CAROLINA RITTERS, DELIGHTFUL TONFIC. ed with great care, acu cor.lain touiu ui uiouss, j.. icsinthe Phsrmacopin; As evidence of the super; ority of our Bitters overall others, no have ccr: iL cates from many of the leadiog^phyricians in our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. TBS OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE. GENERAL DEBILITY, CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA. We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all dis T eases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For salo by Drugzi-ts and Grocers overj where. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Importers of choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. For salo in Macon by , c « L. W. Hunt & Co. may25-eod&wly DR. SHALLENBEROER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops tho Chills# ThisMedidno lias been boforo tho Public fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known, remedies. It does not purge, does not kicken tho stomach, is perfectly safe in any doso and under all circumstances, and is the only Ucdicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently' every form of Fever and Agno, because if -s a perfect Antidote to SEalaria. Sold by all Druggists. - P The n q«’ntltyTSffreXfor r K from ono-fonrth to one-Wless than other Baking Powders Sold by Grocers throughout tho United btswj. 7 DOOLEY A BROTHER, MauuDMXurcrs^Preprietor Burdon Iron Works. JyJ-ANUf ACTURBR8 ot VVipVM _BNGINK8 fobfc-dAwly HUBBARD k WHITTAKER. IS* Front str**t# Brooklyn. N. X# TWIGGS COUNTY. G iORGlA.TW IGGS COUNTY.—Mas. E.B.Kzkb' dv vs. E. W. Kkskdt—Libil fo* Divokci I* 1WIGGB SCPKBIOR COCET, MiBCE TsEM. 1870.—It »p- peannj to tho Coart, by the return of the Sheriff ot said county in the above stated care, that the defend ant, E. W. Kenedy, is not to be found in said State, it is ordered by the Court that service be perfected on said defendant by publication in the Telegraph and Messenger, a gazette published in Bibb county, Geor gia, once a month for lenr moetbs. By the Court. CROCKKR A GOcDE. , , ' ' , Plaintiff’s Attorneys. • A true extraot from the n mutes of the Superior Court. March Term. 1870. aprl5 wlamlmo J. M. BURKETT. Clerk. WILKINSON COUNTY. STATE OF GEORGIA.! SupremeConrt,Arrilterm, „ L 1870. Present, his Hdn- WitKissox County, j nr, Philip B. Robinson, Caret M. Rich iei son,! Libel for Divorce. vs. y Rule to Perfect Service. Bicjabd Rxchabd-ov. J I T appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in this county, and it farther appearing that he does not re side in this State; it is on motion of counsel ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court. Else that the case be considered ia default and plaintift be allowed to procced. And it is further ordered that this rule he published in the Journal and Messenger, weekly, once a month, for four months. J. D. JONES, Plaintiff’s Attorney. C* EORGIA, WILKINSON COUNTY-Clkek’s V-f Office Sufesioe Court—1 do hereby certify that the above is a true extract from tho minutes of said Court. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this 2d day of May, 1370. IVERSON H. FLEETWOOD. maj5 lamimw Deputy Clerk. Slop He Thief—$50 Herat S TOLEN from the subscriber, on Sunday, the 16th inst., by a colored man calling himself Silas Easley, a Dark Brown (almost black) Horse Mule, about ten years old, above modinm height, slender buil', and of nervous quick action: no special marks remembered except the slight rubbing of thehames, during the past few weeks. TheThiet is50 or60years of age, about 5 feet ten inches high, of dark complex ion, weighs about 180 pounds, and can usually bo re cognized by his noisy conversation and braggadocio style ot talking, making allusions to his travels, me chanical skill, etc. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of the Mule and Thief, or S25 for tho Mu’e, or information that will lead to his recovery. J, R, WALK KR, Reynolds, Taylor Couniy, Ga., on S. W. B. R. may23-dltkw2t W ANTED-AGENIS-575 to S200 per month, ov- TV ervwhere. male and female, to iniroduco the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAM ILY SEWING MACHINE, lh'smachino will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and emproider in a most superior manner. Price only $18. Eully warranted for fivo years. We will pay $1000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more clastic seam than ours. It makes the “ Elastic Lock Stitch.” Every second stitch can be cut, and still the c'oth cannot b(pulled apart withent tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to$200 per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that amount can bo made. Address SECOMB & CO., PITTSBURG, PA.: BOSTON. Mass., or ST. LOUIS, MO. CAUTION.—Bewaro of aU Agents selling Machines under the same name as ours, unices they can show a Certificate of agency signed by us. We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worthless Machines sold by ether parties, and shall prosecute all parties either selling or using Machines under this name to the fall extent of the law, unless sach Machines were obtained from us or our Agents. Do not he imposed uronby parties who copy onr advertisement and circulars and offer worthless Machines at a less price- april27-dlw3m. To all whom it may Concern. Daytos, Ohio, April 14,1870. A LL persons are warned not to buy any right to make, sell or use Best & Kelly's Porteble Gas Generator from Mr. S. A. Walker, of GlennTillo, Alabama, or Irom any agent be may make, as his power tf attorney i3 revoked, nnd has been since No vember, 1869. BENJAMIN BEST. apr20-w3t DR. BAGLEY’S FKU4LE RESTORATIVE. DR. BAGLEY’S I NIMITABLE Evo and Pile Preparation used ex clusively for inflamed and chronic sore eyes and piles. It has been in use for fifteen years without a single instanco of failnro tr give relief. 3DI?. BA.G-IaB'Sr Has practiced tho Eclectic system of medicine the rise of twenty years, and treats chronic diseases with success—such ns Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Liver Affection, Kidney, etc. Female diseases, such as Sterility, Lu- chorea or Whites, Chlorosis; absi-nco of Menstruation at tho proper period. Amenorrhoea; Menstruation obstructed in its oourso after having been established; Dysmenorrhoei: Menstruation attended by pain and spasms of the hypogastric viscera, with paroximal aggravation and difficult menstruation: menstrual colic Menorrhagia: YdfilufMsDCd'Tf.f in"lf fo ahyparf o?Pno vLlvod States, pos‘ age pro-paid, to treat any chronic case, for five dollars per month, 'iho Female Regulator and Inimitable Eye and Pile Preparation sent fer $1 each. Symptoms of diseases muse DO P1U1U17 Halva. *<»--r fcg ..sisjerca lotter. Board, medicine and personal attention furn ished at from $20 to $25 per month, at his residence, ten miles east of AmericusT Location healthy. Post- office. Americas, Ga. febo-wti NOTICE. T HIBTY DAYS after date application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary, of Horn ton coun ty, for leave toseii (ho real estate of Miles L. Green, late of said ceunty, deceased, forth" purpose of distribution. MR6. A. E. G RRx-N. ( jnnt9-w3l'd ; Admx. NOTICE. A T the regular term of tho Court of Ordinary of Macon county. Ga., on the 6th day of July next application mil bo made to the Ordinary for leave to sell tho real estate belonging to the .estate of Michal Fokc3. deccafed. to effect a division of tho same amongst the distributees tirtTeo^^FORKS. juncS w4t Administrator. Houston County SheriffSnlo. W ILL be sold on thelst Tuesday in August next, before the Court-house door, m the town of Per ry, within the usual hours of sale, ,, Lot of land No. 146 and tho north half of lot No- 145, in the 10th District of Houston county, contain ing 303J4 acres, more or less. Sold os the property of John K King, to'satisfy a mortgagee, to. from Hous ton Superior Court, in favor of Mary M. Rosin, vs. John R. King. Frop-rty pointed out byC.C. Dun can, plaintiff’s attorney. jQnN R< CQ0K> jnneS-wGOd S h ° nff - YOUR ATTENTION is CORDIALLY INVITED to the “Henderson County (Ky.) Land Sale” firauft Prize Scheme! Regularly CHARTERED by the Legislature of Kentucky* endorsed and recommended by every lead ing official in tho State, and over 500 of her most prominent citizens. This rplendid scheme embraces 311 Prize, - - $314,320, Comprising the richest river bottom tobacco farmsin tho wealthy county of Henderson, Ky., with aU their appurtenances. CAPITA! PRIZE, $150,000! SMALLEST PRIZE, SSO! Also about $20,000 in GREENBACKS, tb erent money of the property for the years 13.9 and , - *. tobo dis tributed to the winners of the first snts prizes re spectively. Rent for 1859, was $12 per acre. Tickets, Five! TheDrawing will positively till “ •* 'V-’J? Aft* 1870, at MASONIC TEMPLE. - > - • lLE. KY, Hundreds of the best citizens hai - u •. ilified certificates and endorsements of this u. jgumcent en- ijrery dollar invested by ticket holders, is held in trust by the commissioners appointed by the Legisla ture. until thedrawing takes place and prizes are de livered. Income of the property for last 15 years has averaged - $30,000 A YEAR! In order to have your tickets properly registered, buy at once of your nearest club agent, or remit to either of the following financial agents, who will fnr- nish full descriptive circulars: L H. LYNE. Cash’r Farmers' Bank,. Henderson, Ky. R'.B. ALEXANDER, Commercial JBa’k.Louisville.Ky JOHN C. LATHAM, Pres’t Bank. Hopkinsville, Ky. JAS. L. DALLAM, Commercial Book, Paducah,Ky. B. G. THOMA8, Cash.Obs. and Rept’r Lexlngton.Ky W. B. TYLER. Cashier Deposit B’k, Owensboro, Ky. SEM0NIN, DIXON & GO.. Evansville, Ind. Good Club Agents wanted everywhere, junel-deod&wlra • RICHARD ORUE, General Conns Mordant, WHOLESAI E DEALER IE PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, LIQUORS, deergla, ETO. Brnaswiek, « > u ayll-d2tawkwly ETC., W TT.T. be sold Saturday. July 10th, 1870, to tho highest bidder, at public oaten, a number of very valuable Lots, within the city unfits. Terms, one-balf cash and balance January 1, 1871. Sale oommeodnsr At 10 o'clock A* sc. P«rtiee dealing information concerning the lota will call on the Committee. wniuu BABBIB, TURPIN, GRIER, janelO-tds Oozn. on Public Property. JASPBE COUNTY. G eorgia, jasper county- BDt K uv- 8 of- fics. Said Cocstv—I.v Chambers. May 19th. 1876— W hereon Thomas C. Broddu*. Admini trator on the estate of Edward A. Bro idui, deceased, applies to me for diimisiion from said estate. These arc it srefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially. J. W. BURNEY, msyid-’mw vy*" Ordinary. /^.EORGIA, JASPER.COUNTY—Ordihaht’s 0r- pick. Said Couiitt—Ik Chanbees. May 19th, 1870—Whereau Thomas U. Broddus, Exectator on the estate of Thomas Broddns. deceased, applies to me for letters ot dismission from sa d estate These are therefore to cite and admonish all per- sons'iiuje at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Witness my hand officially « JPT:»»|g» oj mi c J. W. BURNEY, mar 22-3 mw Ordinary* ri EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY,—Ordinary’s Office \J May 24,1870.—^Whereas, Samuel T. Reid hav ing made application to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. E. W. Reid, late of said county, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all persona con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in Jnly next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 24th day of May, 1870. J. W. BURNEY, may31-w30d Ordinary. /^.EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY—Oanryart’s Of- \X s' cs, Jane 6th, 1370.—Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that on the — day of—1870, Seaborn Hawk, late of said county, departed this life intestate, and no person having applied for admini stration on the estate of said Hawk, in terms of the law. Admmisuation will be vested in the Clerk of ■l . .his appoint ment. Given und ejf my hand and official signature this day and year above written. . , J. W. BURNEY. janel2-wlm Ordinary. ffOBTES COUNTY. EORGIA, JONES COUNTY—Ordinary’s Of- JJT vice, Sajd County. At Chambers, May 9.1870. Whereas, Bryant Balktom, Administrator on the estate of Ephraim Moore, deceased, applies to me for Dismission from said estate: These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first Monday in September next, if any they have to tho contrary. Witnoss my hand officially. . , B. T. ROSS. mayll-d&a3m Ordinary. G eorgia. joNEScouNTY.-ORDiNABv’somcB saio county, At Chambers. May 9, 1870.- Whereas, Wm. A. Chambers, Administrator on tho estate of John W. Finney, deceased, applies to mo for Dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, at this office, on or by the first Mend ly in September next, if any they have to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS. mayll-w3m Ordinary. tors on estate of Benjamin M. Tufts, deceased, ap plies to me for dismission from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons conccrnud to show causo. on or by the first Mon day in Septcmbernext, at this office, if any they have to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS. mayll-w3m Ordinary. BIBB COUNTY. rj.EORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary's Of- V-T fick, said County, May 9,1S70—Whereas, Mem- brance Williams applies to meiordismissiin >rom ad ministration on estate of Margery 'X. Carmichael, de ceased, these are to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any ihey have. :o the contrary, on or by tho first Monday in September next. Witness my hand officially. ROLAND T. ROSS, may 11 womoa Ordinary. BXBRIOZT COUNTY. G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, Wm J. Reese has applied for the Administration of the estate of Wm. M. Brown, late of said county, de ceased: All persons interested in.the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to file their objections to above application within tho time prescribed by law. Witness my hand. JAS. M. LOWE, may22w30d ^ Ordinary. G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.-Whereas, Jas. W. Wiggins has applied for Lettorson the estate of William Wells,dece»sed: A11 persons interested aro notified to file their ob jections to the same on or before tho first Monday in Jnlv next. Witness my officii! signature. JA1. M. LOWE. may22-w30d 'Ordinary. G EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.—Whereas,Thos. ■ L. Rogers. T. J. McMichael. and S. W. Me Michiel. Kxccutors of Seaborn McMichael, deceased, e ta‘o aro notified to file their objections, if any. to the same within ths the time prescribed by *t»»««e. Witness my hand, June 3d. M> low e, jqiioi-wsm Ordinary. G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY,—Whereas, Mrs. Jane K. Bullock applies for tbo administration or tho cEtato of J- H. Bullock, deceased: Parties in- erested in the estate aro notified to file their objec tions, if any, to tho abovoapplication within tho time prescribed by law. Witness my hand, June 3d, ISiO. JAS. M. LOWE. juneS-wlm Ordinary. MACON COUNTY. Commissioner’s Sale of Valuable Eiands in Bibb Count7. B Y virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Bibb County, I will offer for sale, on the first Tuesday in June next, in front of tho Court-house, in said county, the following lands, lying on the west side oi the Ocmulcco River, in said county, being part of the Macon Reservo, to wit: Lots Nos. 115,114 and SS.'eaco containing one hun dred acres, more or less, and tho south half of Lot number! 9. and 40 acres of tbesoatb part of Lot num ber 89; tho whole containing about S90 acres. _ Terms Cash. A.B.ROSs, maylO-dlt-wtdi Commissioner. M acon county postponed sheriff’s SALE—Will bo sold boforo tho Court House door, in the town of Oglethorpe, Macon county, within- the legal hours of sale, on thefirst Tuesday in June next, the following property, to wit: Lot of la- d number thirty-two (32), in the Second (2d) District of origioaliy Muscogee, now Macon county, (except fifty acres on the north side of Ea>d lot.)— Levied on as the property of Martin L. Shenly. to satisfy five fi fas issued from a Justice's Court of said county, to wit: One in favor of Kelsoe & Hill: one in favor of C. fi. &D. Kelsoe; one in favor ofE. A. Leggitt, for use, Ac.: one in favorof J. Robertson, for UEe. Ac., ttnd ono in favor of Riley Clark vs. said M. L. Shcafy. Property pointed out by said defendant, and levied on and returned to me by a constable. April 4th, 1870. H. L. HILLrShenff. mavll-w30d a EORGIA. MACON COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Nathan J. Fulford having filed his petition in proper form to me, praying for Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on the es tate of Stephen Fulford - , deceased : This is to cite all parties interested, kindred, creditors, or legatees to bo and appeir at the next July term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if sny they have, why Letters of Administration, with will annexed, should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, June 4th. 1870. JNO. L. PARRER. iune5-w30d. Ordinary. rr EORGIA, MACON COUNTY.—To all whom it \JT may concern: William K. Hall having in pro per form applied to me for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Wm. K-Hall, Sr., late ot sa d oonnty, deceased: This is to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why permanent administration should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signa’ure, June 4th, 1870. JNO. L. PARKER, jnne5-w30d Ordinary. TVTACON COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALES hereafter M will be published in Macon, Georgia Telk- graph and Mkssingek. " . .... . _ mayll-d6t-w30d IT. L« HILL, Sheriff. QUXXML&nr COUNTY. G 1 EORGIA. QUITMAN COUNTY.-Whereas Hen- vji' ry It. Baikcom, Administrator of Ichabod Balk- corn, represents to the Court, in bis written petition, that he has folly adminestered Ichabod Balkcom’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite aU persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from said administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in July. 18T0. _ W• re JORD AN* apr.3 w3m« Ordinary. Twiggs County. Administrator’s Sale. '1X7'ILL be sold in the town of Monticelio, Jasper TV county, Ga.. on the first Tuesday in Jnly next, between the usual hoars of sale, two thirds interest in the storehouse and lot. situated on the east corner of southern side of the square of said town—known a* Swanson’s store. Also, st the same time and place, on* House and Lot at the Indian Spring, Butts couniy, Ga, near Blder’s Hotel, on the Covington road, containing two acres, more or less: dwelling house, two stories, with necessary outbuildings, etc. Sold as the property oi John W. Burnev, Sr., late of said county, deceased, to satisfy certain claims agreed upon between the ereditors of aaid estate and the legatees. Terms on day of sale. F. M. SWANSON, msy!8-wtd Administrator. Administrators’* Sale. , B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs county, will be sold, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday J°fr I***;- following land, to wit; One acres; part of Lot No. )5, in DiJ 7th Patriot of Bauld- win, now Twiggs aountir: « the property of W. J. Artv Ufa a* ssid county, aoce&iea. cola for Se'benefit of foe h&s of sail deceased. Terms of sale cash. JEREMIAH SANDERS, m .vi2-w6w Adm'r de bouts non. G EORGIA, TWIGGS COUNTY.—JamesT.Glover, administrator, with the will annexed, upon the estate of Jesse Hearn, deceased, having petitioned for a final discharge from his said administration, aU persons eoncernea are required, within th* legal time, to be and appear at my, office, to show oause. if any they have, why said applicant should not be dis missed. In accordance wi th (he prayer of his petition. Given under my hand officially, this May 9th. 1870. majll-wim JOHN F. 8KINIC, Ordinary. Notice of Sale for Parti tioo. W E will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder before the Court-house of Bibb eounty. on luesday, the 7th day of June. 1470. between th* J®* a L_rboursi of .ai#, the following property Th6 iron front store building, with the gronndupon whieh it stands, now occupied by J. IL Av«^?i situ ate d _ a pon the northern side of Cotton I?-*,* 1 ? Clty °f Macon, and said oonnty, and S fe.t5,^?,, A i raaue * ]’? flouting on raid Avenue odleet morecr less, and situated between Ihestnre- fcyih T e‘« ^^ r o 0 fW CO A t . t HnV enU * t ° F ‘ r ‘ l This ssle .is made by virue of an order from the tuivo uvmeengJs imvjubvu oiunu, j riibico for Sin. J* D. Smith; and J. W. Schofield, administrator of re. tate of G. W. Ross, and Mrs. M. J.Hamilton, distrib utee of said estate B. F. BEST. > A. W PERSONS, >• Commissioners, K. W. STUBBS. J „ m»y7 wtds -A.DMINSTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtne of an or- -cak 'der from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb County, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in" June next, at tho COnrt-house tCity Hall) in satd county, during th* iegal hours of sale, a fractional partot Lot No. 235. situated and lying in the Warrior District, containing fiftyacres.more or less. Sold at the property of Mtt- len Tidwell, late of said county, deceased. Terms cash. A. B. ROSS. apriO-wtd - r. Administrator. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas, John ■ Rutherford applies to the undersigned for Let- texgof bonis non. with the will annexed, upon the estate of Charles Thompson, late of said county, deceased, AU persona interested are required to be and ap pear at the Court Court of Ordinary, on the first Mon day in June next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should cot bo granted the applicant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARP. Ordinary. maj3-w30d G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Whereas, C. A. Tharpe applies to the under.-igned for Letters of Administration upon the estate of of Mary Van- valkinburgb, late of said county, deceased. All persons interested arc required to bo and appear at the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in June . □ext; to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand t fficialiy. - C.T. WARD, may3-w30d Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. John Campbell, administrator, de bonis nc n, of the es tate of Dominie Crabic, late of said county deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if aDy they have, why letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand officially. „ C.T. WARD. may3-w30m Ordinary. BAKER COUNTY. Baker County Sheriff Sale. ^ W ILL be sold before tbe Court-house door, in the town of Newton. Baker county. Ga ,on thefirst Tuesday in July cost, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot of land. No. 324, in the 7th District of said county. Levied on as the property of Jerry Durham, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. from tho Tax Collector of said county, ia favor of said State and county vs. Jerry Durham. Also, at thosame time and place, will bosoldbefore tho'Court- House doer, in the town of Newton, Baker couniy! Ga., on the first Tuesday in July next, be tween tho legal hours of sale, ono two-horse wagon; Levied on as the property of J. J. Musgrove to satis fy a S. fa. from Baker Superior Court, in favor of . John Atkinson vs. J. J. Musvrove. WILLIAM JACKSON. june2 w30d Sheriff.: <vf Macon County Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court-house door, in the town ot Oglethorpe, county of Mscod, within the legal hours of sale, on tbo 1st Tuesday in July next, the following property to wit: Lois of land Nos. 33 and 62, in 2d District of origi nally Muscoece, now Macon county, to sati-fy twelve fi fas..issued from Justice's Court, 1070th District, G. M. Four in favor of J. T. Kelsoe, for the use, etc , vs. M:L. Shealoy:ono in favor of J. Winn, fo the use. etc., vs. M. L. Shealey: one in favor of J. As- bury. for tho use, etc., vs. M. L. Shealy; ono in favor of Philip Cook vs. M. L. Shealy; one in favor of W^ H. Willis & Son vs. M. L Shealy; one in fovorofG. C. Carmichael vs. M. L. Shealy: one in favor of Mrs. E Parteavs. M. L. Shealy; one in favor of A. A. Watts, vs. M. L. Shealy, and ono in favorof W. Holsonbako vs. M. 1j. l-heaiy. Levied on as the prop erty of said M. L. Shealy. and return mido to me by a constable. Property pointed out by defendant. H. L. KILL. Sheriff june3-w4t Macon County. Bnhcr-County Sheriff’s Sale. Nos. 16.17,18,19. in tho eighth district of s^-.d county; and the east half of lot No. 4. in tho seventh district of said county. Levied on as the rroperty of Wm. C. Bray, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa (for the purchase money of tho same) from Baker Superior Court, May Term, 1S70, in favor of C. G. Holland vs. Wm. C. Bray. WILLIAM JACKSON, june2-w60I Sheriff. ■— Administrator’s Sain B Y virtuoof an order of tho Honorable the Snpe- rior Court, will be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, between tho usual hours of sale, before - the Couit-House door in the town of Newton. Baker county, Ga., Lot of Land, No. (271) two hundred and seventy-one. in the 7th district of Baker ccunty, be longing to the estate of Thomas J. Cox, deceased. Said lot of land sold by order of Superior Court for payment of widow’s dower. Terms cash. THOMAS ALLEN. Adm’r. de fconis non of T. J. Cox, deceased. june2-w30d UOOZiY COUNTY. G EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, James M. Penny applies tomo for Letters of Guardian ship of tho persons and property of Isabella and Missouri Hightower, orphans of Eason G. Hightower, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite all concerned tobo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday ia June next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grantod. Given under my hand an-1 ffficial signature, this . April 9,1870. ’ WM. H. DAVIES, apr!2-td Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtu* of an or der from the Ordinary of Dooly county, will be sold before the Court-house door, in the town of Vienna, enthe first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 170. in the Hth District of Dooly county, containing £02H acres. Said Land belonging to tho estate of Daniel Smith,' deceased. Terms cash. WILLIAM GAFF, arrl2-wtd Administrator. - Young applies to me for letferB of administra tion upon tne estate of Elizaboth Woodard, deceased, These aro therefore to cite all concerned to be and ap pear at my office, on or before the fint Monday in June uext. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, ill's 2d day of May, 1870. WILLIAM H. DAVIES, may6 w3m Ordinary* /'I EORGIA, DD0LY COUNTY-Whereas Pleasant Ij Ray. administrator upon the estate orWilliana H. Lowe, deceated. applies to me for letters of di*- mi'sion from his said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and ap pear at my office on or before the first Monday in Au gust next, there and then to show cause, if any they nave, why said letters should not be granted. Gives under mr hand and official rignature, this 2d day Of May, 1370. WILLIAM H. DAVIES, maj6 wSOd Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY. H OUSTON SHERIFF’S SALE.—WUl he sold be fore the Conrt Honse door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.i One undivided half interest in the following lot* of oonnty, containing in aU five hundred and fifty-five (555) acres, more or less, as the property of Jas.B. Barrett, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court of Houston county, in favor of John A. Howard, Admin istrator J. E. B&rrott, deceased. May 3d. 1870. . may5-w30d x JOHN R. COOK. Sheriff, G eorgia. Houston county.—whereas, c. C. Duncan, Administrator de bonis cam tests- menta annexe on the estate of J. J. Dumas, late of Houston oonnty. deceased, respectfully shomA$h that he has fully administered on said estate amfflpwasks to be discharged: These are, therefore, to cite all parsons interested to be and appear at my office on, or before the fint Monday in June next, to show cause, if any, why th* petition should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of effioe. this 14th «f February. 1870. W. T. SWIFT^ feSl6-w3sn let, „ o.H.a H ouston couniy mortgage sals-wu be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Perry on the 1st Tuesday in Jmo the foUowjn* apl-w60d lOthrop vs. John R. King. JOHN R. COOK. Sheriff BORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY.-Whereas, Lar- iT kin W. Stewart has applied for Letters o! Ad mit) is trati cn en the estate of Thomas 0. Whitehurst, late of Houston county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my offioe on or before the fint Monday in July next, to show cause, if any, why the application should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this, 30th day of May. 1870. W. T. SWIFT, june2-w30d Ordinary. IRWIN COUNTY. Pt BORGIA. IRWIN OOUHTY.-Whegees, PmqP* U bell McDaniel, executor, ate.. deceased, late of seid county^ ha* filed hb tosTac^ Dismifflion should not b« Given under my hand 1 ■ wamt sdhfc*M